PA PAGE EIGHT liiEPET110111/iWkSli IHRON Rosh Hashonah Greetings With Best Wishes BRYANT & SON Sg $1500 ached) from j tomb. ' let"N4 plan, Certain 200, vvv usa as' r Responsible Local and Long-Distance Hauling N BROWN'S DRUG STORE Drug Sundries Fountain Service 13800 LINWOOD 6089 STANFORD 5 g 3 LI Om 3 06, ■ ‘.1 FP LONGFELLOW 4278 Season's Greetings 4,tnthracite nthracite Bituminous Pocahontas $ Solvay Coke 0 0 LA SALLE PHARMACY MILLER Underground Sprinkling Systems • Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Scientifically Correct Sprinkling for Lawns and Gardens g Fountain Service WAVERLY SHADE CO. H. H. STOCK Holiday Greetings To All Rosh Hashonah Greetings To All KELLER TRACTOR & SHOVEL CO. DRUGS Oil Shades : Plain 25c, Linen 35c Oil Shades: Fringed Linen 50c 8501 Puritan 1441 Putnam 12700 Woodenly Wilson Aye. Near Trumbull Longfellow 6491 Glendale 5084 . ^•-•---•-•-•••- G. A. INGRAM CO. 40,, Physicians' Supplies Sick Room Comforts University 2-9818 5124 Braden A..... Prescriptions, Drug Sundries Fountain Service 3464 Cass Avenu e Detroit, Kiel'. Open Evenings Glendale 6880 -1 .......... ----------- ...--..---- r t A Happy New Year p 0 # 1 THOS. HARRINGTON 0 0 , , SAWDUST BALED SHAVINGS Melrose 5245-5246 $ SCREENED HARDWOOD 1 SAWDUST 1843 ILLINOIS A Happy New Year Rosh Ilashonah Greetings To All PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS CO. Mrs. Florence Lund PLUMBING & HEATING Detroit Undertaking Service Originator. of the "Shop On Wheels" in Detroit 3512 Fourteenth A...,.. 5233 Hamilto n Ave. R. S. 'ESSELS, DisL Mgr. 2058 MICHIGAN AVE. Glendale 3111 6045 Hamilton Ave. GLENDALE 0212 Night Service: Glendale 0554 Detroit, Mich. Garfield 4115-j, Hogarth 3785 University 2.5690 ••••...••••^•••••-••• ..... •••••••• ••••.,••••••••••••••••••• •, Rosh Ilashonah Greetings To All Rosh Ilashonah Greetings A Ilappy New Year Rosh Hashonah Greetings L GEO. A. WATSON DRUGGIST Prescription Specialist Fountain Service HF Way Tak pres wish ish STANDARD COMPOSITION COMPANY Stop at ■ the Curb—We Serve You 4403 TIREMAN AVE. GARFIELD 1163 Best Wishes and Greetings SATOW PHARMACY PRESCRIPTIONS DRUG SUNDRIES FOUNTAIN SERVICE 3341 PURITAN ..... Rosh Hashonah Greetings To All DAVID A. SMITH Funeral Director and Embalmer UNIVERSITY 2.8448 ..... Rare and Standard Editions A Place to Browse 1737 Cass Cadillac 7623 III with duri To All CONANT BAKERY We Call and Deliver 24-1lour Service Walnut 0008 Any Hour By HON. CHARLES RUBINER Judge of the Common Plea. Court and Cakes. New Year Greetings CITY POULTRY CO. FANCY POULTRY Live and Dressed 9712 Quincy, at Chicago Blvd. Euclid 9752 2415 HUMBOLDT AVE. GLENDALE 2810 Gifts that are Different 16408 Hamilton Blvd. Phone Arlington 0105 PRAYER By LOUIS UNTERMEYER God, although this life I. but •wraith. Although we know not what we use; Although we grope with little faith, God. give me the heart to fight—and lose. Ever Insurgent let me be. M•ke me more daring than devout: From sleek contentment keep toe free And fill me with • buoyant doubt. m ere. to vision. glee Openy With beauty. and with wonder lit— Theo E. Anderson & Co. New Funeral Home 4000 Fourteenth Ave. Glendale 2018 REMLEY B. WEEKS Handle. Only the Best Grade tai The c Coal and Coke Produced Best Wishes For a Happy Ness. Year WOODMERE SCRAP IRON & METAL CO. H. FREEDMAN, Pres. it conts Love' Divine Ave. and Terminal R. R. rows, Et Drexel 5093 , 9101 West Fort Street Vinewood 1.2395 BONDED Accounts Collected 8444 LINWOOD AVE. GARFIELD 3231 ............ _ 712.10 Barlum Tower Cadillac 9240.1.2 ......_ ..... Rosh itashonah Greteings Holiday Greetings M. D. SANDERS Fountain Supplie s M. A. McLANE, Sales Agent 3936 Brush 124 WEST JEFFERSON . ..... Season's Greeting, Holiday Greetings Fairview Auto Glass Service LIBERTY WELDING & MFG. CO .• INC. J. K. SMITH. President Table and Desk Tops Electric Arc and Chy - Acetylene Fancy Art Mirror s Made to Steam Heat Boilers Welded Without Dismantling Your Old Mirrors Made Into Weldin g Order Venetian French Style 11221 Kercheval, or. St. Jean Lenox 0480 4300 Twelfth Street Glendale 2100 - 3628 Holiday Greetings Others Copy Our Name But Not BACHMAN'S BUTTER THIN PRETZELS Our Food and Service BUNGALOW SANDWICH SHOPPE PARK AND ELIZABETH In Charlevoix Building 2929 WEST WARREN. WALNUT 0669 1 CLIFFORD 0935 —The Talmud. Season's Greetings INTERNATIONAL CARDIOGRAPH CO., INC. Manufacturers of NICHOLS-CHASE Electrocardiograph 259 VINEWOOD LAFAYETTE 0665 1313 MILWAUKEE EAST i 0.04,000 0 Madison 0300 - - Holiday Greetings ,......„., Rosh Hashonah Greetings to Ali % MADE BY The choice of good cooks for seventy yearn Go 0000tsootuxnxtoo-noctocum000cKsono-cs00000000uoo-no Rosh Hashonah Greetitiv , and Best Wishes EAST END LAUNDRY Complete Laundry Service Wet Wash---Rough Dry Flat Work 2559 Halter Lenox 2241 JOSEPH BLAU $' Quaker Maid Ice Cream 1 Seely's Flavoring Extracts i o Quaker Dairies, Inc. ; 0 11°1 $ 500 • • 0-00-04)00-00-0-00-0-0-0**-0000-4040-0-00013047 11.11.1 KM Ak117 ■ WIC ■ 11,WelKIK111%. Rosh Hashonah Greetings Best Wishes to the Entire Jewry Clifford 2062 RANDOLPH 4297 OUR PARENTS BEECHER PECK & LEWIS / Glendal e 8431 3162 John R. From compromise and things half-done, Keepme. with •tern and stubborn Pride, But when at last the fight Is w on, God, keep me still unsatisfied. God. your father, •nd your mother, They have each • share M you: If you pay to both Your Parents That respect which is their due, Then together with your parents Cod considers Ile doth dwell. And by honoring your parent., You do honor Gad as well . PRESCRIPTIONS DRUG SUNDRIES NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. Ins ears to music. let Me thrill with Spring's first flute. and drums But never let me dare forget The bitter ballads of the slums. 874 Maccabees Bldg., 5057 Woodward Ave. Seely 's Newest Creation: Delicious Flavors in Flacons Daintily Boxed for Gifts MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE ASS'N, Inc. Holiday Greetings To All Our Jewish Patrons A Happy New Year CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Audits, Systems, Tax Service , ORIOLE DRESS SHOP _ Wolfe & Weeks % RICHARD H. WOLFE Season's Greetings Anywhere MORRIS J. KRAMER, Pres. 00- 08000-00-000000e-e,r wroisoommisgswisscaliWCWIAMMICICIMCWOMMIM BERCO COAL CO. open Rosh Hashonah Greetings and Best Wishes HOSIERY DRESSES LINGERIE , BuLlr . Tethaal twa:ms.opo ee s t:ide ddieirt ir, (Editor's Nuts---The following from the pen of the noted American-Jewivh poet is We ekly from the Free Sy- nose Weekly Bulletin of New York. Mr. lIntsrrneyer is • member of the Free Synagogue of which Dr. Stephen S. Wise I, rabbi.) swomommwommiacs% Holiday Greetings to All Our Jewish Patrons and Friends Columbia 1228 Rosh Ilashonah Greetings To All Live Lobsters and Sea Foods SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSNSSSSS% Season's Greetings to All DICKINSON GIFT SHOP I l (Opp. General Motors Bldg.) l By DR. LEO M. FRANKLIN Rabbi of Temple Beth El ■ Season's Greetings ZANNIS SEA FOOD RESTAURANT 6527 Second Blvd. Mad 8433. It scents to be the fate of the Jew when all the world suffers to feel the pain a bit more poignantly than all the rest. In a period of world-wide depres- sion, such as that through which we have been pass- ing and out of which we have not yet emerged, the Jew seems to have been hurt even a little harder than his neighbor. • Possible explanation for this fact are not want- ing, but the space at our disposal will not permit us to go into the matter. The grimness of the situation is, however, offset by the fact that even in a time when the richest among men saw their treasure heaps dimin- ishing, all classes of our people, the rich and the poor, have given with an unprecedented bounty to the relief of those whose lot was even harder than their own. The remarkable success of the Allied Jewish Cam- paign in Detroit is a gratifying illustration of tHis fact. The political situation of world-Jewry during the past year has not been a happy one, but at least the Jews in Eastern Europe have not been forgotten by their brethren in other lands, and notably in America. The Palestinian situation offered many disappoint- ments and brought forward many new problems dur- ing the year now closing, but there are some signs of a result of the Basle meeting of a better understand- ing among the various groups constituting the Jewish Agency. And so as one looks over the situation from what- soever angle, he is reminded that a saviour has never been wanting in Israel. If there has been a Pharaoh, there has also been a Moses near at hand. If there has been a Haman, a Mordecai was sure to appear upon the scene and overcome him. And so untoward and unpromising as many conditions have been in Israel these past times, there has always been some counteracting set of conditions to give hope to the de- spondent Jew and to buoy him with strength in the time of his weakness. In the new-born year, may it come to pass that the clouds that have been overhanging for so long may be lifted and that Israel in common with the peoples of all faiths may have reason to lift his voice in a paean of praise to the God of his salvation. "With ten trials our father Abraham was tried and he stood firm in them all." Modern Jewish education in America has been tried not with ten trials, but ten times ten, and has stood firm in them all. Will it go through unscathed the pressure brought to bear by the present economic depression? This is the question uppermost in the minds of all who see in Jewish education the key to our future existence as Jews. The problem is brought out in a sharply pronounced manner, shall it be bread or education? Shall we feed the hungry bodies or satisfy the need of the soul? Our fathers have an- swered this question in their own way. They said: "Talmud Torah K'neged Kulom." The study of the Torah is above everything else. To our fathers the question of bread as against Torah did not exist. They had very little bread but surely a good deal of Torah. Bread or no bread, shelter or no shelter, Yeshivahs, Talmud Torahs, Hadorim were flourishing everywhere. Not only bread, but their very life was sacrificed for the Torah. Did not our martyrs, our long and un- broken chain of martyrs, throughout all ages, prove conclusively that when Torah was concerned, not only bread but their very lives were readily offered? Bread versus education — this question never existed. Our strength as Jews is now being tested. Will we stand firm in this severest of all trials? It is my firm belief that we will. Bakers of Fine Bread SEASON'S GREETINGS 1 A NEW YEAR'S MESSAGE By BERNARD ISAACS Superintendent of the United Hebrew Schools of Detroit WHITTIER 1627 Makers and Cleaners of High Grade Window Shades Lowest Rates Long Distance Battle Creek, Michigan BREAD VS. EDUCATION 8408 CONANT AVE. TOM CUTT'S WINDOW SHADE SHOP Builders' Supplies Avenue C Phone 8731 Rosh Hashonah Greetings I E. T. MEEHAN Rosh MATHERS MOVING AND STORAGE CO. Six-Room Closed Vans Experienced Men—Bonded $4 Per Hour or Job BLUE DIAMOND LUMBER & COAL am grateful, indeed, for the opportunity afforded me to extend New Year's greetings to my fellow-Jews through the medium of The Detroit Jewish Chronicle. tele. The sense of fear with which we Jews normally mark the advent of the awesome High Holy Days, seems in recent years to have been tragically acceler- ated by dire happenings throughout the world, affect- ing our very security of mind and body. As if by divine ordination, the forces opposed to even elementary happiness for the Jew have scored successive victories. Czaristic ruthlessness, once thought to have been annihilated, lives serpentlike instead, in a hundred pieces and in a hundred places. If, moreover, we have become calloused to the tradi- tional terrorism of Eastern Europe, we have not, how- ever, been prepared for Germany, Greece, Czecho- slovakia and Mexico to follow suit. God grant that these may prove to be but the spas- modic reflexes of,the death which European tolerance has so richly earned for itself. Always in the past, our tearful "Al tashlichenu" —cast us not off !—has been heard and has been an- swered. We who heard it, then will give divine ear once again. 16941 LILAC AVENUE Old and New Books Randolph 4851 MAX GOLDBERG, President I RANDOLPH 3107 Happy New Year Rosh Hashonah Greetings Greetings of the Season [ 1301 Industrial Bank Bldg. 409 EAST JEFFERSON UNIVERSITY 2.7760 CASS-DETROIT BOOK SHOPS SERVICE PARKING GROUNDS, INC. Courteous Service THE AWESOME HIGH HOLY DAYS II011T, C. DUGUID CARL SATOW, Prop. Best Frier E. H. HOSBACH COMPANY 24-1Iour Repair Ser ■ At G. T. R. R. GARFIELD 1.0327 UNIVERSITY 1.3393 Rosh Hashonah Greetings A. FELITTO p d g a.......................* 5 8108 LINWOOD 16640 LOG CABIN AVE. Meats, Poultry and Fish $ WHOLESALE — RETAIL $ Drug Sundries Rosh Hashonah Greetings To All PALACE MEAT MARKET $ $ , Co. A WALNUT 3060 Rosh Hashonah Greetings and Best Wishes It osh Hashonah Greetings To All Rosh Hashonah Greetings 1Eagle , Coal 1 Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Bags and Trunks hauled Si IS ■ Rustproof Vans Fireproof Storage Mee. Alike _ _ Rosh Hashonah Greetings ,A Madison Avenue Cherry 5480 1 RETAIL STORES # 1 14226 E. Jefferson at Newport 15352 Livernois at Fenkell 1 0 le fi.,...■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■•■■■■ ‘......4 - DETROIT PEANUT PRODUCTS, INC. JACK and JILL Peanut Butter DAY-LEE Peanut Butter DAY-LEE French Fried Salted Peanuts 526 WEST JEFFERSON CADILLAC 0455 •. Holiday Greetings to Our Jewish Grocery and Druggist Customers. HOYT BROTHERS, INC. Chemical Manufacturer. of FLAVORING EXTRACTS BAKING POWDER COCOA PRODUCTS TOILET ARTICLES Randolph 6595