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September 11, 1931 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1931-09-11

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AmericaN ffewish Periodical Carter





All Jewish News
All Jewish Views








Will Strive to Provide Relief Above That Supplied by De.
partment of Public Welfare and Social Service
Bureau, Within Its Financial Resources.


Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 15 ents


Jewish Suicide Wave




Mounting in Germany

BERLIN (J. T. A.)—The des-
perate situation of the Jews of
Germany is becoming more man-
ifest every day, especially with



Announcement Comes Simultaneous With Declaration of
Detroit Jewish Emergency Relief Committee That
It Severs Connections With Federation.

Simultaneous with an announcement made by the De-
troit Jewish Emergency Relief Committee that it severed
all connections with the Jewish Welfare Federation, comes
an important statement from the Federation announcing a
plan for the extension of its program of relief among
the needy and unemployed.

The action of the Emergency Relief Committee was revealed at a
public meeting held Saturday night at the Shaarey Zedek branch syna-
gogue on Twelfth and Atkinson.
The statement of the Jewish Welfare Federation, which announces
its new relief progTam, is signed by Ilenry Wineman, chairman of the
board of directors; Milford Stern, president, and Dr. John Slawson,
executive director.
The Federation's St•tement.
The Federation's statement fol-

"At a joint meeting of the
executive committees of the Jew-
ish Welfare Federation •nd the
Jewish Social Service Bureau, it
was unanimously decided that the
Federation issue the following
"The Jewish Welfare Federa-
tion undertakes the responsibility,
within the limits of its financial
resources, of ministering to the
emergency relief needs of the Jew.
ish community, over and above the
relief supplied by the Department
of Public Welfare and the present
activities of the Jewish Sock!
Service Bureau, supported by the
Community Fund.
"A reorganisation, based on the
recommendations made by H•rry
L. Lurk, director of the Bureau
of Jewish Social Research, New
York, who is at present making •
survey of the Jewish family wel-
fare needs in the community, is
being put into effect at once in the
Jewish Social Service Bure•u to
make possible the addition of an
unemployment relief dep•rtment,
which will concern itself with the
emergency relief needs of families
and individuals in the Jewish com-
• e•This new department will h.
• dministered by • community
committee, composed of represen-
tatives of •II the mportant groups
in the community who have in the
p•st concerned themselves with
Jewish emergency relief work or
who are now so concerned.
"The funds for emergency re-
lief work which were made avail•
able by the Allied Jewish Cam-
paign, held last Spring, will be
utilized for the relief budgets of
this unemployment emergency re-
lief department of the Jewish So-
cial Service Bureau this Fall and
"The executive committee of
the Jewish Welfare Federation
and its constituent, the Jewish So•
cial Service Bureau, bespeak the
co-operation of the Jewish public
in the difficult task that will con-
front us all in the m•tter of coping
with the problem of destitution
that will f•ce us, in this commis-
nity, this coming Winter.
"Specific plans will be an-
nounced shortly."
Welfare Work Being Surveyed.
Harry L. Lurie, director of the
Bureau for Jewish Social Re-
search, is now in Detroit, having
been brought here at the request
of the Federation to make a sur-
vey of the entire family welfare
situation in Detroit as it concerns
the Jewish needy, according to a
statement by Mr. Stern.
In accordance with Mr. Lurie's
preliminary suggestions, a com-
prehensive plan for continued ex-
pansion and departmentalization
is to be developed within the exist-
ing Jewish family agency to the
extent that the relief needs re-
Mr. Lurie was formerly superin-
tendent of the Jewish Social Serv-
ice Bureau of Chicago, a positioh
which he held for six years. Prior
to that he was connected with the
Detroit Department of Public
Welfare as director of relief and
social service. Mr. Lurie has also
been director of the research bu-
reau for the Detroit Community
Fund. At the present time he is
on the faculty of the New York
School of Social Service as lec-
turer in case work.
Relief Group's Ch aaaaa .
An audience of approximately



110SCOW.—(J. T. A.) — Mayer

Rappaport, a Jewish artisan and

a member of an artisan co-opera-

tive in the city of Retchitsa, White
Russia, will be placed on public

trial for circumcising his new born
son, according to a report appear-

ing in an issue of the Octiabr,
Jewish Communist daily in Minsk.
The Communist paper demands
that all the participants in the
ceremony should likewise be held
for trial. Among those who at.
tended the ceremony were a

number of Jewish Communists.
A number of reports which are
published in Ernes, Jewish Com-
munist daily of Moscow, indicate
the growth of religious practices
in the Jewish colonies, notwith-
standing the vigorous anti-re-
ligious propaganda conducted
there. Jewish dietary laws are ob-
served in a number of Jewish
collective farms, the correspon-
dents of the Eines complain. New
born sons of Jewish parents are
circumcised; in a number of Jew-
ish colonies, more than 20 per cent
of the workers refuse to perform
their duties even in the collec-
tives on the Sabbath. In other
colonies, sonic of the workers still
hold a "Minyan" and are making
collections among themselves to
purchase the lloly Scrolls.
In enumerating these varied re-
ligious activities of the colonists,
the Emes correspondents urge the
Central Committee of the Associa-
tion of the Godless to put an end
to these practices. "No trace of
religion must remain in our collec-
tive farms," the correspondents

Or *far Tall

Within the synagogue the light is dim;
The air is hushed around
Even the silence seems to pray until
We hear the Shofar sound.
0 Shofar, tell our souls we need not fear,
Though long and hard the way;
0 Shofar, bind us with thy sacred strain,
Till each young heart will echo Israel's pain
And like a trumpet clear,
Sound to the vow we pledge anew;
To bear all-worthily the name of Jew,
Throughout the coming year!

Plan Bureya Development.
Reports in local Communist cir-

cks and in the Yiddish press are
now prevalent to the effect that
the White Russia Soviet Republic
will greatly enhance its Bureya
region and promote the develop-
ment of the lands allocated by the
Soviet for Jewish settlement. The
White Russian central government
has just sent out instructions to the

(Turn to Page Opposite Editorial)


CIIICAGO.—(J. T. A.)—The
; Hebrew Theological College of
I Chicago, which has been in exist-
! ence for s 20 years, is faced with the
!possibility of closing its doors to
the 400 students who are enrolled
due to its dire financial straits.
The institution, which has in the
past received 80 per cent of its
budget from Chicago Jewry, has
been operating under tremendous
difficulties and has not sufficient
funds to pay its faculty of 16.
An urgent appeal has been sent
nation-wide by the officers and di-
rectors of the Yeshiva to Ameri-
can Jewry to help the Yeshiva
avert the disaster which threatens.
No campaign quota has been set,
and the Yeshiva will be glad to re-
ceive all contributions, however
small, its leaders assert. The
hope is expressed that the High
Holy Day appeals will yield a suf- Rabbi Philip F. Waterman to



The Challenge of the Year 5692 ! ROSENTHAL

A Rosh Hashonah Editorial.


pROBLEMS Ivhich previously affected the Jewish peo-
(Turn to Page 10, Section 1.1
ple on the New Year fade into insignificance compared
with the one difficult issue which affects all Jewish
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.—At questions today: the trying economic probjem.
Grand Rapids armnry, Thursday
Although Jews and Gentiles are affected alike by the
evening, Oct. 8, a forum of religion
will he held, bringing together depression which has encircled practically the entire globe,
Catholic, Protestant, Jew and ag-
nostic. Each will have 30 minutes there nevertheless exist certain elements in the economic
a statement on his views on , situation which make the Jew's position much more trying.
Addresses and Sermons by Rabbis and Lay Leaders to Be for
In the first place. he belongs to that middle class group
Delivered During Ilolidays; Plan Publication
Rabbi Philip F. Waterman of
of Educational Literature,
Temple Emanuel, Grand Rapids, which has been hit hardest and whose future is most un-
widely known through his recent certain because of the inroads made upon it by the merged
Annually observed as a means Ivrith and the Woman's Auxiliary book, "The History of Supersti- , big interests. Secondly, the much-harrassed Jew is always
tion," will represent Judaism,. first to be eliminated whenever a choice has to be made
of stimulating on interest among of the schools.
speaking on "Why I am a Jew."
Three Graduations.
Detroit Jews in Jewish cultural
Clarence Darrow, renowned between him and the non-Jew, as is the case in periods of
efforts and in Hebrew education, '
unemployment, with the result that an unprecedented wave
Education Month will observed here cation Month this year will be the criminal lawyer and free
for the fifth time during the lie- graduation exercises in three thinker, will come from Chi- of prejudice has set in against the Jew in employment.
brew month of Tishri, beginning branches of the United Hebrew cago to discuss "Why I Am Grouped together, the difficulties which are now besetting
with Rosh Hashonah, the Jewish Schools, the Fenkell, Oakland and an Agnosti c." Remembered the Jew's position compel the question whether the Amer-
Philadelphia-Byron, schools, and chiefly for his defense of John
New Year.
Plans for the celebration of Edu- Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Thomas Scopes in Dayton, Tenn., ican Jews, like their brethern in Eastern European coun-
cation Month were outlined by the Sept. 28, 29 and 30 respectively. evolution trial, and Loeb and Leo- i tries, are not becoming declassed.

Be One of


Education Month Will Be Featured
By Graduation In Three Schools

These three days occur during Choi
Hamoed of the Succoth Festival.
The pupils of the three graduating
classes have completed the seven-
year course of study in the schools.
These graduations, for which
special commencement programs
(Turn to Page Opposite Editorial)


American Jews Aroused by
Report; Polish Jews
Charge Plot.

NEW 'YORK (J. T. A.)—The
possibility that a pogrom may be
the climax of the sorely aggravated
Jewish situation in Mexico is sug-
gested by Miss Anita Brenner,
American correspondent, writing
in the current issue of the Nation.
In a despatch sent from Mexico
City, Miss Brenner declares that
the 20,000 Jews who have nettled
in Mexico since 1924, upon the in-
vitation of General Plutarco Elias
Calles, then President elect, follow-
ing the passage of the American
immigration laws, are now the tar-
gets of severe discrimination and
active and open agitation due to
jealousy over their business sue-
cess. Incited by foreign rivals, Ger-
man, French and Spanish, irritated
by the success of the Jewish im-
I migrants, virulent Mexican anti-

ized whose function it is to insti-
gate a boycott against the Jews,
Miss Brenner.
Lipsky Continues Attacks;
President Ortiz Rubio himself
Administration Defend-
has been drawn into this agitation
and was present at an outstanding
ers Make Reply
anti-Jewish meeting where he was
asked "to sink the national flag
The battle in Zionist ranks is through the
heart of Israel."
now on in full force, with Louis
Superior Business Ability.
Lipsky, former president of the
Miss Brenner attributes the cam-
Zionist Organization of America,
paign against the Jews to the su-
demanding the removal of the
perior business ability of the Jews
present lenders, while spokesmen
who were quick to see the need of
for the present administration
making goods available cheaply to
have come to the defense of the
Mexican population, the ma-
jority of which is poor and unable
In an address last Saturday
to pay cash.
night in Cleveland, Mr. Lipsky
Two decisive factors in the suc-
challenged the allegation that "the
demand for a change" in Zionist cess of the Jews, explains Miss
the two radical in-
leadership "conceals personal am-
bitions," and asserted: "I am pre- novations which have revolution-
pared to pledge my unreserved
support to any one of a half dozen profits on large sales and the in-
credit system
men who, in my judgment, are
capable of serving as president of and installment plan. The markets
into open
the Zionist Organization."
Mr. Lipsky s statement was air department stores, prices have
gone way down, and the number of
made at a dinner tendered him bY buyers has gone way
up. Further-
he Cleveland Zionist District at
lotel Stotler, George J. Klein, more, some of the old customers of
the large stores have shifted their
istrict president, presiding.
atronage to the markets and to
"Disintegrating State."
nsta lment-plan peddlers.
Since my return fr'om the
"Obviously... continues Miss
Basle Congress, I have had occa- Brenner, "the department stores,
sion to comment on the obvious and the shoe and hat stores, ac-
incapacity of the present leader- customed to the old syatem of buy-
ship of the ZiorgsteOrganization of
ing do not like it. Neither do the
America to deal with the difficult :shoe factories and the tailor shops
.present .pcohlems of the move- which have to compete with the

Growth of Religious

publicity committee of the United
Hebrew Schools, consisting of Si-
mon Shetzer, chairman, Philip
Slomovitz and Sol R. Levin, with
the co-operation of the faculty of
the schools, members of the board
of directors, representatives of the ,
alumni association, the Kvutzah I

Are Targets of Discrimina-
tion Because of Busi-
ness Success.

ON IN FULL FORCE Jewish Leagues have been organ-

But Russian Colonies Report

ficient income to keep the doors
of the Yeshiva open.

the mounting waves of suicides
among the Jews. Sept. 1 there
were four Jewish auicides in
Berlin alone: Joseph Moiling, a
banker, Manfred Katz, a den-
tist, who committeed suicide im-
mediately after his eviction from
his home, and Madame Erna
Gerson and her eleven-year-old
daughter, Ruth. In the local Ke-
hillah circles, there is a great
fear that the many dismissals
of Kehillah officials as a result
of the latest economy move will
lead to numerous suicides.
Simultaneously, signs are ap-
parent of an increase in danger
from the Ilitlerites. Paul Goeb-
bels, lierlin Fascist leader, has
announced that there are 600,-
000 enrolled members, besides
'200,000 storm troops.
The Berlin municipality exec-
utive cancelled the lease of the
Ilitlerlst house following a pro-
test of the neighboring shop-
keepers. Police barred the en-
trance to the house and pre-
vented the Ilitlerites from en-


pold in Chicago, Mr. Darrow is one
of America's picturesque charac-
ters. Recently he supervised and
took part in a talking picture mo-
tion picture, "The Mystery of Life,"
showing the proceas of evolution.
Rev. James W. Fifield, Jr., of

(Turn to Page Opposite Editorial)


HE PROBLEM is easier stated than solved. Especially
since the war, our ablest economists and thinkers have
been seeking a solution to the difficult question created
by the declassed millions of Jews. Some have been settled
on farms. Others are being taught trades. But for the

(Turn tc Page Opposite Editorial)



Campaign Appoint-

ment Announced by

Henry Wineman

Edwin M. Rosenthal, prominent
businessman and former co-chair-
man of the Special Gifts division
of the successful Allied Jewish
Campaign drive which was held last
May, has teen appointed treasurer
of the campaign funds as collected,
according to a statement issued to
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle by
llenry Wineman, chairman of the
hoard of governors of the Jewish
Welfare Federation.
In accepting the appointment
Mr. Rosenthal said that he was
deeply appreciative of the signal
honor conferred upon him and
made • plea for the prompt pay
ment of all pledges to the corn
:resign as they fall due.
"Our social service agencies are
now laboring under tremendous
burdens and increasing pressure,'
declared Mr. Rosenthal. "Addition
al funds are urgently needed right
now if we are to cope with the
prevailing distress. Our agencies
are clamoring for immediate ap-
propriations. It is imperative that
each and every contributor to the

ment. The disintegrating state of Jews' cheaper products. It is true
the Zionist organization in this that several of the large importers
country compelled me to call pub -
lic attention to the need of end - sell considerable amounts wholesale
ing the unwarranted dominance of to Jewish retailers, but they cannot
be otherwise than irritated when
the group which is at present in the Jews sell this merchandise for
control of the organization," de- much less than the retail depart-
(dared Mr. Lipsky.
ments of these importers. As a
Mr. Lipsky also addressed
Newark, N. J. mass meeting on rule, however, the class of mei.-
handled by Jews is below
Sept. 2, and there defended the
the quality of the class offered by
stores; but the rub lies
and chtNed that the world leader
was eliminated by "unfair meth- in the fact that far more people in
ads." Mr. Lipeky also attacked Mexico will buy cheaper goods, be-
the principles of the Revisionists, cause few can afford better."
C r ' Aids N•tionalisns.
whom he charged with responsi-
The depression, the drop in silver,
bility for the election of Nahum,
the expulsion of thousands of Mex-
Sokolow, and said: "Sokolow
an exact counterpart of Weizmann icans from the UnitedStates,
when it comes to Zionist objec- American tariff laws, unempioy-
ment, the agrarian problem, the
' it ' c Allen, grand master of labor problem, the collapse of oil
1 m
i nine an
d th e misery of the
t t n e le:ti Order Sons of Zion, under an(
majority of the population, created
(Turn to Pare Opposite Editorial) in Mexico a desperate nationalism
of which the principal target was
HUNGARY MAKES EASY the Jews, declares Miss Brenner.
rave, but inadequate remedies
NAME MAGYAR1ZATION developed," asserts ?diss Brenner
the pushing of roadbuilding, the
BilDAPEST.—(J. T. A.)—The soothing of agrarians, the encour-
new Kandy' government which agement of tourist travel; the
came into power upon the resigns- Chambers of Commerce cam.
lion of Count Bethlen, is making paigned for the slogan 'Consume
every effort to win the support of National Products.' The irritated
the assimilationist Jews of Hun- , French, Spanish. and German shoe-
gory. ' men, hatmen, drygoods, clothing,
An outstanding effort in this and hardware merchants dovetailed
direction was an order just issued this praiseworthy movement into
by the minister of the interior in- another. labelled, 'Buy from Mexi.
structing his ministry to give cans—Boycott the Jews.' They be-
every possible facility for the Mag- gan by organizing numerous Ligas
yarization of surnames. It is ex- —such as the League of Shoemak-
pected that this order will be the ens and Tanners, the League of
prelude to a rush of application Mexican Bazaars, the League of
from thousands of Jews with Jew- Small Merchants Adhering to the
ish, German or Slavic names; es —
National Revolutionary Party—the
pecially from those who, because membership of which is made up
of their names, have encountered . chiefly of employees of the larger
difficJties in obtaining employ- enterprises, the owners of smaller
ment or in advancing their social ,
Turn to Page 12, Section 1.)

Shaarey Zedek Opens On New Year;
Supplementary Services At Temple

Detroit Synagogues Expect Overflow Congregations for
High Holy Days; Several Cantors to Be
Assisted by Special Choirs.

Overflow congregations are ex- boulevard and Lawton avenue of-
pected by Detroit synagogues dur- ficially opens with the New Year.
ing Iligh Holy Day services. Tem- Dr. A. M. Hershman will deliver
ple Beth El will, as usual, have the Shaarey Zedek sermons, while
supplementary services in the the services will be conducted by
Brown Memorial Chapel and its Rev. E. Zaludkowoki, who will be
social hall, with Dr. Leo M. assisted by a specially trained
Franklin. Rabbi Leon From and quartet, directed by William Gay-
Louis Cashdan, a senior at the man. Members of the quartet are
Hebrew Union College, conducting Levy, noted singer, Al Greenblatt,
the services. Other congregations M. Bistritzky and H. Cohen.
similarly prepared for large at-
At Other Synagogues.
. At
Wilson and Taylor, Can.
This year's Rosh Hashanah serv-
ices mark the consummation of , tor Ruben Boyarsky . will be as-
the hopes of members of Congre- sisted by a large choir.
gation Shaarey Zedek, Detroit's , At Congregation B'nai Moshe,
Lawrence, Rabbi
only Conservative synagogue Dexter and
I (Turn to Page OPposite Editorial) who se new b u ildi ng at Chicago (Turn to Page Opposite Editorial)

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