Amerierm 9ewish periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVONUL • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PAGE NINE TiElkernorr,kwisit &RDA Ku SHAAREY ZEDEK Y. P. S. STAGES PLAY MARCH 29 Young What Is expected to he one of the most interesting and well di- Judaea rested play to be presented in De-, troit for some time is Ludwig Lew- This play is New Executive isohn's "Adam." Club Notes Director For National Young Judaea. PEKARSKY ELECTED Y. W. H. A. NOTES U. H. S. ENDS AVUKAH SECRETARY I "Things": NEW YORK. — Abraham II. Cohen, chairman of the adminis- trative committee of Avukah, an- nounces that ut the last meeting ..1 the committee Maurice II. Pe- Dr. Israel Goldstein, president of National Young Judaea, an- nounces the appointment of Mrs. A. II. Vixman as executive direc- tor of the organization. Mrs. Vix- man has had a wide experience in Zionist activity in connection with Hadassah, Junior Hadassah and other Jewish youth organizations. Young Judaea is the pioneer Jewish youth movement in Amer- ica, having been organized in 1909 under the sponsorship of Dr. Judah L. Magnes and the late Prof. Israel Friedlander. It comprises several hundred clubs throughout the country consisting of boys and girls of the ages 12 to 18. It trains and provides leaders for these clubs as well its educational programs. WOMEN'S GROUP gard to the coming campaign of MEMBERS' DRIVE the federation and asked for vol- A l'u r i in meeting and tea The intermediate drama class; will present the three-act comedy,' marked the close of the member- ship caranaign of the Women's "Things," for the "at home" on. ;I] e( Hebrew Sunday evening, March 22, in the Le ague of the Little Theater on Rowena street. Schools March 4, at the Philadel- The cast includes Miss Gladys phit-Ilyron auditorium. Mrs. I. Goldberger, Miss Gertrude Album, Margolis, president of the league, Miss Nettie Goldrich, Miss Jean welcomed new and old members. Baron, Miss Renee Sklash, Miss Mrs. I. Rosenthal gave the bene- Ruth Katzin, Miss Alice Aronson, diction. Harry Scheinnian spoke in re- Miss Edna Zuckerman, Morris IA- vine and Gordon Shapiro. Friday Evening Series: Harry Scheineman will be the guest speaker at the Open Forum following the Friday evening serv- ices on March 27. The Passover services will be held on Friday evening, April 3, and the speaker for the Open Forum on that date will be Jacob Miller, who will talk' on "Passover in Palestine.'' unteer workers. Mrs. Edith Sauls rendered sev- eral vocal selections, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Sol Q. Kese- l er. Mrs. Joseph II. Ehrlich and B. Isaacs also addressed the meeting. Mrs. M. II. Zackheim, chairman of the membership campaign, re. ported that 150 new members had been enrolled in a period of less than four weeks. Our Pledge for \ Stunt Night: Stunt night, which is the annual' inter-club and class activity of the "Y," will be held at Temple Beth El Sunday evening, April 19. A. silver loving cup will be presented Tikvas Zion Club. Ito the winning group. The follow'- The Tikvas 'Zion Club of the Tux- mg clubs will take part: I'hi Kap-. MILTON GOODMAN edo Hebrew School has recently pa Epsilon, Tusi Tula, Omega So-. completed its constitution. I cials, I'hi Alpha Tau, I'hi Sigma sponsored by the Young People's ••• For the next meeting the mem- ' I Tau, A. Z. A. 63, and Cardinal A. Society of Sharcy Zedek, and will MAURICE R. PEKARSKY ' hers decided to look up material I C. The fencing and advanced , be presented Sunday evening, concerning the Jewish National , drama class will each enter a March 29, at the Central Iligh karsky was unanimously elected I Fund. Members appeared inter-. I stunt. School Auditorium. administrative secretary of Avu- After weeks of numerous rehear- jested in Chalutzim and many ques- kah. Passover Seder: sals, and expert direction, the east tions concerning them were asked I Mr. l'ekarsky is a graduate 14 Reservations are now being is prepared to present an unusual of Miss Rosenthal, the club span- the University of Michigan, col- ' sor. taken for the Passover Seder ,Bering. The directors of this pro- The membership committee has lege of literature, science and which will be served in the club- , duction are Milton J. Goodman and arts. While on the campus, he Winniet Wright, director of the been successful in bringing in new was instrumental in founding the house on Wednesday evening, April 1, at 6:30 o'clock. Further Detroit News Players and well members. Michigan chapter of Avukah, The club has been given full pos-1 information may be secured by known for his work with the De- ; session of the large bulletin board which he led for two years. He calling at the "Y" office. troit Repertory Theater. I in the hall of the Hebrew School. participated in the activities of the The persuinel of the cast select- They are busy getting Jewish pie-' Irnai B'rith Hillel Foundation at WINDSOR YOUNG FOLKS ed to participate in "Adam" are: 31 higan and served as a leading tures to decorate it. senthal, Rnslcn ('u rn, • DANCE A BIG SUCCESS' All girls between the ages of 11 member of the Hillel student hot Zuckerman, Morris Cohn, executive council. At the last hor the second time in its his- to 15 are invited to join. Pearl Gert, William Winer, Rosalie Avukah convention in Boston, Mr. tory, the Young People's Society flood Tailored, Goldstick, Blanche Swatlo, Earl was re-elected a national of the Shaer Hashomayim Syna- Society Plans to Pekarsky Willis, Bert Smoekler, Fayga Bor. vice-president and appointed a gogue of Windsor scored a hit last Luxuriously Trimmed Visit All Hospitals. sky, and Milton J. Goodman. member of the administrative com- evening, presenting its second an- The play will be presented in its mittee of Avukah. Ile directed the nual cabaret dinner-dance in the AT original eight scenes and all pro- In accordance with their usual Avukah summer school last year. auditorium of the synagogue, with ceeds will be given to various char- 1custom, the Home Relief Society a large crowd on hand. ities. will visit all hospitals and sanitar- The auditorium was most at- iums in Detroit and vicinity, and tractive, decorated in yellow and give to every Jewish free patient blue. The ceiling was a criss-cross LONGER WHEELBASE a basket containing Matzos, fruit of yellow and blue "ropes," with ON NEW WILLYS CARS and Ilagoslos. These baskets will tassels of either color hanging be delivered two (lays before Pass- down. Clever modernistic designs Longer wheelbases on the four over so that all these patients may The reduction of the maternal were worked out in these colors on groups of cars comprising the 1931 !celebrate this holiday according to death rate among Jewish women in huge rectangles about the walls, Malys line, combined with a tread the Jewish tradition. Mrs. Ira I'alestine to 2.17 per 1,000, said to and the pit where the splendid or- increased to 58 1 S inches have en- Danto, Miss Edna Lewis, Mrs. Sam be the lowest material mortality chestra provided the most up-to- abled Willys-Overland designers to , Jacobs, assisted by an able commit- rate in the world, and the lowering date dance hits throughout the provide bodies of maximum roomi- tee of women with a fleet of cars of mortality among Jewish infants evening, was celled with yellow ness. This roominess applies not will distribute these baskets. Any in the Holy Land to 90 per 1,000 and walled with blue. Myriads of only to the width of the seats but , member wishing to offer cars and births, are statements contained in yellow and blue streamers hung to head room and leg room, thus 1 services, should get in touch with a report issued by Hadassah, the from •each chandelier, and the affording more comfort for driver .1 I. Danto, Arlington 0200. Mrs. Women's Zionist Organization of whole roompresented a perfect Max Ferar, 3033 Leslie, will be and passengers. America. background for the vari-colored I hostess to the Home Relief Society The greater roominess is quite The report states that almost 90 gowns of the women, making a , at a special meting, Monday. apparent in the rear seats of all percent of the Jewish women of I picture not easily forgotten. March 23, at 1:30 p. m. 1400 WASHINGTON BLVD I the sedan models, permitting three l'alestine who are proapective I adults in winter wraps to be corn- mothers are under the medical care I Michigan Theater. ' fortably seated without undue, Social of Singing Society is of the Hadassah institutions, which Duke Ellington and his famous Big Success. constitute the largest health agen- Cotton Club Orchestra, direct I crowding. Log room is equally important I cy in all of Palestine. The most ! romthe Cotton Club of New York as ample seating space permitting, The social gathering of the De. modern scientific care and instruc-1 City, are appearing in person on the passengers to recline in a com- troit Halevy-Ilazomir Singing So- tam are given at these centers, re- he stage of the Michigan Theater fortable position without cramp- ciety held Sunday, at 539 Kenil- ducing the death rate at delivery n Detroit this week. Claudette ing the legs. This feature is most worth turned out to be a bigger until it has become the lowest fig-, Colbert and Frederic March share' success than was expected by the ore in the world, the report de-1 o-starring honors in the screen appreciated on long drives. The Wonder Show of the a SECOND AND LAST Glares. Similarly, since 1921, when ! feature, "Ilonor Among Lovers." A study of the wheelbase and executive. Universe Eugene $ ranzlilau, president, the first infant welfare clinic was the overall length of 1931 line is WEEK I interesting. The Willys Six (97) welcomed on behalf of the society, este 'shed in I (destine, the mor- has a wheelbase of 110 inches with Max Levy, who has just returned tality among infants has been e , BEG. SUN. MAT. MAR. 22 DOCTOR A. DUBNOVE • SMOUSI41,61eisli an overall length of 152 inches; from a four years' sojourn in Eu- sharply reduced. In 1925, the AND HS DA1/687084.1/4 the Willys Six on the 113-inch rope. Mr. Levy responded in an mortality rate was 131.3 per 1,000 Announces REMOVAL of Mal 4/ N6/ Eve.. & Sun. Mat. 50e • $1.50 wheelbase has an overall length of address that inspired the members. births, while in 1929 the rate wan Prof. Elijah Zoludkovsky, direc- 90 per 1,000 births. More than orrice to 1156 inches; the Willys Eight and Pop. Mat. Wed., 50c to $11 Willys-Knight bodies are mounted', tor, also spoke in appreciation of 15,000 mothers and infants are reg- 8753 12th St. Phone Euclid 3801 istered. at the Hadassah centers. on a 121-inch chassis and have an I Mr. Levy's return. In the musical program partici The Arabs in Palestine who con- — overall length of 167% inches. I pated Mrs. Anna Warren in a solo, tinue to be reluctant to accept mod- and in a duet with Miss Ruth Sher- ern health methods, have a mor.. Capital Punishment Subject man and Mr. Tusheer. Both Miss , tality rate among their infants of Sherman and Mrs. Warren received 205 per 1,0011 births, or 125 per BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT FUR at Jericho Lodge on bouquets in recognition of their cent higher than that among the talents and in appreciation of their Jews. Hadassah makes every ef- rendering vocal numbers at the re- fort to encourage the Arabs to take Tuesday evening, March 24, the cent entertainment of the Odessa advantage se of its non-sectarian membership of Jericho Lodge No. Aid Society. 490, I. 0. 0. F., and their ladies, An important announcement During the past year about 45,- will be given an opportunity to about the forthcoming sixth annual 000 visits were made by Hadassah listen to a discussion on capital concert will he made public in the nurses to homes to see that the in- punishment from both angles, by next issue. . struetions and advice given at the two men who have handled all %0ODWARD AT CLIFCORD Rehearsals are being held each I centers were carefully followed ESTABLISHED 1117 types of penal cases during their Wednesday at the Hutchins' Inter- out. many years of connection with mediate School, Gladstone and prisons. Woodrow Wilson. William Hodge in "The Old The men who will take part in Rascal" Coming to Cass. the discussion are Captain Edward T. Denniston, superintendent of the Detroit House of Correction, William Hodge comes to the and Harry L. Ilulburt, former war- Dr. Mark Gunzburg invites mu- Cass Theater, in "The Old Ras- den of Jackson prison during Gov- week beginning Sun- cal," for the eek ernor Groesbeck's administration. sic-lovers on Friday, March 27, day night, March 22, which is said Many prominent Odd Fellows 8:30 p. m., to an evening devoted to to be a regular laugh epidemic. and members of the Circuit and the compositions of Franz Schu- Although this gay comedy is a lit- Recorder's Courts and city officials bert, in the auditorium of the De- tle more modern and up-to-the- will be on hand to witness Captain troit Institute of Arts. The pro- minute than most of his former Denniston and Mr. Ilulburt in ac- gram will be the Trio in It flat, the dramatic vehicles, it gives every "Forellen" Quintet and the Diver- tion, whose subject will b e indication of taking the place in Capital Punishment Wipe Out tissement a la Hongroise, written the minds of the present genera- for piano duet and ararnged by Crime in Michigan?" Mark Gunzhurg for two pianos. tion of his former tremendous suc- Dr. Gunzhurg will play this Diver- cesses, "The Man From Home" tissement with his talented student, and "For All of Us," and is win- Inter - Fraternity League. Now is the time to buy! This is Miss Florence Kutzen, a young ning him a new clientele. All the Central High School girl. The Hodge plays have had many the sale! Fur prices are certain to In order to sponsor a program other performers of the Schuber- laughs in them, but "The Old Ras- he higher next year. Take advan• of physical, social and intellectual tiade are Mrs. Jeanne Reid- cal," his ninth self-authored com- tage of this opportunity! Make a activity among fraternity groups Beaume, violinist, her husband. edy, it is said keeps the audience this league was started. The origi- modest deposit—then pay the bal. Gilbert Beaume, cellist, Gasten laughing seven-eighths of the two nal members of this league are ance from income during the Sum- Brohan, solo contra-bassist of the and a half hours, and these are not from A. Z. A. chapters 63 and 93, mer. Here Detroit Symphony and Walter ordinary chuckles but prolonged typical values; Alpha Tau, Phi Beta Epsilon, Phi Poole, violinist, member of the Ih! roars. Alpha Tau, and Phi Kappa Epsi- trait Symphony. The program will lon. At the last meeting of the start at 8:30 sharp. There will Is. Fox Theater. league the Epsilon No Fraternity no admission charge. Rrnoul Ssie Prier.... . An excellent mystery drama en- was voted in. titled "Charlie Chan Carries On," On Monday, March 23, at the Detroit Auxiliary of J.C.R.S. came to the Fox Theater Friday. Y. W. H. A., at 8:30 p. m., the It is a story of a gay group of league is sponsoring open house. Remottil Stile PM"( The Detroit auxiliary of the globe-trotters in whose midst a $97.00 Judge Scallen will be the speaker for the evening. In addition to Jewish Consumptive Relief Society series of startling murders take other forms of entertainment, of Colorady thanks the public for place. there will be the presentation of ' patronizing the card party held RfnfOld Sire Trite basketball medals to the members Saturday. Paramount Theater. Moving pictures of the sana- of the winning first and second Marlene Dietrich and Victor place teams, a cup to the winning torium at Denver are en route to McLaglen are co-starred in "Dis- team, and an individual medal to, Detroit, to be viewed here. The Remote,' %•r Pr. r honored," the sensational new $245.00 the person who was the most valu-1 date of their showing will be an- drama which is now in the first nounced in an early issue of The able player to his team. There week of its long-run engagement will also be installation of the new I Chronicle. The .1. C. R. S., although recent- at the Paramount Theater. officers by Mr. Morris. Rtorold Sde Trite . The League is sponsoring a ly organized, has already sub- mitted $300 to the Denver head- Fisher Theater. track meet at the Central High I School gymnasium on Tuesday, quarters for the furtherance of Celebrated comedians and come- .s -,a, 1 1 1 March 31, at 9:30 p. m. A large their cause, which is to aid con- diennes of both stage and screen Sde Price $385.00 sumptives to regain their health. make up the all-star cast of entry is expected. The public is urged to support "Fifty Million Frenchmen," the I'lans have been completed for a group of tennis tournaments to the J. C. R. S. by patronizing their riotous comedy hit which is being Remold Sde Prue be held this year. A bracket tour- endeavors to raise funds. shown at the Fisher Theater this 1931 I COPMG.1931 1101111/0. ROTHMOOR COATS You can't help noticing Rothmoors wherever you go Huth Ro No matter how you travel • or where • or when.your Rothmoor always fits into the picture. You can visit the fashion centers of Europe or our own leading resorts, with that comfortable feeling of style rightness. The exclusive woolens and incom• parable Rothmoor needling take care of the quality features-there is nothing more to be desired. holn i c ks fe a 1s v7H-&;•67 You're in Luck if f You Read Yiddish • 20"-New Mysteries --20 00 NA Dr. A. KLORMAN'S 0. —One of the most significant American-Jewish books of the decade ... —Sparkling with humor and interesting discus- sion ... —352 pages of enjoyment for those fortunate enough to read Yiddish ... —By the celebrated columnist of the Jewish Morning Journal of New York. NEWTON NNIS FURS Many Hundreds of Fur Coats, Jackets and Scarfs are Offered in This Great Schubertiade at Institute of Arts Next Friday. 0 SPECIAL 2.50 EDITION NOW READY At Large Mail your check. to FAMILIENFRIEND, PUBLISHER 77 BOWERY, NEW YORK, N. Y. Reductions! Warning Is Issued By Detroit Rabbis At this season of Passover, the Detroit Rabbinical Council, which includes all of the local qualified Orthodox Rabbis, deems it proper to caution the observant Jewish public against the practice of deception by some unscrupulous dealers selling Passover food articles under false labels with the alluring words, "Kosher L'Pesach," printed thereon. When purchasing your supplies of Matzos, macaroons, cakes, candies, spices, dried fruits, milk or other drinks for Passover use, be on your guard to convince yourselves that those articles are attested to by the Vaad Ilarabonim as being genuinely fit for the designated purpose from a religious point of view. INSIST UPON THE ENDORSEMENT OF THE WHOLE DETROIT RABBINATE; DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELVES TO BE MISGUIDED BY THE TESTIMONIAL OF AN INDIVIDUAL, WHOEVER HE MAY BE. Let the Jewish public bear in mind that this is the only safe protection in matters pertaining to Kashruth. For Yung and Old, There is No Healthier Food than THE EAGLE DAIRY PRODUCTS SOUR CREAM, CHEESE AND BUTTER for EAGLE DAIRY PRODUCTS CO. Get the Best. Protect Your Health HEADQUARTERS March 24. REMARKABLE NEW BOOK 5071 TILLMAN WILSON THEATER N Ep " '"9 -16 aVED/E/M* For only Yiddish readers can enjoy the great treat of sure you buy only the best. Ask your g Eagle Dairy Product.. `45 LOWEST MATERNAL MORTALITY AMONG PALESTINE JEWS $29.75 to $110 and and Topcoats Home Relief Rothmoor Suits and Coats Exclusive with the D.J. Healy Shops in Detroit 1426 Woodward Avenue Shop guard We have lowered our prices but still retain the same quality which is standard with Scholnick's New Spring Suits Walnut 5413 are Dark Muskrats $67.50 Silver Muskrats Hudson Seals* $167.00 Raccoon Coats Logwood Seals $285.00 Persian Lambs Beige Ponies nament will be held on April 17, a pyramid tournament on May 29, a ranking tournament on Aug. 21, and a mixed doubles tournament on Aug. 28. German Family of Five in Toronto Embraces Judaism. TORONTO.—(J. T. A.) — A German family of f tiffs city, consist- ing of a mn, wife, two girls and 1"Bad Girl" Hit at Lafayette. two boys, embraced Judaism here. I "Bad Girl," the melodrama The man Frank Vank , living at I adapted from Vina Delmar's novel 27,3 Euclid avenue, was circum- of the same name, bids fair to prove cised by the local mohel, R. Wind- the most pspular of all the shows' asky. presented at the Lafyette Theater, When the representative of the under the low-priced policy in Jewish Telegraphic Agency asked vogue there. Mr. Vank what prompted him to It starts its third week next become a Jew, Mr. Vank explained I Sunday night, in • manner indica-I that his Bible studies brought him tine of the hold it has exercised on to love the Jewish people and be- Detroiters. come one of them. week. •The.' Ifmkrat Publix Riviera Theater. "Dance, Fools, Dance," which will open March 21 at the Riviera Theater, is Metro-Goldwyn -M yer's latent talking picture starring Joan Craw ford. $97.00 Asd Mssy Others. State Theater. "Mingo," which has been ac- claimed the greatest thrill picture of 1931. is now showing at the State Theater. The picture was filmed in the wolfs of Africa, and presents the true and lifely study of man and beasts of the dark continent. /II 111 Genuine 31i Ilk Coats I 2 Price May st we tyke the entire L. B. King ItIdg.. Library at Farmer ii ■ mtmonloammv