e 4mericalt Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PAGE Tffil EE IiItlY)t.TROI AN1Sfl et RON ICU Made in Grand Rapids 1 :.:CLASSIFIED:•: ARTISTIC INTERIOR DECORA- FOR RENT-Nice large furnished room in modern home, with pri TORS-We do painting, deco- vats- family. All home eollVeIli- rating and plastering. Guaran- vales. Suitable for one or two teed work. I.. mathanson, 2987 gentlemen, ladies or couple Gladstone. I'hone Garfield 5128 Must be seen to be appreciated. from 7 to 10 a. 01. and 4 to 8 p. m. Near bus anti car line. Rent reasonable. 3282 Tuxedo, Hem- SIRS. J. SIIERLINro-First.elass lock 2698-51. catering for weddings and par- ties. 15850 Linwood. Univer- FOR RENT-- Six-room newly dee- °rated that and garage. Kent - site 2-1610. reasonable. 4008 Ehnburst. neax Dexter boulevard. Fair. CATERERS-SO. 1(11y kosher. En- mount 4346-M. gagements, weddings and banquets. Catered by plate. De- troit Catering Co., M. A. l'ereira, Prop., Longfellow 5654. MOMEN`I'S OF DISCRETION a . . When you sto,1° '1 \ 1' play with the kids and the ball you hit goes further than you expected . . FOR RENT-A lovely furnished room in refined couples home, for gentleman or girl. Continu- ous hot water, shower. Home WE FURNISH experienced select- I privileges. $15 month. Garage ; ed laundry, cooking, housekeep- if desired. 4069 Grand avenue, t ers, general houseworkers, good Northlawn 98112. near Dexter day and week workers, white bus and Fourteenth car. and colored. Also men, experi- enced and general workers. Ar- FOR RENT-A beautifully fur- lington 10479, nished bright room, twin bed, suitable for one or two gentle. • CLEAN CURTAINS will beautify' men. Stall shower. Garage if your home. Send your soiled desired. Convenient to Trumbull o • curtains or drapes to us for COM- nail Clairmount lines and Four- I plete renovating and they'll be • teenth bun. Family of two returned to you looking like adults. Reasonable rate. Em- new. Prompt service, Ambas- pire 17147. 1734 Virginia Park. sador Curtain Laundry & Clean- ing 3308 Joy Road, corner FOR SALE-3216 Buena Vista, Wildemere. Euclid 4220, near Dexter, single brick veneer, built 4 years ago, 6 rooms, bath, CEMETERY LOT, six graves, PRONOUNCED PERFECT BY breakfast room, frigidaire, K. of P. Jewish section Oakview Silent Automatic heat, shrub- Cemetery in Royal Oak, cheap DISCRIMINATING SMOKERS bery, aide drive; quarter block for cash. Box 148, Detroit from new school. Owner will Jewish Chronicle. sacrifice equity of $11,300 for $5,650. Longfellow 9140. FOR RENT - Nicely furnished large room. Modern improve• S.ANARGYROS CORPORATION molts, separate shower, and ROOM FOR RENT-A room suit- Capital SL, k ,ovned I,t I' 1 (IR 11.I.AR I) CO., Inc. able for one or two gentlemen home privileges. Near Four- in private home. Adult family. teenth bus and Clairmount car. J An adjoining room can be ob- Rent reasonable. Suitable for ained if desired. Home privi- couple, or lady or gentleman. leges. 2227 West Euclid ave. TESTIMONIAL FOR LAU Phone Euclid 0002. nue, near Fourteenth bus and BY TREASURER'S STAFF street ears. FOR RENT-Large, nicely fur- 5691 1931 nished room with two windows Fine music, dancing, gdootifellow- *Rosh Chodesh Adur Wednesday, February 18 for one or two persons. Small FOR RENT --Nicely furnished ship and other features will mark Mary Wigman, most celeb rated Purim Tuesday, Starch 19 family. Reasonable rent. In- r`"01, good home in private farn- the frolic that the staff in the European dancer who has cre ated First day of Pesach Thursday, April 2 ily, $15 month. Belden Hall Wayne County Treasurer's office is quire 1534 West Euclid, up- a school of dancing in B erlin Seventh day of Pesach Wednesday, April 8 stairs, or call Empire 3706-51. Apts., 225 Blaine, near Four- giving in Arcadia ballroom, Tues. which has become internatio s ally • Itosh Chodesh Iyar Saturday, April 18 teenth, Apt. 207. famous, and who has been su eh a Lag b'Onier Tuesday, May 5 GENTLEMAN is driving to Los sensation in New York, will az pear Rosh Chodesh Sivan Sunday, Slay 17 Angeles to join his family. Can at Orchestra Ilall on Wedne aday First day Shabuoth Friday, May 22 accommodate two or three peo- evening, Feb. 18. Her appeal' Once *Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Tusosolny, June 16 ple an this trip. Cull Sunday at in this country is considered the Fast of Tammuz Thursday, July 2 2409 West Grand avenue, cur- By GEORGE JOEL outstanding terpsichorean no v elty Rosh Chodesh Ab Wednesday, July 15 ner La Salle boulevard. of the season. Iler program next Fast of Ab Thursday, July 23 Friedman Likely to Coach at Yale Wednesday follows: 'Rosh Chodesh Ellul Friday, August 14 FOR RENT-One or two fur- Aux Dern Tanseyklus "Rehwin Yale will , for the nest time, have Rosh Ilashonah Saturday, September 12 nished rooms for two young men Landsehaft" (From the Dance t !reit e e, Closed Saturday. Open Saturday Evening a Jew on its football coaching staff "Shifting Landscape") Yoni Kippur Monday, September 21 or a couple. Garage and kitch- I. Anruf (Invocation), Open Evenings and Sunday • Also observed the day previous to Rosh Chodesh, en privileges. Single residen- next fall. Benny Friedman, 2. Gelscht der Nacht (Pace 0 the tial section. Good transporta- prominent professional and for- Night). 5. Pastorale (Pastorale). tion. 33'23 Leslie, Hemlock mer All-American quarterback, I. Festlicher Rhythm. IF calve will in all likelihood be the back- 8604-W. JUDGE BENSCOE URGES I Ryhthrn I. field coach at Yale. Ile did some SEEING OURSELVES AS F. Sommerlicher Tans (Saw me?. LAWYERS SHOULD HELP Dance). HISTORY WILL SEE US FOR RENT-Nice large airy fur- work with the boys from Eli last 8. Strionlied (Storm Song). BENEFIT COMMUNITIES nished room with small family fall and it is rumored that he will - Den "Visionen" (From "Vial, ns"). , of adults Refined neighbor- have a permanent place at New The annual Valentine dance of 7. Ilexentanz (Witch Dance). Prof. Slosron's "The Great Cru- hood. For one or two persons. Haven. If he lands the job you Judge Edward B. Benscoe, of Beth El Sisterhood was attended by Airs Des "Filer" (From °Celehris sada and After" Is Valuable His- s. Monotonle IDrehtans (Mor atone will see a Yale team that can R Rent reasonable. Tuxedo be- the Common Pleas Court, in a re- 50 couples when it took place in the Whirl Dance). HERMAN LAU tory of America Since 1914. tween Linwood and Dexter. Call throw passes, a rare thing indeed! cent talk before a group of young ball room of the Durant Hotel. Au. Dem Tanacyklus "Schwind ends, Landschafi" (From the Dance Hemlock 3003-R. day night, Feb. 2-1, in honor of lawyers urged them to consider Decorations appropriate for Val- THE iatEAT CRUSADE AND 5111 1 1 "Shifting lAndaC•Pe") Ile Pre , ton William Chattering.. Herman Lau. Mr. Lau's business their profession as a means to entine's were effectively used. 9. 7.igeunerwelsen 12 Tanslieder) Gyp. had I hr Macmillan Co, Now FOR RENT-A large, airy, newly Palmer Gervitz of Chicago training and record for efficiency benefit mankind and not as a cam-' The entertainment committee ay Mondx-two Dance SongeL• enI Chicago. Ir./. decorated furnished bedroom writes and asks why I don't men- while deputy under the late God- mercial undertaking to obtain ma- was in charge of arrangements, The jacket of this book tells us with a small family. Suitable tion more news about prep school frey Frei•ald, have been given terial gain. headed by the chairman, Mrs. Har- that the author "here gives tai the, Fisher Theater. for one or two gentlemen. Re- athletes. Ile sent nie a lot of in- recognition by his appointment as "A lawyer can and should make ry Grossman. The committee in- unusual opportunity of seeing our , Grant Withers, brilliant young fined neighborhood. Good trans- formation about youngsters around treasurer to fill the existing va- himself one of the must uplifting cludes: Sirs. Sam Magidson, Mrs. Cumulative Preferred recent selves as future generations Hollywood screen star, is now ap- portation. Reasonable. One Chicago who are doing their I cancy in the office, and he is perstai- influences, in his community," the David Goldfarb, Sirs. Sidney Gold- pearing in person on the Fisher Stock will ma, us. In strong contrast to week free rent. Garage if de- share, From his "info" I get the ally immensely popular with the judge stated. "Because of their man, Mrs. Sigmund Seitner, °Mrs. stage in an original sketch in 'Bob the personal reminiscence or the sired. 2015 Blaine, downstairs. impression that the Chicago bard boys and girls under ihs direction. varied contacts, lawyers more than I. II. Gindick, Mrs. Munroe Klein, impressionist type of contemporary Uolan's Niftiest" Withers hu Garfield 0014-R. are just about as active as their It is a complimentary, testimonial any other citizen mold the conduct Mrs. Milton Harris, Mrs. Arthur 'history, often so eccentric in val., occasion that the staff has ar- and character of the community Dubois, Mrs. G. (tutow, Mrs. Jos- alarred in many picture produc- phasis, he writes with detachment,' CHEERFUL. young lady may New York cousins in athletic en-, tions. Ile was Loretta Young's ranged. in which they reside. For you to eph Illoek and Mrs. Ellis Warren. perspective and balance." share apartment with widow. deavor. Palmer states that every I sweetheart in "The Second Floor Complimentary tickets can be creditably fulfil your rightful Hostesses at the function includ- For once this is as true evalua- Taylor avenue at Woodrow Wil- high school in Chicago has at least obtained on application to Samuel Mystery," and Sue Carol's sweetie place as a standard bearer it is ed Mrs. A. Eiseman, chairman; tion of the book referred to. Pres- son. Box 149, Detroit Jewish one outstanding Jewish athlete.: S. Goodman in the County Treas- necessary for you to lay your Mrs. Milton Ilarris, Mrs. Jacob in "Dancing Sweeties," while he Prep school athletes, except in ton \Villain: Slosson, associate pro- Chronicle. foundation on worthwhile ideals Illock, Mrs. Morris Fischler, Mrs, played opposite Dolores Costel lo In /are occasions, are taboo in this urer's office. fessor of history at the University hearts in Exile." Ile is appear- and high character." Martha Robinson, Mrs. Alma Buck- of Michigan, has given us in this FOR RENT-Exceptionally large column. There are too many of ' Judge Benscoe warned his audi- ner, Sirs. A. M. Barnett, Mrs. Eu- fog on the Fisher stage this week room, beautifully furnished, in them. The Worcester, Mass., Y. "history of America since 1911" I while having a short Hollywood Levin Matzoh Co. Now Dis- ence that too many young lawyers gene Bloomberg, Mrs. Harold Klein, private residence. for gentle- 51 II. A. is burning up basketball an unusual grasp on the mass of vacation. have ruined their careers because Mrs. James Flanders. man or couple. Kitchen privi- circles this season. Six straight tributors for Kaufman things which have happened during they strive to acquire reputations leges. Garage if desired. Phone wins have already been credited to the war period, in the years that Matzohs. by sacrificing their characters. Roxy's Gang Here Feb. 19 "A Touch of Hemlock 8532-51, or call at 2691 them and they have yet to drop a followed and during the decade end- --- "You should not do things you game. Leading the New England Wrote or Phone for Continental Elmhurst. ing with 11128. With Schumann-Heink Louis J. and Abe J. Levin of know are not right because you Inful melon Y. 51. H. A. basketball league by; Prof. Slosson's book has great Savoir Faire" the Levin Matzoh Ca., 261 9 Pin- feel you will gain public approval Boxy and his l■ ang, known from interest for every American who is 'FO RENT-Heated five rooms; a safe margin, the "Orange Ana.' Kelvinator, garage, fireplace, lanche," as they are called, scents' free avenue, Euclid 2648, an- by doing them," he saint. "A man the Capitol, and later the Roxy anxious for a dispassionate history side drive, beautiful decora- to be headed fort he championship. nounce that they are now the dis- of character will do the right thing Theater in New York, will appear of our own times, and for the stu- tions. A bargain at $55, includ- The leant that is causing all this tributors for the famous Kaufman when he knows it is not popular. at the Masonic Auditorium Thurs- dent of history it is an invaluable That is what you should do," he day, Feb. 19. Ernestine Schumann- ing heat and garage ; 13997 trouble is composed mostly of far-' Matzohs of Chicago, piece of writing. The past 15 years The Levin brothers announce continued. Ileink is the featured soloist. Kentucky avenue, Northlawn mer high school and college play-, have seen the rise of so many move- Members Dell oit Stock Exchange that they are also the distributors The judge said much abuse has Among the other assisting artists 5a24. ers. ments, the development of so many for hest brands of noodles, spices, been heaped on the legal profes- will toe Beatrice Iliolkin, by cour- (Copyright, 1911, J. T. A.) bigotries and hatreds, that Dr. 1466 Penobscot Bldg. BAKED GOODS-Made to order dried fruits and macaroons for sion because of the shady conduct tesy of the Metropolitan Opera CARDINAL Slosson's well-balanced book helps for all occasions. Cakes, cook- Passover. Of some of its members. Greed Co.; Patricia Bowman, Wee Willie' BLACK COMMENTS ON Randolph 6391 to understand the period and to RICHELIEU ies, pies, biscuits and pastries. The Levin Matzoh Co. has been rather than principle is the domi- Robyn, Frank Montan, Lucille' iudge it in its true light. COMMON PLEAS COURT The best of ingredients used.' distributing Matzohs in Detroit nant characteristic of these men Fields, Harold Clyde Wright, Doro- TEA ROOM Tor Jews, his history is especial- Longfellow Give us a trial. for many years. Their new brand, who tiring shame on their profes- thy Miller, the Ronny Male Quartet, ly Valuable because of the com- Max I.. Black, candidate for the the Kaufman Matzohs, are known sion, he said. STUDIO Mrs. Eva Friedman, 1739. Celia Branz, Dorothy Githens, ments the author wakes on the ac- long term as judge of the Common for their excellent quality and as 2740 Fullerton. Daddy Jim Coombs, Claire Ma- of the Ku Klux Klan, Henry 12838-42 Pleas Court at the primaries on being among the best made in this Dial-Operated SEE YOUR OLD FRIEND, tivities jette, lierna and Vera Deane, IRO Phones for Ford's anti-Semitic crusade in the TO RENT-Furnished room with March 2, in a statement issued on Woodward Avenue country. Itussotto, Margaret Mickey Mc- ABE EPSTEIN columns of the Dearborn Independ- All of Downtown Detroit. tee two windows. All conveniences. Wednesday, said: Harold Van Duzee, Viola Feu ,11..torthe- minute ent and other events. Referring Near street car and bus lines. "The importance of this origi- l'hilo, Josef Stopak, Georges Du- All of downtown Detroit is now TUXEDOS, FULL DRESS to Ford, he says that the auto mag- 2015 Blaine. M. Cohen. nally mediocre judicial tribunal Active Demand Made For ' franne and Adelaide De Loca. nate "confessed his complete ig- has reached tremendous propor- FURNISHINGS Matzohs to Go to Poland. served by dial operated telephones. norance of history, and then dem- CADILLAC, Packard, Auburn re- tions, and especially is it true now The last manual telephones in the ORGAN MUSIC For Rent or For Sale onstrated it by letting the Dear- pairs by skilled mechanics; 30 during this depression and undis- downtown section were changed to Fraternity, 90 Per Cent Jew- OottIt. for FRED STECKER, The export department of the born Independent, his own organ, per cent discount from service puted readjustment period that we dial at 2 o'clo•k Sunday morning, ish, Names Catholic as Organist Weddings, Parties and Other 13. 51anischewitz Company is re- enter on a campaign against an station prices. All workmanship' s are now experiencing. The Corn- whim the 2,500 public pay tele- DAILY AND SUNDAYS Its President. Social Functions imaginary international .lewish guaranteed. Mr. Desen or , nion Pleas Court will now be called ceiving many orders for packages phones toonoteted with the Clifford Don't Worry About Your Tun- of Matzos which are to he sent to conspiracy.'" Speaking of the an- 665 Selden, Glendale 1400. central (Mice were switched over. upon to liquidate suits involving MONTREAL.-(J. T. A.)-For Let Eppie Do It relatives of Amerticana in Poland. ti-Semitic campaign in this own Installation of the dial central obligations of people who assumed LUNCHEON 65c Coll Madbon Gil , for alUmi 111 . 14 t The B. Nlasischewitz Company has Abe equipment for Clifford, which the first time in its history, Pi FOR RENT-Warm room for sin- try, Professor Slosson writes: them when they were earning All Sires. 11,4 Fit Guaranteed gle or coouple. Continuous hot made special arrangements where- serves public paystations almost ex- Lambda I'hi, a non-sectarian fra- DINNER $1.25 more money and; due to a reduc- SPECIAL RATES TO SCHOOLS "The campaign .Lain•t the Jew in water. Good transportation. by they are transmitting packages clusively, has been made on the ternity but in practice about 90 SUNDAYS $1.50 CLUBS AND SOCIETIES Atnerica was far I,.,, actise than that tion in their income, they are not • of matzos to any part of l'oland. fifth floor of the Bell Telephone per cent Jewish in membership, Open Evenines and Sundays against the Roman Catholic, although the able to pay their debts as they con- tw., woro yoked together in the formal The company is guaranteeing de- building at 1:365 Cass avenue, at a has elected a Catholic as its head. tracted them, even though they denunciation , of the Elan-truly a FOR RENT - Beautifully fur- BRIDGE PARTY livery of these packages and in cost of $740,000. Other downtown J. 13. Van Veen, a Catholic attor- ',ranee 11,0tiation in view of their men. nished room for business girl. have the best intentions to pay. SPECIALS event of non-delivery the money central offices, all of them dial op- ney from New Yolk City, was RENTAL PARLORS trie.• of oppo•ition to e•ch other. One "These type of cases involve so- No children in the house. North- elected supreme rex of the organ- o dthe dupe+ of the •nti-Semitic Prot , w ill be refunded in full. erated, are Cadillac, Randolph and ARLINGTON 8726 Telfth St., near Gladstone west section. Home privileges. cial features that require more avant. we , Henry Ford, the •utomobile For full information address Cherry. The Clifford manually op- ization at the conclusion of its an- 9334 manufacturer, by n•ture • kindly man than mere details of evidence and Madison 4919 For appointment call Northlawn the export department of the B. erated central office was located in nual convention here. and seeminalv o ne of the tart to rherkh High.Class Tailoring, Clenning, 3114 2 or Hemlock 3436-M. 3815 the question of liability of the Manischewitz Company, 2100 West racial or religion , fend. let hi, news. This manifestation of intercre- , Just Call U. Valet Service. the telephone building at Clifford debtor for the judge to consider. paper. the Dearborn Independent. became Duane, near Dexter. Eighth street, Cincinnati, 0, street and Washington boulevard. dal amity is believed to have been ,imultaneously spokesman for Mr. Ford It is a social service of great mo- and furactionary Europeans who trailed The space vacated there is to be prompted by the fact that the con- re WANTED--A young man who can ment that this court will be called all the so cial ilk of nii,lern time , to •i Songs" Second Week "Torch used by the Michigan Bell company vention was held in the prepon- write English lyrics for music. upon to perform from now on, and ternational ewl.h finance. On the b11.1•1 derantly Catholic city of Montreal, for Abe purports. at Shubert-Lafayette. Write Box 160, Detroit Jewish the men on this bench must he so- 111' •n alleved •protoeol of the elders if which tendered the fraternity a lit hktorians repe•terlD cial students in addition to legal Chronicle. on holt nide, of the Arlanlin. • Jewish civic banquet. Other officers elect- "Flying High" Coming to the Arthur Hopkins' New York Ply- minds. conspiracy fort the subjugation of the ed were Robert M. I.intz of New BALDNESS, FALLING HAIR, Gentile world was charged. It es pr-- BEAUTIFUL modern 11.room sin- "A campaign for the election of mouth Theater success, "Torch Cass Theater. York, supreme master; Robert 11. sihle that some of Mr. Ford's personal ble home on Edison, between judges to this court is now in full Song" will begin the second week DANDRUFF AND SCALP Following ni ai ly a year's en- Rosenthal of New York, supreme experiences with Jewish bankers and bus- Hamilton and Byron. Six rooms sway and it is of interest to the of its engagement at he t Shbert- DISORDERS u gagement on Broadway, "Flying keeper of the archives, and Philip In e,s rivals mar have affected his atti- and lavatory on main floor, four entire community that the proper Lafayette Theater, next Sunday, Awarded First Prize •t Paris and tude in the matter. but his zeal in the High," George White's newest I.uskin of New Yo•ick, supreme ca.oe wws without question. though Belgium EzPosItions large bedrooms on second, men be first nominated on Maro h 2 with a notable cast headed by Mar- musical comedy hit, will open a keeper of the exchequer. competition of 31 nations and ...unity, when fared with court action. maid's quarters on third. Oil and elected on April 6. tha Lorber, lwautiful and blonde, week's engagement at the Cass was pronounced the moll he dropped the campaign." burner and Frigidaire. Will ex- tiv• system for growing hair "Every citizen should become who is appearing in the role of the Theater on Sunday evening, in existence In a foot-note Professor Slosson change for dulpex in northwest familiar with the candidates aspir- little cabaret girl; Enid Markey, Feb. 15. The Kridos positively grows hair on section. Will sell or rent. Call ing for this office and the plat- who was seen here recently in refers to the Massena, N. Y., "rit- 'old heads, stops falling hair-elopia Held Over by Popular Request for • Second Week The collaborative work of B. G. for appointment, Arlington forms and policies these candidates "Sisters of the Chorus," William held spots). lime can be grown in ten ual murder lie," and calls it a "stlil DeSylva, Lew Brown, and Jack treatments. Kridos scientific treat- 4436-W. cruder myth." ('arey. Frank Moonroe and Lloyd advocate." 51cGowan, hour ote the bock; and ments, wh.ch include the ultra violet Professor Slossona history has Nolan head the supporting cast. revs (sunlight) of the quartz mercury DeSylva, Brown and Ray Hender- some very interesting chapters on FOR RENT-Glynn Court-At- lamp. perfected by Dr. Franz Nagel. son, who supplied the music and tractive room for girl in artis- Monk Watson and Cast Re- s, hm de of Germany, has grown hair education, journalism, immigration, Publix Riviera Theater. lyrics, "Flying High" takes on the or thousands, both menand women, tically furnished home. Home sports and other interesting devel- main at Oriole Theater by and can do the same for yo. What makes for popularity- In speed and color of a typical George privileges. Reasonable. Hem- opments in American life during E”mination and advice free. Popular Request. the case of Janet Gaynor and White "Scandals." Hours, II a. mi. to a p. m. lock 3845-W. and since the war. The industrial, Charles Farrell, it is their per- Established 1918 cultural, political and commercial Including Jo. Griffin's Ballet Girls, Comes to the Most Successful Hair sows Scalp Monk Watson and his popular sonification of youthful romance YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN who Hollywood Theater. contributions to American life of Specia lties that makes them the most popular are interested in bridge or are cast are being held over Al the Those twin favorites of filmland, son Petenso 1 •• Bldg• many Jews figure in this history, desirous of learning to play Oriole Theater, Linwood and Phila- pair of screen sweethearts. Never Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell among them being S. L. Rothafel before have they so successfully return to the screen again in "The Linwood and Philadelphia bridge, write to Box 200. De- delphia, for another week. I lioxyl, Edna Ferber, Samuel troit Jewish Chronicle, giving Mr. Watson and his 21 associates projected their personalities into Man Who Came Back," !showing COMPLETE NEW STAGE SHOW Campers, Louis D. Brandeis, Ber- name, address and telephone will present an entirely new show. ; the public's consciousness as in on the Hollywood Theater screen,' nard Baruch and others. During the past week they drew ; the production, "The Man Who Sunday to Thursday and due to the number. record audiences and again proved ' Came Back," the Riviera Theater unusual nature of the production ilaZ84 2:20, 4:20, 7:30, 9:30 P. M. State Theater. FOR RENT - 1196 Burlingame, the biggest drawing cards for De- attraction starting Feb. 14. 14.4 0.oadway, guise MI6 preparations are being made to Doors Open Sunday at 1:30 P. M. E•enings 6:45 P. M. The State Theater this week 1 troit theaters. at beautiful upper g ht care for record-breaking crowds. Saturday M•tinees 1:30 P. M. brings back the greatest motion large modern rooms. Breakfast The Hollywood has arranged for In addition to Mr. Watson's show Michigan Theater. ON THE SCREEN picture spectacle of all time, D. room, two tile baths, and Frigid- there will be a well selected talking "Dance. Fools. Dance," which is an unusual unit stage attraction, W. Grifliith's "The Birth of a aire. Refined neighborhood. with • number of big time visiting movie bill, featuring Victor Mc- now at the Michigan Theater, Foremost Student Nation," with the modern magic Very reasonable. Tour+, All Erpensea Laglen in "A Devil With the the most glamorous of Miss Craw- acts working into new schemes. over son° sunned weeders I. of sound. Women." ford's recent roles. Harry Beau- Featured is the Manny King & Co., ISM. Bawl ',amen ten ewe The most stupendous of all-time FOR RENT-1698 Leslie, near n t Da anew More motor to mont, who brought Miss Crawford offering a one-act complete comedy Twelfth. beautiful six-room flat screen attractions brings with it which in an appearance at the Hol- CHILDREN 15s ALL SEATS Mk We can not live unless we seek to stardom in "Our Dancing with garage. Newly decorated; Bed for Beetlel such stars as I.illian Gish, H. II. ago broke Come Early and Avoid Being Disappointed COLLEGE TRAVEL GUTS two main car lines; rent $35; sunshine and, in order to exist, Daughters," and recently added to lywood several seasons Walthall, Wallace Reid, Walter all records for attendance and en- 150 11,14 9111 6.1. III was $60 • month. Call J. Yura,1 clear vision is as necessary as this triumph with "Our Blushing Long and a gigantic cast of 18,000 I tertainment. Brides," again directed. Hogarth 4536. bread and air.-Gangbofer. players. .. . Be nonchalant I, Solid Mahogany Frame G II 11 A 111 U11A1) Superior Spring Construction-Finest Filling material used-French Velvet and Linen Frieze. Davenport and Chair formerly sold for $330. NOW $198. ORDER YOUR SUITE NOW Our complete display of the newest suites and odd chairs in the finest of materials permits you a wide range of choice. A pleasant surprise awaits you on your visit to our store. We posi- tively guarantee you the greatest values ever offered in Detroit. S. ABRAMSON FURNITUE co. WIGMAN RECITAL WEDNESDAY NIG HT JEWISH CALENDAR SPORT NOTES 9316-22 OAKLAND AVE. GENERAL PARTS Ifflint Notra CORPORATION Earnings for 1930 were double those for 1929 At Present Market Yields More Than 10% HENDRIE, HALL & MURPHY DINE AT WURLITZER EPPIE'S NO MORE MONK WATSON And His Merry Mad Gang 24-PEOPLE ORIOLE THEATER 4 SHOWS SUNDAY VICTOR McLAGLEN in "A DEVIL WITH WOMEN"