PAGE rwo 'Ti!F DUFROCIILIVISI1 9, RON 1CLE "THE LAST DAYS OF SHYLOCK" li Calendar N Ya FEDERATION LEWISOHN'S PROTEST AGAINST HORRIBLE ATROCITIES SPENT $9 800 000 COMMITTED AGAINST THE JEWISH PEOPLE of Events of League of Jewish ••They're still, talking about! Ethel's bridge • Gov. Roosevelt, Lieut. Gov . I Lehman Guests at An NEW n Y7RIKM . ellelitoirne gihan $9, 1 00,000 was spent last year by 91 charitable and philanthropic or-1 , ganizations affiliated with the Fed-1 1;11 aion nthfroiirpitehe Societies Support 0. 0 J e wish THERE IS 30BETTER MI THAN Women's Organizations ' Events planned by (trganiza- lions affiliated with the League of Jewish Women's Organiza- tions are announced as follows times are announced as follows: Feb. 17, 8 p m., Music Study Club Series. Feb. 18, 2 p. ii., European Women's Welfare. Study Club Dinner Dance. Feb. 17, 2 p. in., Sisterhood of Emanuel. March 1, 12:30 p. m., Junior Hadassah luncheon. _ A Review by David Weissman THE LAST HAYS OF sits iiiK. Ile and imagination, and he Ludwig Lewi•ohn. With twelve draw- daring , by Arthur Szyk. Published by saw his failur•. A nd now he is Harper a Brother, 4b East 3Ird street,' taken with a similar messianic "r 'mission financed and led by Nassi. Beginning where Shakespeare The Sultan had given him the city ■ ■ SE ttimisAYAY No effort is spared to win and hold your satis- patronage. That is why we recommend Genuine Semet-Solvay Coke and deliver it clean and carefully. All sizes in stock. fied f New Quick service and clean, careful handling guaranteed. ro of uTnTi enrgiarn : rre,':ffn : g eesN au sc si V I I I I:r LUdw.: s York City, it was reported on Sun.' Shylock back again to the ghetto would build another Home for his I day, Feb. 8, at the fourteenth an- where he awaits the coming of the people, and Shylock is to be his nual meeting of the federation, in clerk of the court for his signature nim " ner • ium y house of Congre- to the deed that will rub him of his ,. To the student of modern day gation Emanuel, 1 East Sixty-fifth property; a no' to wait for the offi- Zionistin, the chapters relating to ' street, New York City. cers of the Church to take him to ' the adventure in Tiberias sound The reports presented by Dud- the cathedr sit to rob him of his re-. as modern as the events of the ley D. Sieber, president, together , 'igloo]. present day. One would only have Song Contest: with the treasurer's statement sub- Lewisohn , in The Last Days of to change a few names and places, 2816 ST. ANTOINE STREET Miss Lillian Marshak presented the mitted by Walter E. Beer, showed Shylock," j ustifies Shylock'S I and we would see the re-enactment winning song at the song contest span CADILLAC 4006 Eat. 1913 at of e amount expended by viand for th e pound of flesh from of the tragedy that has but re- .11,7 1.,,;',,'„'',7 el,',',',.`,;71 ,.", Corned Beef, Pepper Meat, Salami, Tongue '„hi °,' I rWeflIril: the member institutions in 1930, the breast of Antonio—a demand cently fallen upon Palestine. The oh center" ." The 'eoittteit i.',-,,,,..toriL , the federation had supplied $5,381.- that was really nothing more than same told story of the perfidy o f another Rolled Beef and Hot Pastrami sing contest which will be held ,,, :III %lay , sr %ernoon, March 1 Club DREXELIUS CANDIDATE 747.10. Since its erganization as one greatgesture of ma te t diplomats, the fanaticism of the , "n : ,,,,,e,i, :. e l l . ren ter songs will he the i ' co ' s Arab and the Berber anti the r• FOR RECORDERS COURT II ainst th h Here's a happy thought for YOUR next bridge. Just call the Jewish community horrible orr e atrocit es , New York Cit • 14 years eh", ago th'[. ne . against his race. Shyloek hopelessness, essnes.s, apparently of the en- utted , . Boesky's Empire 6860. We'll deliver ev ery thi Wein'e Romit and Sk ti •ont .1 art • ri b ut« P mg you need ' fe(leration has i n would not shed blood, it was tire situation. The Tiberias mei- s„„d„, Peter J. Drexelius, former D. S. w i ll ' Ike litlY ee 22. %Mil e( :.‘ f eess of $53,0,000 for the work against his faith to do so he was (lent is bound to fail, and Shylock r, , the members oea —bread, pickles, meat, salads, relishes, etc. Your party f the intermmlia to R. attorney, has officially entered the afliliated organizations. b M is getting old. He is no longer dohs or t he Fenkell branch a t comes I'alm going to show th c . Ch ris ' t tans t .' er the race for Judge of the Record- Park. will be a success, your guests will be delighted and your! ts, and Governor Franklin I). Roosevelt the mere y was able yr— e re 1 h ' con- will . fe atured . ' th ey so hytmcritically . bl o t g ti vigorouS ht ' ers' Court. and Lieutenant Governor Herbert spoke of lay deeply imbedded tent now with the little immediate work and expense will be no much less than you naturally iff. ' — Mr. Drexelius was born and Lehman were the guests of his heart. help ge iv, tth:at e and giife Jrotsgerittahte s N asesfi can Oratorical Contest: raised in the City of Detroit, Hu- ex pect. honor at the meeting and the grin- preliminaries of the intermedin In loving memory of Dina Stein- the his, ,fli.. ,tw For some time after hi h rteetug rn t ata eis, t. efii i,i.rit:Itvi r2 hven i,sr.itLetteti:j or oh t,: canal in the public Fehool!;, high re i P cipal addr es an can by a ransom here, by s was made by the from court, a horrible ni si; by to schools and colleges of this city. berg Silverstein, beloved wif e of !state's chief executive. Governor gift there. And then ''' '''''' chosen r " v " .• . w ' ; '' '‘ !.t er ::' tr Ile is at the present time actively Max Silverstein, who passed away passes through his • mind , a n' ig ht- race' • interests. l Roosevelt, after reviewing the mare that is imbedded in his irna _, he meets with his daughter, Jett- , _ engaged as a professor of law at on Feb. 22, 1930, 25 days in She- work of the state in such fields as vat. by the actual facts oft , sica; she has three children by Fenkell Observer: the Detroit College of Law and was All mental hygiene, penology and hos- ination ne Fenkell Observer, official organ ww burning, of the Jewish art • ., rs of that wastrel Lorenzo. Ile takes sh y the . Fenkell branch, which wav tempo of • formerly employed in that capacity She was gentle and self-sacrifiing. pi a ization, announced a plan f or th em to his bosom again. Ile makes, aril,. Ancona, the imprisonment Twelfth at Hazelwood at the University of Detroit Mr. and her death leaves a gloom that it the suspended. will be rem ed h Hastings at Farnsworth , calling a conference of profe s- pie, and his the personal losses,P(h1-; Jews of the children, and is happy week. hounding, torture of his Itrexelius is the only Gentile mem- er.o, with every fond recollection lier l sional and lay leaders within the d.voted family retains the mem., of in his passing away. Library Market, Library and Gratiot Iter of the Knollwood Country Club, the ineffable smile with which she patted Dramatic Tournament: !next 10 days to map a new health to the Great Beyond. daughter Jessica, his fortune, and Keen interest is being sh o wn by t he a Jewish _ "Up Stream," "The Island With- organization . 'program for the state. He said Mny her grave be a blessed re-ting now they were corning to steal his in," "Mitichannel," these three ', ,,,zrrn „;,. - ,,,t. It In the center at is would be a 13-year pro pia, and may the sunshine of Witten r - faith. Shylock becomes the incar- books give us the stream of otae Co e the vamous plays. a-- Holmes Lecture on Passion keep it green. gram and an attempt would be nation of another champion of his Lewisohn's adventures in Juda- Play Tuesday. made to provide for a co-ordi- D we.i fli ggiut through with is h. Their style is similar, an s • Sadly missed by her loving hut. , Next Tuesday, Feb. 17, at Or- rutted and efficient state health CORPORATIONS' GIFTS service foi for l; that period. Ile point- he shields hiinself witht s an ni, though English prose of remarkable par - imos ror thre nest enjoin:i b' Melon ," ehestra Ilall, Burton Ifolmes will band, Mother, Sisters and Broth. ent. ARE DEDUCTIBLE FROM its, and sparkling brilliance. But the extension in scope of the work tit on the Oberammergau t s a (. with the Ineffable Name sewn in, in "The Last Days of Shy lock, ' to ertaken by the class it will be necessary: ((tart INCOME TAX RETURNS government could never cover enlarge the grop. All senior boy In sad and loving memory of our the placed close to his breast. And as Lewisohn has become so thorough- and girls interested are rminested to it s Passion PlaY. The twenty-second annual meet- entire field of 30 . Mr. Holmes made his first Mi- dear husband and father, Barris ial w If he recites the Latin prayers of his ly steeped in his Judaism that it is `end meetings of the eim. held eve Corporations need no longer hes- that therefore it would ing of the Hebrew Sheltering and always be Sot,i,midery,taifutnerroin..namin S. Rubin, who passed away one year at I o'clock, and er grimage to the famous Bavarian conversion, he still keeps as an reflected in a style that is as dig- itate Immigrant Aid Society of Ameri- to make contributions to phil- incumbent upon citizens acting f rue ".min WORK. village to see this spectacle in ago, Feb. 11, 1930, 27 days in She- ca (Bias) will take place on Sun- anthropic and community welfare through organizations like the fed- overtone the Hebrew prayer of nified, without being stilted, and 11890, and his latest in 193(1, and vat. "18 ' day afternoon, March 1, at hotel activities. Not only are such gifts eration to carry on the work of confession. Immediately after his' as beautiful, without being orna- P"` Mrs. Emory MOIUV, h will ddress th e l in his lecture here will give a de- A Astor, Broadway and Forty-fourth Permissible, but recent court de- aiding those in distress, the net*, "conversion" he flees to Stamboul, mental, as the Bible itself. I gene, organiration m eeting of the Jewish et, to the land of the Turks where one Whether "The Last Days of to Parents As sociation on Tuesday. Fel , scription of four decades of this street, New York City. cistons also indicate that, if prop- the helpless, the sick. A place i• vacant in our hearts, Joseph Nassi, a former Men() et. All pa'Iems 4 t h distinguished community. arr oc as w ritten Shylk" w originally as In addition to reports of the ac- erly designated, they are deduct- Which never can be filled. Lieutenant - Governor Lehman, e ;is Members are nv ite .; to stands high in favor of the Sultan,. a vindication of the character of presen t. le ter Ilearest husband and father how we miss tivities of the society that will be ible from income tax returns. The purpose or this or gani,a- who has been a member of the fed- yon. and whose agent Shylock was in ' the "Merchant of Venice" or not, eon is Inc establkhrnent . better rendered, the entire situation in re - These opinions are expressed by eration or many years, made a Venice. In the year that just rolled hr. went. and end- I Lewisohn has given as a picture of l'"'""i"g siect to Jewish migration will be Frederic R. Kellogg of New York similar plea. After congratulat- sal and lonely, NEW YORK.—J, T. A.1—Meyer Since you left Shy luck had seen the famous a man as great as the Prophets of For the home up in the discussed in view of the renewed noted corporation attorney, in a Posner, well-known Though you're gone you're not forgotten, attacks upon immigrants and the statement received here by Ilenry ing the federation on its achieve- David Reubeni, the "Messiah" who t Israd, and a story of a confirmed soet.1 E eeninn for Clu b Leaders: chin and choir dir Jewish must- ector, died sod- your plat, ran never more be tilled. eie Fe b. 23. h as been set aside he declared that it had was to lead the Children of Israel faith that marks this work as the ., ntott. need of helping Jewish immigrants W ineman, president of the Jewish ments, more thanif ' • social evening for Jewish Center dent on Sunday at his home in the We will keep your memory saered . . ce out o f b on d age. Ile was very noblest, the sincerest of his many (lob laden,There fill our hearts in death are stilled. to establish themselves in lands Welfare Federation. As one of the win he .. imereet. Bronx at the age of 41. Mr. Pus "It seems difficult to picture the deeply impressed with Reubeni's novels, ate program of entertainment. All where they can become self-sup- country's outstanding authorities community before the federation ner was director of the Arbeiter Sadly missed by his loving Wife, 1 tails amain Mg this are to be kept se- porting and find relief from the in- on corporation law, Mr. Kellogg came into being. It seems more Ring Chorus, the Paterson Singing acct and wi he • surprise to i wh o , . Children and Grandchildren. tolerable conditions that are press- was asked to examine recent de- difficult and would be distressin g , ll he col- . 3, t . . , M. . A. chorus, the 1 lowed by dancing anti refreshments. I ing upon them in treir respective mums on corporation giving and be fond words to Picture the cum- STRAL/S URGES HEIRS Amalgamated Chorus and the Chil- In loving memory of our dear native countries in the Old World. to publish his conclusions. The munity without the efforts and the' TO REMAIN GOOD JEWS dren's Choruses of the Shalom daughter and sister, Anna Bennett trend of judicial opinion, he points results of the efforts of the fed- I ..rin p v.tli' invitation dance for seniors Aleichem Yiddish Folk-Shulen. He Kart, who passed away three years ' , s out, is to ward a brer toe eke. Sr the Walt' oad nd a more eration." on Sat.. Wits tI1S0 f or a time director of ('an- Melchett's Son Continues ' evening Ft:b. I ego Feb. 13, 1928. Th re The will of the late Nathan be liberal view of the part which a k ,„ „':„„ b ' t' H for Rosenblatt ' s choir. Thirt y years • o f th r 0 plie ed Straus, which . . fi t for pro- into Father's Palestine Works corporation may take in assuring ed , on ly. 71r. {hoofer was also the author s" "o• knows the silent heartaches, to two hours of tree breathless enter- imitation i bate by 71ax J. Kohler, Hoarse Only thoye who lost can tell. the well-being of its employers and of the only two text bottks in Yid- "A Night In Paris:" And the tears that are shed in edema, for the estate, enjoins his children tainment! I s LONDON.—(J. T. A.) —Henry in maintaining high welfare stand- pi ( - dish on the technique of music. Ile Under the auspices of the Deloirign, tic For the one we kited so well. marro n, R n odi and grandchildren " alwa ys t be Mond, the new Lord Melchett, tel- arts in the communities in which crest tt M14 senor aged mansfolk and remain good Jews" and ex - , tams dramatization of Edna Fer- c, j`,. c enters enters Association the bir egraphed to Palestine funds and in- they live. sot S i' ''' i ' to take at the j'w-i o th ' ::ri m g P s''' and Jewish choral e,. Fa Sadly missed by her M ot her, t., vorks . vo: clang e rred with "n"" A new book by Dr. Jacob S. Go- presses the wish that none of them , bar's epic story of Oklahoma, star- I French a Ono,s,-, structions for the continuation of On the first point, the right of Sisters and Brothers. Born in Plotzk, Russian Potent!, the extensive Palestine enterprises corportaions to make such contri- tub, director of the Bureau of "shall ever marry out of the faith." • , I ,Mkrthe every e d IT.' t r i t antik 'diV:Iteh'tsh 'i, l' I . 1 . 11t. emigrated to London as a Iatis, stud- • Jewish Education in Cincinnati, M r. Straus died Jan. 11. , I of the outstanding social events of the led of his late father, Alfred Mond buttons, Mr. Kellogg lists 13 decis- In sad and loving memory of our there in the Guild hall College . has just come off the press and is 1 Jewish Center senior inembersh ilk. (Lord Melchett). The latter's Pal- ions, in both Federal and State 'availab The estate is divided Into three p of Music and was for a time a can- darling daughter and sister, Rose- l e now at the Union of estine undertakings include Tel Courts, which, in his opinion, es- I Health Talk: equal parts, one each being given : — tor in a London synagogue. In 1919 mond Goldsmith, who passed away "stme. op for Health •nol !leanly" will Mond, a new settlement in the or- tablish the legality of these gifts American Hebrew Congregations. to h i e two sons, Nathan Straus, 1 12 years ago, Feb. II, 1919. "Israel in Canaan," a compan• I he discussmf by MISK Connelly. director of he came to New York. ange-growing zone and a large in- so long as they "reasonably t. I to Jr., and Hugh Grant Straus, and I the hoard of Health . Thursday eve- ' l'okii le( t behind broken hearts. vestment in the Palestine Electric promote the well-being and con- ion volume to Dr. Golub's first the third part is to constitute a ing. Feb. 19, lit IM:10 p. in. Iler talk , That loved you most s incere. book, "In the Days of the Second w ill f"Ilowed ItY a discussion and tea . Corporation. tentment of the company's employ- trust fund, the income of which Isl. Who nee e r have an d never will, Temple," is the first attempt to The Snippichuck Girls, an active girls' Forget you Itosenomd dear. ees or otherwise." Formerly, he present the earl to go to Mr. Straus 's daughter,' ennop at the Center will act as hus. y period io I f J s points out, corporation officers and history from the Jewish, ewih 'et,. for the evenin g • . JENNIE ZACK Mandates Body Assa!ls Britain. yet his- Mrs, Susie S. Lehman, wile of Sadly missed by your loving Judge Irving Lehman, for life, and GENEVA.—(J. T. A.)—Term- counsel feared they would be sub- of 15735 Alden, 64 years old, died :Mother, Father, Sister and Brother. ing the British government's reply ject to criticism or even to personal I torical, point of view. The book rm. principal is thereafter to go to on Feb. I I. Funeral services were is intended for children of the the two sons. The codicil also to the Mandate:. Commission's re- liability in making gifts for these :sixth grade. It covers Jewish his held on Feb. 12, with interment at In sad lout loving memory of our ports on the 1929 Palestine riots purposes. The decisions cited, how- , tory through David's reign, culini. gives Nathan Straus, Jr., am addi- Beth David Cemetery. Rabbi only son and brother, Joseph I. 7131• "sharp, aggressive and an abso- ever, recognize community welfare ' tutting with the establishment of a banal sum of $500,000 before the Aishiskin officiated. She is sur- nee, who departed from this life contributions not as mere "dona- residuary estate is divided into lutely inadmissable manner of . successful kingdom. CINCINNATI, Ohio.— Compila- vived by her husband, William; Felt. 17, 1920. three parts. discussion," the Mandates Com- tions," but as a legitimate part of 1 tion of the roster of B i na' Irrith four sons, Morris W., Louis IV., The entire period has been or- mission made public its vigorous the coat of doing business, and pro- i ganized around a series o f six reads:i first paragraph of the will members who are entitled to the Sam W., and Hyman, and two N" one knows the hitter protest against Britain's reply. The vided certain conditions, which he I problems which enable the child award authorized by the Constitu- daughters, Mrs. Freda Turbuw We hate sulf•rmi since you left us "First: I have always been deep- protest is contained in the niM- se ts out, are observed he believes to Life has nct er !wen th e sante. Sarah Abramson, to carry away a number tion Grand Lodge last spring d for an clearly ly t hat no company official authoriz- impressed by an old Jewish utes of the Mandates Commission's those who have been in the order ' organized ideas stressing, especi- proverb which says: 'W hat you His sorrowing Parents and Sis- session of last November which ing such a contribution "will be , ally, the social life of the early give for JACOB FELL 50 years or longer reveals that , the cause of charity in some 1:01) are entitled to this recog- of 8514 Twelfth street, Si) years ters. have been distributed to every subject to successful attack by his Hebrews and the development o health is gold; what you give in member of the Council of the stockholders on the ground of mis- ltheir religious ideas. nition and that Nathan Jacobs, of The book old, died on Feb. 10. Funeral application of assets." In loving memory of Joseph sickness is silver, and what you R'ch•rd Din as Yancey Cravat Be. Alemeda, Cay., now in his IllIth League of Nations. 1provitles for correlated Bible study services were held on Feb. 12, with Friedman who died eight years ago friends George E. Stone, Who give after death is lead.' (Many year, is very probably the oldest interment in Oakview Cemetery, anal contains maps, time lines, il- Takes Part of Sol Levy. !Feb. 1, 1923, (Itoth day of Shevat of the rich do not even give lead!) living member of 11'nai li'rith. The sparrow flying tin the rear President Miller Sounda Op- I lustrations, and numerous other The Rev. E. Zaludkowski officiated. I have always lived up to the above ring Itithard Dix as the colorful Mr. Jacobs was born in London, Ile is survived by his wife, Pau- I aids in teaching. of the hawk thinks the hawk is timistic Note in Broad- A precious one from us is gone. proverb, particularly in connection Yancey Cravat, The film now in England, in 1827 and came to line. A voice we loved ix xtill. fleeing. cast. A place is vacant in our heart with the charities which I initiated, its second week at the R-K-0 America in 1819, settling in New OPPOSE CREATION OF Which never ean be filled. the Pasteurized Milk Laboratory town has scored the most notable York. • In 1853, he left fforCali- MORRIS SELIADY . • NEW WOMEN'S GROUP hthuh I deeded to the Cit y of hit of any production in months ornia TOLEDO, O.—Recent action of way of I anomie. After of 12020 Linwood avenue, 55 years Sadly missed by his laving Wife. . the National Automoblie Chamber At a meeting. of the conference Nov I orkl, the Preventorium, and It is the most significant produc- eight years in San Francisco, he died on Feb. 5. Funeral sere- Bertha Friedman, Sons, daughters of Commerce, wherein the manu- committee of National Jewish Wo- my Palestinian activities. I have lion since the advent of talking settled in Sacramento where he be- ices were held at Lewis Bros.' Fu- and Grandchildren. facturers committee signified its men'to Organizations in New York all my life drawn whatever I could pictures. came a charter member and presi- neral Home on Feb. 6, with inter- willingness to confine all model City, at which a representative of out of business, and devoted it to Mix's portrayal of Yancey un- dent of Ethan Lodge of Mimi ment at Oakview Cemetery, The changes to the last two months of the Federation of Jewish Women's the prevention of poverty and sick- doubtedly is his greatest role. Irene Iiirith. Rev. Rev. E. Zaludkowski officiated. He Ror-nbaum, One of Founders the year, and thus eliminate one of Organizations of Greater New nes., and make no specific chart- Dunne as Sabra is the dramatic In 1851, he etoretecrated the first is survived by his wife, Rose, and of Jewish Committee, Dead. the great curses of the automobile York were present. consideration table provisions in my will." sensation of ninny seasons. synagogue in San F'rancisco and in two sons and a daughter. industry, was one of the important was given to the announced pro- Rutgers Square, located in the Estelle Taylor is Dixie Lee per- 1865 he consecrate (I the first syna- I'll ILA OE 1.111 T. A. I utterances of President L. A. Mil- posal of the Greater New York heart of the East Side between son died ; Nance O'Neil as Felice gogue in Sacramento. In his youth, MICHELA STOLARSKY —Morris Rosenbaum, for many ler in a special broadcast over a Federation to call a meeting in East Broadway, Rutgers and Jef- Venable scores; Buster Collier he sang in the choir of the Great of 587 Theodore street, 70 years special radio hook-up. New York City to consider the forson streets, will henceforth be gives a wonderful performance as Temple of London over which Bar- old, died on Feb. Funeral sere- years a well known banker in this city and one of the founders of the In addition to his discussion of formation of a national federation known as "Nathan Straus Square." "the Kid." Res, Ates is a better on de Rothschild presided. ives were held at Lewis Bros.' American Jewish Committee, died a set time for model changes in the of local federations of Jewish A motion to this effect, introduced Jess Rickey than the original, while 71r..Imolts is a regular reader Of Funeral Bonn. on Feb. 9, with in- closing months of each year, Mr. women's organizations. by Alderman Graubard, was adopt- George E. Stone is Sol Loy is ex- the liMai Writh Magazine and is terment at Beth Tephila Cemetery. suddenly on the afternoon 0: Feb. 10, Miller, who is recognized as one of It was pointed out that the pur- tl at Tuesday's meeting of the ceptional. Lon Yountis, the evil thoroughly conversant with all the great leaders of a great indus- poses of the conference committee New York board of aldermen. Re-tone, lives in Stanley Felts. Rob- worid news. His appearance and Rabbis Hershman and Eisenman • - try, briefly discussed the economic cover all of the purposes advanced for,. the resolution was adopted, art McWade as Louie Heffner. the' physical condition is that of a man officiated. She is survived by her husband, Abraham; three sons, improvements made by the indus- in behalf of a national federation, several speeches eulogizing the u ndertaker , is at his best Edna in his seventies. Ile is a jovial keen Joseph, David and Reuben; two try. as well as other major issues. since the conference committee w7rk of the late philanthropist May Oliver, stage star. is a mar- alert. Ills hobby s playing crib- daughters, Mrs. ( harks Rosen man "We are mighty proud of our enables the several national Jew- were delivered. bage. velous Mrs. Tracy Wyatt. It and Mrs. Sam Kaplan; 18 grand- 1931 cars and trucks—all having ish women's organizations to pro- Another square in Manhattan, On your radio Tuesday and children and three great-grand- more than 100 improvements mak- mote inter-organization under- located at the intersection of The mother is the guardian an- Hadaasah Welcomes New children. Thursday evenings, listen ' ing for even greater performance, standing and good will among the Broadway and West End avenue, gel of the children.—Ilegen. Members. leauty, comfort and durability than several national -Jewish women's is called Straus Square, in honor to Lorna Fantin, famous Forn erly EliM CND G. I. :W10 The following new members are MARTIN C. ROSENBERG ever offered in the past; higher / organizations; to help bring into of the late Straus, brother The depth of feeling is a bless- reported by Mrs. Joseph Ehrlich, of 2307 Gladstone avenue, 36 numerologist. She'll tell quality throughout at greatly re local federations of Jewish wo- of Nathan Sou,. ing.--Schefer. chairman of the Membership com- years old, (lied on Feb. 4, Funeral you how names and dates ducat prices. Our line covers the men's organizations; and to act mittee of Detroit Chapter of Ila- services were held at Lewis Bros.' price field where 91 per cent of all fis a forum group for the presenta- affect success in business, dassah: Funeral Home on Feb. 10, with in- sales are made. Manufacturers and tion and announcement of the re- love or marriage. A real competitive Sirs. Wolf Brenzer, Mrs. Burton terment at Machpelah Cemetery. VOGELSTEIN RECEIVES GOLDEN CUP dealers have stated spective programs of the constitu- radio thrill. Clamage, Mrs. Nitwits Kahn, Sirs. Rabbi Ashinsky and the Rev. Bo- that this proernm of Willvs-Over- ent groups within the conference. Paul Slarienthal and Mrs. J. I). yarsky officiated. Ile is survived land is one of the greatest forward to the end that overlapping and el P. Loelltord Co.. IN Rosenman. by his mother, Sonia; two brothers, steps ever made in the industry. It' duplication may be obviated. The Any persons desiring to become IVilliam of Muskegon and Jack of is a real contribution to the pros- following resolution was accord- members of Detroit Hadassah may Texas, and two sisters, Mrs. R. perity of all Willys-Overland deal- ingly adopted: communicate with Mrs. Ehrlich, Kostoff of Flint and Mrs. S. I., ers," Mr. Miller said. "That the program of the con- Second Imulevard, Madison Trigg of Detroit. ference committee of National ,,:,1; 3. • MARKS PRODUCE CO. Jewish Women's Organizations is HARRY GREENBLATT ANNOUNCE OPENING sufficiently broad in scope and pro- Seventh Tuesday Musicale of 329 King avenue, 31 years old, 81 DELAWARE AVE. gram to include the activities of died on Feb. 12. Funeral services Concert on Feb. 17. Nathan Stalks has purchased the all Jewish women's organizations. Empire 6834 STATION W X Y Z will be held on Sunday, Feb. 15, at interest of A. J. Illoomgarden & and that no need therefore exists Tuesday Evening — The seventh morning concert of 10 a. m., with interment at Mach- Sons, commission merchants, in the at the present time for the forma- 'Thursday Evening — 9:15 P. M. Eastern Market branch store. the Tuesday Musicale will be held pelah Cemetery. lie is survived tion of another Jewish women's Eastern Standard Time on Feb. 17, at 10:311 o'clock in the' by his wife, Dora; a daughter, Mr. Marks is a popular young organization." Granite and Marble lecture hall of the Detroit Institute Frances, and his father, Eli. business man, and is well known of Arts. A program of impression- among his many friends, especially Final Asefat Returns Give PAULINE ABERSON istic music bee been arranged by in the hotel and restaurant trade, Laborites 32, Revisionists 15. Mrs. Henry I'. Vaughan. Mrs. of 9665 Broadstreet, 57 years old, as "Nate." lie has been manager JERCSA 1.F:71. — (.1. T. A.) — Frank Coolidge will read a paper, died on Feb. 11. Funeral services of the Eastern Market store far 17 Complete and official returns from years. Harry Moy will play Japanese mu- were held on Feb. 12, with inter- MANUEL URBACH sic on .Japanese flutes, Hazel Pin- ment at Cloverhill Park Cemetery. "Nate" has a large following the elections to Asefat Ilaniechar• gree int, the Jewish National Elected Deliew will sing. .1apanese Rabbi Hershman officiated. She is with the fruit and vegetable trade. FIRST CLASS 7729 TWELFTH ST. song. in costume and Marie Gor- survived by her husband, Jacob; a Ile will, as usual, le. on the floor Assembly, which were held Jan. 5, Euclid 7192 dan will sing a group of songs. Ar- son, Nathaniel, and a daughter, to greet his many friends with his show that the Laborites, including Sephardic Laborites, won 32 of the pleasing and courteous service. lene (lesson will play two violin I.illian. selectiens and Dorothy !less will The Marks Produce Co., as the 71 seats. The Revisionists, togeth- firm will be known, will specialize er with their Sephardic supporters, play a grump of ultra modern piano in the finest fruits and vegetables . w ill have 15 mandates. The other 2 -keels are divided as Daniel Lewis Seymour obtainable in and out of season, Saul Lewis George Lewis Left to right, Benjamin Altheimer, Ludwig Vogebtei o follows: Sephardim 6. Mizrachi 5, and Mrs. and their slogan will be quality WINE, WOMAN and SONG Monroe Steinfeld. General Zionists 5, Women 3, Left ard service for the trade. I Poole Zion 1, Boruchor List I, and A golden cup in tribute to serv- ' board. The committee on presen- Translated from the Yiddish of FUNERAL. DIRECTORS Open New Boat Line From I Shower Ilatzair 1. Of a total of ices in behalf of Reform Judaism tation consisted of Benjamin Alt- Noah Steinberg by Mrs. 3369 Webb Avenue 189,590 persons eligible to vote 51,- in America and to his sixtieth Danzig to Jaffa. S. K. Slobin. Corner Dexter 1402 er 55 per cent went to the polls. birthday, observed Feb. 3, was pre- heimer of New. York, who will be Sion Friday, March 6; David A. 101 this number 41,821 were Ash- What wine iind *row to me! Na ' MENDING AND DARNING WARSAW.—(J. T. A.) — A ikenazic Jew-s and 6,102 were Sep- sented to Ludwig Vogelstein of Brown of New York, chairman of wine d•th dm-wn MY pain ard no song New York City, at the recent new direct line from Gydnia. Po- FREE OF CHARGE t hardim and 1.515 were Yemenites. thirty-second biennial council of the union's board of finance; and heiyhten my spirit. Of woman and God do 1 Irish to sing. lish seaport near Danzig, to Jaffa, ince 'h. m v•tery of Marcus Rauh of Pittsburgh. Sirs. Among the General Zionists elect- the Union of American Ilebrew Life the ours., and God i s the rnyk• Palestine, has been opened by the ed are Menachem Uesishkin, Meyer Steinfeld of St. Louis is president t err of Death And lb-nigh Chaning—Pressing—Dyeiag I be, lo ng Swedish Orient Steamship Com-j Dizengoff, Ben Zion Mossensehn Congregations in Philadelphia. of the National Federation of Tern- 1 • inc• ridiculed we God. and been deeply Mr. Vogelstein was re-elected to pie Sitterho3ds and a pany. 7739 be woman. still does Mr member of disillusioned and M. Berlin. life bang lat. • mi•pended beam waver- the chairmanship of the executive the union's executive hard, irg between woman and God. and doyou know what she served? S P ickled Meats CENTERS ASSN FOR SANDWICHES H. LEVENSON COAL CO. Boesky Bros 1,7 „77",ifr.cha ANNUAL MEETING OF HIAS ON MARCH 1 MEYER POSNER DIES SECOND WEEK FOR 'CIMARRON' AT R-K-O S' t.■ "ISRAEL IN CANAAN" GOLUB'S NEW BOOK OBITUARY • OLDEST B'NA1 B'RITH MEMBER TO BE 104 GILBERT'S Funeral Home OLD GOLD CIGARETTE RADIO PROGRAM ♦ Monuments HENRY YEE CHINESE HAND LAUNDRY • John R. St. Empire 2114