America 9ewith PerioSeal eater CLIFTON ATINUR • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO • filEbE TR OITAWISII .61tONICIA All Jewish News All Jewish Views WITHOUT BIAS THB ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICINGAN DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1931 VOL. XXXI. NO. 12 FEDERATION WILL APPROPRIATE FOR EMERGENCY RELIEF, Henry Wineman Announces Definite Action Taken To Aid Needy. Discrimination Against the Jew in Employment Address Delivered During Cantor's Jewish Radio Forum Over Station WMBC on Sunday, Feb. 8. By JOSEPH J. CUMMINS GREAT PALESTINE LAND RECLAMATION PROGRAM ADOPTED Five-Year Plan for American Tract to be Fostered by National Fund. Observe Dedication Of House of Shelter Goldberg Wins in O rator i cal Contest Hundreds of Detroit Jews, among them many prominent Leaders in the Jewish Welfare Nathaniel Rubin Awarded Federation, joined with °filters Second Honors in Jewish and aupporters of the House of Center Competition. Shelter in celebrating the open- ing of the new building at 77 to 81 Alger avenue last Sunday. David s pe a k ing on Sympathizers and friends of the Worl Jewish "d of U n it y, " was institution inspected the place awarded first prize in the oratori - which has been labeled "a veri- cal contest of the Jewish Centers table palace" during the open Association held Sunday evening, house Sunday afternoon and Feb. 8, at the Melbourne Center. evening. Other speakers, who were chosen Max Lieberman, president of front 11 original entries in pre- the House of Shelter, delivered! liminary elimination contests, a brief address and was followed were Miss Annabelle Epstein, Na- by remarks by Rabbi A. M. Ash- thaniel Rubin and Allen Storchin. insky who spoke of the impor- 1'l Rubin won second place. tance of the institution in Jew- The event was attended by 250 ish tradition. people. David Oppenheim, chairman Mr. Goldberg in his speech de- of the finance committee, reports that a number of contributions mended that Jews throughout the world unite to aid each other. He have been made to the HOMO.' Of pointed out that only through a Shelter since the opening of the world Jewish unity could the Jews new building. in the diaspora survive ..Mn, Gold- be rg s oration was featured by the principle that the Jews must de- velop physically as well as men- tally if anti-Semitism and seeming Jewish inferiority was to be erased. 'f TELEPHONE CADILLAC 1-0.4-0 Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents BRITAIN YIELDS TO JEWISH DEMANDS AND REVERSES IMPORTANT DECISIONS MADE IN PASSFIELD'S WHITE PAPER Chancellor's Resignation is Predicted; Leaders See Trans. fer of Palestine to Foreign Office; Important Sta i e- The problems created by the un - ' ions of sane Jewish leaders no ment Has Committee's. Unanimous Vote. employment situation strike all OLD FOLKS' HOME ALSO groups alike. But the Jew's lot withstanding. , ALL ZIONIST PARTIES Most Evident Symptoms. GETS IMMEDIATE HELP has always been to suffer doubly. ZIONIST LEADERS STRESS IMPORTANCE OF ACCLAIM THE PROJECT, Perhaps the most evident symp- Ile suffers with the community at NEW POLICY AS DEFINING JEWISH SI tom of the existence and growth of ' Experts to Make Survey of large and also for the historic sin anti-Jewish feeling is to be foundiLonference at Washington of being a Jew. Added to the fact Situation at Home to in the economic classification. Provides for More Active Participation by Goverru m ent in Greeted by Einstein, that he shares with his fellow And what we are most concerned Determine Future. Hyde and Mead, Establishment of Jewish National Home; Brita in Americans in the difficulties (Teat- . about is the mean and bitter die- I ed by the depression, he suffers Expected to Aid Colonization. Henry Wineman, president of prejudice in employment because; crimination which is practiced ' , ; WASHINGTON, D. C.— A de• against our boys and girls when the Jewish Welfare Federation, he is Jew. m cea sr ro liftd co . m u t .j they set out to look for jobs. Dis BULLETIN announced Wednesday that the The discriminations practiced I Iiitsi l t)nintrlibryillihe ' whtelan Premier MacDonald told the House of Commons Wednesday federation has taken definite action against Jews in employment is crimination in employment is &Iv ing many of our youth to despair I munities in the United States with that the Passlield White Paper remains in force but that n isun• on the emergency relief situation, without doubt the most serious serious the reclamation of a considerable I has ; the derstandinas that have •risen from it have been clarified to the after having thoroughly studied problem we are compelled to face land tract in Palestine, unanimous. stitisf•ction of Zionist leaden. The Premier's statement was many aspects of the problem as it today. It is the saddest evidence problem in American Jewish life ly and enthusiastically adopted'' , Whilst it is difficult to obtain au made in reply to an interpolation by Stanley Baldwin. A !Miro. confronts the Jewish community. of an increase in anti-Semitic spirit • thentic figures on the sub' .ct in was the outcome of the national meat communication on the negotlation • between the Jewish 51r. taint man said that an appro- in th is country, the sanguine opin- conference of the Jewish National New York City, data gathered Agency and • government committee is being ■ add d to Dr. priation by the federation for t Fund of America, held here all day , from the leading employmen Chaim Weismann •s president of the World Zionist Organization, emergency relief is now certain. Sunday in the Willard Hotel, under agencies in 20 of our largest cities MacDonald said. Our greatest die d It the chairmanship of Emanuel Neu- west of New York, right across the present time," adde "M Yr. aVitnhe€: mann, president of the Jewish Na- continent to Los Angeles, reveals man, "arises from the fact that tional Fund of America. the astonishing fact that 00 per there is no accurate information Five hundred delegates, g cent of employers seeking help Renting available as to the actual number every group group and faction specifiy that NO JEWS NEED , ment are expected to be made Rubin's Oration. of different Jewish families receiv- within the Zionist movement in the APPLY. t here in Detroit United Stat "Tyranny of Materialism" was a letter addressed to Dr. Chaim Weizmann ing relief. However, I understand es, co min from the we have subs Rightantiation of this Eastern Seaboard as well as from Article s Aid in S ecuring F ine the title of the second place ora- body the government's modified Palestine policy. The London Jewish Group to Study American condition. For a canvas of the Lion by Mr. Rubin who pointed 1 Chronicle predicts the new statement will vitiate almost entirely mid- western and far western western states G s f or L oca l H ea l th ' leading employment bureaus in Diplomacy in the Car - Annual Meeting of out that material wealth was not the White Paper issued on Oct. 21, 1930, participated in the deliberations • • rganization. the only worth-while thing, that ibbean Islands. This letter will contain the results of the first part of the canvas Federation March 15 which were exclusively devoted to such things as service and knowl the consideration of the Palestine 4sations between a special ommit. Deutelbaum Is Next The North End Clinic on Wed- edge were often much more wel land problem. The plan, called the tee of the British cabinet a nd lead- Rabbi Leon Fram of Temple The annual meeting of the Radio Forum Speaker Ussishkin Plan, by virtue of the nesday submitted to The Chronicle come than wealth. ers of the Jewish Agenc: y. The Jewish Welfare Federation and I Beth El accepted the invitation of fact that it was submitted to the the following statement which the committee on cultural relations Mr. Storchin spoke of the in latter is already in print. the yearly get-together of the Lord Julius Deutelbaum, past pres- conference and urged upon it by speaks for itself: Pasetield, colonial secreti i cy un- with I. a tin. ident of Pisgah Lodge No. 34 of justice of the present British pol Detroit Service Group will be Menachem Ussishkin of Jerusalem, "last week's issue of The Detroit icy in Palestine. der whose name the Whits Paper, America to join held on March 15. Officers of B'nai B'rith, and active Jewish the famous Zionist and World Pres- Jewish Chronicle published an ar- which is now to be revers ed to • a group of his- both groups ask their members Miss Epstein also asserted the communal worker, will be the ident of the Jewish National Fund, tide acknowledging the many fine right of the Jews to Palestine and great extent, was issued, It under. torians, educa- to reserve that day for these speaker next Sunday on Cantor's calls for the investment within a gifts to the nutrition class of North denounced the British policy. She functions. tors, journalists; Jewish Radio Forum, which is Lauds Chief Justice and stood to be vigorously opr osed to five year period, of a considerable End Clinic. It also spoke of two pointed out the benefits the Arabs and ministers on ; broadcast over WMBC from 1 the government's favors le atti- Pledges Support for His sum for the acquisition and reels. great needs of the class. On Sat- as well as British are receiving a cultural mis- tude toward the Jews. to 1:30 every Sunday. Mr. hat Samuel Levine, executive sec mation of an area which will great. urday morning, shortly after The from the development of the coon Renomination. sion to the Car-I Deutelbaum will speak on the So far has his opposition gone etary of the Jewish Centers Asso ly increase the opportunities for Chronicle reached its readers Jos- try by the Jews. ribean countries, I subject, "The Contribution of that it is reported that he has elation, is now busily engaged in settling on the land many Jewish eph Gross, of the Joseph Gross Governor Wilber M. Brucker cabled the full contents of the particularly the B'nai B'rith to Jewish Life." Stern Presides. he compilation of such data in I labor and middle class immigrants Plumbing Company, and Mrs. Gross spiked an attempt to prevent the forthcoming letter to Sir Joists dock republics, The program will also feature co-operation with the existing Mr. Goldberg and Mr. Rubin renomination of Chief Justice Hen- to Palestine. telephoned the North End Clinic of Haiti and Chancellor, high commissioner of George Galvani, baritone solo- Jewish relief organizations • " Approved by Party Heads. that they would he very happy to will have their names inscribed on ry M. Butzel of the Michigan State Santa Domingo.' ist of Temple Beth El, and Stan- Palestine, and simultaneously in- So great was the enthusiasm lutistl a sink in the Jewish Center the Milford Stern trophy for ex- Old Folks' Home. Rabbi Fram formed the cabinet that he would islaw Schapiro, first violinist of At a meeting of the federation among the delegates for the speedy building for the use of the nutri- cellence in oratory, and will re sails from New reaign if it was published. the Detroit Symphony Orches- In Rabbi Fram. ceive individual medals. execution of the plan that before tino class. The following Monday board, William Friedman as chair- York Saturday,' tra, in a group of musical selec- cabling the text of the le tter to it was adopted leaders of every the sink was installed ready for the man of the committee on the Old Feb. 14, and will return March 4. Milford Stern, president of the tions. ilip Sir John, Lord Pasafield Is said to party and group within the move- class the next day. It will be of Jewish Centers Association, donor Folks' Home, reported that consid- The party will spend most of its, have expressed the hope that the Philip editor of The ment mounted the platform to voice great assistance and is deeply ap- of the trophy which bears his erable progress was being made in time in the interior of the Island of high commissioner would also re- Detroit Jewish Chronicle, will their approval of the scheme and predated. the negotiations between his com- Haiti. name, presided at the contest. sign if the letter was made public. give a digest of the Jewish news their acclaim of the man. The res- mittee and that of the home. Mr. Among the other members of Mrs. Regina Freund Cohane, attor- "Early in January The Chronicle of the week. Hopes for Breakdown. olution for the adoption of the five in its article on the effect of unem- ney and oratorical enthusiast; G. Friedman read to the federation the mission are Dr. Ernest Gruen- This program is sponsored by year plan under the asupices of the ployment on North End Clinic Lynch, head of the oratory depart- The colonial secretary, It Is board the following communication ing, Dr. Frank Tannenbaum, Carl-' Joseph Cantor of the Cantor Jewish National Fund was pre learned, demands that no es port of ton Beals, Dr. Edward C. Linde- from the Old Folks' Home: spoke of the fine professional vol- ment of McKenzie High School, Furniture Shops, 8923 Twelfth nested to the conference by Ezra unteers that had come to North and Hon. Ralph Liddy, judge of the negotiations be published until "My Dear Mr. Friedman: man, Rev. Hubert Herring, Bruce. street. Shapiro of Cleveland, 0., and was the second part of the negotiations 'I wish to inform you that at a Bliven, Dr. Jacob Billikopf, Father' End Clinic through an article in the Common Pleas Court, were the seconded by Louis Lipsky, outstand The Chronicle last summer. In a judges for the contest. be concluded, hoping that they will special meeting of the board of Frederick Siedenburg, Dr. Chester ing leader of American Zionisto Detroit proved that eight out o • I either break down, thus voiding directors of the home the follow. Lloyd Jones and Dr. Fernando Ors few days, Meyer Klein of 5248 en firms specified that NO JEWS Abraham Goldberg, well-known Twenty-fifth street, a registered , tiz of Cuba. ing resolution was adopted: the compromise thus far reached. Jewish writer of New York, Ge- NEED APPLY. F SE H RE V B E or else vigorous protests from RE AW In its invitation to the rabbi to NNM IV AEGFIS AZ AIR NYE "Resolved, That the board of pharmacist. offered to the pharmacy OS daliah Bublick, presirent of the of North End Clinic his services I both the Palestine administration directors of the Jewish Old Folks' join the mission, the committee; Jews Among Guilty. Mizrachi, orthodox Zionist organ- and the Arab Executive, who w will Home goes on record as being stated that his writings and lee-. And the amazing feature of the during his free time. Since then' have an opportunity to learn the unanimously in favor of joining tures in Mexico had proved to be sol whole condition he the disgusting ization, B. Locker, secretary of the he has been coming two afternons M. Ribalow of New York to Ad- act that many of these firms are Poale Zion, Zionist socialist labor context of the report, will a week remaining for the evening the Jewish Welfare Federation beneficial in creating an atinos- • f raise dress Meetings Here on Tues. such objections that the govern- and that the special committee phere of understanding between the' headed by Jewish executives. This party, and D. Glantz of the Zionist clinic. This helps materially to days and Wednesdays. ment will be compelled to recon- previously appointed to meet with people of the United States and the i s the problem we are obliged to Labor Party, Zaire Zion. In ap- carry the heavy load that the in- preciation of Mr. Ussishkin's sider it entirely. the Jewish Welfar e Federation be people of Mexico that he was need- f ace. crease in work at North End Clinic Kvutzah Ivrith, the organization rt er empowered to conduct ne- e't1 to help create an American pub- i s no p o grom pro em ices for the Zionist cause during has brought to the pharmacy as which represents all ilebraists and While the colonial office refused gotiations for the joining of the lie opinion for an enlightened pol- h ere in America, and there will the past 50 years, the conference well as all other departments. sympathizers of Ilebrew culture, either to deny or confirm pub- Jewish Old Folks' Home as a mem- icy toward the small and weak re- perhaps never be. But is not this unanimously adopted a resolution lished reports that Lord Passfield "In January North End Clinic will celebrate the tenth anniver- th e Ca ibbean. r ber of the Jewish Welfare Federa- , Politics of f th silk-gloved anti-Semitism which is recommending the establishment on had 7925 visits from patients. In sary of the Ilebrew weekly, Ila- was about to reaign and i hat he lion. The committee on cultural rela- calculated to starve Jewish men Jewish National Fund land in Pal- Dec., 1930 there were 7,144. These door, the only Hebrew magazine in would be succeeded by Lord Bux- estine a colony which is to bear the lions with Latin America is a group and women as equally inimical to ton, former minister of agricul- "Sincerely yours, a re the only two months in the his- the United States and the only one of liberal Americans headed by the welfare of Jewish life and name of Mr. Ussishkin. ture, the Jewish Telegraphic (Signed) "J. LEVIN, ory of North End Clinic with more that has reached a decade of exist- Robert Szold, chairman of the Prof. John Dewey of Columbia and comfort? Is not the making of Agency was Informed by persons atient visits than 7,01)0. The high- ence. "President." including such American leaders as social-economic outcasts of Jewish in close touch with political affairs st months were 43,882 in May 1930 Funds Advanced. The celebration will take place (Turn to Page Opposite Editorial) Florence E. Allen, Stuart Chase, men and women as equally nefari- that Lord Passfield's resignation Mr. Friedman declared that the nd 6,682 in May 1928. Tuesday evening, Feb. 17, 8:30 p. was a distinct possibility. In the Old Folks' Home needed an ap- Ada Comstock, Edward I). Devine, ous as the predatory pogrom? "North End Clinic wishes toe ex- in., at the Philadelphia-Byron Hall. o- event of his resignation, Lord The entire condition is the nat. opriation of $5,825 in order to Harry Emerson Fosdick, Felix p ress its sincere appreciation to M. Ribalow, editor-in-chief of the Buxton, however, will not be his The Chronicle and to the many fine Hadoar, noted critic, journalist, take immediate care of the more Frankfurter, Walter Lipman and oral result of the development of Rise. t is generally the social-economic life in Amer- f' 'lends, such as those above, whom lecturer in Ilebrew and Yiddish, urgent outstanding debts. Subse- Stephen (Turn to Page Opposite Editorial) conceded that the work of this coin- ice. The past two gneerations The Chronicle has secured for it." will come here from New York to ZIONISTS THURSDAY (Turn to Last Page) mittee in Mexico was largely in- have seen the growth of the great address the meeting in Yiddish• nuential in cre ating the prevent se American social organizations—I Talented singers of the Halevy- Max D . Lipsitz, vice-president excellent relationships between the the athletic club and the univer- Ilazonur Singing Society will fur- of the Zionist District of Detroit United States and that country. city club. In 95 per cent of these National Gatheri ng to Hon- nish the music. Rabbi A. M. who recently returned front a sec- Two other Detroiters, Milford Stern institutions throughout the land . tsmnoeof th I li II e- and tour of I f i ile;:tiryi , or Polish - Jewish Patriot address and Mrs. Kathleen Lowrie. were JON'S are excluded. In many in- c n te ry, w pre- t e meeting of the o nl st str ct On Feb. 24. members of one of the missions to stances the very Jews that erected side. There will be greetings can Thursday evening, Feb. 19, at Mexico. the structures were excluded from At a meeting of the executive from various organizations. Ad- ti :30, at the Shaarey Zedek branch WASHINGTON.—(J. T. A.) — While in the vicinity, Rabbi Frain membership. In some instances committee of the United Ilebrew mission is free to the public. synagogue, Twelfth and Atkinson. Prominent Speakers on Pro- hopes to trace some of the early Jews decorated the interiors and Senator James E. Watson, Repub- Schools held Sunday morning, ar- Wednesday evening, Feb. 18, Mr. 1.ipsitz speak on his ex- majority leader, accepted an rangements were made for memor- Mr. Ribalow will give a lecture in periences in Palestine and will dis- National Council Composed Jewish settlements in the Carib- did the landscaping, but they were lican gram of Jewish Free Bur. invitation extended by the Federa- lean islands and to make contact not eligible for membership. In of 250 Leaders Will ial sinners and the unveiling of Hebrew on "Modern Hebrew Lit- cuss important problems affecting tion of I'olish Jews of America to with the existing Jewish commun- ial Association, pictures of the late Abraham Rog- erature." All Ilebraists are urged the upbuilding of the Jewish Na- sign, in conjunction with United Be Established. (Turn to Last Page.) ities in that area. voy, David Robinson and Louts to attend. tional Home. States district attorney George Z. The dedication of the new Duseoff. The ceremony will be Medalie and Benjamin Winter, l'he American Jewish Joint Dias building of the Chess Shel Emes, held in the Philadelphia-Byron Aud- president of the Federation, a call tritution Committee, of which the Jewish Free Burial A asocia- itorium Sunday afternoon, Feb. for a national conference of the Lion, at ..J95 Joy road, wi 1 take Felix M. Warburg is chairman, 15, at 2:15 o'clock. the lar gest J Ilaym Salomon Monument Commit- place at 12 noon this Sunda y, Feb. ewish welfare organ- A. Klein will he chairman of the tee to meet February 24 at the Del- ization in the world for overseas services. His introductory re- monks, Hotel in New York. avork, will be reorganized, accord- The ceremonies will begi n with mg Former secretary of labor James marks will be followed by a read- to an announcement made by a parade which will start from ing of Psalms of David by several James N. Rosenberg, vice-chair- Provides Classes for Jobless and Operates Free Employ. Davis has agreed to speak over the Linwood and Davison an d will radio on the evening of the confer- children. Eulogies will then be American Zionists Insist On Change in Administration and man of the Joint Distribution proceed to the new building. Prom- ment Bureau; 200 Jobs Are Needed Immediately ence regarding the project, acord- read by Rabbis E. Aishiskin, A. M. Bringing Into Office of Men With Greater Sym- committeeand chairman of the re- inent speakers will addre ss the For Girls Who Filed Applications. ing to an announcement by Z. Ty- Hershman, I. Stollman and M. sssanization committee. This or- pathy for Jewish National Home. ceremonies in the new build gel, executive director of the monu- Fisacr. M. B. Cohen will be in ganization, which since the war Officers of the associatio n are: ment committee, and Arthur Good- charge of the unveiling of the pic- (EDITOR'S NOTE: —The following In evening clam was started and has expended over $80,000,000 on WASHINGTON.—(J. T. A.)-- the new White Paper. Any new II. Solomon, president: Si. Fisher, fifth in eer. of article. peear- I man, assistant director, following tures. Bernard Isaacs will present relief and reconstruction work the there are 12 girls enrolled in it. the pictures to the president, M. H. That the Zionist Organization of ! statement will be referred to the vice-president; Abraham F ilchik, ing regularity in The Detroit Jewinh a conference with the above-men- among Jews in foreign lands, will Chronicle to illo.trate how the grout, The classes are taught by a vol- Zckheim, who in turn will receive America has insisted upon a' proper organ of the Agency to the treasurer; A. Itzkovitz, fir ancial be reincorporated under a charter affiliated with the Jewish Welfare Feder- unteer. There are no charges for tioned officials, secretary and superintende nt; L. change in the governmental ad- World Zionist Organization." Senator Watson agreed to serve them for the schools. of Detrcit aid the needy in the which will provide for a large na- ation the classes; the only restriction is Resolutions will he read by Mr. ministration of Palestine involv- pre.ent economic eitostion I . Mr. Szold also asserted that ' ow, recording secrete! 7; M. as co-chairman and Mr. Davis as tional council made up of Jewish that in the evening class each Klein, Harry Cohen and Abe Srere. ing a withdrawal of the supervis- both Zionists and non-Zionists in Obertield and Si. Charnes, truss a member of the national commit- Leaders in various parts of the Unemployment has meant a gen- pupil must he a member of the tee. It was also announced that The chanting of the Ilazkarah will ion of the mandate from the colo- the Jewish Agency have been act-, tees. Members of the board of di- sited States and Canada. :oral increase in attendance to the Young Women's Ilebrew Associa- nial office and the bringing into of- ing with the utmost co-operation rectors are 11. Altman, D. B olotni- Charles Edward Russell, author of be by Rev. II. Milkovsky. The national council will be I Young Women's Hebrew Associa- tion. An interesting fact about the un- fice men with greater sympathy in on important matters of policy and coff, B. Bloom. S. Bonin, B. Brog- a recent biography of Salomon, will composed of 250 men and women, tion. This increase. in attendance CI in Busines. English. make the keynote address at the veiling of the pictures is that Mr. the upbuilding of the Jewish Na- there has been no conflict of views man, N. Brightman, B. Cob an, K. prominent in Jewish life, and will is made up to a large extent of Last fall, the "Y" started a Rogvoy's photograph was painted tional Home was disclosed by Rob- or action. Whatever the outcome Cohen,S Cohen, 11. Cro. ws, J. conference. constitute the membership of the I girls who are out of work and who legal stenography class with seven ert Szold, chairman of administra- of pending negotiations, the vac-. Freet A. el man, K. Gree nberg, In conjunction with the forego. by hand by Rabbi Stollman. American Jewish Joint Distribu- find themselves spending their members; now the class has 13. tion of the Z. 0. A., in addressing tical work of Jewish reconstruc- Z. Glint, H. J. Goldberg, D. Goose. ing announcement, Mr. Tygel indi- tion Committee. A board of di.' leisure time at the clubhouse. In In addition, a second class was the meeting of the national coun- tion is to go forward, Mr. Szold S. Jaffe, S. Kolich, J. Kui in, S. cated that an illustrated brochure rectors of 48 will be chosen from addition there arc those girls who started at the beginning of the cil of Z. 0. A., which met here said, adding that "no obstacle Kosit, H. Keywell, W. Kapl an, H. containing articles IProf.Albert the Council . formerly confined their recrea- • year and that also has 13 mem-, could swerve the Jewish people Mitnik, A. Madiefski, Dada] Niss, Sunday. Bushnell Hart of Harvard and Mr. A meeting of the council is Ilona] activities to commercial bers Both classes are conducted The. council, which is composed from their determination to re- M. Oschin, A. Parvin, A. PI aul, J. Russell on the historic aspects of planned for the middle of March. recreation, such as is found in in the evening at d are taught by of 150 leading Zionists, was sum- build the Jewish National Hnme." Pecherer, S. Schlar, B. Set raytz, Salomon's life anti the significant... Monday evening, Feb. 16, in the The work of the new council will dance halls, movies, theaters, con-. a paid worker. o n Sodas, B. Snyder, L. IN einer, be Dead Sea Stock Subscribed. of his contribution to the success of Maceabee Building Auditorium, moned to an extraordinary confer- The legal stenography classes to further the present program certa and so forth. In reviewing the financial situa- II. Zucker, A. Zilutzky Id M. ence to discus, the present politi- the American Revolution, will Is. Pisgah Lodge NO. 31 of Irnai Writh of economic and social reconstruc- Jaker. Apart from an increase in at- require as a prerequisite for ad- published. cal and financial situation in the tion in l'alestine, Mr. Szold said will stage its annual Father and tion work among the Jews in East- tendance. the unemployment situa- mission, a Y. W. A. member- , movement. At an executive are- , that the Jewish work there is in The proposed memorial is to he Association' ■ History. Son get-together. The program ern and Central Europe. tion has affected the Young Wo- ship card and a $1 registration erected at Lincoln Square, figth preceding the conference, Mr. danger be-cause of the. decrease in The society was formed on May for that event, which is under the The late Louis Marshall was men's Ilebrew Association in an- fee. How ever, adjustments are street and Broadway, in New York Szold revealed for the first time income from the Jews of Amer- 16, 1916, under the leadership of have been made where the prospective pupil City. The sum of $150,000 is to be chairmanship of Ben F. Goldman of the attitude that American Zion.; ica, hitherto the most substantial Cl/MSC'S c chairman of the reorganization other way. ommittee and upon his death Mr. started in speed dictation, legal doesn't find it possible to meet raised and it is planned to request the intellectual advancement com- fists have taken with regard to the ; contributors. The council ap- the late Shlomo Sandweiss to care for the needs of the poor in the mittee and Samuel B. Keene, as- Rosenberg was chosen as his suc- stenography, and business English. these requirements. the committee on the bi-centennial political negotiations in respect toi proved the steps taken two weeks community who were not in posi- sociate, will feature James I. Ell- cessor. Serving with Mr. Rosen- The "Y" felt that since many of Twenty-six girls who feel a need' the White Paper. Judge William' ago to launch the $2,500,000 celebration of George Washington's berg are the following members: its members were out of work, they for good business English are now birthday, of which President Hoov- man, attorney and former justice I,ewis of Philadelphia was elected American Palestine Campaign un- tion to pay for expensive burials. Cyrus Adler, Philadelphia; Edward would welcome an opportunity to enrolled in the business English I er is chairman, to make the unveil- of Highland Park, who will speak chairman of the council and Mrs der the auspices of the Jewish It was also formed for the purpose of guaranteeing Jewish bumsl to M. Baker, Cleveland; James H. practice and perfect themselves in class. The class meets one eve- I ing of the Salomon monument part on behalf of the fathers, and Erwin Irma Lindheim secretary. Agency. A program was also stranded and strangers who died ning a week from 7:30 to 9:301 of the nation-wide bi-centennial cel- B. Ellman, his son, who will speak Becker, Chicago; Louis J. Boris- various aspects of stenography. adopted to enlarge the member- while in the city. Harmony in Agency. on behalf of the sons. stein, Indianapolis; David M. The class is being conducted by ebration. ship of the Z. 0. A. Free Classes for Girls. In discussing the document that The late Mr. Sandweiss Nathan Rubin, star debater of devoted Mrs. Siegman, who has been pro- Bressler, New York; David A. Israel Brodie, chairman of the his life to this institution, So the Young Women's Hebrew vided for this purpose by the De- the A. Z. A., will give an address may emerge as • result of the ne- and on Brown, Detroit; J. K. Hexter, Dal- economic committee, reported that the basis of the original PATRIOTISM TOPIC OF five - cents- on the lives of Washington and Lin. gotiations between the Jewish las; Harold Hirsch, Atlanta; Alex- Association started a c lass in troit Board of Education. The steps were being taken to stimu- a-week dues built up a strong and the British govern- ander Kahn, New York; Louis E. speed dictation which met two girls enrolled in the dames are DR. FRANKLIN'S SERMON cols. Entertainment has been provided ment, Mr. Szold made it clear that late the investment of funds in i membership whose first step was Kirstein, Boston; Albert II. Lieber- mornings a week and provided for , taught punctuation, diction, gram- Palestine by private economic un-, to purchase a building. in 1917, On Sunday morning, Feb. 15, the by the entertainment committee the Z. 0 .A. is opposed to being' man, Philadelphia; Edwin B. Meiss- six girls. As the need for such mar, usage, paragraphing and dertakings. He also announced on Brewster street. Congregation training increased, the class ex- headed by Barney Yanett, with Da. rushed into commitments. "The I theme of Dr. Franklin's address at rhetoric. er, St. Louis; Joseph M. Pros- Gant-'1 British government did not consult the organization among Zionist Beth Abraham co-operated during Temple Beth El will be " Perverted vid Fogs, magician, EstherGant- Free Employment. kauer, New York; James N. Rosen- panded until now there are two members of groups of mutual sav- the first two years by selling as when they issued the White plots But the whole picture of the Patriotism." In this discourse Dr. man, soprano, and Zelda Rosen- berg, New York; Hugh Grant morning classes in speed dictation "The Jewish ing societies whose funds will be on its cemetery to the society, and Paper," he said. place of the Y. W. II. A. in the Franklin will deal with a number berg, pianist. Straus, Brooklyn; Felix M. War- accommodating 24 girls. invested in commercial and 'tidos- on Oct. 23. 1918, a 14-acre pleb Agency must have plenty of time Refreshments will be serals1 and burg, New York; Peter Wiernik- Three weeks ago an afternoon present depression is not yet com- I of matters of vital importance t" trial enterprises in Palestine. Thej . ew }c ork, and Joseph C. Hyman, class was started. This Claus now American civilization. Services b- the meeting will be open to mem- to study and consider the action (Turn to Last Pone.) which it may take after receiving (Turn to Page Opposite Editorial) I New York, secretary. has 10 girls enrolled. Next, an I (Turn to Page Opposite Editorial) gin at 10:45. The public is invited. bers and their sons. CHRONICLE HELPS NORTH END CLINIC M FRA ON CULT URAL MISSION TO HAITI A11.13 LONDON.—The first results of the protracted n4 gotta- tions between the Jewish Agency and the British overn- public as we go to p ress In which w 11 em- GOVERNOR BR UCKER SUPPORTS BUTZEL SALOMON STATUE MEETING CALLED' WILL REORGANIZE JOINT COMMITTEE MEMORIAL SERVICE TO BE HELD SUNDAY t Young Women s Hebrew Association Aids Unemployment In Present Crisis L.:J. .. h t,1 emand Withdrawal of Mandate for Palestine from the Colonial Office PISGAH TO PRESENT FATHER-SON AFFAIR SHE HE L E l KES DEDICATIONSUN DAY