- - TifElkr_itor _Al CLU ABYSSINIA CROWNS ; SHEBA DESCENDANT naRox ICLS NEWS CHURCHILL STATEMENT i of the emphasis of a few passages community should l and phrases might easily have prospect of free (level. ; , brought the balance of the state- provide full opportunity hr the (Continued from Page One.) meat into harmony with the bl- I- Jewish lion assuring his majesty's govern. once achieved in 1922. This, we pacities, it is essential Sigma Iota. boo a " and sanitation, as well as in the tra- °r t.:: tiol;riS Sit Sigma Alpha Sorority. Meta Alpha Theta. a p may ye t be done. . oroorr xoe,t .tth.e hoz! , should tinIt J pu In nniere w . „. made meat that the activi ty of the or. hoe, Hebrew the ditiona of Judaism and Sigma Alpha Sorority met •t the home At the s e Meta Alpha Theta Sorority met a There are, however, at least two as of right and not of stvreranc ganization would conform to the • toat r h,e, for incorporating social activities along rangements were made for the formal of Misa tiorett• Goren. 15900 ('rudder home of Betty Weisman of Glynn language. deviations of principle which must That is the reason why it aengements were made The sokordy •ttended the dance a i aaa with chanty •Ifairs. The social affairs policy therein set forth and in let dinner to be given at the Addison Ho- •venue. Finer Honored Dr. Faitlovitch. e. . for the formal dinner dance to be given nd I ter conveying the text of this reso- be remarked. win inriude Settled.. Nov. X. by Detroit Auxiliary of Los An bridge social The first has sary that the exists , Officers were , nin . n, in the Florentine Room of the Ras Tafari is deeply interested in (el, Sanatorium at the Graystone on No a: g, lecture. from members and friends. The lution. elected na follows • Billie Fuller, treat- • Dr. Chaim \N etzmann already been mentioned. Lord Jewish National Horne in " I son Hotel. In honor of the second T i t enez the Jewish education of the Falash- dent, th tm ro n, eet 66 n i g w:..n 11 1,1 o K•thlyn Pont. a , t ,. the hun le o f 110f i f t also announces Its annua l winter . a est ne wrote, "The Zionist Organization Passfield in basing himself upon should be internationally guano,. vice-president: I anniversary of the sorority Miss Goren fro lic to take place Christmas Shaw, secret•ry; Ida Gross, tree.I is chairman of the commit Night, as, and in 1928 presented a sum of Gera wk. I has at all times been sincerely de- the report of the permanent man- teed and that it should be far • tee in charge The next meeting will bk •t 1 kk' The next meeting will be at the home of money for the purchase of a site ore. mally Falk (. 2 . 5 1 the Kentucky Colonela will fur- sinus of proceeding in hormoni• dates commission of the League of recognized to rest upon the ancient N. 0. T. Girls. home of Faye Meyerson of Vicksburg. I MI.. Sylvia Robins, 3010 Pinery. •ve• the school building. lie also for The he 11 O. T. Girls met Oct. 3 1. at nigh the music. The entert•inment cum. OHS co-operation with all sections Nations that the obligations laid historic connection." sue on Nov. 9. Alpha Sigma Phi. mittee will al. he av many radio and honored Dr. Faitlovitch with a dec- the home of Mi. Anne Golden. I of the people of Palestine. - down by the mandate in regard to I were made for a Alpha Sigma P hl fraternity's seventh I stage stars to assis t I n t h e entertain - T h ere memberdip drive. f oration. ere s no use at this sage in Troty Yeah Girls, ne at On this basis, therefore , the the two sections of population are px meeting was held sit the home of Rubin All those intereste d in joining t h • I next meeting will be the horn The Abyssinian Jews were dis- Lod. on NOV. 2. Officers are: R. Loalt, I On Oct. 29, the Misses aminin g whether th • "f . ..is, con do so by calling Euclid isun government of Palestine has been of equal weight has overlooked or e Betty and Es- M ks Jeanne Solomon, 3219 Sturtev•nt. onli ga • bets. president: 6. 5 L. Itardach. vice-president: II. they Kohn were hoe gg s .. to Tr uty Vech . covered about 60 years ago by Prof. conducted for the intervening ignored the fact that obligations lions which Great Britoil A bridge social took to e place of , Modernieics. con. Halevi. Though lost sight of for Baskin, secretary. Members will be the . Girls. mn ,: regular r EnniLei eight years. meeting. . .Nits. e. A . n ne Hirsh. guests of Theta Kappa itho fraternity the Alpha Gamma Phi SororitY• are totally different in character. feasted by the Balfour I. centuries, they had preserved their 4 Met. I ti ara Kohn 11 The Modernistic. met at the home of ing. Nov. 9, •t the Y. Alpha Gamma l'hi Sorority met Nov. 4. We now come to the fourth Secondly, frequent use in Lord Palestine mandate were ,,1: and IA4 Sophia Goldstein, 15.39 LaSalle. W. II. A. The e Sund•y evenf raternity'a commit teem Jewish traits, keeping the Sabbath next a t o hold . . . , The entire meeting was taken up with a milestone, namely, the White I'assfield's pap e r o f man d at ory unw ise . lerla . an se The sole que,tion or w t heersee Werc.raT m eT y discussion for • program of e e ht len ;xi " eb v edr.; km '' , onth . The and the Jewish festivals, circum- •re: Entertainment. Leo Itordach, Play. ,' les. gu,stion‘i paper issued from the colonial of. obligations " to inhabitants of l'al- whether they are being fulfilled is Harry Baskin and Ilarry Fogel: public- ! next meeting will he at the how e of Mi. talented members of the club. The club • c program committee w..- donated to charity. The neat meeting will : pointed .a cizing their male children, and con- its. finery ,. 0.,, i, i ,,,,,,,,, 110 . mem b er . : Helen Schneider. 296 Owen ave dun. follows: Sophie Ellis. harm, flee by Lord Passfield in the tires- estine, both Arabs and Jews," di- or that they are incapabl be •t the home of Miss Jennie Sadon, 2602 Brock, Jeanette Gottschalk and Beside e of ( id ducting worship in houses of pray- hetwen the tures of 17 and 21 should ent month. The questi o n whi c h verges fundamentally from the fillment, or that our latest Bud. Vista, :kind. Nov, 9. Tau Tau Iota Sorority • Shepherd. Pro•pet:live members present er. There are 50,000 Falashas in get In touch with Harry Baskin, 9140 gov- - were, Jean Miller, Ann Goldberg and has to be judged is whether the 1922 White Paper which, followin g ernment has neither the will nor Delmar, Arlington 495I-R. I Miss Sarah Klessmer of Cal vert • ve- ' Eta Rho Sorority. Abyssinia. Dorothy Steinberg. Memberahip is still new declaration of the Socialist upon the Balfour Declaration and the means to persevere 0, their nue was htovtf. at the social me eting. 'rhe r, Et. Rho Sorority met a t reaidence kW, for prospective m embers. Anyone Club Galaxy. I new oMcers of the etroritY ae re trlatit. ' government departs from the posi- the mandate, recognized in obligu- fulfillment, there is one reilef of Miss Faye Mishkin. 2211 Taylor. The Interested should call Club Galaxy met at the home of Sara tasted. The evening included b ridge a n d b at the Y. W. H. ' r i,,,,,4„„,,h,„,, and Fox Theater. „„,.int i+ to b e h e ld e r A.. Simon. 1510 Lee Plate, Oct. 31. On dancing. Mis. Sophie Sherm Tuesday night. The girls will meet tion established in 1922, which po- tion not only to the inhabitants of one relief only which can be • The most important sound pic- Saturday, Nov. I, the Hallowe'en party Woe& The Hallowe'en party k^ . ",ik ,r ; the home of MI.+ Betty Goldman. 3753 amain nest Tuesday for •• social pProgram. sition was, however reluctantly, Palestine - Arab or Jew-but to sought. No one could claim that wa` •'''' Elmhurst. Gor 16 guests. was slven at the home of Due to the as }'•r Na,,. Nov. I. The next meeting will be •t the ture ever produced, "The Big Trail" accepted by Zionists as an inter the Zionist mov e m 11 over the en t all h the th British B i nation is bourn 1 f 2535 Blaine. The club w e sm •n will be ou t of • room home of Miss Fred. Milsk of Hazelwood fart that Mk s Wi Mu Tau Sorority. or all is the most ambitious achievement In !tractile. Intermediate offered town for se veral moths, On Nov. I, Mu Tau Sorority held pretation of the Balfour letter world to whom the original prom- time, irrespective of event, or of School re the avenue. n 51i, Leland Initi- the Fox Film Corporation has ever rneetina place In order to eccommodate : w. appointed acting scribe. Nies Celia ation for Its pledgee, Mi. Erdal. Abrams, and of the mandate. Here it ise was made. their own physical and moral - &Oman we, granted • leave of •lotence at the Itook•Cadillar, In the form of • should be said that the difference Brith Sholom Juniors. undertaken in its entire history of the number of members for the next "When it is asked," says the strength to pursue the policy of es- meeting. pajama party. Preceding the party, • Al the Brith Sholorn Juniors' open motion picture making, and it is is largely one of emphasis. Lord White Paper of 1922, "what Blue Bird et Girls. -- dinner wiis given in Miss Ahr tablishment of the Jewish National ' h e ling Oct. 29. Joe srhwarte, dro now being shown at the Fox Thea- Kappa Kappa Alpha. Blue Bird Cirk met •nt N•t Colack. playing the l accordian evening, or ott long Wah Lo Cote. followed by • Passfield is an aged minister worn meant by the development of the Home. But from the moment that K•ppa Kowa Alpha elected the fol. N ov. 4 at the home of Mrs. R. Clinton. theater party. The next meeting will be with a lifetime of literary and so. Jewish National Home in Palestine we recognize and proclaim that ter. It dwarfs all comparison; it and piano. entertained. Maori., K Inas. at the lowing officers on Oct. 31: President. LB- ton wit recently elected third trustee. 301 11 ("ortland. f Ni,, Adele Aldfon of Plen n were ma d e for a rises above all human conception Ilan Heck; vice-president. Esther Web. ciological labors who has, as is it may be answered that it is not we have departed from there un- home avoenue. t henlikah party. The next so cial rneet• Phil ad elphia well known, long been anxious to the imposition of a Jewish na- dertakings and are regarding the of film perfection, and creates, by bre: serret•ry. Ruth Desk, treasurer, ing will be held at the home of Mr*. Tau Sigma Rho Sorority. Debori ans. its accurate vision of a glorious and Fern Fenton. The next meeting will be Mitchell, 2619 Webb avenue, and the seek repose. It may well be that tionality upon the inhabitants of Zionist cause as a mere incon vem. Tau Sigma on Nov. 7, at the home of Mi. Elite Rho Sorority met •t the The Deborians held their guests 11.1• following meeting will he at the home spectacular period of American Moss, 3260 Fullerton. home of Miss Lea Sherman, 855 Leices- lowe'ero party on Saturday. •t the home he has not given that intense per- celestine as a whole, but the fur- ent incident in the colonial office of Mn.. Re. Cohen, 1222 Clements ave. ter court, Oct. it. history, the most brilliant and co- of is s. Nayand Loretta Gorelick. The sonal attention anti original effort ther development of the existing administration tof Palestine, --- ?aka Lillian Pearl- nue. on Nov. It. ns•n was acceptml we are (delta Sorority. atenther and the next meeting will be at the Jewish Cen- to this White Paper that contro- Jewish community, with the assist- bound to return our matolate lossal film epic of all times. to delta Sorority entertained 40 guests : Misses Marie Yuen, Hilda Silverberg and ter, Sunday. Nov. 9. The program will Delta Omega Iota S or versial delicacy and importance of 'once of Jews in other parts of the the League of Nations arid forego at • H•lowe en masquerade party are t : ' '' n include • orlecture on 0. Henry, ' '...:',1'",• wlr.,''' ..."•Iliwi , •" • Delta Omega Iota Sorority met th • Weill... r.o,sction sit the America', great short story writer. by subject required. No one, accord- world in order that it may become the strategic moral and material or °Trent. re.otted . h„...„. 15095 Prest •venue. At midnight ho, Ed o . ar nrae ,,,,, a , 9702 of Mica guest. un masked •nd were G•mes served and re- 1." M I . '" i r• • Idi".• Miwi 9 •3' sluff Ilarry Gruber. A general discussion of ff . - ing to the premier, was more sur- a center in which Jewish people advantages arising from the Brit. , mei, aicr.president •rol treasure" n frien silimente by two ghosts. Miss North &fetlock], on Nov. 4. The next (I. Henry's stud. Wilt follow. prised than the colonial office at as a whole may take, on grounds ish control of, and association with da nci ng were the diverse k of the eve- Lillian I eerlrnan,. seeret•ry, Mks An- meeting will be at WAX Bessie Al pert's home 1574 Cortland. I nette Hochma: (hronfrle reporter. the interpretation placed upon of religion and race, an interest the lloly Land. Mi. Char-So Club. -- Ida Norber The t meeting Ch•r-So Clu b g•ve • Hall their document. The alternation and pride. But in order that this owe'en party (Copyright. 1930, J. T. A I W. W. Girls. the home of Alin, Hilda Silverberg, IV Tri Sigma Sorority. ort . . at * WHITE * STAR DAIRY Longfellow 8439 No other food is as healthy for the system as milk products. Make sure you get the best. White Star Sour Cream and Cheese. ASK YOUR GROCER Mks Helen ',Allen,. was hostess to a party of 10 couples, Oct. 31 •t the annual Hallow. en festival given td Tel Sigma Sorority. Jerk Perchlk. Ilenry Friedman, M1•. Lillian Goodin. and Miss Sonia linkman won prizes in W. W. Girls met at the home of Flora !ence Terris. 503 Hague. Tuesday eve- West Parkhurst. g. e decoded upon • hike for , this Sunder to Rouge Park. to termi- nate with wienie roast In the late af• ternoon. The social committee reported on the bridge social held Oct. 2.. Mi. Anne LaCioe end MI. Sophie Schwartz were guests of the club. The club was Tau Chi Delta. Teo Chi met •1 th 2. e e Dora Loft , .1221 DRic el.ht. . Nov. The he pled of gees. Pearl :Snyder and Minnie Weenst, were present. The weenie nt roast held Oct. 26 was • success. A party is to be Almwell Club, I held Nur. 29. Next meeting will be at invited to attend the wedding of Nettle MI. If Chandsh will Dave Schiff ! the home of 11..4 Cohen, G30 King •ve- ' Shanhom me andPao! ,t NOV. 30. The were •wartled Eversharp pencils for tell- nue. , ;at will be •t .t the home of Anne Ing the hest and biggest Ile. at the Hal. I untner. 2269 Gladstone, Nov. II. lowe'en party given by the Almwell Club T • Girl.. Sunday, Nov. 2, •t the home of Dave and Tawassee Girls met •t the "Y" Sun- Sid ney Rehm Ml', ir ee r e i ee Feldma n Omega Social.. , day. Ann CI.. wax• guest of the eV, ' I ui I' Ila k, Ralph Ilernsteln. also The Omega Socies met at Y. W. H. nn OM), An "Pen meeting Is to prise., 1,1111. Goodm•n, as cher. Sunday. Nov. 9. Those intereated be held A., Nov. 2. Dorothy RedIrlatt, chairman 141011 REV. JACOB I. SKLAR MOHEL • REV. -a J. SILVERMAN Mohel Specialist 15 Years' Exp. rime, Endorsed WY Leading Physkialla 2073 Gladstone toyed by the members and escorte o n the Eastern Star Temple, so Went Alex. The Nile hawkClub met Sand. at Noy. I at the home of Florence Horwitz .drine. It k the first time the ansem- I the home of Frank I Lute Marlon Handelman will be host.. at the Fl g eir chap. horst. Plans were made for an informal next meeting. ter, and Dorothy Selik, donsoring worthy advisor, I dinner to he held Thanksgiving night. It eroding no efforts to make this eve- Nov. 29, at Hotel Addison. to install of• Alpha Tau F ity. nine Interesting to all who attend. A cera In answer to rmouests Dian follow- The Alpha Tau Fraternity inducted musical program has been arrangml, •nti ens for an informal dier nn dance, men, Mexwell Muller and Jack Zide el pledges. ol•ns have been made to serve loncheon be. decided to hold an In the dining rooni•fLer Ihe initiation. on December. Oscar K•hn. degree master. presided. Member. of the fraternity were guests of Abed Veredia S he • bridge soclel on Saturday at the home of Helen Brown. A basketball team sell enter the Inter- fraternal Ingue. Practice will he held every Tuesday •t 9 p. m., •t the Hut chins school. Norman Kaufman and ton Mor Pearl, members, are ZOIournIng In Call- Imola. Several social affairs en planned by the entertainment committee, Maurice Jacobs In charge The next meeting will be on Sunday at e. m., at the home of William Adelson. Varda Girls Club Rev. Benjamin BLEIBERG Mohol Specialist Recommended by Leading Physician. 2225 Blaine Ass. Euclid 5000 Marriages Performed by AppeintmeeL REV. H. MILKOVSKY Recommended by prominent local physicians. Expert and Antiseptic Mohel MARRIAGES PERFORMED 2012 Virginia Park Garfield 0287-M the home or Ni ,, Esther Krakowaki. The annual dinner dance on Nov. I. at the Pale. Irsor Night Club, mat ■ Ruceemm The ne xt meeti ng will be at the home of Mies. Becky and Rome Perlin. All girl. 1935 for further information. The Var. of IP or over Interested in Joining should dm Girl+ held their Hallowe'en party at eorrespond with Mi. Clara Brodsky, i MATCHMAKER Beta Gamme Nu. Englewmal. Sunday •fternoon. Beta Gamma Ni, met at the home or Ni.. Ilessye London of 1 . 1 01•4.11. 11 The deal of the evening was Ml., Ruth Cohn. The neat meeting will he at the ome nf Miss Julia Roth of Glendale Gamma Epsilon Mu Sorority, I of a F }ridgy •f ternoon. I Mrs. Isidore Grebow. nI7 Monterey. The ways end Local and Long Distance Moving CADILLAC 4 . 6°7°9 1957 GRAND RIVER We move you anywhere. 1.4wits1 Prices. Fine. Service. TWELFTH- DAVISON GARAGE Towing, Wrecking, Complete Collision Service We Service All Makes of Automobiles Batteries, Tires, Oils, Accessories 1901 W. Davison, at Twelfth Longfellow 1977 We Grow Hair! tinae. an outstanding affair. I. , 4 em • it I al Pitts an, a.. •te• t Lela Rodin Club. : Sir. -- 0 .•11. Upsilon. HERE'S OUR BALL! ALPHA GAMMA announces its Second annual DANCE SUN. EVE., NOV 16 Grand Ballroom Book-Cadillac Hotel ALPHA GAMMA Scores a Touchdown By Adding the Popular DEL DELBR1DGE and his "ELEVEN" Book Cadillac Orchestra to provide the music. Don't Fumble! Buy Your Ticket Now. $1.00 includes • Jell Freed. men. Rarer 11 Delidow, and Leo M M. Pan- Th• club will w elcome chat eves's, Those Interested see P Jack Frerdm•n, 107,0 , Claormount. el members are 'treed :o call the -e.. Rosenblatt, Lonvfe.- C. A Purity Chapter is cpunsoving a I tar o , evos h. returned bridge tea. Wednead ty. NT, 12. ot from Denver. Seymoure Trivia, lien I General Electric Co., 1010 Cs. av Wietx roan, Julius Sitors k v. and Dave the entire proeeeds n( Goldfine war hid w ill v.. teren in as members. The charity. All toemhert ARNOW.. would •11. t Ceti like to get e. with reldy. Mn,. Mrs. Sel . low 221.. at the in touch tend. Refreshments and ph,. for re: h • club that is having • ba.ket be II table. tournament. The Ka--el N s. Zedahah C lub. The K••N-ets met •t the home of 't The chairman of enterlenment. Mrs. I Sarah Eisler, reported Zohott, 26. Rochester. on Sunday. il inver.dance the Hallowe'en freshment• were served and bridge was of Oct. 26. • rrr . finan- played. 'l one an y r a n d socially. Member. were entert•ined by rin The president. Mrs. the• Mi..' Shirley Tavlor •nd A n na R Lilian SIl• . Za a for their n, • k y. thanks all committer. v The next meeting will he •t the bridge-tea oplendid ro-optration. The hoer. me of Miss Lilian Silver. 3030 S srken Wednesday. Nov. 5, at vaint. on Sunda". No.• t horns. .of at 410 R tott, Hrs. Tillie Davidson. was suecessf - ol. All proceeds de tolled , ver rychar foity Delta Gamma Phi, Mrs. S ara h Kohn ma. hos. Delta Gamm• Phi en res. to the elub nn t. 27, at a time Mrs. Esther Davis was rhos. hick meetinir at the home h ofld Miss ( Jean Jean Par- •nsk Virgini• Park. ond vire-preeident. Mrs The winner Any Weinbeck of he bridge too rnarnent le Dorothy t cod menders to collect for oukt•ndiny Tessler. who will be awarded • prize ht. , .l. to further the work of Zed•kd the club. An Mrs. Emory own ting ix to be It. held Moorish will he gues t at Miss Pasmsky's home and speaker at the next rnetiene Non. t he home of Mn,. Myrtle Schreiber. at 1205 Calvert. Gamma So lar Tau Sorority. She will speak on - The Prob- lems of the Adoleseent Child.. At The next regular meeting of the h om- er the ma Sigma Tao he held e the home meetins on id• Levin, It Nov. 1. at the home of Mrs. of Alks Bessie Freen. on Friday. Nov. was announce.] that Mr, 11. IleieH Honn will he hooe. to a Duni - shower, Tuesday evenine. Noy 11. at Se mler Amid Club. I he home of 51 rx. Radnor. .732 LaSalle , ktiss Jean Herrn. 14 9719 B roads trett. boulevard. AdmIs•inn will he • lack•n w. b of food .bleb .k tk". • t 'be . " th. f o the he given to the Jew- per Amici Club on Oct. 30. The Senn. neat h Emergency win Relief St t' tion 1.20 eetin twg w ill he at the • h ome of 11 ks Twelfth street. Members and friend, are Harrie t Reddy, 6334 Nor t hfield 111,1111.. in, deft. Contributions were rereiVed from Mr.. Rose Bernstein and Mrs. Ann Weidman. Phi Alpha Centime. l'hi Alpha Gamma SIO - Wit, met at the home of Mix. Anne Lubin oTuesday. Philemathk Debating Club. The Hallowe'en party held Nov, o 1. was Last Sunday evening in the A tk lotion erecessf id. Members attended the che- branch of the SharerZelek. the l'hil- it y dance sponsored by the Detroit Au. °marble Debuting Club debated the no.- Bier y of Los Angeles Sanatorium. The tion. "Resolved. The the Philornathic next meeting will be at the home of Mi. l'iWwlin• nob. It Exists Today. he Esther SerEng. 2927 Disbanded.. Sturtevant. Max Chom•kv. upholding the niseatI., defeated Arthur Snyder on Deli. A er it y Sm. this question. For next week there will First meeting of res. Deli. A m ino* So- be • keit, topic program on which Al- ' , rite wt. held Nov. I. • 1 the hers Pearl. S. Ratner, Bernard Sharkey. MI. Della Cohen, 17362 Indiana avenue. and Norm•n Roessner. will participate. The following steer. were elected, Pr.- Went, Gertrude Smith: secretary, Aurora Girls. Della Co, hen treasure r, Mi ss L t . Nov 3, the meeting of the Aurora , tee Leen., Charter member. d: e t.irls was held at the home of Miser Misses Gertrude Smith, Lucile Cohen Lrizon Nelson. Mies Rose Rokoff of 2047 land Dorothe Perim, The tint meet : West Euclid will be hostess of the next I - ins will be Sunday. Nov. 9, at the home meeting. of Hiss Celia Giesler, ALUE....., Club To-Po-Wingo, Club To-Po-Win. held Its fired Hal• lowe'en party at the home of Mi. Irene It. Klein of Collingwood. Mks Sather Schubiner WAS chosen club reporter. The club is to have a bridge-tea 1st the Ilos- less Shoppe. Mi. I. ft. Klein was cho. en chairman, proceeds to go to charity. The next meeting is to be •t of Mi. Esther Aronson of • VetIllf more than your dollars worth' the home Gladstone BETTYJANE F. N. C. Club. 'rhe F. N. C. Club m at the home of sires Kari•!. 1636 Gladstone, on Fri- day. Plans were discussed •nd Louise Levitt of 3260 Elmhurst will be hostess at her home Sunday •fternoon to the girls •nd their escorts. Tickets for the Jewish concert band were purchased. SHOES N ow Beta Rho Delt• Sorority. Beta Rho Delt• Sorority met at the "Y . Oct. 30. President, Rose Galen • ppointed the following coittee.: mm 1'harlt r. Mild re Helfand, chairman, I.aura Iterghoff, associate: publicity, SaY. de Levin, chairm•n. Shirley Galen asso- ciate: social •nd sport, Min Fox, chair. m•n. Sadie Levin and Sally Cutler, asso- ciates; membership Rae Marcus, chair- man, Laura lierghoff, aasociate. Plans , • re complete for the first flower frolic, the third •nnual dance, to be given Ste- llar. Om 7. at the Itook•Cadillac Hotel The Plantation Serenaclere will furnish the music . For tickets call llogerth star, Members •ttended the dance giv- en by the Los Angel. Sanatorium on Nov. 6, at the Graystone •Illt are plan. nine to •ttend the dance ,,f the Hawks Club on Sunday. Tu a l T ata. (In Sunday, Nov . 23 at the Book-Cad- illac Hotel. the sorority will present Earl Walton's Dixie Dandies, at its dance. A silver loviny cup will be awarded to the organiza tion selling the intuit tickets. Ticket+ ma y be had from members. or at the door the night of the affair, Nov. 2, member, were hostesses at the Y. W. 11. A. Hallowe'en Party, to •httot ISO guest, NIght.gal• Girls. The Ni ht Club met at the home of Mks it0. Resnick. The followiny officer+ were elected: Betty Alpiner, nredlent: Mildred Eagan, vire-preeldent: Mee Gorelick. treasurer. •nd Rose Rex. nick. secretary. The girls held their find social at Diana Inn, lint. 25. The hos- tess wa x Mi. Betty Alpine', president. Ohe wa• •ssistell by the )4 h.. T. The responso of crowds of thrifty, style- conscious Detroit women, to our announce- ment of change in price, proves it to be one of supreme importance and achievement. We c-o now offering the latest new Fall Shoes in a l the wanted materials and colors. l These shoos are POSITIVELY THE SAME BETTY JANE SHOES THAT FORMERLY SOLD FOR $6.00, not a eape chr shoe purchased to con- form with this new price. HOSIERY SPECIAL BETTY JANE Full Fashioned Sheer Sil•-to.Top HOSE 79c 123 State St. Corner Shelby Pair Loretta and Mae Gorelick. Rose Resnick. Goldie Kurland aol Mildred Fagan. ATTACKS ON JEWISH STUDENTS CONTINUE, BUDAPEST REPORTS (Continued from Page One.) newspaper reports of his speech were partly misquoted and partly misunderstood. At the name tinie Vaugoin and Seipel assured the Jewish deputa- tion that the Austrian Government will protect the equal legal status of Austrian Jews and will tolerate no insulting remarks aimed at the Jews on the part of members of the government. Attacks on Jews in Poland. WARSAW. - (J. T. A,) - A group of unknown persons who are believed to be members of the "Na- tional-Democratic" party, raided the offices of thin Nasz Przegland. Warsaw Polish-Jewish daily, and area Pa- int. •nti theater party. The Welcom- broke its windows. After police Harm Party in honor of Mi. Bassin ha , arrived on the scene the raiders been postponed for Nov. 1, , The rest quickly departed. . E W•l ' NIk ing Delta Omicron Sorority. • a. hostes ilman of Kirby • venut. s to Melt. Ilmirron Burtrny I+ planning a following were the last meeting. The no•e tin v k to he at the home of N. 4, o 0041 to other Thanloogiving Pert. for members •nd et, Faye Leer, presid Moss Rob en at ein of 1996 Kendall. ent, Mi. Rose Green- carts. I berg, vlee.presblent and treaso roe: Miss I Rose Purity Chapter No. 559, 0. E. S. Tonierin. secretary. Plans for the I On Mond.y evening. Nov. 12. forth-rooting bridge will he Pori, completed at Chapter N,,, 359. (). E. S., will hobl the n ett meting. at the home of Nis. -pedal meeting and Ito. Greenberg of Broadereet. lotece'L. by • six o'clock dinner. The work w I 1.• exemplified by the prestnt corps Argona ut Club. , officers. The debating team Dinner ix by reser...Non, ...I Just a Few Days to Go- IF , 4 I. Ausland• e to me of its xecretary. MI. Hilda Bloom, 2932 Hazelwood ave- nue. Prix. were given for hens os tune. sind to entertainer.. Mex. S. Am.. lender of 2525 Tyler have been chosen chairwomen in chary, Tickets may be eve- from the chairwomen or •nv The Malin Club met • at the home of o nine, Nov. 10, at the home of Mrs.. Mrs. II. Harr, nfh'* thi'y ' tn i Dexter boulevard. Chas. M•rienthal, 24 99 Webb. For es- I Itridd •ncl • late mitt luncheon provided the a , aa ri a „ ca ll mi., . t• fo r N i o n evenaneg entertainment. The next Edna loLewis. meet- . " 2115. SiorrnSaIta ign etaB. ;Itrm M rs. Sa r re I ing will be at the home of Mrs Siegm a S or!or*irt*yr, " r n et at . N. Gross. the home of Miss Celia Goldsmith. 11.51 Y. Shulman and member, of the aos . In.. 1641 Taylor. Wednesday clety thank Mrs. Abe Gordon • nd her Nov. 12. evening. North ' date. The Mandel. .Rai.. committee for oinking the last which the . ,,,, ,rity I. told.. -.- n.,..... „on,,nirr„ will meet Monday PROOFS That the End. Institute (;■■■we Bair on Bald Heads. Stops Yellow Hair, Ict:- lies. Dandruff and all Scalp 1./•ea-es In Ca , ev of Alt pecte Areata, Hair Can Ile Grown in Ten Treatments Proof No. 1-Awarded 1st Prize at Paris Exposition. Pr., Ne. 2-Awarded let Prize •t Belyium Exposi•ion asainvt tltion of II .tions. Penal Mn. 31-Thousands of well-known PeoPl• right here in Detroit have regained their hair through 'hr )(rid. Treatments. Proof No. 4-Sworn Statements, Let- ter•, Pictures, Medals. Diplom. are displayed In our offices. Examination and Advice Free Hours: 11 A. M t k P. N. : er of 2917 Fullerton anti -- Nov. 14, at the home of SHEKEL Jolly Elit• Club. Mi. Maurine Stone of Longfellow ave• Two hundred attended the open meet• nue, was host... mission was held on Nov. 7. A brief dis- ing held at the Folk Shale, 539 Kenil- charity worth, Tuesday. Harr Cohe ih. ork The b 7 ..ror te: i held Oct. 26, in the 11 representative+ of the el avenue. ni;b orne i , an ce committee of the Detroit Auxiliary - success. The formal dinner dance will o f th e Los Am.'. Sanato Alpha Epsilon T.. rium, reported be held shout Der. In, for rnemberi and the arity Alpha Epsilon Tau Freternity me t at escorts. pr ogresx of thecharity c on dance, The next meeting will he . the held Thursda the Book Cadi CadillacHow, N o v, 2. evening. Iteuh to en S. Cohen A , home of Mildred Yarrows. 1668 Chicago presented the silver shield dance COmmittee w elected with Jack boulevard. I..is Sok• Lieberm•n •N chairman, •ssiated by Al °tole. president of the Junior Michigan -_ Ws and Ed Solomon. I Itroyremive Delt &erne Rh 3 club, for disposing of the most tickets at our second annual dance, Del. Sigma Rho Sorority met . . 21. • r. A. . r . . it I armsky. one of • . A., Oct. It. A imiatna A. 'I'. A. Club met at the home of Ger- I will be held at the home of Mi. It Feld- petit . 1 he Detroit del... to the convention in Los Angeles reported on the "init., triode Goldberg. Oct. 30. Jack Hochman M.. 261 Holbrook. w ■ s A bridge will he prospective member present. A I even by Mi. Celia Min. Ben Goldberg, president of the Ite• Modowits on Nov. Halloween party was held Oct. 31. • Auxiliary, spoke of the auxiliary's at the 11. The 11•11oween party given by Mi. home of Gertrude Goldberg. An open Jeette an work. A m we. down of the ground meeting Is to be held the last meeting of l• Noccess. Silverman, 3421 Michigan wan and building+ nf the Los Angeles Sang- every month. The next meeting is to Lel Icorium. Entertainment on, offered by at the home of Ray Fox. Mn,, Co. Meister and B. Zeiler. Ilan, La Gala GI II ins 1 Bowed. The Hallowe'en frolic ar He.. it;;TS„,ety. m:en by the La , ins I Gala CPIs for menbern and on The annual open meetin for members • Nov. I, at King Wahlit'a. was escort. Auslander Family Club. • and their invited guests will take 'dace I Ten PlICre.. The Airslander Family Club announces rumples were speed at a beautifill on Tueaday. Nov. lot, at the Book-Cadil• decorated table. The Its fourth •nniold Thanksgiving diner. n decoration. were . dere! 1„„h em, an i., hotel, in the form to be given Thursday eveni ne. d celled out in the chat rounil table db.. +Ion colors of black Nov. 27, at 610 p. m. Mrs. The bard of and s liver. iscilAncitcNi Men and women desiring to make worthwhile acquaintances for mat- rimonial purposes, do me. S. PARANSKY 1471 Virginia Park. Emp. 6551 _ directors will meet on J efair sometime Theta Gamma Theta Sororit The sorority held it. last meeting at ard• Girls ('lob of the Jewish Cen- ter I, having •n open meeting on Thure• day, Nov. II, 7:15 p. In. All girl. between the •IreA of 15 mid 10 Interested In lolniny should he this meeting or II M anan m um, Madison the home of their sponsor, Miss Sophia k712 Mt. Elliott. Lincoln 9316-W. Sokolov of Linwossl avenue. The Mc:- cabe e boy. helped make di'. occasion • Alpha Beta Gamma Sorority. micc. rat )41. Della Cadent! was hostess to Phi-So-Lite Sorority. Phl•So-Lite Sorority had • Hallowe'en Alpha Beta Gamma Sorority. Plans were PM Beta Epsilon F party at the home of fAisses Anna and made foran informal party for member. l'hi Ite t• Eps il on Fraternity met lil ■ Korby. A splash party wax held at the 0. W. II. A. o n Sunda y. Plans for the and escorts to be given on Dec. 6. Mks Betty Capp ia pledgee. The next meet- Webster Hall on Sunday. new monthly organ were ciolrninated and Sam Eden, editor-In•chief, staled he ing will be on Tuesday. Nov. II, at the Hey Toy Girls. would make all appointment. within a home of Ni,, Dorothy Koppin. 1122 T.- lor. The Hoy Toy Girl, met Oct. in, at the week. William Salem.. editor of the Y. W. II. A. Plane were made for • weekly ladletin of the Alpha Vela dd. Theta Del t• Omeya Sorority. prominent Pp.... and entertaining fea- ter, will lend his •ssistant.. The first ture. sit • meeting In honor of the girls' Theta Delta Omega Sorority m et at meeting of the court was held Tuesday nio ern. surprise birthday the home of Mn,. Jeanette l'e rnick party wan evenlny at the h nmr rn Berlin. given In honor of M Ise E. Bch its at Several raves der afternoon. A committee for the s were disposed it Pla ns lection of sorority birthd•y gift. was the home of Mi.Sokol. J. So to ( Cler- for the open meeting to be held at the chosen. m ount avenue on Nov. 1. An open metinew will be held "0" some time this month were also • t the home of Mi. Helen Share. 304 discuamed. Euclid 10467 T$ , oriel committee, announced that man of the Hallow e'en party, th•nke thope yet In touch with Mi. Fay Berk, 2295 he Hallowe'en party of N ov .1, w att • who misted ested with the life Orations •nd re- Gladstone. Car. 4112-J. The next meet- success •nd th•t arra ngements were (redolent.. The Almwell Club banner ing will be •t the "I'. made for •weenie roast to he held was exhibited for the lire time •t the Riser It come Park •r party. this Sunday. Abe Purity Chapter. , Moses captain of the lo sketb•II Thr ant membe of I urity , announced practice to be held •er Tau Sigma Del a. t Chapter No. 359 have keen v Y invited by nesdaveveniny from 9 to 10 at MI. Thelma Goren of Elmhurst wa • the Sher. Purity Assembly No. 12, Order of Rain. I acrd intermediate gym. hostess to Tau Siena Delta Sorority , NOW for Girls, to witness their initiatory I ()et. 31. A Hallowe'en party was en work on Thursday evening Nov. 13, •t Nile Hawk Club. Detroit'. L.dIng and Best Known Roromm•nded by the City's Most Promi• nent PhYsiela.. Use Hemelwood Ave. hem empire NM. ' 14 the (Continued from Page One.) DANZIG.-(J. T. A.) - After Hitlerites attacked Jews on th , streets of Danzig Saturday, Samu- el Rosen and Doak Roslin were ta- ken to the hospital in a critical con- dition. The anti-Semites beat the Jew's with blackjacks. Attacks on the Jews by Hitler- ites also took place in the Cafe Corse in Zoppote, a suburb of Dan- zig. Diamond Slump Causes pl Unem oy- ment Among Dutch Jews, WASHINGTON.-(J. T. A.) - Because of the recent slump in the diamond industry, unemployment is very serious among, the diamond' cutters of the Netherlands, accord- ing to a report received by the De- partment of Labor here. Most of I the diamond cutters are Jews. Of the 5,728 usually employed in Am- sterdam there are only 1,032 work- ing at present, according to the re- port The lower wage paid to dia- mond workers in Belgium in cited as one of the chief causes for the' present situation. Jews Fined Following Riots. BUCHAREST.-(J. T. A. I Several Jews were condemned to 15 days' imprisonment, and a num- ber of non-Jews were fined 500 leis each, in the verdict rendered after the trial of those arrested in the targu-F'romos affair. Those fined were chiefly university stu- dents convicted of attacking the Jews. And several non-Jews were found injured after the riots, a number of Jews were arrested for assault. They declared they had only defended themselves on being attacked by the anti-Semites. LA SALLE WINDOW SHADE AND DRAPERY COMPANY .24 Linwood Ave. Car. 1230-31 Y. A. FRISMAN. Prop . Window shad. and draperies to order Your old sh.d. cleaned Ties repaired. We carry • full line of Lineaments vose Brand New Small Grand Piano 54 ... conventional design in beautiful two-tone finish REDUCED IN $795 PRICE from . . . '0'695 v se Brand New Small Grand Piano ...in the distinctive and 4 'linear two models are being discontinued in the Nose line. We must dispose of those in stock before the ones which are to take their BMW NOW is pre• a wonderful opportunity to enrich place are received. sented your home with a famous Vose Grand Piano at • decisise, outright saving. Our stock is limited. Come today ... and sate $100 on the purchase of the conventional style .. • g170 on the purchase of the Louis XVI design. highly artistic... LOUIS XVI DESIGN REDUCED IN PRICE from Son r . 07 j m'725 It it a sprria1 nowlical matins nod a lardy pier, of ferwiturr . . iettrument that rill add immeasurably to the charm of soar howl. '1411 MUSICAL CINTIR Or DYTROIT . Giumituut BIROS. mISTEINWAY REPRESINTATIVE5 ► d 1313.21 Woodward Ave., Detroit Mohigy OW. Norio W Dora. gnarls. ••• ■ •••!... LIBERAL ALLOW. ANCE ON YOUR 01.1) PIANO AS PART PAYMENT VERY EASY MONTHLY TERMS Fl