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September 19, 1930 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1930-09-19

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,Asiericam "apish Periodical Carter




Happy New Year To All

Ink% SIT cf Urriono195odeor7,1


1448 Woodward Awnue

Like a


Melody ...

Rabbi and Mrs. I. Stoliman and Family
2461 Hazelwood
Extend their best wished to their rela-
tives anti friend" for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Rev. and Mrs. Jacob I. Sklar and Family
1610 Hazelwood
Extend their beat wishes to their rela•
lima and friends fur • HAPPY and
Proeperous New Year,

Mr. and Mrs. Lou!. Smith and Family
2431 Blain. Avenue
Extend their beat wishes to their rela-
tives and friends for • Happy and
Pr/morns. New Year.

Mr. and Mr.. Nathan Schreiber and
1130 Longfellow Avenue
Extend their beat wishes to their rel.,
lives and friends for • Happy and
Proeperou. New Year .

Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Tarnopol and Son,
2047 W Philadelphi a
Extend their bent winhee to their rela-
tive. •nil friend* for • li•PPY an4

Mr. and Mrs. James Selik and Family
9014 La Salle Boulevard
Extend their beat whales to their rel.
tives and friends for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Tri„ and FaMily
2305 Gladstone Avenue
Extend their best winhes to their rela-
lives •nd frieniln for a 11.1.1 and

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schinagel
79 Eason Avenue
Extend their beet winhes to their rel.
lives and f torn& for a Ilappy and
Prosperous New You.


Mr. and Mrs. William Shevin and Family
3317 Calvert Avenue
Extend their beet wishes to their rela-
tives end friends for • Happy •nd
Prospero. New Yeer.

never grows old

Mr. and Mr.. Myer Siegel and Family
5145 Chene Street
Extend their beet wishes to their rela.
lives and friends for • !hippy •ni
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Max Siegel and Family
1410 Atkinson Avenue
Extend their bent winhen to their rela-
tives end friend, for • Harpy and
Prosperous New Year.

A New Fall Model

Prosperous New Year.

after seasgn, our patrons ask for

Dr. Alexander W. Sande.
irernan Avenue
Extend. his best wishes to his relative.
and friend. for a Happy and Prosperous

this smart three - eyelet oxford.

New Year.

— —
Mr. and Mr.. Philip Slomovitz and Son
3321 Monterey
Extend their bent tribe to theirrel.
lives and friends for a Happy and

Its materials change; but its fit, its

grace, its intrinsic quality are

Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sternberg
3011 Calvert Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their rel••
lives and friendn for • Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

steadfastly incomparable!

Mr. T. G

with Suede quarters to match.

I. M

beautiful a-hoex



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Extend their beet wishes to their rela-
tives and friends for a Happy and

Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Smile and Son
2902 Clements Avenue
Extend their best wishen to theirrel.
lives and friends for • Happy and

Prosperous New Year.


Mr. and Mrs. David Saffir and Son
2459 Piny.. Avenue
Extend their bent winhem to their
tive. and friends for • Happy and
'Momper°. New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. I. Shetzer and Family
2071 Longfellow Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their rel.
tires •nri friends for • Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

that the coming year
shall bring to you all
the rewards of honest
endeavor is the wish

and Mn. Henry H. Shapero
2055 Clemente Avenue
Extend their beet wishes to their eel..
tires and friends for • Ilep py and
Prospero. New Year.

Mr. and Mr.. D. M. Sidder and Famil y
3007 Webb Av.ue
Extend their be. wiehe. to their rela-
rives •nd friends for • Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mn. Louis Solomon
2310 Hazelwood Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their rein-
liven and friende for a Happy and

Prosperous New Year,

Mr. and Mrs. L. Siderman and Family
3219 Monterey Avenue
Extend their bent winhen to their rela-

tives and friends for • Happy and

Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Stewart
3711 Webb Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their rel.


2. Floor—General fiecessiSes Building

j=fr aiilinHrtififilenfitiO1V1044144114WintOSON44"41111&&111H41"Onifaili0=i

Oven and friendn for • Happy and
Prosperous New Yr.

The Star Bakery
12028 D

Extend their bent winhe. to their rel••
tiven, friende and eu.tumere

Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Solomon and Family
Lee Plaaa
Extend their hest winhen to their reta-


Mr. and Mrs. William Server and Family
320 Alger Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their rela-
tives and friend. for • Happy and
Prospero. New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Schneer
15872 Steel Avenue
Extend their best winhes to their rel.-

f■ i,ggin.1 &jrrnuk

rive+ and friend. for • Ilappy end

Prosperous New Year.


Mn. J. Schechter and Family
2047 Hazelwood Avenue


Extend their beet wishen to their rein.
lives and friends for a Happy and
Pronperoue New ]'ear.


Mr. and Mrs. Mn Smotkin and Family
954 King Avenue

Extend their best wisher to their rete-
ll...11d friends for a Happr and

' 1






P ,, ; ;;


Promperous New Year,



Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Shulman and Sone
3289 Elmhurst Avenue
Extend their beet wishes to their rel.-
tinesand friend. for a Happy and
Promperoun New Yeer.

■P t

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stein and Family
19285 Afton Road, Palmer Woods
Extend their bent wishes to their rela-
tives and friends for • Happy end
Prosperous New Year.


,, :!':'

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Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp and Family
11390 Br...Meet Boulevard
Extend their best wish. to their rela-
tive...and friend. for a Ham and
Prosperous New Year.

. E: 1444i



Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stillman and Family
1526 Edson Avenue
Elite. their best wishes to theirrela-
tives •nd friend. for • Happy an ds
Prosperous New Year.

sralsts7:—ArM alailliiis Mil

Patronize Detroit's new, great hotel in
the downtown district. Every facility for
group luncheons, bridge parties, etc.
Try the Dollar Luncheon in the main
dining room today. De Luxe Dinner $1.50.
Sunday Dinner $1.50 . . . Popular priced
service in the Coffee Shop, 6:30 a. m. to
8:30 p. m. and in the Fountain Room
noon until midnight.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry &Manger and Family
2754 Calvert Avenue
Extend their beet wishes to their rela-
tives and friends for • Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Louie Sefton and Family
3337 Tuxedo Avenue
Extend their bent wiehes to their rela•
lives and friends for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Stanfield and Family
1964 Taylor A
Extend their bent winhes to their rels•
lives end friend. fora Ilappy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. KWH. Shatz. and Chil-
dren, Sylvia and Harold
3210 Calvert Avenue
Extend their bent troth. to their rel.
Gym and friend. far • IIIIDDY and


Prosperous New Year.

Dr. and Mrs. Edward A. Stern and Daugh-
ter, Ruth Blanche
17312 Simnel Av..
Extend their beet wishes to their rela-
tives •nd friend. for a Happy and
Prospero. New Year.



1 10



Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Singer and Son,
13s0 Calvert Amm.
Extend their bent wishes to theirrels•
Lissand friends for a Happy and
Prostnro•t New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Welobech and
Mother, Muriel Muscovite
455 Est Euclid Avenue
Extend their bent wishes to their rel.•
fives and friend. for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Sherman and

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tolmich and Daughter,
1251 Glynn Court

1538 Le• Place

Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Shugertn•a and
2011 Haeolwood Avenue
Extend their best winkles to thole rela . ,
tives and friends for • Ilappy and


M "" P..L",',Et7.41.dnIV.,,:lr::d Family


Extend their bent wishes to theirr•la- Extend their bent winhes to their rela-
tives and friend* for a Ilsppy and
lives and friends for • Happy and
Prosperous New Year.
Promperous New Year.

Mr • and Mn. Peter Vass and Family
270 East Kirby Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their rela-

lives and friends for • Mega,.. nod
Prosperous New Year.

Extend their best wishes to theirrel.
lives and friends for • Happy end
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Weller and Family
569 Chandler Avenue
Extend their beet wishes to their rela.
liven and friends for • Ilappy and

Pronperou. New Year.

Mr. and Mr.. Ira Weller and Family
573 Chandler Av..
Extend their hest wnhes to their rela-
tive. and friend. for • Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wallach and
Daughter, Gail
2440 Pingrm
their beet svishee to their tele-
;Mr. and Mrs. Harold Van Baaien and Son: x
Dvrs and friend. for a Happy and
Lee Crest Apartment.
Pronperous New Year.
Extend their bent wiehen to their rela-
II•es and friends for • Happy and
Mack B. Welts, Strictly Kosher Caterer
Prospero. New Year.
1870 Pinar.
Extend their beet wishes to their rel.
Mrs. Sam Varhle and Family
time and friends for •Ilappy and
446 King Av..
Pronperous New Year.
intend their bent wish. to their rel.

Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Soloman
Len Plaza Hotel
Extend their best "finite. to their rel.
tires and friend. for • Happy and

Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mr.. Mendel Stark
9440 Dexter Boulevard
Extend their bent wishes to their rela

flees and friends for • Happy and
Prosperous New Year.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Shevit• and Family

tine. and friends for • Happy •nd
Prosperous New Year.

2220 Atkinson Avenue
Extend their bent wishes to their rela.
lives and friends for • Happy •nd
Prosperous New Year.

Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Wolfgang and San
300 Whitmore Drive
Extend their best wishes to theirre•
Dyes and friends for a Mg. and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Wohlnam and Family
124 Avalon Street
I Mr. and M.. Henry Wagner and Family
2526 W. Boston
Extend their beet wishes to their rela•
Extend their eta wiahes to their rela.
live. and friend* for a Happy and
five. and friend. for • Happy and
Prosperous New Year.
I Mr. and Me.. dark
W, Wail and Sea,
Pro•pero. New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sivy and Daughter
Alba, Mich.

, Extend their beet wishes to their rel.
time and friends for • Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schlussel
1715 Burlingame Avenue
Extend their best wt... to their male-

Extendtheir bent wishes to their rein.
tines •nd friends for • Item. and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Max Solovich and Sons
1572 Seward Avenue
Ettend their bent wishes 10
their rel.

fives and friend. for a Happy
Pronperous New Year.


Mr. I. Schmkne and Daughter, NMtie
2086 Blaine
Extend their best wishea to
their rel.
lives end friend. for • Happy and

Prooperoun New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H. &flak. and Son
2073 Hazelwood
Extend their best wishes to their rela-
tive. and friends for •
Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Harold Schakne

2086 Blaine
Extends his best wishen to his relative..
•nd friends for a Happy and Prosperous
New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Morrie Safir and Daughter
2746 Cortland Avenue

Extend their bent winhem to their rela-

lives and friends fu r


Pro.perou. New Yea r.


J. Satin and Sister, Shirley
2745 Cortland Av..
Extend their best wish. to their rela-
tire. and friends for•• Iletwoy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. M. Starr
1127 Edison Avenue
Extends his bent wiehes to hie rela-
tives and friend* for • Happy and

Pro.pero. New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Schreiber and Family
3205 Calvert Avenue
Extend their beet wishes to their rela-
tive. and friends for a Happy and
Proeperoue New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Suffrin •nd Family
3284 Virginia Park
Extend their bent wishes to their rela-

tives ant friends for a Harpy and
Prosperous New Y....

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Stone and
Daughter. Naomi
18614 Wildemere
Extend their bent winhes to their rela-

tives and friend, for•
• Happy and

ils. . friends
for • Happy •nd
Pronperoun New Year.



Proaperuun New fear.
— ---

2740 Richton Avenue

tivs and f
Prosperous New Year.
Majestic Building
Mr. and Mr.. Herman Warren
Extend" hi. best wishes to hie relativesl
1529 Bonton Boulevard
and friends for • Happy and Prosperous Mrs. Louis Sell and Daughter, CluielMte Extend their bent winhes to their rel..
N ew leer.
then and friend" for • Hap. and
3711 Webb Avenue
Extend their bent wishen to their rela-
Prosperous New Year.
Mr. and Mr.. D. W. Simons and Family
tives and friends for a Happy and
9000 La Salle Boulevard
Prospero. New Ye..
Mr. and Mrs. George Weser and Family
Extend their best wishes to their rein-
16190 Northlawn Avenue
live" and friends for • Happy and
Extend their best wishes to their rela-
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shapiro and
tives ant friends for a If.. •nd
Prosperous New Year.
Prosperous New Yen,
9440 D
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stoll
Extend their beet wishes to their rela- Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Wexler and Daughter
tive. end friends for a 'hippy and
746 Collingwoed
3253 Calvert Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their rela-
Pronperous New Year.
Extend their best wishe. to their rela-
tives and friends for a Happy and
tives •nd friends for a Happy and
Prospero. New Year.
Me. and M.. J. Schoinick and Fatally
Prosperous New Year.
2203 Gladstone Avenue
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Silverman and
Extend their bent wishes to their rela-
Mr. and M.. Charles Wolfgang and
tives •nd friends for a flavor and
2234 West Boston Boulevard
Prunpero. New Year.
3351 Fullerton Avenue

In black or brown Kangola Calf vamps

Dr. and Mrs. Morris Witu• and Family
3781 Carter Avenue
best wishes to their rele•
lives and friends for • HAPPY and
Prosperous New Year.

Extend their

Prosperous New Year,

Prouperous New Year.

Mr. end Mrs. Joseph Schwartt and Family
7666 West Fort Street
Extend their best wishes to theirrela-
tives end friends for • Ilappy and

Its popularity is amazing. Season

Mr. and Mrs. Pet. TruntIty and
2275 W. Boston Boulevard
Extend their hest wishes to their rela-
tives and friends for • happy and
Prospero. New Year.

Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Nehima Seidman and
1547 Lee Place
Extend their best will.% to their rela-
tives and friends for • Happy end
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mra. Nathan Schreiber
and Family
1130 Longfellow
Extend their beet wish. to their rel.

live. •nd friends for • Happy and
Pronpero. New Year.


and M.. Fred F. Simmons and
Son. George Henry
3259 Fullerton
Extend their bent wiehes to their
liven •nd friends for • Happy •nd
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and M.. Hyman Stotarsky and
1364 E. Kirby

Extend their bent wish. to their rela•
livesd friend. for a Happy and
r roeperou. New Ymr.

Rabbi and M.. Jos. Thumin and

923 E. Kirby Avon.
Extend their beet ...bee to their rela-
tives and friends for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mrs. Anne Trendy
157 Westmineter
Extends her beet wishes to her rid.
tires mid friends for a Happy and
Pro.perou. New Year.

Mr. Samuel Trendy
157 West.
Extend. hit best whiles to hIn relatives
and friends for a Happy and Proeperous
New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Loc. J. Tobin
2755 Calvert Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their rela-
tives and friends for a Happy and
Pron... New Year.

Dr. and Mrs. V. P. Tebel
514 Marlborough Ayes.

Letend their beet wishes to their rel•-
tives and friend. for • nappy and

Prosperous New Year.

Mr. David Tucker
13300 La Salle Boulevard
Este eels hie hest wishes to bin rein.
ti apes and friend. for a HAM , aed
Prospero. Slaw Year.

Mr. and Mr.. J. Treurig and Family
6257 Michigan Avenue
Extend their hest winhes to their rela•
tier •nd friends for a Happy and
Pro.perou. New Year.

Extend their beet wishes to their rela-
tives •nd friends for a
Happy and
Prospero. New Year.

957 First National Bank Building

Extends their beet winher to their friends
and elirnin for a HaPPY and Prosperous
New Year.

Mr. and Mr.. Isaac Weinberg
Glendale, Calif. (Formerly of Port
Huron, Mich.)
Extend their best wishes to their rela-
tive...id friends for •
• it


New Year.

Mr. and Mre. Max Warman
2014 Blaine A
Extend their best wishes to their rel.
lives end friends for a Happy and
Pronpero. New Year.

Mr. and M.. Al. Werbe and Family
3275 Glendale Avenue
Extend their best winhes In their rel••
lives and friend. for • Happy and
ProPperove New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Al Weisman and Family
2241 Taylor Avenue
Extend their best wish. to their rela•
fives and friends far • Ilappy and
Prompero. New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Mm Weksler and Family
15906 Normandy Av..
Extend their bes t wishee to their rel.
tires •Ild frieds
for a Happy en
d n


Dr. and Mrs. M. Yarrows and
Daughter, El
447 Medbury

Extend their best winhos to their rela-
tives and friends for a Happy and

Promperous New Year.

Mr. and M.. Abraham Yudkoll
627 Kenilworth Avenue
Extend their beet wishes to their rela-
tives and Dien. for • HAPPY and
Pr...mos New Year.
Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Yarrow. end Daughter
1666 Chicago Boulevard
Extend their best wishes to their rel.
lives •nd friend, for a Ilappy and
Prosperous New Year.


A wholesale showroom to which, however, you are invited
In attendance, ready to guide you, to answer your
questions, to give you their co-operation and counsel, •
stuff of Ben/1011rd furniture men and decorators ....
Purellanes to be made only through some responsible
retail dealer or decorator .

That, in a paragraph, is the principle behind the Robert
W. Irwin Company Detroit exhibit.

The largest
Collection of
in all

06inta Ruin

Mr. and M.. Harry Yudkoff
13725 La Sall. Boulevard
Extend their beet wishes to their
If wee •nd friends for • Happy and
Prosperous New Year,

Rev. and Mrs. E. Zaludkowski and
2673 Clairmount
Extend their bent wishes to their rela-
t ives and friends and members of Con-
regation Shmrey Zedek for • Ilappy
and Prosper.. New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Morris Zack and Family
131 Josephine Avenutheir


Designers and Makers of Fine
Furniture for Fifty Years


Two Floora—Take Elevator



lives and friends for a Happy and
Prmperou. New Year.

Mr. and Mr.. Leon M. Zechman and
2507 Weet Euclid Av..
Extend their best wishee to theirrela-
tives •nd
ro friends for • II•ppy and


Pspero. New Year.

Mr. and Mn. L Zahn W. Fang* Ana,.
2214 Hazelwood A
Extend their beet wildly. to their rela-
tives and friends for a nappy and
Proeperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ziff and Family
1976 Atkinson Av
Extend their best wishes to their rela-
tives and friends for a moor and


Prosperous New Year.

Me,. W. S. William. and Family
104 Mt. Vernon
Extend their beet swishes to their rela-
Demand friendn for • Hann. and

Pronperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Winkelman and Son
2482 West Philadelphia Amen.

Extend their bent winhee to their rein-
tive.and friend. for a Happy and
Proxperou 0 New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Julius C. %Moll and
and Mrs. Charles Marx
553 Woodland Avenue
Extend their best winhes to their rela-
tive% and friends for • Happy and



New Year.

Dr. and Mr.. Louis Weiss and Daughters,
L•Verne, Harriet and Carol Lola
2492 West Philadelphia
Extend their beet wiihea to their rela-
tives and friends for • Ilappy and
Prospero. New Year.

This fall, our exhibit includes a number
of new suites. many of them at very
reasonable prices. You salsa will find ■
complete showing of ■ tithentie Early
American reproductions in Aged Maple
and Mahogany, from which you may
assemble your own living room, bedroom,
and dining room groupings. You'll find
visit instructive . and enjoyable!

Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ziff and Family
2693 Clairmount Avenue
Extend their bent winhes to
their rola.
liven •nd friends for • Happy and

Prospero. New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zierer end Daughter

277 Behnont
Extend their bent wishes to their rela-
tives and Mendefor • lisp. and
Prosperous New Year.
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Z•ff and Family
3557 Montclair Avenue
Extend their best wiehee to their rela-
tives .1 friends for • Ilappy and
Prosperous New Ye..


Greetings Arriving Too Late to
Classify Will be Found on Page 14
of This Section

Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and M.. Louis H. Wolfe and Son,
2721 We. Grand Boulevard
Extend their best wig.. to their rela-
tive. •nd friends for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Me,. Dave Weiner and Daughter
2515 Taylor Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their rel••
lives and friend. for a Happy and
Proxperous New Year.

Mr. end Mr.. Joseph Wisner and Son
3375 Fullerton Avenue
Extend their !test wish. to their rel•.

tire. and friends for • Happy •nd
Pronpernun New Year.

Me.. An. Weisman and Daughter
3313 Fou
h Avenue
Extend their bent winhen to their rel..

fives and friends for • Happy and
Pronpero. New Year.

Season's Greetings


Complete Beauty Service

The New Ringlette Perma-
nent Wave.

Call Hemlock 2068.W for

Expert Operators
Hair Cutting by Barbera
11340 DEXTER
Near Collingwood


Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wetsman and


Lillian Shop
Wishes You
and Prosper-
perily for the
New Year

1642 Edison Avon.
Extend their beet wifhm to their rel.
lives end friend" for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mrs. Annetta Wilenkin and Family
2038 Taylor Avenue
Extend their bent wish.. to their rela-
tive, and friend. for a Ilappy and
Pr/onerous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund Wohl and Family
1338 Elmhurst Avenue
Extend their beet wiehes to theirrel.
time and friend. for a Happy and
Prosper.. New Year.

Mr. and M.. S. H. Weisman and
Daughter, Elaine
2740 Richton Av.ue
Extend their best wish. to their rel••
tires and friend. for • If.. and
Nei!. Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wino
3311 Chicago Boulevard
Extend their best wishee to their Tel••
liven and friend. for • Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

7 cliaPPII ,
''N'eto lieur

Mr. and Mr.. M. We'swatoter and Family
2303 Taylor Avenue


Extend their beet wishes to theirrel.
time and friend. for • Happy end

Prosperous New Year.

Mr. ant Mrs. A. Wisner and Family
204 Jotephin. Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their rel.•
lives and friend+ for a Happy and
Proeperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weisman and Family
7476 Woodrow Wilson Avenue
Extend their best whines to their rela-
tives and friend• for a liappr and
Prospero. New Year,

Mra. Adolph Traub and Mr. and M..
M. E. Silverstein
2916 Webb
Extend their best wishes to their rel.
li•es and friend. to • Heppe and
Prosper.. New Year.

Mr. and Mn. Joseph Weintraub and S.
2957 Leslie
Leslie A
Eztend their beet
to their rela-
tives •nd friends for • Happy and
Prooperous New Year.

Mr. mid M.. David Taub and Family
2997 Waverly
Extend their best wt.*. to their rela-
tives and friends for • Happy and
Prosperous Net Year.

Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Weinberg and Family
280 Hague Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their rela-
tives and friends for a Happy and
Prot... New Year.




1458 Washington Blvd. at Clifford





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