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August 01, 1930 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1930-08-01

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Y)Eritorr, Inusilat RON nr.


Betrothed to Detroiter 1

in Hudson's
August Sale of
Cottons and Bedding



You'll Enjoy

at Heyn's

Tremendous Selections of the Smartest Fashions
Await Your Choice Here . . . at Prices That Will Add
to Your Pleasure of Finding Just "Your" Style.

New Fall Frocks at $16

Each Day Sees New Arrivals
. . We Would Be
Pleased to Have You View the Splendid Selections of
New Styles and New Colors for Autumn • . . and the
Size Range In Complete!

Heyn's—Third Floor


July brought many new guest,
to Camp Malian% Michigan's
unique adult camp, located on
Lake Charlevoix.
Among, the Detroiters who are
vacationing at the camp are the
Misses Sylvia and Rebecca Schus-
ter and Samuel Schuster, 2507
West Euclid; Miss Selma Ross,2751
Rochester; Mr. and Mrs. S. Asher-
son, 2949 Sturtevant; the Misses
Pearl and Edith Gallow, 222:1 Cal-
vert; Miss Sadie Waldorf!, 1918
Pingree; Miss Marjorie Schwa, u,
1734 Hazelwood; Miss Sully Min•
del, 2095 Hazelwood; lie. Jack
Agins, 1910 Hazelwood avenue;
(soldye Steinberg, Evelyn Ecker,
Irma Rosman Miss Melitta Linick,
102 California avenue; Nathaniel
I Steingcld, and Dr. Julius Bern-
New York guests include Miss
Roes R. Roe and Miss Elaine Ba-
sil, while Cleveland is represented
by Miss Rose Makman, the Misses
Eleanore and Bea Greenberg,
!Ham It. Blumenthal and Miss Helen
Lazarus. Other new arrivals are
Murray L. Altman of Philadelphia,
'Pa.; Miss Mildred Nathan, Pitts-
burgh, Pa.
The week has been crowded with
a variety of events, outstanding
among them a hay-rick ride, which
was followed by a camp-fire on
the saint! beach. At the dance which
concluded the evening's entertain-
ment, a large number of guests
from Charlevoix were present.
Camp Manitou was also host at
an open-house festivity, when
residents of the vicinity and va-
cationers at Charlevoix visited the
camp and took part in a water car-
; nivel, followed by an evening of
! dramatic entertainment.


Mrs. M. J. Ezekiel of Washing-
Mrs. Louis James Rosenberg of
ton, D. t'., has returned to her Detroit was appointed supervisor
home after spending a month with for Michigan in preparation for a
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
expansion Cal111 , 81149
A. Finst•rwald of Boston boule- 551 the National Council of Jewish
M omen. 1 he appointment is an-
nounced by Miss Gertrude Feible-
Adolph Freund has again re- man of Indianapolis, national
turned to Detroit after an absence chairman of the council's depart-
of about four weeks and is now ment of extension and field service.
stopping at Hotel Barium. During
his absence he attended the annual
Mrs. Samuel J. Bloomberg of
meeting of the board of trustees Fairfield avenue entertained three
of the Jewish Orphan Home at tables of bridge at her home Fri-
('leveland, and spent sonic time at day evening, honoring her cousin,
Cedar Point. Ile will visit occa- Mrs. harry D. Seltzer of Los An-
+mane with his children, Dr. and geles, Cal. The other out-of-town
Mrs. Hugo A. Freund, at their guests were Mrs. Marion Leven-
summer home at Walnut Lake, son of Los Angeles and 'Alm Celia
Bl oomfield i s.
Gould of Boston, Mass.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rosenthal
of Ottawa Drive, Pontiac, are
spending the summer at their cot-
tage, "Birchwood" in Traverse
City, Mich.

Elektra Itosanka, accompanied
by her slaughter. Eugenia, leaves
for Charlevoix, Mich., where she
will spend six weeks with her
brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur von Dolcke, at the
Charlevoix Beach Hotel.



Beach Hotel

On Lake Michigan


Damask Table Cloths, Hemstitched Luncheon

Sets, Fluffy Bath Towels, Smooth-Textured

Sheets, Warm Wool Blankets, and Colorful

Bedspreads, are all very specially priced for this

important event.



Third Floor—Grand River Arrnu• Building


Mr. and Mrs. II. N. Grossman
I announce that the "pidyan batten"
Mrs. John Ginsberg and son of of their new-born son, Matthew
Boston boulevard are spending , Glyn, will be held at the home of
some time at Lexington, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Fishman of 2984
Burlingame at :3 p. m. this; Sunday.
Dr. II. II. Landsberg was the No cards.
The highlights of the summer honor guest at the Book Cadillac
, season at the Jewish Centers As- Hotel on Saturday evening, July
Mrs. J. Modell and her two
: sociation will be a picnic given Wi- 26,, when 60 of her friends gave a slaughters, Gertrude and Rose, and
lder the auspices of the Senior Coun- dinner-dance as a farewell prior son, Saul, have returned from a
cil, to take place on Sunday, Au- to her sailing for Vienna.
week's visit at The Inn, Charle-
gust lit. The boys and girls will
voix, Mich.
meet at the Center, 31 Ntelbourne
Mrs. Rose von Doleke of Got-
avenue, fit 10 o'clock. They will lingwood avenue has returned to
Miss Geraldine Fineman of 2677
then drive to Island Lake where Detroit after a sojourn in Califor- Elmhurst avenue entertained on
a program of swimming, athletics, nia, Yellowstone I'ark and Chi- Wednesday evening, July 2:1, with
and other forms of recreation will cago.
a twin personal surprise shower,
he provided. William Kaufman,
honoring the Misses Sadye Lerner
chairman of the program commit'
M r. and Mrs. Elmer Zuckerman and Martha Rosenstein, whose
tee, is in charge of arrangements of Chicago boulevard are visiting weddings will be events of Sept.
for this affair.
at Lexington, Mich.
6 and 12, respectively, both at the

Barium Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Brown of
465 (bildengate have gone to, Miss Lillian F. Chivian of Phila-
Mackinac Island and the Edge-, delphia is visiting her sister, Mrs.
water Beach Ilotel, Chicago, for an Irving Gould of 15058 Quincy
SEATTLE.—(J. T. A.)—Segre- indefinite slay.
gation of men and women during


Cool, invigorating, pine-scented breezes.
Golf—tennis—swimming. Every con-
venience in hotel and cottages.

for re-stocking your linen closet will be offered

at unusual savings during August at Hudson's.

Announcement is inside of the en-
gagement of Miss Sarah Haber,
The Misses Molly Ilarris and daughter of Mrs. Esther Haber of
Bernice Kahn have returned from 10023 North boulevard, Cleveland,
a two weeks' visit at Cedar Point 0., to Joshua Joyrich of 3002 Rich-
and Cleveland, Ohio.
ton Detroit, son of Mr. and Mrs.
N. D. Freidenrcich of Radom, Po-
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cornelius of ' land.
650 East Boston boulevard enter-
tained for Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Jay of Rochester avenue last Mon-
. day evening. Covers were laid
for 12.



Practically everything you could possibly need

ST. PAUL, Minn.—(J. T. A.1—
For the purpose of promoting a
better mutual understanding and
respect between Jewish and Chria-
lion children in St. Paul, 12
church vacation schools under the
sponsorship of the Ramsey County
Sunday School Association, have
been conducting special courses
through the summer. Beginnher
with a study of the 01.1 Testament,
the children were given a picture
of ancient Ilebrew life and then
were brought down ton resent-day
Coming down to date, the chil-
dren studied the lives of outstand-
ing Jews of today, including Al. '
bert Einstein, the scientist; the
Rothschilds, financiers; Julius Ro-
sen•ald and Jacob Schiff, philaa
thropists; Henri Bergson. the p" i•
losopher, and Rabbis Stephen S.
Wise and Abba Billet Silver.
"In addition to this," stated Miss
Winnie Plummer, director of the
schools," we took the children to
Temple of Aaron, where Rabbi
Herman Cohen showed them the
Jewish form of worship and ex-
plained the symbolism of the altar
and other parts of the edifice. We
had a number of Jewish children
visit the schools also. Finally we
discussed with the children Jewish
music, art and poetry. As a result
we have established a mutual Un-
derstanding and respect as a basis
for friendship."

You Have the Time of
Your Life at


Health-giving Sports—

Tennis on hard clay courts—swimming-
nmonlight—canoeing—cantering through
pine woods—golf—handball—volleyball-
baseball—and many other activities make
tip the happy days at camp. Expert in-
struction if you want it.

Or Just Lazying Around in the Sunshine

Under a Tree, Dancing and Other Social

the Rosh Hashonah end N'oni Kip.
Mrs. David Hallman and laugh-
Miss Lillian Herskowitz of Mc-
' laic holiday services next year will ter Rita
a Lenore and Shirley Keesport, l'a., was the guest of
, be abolished here at the Ilerzl Syn- Ntarilyn, are spending the summer relatives and friends here for three
agogue, an orthodox congregation, at Lake Huron, Port Huron, weeks.
it was announced by Carl Rubin- Nike .
a -
. th.• modern
. il.
I ln t . F
ste i n, prts
Mrs. Aaron Schuldinger of
ization of ceremonies and worship
hr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Eder of 18448 St. Louis avenue entertaned
will he inaugurated, 51r. Rubinstein Chicago boulevard have returned
at her home July 23 in honor of
said, to provide a from of devotion from a two weeks' stay in New
her sister, Miss Sarah Balantzow,
that will be compatible to the Amer- York and Atlantic ('ity, where they
a bride-elect of Aug. :31, with a
icanized Jew without sacrificing celebrated their second wedding
luncheon and shower. Covers were
important traditions.
anniversary. They were accom- I placed for :35 guests.
panied on the trip by Mr. and Mrs.
Bud Blum and Miss Bess Ilarrison
Miss Fannie Alpern vacationed
of Detroit.
NEW YORK.—(J. T. A.)— T5‘..5
for two weeks at Bay City, Mich.,
11612 Dexter Boulevard
Chicago, DI. In Bay City she American Jews, Colonel Mieha5•1
For Your Sandwich
Mrs. Rachel Lieberman of 2635 was the guest of her parents, Mr Friedeam, president of thi' Fifth
Elmhurst avenue, who has been and Sirs. J. Alpern. In Chicago ; , Avenue Association and of B. Alt-
visiting relatives and friends in she was the guest of her brother ; man Ri Company of New York.
Baltimore and the east for the past Dr. William II. Alpern. Many love ' and V/ alter C. Korn, a director of
ontetiore Hospital, the Bron x,
two months, is expected home next ly affairs were Olen in her honor
Miss Bessie PatIojahn of Detroi t ! were honored this week by the
government. Colonel
joined 51iss Alpern in Chicago fo
5Friedsam received the silver Medal
Mrs. Max Engelman and son, a week-end.
of Honor of the French ministry
Howard, of Pittsburgh are visiting
her father, I. Schackne of 2086
Mr. and Mrs. William J. S : pro of commerce in recognition of the
Blaine avenue.
ger, accompanied by Miss Celia assistance given by him in New ,

Steinpress of Chicago, Ill., spent a York to the "exposition de la Rue
Mrs. David Grinstein of Seattle, few days with Mrs. Sproger's par- St. Vonore." Thepresentation
Wash., who have been visiting her ents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Weiss, and was made at a luncheon in Paris
brother, Harry G. Brown of 465 sister, Miss Irene, of 1725 Bur- Presided over by the head of the
Federation of Committees of
Goldengate, left for her home.
lingame avenue.
Streets of Paris, at which Colonel
Mr. and Mrs. Max Schoenfeld
Miss Sarah Lieberman of 2635 5 Friedsam was the guest :of honor.
and daughter, Phyllis, of Dexter Elmhurst avenue has returned Dr. Korn was decorated for the
boulevard have returned from a from an extended motor trip fourth time by the French Acad-
four weeks' motor trip in North- through the east. Iler itinerary in- emy for his work for physical edu-
ern Michigan.
cluded Baltimore, Washington, cation in France. Maxine 5155n-
Philadelphia, Atlantic City and Rendre, consul-general of France
in New York, presented him with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bieberstein several other points of interest.
the purple ribbon and citation of
and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Alexan-
der spent the week-end in Toledo
Miss Frances Silverman of New an officer in the Academy.
a , the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Will York City is visiting her relatives
in Detroit. While here she is the
guest of her aunt and uncle, Mr.
Louis Lipsitz and son, Max, of and Mrs. Charles Silverman of
Calvert avenue left for Palestine, 2045 Gladstone.
LOS ANGELES.—(.1. T. A.)—
where they will remain indefi-
Superior Court Judge harry A.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Paul of Ha-
zelwood avenue motored to Los Hollzer has been appointed to the
Mrs. Jacob Klevans and slaugh- Angeles, where they will remain District Court of Appeals of Cali-
fornia. Ills appointment is for a
ters Ruth and Audrey of Yout:, Sept. 1.
five-month period, commencing
town, Ohio, were the guests of
their father, LOUIS Lipsitz of C
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Brotman,
vert avenue.
Judge Hollzer was learn in New
who have been visiting, their chil-
('ity in 1880, was educated
dren, Sir. and Mrs. Samuel Weis-
Mrs. Jack Joffe and children of man of West Boston boulevard, in the University of California and
was admitted to the California Bar'
New York are visiting with their have returned to Montreal.
in 1902. He was npnoints's1 to the
parents and grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Bofsky of Blaine ave-
The Misses Ruth, Arie, Louise, Superior Cleat in 1921 by the (7.1v-
Louise Kahn and Sylvia Weinberg ernor 14 ('alifornia, was elected for
are spending, several weeks at Lake •the balance of the term the same
Mrs. H. F. Byron and daughter, Placid, New- York.
year and was re-elected for the
Eileen Shirley, of Boston holds,-
full term in 1926, when he was
ard are visiting in Atlantic City,
Miss Betty Magilavv of 3296 also appointed as member of the
Mr. Byron will join them next Clements avenue and Miss Lillian Judicial Council of California.
Yarrows of 2504 Taylor avenue,
will leave Saturday, Aug. 2, to BELASCO SEES TALKING
Mr. and Mrs. Jim DeLue of spend their vacation pt The Inn, PICTURES ON LAST LEGS
New York City are the guests of Charlevoix, Mich.
Mn. and Mrs. Emanuel Tobias.
Mrs. Ethel Subar of 3250 Ful- T. A.)—The talking picture is on
Miss Anne Weiskott of Los A:1- lerton avenue left for an extended
its last legs, the public having be-
,5.1es is the guest of her sister, trip to Rochester, Syracuse, N. Y.,
come tired of it, and a revival of
/Os. 1. Leamann, of Tuxedo ave- and the Adirondack Mountains.
interest in the silent films oral legi-
timate theaters may soon be ex-
Mr. and Sirs. Irving Gould and
pected. This was the statement
Eli Kopman of St. Louis, Mo., son of 15058 Quincy avenue have
made here on July 23 by David W-
!who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. returned from a motor trip to and
ies•n famous American-Jewish
S. Kopman of Calvert avenue, left stay at the Catskill Mountains.
playwright and theatrical producer,
for a trip to Niagara Falls.
in an interview given on the 0,11S-
Mr. and Sirs. Max Weksler of
Mrs. Arthur Webber and daugh- Normandy avenue had as their ion of his seventy-seventh birth-
ter left for Los Angeles, when guests their nieces, Miss Dorothy
"As the public is turning away
they will join Mr. Webber and Cohodoes and Ann Cohodoes, and
from the talking pictures, it is
make their future home there.
nephew, Lloyd Cohodoes, of Iron
ready to turn toward the silent pic-
Mountain, Mich. Mrs. Weksler
Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Smith .sf and children will accompany them ture again," declared Mr. 13elasco.
St. Louis, 51o., who have been the back Wednesday. They will be "and is it also ready for a great
infests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Kopman gone till September. Mr. Weksler revival of the legitimate stage. I
have been in the business a great
of Calvert avenue, left for 51ichi- will accompany them to Chicago.
many years, and every year I have
ran City.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Goldberg of heard the same talk that the stage
Mr. and Mrs. F. Klein of Cov- 112 Seward avenue left for a is going to the how-wows, but the
ington avenue left Thursday for motor trip to northern Michigan ! fact is that a good play will con.
New York City, where they will and will stop at the Charlevoix Inn mond as much patronage today as
it ever did, or more."
spend a few days before sailing for two weeks before

Dancing to t he music of our hot noted college
orchestra, omits tires, dramatics, impromptu parties
around the fireplace, and other joyful doings make
evenings memorable.

!Nuke kess9tvahloN NDW. Rate, incInding all netkifi• ,
e ridin0 end volr, ere $3:i a M1•4 k.
INote: Celt, Mooni ,I
ma t« in forms. for h
r rev, relief.)

For addironal inlormaDon write Camp Manlier, Ironton, M411., or
Call David Markowits, 528 Detroit Savings Bank Bldg.,
Cadillac 4540 or 1469 Atkinson Ave., Empire 0899






Write for beautiful booklet CHARLEVOIX, M ICI I.


44 ,i, Great A ugust



J. Lefkofsky's Sons

have served you with the finest and freshest delicat5..
since 1896,

We sell the products of Vienna Sau-
sage Company only.

We Have No Branch Stores

J. Lefkofsky's



Banish all Washing Cares /

Now in Progress

Continuing through the month of August we will offer—as has
been our custom since 1887—a substantial reduction from the
price of every Fur Coat and Fur Scarf in our establishment . . .
More than ever, this season's August Fur Sale (ou• 44th) merits
the interest of every woman because fur coat styles are more beau-
tiful than ever and prices for furs of dependable quality are the
lowest in many years. Our August discount is substantial . . .
our stock is large, the selection is unusually varied . . . the qual-
ity maintains the Annis reputation . . . and our terms are con-
venient . . . It is time to buy.

`Buy With Confidence




C. Kranz



for Europe.


Master Elliott Kroniseh, nephew
of E. A. Bernstein of Chicago
boulevard returned from Camp
Nissokone and left for Michigan
City to spend the remainder of the

Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Selker and
children. Marilyn and Henry Ed.
ward, of Calvert avenue, have re-
turned from a stay at Port Stan-
ley, Canada.

Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Unger and
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Blair of 3200 family of Rochester avenue are
Chicago boulevard will motor to .pending some time in Gaylord,
(;(11.aicaag,s,ahatohameet athvZ iadaauigahtte,ora. Mich.

Merchant The Shop Where Courtesy 10347 Woodw d
and Service Prevail
Between Calvert and Angeles. Avalon, San Francisco,
, 11, :antvfi e ,r eaniadanS tahlta. Lake City for the

Miss Marian Edelberg of New
York City has been visiting Mrs.
A. S. Isaacs of Chicago boulevard.



Woodward ■
at Eleven-M11•


12th St. •1 W. Grand Blvd. Ene.4104•

RII EUM A TIS 11, Joint Infl•rnmatnrs,
kto•cle-ffiehr, !miniver• Let u• explain

r Er' n' TFII!;;10 '

' A130.
1i:\'701.41 E.
. ;•
363rScettee •'A•e., Lafayette 0140
Detroit. Mtch•

Use our
Finished Family Service

rt UR

Finished Family Service is a
ki complete laundry service. It defi-
nitely removes from your shoulders the
irksome and tedious tasks of washing
and ironing, and returns your clothing
clean, fresh and sweet.

Telephone got TODAY—end let ns free ye. ire.•
the thachlet of Washday.

G iiie


does it 4 t


Let our laundry do your washing, thus giving
of leisure time for the family.

you plenty

Weller Laundry Co.

Phones Cadillac 5169-5170


Our low rate of 8c per sheet enables you to enjoy the
luxury of clean, sweet,
fresh sheets at frequent interval,

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