4merica lewisk Periodical Cotter 0 • CUPTON ATINt31 CINCINNATI 20, OHIO C All Jewish News All Jewish Views WITHOUT BIAS 1 OL. XXX. NO. 7 '1 e an 3 ES evii e aunt ed I 1 EN MIT 11- EbTROIT LWISR ORONICLE TELEPHONE CADILLAC: 1-0.4-0 THE ONLY ANGLO•JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1930 JEWISH EDUCATION Palestine Demand for Labor Greater EXPULSION OF JEWS Than Supply, Great Britain Reports Is NOT A CHARITY, FROM ARGENTINA IS l RABBIS ARE TOLD Annual LIS!. n ! al t g e 9(:,,n9t into League itthu'artbiaonneselst‘eisriZsogress URGED IN POSTERS Hove Sc/ads financed by Tuition Before Wailing Wall Commission Continue. 1!r. Loewenstein States Tui- Anti-Semitic Propaganda Is Lion Fees Should Cover Britain's 1929 Report Asks Arabs' Pledge Spread by Mysterious To League on Palestine. Costs. I Against Disturbances. Organization. LONDON. -- (.1. T. A.) - The JERUSALEM. — (.1. T. A.) ( , IITHODOX OPPOSED events in Palestine and the activi- Prior to his departure on his an TO FRIDAY SERVICES ties of the British administration nual vacation, HighCommissione - JEWS HAVE FAITH IN there for 1929 are overshadowed by Chancellor asked the Arab leader • FAIRNESS OF PEOPLE 8 the August disturbances says a re- reassure him regarding report Insist Women Be Separated port of the British government to luceived by the Colonial Office tha t Socialist Paper Voices Pro- From Men During Hours presented to the League of Nations. there were plans on foot for dis test; Other Papers The report points out that it is turbands in Palestine once th - of Worships. unnecessary to refer to the dis- Ilighrommisisoner W11:4 Ignore Issue. gone, a .- turbances themselves in view of the I'ANNERSVILLE, N. Y. — (J • l'alestine Inquiry Commission and cording to a report in the Ara 1, Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents ZIONISTS TO HOLD r Urg es Well-Considered JEWS TERRORIZED HERZL MEMORIAL British Policy in Zion BY HOOLIGANS IN MEETING JULY 16 ' EUROPEAN LANDS Will Honor Memory of the Founder of Zionist Or- ganization. — I Attacks Reported From Ger- many, Poland, Rumania and Lithuania. MEMORIAL SPONSORED BY 5 ZIONIST GROUPS JEWS ATTACKED ON STREETS OF BERLIN Revisionists and Brith Sholom Lodges Also to Hold Memorials. Pogrom Threat in South Bu- kowina Forces Jews to Barricade Selves. — The twenty-sixth anniversary of, WARSAW.—(J. T. A.)—More BUENOS AIRES.—(J. T. A.)— the death of Dr. Theodor Herz]. T. A.)—Jewish education is no t . hence finds it unnecessary to make paper Al Hayat. A similar report than 40 Jews were injured, many Anti-Semitic posters, which call for appeared in the Cairo El Mokkat- founder of the Zionist Organiza- charity and tuition fees shout it any further observations on the seriously, when gangs of hooligans the expulsion of the Jew's from tion and the father 14 modern nn- pay the budget of Jewish school attacked the Jewish quarters' of disturbances or their causes, and 011131.1embers and officials of the Arab Argentina and which accuse the Mien! Zionism, will he honored at although the charity federation Kovel. The trouble began Friday, deals instead with the more impor- a memorial meeting Wednesday should support a central education - taut consequences of the disturb- Executive are reported to have in- Jews of responsibility for the ex- when a number of Jews were in- istence of the white slave formed the II igh Comiinsisoner that trade in evening, July 16, at the l'hiladel-I al guidance bureau, Dr. Solomo n anees. jured in a quarrel with Polish the rumors were false and that the country, have been found post- Talmud Torah. Loewenstein, executive director o f swimmers. Revolvers, knives and In general the report concludes ed on hill-boards in the Jewish sec- The Zionist District of Detroit, the Federation for Support of Jew -' that the last months of 1020 in Pal- they emanated from the persons sticks were used by the hooligans. tion of Buenos Aires. "fishing in muddy waters." the local Mizrachi chapters, the' ish Philanthropies of New York The Jews of the town are panic- . estine were characterized by polit- "The Jews have insulted the hon- Wailing Wall Hearing. Jewish National Fund, Hadassah I declared in speaking in a sympos - • (cal unrest, the strengthening of stricken. They have deserted the or of the Argentina women; they DR. SOLOMON LOEWENSTEIN The most important piece of ev- and Junior Ilailassah have joined streets, barred the doors of their ium on "Community Federatio forces of public security and a idence yet presented by the Jews do not respect the Argentine laws; forces in arranging for this meet- and Jewish Religious Work" at th e, restriction of ecimomic activity. houses and closed their shops. The Addressing the Rabbinical As- ing. thirteenth annual rabbinical as -;The conflict over the Arab and ti substantiate their claims to Jews should not be tolerated in our windows in many Jewish houses schools and universities, and should seedily sessions at Tannersville, The Speakers. and shops have been smashed, sembly convention which plena d Jewish claims to the Wailing Wall rights at the Wailing Wall was offered to the Wailing Wall Com- be expelled from the country," the N. Y., Dr. Loewenstein declared Dr. Alvin D. llerwh wilt be the A delegation of Jews headed by here on July 7. Dr. Loewensteil , ' SIR HERBERT SAMUEL la et uca ion must he self-sup- a or an opportunity posters declare. They are signed the president of the Jewish com- chairman of the evening and speak- expressed disaproval of Rabbi M • for disorder, the report points out.' mission when counsel for the Jews porting from tuition fees of school by "The Sons of the l'eople," a showed that the Turkish govern. ers will include Rabbi I. Stollman, I LONDON. — (J. T. A.) — A munity and the rabbis asked the A. Drab's proposal for the organ' - Serious Results of Boycott. ment in Constantinople had or- mysterious organization which some pupils and must not be made a Charles Rubincr, assistant attor- well-considered and carefully protection of the municipal au- zation of a federation for the sup Dealing wish public security, dered the withdrawal of the 1912 here link with the anti-Semitic charit y. ney-general of the State of Mich- I framed policy by the British gov- thorities. The district police chief port of Jewish religious organize brunches of the peace and the order of the Turkish authorities student group which sonic weeks imin, and others. The El Molei ernment is the one essential to the formed the delegation, however, lions. ago posted a placard with "Kill Rachaniim will be chanted by Rev. Jewish National Home in Palestine, that he did not have enough po- Dr. Cyrus Adler, president of the strength of the British garrison in Jerusalem prohibiting the use ' in the country the report points out if benches at the %Veiling Wall by the Jews" as it s slogan. 11. Milkovsky and Milton Fischer, declared Sir Ilerbert Samuel, first lice. Following this the deputa- seminary, sent a mesage urging th . The Independent Socialist De p. senior in the high schood of the high commissioner of Palestine, tion left for Lutak to see the dis- rabbis to use their influence 011 the e a series of attacks upon individ- the Jews. ) ez 'ns i, who is himself a This eva,ence is important be- United Hebrew Schols of Detroit speaking st a dinner given by the trict commissioner and ask for his Jewish Agency in favor of religion . ' oats of a grievous character dur- Jew, has called upon the police de- will recite appropriate selections. Maciebeans July 7 in honor of the intervention. education in the schools of Pales ing September and October, the t ause it undermines the argument breaking up of a gang of Arabs if the Arabs that according to the , partment to investigate the origin Complete order was finally re- Latest movies of Palestine, taken Jewish members of Parliament. tine. , which proposed to operate in the status quo the Jews had no right , of the anti-Semitic posters and to stored in Kovel and the 12 Jews, by the Jewish National Fund after I Major II. L. Nathan presided. Hails Reform Artion. Sharon Valley. notwithstanding to the use of benches at the Wall. punish the guilty. The Socialist the riots, will be shown. who were wrested and jailed af- Satisfaction that the reform rob - which the outward tranquility of Dr. llerzl, whose interest in ter having defended themselves Dr. Mordecai Eliash, chief of the newspaper, La Vanguardia, in an bis at their recent convention ill the country was maintained and Jewish counsel, offered in evidencs editorial voices a strong protest I Zionism began with the Dreyfus and repulsed the attackers, were l'rovidence were approaching Jew- , the tourist season opened and con- freed . Affair in France where he was cor- a copy of a Hebrew paper from against the anti-Semites. Other ish nationalism and Conservative ' tinned without untoward 'newspapers of Buenos Aires have Jerusalem respondent for the Vienna Neue The chief of police of Kovel stat- ' . . 11, Judaism was expressed by Rabbi With regard to economic matters which reported that the Turkish ignored the entire incident. ed that the riots of Friday were The Halevy-Ilazomir Choral So- Freue Frew, (lied July 3, 1901, Louis Finkelstein in his presiden- 'the report says that Jewish indig- The Jews of Buenos Aires are not of a serious character. Only a 20 days in Tammuz. In the brief government had directed that the cietv, Branch 263 of J. N. W. A•, tial address. Ile advocated greater nation at the disturbances led for " span of time during which he de- group of students who were in Ka- prohibition of the benches he re- not over-excited over the appear- is in perfect form to present the co-operation between Jewish relig- a short time to a sporadic boycott ante of these posters, having as voted yet on their vacation, he said, par- himself to the cause of a re- moved without delay. The same ious bodies and denied that there of Arab produce and sub they do full confidence,in the demo- ticipated in the attacks on the built Jewish life in l'alestine, this report also appeared in the I was an over-supply of rabbis- the revival of Arab nationalist and ruoure, a Jewish paper, then pub- cultic spirit of the Argentine peo- Cleft. great leader succeeded to interest- In the symposium of "Commun- anti-Jewish feelings resulted in an lished in Constantinople, but now ple And in the effectiveness of Ar- ing leading world powers in the ity Federation and Jewish Relig- ,organized boycott of Jewish pro- issued in Cairo, which was also gentine laws. cause of the Jews, and was re- in Berlin. ious Work" Ben Rosen, director of sponsible fur the formation of the BE.IrLINA.—(J, ' ducts. This, the report states, submitted as evidence. A.)—While the United Talmud Torahs of Phil- I was accompanied by acts of intim- World Zionist Congress and of the Some in one part of Berlin a huge mans LONDON.—(J. T. A.) — Saw Chairs in Use in 1900. adelphia urged community action 1 idation but the conditions were so powerful World Zionist Organiza- very ugly happenings have occurred! meeting of Jews, under the aus- Prior to 1928 the Moslems were and respnosibility but made allow- tion. artificial in a small country where never seen going to the Wailing in Rumania which are deplorable pices of the Union of Jewish Fron- ances for the particularistic prob- I. 0. B. S. Revisionist Memorial. because they occurred in Ilukowina tier Soldiers, was being held to there must inevitably be economic Wall, the Wailing Wall Commis- lems of congregational schools and intercourse between two sections of Another ilerzl memorial meeting where there had been no outrages protest against the anti-Semitic-agi- sion heard from Miss G. Ilussey, individual agencies. Rabbi Simon I the population that it soon became British archaeologist in charge of will he held Sunday evening, July before but the action of the gov- tenon that has of late been stir- Greenberg of Philadelphia felt that apparent that the boycott involved the tomb in the Garden of Gethe 20, at Jericho Temple, Joy Road ernment has been firm and prompt ring Germany, thousands of mem- the community federation is pri- Arab as well as and Linwood, under the auspices the Anglo-Jewish Association was bers of the anti-Semitic National Jewish losses. Nev- semane, which some Anglicans be- marily philanthropic and cannot of the three Detroit Brith Shalom informed at its regular meeting by Socialist party attacked Jews In ertheless, the boycott had serious leive is the true sepulchre of Christ. control religious institutions or results for individuals which may Miss Ilussey declared that she lodges. I'hilip Slomovitz and Leon Lucien Wolf, secretary of the Joint the streets and one Jew was seri- further religious activity owing to n K w at s:will be the speakers at this Foreign Committee of the Board ously injured. reflect in the public finances but came to Jerusalem in 1900 and a its policy of neutrality. meeting. particularly in the revenue derived fortnight later she visited the The great crowd of National So- of Jewish Deputies and the Anglo- A total annual budget of $100,, The Zionist-Revisionist Organiza. Jewish Association . cialists carried out its demonatra- from the tariff on imported goods. Wall, where she saw old men sit- 1000 for the coming year was OOpposeFriday Services. Ion in the western section of Bee- Lion of Detroit has also arranged In Jerusalem, the report says, ting on chairs or benches. Mr. Wolf said he could never re- adopted by Junior Hadassah, rep- NE1V YORK. — (J. T. A.) — many Jewish merchants are moving for a memorial meeting on Wed- member when such high personages in on Wittenbergplatz. "Ger- In 1902 or 1903, she stated, she resenting a membership of 10,000 Strenuous opposition to late Friday into the new comercial district, nesday many, awake and rid yourself of evening„ .July Ui, at Litt in Rumania, including the King, t saw a wood and canvas screen at young Jewish women throughout evening services and men and worn- , abandoning the Old City while Jaf- man's People'a Ilall, above Litt- made emphatic and uncompromis- he Jews," the anti-Semitic crowd the Wall. Miss Hussey testified the country, at the closing session'' en sitting together in the synagogue fa shopkeepers are moving to Tel pouted as its members attacked man's Yiddish Theater, Twelfth ing condemnation of anti-Semitism, that she had lived among the Arab of its eighth annual national con. WAS voiced Monday by Rabbi Nach- and Seward. Spokesmen for the and his considerable feeling of con- f ewish passers-by. Immense con- Aviv. An interesting record that fellaheen but had never heard them vention at Hotel Stabler, Cleve- man H. Ebin of Brooklyn in his • the report points to is that since mention the Wall. Replying to land, July 3. Revisionists pointed out that the , Hence in the present government r usion ensued and when the police presidential message at the opening the boycott was directed against wenty-sixth anniversary of Dr. had not changed, he added. "Noth-i t cached the scene many of the Na- Abdul Auni Bey, Arab counsel, she This sum is to be de , oted to of the second annual convention of products from Jewish sources its s teal's death also marks his sev- ing the Joint Foreign Committee p ional Socialists who had taken aid she knew that "Barak" is a the organization's four specific re the Rabbinical Association of the early effect was a stimulation of n ntieth birthday, and that their or- or the League of Nations can dol r art in the disturbances were cr- ew word. sponsibilities in Palestine, as fop ested. D. FROHMAN Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological importation to make good the de- anization will emphasize the eel- will alter the folly or madness of Evidence that about 1895 the lows: $10,000 fur its latest pro While the police were engaged Si minary. One hundred rabbis, ficiency in local products. bration of thegreat leader's birth certain classes in Rumania and all ' ews laid new tiles on the pave- ject, the Pardess An agriculture I all-Jewish and Hebrew program n dispersing the crowd in the graduates of the Yeshiva College, other thanhis death. Prominent we can ask is that the government Demand for Labor Greater. n lent in front of the Wailing Wall colony in Rabia, to which will b e on Jewish night, Monday evening, I to Wittenbergplatz, the Jewish mass attended the sessions at Ilotel meal speakers will address the, maintain order," Mr. Wolf de•ared. Dealing with the government's w •as given by Elihu Eisenstein, sent the graduates of Meie ✓ July 14, at the Shell in Belle Isle, m Pennsylvania. eeting of the Revisionists. Ile expressed certainty that the I meeting was being held in the Ber- 'authorization of the entry of 2,300 f ormer secretary to the former Shfeyah, the children's village according to I). Frohmatn of Cleve- "We strenuously oppose late Fri. Admission will be free to all present government was alive to its in municipality hall. Nearly $17,000 for the Nurses' Train' ti ny evening services, Jews jammed the hall to declared (Turn to Page Oppo ate Editorial) hese memorial meetings. responsibilities. (Continued on Editorial Page.) School in Jerusalem and $1,50( ; (Turn to Page Opposite Editorial.) vent their indignation and Rabbi Ebin. "Services should take for additional improvements; $35, at the disturbances that have en- race at sunset when the Sabbath 000 for its children's village, and dangered the Jewish communities is ushered in. We are however in $20,000 to help redeem the Haifa In Thuringia, Saxony and Schles- favor of Fralay night lectures in Bay tract for the Jewish National wig-llolstein as a result of the agi- the synagogues, provided that the Fund. In addition, the sum of tation of the National Socialists. same are arranged in accord with $13,000 will be used for adminis The speakers were M. Kareski, the spirit of the Jewish religion. trative purposes. president of the Berlin Jewish "As orthodox rabbis, we uphold Flint Group Gets Prise, ommunity, and George Bernhardt, .•,, time-honored tradition and cos- The Cultural Fellowship, initi Jewish Leader Points Out How ditor of the Vossiche Zeitung, i. in that women be segregated from w asa ts y ear's m t. e o d n v e an t t i a p en , . 1,• men during hours of worship. he latter called on the Jews to Forced Out of Occupations and From Government Undertakings; 114)1'tt, I c reate organizations to prevent II are therefore against family length and a resolution was adopt Says nti-Semitism. Ministerial Diree- I.• ws in the synagogue. The Jew- ed to foster and encourage this or Brechtd, on behalf of the goy- h traditional synagogue always The breaking of the glass at by the Jewish National Sund a Mr., medium for cultural work. Mrs rnment, promised the fullest pro- oil a gallery for women. We urge ' EDITOR'S NOTE.—rolleh etatements Jewish weddings is a superstition Lamport displayed a Ketubah, or Elma Ehrlich Levinger of Colum As is well know n abroad, Poland re prone to minimize the Jerrkh eco- much attention to the signs of the tection to citizens. A unanimously - he various communities to con- which ought to be abolished, and traditional marriage contract, to bus, Ohio, well-known writer and nearing storm. Wasn't it getting adopted resolution called on the undergoing a severe econom- nomic mei+ In Inland by na,init that . met their synagogues upon the to reme Aber Jerusalem and the is now be printed on parchment in seven lecturer, introduced the discussion when general economic condition.. Im• the taxes? And if the Jew's com- German government, the state o del and design of the old tradi- Destruction of the Temple, for colors, with illustrations and draw- at a forum luncheon held for that ic crisis. In the villages, poverty prove the JeVOI will benefit i011, plained, well, it is the habit of Jews governments and the municipality tional synagogue. Those syna- which this ceremony is intended, ' may or moo not be true but In thl.. es• ings having modern significance. . purpose, and stressed the signifi• is rampant, since agricultural pro- clorive nrticle Deputy Gruenbatim, • to complain against discriminations governments to take drastic meas- gogues that have no gallery should a more dignified and more practi- This Ketubah will be presented to ranee and value of such an under- , ducts are being sold at ridiculous- no...1.er of the Polkh Parliament, the which they themselves invent in ures against the anti-Semitic in- make proper partitioning, to en- cal custom ought to be substituted. newlyweds with the compliments standing and thorough knowledge ly low prices. Industry is reduc- ont.tandin• Jewish leader of Poland. • their over-excited imagination. citement. able men and women to come to the This, in brief, is the sentiment of the Jewish National Fund, at of Jewish and Zionist problems on ing its number of workers, since Zion'st leader with an International Yet). otation give.. 114 the fart*, onvarnkhed When other elements too began to srmilrogue without violating the that was expressed by Solomon buying pr of the peasantry, end plain. the same time serving as propa- the part of the American-Jewish the Instigate Lithuania,. Premier. we complain, this was ascribed to the principle of the law." Lamport, national treasurer of ganda to remind the young people womanhood of today. which constitutes nearly 70 per KOVNO. — (J. T. A.) — The malice of She opposition. Then the the American Jewish National of the existence of this fund, Three groups were honored of the population, has dropped cent peasants too began to cry out and revelation that former Premier expected to surpass Danzig and Fund, during a conference with which they will be asked to re- with prizes for the largest per- heavily, and the market for Polish Waldemaras ordered the pogroms Detroit Zionist leaders. Not sat- ' member with their contributions centages of membership increase goods abroad is a very slight one become the only port for Poland, unemployment grew until it came to the present catastrophe which (Turn to Last Page.) isfied with a mere repudiation of on every wedding anniversary. during the past year. Chicago and cannot compensate for the the erection of new railroad lines. non« • an any longer deny. The what he termed "superstition" in • "Instead of painting a part of was awarded first prize; Minneap- lessened home markets. Commerce government buildings, and on. , income from taxes is also begin-1 the glass-breaking ceremony, Mr. your walls black as a 'nether le- olis, second prize, and Flint, Mich.. is on the decline; the number of ,nag to fall, and the government' BLOCH L amport th ird prize. churban, you should beautify your bankruptcies is very great; the is forced to seek loans abroad in ties to point out that centuries ago homes with Golden Book certifi- Miss Lesser Re-Elected. number of protested notes has dur- order to reduce expenses. Because the bridegroom Was called upon to cates, or tree certificates, and The convention banquet held on ing the past few months risen to id' that it must also give up its repeat the excerpt from Psalms: newly-weds will be able to display Wednesday evening had for its '15,000,000 zlotys a month. In cities fight with the Sejm and agree to "If I forget thee, 0 Jerusalem, the new Ketuboth as a 'nether le-' guest of honor and principal towns too poverty is increasing and an extra session of parliament, cun- insan, may my right hand f Mr. Lamport declared speaker Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver. and the privileged Polish merchant, which may considerably strength- ning, may my tongue cleave to the Almost a hundred communities roof of my mouth if I do not re- as he pointed to the significant il- who is supposed to enjoy the bless- en the position of the Sejm in its lustrations which make the new ton was re-elected national presi- ings of government protectionism, in various parts of the United fight with the regime which is now member thee, if I place not Jeru- Ketubah a work of art. dent for the second year. Other :states have already participated in feels the pinch and cannot stand on ruling the country and fur which salem at the head of all my joys." officers chosen are Vice-Presi- the Allied Jewish Campaign which Symbolism Palestine Work. it is hard to find the proper name. In this way the cradle-land of dents, Flora Snyder of Pittsburgh. his own feet. is raising $6,000,000 in this coon- The planned Ketubah symbolizes This crisis did not break out all Usually it is said—and this is Israel was remembered at wed- Pa., Lillian Shulman of Chicago, try for the 1930 budgets of the the work that is being done by said especially by representatives dings Naomi Flax and Edith Schad at once. The black clouds on Po- SAN FRANCISCO.—(J. T. A.) Joint Distribution Committee and Jews in Palestine. A photograph of official circles when they have —Ernest Bloch, noted composer of "Zecher Le-Binyan." of Brooklyn, N. Y.•, treasurer, Es- land's economic sky began to gath- the Jewish Agency in Palestine, it occasion to talk with foreign Jews ! Jewish music, lately famed Quoting from the Shulchan of the Ilebrew University is at the ther Levy of New York City, and er some time ago. One can really for his is announced by Paul Baerwald, Aruch, Mr. I./import said that at . very helm of the certificate. Sym- or with representatives of foreign prize-winning symphony, "Amer- secretary to the president. Hannah say that the first dark clouds upon one of the national chairmen. The one time the custom was in vogue I hols of the 12 tribes surround the Jewish newspapers—that the diffi- ica," is to turn his creative Goldberg of Boston. Miss Rose the clear horizon were notices) im- art Allied Jewish Campaign was to invoke the tragedy of Jewish wording of the Aramaic text of the cult economic situstion of the Jews , next to composing the music I.ipsitz of Detroit was elected to mediately after the end of the Brit- for a launched at a national conference Dispersion, to place ashes on the marriage contract, and surround- ish coal strike, but especially since ; I is a natural result of the difficult Jewish Sabbath morning service. the national board of directors. in Washington, D. C., on March 8, groom's head at the wedding cere- ing that are the actual achieve- s • • He has consented to take up that the termination of most of the con- I : economic situation of the whole for the purpose of enabling the mony. On account of Catholic ' ments by the pioneers in Palestine. ASK RESCINDING BAN ON tracts to supply coal, which the country. The Jews are merchants. work at the insistence of Cantor Joint Distribution Committee to observance of Ash Wednesday, On one side is a picture of the VLADIMIR JABOTINSKY Polish coal industry had made l' craftsmen, industrialists, who nat- Reuben R. Rinder of Temple continue its reconstructive and cul- however, this practice was aban- model Bnei Brak colony, au de- urally suffer whenever the purchas- Emanuel, who is president of the One of the most important reso- with some of the former consum- tural work, on behalf of hundreds doned as "chukas ha-goyim," as a scribed in the report of the Jewish ing power of the peasant mass de- Society for the Advancement ers of British coal. One must re- of of thousands of Jews in Eastern non-Jewish law not to be practiced Agency commission. The orange utions adopted by the convention DEPUTY GRUENBAUM clines. Should the economic de- Synagogue Music, an international member that the coup d'etat of of the Zionist Organization of Europe and also to enable the Jew- by Jews. grove is pictured underneath 'hat, May 13, 1926, as a result of which piession vanish, should the pur- organization. Two years ago America in Cleveland called upon ish Agency to put into effect its, ' Because of that the rope around Mr. Lamport, a learned and de- and facing it on the left side of the Marshall Pilsudski assumed power, chasing power of the peasant in- Cantor Rinder first began urging economic, agricultural, colonization voutly Orthodox Jew, objected to certificate are shown lialutzim at Great Britain to rescind its ban on Vladimir Jabotinsky, who has been occurred in the midst of a growing the taxpayer's neck had to be tight- crease, he will begin to buy the Bloch to give his musical genius to and cultural program in Palestine. the retention of all similar super- work. orbidden to enter Palestine. is- economic crisis, which was really ened. Towards trade, especially goods which he needs, factory and writing new music for the Sabbath In addition to the large number stitious practices retained as The lower portion of the Ketu- one of the reasons for the compar- !Jewish trade, a veritable robber- shop will again produce and th e morning service. of communities which have already "zecher le-churban," as a remem- bah displays a crown, with the quo- i botinsky is the leader of the Zion- atively easy victory of Pilsudski's policy was carried on and it was merchant and middleman will again So seriously has the noted held "drives" or where fund-rain- brance of the Temple's destruction. tation "the wife is the crown of f ounder and leader of the Jewish followers. The victors were lucky. bled white. This situation devel- fulfill their function of distribu- writer of music taken up his latest ;ng efforts are now in progress, an He objected to continued adher- the household." A heart, grapes fought under The long strike in the British real oped no quickly because trade, and ting the goods. assignment that he has begun to impressive group of large cities ence of the custom of leaving a and other Palestinian symbols sur- Battalion, which General Allenby in Palestine due. fields had created a great demand again particularly Jewish trade, Misleading Argument.. study Hebrew and in three weeks are already scheduled for ' portion of one wall in every Jew- round the crown. Numerous Bibli- ng the war. for Polish coal. Besides, there was was not in a position to throw back The deduction from that is that has mastered enough to enable him paigns in the early Fall. ish home unpainted as a mark of cal and Talmudic quotations are its taxes upon the shoulders of its steps should in the first place be to translate prayers into English. Just before the close of the an improvement in the general eco- res. Campaigns definitely schei tiled mourning over the Jewish exile. interspersed to give the Ketubah • ft ion, Mr. Lipsky called to the plat- nomic condition. The first two consumers, because of its own lack taken to improve the lot of the peas- He is also considering a trip to the for the early fall include in.por- As a substitute for "zecher le- traditional meaning. The Ketu- f orm Israel Brodie of Baltimore. years after the Pilsudski upheaval o f capital and because of the weak ants and the wui kers and give the Orient to obtain the proper back- tent cities from Maine to Florida churban" Mr. Lamport urges the bah's size will be 12 by 14%. J acob Dellaas of New York and were years of a certain economic purchasing powers of its consum- factories, especially the larger ones, ground and artistic inspiration for and from coast to coast, it is stated Jewish people to adopt a "zecher Another new means of increas- Robert Szold of New York, the security, which was utilized by the ers. The over-crowding and con- an opportunity to survive the cris- his compositions. hY the national officers, who have le-binyan,'' a symbol of upbuild- ing the income sequent fearful competition in Jew- of the Jewish Ns- r Welcomed by a committee of is. One should not worry especial- secured local commitments that ing and reconstruction, and he tional Fund, displayed here by Mr. o epresentatives at the convention government as much as possible. ish trade also helped to bring this ly about the Jews, since their sit- civic leaders appointed by f Justice Brandeis and Judge The budget was raised consider- Mayor will, it is expected, bring the na- pointed to the ideals of the Jew- Lamport, is a birth certificate to about. uation is mainly dependent upon James Rolph, Jr., Rabbi Irving F. tional undertaking to its climax ish National Fund as offering a be given to fathers with the corn- fl Mack. The three were given a ably, until it reached the sum of ne ovation, which was extended 3,000,000,060 zlotys; money was Condition of the Country. the situation of the other producing R eichert of New York and his about the middle of October. Among , means for such substitution. pliments of the fund, in return for i nto cheers when Mr. Denims came spent lavishly for the army and As time went on the clouds grew groups of the population. No family arrived here Monday. Ile the communities that will partici Displays .1. N. F. Ketubah. which they will be asked to re- f orward and shook hands with Mr . large sums were expended for pub- ever darker, ever thicker. In the special steps to help the Jews, the comes to assume the rabbinate of Especially elated over the new-, member the cause of land-redemp- tate in the fall program are a I Lipsky, from whom he had been lic works. as for instance, the build- number in Michigan. est certificate now in the making' tion in Palestine. beginning the government, like, Jewish merchants, petty trades- Temple Emanuel, vacated by the eparated ever since 1921. resignation of Dr. Louis L New- . ing of the' port in Gdiny, which is , every government, did not pay, JEWISH NIGHT AT , ISLAND ON MONDAY' D. Frohman to Conduct Ha- levy-Hazomir Program at Shell, . CONDITION OF JEWS REPORTED NOT BAD Lucien Wolf Satisfied With Action of Rumanian Ruler. • BUDGET OF $100,000 FOR JR HADASSAH Rose Lipsitz Elected to Na-' tional Board; Flint Group Gets Prize. 3 alarm Solomon Lamport Advocates Abolition Of Wedding Glass-Breaking Ceremony DEPUTY ISAAC GRUENBAUM DESCRIBES !JEWISH ECONOMIC CRISIS IN POLAND National J. N. F. Treasurer Urges Upbuilding Rather Than Destruction of Palestine be Remembered; Displays Novel Ketubah to be Printed by National Fund. Outstanding and World Famous Zionist All Position of the Jew in Poland is Weakened. Jews Are e MANY CITIES PLAN ALLIED CAMPAIGNS s t Z O S A L MUS I C T F O O R Nearly a Hundred Communi- ties Have Already Con- ducted Drives. ' Noted Composer Studies He- brew to Aid Him in New Task. (Turn to Page Two). man.