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May 30, 1930 - Image 6

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1930-05-30

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Published Weekly by The Jewish Chrorole Pohlightne Co n

Entered I,. econtl-cles.
..r Ms,
thee at 1,roi t, 11 b






the Po.

I, 1.79.

General Offices and Publication Building
525 Woodward Avenue

Telephone: Cadillac 1040 Cable Address: Chronicle
I coition Office
14 Stratford Place, London, W 1, England

Subscription, in



Per Year

Ti. insure publication. allcorrespondence and new, matter
must reach this office by Tuesday evening of each week.
When marling notices, kindly use one side of the paper only.

7. hl•

The Detroit Jewi-h Chronicle invitee correspondence tin sub-
mrtsuf interest to the Jew
people. but disclaim.respon•i.
kitty fur an indorsement of the stews expres..ed by the writers

Sabbath Readings of the Torah.
Pentateuchal portion- Num. 1:1-1:20,
Prophetical portion—lies. 2;1-22.
Readings of the Torah for First Day of Shevuoth
(Feast of Weeks), Monday, June 6.
Pentateuchul portions—Ex. 1:20-23; Num. 28:
Prophetical portion—Esek. 1:1.28; 3:12.
Readings of Torah for Second Day of Shevuoth,
Tuesday, June 7.
Pentateuchal portions—Welt. 14;22-16:17; Num.
Prophetical portion—flab. 3:1-19.

Or are you satisfied with the material suc-
cess of your work and are prepared to stop
with fund-raising? The caliber of future
leadership depends upon the answer that
will be given. if our young people, who
must in the future assume the responsibili-
ties of leadership, will keep themselves in-
formed on the workings of the Jewish
causes which must receive unstinted Jew-
ish support, our leadership will be the bet-
ter for it, and a soul and a heart will be
breathed into our campaigiT machines. But
if our young people will merely turn into
professional campaigners, then Jewry may
in the future suffer. The future is in the
hands of our young women, the guardians
of posterity.

Danger On the Palestine Front.

Scanning the


This week marks the close
national joke contest.
Ann , 'owe-
molt of tile winner will be m,.. i, in
the next week's issue of tl
So, if your sub- •rip-
lien has expired, be sure to sr ol in
a renewal, to make sure you get
the paper, and furthermore, if you
are still in arrears on your past
subscription, please send that in
too. I've just been speaking with
the editor,, andhe tells me that a
note on his new $IMON house is
due next week, and you know how
it is, when you can just lay your
hands on a mere $75,000.
But now for some of the newest
batch of entries.
Credit this one to Joseph Fin-
berg, Attleboro, Massachusetts.
Two Jewish friends met on Third
avenue and the following eonver.
satinn ensued.
"Well, Goldstein, what are you
(king now?" Inquired Isaac.
"Isaac, my good friend, I have
such a tine business now. Make
lull of money," said Goldstein.
"What lousiness is that?"
"The Art business," answered
"What dot y o u mean by 'art bus.
iness?"' asked the (other.
"Well," explained Goldstein, "I
go by auction sales and I buy pic-
tures cheap; then I sell 'em for
profit. Yesterday I bought a pic-
ture for $25 and sold it for $50."
"What was the subject?" in-
quired Isaac.
"It wasn't no subject at all,"
said the art collector, "it was a pic-
I know," said the other.
"But every picture has got to have
a subject or it aint a regular pic-
ture, y'understand. Was this here
picture a marine or a landwape or
a still life, or a portrait or what?"
"How should I know," said the
puzzled art dealer. "To me a pic-
ture is a picture, This here pic-
ture now didn't have no name. It
was n picture of three fellers; one
feller had a flute, and one feller
had it Ileum and one feller had a


Charles IL Joseph



READ an ',Ogle on Samuel . Untermyer in the
New Yorker the other day. G. It was written by
Alva Johnston. In a desire to pay a tilting tribute
to the genius of the "Little Giant" the author
Bat while I am willing to give Mr.
Unternlytor credit for a whole lot of things I must
challenge the accuracy of the statement that he
was relionsible for Mr. Ford's apology. Ile said
a lot of nasty things about Mr. Ford which I heartily
applauded at the time. He gave the flivver king
some uncomfortable moments but that he brought
about the now classic apology is news to nits Here
is the statement to which I take exception:

Against the advice of his partner, the late
Louis Marshall, and other Jewish leaders, who
believed that litigation would only increase the
bitterness of Ford, Untermyer started a libel
suit in hehalf of Herman Bernstein (who was
charged by Ford with having supplied him the
data upon which he based his campaign against
the Jews). The maneuver that made Ford a
buddy of Israel was a notice of examination
before trial. The manufacturer surrendered
and avoided questioning. . . . Ford apologized
and settled: that was not enough. At Unter.
myer's insistence he agreed to dragnet the
world for his pamphlets, to destroy them.


From his ‘Isttlage post in Paris Pierre
Van Pea
tme Of the out ■ tendina

'Lew-touter corrvveundentil
the world
and daily contributor to the colum n
"'Through My Window" in the new York

Evening World. comments in hi.


inimitable way on Jewidt events and
Europe in his incisive
My Window . •

pet. ..online, of
column "I t es,ing


A statesman taus , said that ev-
•ry man had twit illuntries. France
and his own. To an intransigent
Flemish nationalist, such as my
father, this bland
seemed nothing less but an tout-
rageous insult. If we had at st
and fatherland at all it certainly
was not
ra rice, whose alien Caitline
was imperilling our own and defi-
nitely pushing it towards the prec-
ipice of annihilation. A1111 think-
ing hack now of my youth, I see
clearly that no efforts were left un-
tried to make not Frame but Pal-
There was a time when I knew
more about the geography of the
Holy Land than about that of Eng-
land or America. The heroes of

the poor would never have been

separated from the well-to-do i

any Jewish temple, yes that tfits•
might to the contrary have th •

seats of honor, but at that time it
suited the topographical fancy of
my youth, and 1 didn't inquire toss
deeply. It IleVell entered our
minds to identify the few Jewish
members of our community with the
ancient Ileforews. They were hard-
ly the people to toe associated in
tour minds se/the:the founders of
temples, the rivals of pharaohs and
assyrian warrior kings. At schtsol
it was this way; so bong HS the his-
tory `sof Israel conflirmed in ten-
dency to the conception of spa. and
coliquest, which our teachers had
taught us to regard as the natural
and normal destiny of strong peo-
ples, so long were We boys benev-
olent in tour sentiments towards
the Hebrews. But our favorable
inclinations, our allegiance I might
almost , -ay, (pored around the ints
nom In
1srnel 'inn with shattering de-
feat. In that event liar admiration
shifted promptly to the victoots
Co , nsequently, the defaced Hebrews
went into exile, to the shores of
Babylon's rivers, without commis-
toratitin on the part of us beys.
Concern over the fate of the Jew's
and interest in their history lierean
to dwindle from that moment on-
ward. The atmosphere, you nee,
wits being prepared and the setting
Watt being arranged by our teach-
ers for events to come. Any lin-
gering sympathies for the Jewish
people were to be banished from
our hearts before Jesus made his
appearance. We were to MT hint
make his envy into an extremely
unsympathetic ((odd, into an en-
vironment seething with hostility
against him, and with the Fates
set against him from his very birth.
It took me 211 years to get away
from this insidious propaganda.

On several previous occasions we pointed
out that if Jewish effort in Palestine is to
succeed we must be given free rein in the
purchase of land, and immigration Of Jews
into Palestine must be unrestricted. Now
May 30, 1930
Sivan 3, 5690
both these elements in the Palestine colon-
ization project are endangered, and it is
I T IS TRUE that the Untermyer settlement came
no wonder therefore that an embittered
after Aaron Sapiro had whipped the Ford crowd
Uncivil( iirlirt•W history: Gideon,
to a standstill in his libel suit against the manufac-
Stmts.!), David and others were in-
The Shevuoth festival has a double sig- Jewry is beginning to lose whatever faith
turer. But the apology the writer in the New
deed quite familiar figures to us.
Yorker has in mind came before the settlement of
nificance. It is agricultural as well as his-
They were invariably repres e nt e d
the Bernstein suit. Ni, one seems to know exactly
torical. It is the festival of the offering of
in the festive processions that
what put Ford's mind on the right track, whether
marched through our little tiosm
the first, fruit and it is the anniversary of the investigation that is being conducted
it was Sarino or someone else. But the trial un-
on national holidays. liy their
doubtedly had an important influence. It is agreed
the giving of the Law on Mount Sinai. It is by Sir John Simpson was followed by an-
aides walked persons who repre-
one of the three traditional holidays, with other report, believed to he well-substanti-
sented the great nuirtial heroes of
signed. Vntermyer had nothing to do with it. After
our own tradition: Artevelde, Eg-
the Sapiro case seas out of the way and Ford
Passover and Succoth, on which the tra- ated, that the Palestine government is now
mont, William of Orange. It was
apologized then the Bernstein case was settled.
ditional pilgrimages were taken to the Tem-
a strangely mixed crowd. you did
not to sell land to Jews. Proposed legisla-
not know sometimes if a character
ple in Jerusalem.
THE appeal sent out by a group of distinguished
tion would prevent an Arab who possesses
repres(onted some old Hebrew or a
Jews and non-Jews to create an annuity for Dr.
The spirit of Shevuoth is beautifully de-
Isidoor Singer, editor-in-chief of the Jewish Encyclo-
Fleming of repute. The colorful
less than 18 acres from selling to Jews,'and
scribed in the following verses from Judah
which were trotted tout
pedia, who has just celebrated his seventieth birth-
would prohibit the sale of more than 250
each year on such ocasions, had be-
Halevi, which have been transcribed from
mixed. I myself in-
acres in one transaction.
esteem in which this Jewish scholar is held by out-
the Hebrew:
terpreted the role of Jonathan once
standing Christian personalities. Dr. John II. Fin-
Should these two prohibitive proposals
4'5% former state commissioner of education of
Sly brother
WaS Junk , David's ,Ilrernantler in
become laws, they will mean death-blows
New York State; the great Harvard pnifeseor,
When Thou didst descend upon Sinai's
George Foote Moore, Rev, Dr. Samuel Parkes Cad-
chief. When the parade got to the
to the Jewish national movement, and it is
man, Everett Ross Clinchy, secretary of the federal market square I got into a violent
against this possibility that world Jewry
council of the Churches of Christ Committee on
row with the Apostle Peter, who
It trembled and shook 'neath Thy mighty
Better Understanding Between Jews and Gentile's,
walked behind inc and who kept on
is now again protesting. Sick and tired as
and many others, are sponsoring this appeal, in con-
tripping over the scabbard of my
we are of the word "protest," because there
junction with leaders in American Jewry. It is
sword. I would certainly have
And the rocks were moved by Th3. power
Every alternative Friday a ship
are so man• wrongs against which Jews
hardly likely that those Jews who have been asked
felled him with my wooden sabre,
leaves Odessa for Constantinople.
and splendor;
to make possible this annuity will delay in respond-
but the "custos" of the Latin
Martin Bergman, a German jour-
must constantly protest, the injustice of the
ing in a suitable manner. This poem, written by an
How then can my spirit before Thee
school where I was a student, and
nalist, who recently made the trip
stoppage of immigration to Palestine and
old friend of mine, George Alexander Kohut, l'h.
represented Alexander the Great
writes from Salonica to this de-
I)., on Dr. Singer's yeeentieth birthday, is a high
of the proposed land laws cries to heaven.
fur some mysterious reason, inter-
partment that when the ship Wan
On the day when darkness overspreads the
tribute to the genius of Dr. Singer:
fered and sent me flying with a poke
out at sea a day and a half, six
Gruess Gott! God's blessings on your mighty
of his lance.
stowaways were discovered in the
heard against their being carried into ef-
hold. They were Jewish boys, the
And the sun is hidden at Thy command? fect.
Peripatetic dreamer! From your pen
In the old cathedral of St. Ha-
eldest 18 years old. According, to
Flea's purple ink—the thoughts of gentlemen
ven where we went Sunday morn-
The angels of God, for Thy great name's
rules and regulations govern-
Previously there were pogroms and suf-
Like Amos and Ilosea—Once again
ings, I was fond of imagining my-
ing a ship tin the high-seas they
lowing, which I take the liberty of
We hear the Son of Galilee whose home
self in the Temple of Jerusalem.
ferings which united all Jews in common condensing.
promptly haled belts, the
Are ranged before Thee, a shining band,
Was e'er among the lowly. To your ken
All the families of the town were
captain of the 'Mgt+ an old sail-
causes. But in the general strike against
"Jake, that's a mighty nice look-
No esoteric lore is sealed, be it Ilellene
represented there in orderly groups
And the children of men are waiting ever
navigated the Black Sea
Or Hebrew Script. Indeed with dual zest
like the tribes of !seat.] on that 0C-
the immigration restrictions, reported to
long before the red banner with the
Thy mercies, unnumbered as grains of
up. Have you got a name for it
Your youthful eyes decode a palimpsest,
casion when Solomon dedicated the
sickle was nailed to
Your ambidextrous hand obeys your keen
great sanctuary which he erected.
the mast. Ile gave the lads a rolls-
"Soitinly," said th• capitalist.
the Jews of Palestine, all elements united,
And effervescent fancy—and behold
In my mind's eye there was (oven a
The Law they receive from the mouth of
The discovery of
decided I should call it the
You dare to be original and bold!
court of the Gentiles. 'This was a
including the extreme Agudath Israel, "I've
the Isis's created a lain of excite-
Cloister Apartments."
Thy glory,
Produce in immortal opera and bring
section of the church set aside for
Which is added proof that Jews stand
ment among the passengers and
"Strikes me as a rather curious
Each day same masterpiece as (offering.
the inmates of the god- and alm-
They learn and consider and understand;
they all crowded alsout the captain's

ready to unite against injustice to our as- name. Why call it that?"
houses of the community: the wid-
Oh! accept Thou their song, and rejoice in
cabin during the interrogation.
"Because," said Jake, "its cloister
MR. R. S. GREEN of Los Angeles, Calif., writes
pirations in Palestine, and out of such unity the subway, its cloister Central
Where were their passports?
their gladness
to say that he agrees with the attitude I have
titute of the town. They were
must conic, triumph for our efforts. There Park and its cloister the river."
Where the official permits to leave
taken toward discouraging such productions as the
segregated from as by a massive
Who proclaim Thy glory in every land.
Soviet Union? And where did
of pillars. I know now that
"Passion Play" and the "Merchant of N'enice." It
are many dangers in the tragedy that
they think they were going? They
is interesting to note the increased business that
would result from the failure of the Pales-
steamship companies are enjoying this season be-
My friend, Slomovitz, of Detroit,
tine project. Jewry in and out of Palestine sends
cause of the Passion Play at Oberammergau. It
Our Young Campaigners.
me two new ones. The first
would so fter from the Zionist movement one, I'hil says, has the added merit indicates the hold these stories of the Ceucifixion
What is perhaps most noteworthy about
have on the popular imagination and what infinite
of being true.
harm is done in keeping alive the spirit of hate
the Allied Jewish Campaign which met turning into another false Messiah, and a
"There is a kosher restaurant on
against the Jew because of just such spectacles,
responsible Jewry will not permit failure. Oakland
(-venue in Detroit which
with such unprecedented success here is
Mr. Green suggests that I include the "King. of
is patronized by Meshubwhim.
that most of the volunteer workers were Above all the people must not lose faith, This restaurant features a special Kings" in the prohibited category. I have at-
Most men are content to sit
ginning of a new era, an era when
this picture on the same grounds. And from
back and enjoy the fruits of a life
young people, many of Whom never before and we are confident that out of the travail business men's lunchpon at 50 tacked
the younger men and women in
what I can learn the disfavor shown by the Jews
well spent after they have reached
participated in Jewish communal efforts.
the Jewish community will take
toward the "King of Kings" has set it to the limbo
60, but not Benjamin N. Cardoso,
a meat Itrder. Sea and dessert.
glory to Israel.
the responsibilities hitherto
of forgetfulness. The writer also suggests that
chief justice of the New York Ap-
The enthusiasm which marked the drive is
"One day one of the Me•hulochim
carried by their elders. No better
something be done to eliminate the practice of
pellate Court, whose sixtieth birth-
called over the owner, w boo happens
start could have been made than
directly' ascribable to the pep of youth. It
public school teachers in pointing out to their classes
day has brought forth hundreds of
to be a woman, and said to her:
beginning with tossing Rosenwald,
during the Easter period that the Jews crucified
was proof of what our young men and
greetings from the most distin-
Uprooting an Evil.
"Misses, euch la doch altz ains
who has already demonstrated that
Jesus, therefore Good Friday and the Resurrection
guished men and women in Amer-
women can accomplish even in times of eco-
he is it real chip of the old block.
Emus, Moscow' Yiddish Communist daily,
three (lays later. There is entirely too much lati-
ica. For more than 16 years Judge
same to you when we eat the cours-
tude given sectarianism in our public schools, but
nomic depression and in spite of some dis- formerly the organ of the now dissolved es
Cardozo has been dispensing jus-
you serve, isn't it?)"
how to stop it is a perplexing problem.
tice tempered with mercy. Ad-
Utah is probably the only place
couragement which crept into the ranks of Yevsectsia, the Jewish Communist section,
"Shoot., sheer;' replied the res.
in America where the Jews an
mittedly one of the greatest jur-
HE some mail brings me another letter from
Detroit Jewish leaders following the fail- sent an investigator to Ukrainia who reports tau ra nte r.
ists in the country, he was recently
known as Gentiles, but even the ,
suggested this Meshulach
Angeles commenting on the subject discussed in
seriously considered as a candidate
ure of last year's drive, the quota of which from there that the situation of the Jews in in "Nu,"
the Jess gets into the limelight.
Yiddish, "if you don't mind, I'll
the preceding paragraph. But the lady who writes
fur the United States Supreme
The home of the Mormons has been
was half the amount asked this year.
come in the morning fur my vorsh-
that it is inadvisable for me to urge a modi-
the small towns has improved since the peiz, and will collect the other
Court. His colleagues and lawyers
hospitable to the Jews and many
fication of the present restrictive immigration laws
)laving seen what youth can do, there- Yevsectsia was liquidated. According to courses later in the day."
say of hint that in his years on the
of the state's leaders have been
because many of the newcomers from Russia are
bench he has been creating a legal
Jews. The recent conclusion of
fore, it is only proper that we address our- the investigator "every local Soviet is di-
"And now, in this restaurant,
Communists and that by encouraging more immigra-
revolution by his decisions. A lib-
census in Salt Lake City, a con.
selves to our young people and ask them rectly doing its best for the Jews under its the Meshulochim eat their "vorsh- tion and more Communists (I am merely following eral of liberals, a brilliant lawyer, the
elusion eminently satisfactory to
in the morning, return at
the reasoning of my correspondent), it puts a
a humane judge, Cardoso is not
whether their efforts for their people be- jurisdiction because it feels a direct respon- pee
the people, has brought into the
ninon for the stoup find meat, and
weapon in the hands of the D. A. R. and the K.
only an outstanding Jew but a
headlines Harry S. Joseph, state
gan and ended with this campaign, or sibility, something that was
in the
they collect their
K. K. Nevertheless I still maintain that with the
notable American whom the whole
census supervisor and for more
non-existent dessert evening,
of the doors against Jewish immigration by
whether they have conic to us with a de- while the Jewish section of the party still
country honors as he passes three
than 30 years a factor in Utah
served free."
so many countries, including the United States,
politics. An engineer by training.
termination to devote themselves to Jew- functioned."
incredible hardship is being visited upon our breth-
he drifted into politics by way of
ish interests throughout the year. The an-
county engineer's office, to
Which is added proof of what damage
The Second tone is a Chelm story
One is accustomed to think of
and neither are many Jews to be found among the
swer to this question will give us an ink- is frequently done to Jewish elementary as follows:
which he was elected in 1692. Two
the name of Rosenwald with Chi-
group. The suggestion made for a coast-to-coast
later he became county sue.
cago, for there Julius Rosenwald
"The Jewish community of
ling of what we are to expect from our fu- rights by officials who are themselves Jews
radio hook-up for a Jewish hour that might give
veyor and later he was elected ha
decided to throw a party
hat made his headquarters for his
the listeners a better understanding of the cultural
ture leaders; whether those who are to be and who wish to display authority. The Chelm
the legislature.
In 1907 he Watt
bountiful gifts to multitudinous
for the poor and Chanukah was
of the Jews, is a good one. But for the benefit
Several times he has
at the helm of Jewish affairs are to be mere Soviet is remedying the wrongs Russian the holiday occasion with "latkes" aims
philanthropies. But now Philadel-
of my correspondent I wish to say that there is
been mentioned as a candidate for
modern campaign "schnorrers" and partic- Jewry has suffered from the hands of our as the choice food. Also, there was already a Jewish Hour broadcast every Sunday phia claims a Rosenwald, a younger the United States senate. In the
Rosenwald, and a son of the great
to be re. limit to the number of
along the lines mentioned. Whether it
meantime his achievements add
ipants in drive song-felts, or whether they own sons by uprooting the evil that was "latkes" that any one of the poor afternoon
philanthropist. I.ast week Lessing
reaches to the coast I don't know, but quite a net-
luster to the Jew's of the state,
Rosenwald wit elected president
entertained might consume. Where-
are to be men and women informed on the known as Yevsectsia.
work of stations are included.
claim as their own the only
of the Philadelphia Jewish Federa-

upon the Chelemites discovered that
movements in the fund-raising of which
non-NItormon governor the statt ,
tion of Charities. His election was
in their midst lived the marvel of
O THE Brandeis-Slack group are willing to return
ever had.
they are prepared to devote themselves un-
generally admitted to mark the he-
t he age, ohe (tf the men at the
to the Zionist fold on "conditions." I am sur-
too, right. 1910. J. T. A
The Press in the Allied Campaign.
party actually consumed 125 'lat-
selfishingly and self-sacrificingly.
prised at both Justice Brandeis and Judge Mack that
they should, in the light of present conditions in
A powerful organization directed the
Of prime importance in fund-raising is
"One of Chelm's leading citizens
l'alestine, and in view of the experiences of the past
Detroit drive which closed ten days ago. the education of the public to be solicitated took a special interest in this mar- 10 years, include statements such as this in their
vel, and cultivated his friendship,
A well-greased human machine plowed its to the causes involved. Therein the press out
of interest in his art, as cham-
In our judgment the best guarantee which we
way through the Jewish community, and it steps in as a most important agency in pre- pion "latke" oaten One (lay, this
DR. STEPHEN S. WISE: "The hardest thing is
can create for the realization of our national
to forgive credi-
tors. The Jews are the
creditors of Christianity. That
has triumphed. Hilt it is well for us to re- paring the ground for the solicitors. When citizen boasted of his pommunity's
aspirations in Palestine is widespread co-opera-
marvel to a traveling salesman,
must he unconditional. The policy of calculated unfriendliness towards
member that machines have been scrapped the prospective givers know what is at but the latter refused to believe
the Jew must he fought but the weapon to he wielded by the Jews or
development which would make practical im-
Christians is not carnal or outward but inward and spiritual."
as junk, and human machines, too, can eas- stake in the campaign, they receive the him.
mediate increased settlement by Jews in Pales
"Whereupon a het was made and
ily' be scrapped unless they are given a soul volunteer workers more courteously and the
the marvel summoned. Immediately
MORRIS D. WALDN1AX• "Group antagonisms are the result of
When i say I am surprised it is expressing it
and a heart. The spirit and heart-beat of least pressure is needed in eliciting their a big plate of latkes' was set be• mildly. llere we have Brandeis and Stack again centuries of hostility which can not be abolished by fiat, and the patho•
fore him, and he set to work, de- stressing the nationalistic aims of Zionism despite logical basis of such antagonisms is particularly demonstrated in the
the last campaign were contained in the contributions.
attitude of numbers of Christians toward the Jews in many of the
vouring 25. :01, 55. But there he
fact that everything indicates that they are
causes represented. It is needless to enum-
In the Allied Jewish Campaign which stopped. 'If I eat anther one. the
countries of Eastern Europe. It will take generations of education and
chasing rainbows. Again in view of the extremely
contact before the last trace of anti-Semitism are likely to dis-
erate them. For months they have been just closed, the local press was an impor- I'll burst: he protested.
sensitive condition which exists at the present time.
As these different groups are afforded increasing opportunity
"The poor Chelemile had to pay
in view of the attitude of the Arahs who fear Jew-
for dealing
written about and propagated for. Now, tant factor in the success achieved. and
with one another in industry, trade, commerce, science and
up the $5, but he did it with a pro-
ish political domination through artificially created
with the funds raised, the work of recon- The Detroit Jewish Chronicle is particular- testing explanation. 'I can't un- immieration of Jews, these forward-looking 171 art, and in a united effort to promote the welfare of their common
struction will continue in Eastern Europe, ly pleased to have had a share in this fine derstand my marvel's failure.' he leaders urge the very thing that will keep alive that countries, the prejudices and aversions, produced by misunderstanding
and ignorance of one another's good ijualitiea will fade away. Until
said. 'Only two hours ago
ill-feelinz and suspicion. If the, eminent gentle-
and Palestine's upbuilding will be given communal achievement. By keeping De- fistsd his art with him and he I prac•
mr had been satisfied to stop with the suggestion
such time, these organizations are compelled to continue their efforts
in the directions indicated." a a a
impetus. The way is paved for the build- troit continually informed of developments consumed 134 latkes,"'
of an enlarged economic program in my opiniot they
would have served the cause much better.
ing of a Jewish community center. The in the community of Israel, and by placing
FORA 1.. KAPLAN. Jacksonville, Fla.: "The home most show
The fellowing comes to me from I
Hebrew schools will receive the means with emphasis on the needs which particularly
all reverence and respect and veneration for the traditions and ideals
REGRET that I cannot discuss at length the let-
Harry J. Perlman, the Bronx, New
but more than that, it must point out to the youth that its
which to continue to function. The tra- press for attention by Jews, The Chronicle York:
ter sent to me by a reader living in St. Paul. Min-
task for the future is just as
vital, just as necessary as was that of lie
Poona, voicing a eriticism against the rabbi at
dition of Gemilath Chassodim will be per- has acted as a vanguard for the hundreds
A gentleman who worshipped in IA 'bite Plain., N. Y., who protested against the
forbears. The home can help educate the youth in the problems that
it must fare, and explain that the new generation must meet these prob.
petuated through the Hebrew Free Loan of loyal workers who made the drive such one of the Bronx synag gues helped a ctions of both Jews and Christians in that locality lems
in the best ways fitted to this day and age."
out the cantor by singing a few in
refusing to permit two negro doctors to settle
The immigrant will he a triumph. While there is no room for solos during the high holy days.
th ore. I certainly cannot agree for a moment with
As he tinisheel his public praying
th e fantastic notion that • certain amount of anti-
boastfulness in doing one's duty, we are
would like to see the Jews of
America, especially those of Reform identification, erect at Washing-
resumed his seat, one of his S emitism exists in this country because the Jews
We ask the young people who were re- nevertheless proud to have been able to and
fellow worshippers approached him a
ton an imposing and impressive memorial to Dr. Isaac NI. Wise. Not a
friendly to the Negro groups, To me there
mere statue, however. What I envisag e
eponsible for the raising of the necessary part . icipate as a vital factor in the cam- and extended his hand in concrete). se re
ems to he as many reasons for anti-Semitism as
is some group with Isaac Si
Wise as
its central figure indicating that the American Jew is, proper)'
funds for these institutions: Are you in- pawn's success and in the upbuilding of the nations. th ere are Jews. But I might say in passing. that if
conceived, a spiritual idealist progressively adapting himself to world.
"Ilow much," he asked, "are you w e are children of the One God, then it's hardly
formed on the workings of these causes? community.
blessing in harmony with American progress- i would rejoice ea a
fa it to nut the Negro in the class. of
being God's pupil-beneficiary
(Turn to Next Pace)
of Isaac M. Wi.e gratefully to initiate such an enter.
st cgs-child.





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prise with a $100 contribution."

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