tit entory,/pvisn MUSIC A Complete Gift HALEVY-HAZOMIR'S CONCERT TO BE AT ORCHESTRA HALL And personal, like no other gift can be— YOUR PHOTOGRAPH Sittings in the Studio or Home Specials: nee 11,I0 Portraits— o A Special Cabinet at Ste pee dozen D. D. SPELLMAN STUDIOS PHOTOGRAPHER 4639 W000WAWO AVENUE (Qty.. 0010 .11.• PRIVATE PARKING SPACE IN REAR OF STUDIO All ■ Nemem. IF YOU KNEW That you could save from 50 to 60 per cent on furniture. would you investigate? Just call me and let me explain our new plan of working on a COST-PLUS BASIS. Oakman Blvd. Furniture Co. Furniture—Rugs—Stoves—Radio I). JALAN, Prop. 12701 Woodrow Wilson Avenue Longfellow 8895 In Your Neighborhood VIENNA BAKERY 11500 Dexter Blvd. at Lawrence Once a Customer Always a Customer Bread, Rolls, Chales and Cakes Are Baked Where Cleanliness is Supreme ISAAC EMMER, Prop. The concert which will he pre- sented by the Halery-Ilazemir Choral Society (Branch 263, Jew- ish National Workers' Alliance) Sunday, Jan. 12, will be held at Orchestra Hall. The annual concerts of Jewish and Hebrew choral music have, in past years, attracted widespread attention among the Jewish peo- ple of Detroit and vicinity, and the coming concert promises to be even more popular. This concert will mark the intro- duction of Dan rohman as con- ductor of the Halevy-Ilazomir chor- us 1Vhile young in years, Mr. Frohmon has a very wide and var- ied musical knowledge and exper- ience. Of recent year he has been concentrating to a great extent on choral work, much of his time be- ing spent in Cleveland where he now makes his permanent resi- dence. Tickets for the Ilalevy-Ilazomir concert have been popularly priced and may be obtained from mem- bers of the society, from members of the Jewish National Workers' ' Alliance, and at its office, 8753 Twelfth street. Tickets will also be obtainable at the Orchestra Ilall box office the evening of the con- «wt, as well as a few days prev- iously. Only members are now being ad- mitted to Halevy-Ilazomir rehear- sals which are being held on Tues- day and Wednesday evenings at 639 Kenilworth avenue. Samuel Solomon to Direct the Chord of Judea. Samuel Soloman, director of music at Littman's Theater, was appointed to the directorship of The Chord of Judea, following the resignation of M. Bistritzky. The Chord of Judea has at pres- ent a membership of 45, having a mandolin class of 25, both begin- fee on Christmas Grinnell 'Piano s,350 The II'onderf ut Micro-Synchronous e4n Victor.Radio• Electrola excellent Gift for Your Christmas Fund .,Money ners and advanced, and an orches- tra of 20 of the city's finest Ile- ASSISTS EFFORTS FOR I BICUR CHOLEM FROLIC brew instrumental talent. This or- ganization has for its ideal . the Miss Claire L. Kapetansky is ac- presentation of Hebrew folk tunes and music by means of its man- tively asisting with arrangements dolin orchestra and instrumental for the twenty-first annual winter ensemble. Mr. Solomon is fitted for such work by his experience as composer and conductor in Detroit and Cleveland. To care for the enlarged mem- bership the Chord of Judea an- nounces the removal of its quar- ters fr o m the Melbourne Center to the Folkshule at Kenilworth near Brush. The ensemble rehearse , Sunday from 11:30 to 1 and the mandolin orchestra from 1 to 2. Interested parties should apply at 1 o'clock Sunday at 539 Kenil- worth. Symphony Returns for Ninth Pop Concert This Sunday. The Detroit Symphony Orches- tra returns from its two weeks Eastern trip which has proved to be one of the most successful in the history of the Organization. Open - ing in Toronto, Dec. 2, concerts were given in the following cities: It ulGtlo, Ithaca, Troy, Rochester, Providence, General Motors Hour, New York City; Carnegie Ilall, New York City; Northampton, Holyoke and Princeton. The orchestra has returned just in time to play the ninth Pop con- cert at Orchestra Hall Sunday at. ternoon when they will have the assistance of Frederick Alexander with his Ypsilanti Choir. The an- nual appearance of the Ypsilanti Choir is always one of the high spots in the Sunday concerts. —providing music and entertainment from the air and from records—priced, in the luxurious cabinet shown above, less tubes, MISS CLAIRE L. KAPETANSKY frolic of the Bicur Cholem Society, to be held Wednesday evening, Dec. 25, at the Detroit-Leland Hotel. The society is a charitable organization composed of Jewish young men and women. WINDSOR NEWS COMPLETE PLANS FOR J. N. F. DANCE DEC. 22 Twoplays will be given Jan. 7 ' under the auspices of the Ladies' Auxiliary of B'nai B'rith, Windsor lodge. Adolph Copeland vice-presi- dent of the Chicago branch, was a visitor to the Border Cities on Monday, Dec. 9, in company with j Max Clavir, president and general manager of the Toronto Daily Ile- brew Journal. Mr. Copeland was en route to the Jewish Farm School at Georgetown, Ont., of which Mr, Clavir was elected presi- dent for the ensuing year. Both were guests of J. A. Glanz while' in Windsor. An interesting afternoon was spent at the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith lodge rooms, in Davis building, on Sunday, when the ora- torical contest of the Windsor branch of the A. Z. A. was held . The three entrants were Aaron Katzman, Saul Bercuson and Ar- chie Cherniak. Mr. Katzman was the winner. The judges were Man- del Bernstein, president of Detroit B'nai B'rith; Rabbi I. Lebendiger of Windsor, and J. Goldman of the Detroit Institute of Technol- ogy. ts The Christmas Gift of a Lifetime $350 A. CA LITTLE beauty that will fit as con- veniently into your pocketbook as into your living room. A dependable, sweet- toned instrument. Its moderate cost can be spread over a period of time. A won- derful Christmas gift—an investment in happiness. Come see and hear it. MAKE SMALL PAYMENT NOW—BALANCE ON EASY TERMS "The Musical Center of Detroit" GRINNELL BROS. sponsor, told the club of her ex- periences in I'alestine. There was also a discussion about "What Is it Judaean Club?" The club is having a membership drive, and all interested in this work, and between the ages of 15 to 18, are invited to attend the' next meeting, or get in touch with Miss Ashinsky, Euclid 8841. The next meeting will be held at the home of Edna Rouff, 13641 Dexter boulevard, corner Grand, on Dec. 19. An interesting pro- ,. gram is promised. Hadar Zion Club. The last meeting was held at the hone of Celia Davis. The newly elected officers are: Tillie Lepsetz, [ president; Evelyn Eiselman, vice- president; Dorothy Kroll, secre- tary; Sophie Greenstein, treasur- er; and Helen King, J. N. F. chair- , man. Evelyn Eiselman gave a report ! of the week of the Jewish National Fund. She discussed the various ways of obtaining money to in- crease this fund. Blanche Feld- man gave an interesting talk de- scribing the Yemenite Jew. An open meeting is being plan- ned for the celebration of Chanu- kah, to be held Sunday, Dec. 29, at 319 Woodward avenue. Adolph Freund chapter met at' the Jewish Center club rooms Dec. 8. Morris Linsky of the athletic committee announced that the bas-' k etball team is improving. Max Hoffman, head of the intel- lectual advancement committe, an- nounced he will speak on Dec. 22 on "Great Men of the Twentieth Century." Mr. Hoffman also chose Nathan Rubin for the week follow- ing on a similar topic. Herat 112: A meeting of Ilerzl Chapter 112 was held Dec. 8, at 2:30, in Wind- , sor. The oratorical contest was held with the following as contestants: ; Aaron Katzman, Saul Bercuson,! and Archie Cherniak. The judges were Rabbi Lebendiger, Manuel Bernstein, and Julius Goldman.I The winner was Aaron Katzman, and he will represent Windsor in the district tournament to be held in February. Oakman Furniture Company Is Dealer for Leading Manufacturers, The Oakman Boulevard Furni ture Company of 12701 Woodrow Wilson avenue, does the bulk of its Shaarey Zedek Troop 1pI, held a business by taking customers to novel hike on Sunday, Hec. 8, at various local and Grand Rapids Glazer Woods. They went in manufacturers, showrooms and fur- search of pirates "treasure" which, niture factories. In this way in reality, was a box of chocolates. able to save them money. For living room furniture, rep- The hest trackers turned out to be the Cayuga l'atrol. The leader of resentatives of the company take this patrol is Howard Finsilver. customers direct to the factory, The trails to the treasure were laid where they have their choice of a by Sherman Fisher, Bernard Gold- number of different style frames and hundreds of covers, custom man and Louis Rosen. built to their order. The Oakman Boulevard Furni- In Justice to the J. T. A. In the issue of The Detroit Jew- ture Company is dealers for some of the leading manufacturers of ish Chronicle of Nov. 29, in con- nection with the report on the con- living room, bedroom, dining room [furniture and radios. troversy caused by the statement of Dr. J. I. Marries, it was said that "in an interview granted Jew- ish newspapermen in Jerusalem Dr. I !Agnes denied having granted to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency a statement that he considered the Balfour Declaration a handicap be- cause it 'overemphasized Jewish relation to Palestine instead of ' laying stress on Palestine's posi- tion as an international Holy Land.' " The J. T. A. had published an excerpt of a statement that ap- peared in the New York Times, and the above quoted paragraph therefore misrepresents the posi- tion of the J. T. A. We make the correction accordingly. Shaarey Zedek Troop 104. , • Every Need. Whatever your philosophy of life may be, you will agree that FAT is a liability. It is bad for your health, your appearance, your effi- ciency. Away with it. Eat BASY BREAD—the pure, wholesome food. Three slices of BASY BREAD a day help REDUCE your weight the BASY WAY. Directions for REDUCING with BASY BREAD furnished patrons. ' Phones Fiteroy 4831 or 1212 \. a . \% • , ■ Gera,. Alertly. Open •N` WM. M. TRUMBLE 12187 Dexter Bled, Phone Knuth 4945 STORAGE WASHING REPAIRING , : , , o 1* A New Owner-Managership for Detroit's Oldest Restaurant I o' e bringing to Detroit business and proles- sional men a policy dedicated to the highest standards of food and service .. founded j Ion the experienc e of S. ERNES . T, OWNER, famous as a chef in leading cities in Amer. e4 0 in and abroad—and so well known during e4 4 the past 15 years in Detroit. el r A e 40 et et 0 4 0 % % I Here, it is our determination to give you t i in quality, the utmost variety and value; i and we confidently and cordially invite your most exacting patronage! Finest Varieties of Sea Food at An e e 0 I Times o Luncheons—Dinners--Banquets e 1 STRIKER'S , r o RESTAURANT / . Ideal Gifts for Chanukah and Christmas Colonial Lamp Shade Shop Also An Goods—Novelties 8823 Twelfth Street Between Gladstone and Ilazelwood TERMS IF DESIRED Special Analysis of New York Central Railroad Mailed on Request PRINCE & WHITELY Established 1878 MEMBERS New York Stock Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange et GEORGE F. W. REI N C D e l , ew M 'ect i n : ard p k e SCi r ftrt u M E lacri" k g • Accounts Carried on Conservative Margins now offering a 824 First National Building SPECIAL SALE ON HOSIERY Phone Cadillac 6661 WE OFFER AT Black French heel silk hose 85c 3 pairs for $2.50 ATTRACTIVE RENTAL Large and Beautiful Banquet Hall Full fashion, pure silk service ALSO SMALL HALLS, $1.00 cab FULLY EQUIPPED KITCHEN for Weddings, Banquets, Luncheons, Lec- tures, Socials and Other Jewish Functions Society Maid in chiffon service 5 weght, all colon, rs spa. spe- cial 3 pairs for IN REFINED ATMOSPHERE AT Society Maid or Le High $ s h 31e :83 e s r 5 chiffon, all colors__ $1.50 3 pairs , 0 eilnnouncing / . VO4.4V4W4,6,•0419V6W4W4W09.4NW4W4V4%W4/9%, ■ at Elmhurst S BR 10351 WOODWARD 7041 EAST JEFFERSON Mirii;ce, Ohio, O•tarie and Detroit Bree,l, Starr, I I • PA. • r • • P .a(M • =our to 5 Ton Capacity : 12040 Dexter Boulevard 30 BROADWAY MARKET , 7,,,J117 / / /, WI/ k MISS BETTY MILKOVSKY Chapter 93: weight, all colors ....... 3 iaj pairs for ..Steinway Representatives.," 1515-21 Woodward Avenue, Detroit "/,,/ 3 / 4 A Size and Style for Refining Company Marjorie Shoppe enjoyment. Only because we build it in our own factory is the price of $350 made possible —it presents very exceptional value. f 1 White Star pq The Christmas! A gift that will be sure of a gen- INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER MOTOR TRUCKS N Holiday Gifts erous weiccme—and which can be depended upon for year after year of keenest musical BUY Van Dixon's There Is another model at $275, less tubes, and Victor-Radios, separately, at $155 and $215, leas tubes. rich-toned piano for ForLou,Cmt Hauling A. RACY AWINITIII V 1 , 61:311:vvc BEAUTIFUL, • INTERNATIONAL A meeting of Junior Hadassah was held Dec. 11. Details of the Preparations for the first dance annual dance to be given Jan. 15 'to be given by the junior group of at the Prince Edward Hotel were the Jewish National Fund and the discussed and final plans made. Ladies' Auxiliary, Sunday, Dec. 22, at the Crystal Ballroom of the 5915 W. Warren Book-Cadillac Hotel, have been completed under the direction of • Garfield 0020 the following committee: Pro- gram, Max Rice and Israel Wei- DETROIT, MICH. ner; publicity, Yvan Jane Hoff- man, Solomon Wander, Charles Rice; tickets, Henry Gottliffe, Mary Neuman, Betty Milkovsky. this pair of concerts, Ilya Schkol- As possession of land for Jewish nik, concertmaster if the orchestra, colonization is an indispensable and Georges Miquelle, first 'cellist, prerequisite for the upbuilding of who will be heard in a concerto in the Jewish National Home in Pal- A minor for Violin and Violoncel- estine and the junior group of the lo, Op. 102. Jewish National Fund and the La- Seventh Pair of Symphony , . After the intermission Mr. Ga- dies' Auxiliary are two of the or- owitsch will conduct a first per- Concerts Dec. 19-20. ganiaztions whose purpose it is to formance in Detroit of Dukes' Tone solely raise money with which to The seventh pair of symphony Poem "La Peri" which was Com- Quality Products acquire land in Palestine, it is concerts given by the Detroit Sym- posed in 1910 by Dukes who was urged as the duty of all organiza- Plus phony Orchestra, Ossip Gabrlio- born in Paris in 1865 and is still I tions to support this dance. witseh conducting, will take place living there, It will be interesting Chapter 63: Dependable Service Tickets for the dance may be on Thursday evening, Dee. 10, at to hear this work for the only At the last meeting, final plan 8:30 and Friday afternoon, Dec. other orchestral comp ;salon by were made to participate in Na- a obtained from Henry AT 20, at 2:30 at Orchestra Hall. This Dukes in the repertoire of the or- tional A. Z. A. Day. All fraternity 1500 Taylor, Empire 6920-J, or at concert opens up with a composi- chestra is his famous "Sorcerer's pledges are asked to be present at meetings held Thursdays at 8:30 at the Shaarey Zedek branch, tion of Brahms—Variations on a A pprentice." This concert con- this social affair. Theme of Ilaydn, Op. 56,the second cludes with the Richard Strauss Aleph SAM }lime!, recently ap- Twelfth and Atkinson, or at the number on the program, also by "Till E ul e n s p i egel's" Merry pointed treasurer of the national door the night of the dance. Miss Betty Milkovsky, one of the Brahms, introduces the soloists for Pranks. tournament to be held in Detroit Super Service Station next year, has returned from a so- organizers of the Junior J. N. F. plus group, is an active member of the journ through the eastern states Radio Service on All Sets Emanuel Judaeans. where he visited Aleph Zadik dance committee. 14000 Dexter at Ewald Circle The last meeting of the Emanuel Aleph chapters 111111 reports a fav- Judaeans was held at the home of orable outlook for the coming year. Greta Garbo at Michigan. Phone Arlington 9668 Lillian Weisman. The club actively Past Aleph Harold Horwitz and Tired business men and wide- participated in the roll call. Sev- advisor of Chapter 63, has been awake business men will be equal- eral members participated in the appointed junior deputy by the S. ly entertained with "The Kiss," BUY "BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE" flag days on Sunday. Plans were A. C. for chapters Grand Rapids Greta Garbo's new starring vehicle FOR YOUR CHILDREN. made for a Chanukah party, for 5, Sheboygan 15, Madison 29, De- at the Michigan Theater. members and their friends. Call Randolph 8318. troit 63, Adolph Freund 93, Herz! The meeting was followed by 112. the following program: "Present Aleph Sam Charfoos will conch Situation of the Wailing Wall," by Ralph Ilelper; Bible reading, by the following oratorical and debat- 0 ViVi.Vi.M.WiSAVAIMIA.WAIVIA••••%•,••• ■■ •••04 Edna Rouff; current topics, by ing contestants: Z. Cohen, J. Rosen- feld, H. Schwartz, I). Weiner, S. . various members of the club. id( Miss E. Ashinsky, temporary Rosenman, and C, I. Stolarsky. Baby Grands 495 BROS. Apartment Style It041131E DEXTER CENTER $4.25 OF CONGREGATION B'NAI MOSHE WI in arrfar y a full lie. of 51- gauge extra sheer chiffon hew Lfrein $1.95 to $3.95 pair. DEXTER BOULEVARD CORNER LAWRENCE 5' FOR RESERVATIONS APPLY ON PREMISES CALL EUCLID 6818 FOR APPOINTMENTS