PAGE TWO E)LTRonjEwisti (km LUKE WILL LEAVE PALESTINE FOR 5 MONTHS' VACATION by the Jews to a parliament of re- YOUNG PEOPLE SHOW sponsible residents would convince OPENS ON SATURDAY him that the Jews did nut intend I to make Palestine as Jewish as • A beautiful and colorful musical England is English. A new theory as to the cause of comedy will be presented for three (Continued from Page One.) the outbreaks was advanced to the days beginning Saturday night at known as the Jabotinsky of the Parliamentary Commission of In- Temple Beth Arabs, was confronted pointblank quiry by Silley, Arab counsel, who El. The show by Sir Boyd Merriman as an incit- asserted that the Zionists had stim- : is sponsored er of the August bloodshed. By ulated the disturbances in order to by the Young a series of brilliant questions, Yost obtain money with which to make 'Peoples SIXTH FLOOR DRESS SECTION riman made it clear that the young additional land purchases in Pal- Temple Club. The Show Arab leader, who is certain that estine the Jew, intend to capture the Authorship of Bulletins. is original, f to Nlosque, but doubts that Arabs The mystery of the authorship being written murdered Jews at Hebron, knew of the Palestine goevrumen's bulle- and pro - precisely when the outbreak was tins during the riots in August duced by the 1 members of scheduled to begin. which have been the subject of the Young Hans Kohn, director of the prop- much criticism on the ground that People's aganda department of the Keren they failed to accurately disclose c b u. Ilayesod, has resigned. Certain the extent and the nature of the Tickets toiarters here have been demand- outbreaks was solved when George Cornell Klein ins his resignation for some time Antomous, a Christian Syrian, as- have 1 •; because his articles have been re- sistant secretary of the Palestine selling rapidly and the . show prom- s success. garded favorable to the B'rith Sho. government, in charge of Arab at- , is e s Among the leads are Mollie FORMERLY EDMUND G. loin Society, arid harmful politi- fairs acknowledged before the Par- Meistrich, Lon Snitz, Cornell Klein, cally. Commission of Inquiry Aubrey Cherkose, Evelyn Siegal, Immigrants into !intestine for liamentary that he had written the bulletins. and many others. October numbered 1279, of whom Explaining, one of his own belle- Tickets may he secured at the Nail were Jews. Emigrants to- tins which reported that 25 rides dam.. talled 270, of whom 204 were Jews. had been seized from the Jews in A matinee performance will be Haif i , wtt whereas i t ra i n actuality enI Sunday. There will be eve- LONDON. — (J. T. A.)— The two had been seized, Antonious said given ring shows Saturday, Sunday and British community in Palestine is that MaeLaren, acting District Monday nights, greatly concerned over the decision Commissioner of Haifa, had re- of the Inquiry Commission to visit jaunted the arrest of 25 Jews. Nut is house of the Mufti and to tak e wishing to mention Jews h. SU t e- DETROIT'S ORIGINAL his evidence in secret, says the Je- stituted rifles. British policemen and the strength-. rusalem correspondent of the Daily ening of the Jewish night guard. • Urges Fight for Parranient. II • - Mail. It is felt that this actio n sonar C Abandonment of the slog lowers the prestige of Great Brit- quests. Ile has invited a number ain and places the commissioners "Down with the Balfour Decla fa" of Arab notables to warn them Sizes 36 to 44. and the Arabs in a false light. The tion" which has been the consta nt" against a repetition of the firing. Mail's correspondent points out ly reiterated cry of the Arabs in The total of Arab relief funds col- the lust few months, was advot• that while certain religious digni- at- lected here is $15,855. After Dec.' taries are permitted to give evi- ed by a writer in Alpumia Arab int 1 the government ceased feeding: d ence in civil cases in their own the organ of the Moslem Supre me Jewish refugees from the destroyed • Women are enthusiastic homes, this is not a civil case but colonies. Three Arabs have been about these fish net frocks of According to this article by Has- arrested near Rosh I'inah for instituted by the san Aidk Aldejani the Arabs need dual personality . . .. they I court inquiry amperial Parliament. smuggling arms from Transjoi.- not fear the Balfour Declaration. elan. • • announces that his firm will hereafter be known as may serve smartly for semi- Instead they should demand par- BENTWICH ATTACK IS The Jew, Nobodies, was stoned formal evening wear with- liantentary government. Aldejani by Arab horsemen while sitting at SOBERING UP ARABS argues that theBalfourDeclaration the window of his house. Ile has out their sleeves, or fit in JERUSALEM.— (J. T. A.) — contains nothing unfavorable to the t Ihospital, The Bentwich outrage seems to Arabs who should completely at The admirably for afternoon, have had a sobering effect on the their tactics end concentrate on ter appearance of Arabs in the Jewish worn with sloevesIn n here be- Arabs in adition to their emphatic positive demand for a parlianwn a quarter is thought strage t cause their appearan ce on the dissociation from the crime as an- brown, black, dahlia, blue, "If we follow these tactic.; we streets are forbidden after eight nounced by their counsel before the will have the sympathy of the Br with deep capelet collar of Inquiry Commission. Many simi- ish government, the League of N it- , o'clock. Eight instigators of the lar expressions of abhorrence and tions and the English people" a- riots have been arrested here. real hand-made lace. he! sympathy have been forthcoming states. Vaad Leumi Greets Brandeis. SItth Floor from Arab quarters. Plans Relief for Victims. Signs are not wanting that the WASHINGTON.-0. T. A.) — At a joint meeting of the Va ad Justice , Arabs are repenting their intran- Louis D. Brandeis who has DELAWARE at SECOND Boulevard Leumi, Palestine Council of Jew '8, been receiving congratulatory ' sigence and incitement. The Arab Executive has wired and the Zionist Executive, it w as messages from all parts of the decided to appropriate $25,001) as! world on his return to an active to Sir John Chancellor, Palestine High Commissioner, that "although a general relief fund and for lo 4: interest in the work of Palestine, Daniel Lewis term loans to the small Jewi oh has just received a cable from the Seymour Lewis A Said Lewis we have always protested against George Lewis the activities of Norman Bentwich, merchants who are affected dire ct- I Vaatt Leumi, the I'alestine Jewish ly or indirectly by the disorders Attorney General, we regret and or I Council, which reads as follows: blame most severely the attempt on the boycotts. The plan calls for "Valid Leumi welcomes the mess- ' his life whatever the reason for it making arrangements with a nu age of your intention to take up may be, because acts of violence her of local banks to deposit $2 5,- active work in this critical time for are contrary to our tactics and 000 as a sinking fund guarani ee Palestine." It was signed by Pin- ' methods." The !intestine govern- against which the banks will ma Ise char Rutenberg, president. ' sent published the cables in all of available a total of about $100,0 0t:. 0 qu J es u tsin t o ice ed Louis D. Brandeis when in loans Negotiations in this ma the Arabic and Hebrew papers FUNERAL DIRECTORS d' re p ort In many synagogues of Palestine ter are already under way with the the Forward that he intended prayers were offered for the re- banks and a definite decision is ex- resign from the Supreme Cou to rt eo%ery of Bentwich. peered within 10 days. 7739 John R. St. and resume Zionist leadership Empire 2114 That the suffering from the boy- understood to have indicated tha is Arabs Condemn Attack. po atrte is becoming oificserious e of the report was unauthorized. Whe Deep horror, utter detestation c th w eas Va ett p ci pressed fur an affirmative or a it and unqualified condemnation for lia'Ezra, the emergency relief the attack on Norman Bentwich etanntittee where wild scenes of dis- nial he refused to make any stat e- was expressed by William Stoker, order resulted when a crowd of merit other than that he never corn SORORITY TO GIVE municates information to the pros Arab Counsel, at the Inquiry Com-, people, mostly Georgians, seeking hearing, who said that he,irelief, demanded quicker aervice. except through a written statemen • MRS. ROSE S. SILBERBE SUM FOR PALESTINE mission's Silly and the other Arab counsel. The disturbance assumed more see- authorized by him and that when - beloved wife of Abe e , as well as the Arab Executive feel I ions proportions than others in the ever he wishes to make a publi c mother of Milton J., and sister of statement he will do as in his ow Mrs. Jule Koplowitz, passed away AT ATTRACTIVE RENTAL The Gamma chapter of Delta deep concern over the outrage and , past when the crowd pushed up way. on Dec. 2. Funeral services were Omega Iota Sorority announces its are grateful that the attempt on the stairs, banged on the doors, held from her late residence, 1418 Bentwich's life was unsuccessful. , broke windows and eventually the Mufti Denies Plans to Resign. second annual dance to be given , The Arab Executive telephoned police had to be called to maintain Burlingame, on Wednesday. In- Sunday evening, Dec. 15, at the these sentiments to Sir John Chan- order. LONDON.— (J. T. A.) —Th a ferment was at Woodmere Ceme- ALSO SMALL HALLS, with FULLY EQUIPPED KITCHEN for cellor, the High Commissioner, and a tery. Dr. Leo M. Franklin olEci- According to members of the press here has learned that th ated. an Arab delegation visited Bent- crowd, they are dissatisfied because newspaper representatives will no t with in the hospital. Keeny Preedy, the relief funds were not distrib- be admitted to the Mufti's house government counsel, expressed per- ate: quickly enough. A number where the Inquiry Commission wit LENA NETZORG sonally and on behalf of the Pales- of them complained that although hear his evidence but counsel wil I of 12115 Griggs avenue, 69 years Quality Work at tine government, his horror of the they were suffering from the bey- be present. of age, died on Nov. 26. Funeral IN REFINED ATMOSPHERE AT The Mufti has denied a repor t services were held from the chapel deed. Sir Boyd Merriman, Jewish cott and wanted small loans to tide Reasonable Prices in the Bagdad papers that he in counsel, added his own expression them over the difficult period, they ' , -Id Temple Beth El Nov. 29. She and that of his colleagues, and sat had thus far been aunable to obtain tends to resign. Ile terms the ru . was the beloved wife of Morris, won false. down quickly, obviously too moved the loans. dear mother of Ireta Lurie, to make a speech like Stoker. 4332 Horatio Ave. A hurried call has been issue d Amelia, Sadie, Joseph R. and OF CONGREGATION B'NAI MOSHE Bring 32 Hebron Scrolls . us, Dr. Chaim eizmann, president Theodore M., sister of Morris and Prominent Moslems Detained. Thirty-two Scrolls of the Law DEXTER BOULEVARD CORNER LAWRENCE Walnut 3010 The chairman of the Inquiry which have been deposited in the of the Zionist World Organization, Paul Radii: of Detroit, Mrs. Israel FOR RESERVATIONS APPLY ON PREMISES Commission on behalf of himself Hebron Police Station since the , to Louis Lipsky and Miss Henri- Swedes of Buffalo and Joseph Ra- CALL EUCLID 6818 FOR APPOINTMENTS :tta Szold, American members of din of Elmira, N. Y. and the commission referred to the massacre at Hebron on Aug. 21, t he Zionist World Executive, to attack as a horrible, detestable, were brought to Jerusalem foolish and wicked crime, saying Three cars with an escort of , proceed immediately to London in GABRIEL RADNER that such acts cannot benefit the British soldiers transported the ureter to confer with Dr. Weizmann of 9246 Goodwin, 52 years of age, mu m y to which the assassin Scrolls at the behest of the Chie and other memb ers of the execu B'NAI MOSHE NOTES t e onDec. Funeral services MANUEL URBACH ire in connection with importan : belongs and can only tend to prej u- Rabbinate. All were badly dam were held on Dec. 4 at Machpelah —still political developments. dice their case in the eyes of t he aged. Quite and Mar4.1a. • Cemetery from Lewis Bros." • • Chanukah Ball: entire world, although it will n of , Ben Zion Mizrachi, was acquit - waiting Chapel, with Rabbi Ashinsky offi- BRITISH LABOR PLEDGES On Sunday evening, Dec. IR, the affect the feelings of the commi • ted of a charge of robbery an for a ballroom of Congregation B'nai sion itself who take the view th at arson during the riots, by the Je AID TO PALESTINE WORKERS ciating. lie is survived by his wife, Pauline, and children. Moshe, Dexter at Lawrence, will dissatis- the act was that of a foolish a net rusalem examining judge. NEW YORK.—The fifth national c (invention for organized Jewish be the scene of the annual Chanu- 'irresponsible person and not t he Now In our Now Location Complain Boycott Hardship. fied SARAH FOREMAN • result of instigation. kah ball under the auspices of the orkers in Palestine received nuts- Two Arab fellaheen in letters t o 7723 TWELFTH STREET customer Sisterhood.• Tickets may be se- That the police do not fully sha re the "Ita'Artez" make interestin ages of encouragement for the : of 10235 Goodwin, 94 years of 'cured from Mrs. David Goodfriend Shaw's view is shown by the dete n- statements The first complain g s ewish efforts in Palestine from age, died on Dec. 1. Funeral serv- Euclid 7192 and Mrs. A. A. Rosenfeld, who are tion of two prominent Moslem n. that the boycott is imposed only o n • t a he British Labor Party, the Inter- ices were held Dec. 2 at Beth David in charge of the event and will al- Moghanem, secretary of the Ar ab the fellaheen and that Arab shop ational Federation of Trade Un- Cemetery from Lewis Bros.' so be on sale at the doer. Executive, intimated to the Je at_ keepers are exploiting the oceanic n ' i ens and other labor organizations. . Chapel, with Rabbi Aishiskin of- MISS EVELYN SCHUBINER t ic Agency's corre • t o raise their prices as much a s b essage from the British Le- ficiating. Strang Chevrolet Co. Young Folks' Activities: Book Cadillac Hotel, Music will pondent, that Bentwich's assaila nt 100 and 150 percent while the of or Party, signed by J. S. Mittle- 8510 Twelfth St. Empire 4036 At the next meeting of the Young be by Bob Cruzet and his Cotton had a personal grudge against hi in fendis are ordering their good 5 t on, follows: IRWIN ZAMLER I •ople's Auxiliary to be held Sun- Club Orchestra. A share of the because the assailant's father at i d through the Jewish merchants. "The British Labor Party and of 3797 Richton avenue, 58 years I ewish labor in I'alestine arc of age, died Dec. 1. Funeral serv- day afternoon, Dec, 15 at 3 p, m., proceeds will• be donated to the brother had been imprisoned ft a . The Arab Executive and Pales the intellectual committee, under Zionist fund. Tickets may be ob- ' the killing of his sister. The a s . tine Arab residents in Egypt has e a wined together in one of the great- ices were held Dec. 2 at Machpelah st experiments in history—the es- Cemetery, with Rabbi Ashinsky of- the chairmanship of Arthur Bos- tained at the door or from the sec- !tenant himself had been sentence a t tried to induce the Ward, th •han will present a program, con- rotary, Miss Evelyn Schubiner, to five years in prison for anotht er Egyptian Nationalist organization • t ablishment of a Jewish national ficiating. He is survived by his YOUR LAUNDRY INDIVIDU- I sisting of musical presentations 3739 Carter, Euclid 1096, who is crime but had been paroled owin is to issue a statement favoring th • h erne in Palestine, It is an exper- wife, Rose. active member of the commit- to his youth. His conviction ft , r Palestine Arabs The W f I le e went which brings no material AND CARE-1 and dramatic readings by several an tee in charge. the present offense is thought to be declined on the ground that it i profit to the pioneers in Palestine members of the organization. FULLY HAND IRONED DAVID BECKERMAN c ertain in in official circles. Leslie Rubinstein, who wan first interested only in Egyptian quer, n or to the British people and which What Arabs Believe. demands and receives many pecul- of 2276 Gladstone avenue, 72 ni , liens. vice-president and an active mem- years of age, died on Nov. 30. Fu- day the Palestine Neste iar aacrifices from sympathizers ber of the society. left Detroit and Work on J. N. F. Land. SHUTTERS neral services were held on Dec. 1 and d hristian Arabs are convincet will reside in New York City plowing fields on the Plain with Zionism the the world. at the Beth Moses Cemetery from ANTI-FREEZE of the desire of the Jews to ge t of Sharon, the $1,000,000 area par There are times when our idealism where he will continue his college Lewis Bros.' Chapel, with Rabbi hold of the entire country in orde udaea 41 .4 11741, ✓ cha sed by the Canadian Zionists brings us sorrow and anxiety. studies. Miss Ella Smut was ap- to rebuild the Temple, said Hai have discontinued their work at Nevertheless we will pursue this Strauss officiating. pointed to succeed Mr. Rubinstein tss k Ilammad, a Moslem elder the request of District Officer L'ail- joint adventure of Jewish idealism as first vice-president WOODWARD BRAKE from Nablus who had been mayo HYMAN PURETSKY and the British government with Roses of the Whit e and Blue of Nablus, a member of the Turk r " To hfe N Je e ttl;'•liu sh '. SERVICE, INC. Men's Bible Classes: of 9514 Goodwin, 74 years of age, workers returned to coueage and resolution." 10240 Woodward The i•est nutting of the Roses of ash parliament and vice-presiders In a resolution made public died on Nov. 30. Funeral services t liedera pending the decision con- On Wednesday evenings of each At Trowbridge and Calvert week a t men's class is held at which the 1Vhite and Blue was presided of the Palestine-Arab Congress. i e cerning the removal of the squat- through the Jewish Telegraphic were held on Dec. 1 at Machpelah over by the president, Belle Roth- testifyink before the Inquiry Com . tees from the land, who demand Agency, the executive committee of Cemetery, with Rabbi Fein officiat- studies are made of the Bible and Arlington 2743. Ruses) Products Elsie Ab- mission. the Jewish Council of Greater New ing. Ile is survived by his wife, compensation under the Tenants Talmud. Rabbi Moses Fischer is enberg, It at the home of T his most distinguished of at I Protection Ordinance which came York, a local body representing Bade. _ was decided that a than- instructor of this class. ukah party be held at Sara Weiss' the Arab wiinesses that have thu • into force after the land was pur- 300 societies, lodges, congregations 12168 Dexter Boulevard far been called resembles a Tur home in the form of a pajama and other associations, repudiated BERNARD GASSER Sunday School: party, more than an Arab and still wear government, it is under- the statements of Dr. Judah L. 68 years old, of 3541 Hastings Phone Longfellow 1185 Registration in the various class- All girls between the ages of 15 the peculiar Turkish fez and proud as advised the squatters to Magnes, chancellor of the Hebrew street , died on Nov 28. Funeral vs arc steadi l y increasing. which to It who are interested in joining ly deseribed himself as a membe k s a. apply d' to t . h o the Land Court for a de- L reversal, in Jerusalem, on the 'services were held on Nov. 29 at -- -—--- - has necessitated forming addition- the club, should call Miss Rothen- of the Arab delegation whose vial subject of Jewish aspirations in Beth Tephila Cemetery from al classes. Children who desire to berg, 1433 Taylor, Empire 6750-J. to London resulted in the Whit c t cision as to whether or not they Palestine, and called upon Dr. Lewis Bros.' Chapel. are entitled to one year's eviction •■■■■‘ join, are urged to register in the Paper. Hammed mentioned hi Chaim Weizmann, president of the office of the synagogue any after- conversation with Chaim Weir • • • Weald Zionist Organization, to de- DAVID LESTER noon, or on Sundays between 9:30 Amen Orphan Home Ban - , mann, president of the World Zion S T. S n EN mand Dr. Magnes' resignation. ticT e. ENCE 9 ARABS FOR of 9753 Broadatreet, 64 years old, and 10 o'clock to avoid disturbing :at Organization, who tried to per . MURDER OF JEWISH FAMILY quet This Sunday. died on Nov. 28. Funeral services the classes which begin promptly suede hint that Palestine is capable HAIFA. — (J. T. A.) — The Troop 104 of Congregation were held on Nov. 29 at Machpelah Through Our at 10 o'clock. absorbing large numbers of im- Haifa Court Wednesday sentenced This Cemetery from Lewis Bros.'s Shaarey Zedek. Children whose parents cannot his coming Sunday, Dec. R, be- migrants but only succeeded in con- to death nine Arabs for the mur- The first outdoor event of Troop Chapel, with Rabbi Aishiskin of- afford to buy the biblical history ginni ration will begin for der of the Afriat family of Sated. 101 will take place on Sunday. ficiating. He is survived by his text books will, upon application ph an Hom e. Or- to tsasetsa th e lt of the l and Mr. Sane and Mr. by p Among those condemned is a clerk Dec. 8, and will be a treasure hunt. wife, Libbe, and children. I. the principal of the school, be Clavir, eresent flh aiding the country es with immi- in REPAIRS x-p id d president h the Department of Healt . One The second event will be an over- furnished with them free STORE, VAULT, SAFE of the Canadian Jewish Farm grants. Arab was sentenced to 15 years at DOUGLAS L GREENBAUM night hike to Grandley Cabin, lo- TIRES The Chanukah play now being Convinced of "Deco c tion." and School, will be present at this eel- hard labor, while three were acquit- Wh a aged 12, passed away Saturday, t w cated near Pontiac, on Dec. 29 and eisms„ rehearsed by the pupils of the Sun- I obration. tol d. hi m, he STORAGE RESIDENCE ted, including a teacher in the gov- 30. The features of this hike will Oct. 30. He is survived by his day School is progressing. James eplyi ng o raid in replying t Auni Abdul ernment school at Nazareth. One be the big campfire in the evening, parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Green- On this occasion • banquet. fol. Iladi, Arab counsel, was " Kates and I. II. Mendelssohn are • lowed 24-HOUR SERVICE 45 Selden Columbia 3028 by dancing, of e the acquitted had pr viously and a real Indian game that will baum; sisters Betty, Ada and coaching the production, will be held in tion" as witnesaed by the eviction hundreds of Satiefieti OPEN DAY AND NIGHT the ballroom of the B'nal Irrith of the Arabs at Emek and the prea- been sentenced to death for his take place the following day. It is Jacqueline, and brothers, Ralph Customers interesting to note that en this and Oscar. Community Center, 275 the East Fer- eat proceedings to drive off the part in another murder. Motor Troubles Dis,no.e.1 Free •, I Troop 101 Aids Poor Family ry, During the program new- A Jewish business man, Golden- neral services were held on Dec. 2 Prien Q..oted on AO/ 094,4 ti.. - Arab cultivators front Wadil Ha. that. has been summoned to court overnight hike, all the cooking will , from Lewis Bros.' Troop tot helped a poor family ly elected officers of the Ladies wareh, the land bought by the Ca- Chapel, with , be done by three of the older Pontiac ad Oakland Service on Thanksgiving. Gail Wallach, Auxiliary will be installed. There !radian Zionists. under Article 170 of the Criminal scouts who have had some exper- Rabbi Henchman officiating. will Declaring that be Lillian Parker, Selma Brown and no solicitation of fund,. Code, charged with the murder of ienre in cooking. f an of Nablus s were not Preparations are Anne Gordon served on this com- The ead lers who are resp onsibl e being made for : fanatical but m erely r Garage Mn ea Ores mittee. Ruth's Flower Shoppe the annual ball, to be held on Feb. country and 228 Custer Ave. for the maintenance of this troop religion, Hammed said 7S A Ara FE bD.— (J. T. A.) Repre-; are: A. Louis Gordon, Dorothy Baron is to emborider 9, at the Fort Wayne Hotel, WM. M. TRUMBLE chairman of Empire 2802 that the Zionis 0 s 4 A neoonf...I •.. . • .. . . t d S*" 3 "*( _ " IY 111 "" on 1 th tale motto, slogan, ittwe,1 .or "* I• of the nenumn visited the troop committee, Isadore Help- Rontavorl Friends Dexter White Paper but did not mean to j the District Commissioner. 1 .etc., of the troop. They I er, scoutmaster, and Reuben Glas-11 Checker Cab — Empire 7000 adhere rwt• 4043 thou to It. eAN Announcement of Importance .13.81Ei@ bt to the Jewish Community M.) These Sheer Fish Net Frocks EDMUND LEWIS GILBERT lea* Are formal in the eve. ning, informal in the afternoon ... the little detachable sleeves do the trick! $25 JEWISH UNDERTAKER • ILBERT'S FUNERAL HOME complete funeral home the result of fifteen years of though- ful service. We give special attention to the preparing of funerals for interments in all cemeteries. EMpire 6834 OBITUARY WE OFFER MANHATTAN LAUNDRY Large and Beautiful Banquet Hall Weddings, Banquets, Luncheons, Lec- tures, Socials and Other Jewish Functions COMPANY DEXTER CENTER Monuments —ABE MAX Heaters Mary Davis Young J 251 Notes HAND LAUNDRY PROTECTION CONRAD'S SERVICE BURGLAR ALARMS RELIANCE Alarm Co., Inc. 1 Only an agreement asked for an increased number of Cr, T„effth Strawy Empire 10577 , STORAC