America ffewisk Periodical eafter CLIPTON maims • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO l ijc1)LTRonit;wisnefitoract . Open I WM. AM.."T Harry Farbrnan's Concert at M 12187 Dexter Blvd. U SIC Gabrilowitsch to Conduct Phone Hogarth 4945 1, STORAGE WASHING REPAIRING ) Sunday's Concert; Observe Prepare for Winter Stop Drafts— Stye uel — 20 e' r to 40 , , with CHAMBERLIN WEATHER STRIPS j' Ilan 1(1,3 RR STANDARD FREE ESTIMATES PHONE- Deiroil—Rando'ph 3110 Pon t Inc-5987 Jackson-2.5125 Ann Arbor-5248 Monroe-1888 Pen t Httion-1259 Flint-3494.1 1-m18mi-2-9441 Grand Rap da--4638 Kalamazoo-8243 Battle Creek - 5926 Gaylord—C. H. Welch Alpena--H. B. Broom. Sagin•w—Riverside 1414 Detroit, of Ilarry Farbman, ..ttl Amerdan violinist. Mr. man •pptars here under the Tuesday Evening. to•iMes of the City ('allege Glee I loos. An important event on the mu- Mr. l'arbinan's prograin fol- col rid this .. a II lows: Ciaccona, Vitali; lhathitle I ■ 1 init,or for violin, Bach; Concerto F. rumor, .It.taltlssethii, Allegro, motto tippassionato, Andante, Alle- grett I 110t1 tto 11110-Allugn1 MORO viiiice; (lit pin; Gui- tarre, Meskowski-Sarasate; Ile- Mao,. Nleledy, Achron; Russian Carnival, %Vi•ntawskY. As a lh:troit schoolboy Faritman us: it the rear of his father's store on Fourth avenue as his first stud- It, and practic ed long hours on the violin, A musically inclined cus- tomer I .f his fathers struck by his apparent talent aril love for his work, extended the f 'Tuthill of her hone to Farlatutti so that he could use her phonograph. Thrtugh this colt nect 1011 lie was introduced , NIrs. h'reilcrick Alger, Detroit art lover, who supervised his further education. Mrs. Alger's youthful protege wit: placed under the supervision .•f Cie best Detroit teachers. When I t years • f age he was declared the tictor over Mall!' more mature HARRY FARBMAN shlinist: and was awarded the appearance in recital next Tues- . 0VOt...1 Auer scholarship which day evening, Nov. 26, at the soli- WIVe bilis flair years of study un- tamous teacher after whom torium of the College of the City d•r the scholai:ship was named, and who developed Ileifetz, Elman and Zimhalist. He returned from his studies to Detroit in 1923 and played at a private recital at Orchestra Hall adore Detroit musical devotees and critics. Impressed by his ar- tistry, they advised him to tour abroad to give his playing a finish. Following it South American Sour where he gained favorable recognition, Forbin:to returned to the United States and made fleV- Tal appearances in the East. The Boston Transcript began its re- (dew of the Boston concert with the words, "Unquestionably a new violinist of the first rank has an- sna red ill the person of Harry Farliman." Farbman had not at- iained his eighteenth year when this was written. City College Auditorium 6.,/ Rubinstein Anniversary At the seventh pup convert to be !days,' this Sunday afternoon at Orchestra Hall by the Detroit Sym- phony Orchestra, (Islip Gsbrilu- witsch, conductor of the orchestra, Neill make the first of two app•ar- ances at these Sunday concerts. The program will open with the Rubinstein overture, "Anthony and Cleopatra," which is being played in commemoration of the site hun- dredth anniversary o f Rubinstein's birth--Nov. 1 1;2. This will be followed by the playing of the two movements of Schubert's Unfin- ished Symphony and by request a repetition of the 51cKinley Masquerade, which will be played for the first time at these pop con- certs, and a number which made such a tine impression at the sub- scription concerts of a few weeks past. After the intermission, the soloist of the afternoon, Gregor Piatigorsky, 'cellist, will be heard in the Saint-Saens Concerto for violoncello and orchestra in A Minor, Op. 3:1. FR A N K -.0..,-S DER PAGE FIVE Jewish Hour to Feature Thanksgiving Day Pro- gram This Sunday. BRIDGE-TEA OF OLD The Thankgiving Day program of the general committee on Jew isIi religious radio program :: twill lot broadcast on Sunday, Nor\. 24, nt 3 "'cluck, F:nsll•rn Stanranl lime, from a national network, Station II W.1 or the Detroit News, Nathan Kars of Temple Eman- uel will speak on "The Story and Significance of Thanksgiving." Several features distinguish the musical part of the program. Among them are the rendition of Naumbu•g's olom by the Steal quartet and ensemble, Levan- dov,ky's ti7, oneof the' greatest outpourings of the human out in the lo est nee of God's bounty, and 'Mendel:olio's Quartet in E Minor played by the string quartet. T155. (.5 , 01plete program follows: 55. onature, A111111 010111 INntintliont I. Under the chairmanship of Mrs. .1. Wartell, with SIrs. M. Jacobson as co-chairman, the bridge-tea of the northwestern branch of the Jewish Old Folks Horne will be qu•rtet andenruble, Lullaby I NI iliwr I Hance, 120 1;irl Ilanre (Mil- rtpr lie W If xotoeno , Let Mr E w er i, !I:0011.1m 1 , n Itntnoin, • Sto,he 15,olinov, baritone: Si • E Minor Monilekihn / ring wiar. , P• X'In y1. t oral e311.1 and Address, the i.tory and , • ioniticani, of Thark•triviiin. by Or. Nat hen brit Little Ithan.ocly stietnin• I,, I, ,ii.rge hotlorpAy, violin. and Eniart• oel Gas. piano: (Gerovitr• S-- n t!,m ky t. xlquartet and .9,99nbl e Ilealn, vocal quartet soettxtar,. Rev. E. Zaludkowski to Di- rect Religious Radio Hour Next Tuesday. FOLKS HOME NOV. 26 est. This open forum meeting was one of the most autTrasful yet held by Menorah. A short business discussion pre- omits] the lecture. Mr. Chesluk of She membership committee an- nounced that more applications had 15.11 rec eived. An SO per cent City College membership is expected before the end of the term. N r. Rosenshine of the program , stinnittee announced that a series ,,r ',tuns :I Remarkable illonday Event • t ur Trimmed WINTER COATS Sale Smart Furs . . . Clever Styles Quality Materials . . . And What's More Important . . . Greatly Underpriced. v ti 3 A. z. A. • 7 5 1 ■ BUY This Great RADIO on CANTOR'S CLUB PLAN SPARTOg RADIO Reports of Chapters; 63 and tili show them sponsoring a joint dance for Jan. 12 at the Statler, to be known as tournament dance. Pro- f:suds will go towards covering ex- penditures of the tournament. All three chapters pledged sup- port to the l'isgah Lodge Shadow Ball to be given at the Statler Thanksgiving Eve, Nov. 27. • Adolph Freund Chapter 93: Adolph Freund Chapter 03 met at the Jewish ('enter which will hereafter be its meeting place on Sundays ut 2:30. The chapter will hold basketball practice on Thursday evenings, at' 7, at the Longfellow School. A swimming team consisting, of Irv- ing Jatlie, Sam Statler and Irving IIerkin was entered into the Mel- bourne renter swimming tourna- ment. 'Radio's 'Richest Voice Detroit Chapter 63: A meeting of Chapter fix was held Sunday at the Jewish Cen- ter, 31 Melbourne. Starting the week of Nov. 21, t basketball practice will be held at the Longfellow Schocl, Waverly at Twelfth. Ben Kaplan is in charge of the athletic committee. Chapter ':I's first step in debat- ing wits the appointment of Sam- uel Charfotts as coach. Ile is ne- gotiating with Toledo Chapter 70 for a debate within the next month. The subject is "Resolved, That it is to the Best Interests of the Jew that the British Mandate Over Palestine Continue." Contestants in the Oratorical arid Essay Contest are asked to report to Mr. Charfoos immediate- ly. The subject will be "Jewish Notables of the Twentieth Cen- tury," for the oratorical, and "Modern Tendency of Jewish Ed- ucation" for the essay contests. Model 301—(shown here) '2743° Herz' Chapter 112 of Windsor: Al a meeting held Sunday, Leo Goldman was appointed manager of the Herz! Chapter basket ball team. Seven members will take part in the oratorical contest, Dec. S. The winner will n preSent the chapter in the district tournament. A committee has been appoiat• ed and plans are under way for a basketball dance to lie held Felt 3, at the Windsor Collegiate Gym. Proceeds are to go to the Detroit• Windsor Council for the interna- tional tournament food. Complete With Tubes Model 931 — $179.50 Complete With Tubes Anti now you can have the Majestic Radio on Cantor's new club plan. Just make a small down payment and we'll make prompt delivery of the radio to your home. Small weekly payments on the balance. Why not have one delivered for Chanukah? FREE INSTALLATION! Furniture Cantor 9332 OAKLAND OE% x a ■ 16,:ex m.. W■7■ Wh.101.116,WIJWIA W Itx‘WIMOCWIX IM IISILVIXWILIKWIN1WIK ■ W CONRAD'S SERVICE REPAIRS TIRES STORAGE WO, Tro9b1r. Ere• a,1 ern,. Q4oted on Any Operation. M101.1tOk Tuesday November 26, 12 Noon (IN THE PREMISES Four-Family Flat Fraternity Gives $25 for Re- lief Work. lien Gurwitz, chancellor. and .guts Sisler, vice-chancellor of the 'hi Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, a oval honorary fraternity, present- 'd Milford Stern, chairman of the 'destine licher Fund, with a 'heck for $25. 231-33 Farnsworth at John R., and 5402-08.14-20 Kirby, to corner of Sixteenth street. See Sunday's ad in the De- troit news "Auction Column." American Auction Co. 4600 Grand River Ave. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE CALL MRS. J. WARTELL held at 2 p. nl. l'uestlay, Nov. 2 11, ut Hotel Statler. There will Ise novel entertainment and refresh- 1111910 will be served. Hostesses at this bridge-lea will I be Mesdames It. Sarasohn, S. Sing- er, M. Fisher, J. Goldberg, Gilbert Israel, I. Schultz, D. Illatnikoff, J. Rose, .1. KaVal11111, I,. Davidson and D. A. Kleinman. Members of the board of direc- tors of the northwestern branch of the home will meet at 2 p. m. on Nov. 25 at the home of Mrs. Rose, 1493 Virginia Park. LAFAYETTE CABS CADILLAC 8080 COURTEOUS, PROMPT SERVICE NEW C BS SPECIAL STATION FOR NORTHWEST SECTION TWELFTH AND SEWARD AVE. H. LEIVIK the well-known Yiddish lecturer Will Deliver Two Lectures (in Yiddish) at the Jewish Center, 31 Melbourne Sunday Eve., Dec. I. subject: "Sholom Alechim and Peritz." Monday Eve., Dec. 2, subject: "The Poet and Language." leeiures begin 8:30. Admission, one lecture 50c, both lec- tures :Slit, reduction on all Philcons nits and Overcoats IN LINE with the adjustment process that is going on in all lines of busi- ness PHILCONS announce, effective at once, a general reduction of twenty (20) per cent on the entire stock of suits and overcoats. It has been our policy to hold no sales—to cut no prices—to give the best possible values at $29.50 to $60 - and to count on the good judgment of the men of Detroit to recognize the superior values. We are not changing this policy now. We are merely providing a reduced scale of prices that will give the public the benefit of savings, just as they already have been given them in autos, radios and other lines. At the original prices these garments were outstanding values. On the new basis they are phenomenal. In many cases our entire profit is wiped out. However, it is our belief that the financial crisis will soon be passed and that we will all soon be back to the old basis of operations. Figure 20%, reduction on established prices at time of purchase. Price-tags are not being changed. Our en- tire stock is open to you. Phase make the most of the occasion. PHILCONS 45 Selden Columbia 3028 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT "EXCLUSIVE FURNITURE :: FINE RADIOS :: REASONABLY PRICED" Real Estate Sincerely yours, FREE SERVICE FOR ONE YEAR! Tubes Guaranteed for Six Months Shops (Or 01/en Announcing a 20% Sizes for Misses, Women and Larger Women 14 to 54 , AUCTION! AUCTION! forum meet- icus had been procured for the next two or titre:. months. The ..t.,5551 committee rep:tiled 1.111 . 71 8o- 91 Meet ing t take plan• short- ly. A Chanukah dance is to be held on Der', 2S, A program of religious music will he given next Tuesday, Nov. 4 1 J T 0 111' 20, between 9 and 10 p. m., over ''"'''' WOOD WA it 0 station WMBC, by Rev. E. Zulu& kowski of Congregation Shaarey Zeilek, with the assistance of his male choir, consisting of the fol- I./Wing well-known Detroit singers: 1Villiam (layman, tenor and leader; Louis Greenblatt, first tenor; Abra- ham Kerstenbaum, second tenor; Maurice Rabinowitz, baritone, and Israel Hertz, has,. Miss Rose Bits. MENORAH OPEN FORUM HELD ALL IN YIDDISH sin will be ut the piano. This Jewish Hour has shown At the !twitting of Nlentirah un much improvement since it was Nov. I7, at the Public Library, platted in charge of Rev. 7.11111(1- Rabbi Fox, known under his pen koWSki. name "Aoki," spoke on "The Cab- balistic Influence in Religion." The Second Young People's Con- . discussion which followed the lec- ture was of lively interest, and the cert Nov. 30. entire discussion was held in Jew- The second young people's con- ish, which tendril to increase inter- cert will be given in Orchestra Hall 0, 1111 Saturday morning, Nov. 30, at 10:30 o'clock, with Victor Kolar conducting and Edith Rhetts lec- luring. As the second of the group At this remarkable low it :. c you will stt ill this series, the woodwind choir of the orchestra will be featured. styles and f•lrics ... such as xou see every dot and excerpts wit be plq•d illus- Detroit•Windsor at higher prices styles such as those that trating the English horn, oboe, meet your eyes on every page of the style pub- A meeting of the Detroit-Windsor lications. clarinet, bassoon, contra-bassoon, Council of the A. Z. A. was held flutes and piccolos. THE FABRICS: smooth finish Broadcloth ... The FURSt,Include splendid qualities of l'uesday night in Windsor, Rich Velveteen ... Broadcloth combinations ... Vicuna, Frtnch Beaver (coney), Caracul. The play committee reported sports Weaves ... Mink-Dyed Marmot, Fur Collars, fur cuffs, Sixth Pair of Concerts Nov. Leal dress rehearsal for next wed; COLORS: Black, brown, wine, beige, gray, and itrood t so-hour entertain- fur borders, fur panels. 28-29. tan marine blue. ant ot for all who attend. The sale The sixth pair of symphony con- of tickets is good and a pinked LININGS: Coats are beautifully lined with STYLES: Ealli 10 Ying every version of oerts given by the Detroit Sym- house is expected for both nights, crepe or satin, i he new SILHOUETTE. phony Orchestra, Osaip Gabrilo-, Dec. 1, and 2. The play, a three- witsch conducting, will take place act comedy, "Crooks for a Nlotith," at orchestra Hall on Thursday eve- is to be given at the Ataccabee ning, Nov. 28, and Friday after- Auditorium. Fifth Floor ... noon, Nov. 29. .. Starting with a December i ssue the COUrld I will publish a monthly Checker Cab — Empire 7000 news-bulletin to he sent out of nvn to all chapters, and to all 1,1*- t.dit Gs in Detroit to acquaint MWWWWWWWWWi11WIete kW116 4 kV' I MI M‘ kt‘ L' .W MN ZIK, L '‘, M/,‘ /1,1 k‘ ,•‘ tit with A. z . A . Art Miss Beatrice Peiman reported for the publicity committee. At the next meeting op ,Stinflay, Dec. I, which ie also to' be an open forum, Dr. Noah E. Aronstam will lecture on "Spinoza, the Man and His Works." Pontiac and Oakland Service "DETROIT'S SMARTEST DRESSERS WEAR PHILCONS CLOTHES" 11) 1hil 11 CCP S Fox Theater Bldg. Open Evenings