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November 08, 1929 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1929-11-08

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Mr. and Mrs. M. l'evin of 2470 Clairmount avenue announce th
,ngoosem•nt of their daughter, Betty, to Joseph Fisher, son of Mrs-
The committee for the Iladassah
, S. Fisher of Euclid avenue.
"Give or Get" 525 luncheon, which
Mr. and Mr
s. Ilarry Saperstein of 2263 Blaine avenue announce takes place Tuesday, Dee. 10, at
the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy, to Samuel Glass, son (ot hotel Stealer, is coaching out to
o um y Jewish won= in Detroit and
Mr. and Mrs. B. Glass of 1670 Culvert avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Wolf B. Siegel, formerly of Detroit, now residing in )i.•Mity who can either afford to
Aviv, Palestine, announce the engagement of their daughter, Rae. .off..eribe 825 or wishes to rai se
to, Jack Sushowitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lipa Suslowitz of Tel Aviv.


The name
on a piano stands
for tone quality,
beauty of design;
and a far greater

purchase value
than obtainable
in any other


Additional List of

for $25

Wedding Calendar

Nov. 10--Miss Anne Smith, daughter of Mr. ;aid Mrs. Barney
Smith of 2523 Buena Vista avenue, to Samuel Klee, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Klee of Pittsburgh, l'a.

Nov. 10--Miss Helen Klein of St. Louis to Gerald Werbelow o
Bay City, at Hotel Durant, Flint.
Nov. 10—Miss Eva Browarny, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Br°
woorny, to Al Monster, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Moister of Canton, Ohio.
Nov. 11—Miss Ruth Kahn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kahn.
to Edward Rothman, son of Mr, and Mrs. E. SI. Rothman.
Nov. 16—Miss Faye Wrotslaysky, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.
Wrootslaysky, to Aaron B. Margolis, son of Sir, and Mrs. M. Margolis.

Nov. 17—Miss Virginia Wind, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Wizel of 5187 Trenton avenue, to Harold Weingarden, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Moses Weingarden.
Nov. 24---Miss Anne Finkelstein, (laughter of Mr. wool Mrs. D.
Finkelstein, to Rabbi Carl L Nknello, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Menello
of this city.
„ this sum through her own efforts.
Half of the distance towards the
$1,,,000 goal has already loyen trav-
(told, and each week brings this
irual alittle sta ses.
Maurice 1.andiou and Nits.
77 =3' Hy C. Boatier have literally been
(lay and night as chair-
Nov. 5—To Mr. and Mrs. Lester Colberg (Ruth Neuberger), a
hoan and cu-chairmanof the ways

“Armi,tice Day —Eleven



H e

Wedding Ring

is bigger Ann a



os .! As YOUR HUSBAND has been advantaged by
labor lightening services, you too must banish
burdens that take your time and sap your strength.
For the modern matron must have freedom—
freedom to become her husband's partner in work
and play. Her wedding ring must symbolize a
larger circle, a circle big enough to hold her
hopes . . . and his.

Old-fashioned washday in the home is your
biggest household handicap. You know full well
the worry of washday; the bother of preparation;
the steam and smell; the heavy baskets to carry;
aching muscles; jangled nerves; a topsy-turvy
home. And of course you must stay in the house —
a Washday Prisoner.

But a needless prisoner. For there is a way out;
a way that leads from fatigue to freedom. It is a
trail that millions of women have traveled. And
never would they think of turning heck to yes-
terday's bother and backache. A modern laundry
is ready note to lift weary washday out of your
home—and out of r•ir life—forever.

Laundry-washed clothes are cleaner, last longer
and actually cost less than home washing. Begin
this very week to enjoy and profit by the leisure
that the modern laundry has in store for you.


Listen in on WWJ, Saturday night, 8:30 to 9
P. m., for Ted and Alice in "Launder Land."

Weller Laundry Co.

Our Service Beyond Compare

Phones Cadillac 5169.5170

Lois n y

November Presentation

After" all be the subject of Dr.
Leo M. Franklin's sermon this
Sunday at 10:45.
On Nov. 17 Dr, Franklin's sub-
ject will be ''The Jewish Elements
in the Sermon on the Mount."

New Gift Lingerie

Annual Meeting of Congregation
Beth El:
On Thursday, Nov. I 4, at 7::10
p. no., the seventy-ninth annual
meeting of Congregation Beth
will take place in the Brown Me-
morial Chapel. Election of (offi-
cers, reports of the year's activi-
ties, and other business of vital im-
portance to every member will be
transacted. The meeting: will be:
preceded by the annual Temple
dinner served in the social hall of
the Temple at 6 io. m. under the
auspices of the Temple Sisterhood.

This exquisite underwear would surely
delight every feminine heart and for that
reason is the happiest solution to that eter-
nal question, "W hat would she like?" The
time to buy gifts is now, when the stocks
are fresh and We all have plenty of time

In Matched Sets


I Young People's Discussion Group,
' The first of a series of discus-
-ion group mo:etings given by the
Young People a Temple Club will
be held this Sunday at 3 p. no in
the Men
fool Stern will lead the discussion.

"Dance Sets"

Night limns

5 75 to 10.00

The Alumni Class:


00 to 7.50



00 to 7.50

00 to 7.50

00 to 7.50

Sold Separately, If Desired.

At the request of the graduates
of Temple Beth El High School a
:special alumni class has been or-
ganized. The class met and chose
‘ a ,s the subject of the year's course
(I y---
• Survey
with special attention to the Jew-
ries of Russia and Poland." Scv-
alumni also elected a course
n Ilebreow. Samuel Cohen is in-
structor in both classes.
,: given Beth El College
courses are
,.refit. 1 he class is limited exclu-
Nov. I - To Mr. and Mrs. David Porvin (Adele Barnett) of 16865 and means committee, whose tune- nicely to graduates of Temple Beth
I Ooto it is to assist several hundred
El high Sch000l.
Linwood avenue, a daughter, Dianne.
,...111ell to earn the $25 subscrip. •
Oct. 29—To Mr. and Mrs. David Wispe, a son, Lawrence Myron.
tio ❑ to the luncheon. Through a
Oct. 24—To Mr. and Mrs. Ben Zieve of 2653 Richton avenue, to .cries of rummage sales in V111•IOUS Student Self-Government:
T he
he confirmation department,
laughter, Phyllis Roslyn.
moots of the city, through the open- „r the Sunday School, elected the
ing of a bake and gift shop, and tonow .,, m,
as its officers for the
through various other ways they
tsar: President, Dorothy Reiser;
are daily adding many new women •
vice-president, Victor Goulding;
la the luncheon list.
secretary, Albert King.
Subscribers are divided into two,
The Temple high School elected
$51) or tree
'3.1 n . "'s: ( fl y ers a
nee the following (officers• President ,
hostesses; givers (of $25 are pat-
Nlarjory Schembeck; vice-presi-
The hostesses to (late
'Ike nuptial vows of Miss Sylvia rolo,,os.
, dent, ilurtoon London; secretary,
Jackson, daughter of Mr. and Sirs. '''"' i ' t "f the Mesdames M * "' Stella Sobel; sergeant-at-arms,
Plotkin, Joseph Ros- : Jack Art.
Aaron Jackson, and Milton Gottes-
Mrs. S. A. Agree of Glynn Court man, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Max enzweig, Harry Selker and David
entertained Thursday afternoon at Gottesman, were spoken on Nov. \V. Simons. The foollowing patron-
a farewell bridge-luncheon at her 3, at the Statler Hotel, under a P , SeF. have been secured since last : The editorial staff (of The Bethe-
home in honor of Mrs. Ilarry Lieb- canopy of white chrysanthemums. , atyk:
' lite, the Temple school paper, has
erman of Philadelphia, a former Rabbi A. SI. Hershman performed
Nlesdames SI. Alvin, B. Blum- . just been appointed. It consists of
Detroit, who has taken up her resi- the r :n ot
',Sell Celia Blutnrosen of Pontiac
Louise • , Ruth Bachrach,
dence in the east. Among the,
The bride wore a gown made N. Bronstein, Sarah E. Broudo, J. Jean Bennett, Kenneth Van Vliet
guests at the luncheon was Mrs. with a long close-fitting satin bod- Burrows, It. Cott, Louis Daniels,' Alexander Hirschfeld, Irving Ell-
Tuna Klein of Los Angeles, Cal.
ice, and the skirt was of an uneven 1. Davidson, I,. Davidson, Saul Day-, man, Ruth Frank, Richard Stein,
hemline made entirely of lace. liar ninon, Ben Fenton, Miles Finster• Avery Weissman, A. Lou Harris,
Dr. Sol Q. Kesler announces the all-lace veil, which formed a cap, wald, N. Fishman, H. B. Gittleman,
removal of his offices to 620 Nlac- was ornamented with a small clus- A. Glazer, Hilliard W. Gooldstick, Flora Miller and Sidney Moyer.
cabee Building.
ter of orange blossoms on each \Vm, Gordon, Jacob Harwith, Jacob
side. A shower bouquet of valley Hersh, A. SI. Hershman, Jack $10 Donation for Palestine
N1r. and Mrs. Chas. Ginsberg of lilies and orchids completed her II lip, Ilarry Horwitz, Henry Ja-
Emergency Relief Fund.
Arden Park left for an extended bouquet.
cobson of Pontiac, J. Kelly Kant-
stay at Hot Springs, Ark.
Hiss Lillian Gottesman, sister of nuon, Sol Kaufman, B. J. King, A.
Northeastern Congregation Etz
the bridegroom, acted as maid of J. Kaufman, Ben Krell, J. B. Las-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jay of honor, and wore an eggshell satin ky, Sol Levin, Morris Levinson, Chaim of Englewood avenue remits
through The Detroit Jewish Chron-
Taylor avenue celebrated their six- gown.
Edna Lewis, Bertha Lipsitz, M. 1'.'
icle $10 from Joel Goottlieb of 79
teenth wedding anniversary on
Mrs. Slarcus Howard, Mrs. Irv- Lipsitz, Rose Lipsitz, 1. Luryea.
Tuesday, Noov. 5, by entertaining ing Janowitz, Miss Helen Dalitz, Walter Slayer, J. Modell, Wallace Elmhurst avenue for the Palestine
eight of their friends at the Hal Miss Nlollie Einstandig and Miss .1. Newton, Louis Oppenheim, Mil- Emergency Relief Fund. This
makes the tooted received by the
Helen Rosenberg were the brides- ton I,. Petrie, Slayer Rosenbaum,
maids. They wore pink, green, Harry Rosman, M. Rosenzweig, Ir- fund through The Chronicle $1,-
: Mr. and Mrs. David Krause an- yellow, green and peach gowns, re- ving Rubenstein, D. Satlir, Harry 135. 51.
nounce the Bar Nlitzvah of their spectively, made on the present
Schlanger, Boon Schwartz, Norman
son, Earl Ray, which will be held long and short mode, and each car- Schwartz, Theodore Schwartz, S.
[ Ruth's Flower Shoppe
Nov. 10 at 312 Ilague avenue.
ried bouquets of roses and baby Shaw, lien Siegel, Bert Silverman,.
Wedding. Ostentatiously Arranged at
chrysanthemums tied with con- E. Sloan, Harold Smiley, Barney
The Nlisses Rose and Lillian trasting ribbon bows to match
Moderate Prices,
Smith, E. Terenyi, S. L. Trigg,
Gorton entertained the Cousins their gowns and different colored
Frank Vass, Ben Wilk, Louis Wine,
Empire 10577
11052 Twelfth Street
Club Wednesday evening at their
I,. Winkelman, SI. Winkelman and
home, 218 Josephine street.
Arthur Gottesman, brother of R. Zuiebock.
the bridegroom, served as best
The next meeting of the lunch-
The engagement of Miss Sophie man, and Slarcus Howard, Irving
eon: committee takes place Tuesday
Edelstein, daughter of Mr. and Janowitz, Newton Jackson, Jules
Mrs. A. Edelstein, to Meyer Fish- Lev and Ben Benjamin were the morning, Nov. 12, at 10 o'clouk, at
the home of Mrs. Abraham Srere,
man, was announced Sunday, Oct.
2697 Webb avenue.
27, at the home of Mr. Fishman's
Little Morton Nlekler carried the
A unique plan has been adopted
brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and ring (on a small white heart-shaped :
by Detroit Haollissah as a means
Mrs. Nathan Fishman, 2984 Bur- pillow edged with lace.
of assisting many ambitious wom-
lingame. Tables were set fur .65
Mrs. Joseph Kaplan rendered en to earn the admission to the
guests lino' were decorated in white
woo vocal solos, "0 Promise Me"
and blue. Ilarry N. Grossman was and "At Dawning," (luring the "Give (or Get" $25 luncheon. A
toastmaster of the evening, and ceremony, which was witnessed by pleasant little shop, specializing in
speakers were Nathan Fishman, 165 guests, who attended a dinner- baked goods and dainty gifts, will
Mr. Edelstein, father of the bride- dance in cabaret style, which fol- he open at 11715 Dexter boulevard
(near Webb) un Thursday and
elect; Morris Fishman, uncle of
Friday of each week until the
the fiance, and Benjamin Fishman,
Mrs. Jackson chose a gown of
brother of the fiance. A diversion' orchid satin for her daughter's luncheon. Home made maalles,
of the evening was the showing of wedding, and Mrs. Gottesman wore cakes and other tine pastries of
various kinds, baked by Hadassah
moving picture portraying present
black velvet. They both had
domestic life in various cities in shoulder bouquets of pink (orchids. members, are on sale at this shop;
also home-made dresses for chil-
Miss Jackson wore as her going
dren, pretty gifts and articles
away costume an ensemble of
suitable fur bridge prizes. Women
Nliss Leona Payne. president (of
black velvet and eggtell satin
Sigma Delta Tau Sorority, won trimmed wth eggshell caracul. Her desiring choice pastries or gifts
for certain occasions will fond this
first cup for her skit entered in the ac•essories were of black.
shop a great convenience. In ad-
annual Michigan and Illinois home-
After a honeymoon in the east
dition to sales at the shop, special
cawing stunts presented at the
Mr. and Mrs. Gottesman will reside
orders will le accepted and care-,
University of Illinois, Oct. 26.
in Detroit.
fully executed. Those wishing to ,
make inquiries or place orders for
Mrs. Sarah Gross and Miss Clara
Hellman were joint hostesses to 40
baked goods should communicate
Miss Fay Mintz and Philip Rus. with Mrs. II, P. Cohen, Arlington
guests at a bridge-luncheon and
miscellaneous shower at the Lee kin were united in marriage Sun- 117:1. Likewise, the gift depart-
('rest Hotel on Oct. 23, honoring day, Nov. 4, at the Michkan Israel ment is in charge of Mrs. I. F.
Nliss Eva Browarny, a bride-elect Synagogue.
Kline, Euclid 7865-.1.
The bridesmaids were Miss Eolith
of Nov. 10. On Oct. 27 the mem-
bers of the Gamma Tau Chi hon- Adelle Ruskin, sister of the groom.
ored Miss Browarny at a personal and Miss Rose BIM. Miss Ruskin
#ttnitt tu
shower and bridge at the Chinese wore an eggshell gown and green
slippers. Nliss Bicol wore an
Tea Gardens.
orchid gown and orchid slippers.
Mrs. Samuel B, Weinberg of 814
Both girls carried bouquets of red State street, entertained at Hotel




Lingrrir—Firrt Floor

Let Us Beautify Your Home

We- have hundreds d odd pieces that will help make your
home cozier and more beautiful.
At your convenience, call and inspect lour large assortment
... ant of course, the prices are much lower than those quoted

FrItNI1I'ItE Co.
We Sell Retail at Factory Prices


Sanitary Bakery Shop


Dexter Boulevard



Large and Beautiful Banquet Hall

Also Small Halls, with Fully Equipped Kitchen if
Desired, for

Weddings, Banquets, Luncheons, Lec-
tures, Socials and Other Jewish







EL.V, afro

Family of Late David R. Casa
Extends Thanks to Sym-
pathetic Friends.

The family of the late David R.
Cass, who passed away recently,
extends heartiest thanks to the
' many relatives and friends for
their sympathies and kindnesses
shown them during their recent

Tombstone Unveiling.

A tombstone will be dedicated
by Mrs. Pauline Morris in memory
of her dear husband Ben, on Sun-
day, Nov. 10, at 2:30 p. rn., at the
Home of Peace Cemetery in Los
Angeles, Cal. Mr. Ben Morris was
the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Mor-
ris of Detroit.

Special Suites

De Luxe

Just completed, overlooking
Grand Circus park.

A limited number of these
remodeled and refurnished
suites. Large, pleasant living
room. Two bedrooms with
full-sized new beds and finest
new full spring mattresses.
Lots of closet room, bath
and reception hall.

An ideal home for discrimi-
ratting business men to live
downtown serviced by a fine
Clifford 5200



Bancroft, Oct. 21, for the pleasure
Reba Mintz, sister of the bride, of Miss Helen Klein a bride-elect
was maid of honor. She wore a of Nov. 10, with a dinner-bridg•
gown of burnt orange and carried
and miscellaneous shower. The
a bouquet of tealeaves.
color scheme was rose and orchid
Ilarry Fienstein Was the best
with Bebe mums as the centerpiece.
man. Dave and Saul Mintz,
brothers of the bride, were ushers.



The next beard meeting of the
Ladies' Auxiliary of the Jewish Na-
Activities are progressing in tional Fund, will be held at the
the drive of the Order of Eastern home of the president, Mrs. H.
Star for the construction of a new Milkowsky, 2012 Virginia lark,
Eastern Star Temple in the North- Wednesday, at 2:30 p. m.
west section of Detroit. The drive
An enjoyable meeting of the or-
opened on Nov. 4.
ganization won held Oct. 30. H. Z.
At a meeting of volunteers held Kugel, who recently returned from
at the Eastern Star Temple, Si) Palestine, entertained with songs
West Alexandrine, on Nov. 4, ar- and a talk nn Palestine.
rangements were made for the sale!
A celebration is being planned in
of club privileges in the new club- honor of Rabbi R. Hurwitz, in ap-
preciation of his work as treasur-
The sale of club privileges is a er of the .lewish National Fund.
new idea in community drives for The party he to be held Nov. 23, at
new buildings. Life privileges will the Philadelphia-Byron Talmud
he offered which will include club Torah.
facilities without dues or 11S.54'SS.
Plans are in the making for a
dance at the Book Cadillac Hotel
Purity Chapter is among the ac- on Dec. 22, the proceeds to go to
tively interested groups, partici- the Jewish National Fund.
pating in the campaign. In all, 13
The committee in charge con-
chapters participate in the drive. sists of Mrs. II. Kraft and Mrs.
Anna Weinbeck is worthy matron Schechter, tickets; Mrs. Levin and
of Purity Chapter.
Mrs. A. Teitelbaum, program.
Henry Mazer is chairman of the
building committee for the new
Tombstone Unveiling.
Mrs. II. Benstein and family of
Frank T. Smith is president of Windsor, Ont., wish to inform
the Eastern Star Association, and their relatives and friends that the
he has worked unceasingly to fur- unveiling of the monument of the
ther plans in preparations for the I late Herman Ilenstein will take
building drive.
' place Sunday . Nov. In 1 at 2:30 p

m. sharp, at Cloverhill Park Cem.1
Checker Cab — Empire 7000 etery,



5V1. Fabrick

Exclusive Furs



8907 Twelfth


Corner Hazelwood

Garfield 0358


Dept. in
Charge of
Miss Florence

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