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September 06, 1929 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1929-09-06

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•ifEl)erRon' Ewbn&oman




Guaranteed Not ta Crack
BUY NOW! Do not walt until you get
• eourt nuke.
Price will Ise Increased seen.


Garfield 7106

Your Car
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Every day, including Satur•

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5c! I Feel Great!

That's what everyone say. after
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Invest In Health.
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Opens from 7 a. m. to 11 p. m.
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Breakfast -.- 11:30 to 2:00 p. m.
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We eerie sandwiches
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TO 8 P. hi.

Board and Room, $10 Week
Banquets and Parties Given
Special Attention

Tea Leaf Reading FREE!

307 E. Ferry Ave.

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The Monticello Garage
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We Employ Expert Mechanics


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Residential Police

Call Longfellow 4000


lifratrrnal attl Club Nuttg

I 1
The following poem by the fa- 1
moos Anglo-Jewish poet, P. M.
Raskin, was read at the Madison
Square Garden meeting in New
York before an audience of 25,-'
Home Relief Society.
000 Jews protesting against Arab
The first meeting of the season
outrages in Palestine:
will take place Monday afternoon,
"Lest We Forget!"
Sept. 'J, at the home of Mrs. Abe
Gordon, 85I I I,n Salle boulevard,
in the form of a bridge-tea. The
By our •acred sal
annual bridge-luncheon will be
With blood still wet,
We swear once more:
held tit the Book Cadillac llotel
Lest we forget!
Tuesday, Oct. 29, with Mrs. Ira
riedenberg and Mrs. Ben B.
By the g
f our sons
in charge. Other organ-
Open yet,
izations, please take note of the
We swear once more:
meeting was held
Lest we forget!
Saturday at the home of the presi-
By the lives of our youth
dent, Mrs. II. Si. Shulman, for the
And the doom they met,
board of directors, at which a
We swear once more:
large sum vsas voted upon to send
Lest we forget!
to the suffering Jews in Palestine.
By • nation's trust
And ■ nation's debt,

Phalanx Club.

We swear once more:
Lest we forget!
Let heart to heart
Echo the oath:
Lest we forget!

J. W. E. W. 0. to Hold Mass
Meeting Monday.

Phalanx plans for the corning
season feature activities that will
' include ninny of the young Jewish
organizations in the city. The third
annual bridge tournament will be-
gin in November. Dec. 1 the I ha-
lona Club will hold an informal
dance at the Statler Hotel. For
January a formal dance is being
arranged, attendance at which will
be restricted to those receiving
bids. Sundy, Sept. 8, the Phalanx
Club will have a picnic at Belle
Isle. Canoeing, swimming and
other entertainment is on the pro-
gram. Sam Goren and Al Wolf
played in an elimination tourna-
ment of golf at Cass Lake. Ai
Will was the victor.

The Jewish Women's European
Welfare Organization will open
the season's activities wit ha mass-
meeting On Monday, Sept. 9, at 8
p. m., at the Jericho Temple, 2705
Joy rood.
Prominent speakers will address
the meeting. A report of all ac-
tivities of this organization and a
financial report will be given. All
members and the public are ur-
Purity Chapter Na. 359.
gently requested to attend.
I'urity Chapter No. :159 will
Those having old clothes for the
o men
pen its social se
a din-
rummage sale to be held in the
on Sunday, Sept. 22, at
near future, kindly call Mrs. Jos.
Northwood Inn, which has recently
Ilagdade, Euclid 9878 and a com-
bet n enlarged to accommodate the
mittee will call for same.
overflow crowd. Mesdames Ann
Gordon and Selma Rosenblatt are

Maccabees Tent 1005.

Maccabees Tent Na. 1005 will
hold a special meeting Wednesday,
Sept. 11, 8:30 p. tn., at 4829

Woodward avenue, between War-
ren and Hancock. Members
Members are
urged to attend. Refreshments will
be served. Ilereafter meetings will
be held on the second and fourth
W ednesdays. One meeting, will be
social. Ben Magid, finance and
record keeper, was promoted as-
sistant great commander of Michi-

gan. Ile was appointed by Great
Commander of Michigan E. W.
Thompson. duties began Sept
t Ile will continue as record and

finance keeper of Tent No. l005.

Jolly Fellows Club.

The last meeting of the Jolly

Fellows • Club was held at Litt-
nun's Hall, corner Twelfth and

Seward. The meeting was con-
ducted by the new officers, in-
stalled Thursday, Aug. 29. A vote
of thanks was extended to Dr.
Abramson for the able manner in
which he conducted the installa-
tion. A good part of the evening
was taken up in the discussion of

.......................... ................... .....


(Continued from Page One.)

upbuilding of Palestine as the Jewish National Home (by the unani•1
moos action of both houses of Con a ) we plead with the heads
of our government to use their best efforts to protect the lives of the
160,000 Jews in Palestine and to take steps for the prevention of the
recurrence of the present outrages.

"Detroit Jews, in meeting assembled on Tuesday evening, Sept.

3, in their grief over the Palestine happenings, also plead with their
chief executives at Washington to exert every effort to guarantee the

carrying into effect by Great Britain of the Balfour Declaration,
assuring the creation of the Jewish National Home. By the invest-
ments by American Jews of many millions of dollars, the Jewish pio-
neers succeeded in building an oas i s in the Palestine desert, and the
Jewish colonies created there have been the sauna of praise from
the best minds in the world.. To permit these settlements to be
endangered by attacks such as have marked the past week would
me.. disgrace not for Jewish efforts alone, but for the more than 40
Christian nations throughout the world whose encouragements made
the Palestinian Jewish successes possible.. Historic justice demands
that nothing be done to deviate from the policies set down by the
Balfour Declaration, and we have faith that the United States gov-
ernment will use its best endeavors to guarantee complete adherence
to the Balfour Declaration and to the Palestine mandate.




"Detroit Jews also join their fellow Jews throughout the world
,n protesting to the government of Great Britain, into whose hands ,
was entrusted the mandate over Palestine, against the inadequate
means its Palestine Administrtaion has taken to safeguard Jewish '
life and property.. Jewish sentiments are outraged by the reports of It
the indignities inflicted upon our Jewish pioneers and settlers in
Palestine not only at the hands of Arab savages, but also on the part
of British authorities who, disregard'ng the dangers in which Pales-
tine's Jewish citizens found themselves, interfered with their rights
to self-defense by disarming the members of the self.defens corps and
by placing under arrest Jews for the ungodly reason that they dared ;
defend Jewish life in the ancient land of Israel.

the cooling, dance.
the chairman of the dance, report-
ed that •trrangements are nearly
"We call upon the British government not only to suppress the
completed. The grand ballroom at present outrages but to prevent their recurrence.
the Book Cadillac Hotel has been
"We call upon the British government to adopt firm methods of I
leased for this dance. Music will
administration for carrying into effect the Balfour Declaration and
be furnished by Carl T. Stewart's
the solemn obligation assumed under the Palestine mandate.
Peppy Orchestra, and the date is


Fill Your Coal Bin Now!

East Side Coal Co.

"Only the removal from office of the present Palestine Admin . .
Sunday evening, Oct. Ii, the last
night of Rosh Hashonah. Tickets (ration, whose negligence was responsible for permitting the Arab
for this dance will be on sale next butcheries, will strengthen the faith of the Jewish people in the

week. The club requests the co- mandatory power.
"We call upon the British government that it should choose its I
operation of the organizations of
Palestine administration to administeh the affairs of the Jewish home-
land in the spirit of the Balfour Declaration, and that it should '•
choose such an administration with the consent of the Jewish Agency.
Yime Zont• Cara Sorority.
"We call upon the British government to bring about a just
Yima Zonta Cara Sorority met
Walter Farber to Study at co-chairmen and tickets may tie se- a
t the home of Rose Brooks, 614 settlement of the Wading Wall question through government expro-
Seminary and Colum-
cured from then, or any of the in- I sticester Court, on Aug. 2)I. The priation of property opposite the Wall.
"We furthermore call upon the British government that it make I
vials. A novel time is promised. s ale of tickets is progressing for
bia University.
On Slonday, Sept. 9, at p. m., at , t he hard time barn dance to be possible • renewed and increated immigration of large numbers of
Walter Farber, who left Detroit the Eastern Star Temple, a large g iven on Sunday, Sept. 29, at the Jews into Palestine in order thereby truly to interpret the Balfour
for Chicago to devote his time to I class of candidates will be initiated I betroit Creamery grove, Grotiot Declaration and the Palestine mandate.
"And we furthermore call pan the British government to offer
both religious and secular educa- linto the order. Refreshments will r oad, entering Mt. Clemens. There
tion, wait visited by his father, Ab- be served in keeping with the will be free transportation for peo- just and adequate compensation to the Jewish settlers in Palestine
raham Farber, and sisters, Ethel weather. Members are urged to ple without cars. Bus leaves in for loss of life and property.
"It is the hope of Detroit Jewry that the responsible bodies speak-
f runt of Shubert Detroit at 7:30
and Eva, who attended his gradu- attend and witness the initiation,
sharp. For further information ing for the Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency convene as
ation from the University of Chi-
Tau Sigma Gamma Sorority.
call Empire 1801-R or Longfellow soon as possible to cope with the present situation and to strive for
cago, which conferred the degree
At the meeting of Sept. 3, held 0146. The next meeting will tab
the satisfactory solution of the newly created problems, and to this
of Bachelor of Philosophy upon
at the home of Miss Rose Green- place at the home of Fay Cohen end we urge the responsible leaders to act immediately.
"The hope of Jewry is that peaceful relations will be resumed
While in Chicago he attended
with the Arabs, Jewry's aims always being for the creation of peace
the Hebrew Theological College definitely decided to have McKin-
all elements among whom they reside. But Jewry can never
where he specialized in Talmudi-
The weekly meeting of the Hoy , consent to peace which would call for abandonment of the principles
cal and literary studies of the He- Armistice dance to be held Nov. 10
marked our efforts in Palestine. We solemnly declare that we
brew language. At present he is
visiting with his father and sis- Gamma Sorority urges all sorori- Miss Jeanne Snitman, Aug. 30. shall never deviate from the course we have begun in the recon-
of our Homeland.
This meeting was held in the form
ters in Detroit where he expects
"Detroit Jews add to these solemn declarations expressions of
to remain for two weeks, and then 10 open in order to aid them in o f open house, on account of the
The holding of the second annual raffle, sorrow at the losses and indignities suffered by our brave pioneers.
be the guest of Rabbi and Sirs.
Sikhs and Rabbi and Sirs. Wer- next meeting will be held at the t he winner of which was Harry J. It is a source of pride and honor to know of the Maccabean bravery
ner of Toronto, Ontario. Ile is home of Miss Miriam Cooper, 2947 Rohme, commander of the Calm- with which our youths were able to defend themselves and the Jew.
dian post of the American Legion. ish settlements against extreme odds. The names and deeds of these
planning to go to New York to Clements, on Sept. 10.
Refreshments were served. The brave pioneers are already engraved large in Jewish history on lines
continue his rabbinical studies at
next meeting will be held at the parallel with the heroisms of our Maccabees of old.
the Jewish Theological Seminary
The Athena Girls Club extends home of Miss Cede Leventen, 1722
"The Jews of Detroit resolve to forward these resolutions to the
o f America, d h' secular •
President of the United Stars, to the Secretary of State, to the Brit-
Pingree avenue.
at Columbia University.
to he present at the bridge and
ish government, through the British Ambassador at Washington, to
card party which will he held on
the Michigan members of both houses of Congress, to the press, and
Eta Rho Sorority.
"Miracle Man" at State.
Friday evening, Sept. 27, at the
The most recent Friday meeting to the responsible head of the Zionist Organization and the Jewish
"The Miracle Man," in which Lee Plaza Hotel, Lawton and West 11
if the Eta Rho Sorority was held
Mr. Thomas Meighan played, is! Grand boulevard. The committee a
Resolution of Cheer to Pioneers.
recognized as one of the impor- in charge, consisting of 111iss Mol- t the home of Miss Cohen. As
chairman of the committee for the I
The resolution of cheer to the. pioneers follows:
tant milestones in motion picture Ile Hahn, Sirs. Matilda Chatlin and
bridge-tea-dance Miss :Mishkin '
"Detroit Jews, in meetings assembled on Tuesday evening, Sept.
history. It was the means of ele-, Mrs. Ethel Lippett, is working hard
voting to stardom at least th ee! r to make this first social event of made a complete report. Earths': 3, extend to the brave pioneers in Palestine their sympathy in the
plans were made, having in mind
of its players—Thomas Meighan, the season a success. Mrs. Esther
present tragedy and assure them of their determination to increase
the Cavern lis the location for the
Betty Cempson and Lon Chancy. Kaliff will be hostess at the next
all efforts to the end that the land drenched with their blood become
The first two of these are now ap- meeting, to be held on Tuesday event. Full co-operation is ex- the Jewish National Home.
pearing in Warner Brothers Vita- evening, Sept. 10, at her home pected from the various sororities
"Detroit Jewry's message to you is one of courage and of pride.
and fraternities with which the
phone productions and Meighan is on Northfield avenue.
We are proud of your b y. The manner in which you defended
Eta Rho girls have co-operated.
making his first appearance in the
Jewish life and property is of greatest encouragement in our tragedy.
The first anniversary of the soror
new medium as the star of "The
- Your b fills us with courage to go on with the task of rebuild-
Troty Vech Girls.
ity will be celebrated in the fors
Argyle Case."
Miss llelen Schneider was host- of a formal banquet to be het ' m g Palestine as the Jewish Homeland."
ess to the Troty Verb Gird at her around Oct. 12 at the Oriole Ter
Resolutiuon on Relief.
home on Wednesday, Aug. 28. race. The girls will be attend::: I
The resolution calling upon the community to offer immediate
Among the first of the numerous by their escorts, and bids will be relief to the sufferers follows:
fall activities is the second annual extended to various friends. The
"Detroit Jewry, in mass protest meeting assembled to voice its
charity raffle, the details of which next place of meeting will be at indignation against the outrages in Palestine, calls upon every Jew
will be announced at a later date. the home of ,Miss Betty Goldman,
in Detroit to come to the immediate ad iof our people in Palestine,
The girls wish Miss Thelma Yack- 3753 Elmhurst avenue.
"The tragedy is great, and the response must be immediate, gen-
tleS8 a speedy recovery from her
erous and commensurate with the misfortune wihch has befallen our,
recent illness. Miss Hannah Mil-
Theta Delta Omega
ler, president, left for an extended
Thal Delta Omega Sorority is
"The meeting assembled on Tuesday evening, Sept. 3, resolves
vacation in New York City as their esuming its fall term with a meet-
to call upon the Jewish community of Detroit to make its effort in
guest of her aunt and uncle, Mr. ng at the home of Miss Sarah behalf of the sufferers in the p
t Palestine tragedy the most
and Mrs. S. Mills.
Alzofon, 595 East Philadelphia generous in all Detroit Jewish philanthropic efforts.
Baths and Massages
avenue, Sunday afternoon Sept
"This meeting also issues an appeal to the general community
Beta Rho Delta Sorority.
8. A successful summer has been of Detroit to aid this Palestine Emergency Relief Fund. Non-Jew
The last meeting of the Beta spent at the sorority house at
as well as Jew is called upon to contribute for the relief of the
Rho Delta Sorority, held Aug. 29, Cass Lake. Many varied
and in- sufferers in the most savage brutalities perpetrated by Moslem
was an open one, and several t cresting. plans are being made for
marauders, thereby offering the most practical rebuke for the most
guests were present. Bridge and t he coming term, among which is
savage atrocities of modern times."
refreshments followed the busi- t he inauguration of the following
Hadassah Resolution.
ness meeting. A hike for the mem- new officers: Mist; Ilelen Share,'
bers and their friends will take iresident; Miss Ida Nadler, vice-
Detroit chapter of Hadassah, speaking for its 1,100 members,
place Sept. 22. Plans are under president; Miss Evelyn Friedman, adopted the following resolution of protest:
(Formerly of Webster Hall)
way for a celebration to be held corresponding secretary;
"Whereas the onus of responsibility for the present outrages is
at sonic inn outside of the city for Pearl Kaplan, recording secretary; upon the British officials in Palestine, for their criminal negligence,
members and their escorts. Mrs. Miss Bess Kosak, treasurer.
their incompetency and their total disregard of the letter and the spirit
(Formerly Bloom's Swedish
Dolores Levitt has extended the so-
of the mandate, it therefore behooves the British govrnment to:
rority an invitation to attend a pa-
Tau Epsilon Fraternity.
"First: Rstore law and order.
jama party at her home, 3375
The last meeting of the Alpha
"Second: Punish the offenders.
Cllingwood, on Sept. 14, in honor Deity chapter of Tau Epsilon was
"Third: Remove the officials who were were not only incompetent
301 Stormfeltz•Loyeley Bldg.
of the sorority. A resignation was held at the home of John Rose, but were obviously out of sympatny with the purpose of the
received from Miss Mollie Weiner. 2007 Gladstone avenue. It was "Fourth: Reorganize the police force, to include a large percent-
Grand Blvd. and Woodward
A dance is being planned for the , lecided to give a farewell party in age of Jews in its personnel, and to provide adequate military pro-
Empire U27
early fall. Charity work is still honor of Prince Roy Clark at his tection,
the major item of the sorority's home, 3005 Chicago boulevard, on
"Fifth: Compensation for loss of life and property.
work, and the committee has been Sept. 28. Entertainment will
"Sixth: Increased and renewed immigration of Jews into Palestine.
busy ,luring the past fey months in provided by the chairman, Albert
"Seventh: A just settlement of the Wailing Wall rights,
helping various families.
Cutler. All members are request-
" Eights: A full restatement by Great Britain of its intentions to
ed to bring their lady friends. The carry out the purpose of the Balfour Declaration and the mandate
Tau Phi Fraternity.
next meeting will be held at the responsibilities."
arrangements have been home of William Salomon, 10001
This resolution is signed by Mrs. Ralph Davidson, president, and
completed for the dance at the Broadstreet.
Mrs. P. 11. Broudo, secretary.
Statler Hotel Sunday evening,
Longfellow 8439
The Mayor's Message.
Sept. 22. Dance and novelty mu-
Detroit, Mich.
Hakoah Sport..
; sic will be furnished by the Club
The club held its weekly meet-
Mayor John C. Lodge, unable personally to attend the protest
, Ackmoor Orchestra. Various corn- ng at the Jewish ('enter, 31 Mel- meeting, sent a message of sympathy and encouragement. In his
agents for the
withers report that all is in readi- bourne avenue. The feature of letter to Philip Slomovitz, president of the Zionist District of Detroit,
ness for this affair. Tickets may t he meeting was the preparation the mayor stated:
Manufacturers and Distributors
be secured at the door only.
of the program for the open meet-
"Will you be so kind as to convey the following message to De-
Ask Your Grocer For
ng to be held at the auditorium of troit's Jewish :tithe. assembled in various halls tonight to protest
Detroit Friendship Club.
he Jewish Center next Wednes- against the outrages in Palestine?
Ben Epstein, chairman of the day evening. Dancing
and re•,
" Every man and woman, Christian or Jew, must have read with
With Every Meal
dance committee of the Detroit reshments will feature the meet-1 horror and shame of the brutalities perpetrated on defenseless Jews
Delkiously Different. All kinds of Loaf Cheese
Complete Store and Restaurant
Friendship Club, gave a favorable ng. Irwin Shaw returned to the in the Holy Land. I join with you in voicing my indignation at the •
'report at the last meeting of the lob after a leave of absence of I horrible occurrences.
The conscience of Ws country is aroused in
'committee. Epstein reported that wo months. Barney Bronar was, protest ■ gainst the
e erica committed. Our sympathy is with the
Display Room
all the necessary plans have been a dmitted as a member. Dave Gold- unfortunates ho have
suffered in a manner which, in comparison,
fully prepared to welcome the Jew- man's social was a huge success, makes the sufferings of the Middle
9753 Grand River
Ages appear mild.
ish young men and women of De- he dancing and entertainment
"1 join with you in calling upon our government at Washington to
Two Dears South of LIvernole
troit to the fourth annual dance of ontributing to the pleasure of the
guarantee protection to American life and property in Palestine,
Garfield 6344
the club at Hotel Statler Sunday vening. Israel Cohen will hare
"I join with you in paying honor to the dead and in extending the
evening, Sept. 29. The executive he closing social at his home
sympathy of this community to the Jewish heroes who defended the
board also announces that the first Sept. 23.
Jewish settlements in Palestine and who p
led a more tragic
meeting will be held next Sunday,
• —
Sept. 8, at 4 p. m., at Friend
Ki Ku Wah Sorority.
with you that the result of the outrages will bring a
Goldberg's house, 619 King ave-
The last meeting of the Ki Ku greater effort for the establishment of the Jewish Homeland in Pales-
'ah Sorority was held at the home' tins."

See Far Yourself on Our
f Miss Clara Porvin, Aug. 27, at
4 - Wheel Brake Tester
Senator Vandenberg's Message.
Things You Ought to Know. :30 p. m. The members of the
What Is Ivory?
so rority were invited to Lakeview In a telegram from Washington to Mr. Slomovitz, Senator A. II.
We Specialise in Brake Service and Brake Drum Reconditioning
Ivory, a very hard white sub- ottage at Cass Lake. The next Vandenberg sent Detroit Jews a message of hope and encouragement.
stance used extensively for indus- m eeting will be held at the home declaring that "the noble Jewish dream of a National Home in Pales-
trial purposes, is really "dentine," t' Miss Ann Lapinsky, 544 East tine is not shattered by this tragedy." His message follows:
10240 WOODWARD AVE. at Trowbridge. Across from Calvert
or tooth substance. The animals
irby avenue.
"1 am glad to report to you that my investigation her. indicates
Arlington 2743
from which we obtain most of the
Palestine situation now well under control of British government,
iror ythus used are the elephant.
Jolly Elite Club. primarily responsible under mandate from League of Nations. Brit.
the hippotamus and also the wal-
At the last meeting of the Jolla ish government has vigorously concentrated defense forces and there
These animals' huge teeth E lite Club discussions were held should be no more serious trouble. While comparatively few Ameri•
•ore called tusks, and their weight oncerning the first annual dance can citizens are involved, nevertheless the traditional policy of the
Any Light 4 or 6-Cylinder Car Simonized - - - • $6. 00
varies from a few ounces to as 0 be given at the Stater Hotel United States demands our ag g
ive ins
g in the safety of life
General Repairing all makes
Heavy 6 or 8-Cylinder Car Simonized - - - $9.0 0
hig has 170 pounds. Do you know
ov. 3.
The club offers • silver and property for every American citizen wh
he is legitimately
of cars. Our work guaranteed.
We Also Do Painting, Fender Bumping, Polishing and
that the man who appreciates per- oving cup to the organization best anywhere
earth. Any other attitude would violate basic American-
Brakes relined.
t ertian in cigarettes smokes Mu- epresented at this affair. There ism. The noble Jewish dream of a National Home in Palestine
rad? He appreciates the flavor and -ill be featured Wen Talbert's shattered by this tragedy. Great ideals, like gold, are purest when
fragrance which comes from the C hocolate Fiends - (of Oriole Ter. tried by fire. It is evident, however, that there must be new and more
Wash Your Car, 9 - Minute Service. • - . 95e
:dentine blending of the world's r ace fame). All are invited to at- specific and more dependable agreements and guarantees so that this
finest Turkish tobacco, in Murad. t end the open meeting Sept. 17 at great adventure may proceed with less friction •nd more safety. I
3373 Tuxedo.
eople's Hall, Twelfth and Seward, regret my inability to be in Detroit tonight but I share all your sor-
Longfellow 6432
100 Verner Highway West, Corner Park Ave.
Checker Cabs. Empire 7000 a t 9 P. m. rows, protests •nd hopes?'
we Are Open Day and Night to Serve Yea

Whittier 9200


is the Time
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The Detroit Union Produce
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You can buy as much or as lit-
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