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July 12, 1929 - Image 8

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1929-07-12

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Entered as Second-class matter March A 1916, at the Postofitc• at Detroit,
Mich., under the Act of March A 1179.

Pubhalted Weekly by TN Jowl.% Chronicle Publishing Ca.,

General Offices and Publication Building
525 Woodward Avenue

Cable Address: Chronicle

Telephones Cadillac 2040

London Met

14 Stratford Place, London, W. 1, England.

$3.00 Per Year

Subscription, in Advance

and news matter must reach this
To Insure publication. all correspondence

otle• by Tuesday evening of each week. When mailing notices,
kindly use one aide of the paper only.

The Detroit Jewish Chronicle invite. correspondence on subject. of Interest
the Jewish people, but disclaims respon.ibIlity for an indorsement of the v

expressed by the writers.

Sabbath Readings of the Torah.

Prophetical portion—I. Sam. 11:14-12:22.
Pentateuchal portion—Num. 16:1-17:32.

July 12,1929

Tammuz 4,5689

In Defense of Schechita.

Norway, by action of its Parliament, is the second
country in Europe to prohibit Schechita, the Biblically
and Talmudically prescribed traditional method of
slaughtering animals for food. Switzerland preceded
Norway with a Schechita prohibition bill in August
1893, when, by popular referendum, it declared the
stunning of animals before slaughtering to be compul-
The adoption of the anti-Schechita bill in Norway
is the result of an interesting campaign which was in-
stituted in 1926 and renewed in 1927. On both occa-
sions the bill was defeated, following protest against it
by Fridjof Nansen, the famous Arctic explorer, Georg
Brandes, the noted literary critic, and by Jewish lead-
ers in the United States, England, France and other Eu-
ropean countries. Of interest in connection with the
protests against the adopted bill in defense of the
Schechita rights of Norway's 2,000 Jews, is the com-
munication of Louis Marshall, on June 4, 1926, to then
Secretary of State Kellogg, requesting the United States
government to

The Romance of Poverty.


The Secretary of State declared it impossible for
the United States to make an official protest, and sug-
gested instead. that Mr. Marshall write the Norwegian
Minister in Washington in explanation of the hardship
that will be inflicted upon Norwegian Jewry as a re-
sult of a law which will prevent many from securing
Kosher meat through the prescribed Jewish method.
The Jewish law prescribes a swift incision in the
animal's throat, while the Schechita-prohibition bills
call for stunning of the animal prior to the incision.
Stunning is proscribed by Jewish law. liet‘teen the
two, impartial physiologists have admitted the Jewish
method to be superior and to be inflicting less pain
than the method which calls for stunning. Because of
the swiftness of the slaughterer, and on account of the
sharpness of the prescribed knife, there is momentary
death as a result of the Jewish method of slaughtering,
whereas stunning is accompanied by extreme agonies.
Another reason offered in favor of the Jewish meth-
od of animal slaughtering is that the blood of the aid-
mal does not spoil as a result of the Jewish method,
preserving its natural color, whereas stunning causes
blood-clotting, thus spoiling the meat.
Those who seek to restrict the Jewish method of
slaughtering have said that the animal killed by the
Schochet's knife has been seen to show life for several
seconds after the slaughter. This, it is explained, is
due to the circulation of the blood rather than to re-
maining suffering life, whereas stunning does cause
considerable pain.
The Schechita-prohibition movements in European
countries are of interest to Jews everywhere not only
because our fellow-Jews are hurt by successful prohibi-
tive measures, but because such movements recur also
in other lands, and similar movements were known to
be inaugurated in some states in this country. For the
sake of future protection of Jews against such meas-
ures, it is important that Jewish leaders establish defi-
nitely the fallacy of beliefs that Schechita is a cruel
method, thereby protecting such communities which
now enjoy the privilege of practicing Schechita, but
which may be robbed of such privilege in the future.

Russian Jewry's Tragedy.

A report on the outstanding items in the working
plan and budget of the medical committee of the Joint
Distribution Committee in Moscow, reveals the follow-
ing tragic facts:

Seventy per cent of the children of the declassed Jew-
ish masses in Russia are infected with some form of tuber-
Another serious menace of the Russian-Jewish urban
population is the spread of nervous diseases, due to the
terrible hardships they suffered during the war and the
ensuing social upheaval.
Next to tuberculosis cancer ranks high as a Jewish
menace in Russia.
Due to overcrowding, the number of Jewish children
in White Russia who are suffering from trachoma has
increased and blindness is a frequent consequence.


Coming as this report does on the heels of heart-
rending evidence of the suppression of Jewish religious
and cultural activities in Russia, of the inquisition insti-
tuted there against Zionism, Judaism and the Hebrew
language, this is news certain to move to distress even
the most hardened of our people who have become im-
mune to tragedy as a result of the pogroms of the past
half century.
Our fellow-Jews in Russia, before the war the most
powerful element in world Jewry, is today not only
ruined economically, but it is broken physically and is
robbed of every atom of spiritual sustenance. Every
Jew, wherever he. may be, owes it to the three millions
of Jews in Russia to add his voice in protest, already
sounded by the Jewish Congress and the Zionist Argan-
ization, against the outrages perpetrated against the
Jews in Soviet Russia, and against the inquisition insti-
tuted there with the aim of spiritually and physically
massacring an entire people.


Charles If. Joseph

As a member of the Jewish faith I am glad to see
10,000 of my co-religionists consciously fighting for their
religious principles. Nevertheless, in justice to the major-
ity of the Christian members of the New Jersey Grand
Chapter 0. E. S. I would say that while it is true that the
first three points of the Star, namely: Allah, Ruth and
Esther, are Jewish characters, Martha and Electa are abso-
lutely Christian characters in spirit and in truth. While it
is true that the General Grand Chapter is trying to hold
and regulate all the Grand Chapters of America (the
Grand Chapters 0. E. S. of New Jersey and New York are
not members of the General Grand Chapter) as non-sec-
tarian, yet the ritual is absolutely Christian, as far as I
can see it.
The same applies to the Order of the Knights Templar
and also the Scottish Rite branch of Masonry. After the
lodge of Perfection, their degrees are based on the Chris-
tian faith, and no Mason of the Jewish faith has any right
to take those degrees.

Jewish leaders in the 0. E. S. have resented objec-
tions made to the Christian parts of their ritual on the
ground that no one has compelled Jewish members to
join, and if there are any who don't like it they can
quit. Which is, of course, a poor defense of Jewish
subscription to Christian symbolisms, and it becomes a
duty to enlighten those who innocently become partici-
pants in such ritual practices. If, as Dr. Goldman
charges, "the ritual is absolutely Christian," then the
action of the 10,000 members who have seceded in New
Jersey is to be commended, and an investigation of the
consistency of affiliation with the order by observing
Jews elsewhere is certainly in order.

Einstein's Zionism and Internationalism.

In the exceedingly interesting interview granted in
Berlin by Dr. Albert Einstein to Philip A. Adler of De-
troit and published on July 5 in the Detroit News, the
noted scientist and Zionist perhaps for the first time
reconciles his Jewish nationalism with his internation-
alism. Dr. Einstein told Mr. Adler that "nationalism
is the curse of mankind," whereupon the Detroit News
correspondent questioned him whether the scientist
himself, as a Zionist, is not a nationalist, and he was
given the following characteristic reply by the great
mathematical genius:

Ach, ja. But this is quite different. The nationalism
of many a modern state stands for an extension of its
power through territorial aggrandizement and through the
subjectivity of smaller nationalities. Zionism is the oppo-
sition to that force It is a defensive nationalism. I mean
not only Zionism but all the movements for independence
and self-determination by oppressed peoples.
Let me illustrate. I am a pacifist. I am opposed to the
use of force. But I know that some lawless elements will
use force, so 1, a pacifist, consent to arm certain people in
order to oppose the lawlessness of others.
Let me formulate it for you this way. Because of the
nationalistic tendencies of the powers opposed to me I am
compelled to adapt A protective nationalism.

Einstein's Zionism has been among the most fasci-
nating elements in his career to his own, the Jewish
people, and his pacifism smacks of the prophetic. His
devotion to the cause of Palestine was evidenced in a
statement concerning the Jewish National Fund. issued
by him shortly after the celebration of his fiftieth birth-
day on March 14. In this statement he said:

The greatest national possession of a people is its land.
If every Jew will do his share toward the redemption of
Palestine, the soil of our land will become the national pos-
session of the Jewish people. I have received gifts on my
fiftieth birthday, but 1 have been particularly gratified by
the contribution for Eretz Israel which results in new land
and new life.

Einstein's Zionism fascinates because it is marked
by a deep understanding of the ideals of the movement.
Therefore his name is written large in the story of Pal-
estine's rebuilding.


By Hillel, The Observer

TWO important Jews devoted to
Palestine were in Washington
this week—and neither of them
went to see the president! This to
prove that not every visitor takes
up Mr. Hoover's time with the for-
mality of hand-shaking.
David Yellin, head of the Teach-
ers' College in Jerusalem and for-
mer vice-mayor of the holy City,
spent a few days in the architec-
tural and not frigid atmosphere of
Washington's summer, and he
spread some interest in his splen-
did Palestinian institution. This
half-Bagdadian Jew was a hand-
some sight in our handsome city.
Engineer Soskin was the other visi-
tor of note and he found particu-
lar interest in discussing agricul-
ture and economics with U. S. ex-
perts whom he had already learned
to know. llis particular scheme
for colonization in Palestine will
probably receive additional pub-
licity through his visit because an
Associated l'ress reporter inter-
viewed him on the subject. The
thrilling part of the interview, we
predict, will be that in which the
A. P. writer asked Soskin for his
opinion on American reclamation
projects which the engineer had
already visited in the west. That's
fine, a Palestinian commenting oil
Uncle Sam's work!

had requested the Hippodrome audiences to re-
frain from applause?
It is quite in line with the other mis-statements
that he has advertised his Passion Play as "Direct
from Freiburg with the Original Cast of 1,000 liv-
ing persons." The cast is actually made up of 15
or 20 German actors and about 200 supernumer-
aries (sonic of whom told me that they were paid
the munificent sum of $6 a week and many of
whom were discharged at the end of the first fort-
night after rehearsing for two weeks without pay).
The Fassnacht troupe has been in America for
nearly a year, having given their tirst American
performance in St. Joseph, Mo., last August .. .

The Order Eastern Star and the Jews.

In connection with the secession of 10,000 Jewish
members of the Order Eastern Star in New Jersey, it
has been charged that not only Jewish 0. E. S. mem-
bers, but Jews who are members of the Masonic Order,
of which the Eastern Star is a comopnent part, are also
acting contrary to their Jewishness by becoming a part
of these orders. It is of interest, therefore, in view of
the large Jewish Masonic membership, to quote the
opinion of one who has made a study of the question of
the compatibility of Jewish members with an order
which some now charge to be Christian in character.
Writing to the Jewish Daily Bulletin, Dr. Jacob
Goldman of South Bend, Indiana, director of the South
Bend Masonic Research and Study Club, who has re-
ceived the degree of the Order of the Eastern Star,



The Zionist convention, in sessions here last week,
was discussing the question of raising annual dues of
members in the Zionist Organization of America from
six dollars to eight dollars. Delegates were told how
now. Morris
difficult it is to gather funds. Others were more opti-
M always weeps over his losses tears
for Art's sake. But
mistic and said that those who pay six will pay eight.
generally they are crocodile tears. This time they are
real honest-to-goodness weeps. It's all because of the
Pro and con, for hours, this question was debated at the
Passion Play that Morris dug up somewhere in the
national convention. And on the following afternoon
Hinterland of the U. S. A. It was announced as the
the great Zionist leader who graced the convention
famous Freiburg Passion Play. When the ministerial-
looking gentleman, David Belasco, who happens also to
platform, Nahum Sokolow, spoke several interesting
be the father-in-law of Morris Gest, decided to go in
words of commentary on the debate over the two dol-
with Morris on the presentation of the play, a wave of
protest arose from the Jewish press. The leaders of
lars. Said the historian of the Zionist movement, ad-
Jewry urged him for the sake of his faith and his people
dressing himself in fact to all Jews of this country :
not to present this travesty on the crucifixion. But Mor-
ris replied that all the king's men and all the king's
"What I didn't tind with you is the romance of pov-
horses, not even Louis Marshall or Stephen Wise included,
erty. Now you have this also."
could get hint to stop the performance in the interest of
Art. So he went ahead with it in the Hippodrome.
And we now ask ourselves whether Mr. Sokolow
himself fully realized the tragedy of the situation. The
BUT what Jewry couldn't do the public has done very
American Jew, the "rich uncle" to the millions of down-
nicely. It has put the Freiburg Passion Play on ice.
It is dead. And Morris is weeping over its bier. Ile may
trodden and suffering Jews in Eastern Europe, in na-
take in barnstorming where the yokels may find in it some
tional conclave to plan the most important piece of
interest but so far as New York is concerned it's finished.
work in all Jewish history,—the upbuilding of Pales-
It didn't patronize it very much in the beginning and in
the end scarcely at all. But the worst pen-lashing Gest
tine,—spent the most important part of the convention
received was from a young writer named Louis Browdy,
arguing over two dollars!
a former Pittsburgh boy, but now free-lance writer in
New York. I know Louis very well indeed and I want
There is a vast difference between the American
to congratulate hint on his masterpiece in the Nation,
and European romances of poverty. On the European
which featured it under the title of "Morris Gest and the
Passion Play." Read some of the choice bits that follow:
continent the Jew is assured of spiritual sustenance be-
cause monetary impoverishment did not mean that he
Says Browdy:
Inside the theater I saw a dull, interminable
sacrificed his ideal. On the contrary, emphasis on the
'spectacle presenting an incredible distortion of
ideal there is always placed in inverse proportion to
the Gospel story. The most remarkable and, to
economic success. here the argument over two dollars
me, the most memorable moments of the evening
occurred in the intermissions when, us the curtain
is a direct result of the weakening of the spirit, of the
descended and the houselights came slowly on,
tragedy of spiritual poverty. Else that "two-dollar de-
an outcry arose in the isles. "Get your ice-cold
Eskimo pies," shouted the eager candy venders.
bate" would never have taken place, American Zion-
Mr. Gest had not forgotten to sell the candy con-
ists have nothing to fear from the romance of economic
cession for the great drama of the crucifixion. Had
poverty ; they have everything to guard against the
he not amply displayed his deep sense of the
sanctity of the play when in his advertisements he
tragedy of spiritual poverty.

indicate to the Norwegian government that legislation
of this character would wound the sensibilities and offend
the consciences of a large body of American citizens in
every way friendly to the people of Norway, and to express
the hope that approval of such legislation be withheld in
view of the fact that it would indirectly inflict serious
Injury upon the adherents of one of the great religions of
the world, nearly a fourth of whom dwell in the United

e . .


MR. MILTON SCIIAYER, the well-known Jewish col-
umnist, dropped in to see me the other day with
the idea of a Jewish Book-of-the-Month Club. This
matter has been discussed from time to time in the Jew-
ish press and an interesting statement regarding it was
made recently by Rabbi Louis Gross of Brooklyn, N. Y.
I think the idea is a good one. It should encourage a
wider interest ill books by Jewish' authors dealing with
subjects of interest to the Jew. It would also serve the
purpose of intelligently guiding the Jewish reading public
in the direction of worth-while books din Jewish subjects.
It would also help Jewish authors who today are hiding
their light under a bushel. I hope that Mr. Scheyer will
continue to agitate the idea until it becomes a reality.

I AM in receipt of a letter stating:
TM: Pittsburgh Conference of Jewish Women's
Organizations is eager to get an expression of
your opinion on a matter of great importance not
only to local but to international Jewry as well.
Quoting Chancellor Bowman, of the Cathedral of
Learning (University of Pittsburgh), "the various
rooms of the Cathedral of Learning are to repre-
sent the culural conributions of the many peoples
of the world to civilization." At the present time,
groups representing all peoples of the world, with
the exception of the Jews, have plans under way
to express their own particular contribution in
these rooms. ]lave the Jews as a people contrib-
uted in a sufficient degree to the culture, civiliza-
tion, art, literature and religion of the world to
warrant the establishment of a purely Jewish
Room in this Cathedral of Learning?
• __._ •
WOULD answer "No." It is true that Jews have con-
tributed culturally to civilization but not necessarily
JEWISH culture. Einstein has done much for science
but not for JEWISII science. Great Jewish musicians
have contributed masterpieces to the world but not
JEWISH music. It has been the music of the country in
which they lived. Josef Israels was a great Jewish
painter but he did not create a JEWISII art. So we
can ro through the whole list and we find no definitely
JEWISII contributions of music, art, literature (except-
ing religious), to civilization. We have had innumerable
contributions by Jews. But the Jews have imbibed cul-
ture of the land in which they lived and expressed them-
selves culturally in the fashion of their country. I heard
that some Palestinian folksongs have been discovered
but was assured by an authority that the music was really
Russian and not Palestinian. However that may be, I
can see no basis for the establishment of a purely Jewish
room such as suggested for other nationalities.


LUNCHED with a university professor and he told me
that he had the task of locating positions for gradu-
ates of the business department of the college. Ile told
me that he experienced real difficulty with the Jewish
boys and what surprised him more than anything else was
the fact that he had trouble even with Jewish employees
in obtaining positions for the Jewish applicants. Of
course this is not news, but coming from such a source it
reflected in no favorable light the attitude of the Jewish
employer toward his own people. I sometimes wonder if
these Jews know what they are doing. They must have
very little imagination if they fail to appreciate that what
they are doing to the children of other Jews may sonic
day happen to their own children. The economic opppor-
tunity for the Jewish boy and girl is sufficiently limited
by the non-Jew without the Jew contributing to make
even more limited.



AM glad to publish this letter from my old-time friend,
Rabbi Calisch:
Every once and awhile I have an urge to write to
you to tell you this. and I am using your paragraph
in the issue of May 31 regarding Rabbi Feldman's
experience as a peg on which to hang this epistle
I have had likewise a rather interesting experi-
ence, though not exactly similar to that of Rabbi
Feldman, but none-the-less I believe, unique. At
the Ecumenical Council of the Episcopal Church
(which is a world-wide organization) and which
was held here in Richmond some years ago, I had
the very distinguished honor of being invited to
deliver an address before the House of Bishops.
The Council is divided into two bodies, the lay
delegates and ministers and the House of Bishops.
The meeting of the House of Bishops was held in
the capitol building in the room of the House of
Delegates of the State of Virginia. I was waited
upon by the Bishop of Tokio, Japan, with the re-
quest for the address. When I came to the capitol
building to the door of the chamber, I was met by
a committee of two, and as I entered the chamber,
the house rose and remained standing until I was
escorted to the platform. After my address the
house again rose as I left the room. I was told
that never before had such an incident took place.
nor have I heard of it occurring since.
It may be interesting to add that I also par-
ticipated in a funeral service of the Episcopal
Church at the death of Mrs. Jefferson Davis,
widow of the President of the Confederacy. I was
invited by the then pastor of St. Paul's Episcopal
Church, where the funeral service was held, to take
part in the funeral service. I read the •410th
Psalm. There was no other minister besides the
pastor of the church and myself.
Of course I am a constant reader of your
"colyum," and always with pleasure and profit.


young Washington boys
T WO came
into the limelight last

week and brought pride to the
whole Jewish community of the
capital. Thirteen-year-old Sidney
Hershowitz was announced as the

winner of a gold medal fur hero
ism in bravely saving a girl from
Milton Felstein, 16
year-old student, was selected as
the District of Columbia's condi
date for the Edison scholarship to
a technical college.
These two items would be strict-
ly local news except for the fact
that every senator, representative
anti cabinet official now in Wash.
ington notices the awards made to
the Jewish boys. Some offered
congratulations to members of the
Jewish community whom they hap-
pened to meet. One of the presi-
dent's secretaries mentioned these
outstanding awards to a certain
Washington Jewish citizen and
told him to be proud "of his Jew-
ish boys."



one who reads the annual
report of the I.ibrary of Con-
gress regularly can get a good Jew-
ish education, gradually. Each
year Dr. Israel Shapiro, chief of
the Semitic division, writes an es-
say on some phase of Jewish lit•
erature as his department's contri-
bution to the library report.
This year the learned doctor has
expatiated on Bibles — ancient,
medieval, and modern; Hebrew,
Arabic, German, English, etc.; in
manuscripts and in type; bound
and unbound; authentic and spuri-
ous—all kinds of Bibles.
When this report is printed in
November, you can learn more
about them if you turn to the part



(Turn to Next l'age).




The best story told at the Zion-
ist convention held here was Dr.
Julian :Morgenstern's.
The presidenia of the Hebrew
Union College at Cincinnati re-
lated the tale about the Jew in
England who, upon entering a pri-
vate compartment on an express
train, found another passenger, a
very morose one. This Jew, very
talkative, immediately attempted
to start a conversation.
"Fine weather we're having,"
said he.
But the other passenger said
nothing and continued to stare
An hour passed. "Great train
service we're offered these days,"
the Jew attempted to revive the
discussion. But only a blank but
angry stare did he get in response.
Another hour went by, and the
Jew made another attempt at mak-
ing a train friendship. "The news-
papers say better times are com-
This time the Jew got under his
companion's skin: "Why do you in-
sist on talking to me when you see
that I care to have nothing to do
with you? Why don't you mind
your own business? I want to have
nothing to do with dumb Jews."
This. in turn, irked our co-re-
ligionist, who smilingly and calm-
ly challenged the last statement.
Whereupon the non-Jew suggested
that they test each other with rid-
dles. "If I fail to answer your
riddle I pay you five pounds; if
you fail to answer mine you pay
me only one pound."
The Jew immediately took hint
up, both on the challenge of an in-
telligence test as well as on his
companion's generosity of offering
him odds and immediately
launched with a riddle:
"What is it," said he. "that en-
ters on four legs and goes out on

twT11" 4. challenger was visibly dis-
turbed. Minutes passed by, dur-
ing which he kept repeating, "enter
on four, exit on two—"
"I'll be hanged if I know," he
finally declared, defeated, as he
counted out five pound notes to the
Jew. "Tell me, what DOES enter
on four legs and goes out on

tw' o rdon't know either," replied
the Jew. "Here's your pound,"
which he produced from his com-
panion's losses.

or. Boris Bogen, who died last
week, was not only a great social
worker but is reputed to have
been a great story teller. Rabbi
Louis I. Newman tells the follow-
ing Bogen story, told to illustrate
the uncertainty of statistics:
The captain of a vessel wrote
down one day in the ship's log:
"First mate drunk." The latter
protested, saying that this record
would injure his reputation. The
captain replied: "Facts are facts."
A - few days later, however, the
first mate had an opportunity to
keep the ship's lug. Ile wrote down
as an item if the' day's events:
"Captain sober." When the cap-
tain protested, the first mate like-
Wise answered: "Facts are facts."



From the Hebrew of Mennen° di Home.
Fourteenth Century Hebrew Poet.

pulpited parson, who fiercely
'Gainst the jovial youngster of
frolicsome ways,
But who, for his own part, will
never decline
The kiss of a woman, or a breaker
of wine,
Is like the blind man, who through
darkness of night,
Guides others to bed with the help



of a light.

The Hebrew word "chafe or"
means both "ass" and a "heap."
Dr. J. Chotzner, late Hebrew tu-
tor at Harrow, England, tells us
that "Samson, the noted wit of the
Bible, purposely uses the Hebrew
term 'chamor' " (Judges XV. 161
because of its double meaning. Dr.
Chotzner's humorous rendering of
Samson's Hebrew lines referred to


With the jaw-bone of an ens
Have I plenteous asses slain:
Smitten than it came to pass
Fell • thousand on the plain.

A Hebrew Epigram by lair's (12n4)

My friend, speak always once, but
sates twice,
This, I would have you know, is
sound advice;
For God loath given you and all
your peers
A single mouth, friend, but a pair

of ears.

We Observe That---

The Ladies' Garment Workers of New York have vote(
to go on strike. Judging from the scarcity of ladies' gar
menu, we were under the impression that there were no
more ladies' garment workers.

A Scotch deportee started a riot at Ellis Island. This is probably -
the first time in history that a Scotchman refused a free trip home.

Another applicant for citizenship was refused his papers
because he, like Rosika Schwimmer, refused to take a cer-
tarn oath to defend the country. Prof. Macintosh, Yale pro-
fessor of theology, had already performed distinguished-
service for Canada and the U. S. during the war. But the
judge decided he must take the oath. Lip service would have
made him a citizen.



Anti-Semitic graphologist claims you can tell a Jew by his hand-
writing. You can always tell a good Jew by his signature to a check
to some worthy cause or other.

Einstein's views on war were recently censored by
Czecho-Slovakian government. His meaning was too clear.

California social worker states that alien juvenile offenders are few.
A few more of such fact- given our Congressmen might make them
think straight on the im • gration problem.

It looks Ii the good ship Good Will is beginning to leak
a bit. Mar. all doesn't like the insistence of the Good Will
Associatio on their right to proselytize. Evidently these
divines th k that in order to establish Good Will between
Jew and entile, the Jews must become good Christians






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