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May 31, 1929 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1929-05-31

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P1t:Dillt01 r ImmiARON

I t ril Cohen. Said It thliini - , Rio., i ',
.5rthur 3
V. ..''.■ 01
l , i I. r .
Modell. i11 ti ,
lc, is a b I NIL, Ice 1 c II inkr 00. ,


°eta 'anu ,..,,[,-,,,•. ,,,,i





Fine silverware... first aid
to the successful hostess 12,





Gleaming table service-almost as much as
the excellence of the food-helps to make
your dinner perfect .... So-naturally you
want your silver to be faultlessly correct.
Why not, like our most successful hostesses,
Among our wide
pay us a visit, then')
.selection of tastefully chosen pieces are
many-in both sterling and plated ware-
designed to your tastes and priced to suit
you, too' . . . See, too, our Gruen Watches.

,....L:.1.-- oriali,,,,,,.



Mr. arid N!. s t- e, , . .1. Weis-
(Nlale I NIallins .e I ;Old •iill Jeroni.
of Curt i,..1 ..,, , u, are salon,
French niorn of the 13,1-
lune 1 on the 11 a) Al f r a t 3.
,n-A Hotel was the scene of :C
tended trip on the , .:•r,, ri.
Ino!t y personal shower on Sat ur- .
.i c sr, May 25, given by Miss Gus
Abner II istinzw,iu of Chicriv
Eisenberg in honor of Miss; Helen!
boulmarti Is spending the week-
White. Bridge was played during'
end in Chicago.
the afternoon. The luncheon
table was beautifully adorned with
Mr. and Mrs. Morris .1brane
orchid: and roses and silver can-
31111 ■ 11111( • t • the • Intio itior 1 of their
daughter, Beatrice, at Temple Beth
Rereot ion at 37 ,
El. June 16.
Mr. and M. J. D. Ro.itinberii South Nlarlborough from 2 to 5 p
and son Miytir of. Poe it Ventre and in. and 8 to in
Mr,. NI. Barnett left this week for
a visit with relatives in Milwau-
Miss Elaine Jay of Taylor ave-
kee, Wis.
nue entertained in honor of Mi. ,
Rae Cohen at the Lido Cafe lac'.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Frank of Saturday evening.
Errand Park left Saturday by ,
motor for Culver, Ind., where their
Dr. and Mrs. Fred E. Zumstein•
son Herbert is graduating from of Second boulevard, returned re-
Culver Military Academy.
from the west crust, where
they have bten sojourning for
Mrs. Jack Pearl, accompanied three months.
by her daughter Gertrude and son
Donald, left this week for it two
.1 personal surprise shower
trip to California and git'en by the Nlisses Ann anti 'filth,
other western points of interest.
Mainly at their home, 1099 Haze',
wood, on May 25, in honor of NII •
Mr. and Mr. Herman Prince LI Esther 5Vt•intraub, a bride-elect A
Cleveland spent Decoration Day June 23. Bridge was placed due
with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Frank of ing the evening and was followed
Farrand Park.
by a midnight Chinese luncticon.

Miss Dorothy Zalkowitz, a bride-
elect of M Ay 211, was honored at a
personal bridge-shower given May
14 by Mrs. Max Kirschbaum and
731rs. Caul Druker at 1.1905 Park-
side avenue. On May 17, Nliss
BeIle Raskin honored Nliss Zalko-
witz with a hosiery-bridge shower
at 13725 Twelfth street. A sur-
prise miscellaneous bridge-shower
was given May 21 by Mrs. leanette
Golden and Mrs. Belle Hurwitz ut
3:332 Elmhurst avenue.



Imporlani Saving

IF 11"01" 01111Elt

From our unusually fine collection of advanced

Parts models and American adaptations . . .

our staff of highly skilled designers will fashion

to your own order the coat you want. The
finest pelts procurable have hear assembled

Dorn all over the world.

Protect and 111.111.4.
Your Valuable Fur.

in Rollins' refrigerated vaults at the lowest cost

obtainable, 3r1, of the valuation (minimum

charge $3.50) ... or a year's insurance while
in and out of storage for 4r -e of the valuation

(minimum charge $6).

M jilted Katzenberg, slaughter of NIT. and Mrs, Jacob
S. 0.toolient. IA Lawrence M. Blau, son of Mr. 1111,1 Mrs. Samuel
Blau of Dayton, 00,
Esther Mahler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
June 9 -
Mahler to Nlores. .5lir :Otani+, son of :Mr. and ND,. 11. L. Abrahams.

In the parronr

I-mill X 17

klion, of coirrse,

that the STEINWAY is the best piano in the worldc4 ,

it ran he pun - hared in

IL hiy,oan only at flu- H..,

of Grinnell and that we amino:a terms, I/ oletireJ,-that man. it %nit

.11, ordinary piano?
about ell earl ha own a Steinway al to hare


The Instrument of the Immortals

The first Steinway piano was built more than three-quarters of a

century ago. It set a new s,andard of quality; marked a new musical

cra. The artist and the music-lover of the home found in it the inspi-

ration, the means, to new heights of musical expression and enjoyment.
And, in the refinements and improvements that have entered into

piano construction during these many years, the Steinway has always
led, always been first. The Steinway A today is still a STEINWAY
in all that the name means-manufactured by the direct desecndants
of the builder of the • Iirst Steinway piano, and now, as then, the
medium of music of utmost beauty, the choice of the great artists

the world over, preferred above all others as the piano far the home.

, 1425

Steinway u available in many designs and a variety of saes. We invite your in.
onventional and rimed siylei now on our floors. Any model
erection of the superb c
deferred payment plan-your old p•snosccerted,
mar be r orchaseden our co nvenient
tut,. at liber.d allowance, in part exchange. To can a Steinway is to possess the hew.




Ohio. ad..., and Das., Bran.ir,


Founders' Day will be observed
by the National Farm School on
Sunday, June 2, in connection with
the thirty-second annual spring
exercises of the institution.
These Founders' Day exercises,
at which friends of the school
gather annually in special tribute
to the memory of the founder, Dr.
Joseph Krauskopf, will include thin
year an epoch-making event, when
ground will be broken for a farm
mechaines b u ildin g - the first
building of its type for the fabri-
cation and instruction in farm me-
chanics, to be erected in the state
of Pennsylvania.
Another feature of the day will
be the dedication of trees planted
mad inscribed in the names of
friends of the school.
Calling attention to this annual
gathering, Herbert D. Allman.
president of the school, stated that
he past year has been one of out-
standing success in the history of
the institution.




for a






in suspender style held

firmly in place by the band

of the step-ins. Flesh,

white and "suntan" crepe

de chine.

imalhii•h'n--Silk Lingerie-First

"Item ut Advances in Jewish Ed- and pricy,
neat ii,i1" will be the subject of Rab- trice, Evelyn Shewitc.
bi Loin Frain's sermon in the main
The Intermediate Plays.
auditorium of Temple Beth El Sat-
'Clue t wit children's plays given
urday morning, JOU,. I, ut
in the closing assembly of the In-
The congregation will he aug- termediate School Ar-
of the •
en- row," cast: Herbert Ernest, Mar-
mented by the assembly
tire Saturday school, which eun- vin Goldman, David Meyers, Itieh-
sisis of the seventh, eighth and ard l'rentis, Janet Butt). Shaman,
ninth grades, or the confirmation Marvin Nlintz, Nlark Goldstick;
departmetit, of Beth El's educa- and "Ruth," east; Elaine Rosen-
tional system.
berg, Janet Levitt, Nlarcia Skilk.
The students of the Saturday Both were directed by NIrs. Edith'
school attend classes twice (luring' Koptilson.
the week, once on Saturday morn-
The Senior Play.
ing and one week day afternoon.,
The senior pray given in the (dos-
They thus receive an intensive ing assembly of Ise High School,'
Preparation for that great spirit-. aueording to custom, by the gradu-
11:1 event in their lives, which is ating class, "King David" by Lms-
ing Barbee. (Iasi: Morton Pearl,'
The Saturday schisii is but one Jacob Weissman, Evelyn 51axman,
unit in the elaborate school system Joseph Sr
o in, Jack floni, Burton
of 'rewrite Beth El directed by London. Ida Kirby. This was also
Rabbi Leon Frain. The other directed by ND's. Edith Kopelson.
toots gill have their closing exer-
Confirmation Department Play.
cises on Sunday morning and af-
The confirmation department
ter noon June 2. The children of
play oxen iu the closing assembly
thi sixth grade will be certified to
of the confirmation department, or
07 In t the C011f11111/16011 department
Junior High School, is "Everyiew"
tin 11 t h e ri , 1114111:111tS Will in. 111,-
by l'aldri I. L. Brill. Cast: Shel-
1, 11 if to the Senior nigh School.
don Martin, l•b, th,r Levy, Dorothy
111 , mhurs of the graduating
II( dlilatt, Betty Lazar, Mariou
nit 1:129 will conduct the large
T o urf, Dorothy Levy, Koine (lit tie.
a-on:lily of worship of the entire
Mali, Itilly Herz, Sidney Tushbant,
of religion to be held in the
and Raymond Rosenberg. This
play ;vas directed by Nliss Edith
The swards for perfect attend-
ance throughout the school will be
The program for the closing day ,
tirade by Dr. Leo Si. Franklin,
n -y,;rvi.es of the School of Religion
and the literary awards for Jewish
Sundry morning, June 2, foliose,:
poetry, short stories, essays, mil-
opening prayer, Mamie llotTen-
lions and reritations will be made
berg, '29; Senior Farewell Address,
he Rabbi Leon Frani.
Jacob Weissman, '29; Junior It,
In each department of the school
sponse, Melvin Sands, '30; Anthem,
special closing plays will be given.
"Covenant of Sinai" (Idelsoloo---
The following is a list of the win-
high school choir; Distribution of
ners of the various awards and the
(Banton(' attendance awards, Dr.
participants in the service of wor-
1.tio M. Franklin; Closing prayer
ship and the cast of the (lasing
Harriette Berger.

Winners of Attendance Awards.
Belle Jakont, I; Phylis Kaplan,
7; Elinor Roth, S; Ltsmard Lewis,
9; Helen Walristern, 11; George
Goldstone, 00-
president of the Tau Beta Soror-
Winners of Men's Temple Club
ity, entertained the members at a
Oratory Contest (Senior High
personal shower in honor of Miss
Goldie Steinberg on Wedirestlay
First prize, Selina Wintiman,
evening, May 29, at her home,
'310; second prize, Annabel lierick,
9:31:3 North Martindale.
Mrs. A. Leidecker of New York
City is visiting her children, Mr. Winners of Temple Men's Club
Declamation Contest.
and Mrs. CI. B. Weinberg of Curt-
First prize, Ethel It. Goldman,
land averse'
tl; second prize, Naomi Shewitc, 1;

'Dr Manned Cr. It, o f Detroit '

A. C. Kranz

It is backless with straps

Streng Chevrolet Co.

The Shop Where Ccurtesy 10347 Woodw'd
Calvert and
B etw een
and Service Prevail




We are equipped to re-upholster your finest furniture.

Work done at moderate prices.





Joseph Faust; third

honorable mention, Naomi Stone, 0.


U-back Tennis Frocks!


More than 300 people attended
the liar Mitzvah celebration of
Meyer Zalkowitz at Jericho Tem-
ple on Sunday, May 25. A feature
of the celebration was the presen
tailor; by M. Greenstein, represen-
tative of the Judaea Life Insur-
ance L'is, of a policy in the com-
pany to the liar Mitzvah.


and Worn Beneath


Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Denser and
formerly of 5612 J o t.
Campau, are now residing at 3319

Steinway Reprevrstativer

Vogue of Overalls

June 23 Slits Esther Weintraub, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 11'il-
Fain Weintraub, to J.ie Sherman, son of Nits and Mrs. J. Sherman o f
Columbus, Ohio.
June 25---Miss Irene Rosenberg, (laughter of Mr. and Sirs. Samuel
.5. Rosenberg, to Jesse David (lidding, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ctid•
ding of New York City
June 30 -Nliss Anne Eiselman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin
Eh:einem, to Louis L. Dekelbauni, nephew of Mr. and Mrs. NI. Burke
of South Bend, Ind.

iii c-h.
Honoring Miss Fay
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Selkt•r have (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. 3i
as their guest, Mr, and Sirs. Sane Hersh, whose Marriage to I . :r■ I
Iniinstr•in el Brooklyn, N. Y.. .5prile, son of :Mr. and Mrs. .5 p h l.
remain for a fortnight's of Clevolrind, Ohio, will be s.
, h ,
•nmiza it on June 23. Mrs. II. Dash-
kin and Mrs. II. Cohen entertained
at a miscellaneous shower and
Mr. and
f Pa•kside avenue :ore leaving for bridge on Wednesday, May 22.
- -
\ nil,. York City June I, and trill
Nies. Max Smitt, with her daugh-
sail for Europe June 7, to spend
s. veral months touring the conti- ter Peggy and son Richard, re-
turned last week from Tucson,
.Ariz., where they have been sine(
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Lieb- early winter.
erman of 2284 Chicago boulevard
erityrtained guests at a formal
Miss Gertrude Rosenberg enter-
dinner-dance at Edgewater Beach tained 21.1 guests at a bridge-lun•h-
Club, honoring their ,laughter eon and personal shower at the Lee
liblythe's sixteenth birthday. Miss Plaza on Saturday, honoring Nliss
Edythe teas charming in pink and Hannah Zeitlin of Windsor, a Jane
green tulle. The table appoint- bride-elect. Green tapers in 1111-
ments were carried out in the same ming° holders and individual cor-
color scheme. Among those pres- sages of sweet peas adorned the
ent were the Misses Sylvia Biel, table.
ersteill, Dorothy 1Veitzman. Har-
riett Berger, Elsie Kline, Evelyi.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Taub, with
Vogel, Harriette Glickman, Elsie their son Edward and their (laugh-
Feldman, NIelloa Harris and Dirro• ter Miss Cleo, formerly of Carter
thy Lielierman, and Nlessrs. Mar- avenue, are now residing in Ifs ..r
vin Wetsman, Lyle Rosenberg, new home at 10160 La Salle boule-



Inspired by the

June 23--Nliss Helen Whitman, daughter of ND.. and N1rs. Ma.
Whitman of Seward avenue, to Nlaurice Silverman, son of Mr. and
ND,. Louis Silverman.
June 23---Nliss Pauline Elizabeth Hopp, datighter Of Nils and N....
Charles Hopp, to Henry N. Moses of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Nliss Ethyl Epstein, a June
bride-elect, was honored at
hosiery shower and bridge im
Wednesday evening, at which i -
Florence Green teas hostess.
Muy 11, her cousin, Mist Fah,
Epstein, feted her at a bridge-tea
and persona(' shower.

Small Grand

,11,1 p. k now


Wedding Calendar

The officers of l'urity Chapter
No. 359, 01. E. S.. fur the year
1925-29, under the rtigirm. of
Edythe Cugell, met on Thersday
last anti formed a club to b., leman
as the Edythe Cugell (I . ti.•
object of which is to eori.ii In-
aid the many s-
I di.•11
en! during their yr.
Cugell was chosen en sid.
Rose Klein secretary.


-and now we have

Mr. mid Mrs Da; if CA1.1 of 27 Nlapie axtinue, Mt. Clemens. 5I h..
lit of their daughter, .\ rare Inns, to 1,.•.e, 51.i•
iiiiii i t to i•,iiiihit
.i.,. ro t , , nu , li d o. m i. ( I, u ., c s,

May 25-To Mr. itrol Mrs. David Berger (Evelyn Rosenthal), a
ilaifilliter, Suzanne Miriam.
May 24--To Mr. and Sirs. I. Douglas Brown (Sally Lambert), to
;righter, Mary Elizabeth.
NIdy 22--To Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Hamburger of 2527 West Phil:t-
elpher, a son, Joel Ivan, :it St. Nlary's Hospital.
Mn-. and :qrs. Fred E. S'Ittinco
Slav 19-To Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bressler (Nlantha Zarovskyr,
and their daughter, Ruth May.
Alan Paul.
have returned to their home in St
May 0--To•Mr. and 51rs. Morris Cantor of 3735 Rochester avenue
Louis after a ■ veekls visit with tat
latter's parents, 'Mr. and .11r•. I Nliriam Starnien of Bias, N. Y.1, a (laughter, Joyce.
Miss Esther Mahler, whose mar- Israel C. Brown of the Wilshire
Slay S----To Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Rockelmun (Evelyn Supers-
riage fir Morey Abrahnis will be au Hotel.
t, III. a daughter, Kathryn Ilarriet.
merit of June 9, was honored with
a bridge-luncheon and kitchen
Mr. and Mrs. Mack Niman of
shower for 111 guests MI Tuesday. Fullerton avenue are attending thi
at which Mrs. Philip Kahn and Shriners' convention in Los All-
Mrs. Isadore Kerby' were host- izeles, Cal.

`ChejbllillS,E 9



essissed Thor to

8510 Twelfth St. Empire 4035

Checker Cabs. Empire 7000

Winners of Sisterhood Poetry
First prize, Ruth Varkle, '30;
se•ord prize, Adele Baker, '31;
honorable menthol, Carl Standee
Dr. Leo M. Franklin Book Review
First price, Nettie Goldhot7, 9;
second prize, Edward Berger, 10,

Rabbi Leon Frans Short Story
First prize, Pearl Gert, '30; sec-
ond prize, Selma Wintinfitn, .30;
honorable mention, Louise Shin'.

Winners of Junior High Oratory
First prize Gertrude Love; sec-

for the




At Book Bldg.

These smart Semi-Sport Ox- , 7 „)
fords are fashioned of the
season's smart color combi-
nations. They complete the youthful en-
semble of today for the high school girl.



Remarkable value,

Alfr e J. RUBY

1239 Washington Blvd.


Book Bldg.


The Young People's Society of
Temple Beth El announces the ap-
pointment of the following commit-
tees to arrange for the annual
moonlight to be held June 17:
General chairman, Jean E. Stil-
ler; co-chairman, Lillian Stern;
assistant chairman, Donald Frank;
general assistant chairman, Adolph
Goldberg; publicity committee,
chairman, flrvin L. Raper:port; as-
sistant chairman, Inez D. Bach-
rach; ticket committee, chair-
man, Milton W. Ponnusky; assist-
ant chairman, Ludwig Ntaybaun;
assistant general chairman, Inez
D. Bachrach; entertainment com-
mittee Irving Goldberg, chairman;
assistant general chairman, Natalie
Arden; music committee, chairman,
Nlike Falk; assistant chairman.
NIelicent Jacobs; reception com-
mittee, chairman, Milton Sill , -
berg; assistant chairman, Made-,
Music on the moonlight will be
furnished by the "Voice of Fir •
stone." There will be movies • .
other entertainment. The sr,
er Columbia will leave the f
Woodward at K:30 In nt. Th.•
will dock at 11:30 and dancing u
continue until 12:30.

Fur Scarfs by



Distinctive Furrier


8907 Twelfth Street

Near Hazelwood

Phone Garfield 0358

These flattering accessories may be

chosen here from the most Magnificent col-
lection of rarely lovely scarfs it has ever
been our good fortune to assemble, and they

are priced within the range of every wo-
man's purse.

e.3.11cur Service on Alterations and Remodeling

Fabric rentlers the kind of fur service you like


Confirmation "At Home" announcements \al
appear in the issues of The Detroit Jewish
Chronicle of Friday, June 7, and Friday, June
14. These notices will he published in the fol-
lowing form:

Mr. and Mrs. Israel Israeli of

22222 Woodward avenue w ll be at

home to their relatives and friends
on Sunday, June 16, from 2 to 5
and 7 to 9, in honor of the confir•
maticn of their daughter, Judith.
No cards.

Announcements should be mailed in at once.
There will be a charge of $1 for each insertion.
your notices at once to
525 Woodward Avenue

to anticipate-expert advice by an expert furrier
-courteous and conscientious effort always.

it 7


Jewish Boys Summer Camp


Approximately 25 Miles from Mackinaw
Give you boy a chance to get close to nature-this camp for
Jewish boys off, rs such fine sports as


Indian Guide. Tutoring by Competent Instructors If
For Rates and Further Information Write



9330 Dexter Blvd. Evenings, Phone Garfield 4759-W

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