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May 17, 1929 - Image 1

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1929-05-17

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U. J. C. CONFERENCE Praises Movement
To honor Salomon
FOR $2,500,000 FUND r

Rep. Clancy Helps

To Unite a Family

Congress Member Endorses
U. P. A., to Which Ile is
It Contributor.

Campaign to Be Launched
to Raise Sum for Next
12 Months.

Iltery Friedman and her son and
daughter, Jared, and Blume, left
on their way to the United States
from Jerusalem as a result of
quick iietien 1 , 11 the part of Rep.
Robert 11. Clancy of Detroit.
is the wife of M'eelf Fried-
man of Detroit and mothet. of
Slichael AY. Friedman of the build-
ins contracting tiro of Ardussi
and Friedman, 15327 Washburn

$100,000,00 FOR RELIEF

Conference Resolution Hon-
ors David A. Brown for
His Efforts.



NEW YORK—Replete with dra-
matte features, and easily the most
significant gathering of its kind,
the fourth national conference in
New York City of the United
Jewish Campaign-Joint Distribu-
tion Committee on Saturday night
And Sunday, attended by over 51)0
state officers of this great move-
ment for the relief of European
Jewry. gave its mandate for the
immediate launching of a new
campaign for not less than $2.500,-
000 during the next 12 months.
It decided also that considera-
tion be given to a reorganization
of the Joint Distribution Commit-
tee so as to include persons who
have heretofore rendered outstand-
ing service in the fund-raising re-
lief and other activities of the
Joint Distribution Committee, to
the number of not less than 150
nor more than 250, who shall con-
stitute the council of the Joint Dis-
tribution Committee and from
whom shall be selected 30 to serve
as its board of directors or execu-
tive committee.

Pledge to Continue Work.
The conference, in the langu age
of Louis Marshall, was the a lost
satisfactory of the whole Se rtes
held since 1925, because the d ele-
gates had the right of way,
The conference was ales tric
from the time it was opened on
Saturday night by Acting Gos er-
nor Lehman until, when at the con-
clusion of the final address by
David A. Brown, the delegates
united in a final outburst of en-
thusiasm, pledged themselves to
continue their efforts until not
only had ti e pledges still outstand-
ing in the previous campaign been
collected, but until, also, every dol-
lar of the new campaign had been
pledged and collected.
One of the great climaxes, in a
conference filled with climaxes,
Wag an address by Mr. Marshall at
the concluding session, after which
the resolution calling for a new
campaign and ao
ls to consider the
reorganization of the Joint Distri-
bution Committee were adopted.



The immigrants left the.ir home
in Jaffa and virtually "camped on
the doorstep of the United States
Consul" awaiting a cablegram
from the state departletent here
which authorized t he issuance of
non-quota visas. Rep. Clancy sue.
seeded in arrangieg last minute
details and the cablegram reached
Professor Hart of Harvard Uni-
the Consul in time for him to issue
versity believes that "Haym Salo-
the visas and the Friedmans' sailed
mon's credit was better than that

of . the whole. Thirteen. United
Slates." The complete teat of an
address he delivered at Hotel Bill.
more, New York, in defense of the
claims he made in behalf of the
financier of the American Revolt,.
lion and in praise of the movement
to erect • monument in his honor
will be found on the editorial page.'



Plan Reception Ball, Tours Nathan M. Gross, Abraham Srere, Harry H. Bielfield, Mrs.
Samuel R. Glogower, Samuel Summerfield, Adolph
for Delegates; City to
Finsterwald and Julian H. Krolik Issue Statements.
Be Decorated.

Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents


Cincinnati Communal Leader and Dean of Wayne Circuit

Court to be Principal Speaker at Informal Open-
ing Supper Rally at the Phoenix Club,


In statements to the Jewish people of Detroit, leaders in
the United Jewish Campaign for $150,000, which opens
Sunday evening at a rally of workers at the Phoeni
Israel Zilber Heads Commit.
Club, appeal for united action and for oversubscription o
tee; Chronicle to Pubish
f Abraham Srere Heads Special Gifts Division; Harry
the quota. The statements follow:
Convention Number.

Detroit Zionists are preparing to
make a holiday of the week of June
27 to July .1, during which the ,
Zionist Organizatien of America is
to hold its thirty-second annual
Under the chairmanship of Is-
rael Zilleer, special committees ac'

Lipsky Improved; May

Not Return to U. S. in

Time for Convention.

ie feld in Charge of Men's Division; Mrs. Samuel IL
Glogower Heads Large Women's Division.

Statement of Nathan M. Gross, President of the Drive.

As we are about to start the United Jewish Campaign drive of the
Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit, it is the duty of every Jew te
do his share to realize the goal of $150,000 that we are out after.
"Only by as unity in thought regarding all things Jewish can we
hope to be. successful. The Jewish Welfare Federation is fully Nevin
far with all the agencies that will benefit as 11 result of our efforts am
it is hoped that the spirit of charity will govern the response of al

"This is a time when it man's real chnrncler and socual In, mations
as-art themselves and it is hoped that every Jew in the city eef Detroit
will do his share to make this campaign a successful eerie.
"After all, this campaign is that of the Jews of Detroit, and th
Jewish Welfare Federation to which all Jews belong and are a part;
the utmost co-operation and sincerest effort are necessary."

Since the matter was called to
his attentien early this year Rep.
Statement by Abraham Srere, Chairman Special Gifts
Louis Lipsky, president of the
Clancy has had to work against
Zionist Organization of Amer-
time because of several technical-
ica, who was operated on Sun-
ities in the immigration law. The
"The board of directors of your Federation, after due deliberation,
day night fur throat trouble,
husband and father, Wolf, was not
has felt it necessary to include all the agencies covered by our present
has improved sufficiently to en-
admitted to citizenship until blarch
drive. To withhold your support because of your objection to any of
able him to leave the Hadassah
2o and consequently the applica-
these needs will not only tend to effect seriously the success of our
tion could not be sent to the Labor
drive but may also disturb that spirit of unity that has permeated De-
troit Jewry.
Mr. Lipsky is convalescing at
Department until after that date
the home eif flurry Viteles,
because of the requirement that pe-
"IA.t as put this campaign over by all working together."
where he is under constant med-
titioners must be citizens. Then it
ical care.
Was discovered that in cases where
Statement by Harry H. Bielfield, Chairman General
It was stated that Mr. Lipsky
an application is made so sum af-
will probably be unable to re-
ter naturalization the certificate if
"The business outlook in Detroit at present is very encouraging —
turn to the United States until
naturalization must accompany the
factories are working, real estate values are again becoming normal,
after the Zionist Congress,
there seems to be activity in every line of business.
which will Ise held in Zurich the
Detroit Section Picks Mn.
Through a period of correspond-
e response to the special meetings of the majors of the differ-
of July.
ence during which time one impor-
.nt divisions called by myself was approximately 100 per cent. Every
Isaac Gilbert as Its
tant letter was lost in the mails,
lion called upon to attend has pledged himself to work heart and soul
New President.
Rep. Clancy was notified that the nuking arrangements to entertain
or this wonderful cause.
appl Mat ion had been approved by lelegates who are to come here
"I only hope that the workers in my group will be received with
The Detroit section of the Coun-
the Labor Department. But that from every section of the land. , he courtesy that is due them and that they will be favored with a
cil of Jewish Women announces
was only one third eif the "battle." Advance arran • by . . ' ledge in keeping with the. prospect's means
"Personally, I appeal to every member of the community to help
end there was only three elays Le- bar's committee call for a recep-
fore the ship sailed. It required a tion ball for delegates and visitors, is. With a united effort I out confident of the success of the drive."
personal call at the state depart- as well as Detroit enthusiasts, at
Statement by Mrs. Samuel R. Glogower, Chairman
ment to expedite• approval at the Hotel Statler, which is to serve as
state department which made it the convention headquarters, on
Women's Division.
two thirds and finally otlicial au- June 29, There are to be tours of ,
"Whether each of the objectives of this United Jewish Campaign
thorization by cable which com- the city for the. visiting ladies in h as a special interest for us is not important. What must appeal to
pleted the transaction.
special buses and automobiles, and e very thinking individual is that there is an opportunity for economy
The Friedman case was first
committee is being, formed 11, nil unity. Economy of funds and efforts in making but one appeal,
called to Clancy's attention by Car- to entertain the delegates at spec- ' n sparing the members of our communuity from the multiplicity of
roll I'. Adams. secretary of the Un- ial functions. c ampaigns that would otherwise be necessary, should be incentive'
iversity if Slichigan Club of De-
nough for a successful outcome.
Junior H•dass•h to Meet Here.
treit. Shchael Fried/Hall was grad-
While liadassah, women's Zion-
"In addition, we have in this campaign the opportunity to stand ,
uated from the University in 1927 ist organization, will not convene
1,,' ark of our Jewish Welfare Federation. Only in this way can our'
HMI appealed to Adams to assist in
here this June, it is announced that " ederation become the real unifying element in the community to
bringing his mother and brother to .1nnior liadassah will held its
Res- " :Dish it aspires. We must learn to think and to give in terms of
community need."
(Turn to Page Opposite Editorial) (Turn to Page Opposi:e Editorial)
(Turn to Page Opposite Editorial,)


David A. Brown Honored.

In addition, a resolution in a 9-
predation of the tremendous
forts 14 David A. Brown u
adopted by a rising vote when it
was presented by the chairman of
the afternoon session, Judge .1
seph M. Proskauer.
The resolution was greeted W 7 th the elestion
Mrs. Isaac Gilbert
resounding. cheers by the. de le -
as president for the ensuing term.
/Nan , , whose applause was r 1';
Other ollicems elected are:
rowed when the chairman declar e'l
Miss Emma Dietzel, first vice-
the resolution carried.
president; blrs. .1. Victor Roemer,
Judge Proskauer then announc
ed cemsnel rice-president; :qrs. 'Maur-
the appointment of the follow, 1t r tlr i
e Klein, recording secretary;
as the committee to consider t
bIrc. Arthur bl anshh,
ac corms-
reorganizistion of the Joint I).
' pe siting secret;,'}; Mrs. Samuel
trIbution: Louis Marshall, cha f r-
Mendelsohn, treasurer; Mrs. Har-
man; Felix M. Warburg, associa t
' ry Wetstuan, financial secretary;
chairman; Cyrus Adler, Philadt
bliss Augusta Brown, auditor.
!thin; Edward Baker, Clevelan .
The complete personnel of the.
Louis J. Borinstein, Indianapol l
newly elected board of directors of
David NI. Bressler, New 1 or
es Detroit section of the Council of
David A. Boon, Detroit; Jam
Jewish Women will be announced
II. Becker, Chicago; J. K. llexte
r' next week.
Dallas; Harold Hirsch, Attant a;
Alexander Kahn, New York; Lou
Kirstein, Boston; Albert Lief
orman, Philadelphia; Edward B. I:
bleissner, St. Louis; James N. Ro-
senberg, New York; Ben Selling,
Portland, Ore.; Hugh Grant
Straus. Brooklyn; l'eter Wiernik,
New York,


American Pro-Falasha Committee Announces Gift to Dr. Jacques Faitlovitch, Executive

Director of Activities Among Falashas in Abysinnia; Committe is a
Beneficiary of Detroit United Jewish Drive.

More Than $15,000,000 Collected.

Hershman Greets
Keidan; Calls Him

Dr Jacques Panic's/itch
Organiser of
Movement for Petunia

Hyman J Rem
Amencan Pro-Falasha Committee

Rabb J Stet SS'ess

"The most vital part of our Beth
El College work," said Rabbi Leon
Frans in the course of his address
on the program of Beth El College
of Jewish Studies delivered at the
commencement exercises btondav
evening, May 13, "is the special
(Turn to Page Opposite Editorial) course in the technique of teaching
in the Jewish religious school. We
are fortunate in having at the head Foundation's Fortieth Anni-
Sessions to Continue at New
of this department a teacher who
versary to be Marked
supervises the teaching of litera-
York on Monday and
ture in the Detroit public schools
at June Meetings.
and who has had long experience
in teaching the literature of the
A symposium on the histor
Bible in Temple Beth El School of
Religion. By means of this class, of the Central Conference o
Ex perk From All Fields to which has been attended both by American Rabbis, participated in
D iscuss Problems Affect-
prospective teachers and teachers
by all the living former presidents
who are already 011 our staff, wo
ing Jewry.
have been able to apply the best of the organizations will be one of
methods of general education to the outstanding features of the
Ha huv
T stbsy r.
... 001n e
Delegates from different com-
the specific problem of Jewish 'T- convention which begins on
munities of the
• 11 as
ednesday,.Tune 26, and will con-
hous education. So interested
cultural and
from the leading central and na-
NEW YORK.—The American
was the class in this project that tinue to and inclusive of Monday,
tional organizations, will assemble
their attendance was 100 per cent. July 1. Those who will partici- Pees-1. alasha Committee has an-
at The Breakers, Atlantic City. on
"Under the guidance of Miss pate in the symposium will be the nounced that King Tafari Mak..
Sundae. Slav 19, to take part in
Stella Sufinsky, they not only din- Res.. Dr. Joseph Silverman of New nen of Abyssinia has given Dr.
the deliberations marking the sev-
York, Joseph Stolz of Chicago, Jacques Faitlovitch, executive di-
enth consecutive session of the
(Turn to Page Two).
David Philipson of Cincinnati, rector of its activities among the
American Jewish Congress.
William Rosenau of Baltimore, alashas in Abyssinia, a gife of
The sessions will be opened by
Leo NI. Franklin of Detroit, Ed- $2,500 toward the acquisition of
the presidential address of Dr.
ward N. Calisch of Richmond, Va., a new home for the American
Stephen S. Wise. The agenda of
Abram Simon of Washington, D. Pro-1, alasha School in Addis-
the convention will include a com-
C., and Louis Wolsey of Philadel- :U•6a, the capital of his Kingdom.
prehensive survey of Jewish con-
His Majesty has been greatly in-
ditions here and abroad.
Dr. II. G. Enelnw, rabbi of Tem- terested in the religious and edu-
Touching the foreign situation,
ple Emanu-El, New York, presi- cational activities conducted in be-
Dr. Joshua Gottleib, a member of Local B'nai B'rith Lodge to Sup- dent of the Central Conference of half of the 50,000 Falashas in his
the Polish Sejm, will review the
port United Jewish Campaign.
American Rabbis, who made the realm.
situation of the Jews of Poland.
foregoing announcement, added
Hyman J. Reit of New York
Last Monday night a joint meet- that to mark the fortieth anniver- City
Rabbi Solomon Goldman of Cleve-
is chairman of the American
land, who recently returned from ing of the board of directors and sary of the founding of that body,
Pro-Falasha Committee, Dr. Cyrus
an extensive tour of the Soviet' organization committee of Pisgah t he convention will be held in De-
realms, will describe the lot of Lodge No, 34, I. 0. B. B. Was held troit, where it was founded in Adler of Philadelphia is honorary
Russian Jewry. Prof. Jacob S. to plan final entails in the mem- 1089. and that the Saturday morn- chairman, Dr. Elias I,. Solomon
of the New Jersey State Col- bership drive for the Jacob Miller i ng sermon will be preached by Dr. of New York City is treasurer, and
lege e4 Agriculture, will deal with class. It was decided to hold the 'hilipson, who took part in the Rabbi J. Max Weis of New York
City is its secretary.
situation of Lithuanian Jewry. initiation on June 16 instead of meeting at which the Central Con-
Iran Wolman, one of the ex- June 2. The committee was' ference of American Rabbis Wan
Perts of the Palestinian Surrey. prompted in making this change on , organized. The convention-ses-
The American Pro-Falasha Com-
will speak of the ecn- account of the large number of
n Commission,
,omie future of Palestine, and Dr.' applications that are being re- s inn will he held, mainly, in the mittee is one of the beneficiaries in
taller Hotel, and divine services the Detroit United Jewish Cam-
Irving Fineman will survey the ceived, and which cannot be I
paign for $150,000 to open thin
lituation in Hungary and Rumania.
(Turn to Page Two).
(Turn to Page Two). Sunday.



Mill Convene Here

United Synagogue
Convention Sunday

Rabbi A. M. Hershman, who
is in New York City and was
therefore prevented from at-
I• inner the ceremony in honor
,-t the presentation of the por-
trait to Judge Keidan, sent the
following telegram of greeting
to Judge Murphy:
"Regret exceedingly it is not
given to me to be with you on
occasion of presentation to be
made to the Honorable Harry
B. Keidan. I take this means
to express my high regards for
him. To know Judge Keidan
is to love hint.
Ile is one of
nature's noblemen.
I admire
him for his high principles and
I love him
for his nobility and soft-heart-



tts t,, 7 ,r.,.,%,,



The likeness, painted by Fret! (' liv
Nash, was presented by Judge of
Alfred J. Murphy. cei

persons present, and who are in-


$5 500 RAISED TO

Sabbatical year granted him
the congregation as a token of
air appreciation of his 30 years
ice a as rabbi eif Temple Beth
completed in 1929. He has
•nt the time in various localities
California, Ilevoting himself to Drive Opened to Aid De-
c leaned; Quota $50,000
Sabbath of rest and study. It
expected that all the members
for Five Years.
the congregation will be present
:5 More than $5,500 was subscribed
urn to Page Opposite Editorial)

to the Detroit campaign for $60,-
000 to provide tools, machinery
and materials for the declassed
Jews in Russia, at the Hotel Fort
Wayne, Sunday night, at a
quet sponsored by the People's
nineit Chapter •ef Hadassah Tool Campaign fur Russian Jews,
I hold the closing meeting of the More than 600 persona were pres-
sen Tuesday afternoon. May 28 ant at the inauguration of the
2:30, at Westminster Commun. drive which is being carried on by
House, Hamilton at Glynn Jews
throughout the United States
rt. This. annual meeting has Speakers at the banquet were Dr.
n postponed to this date due to Aaron Singalowaky,
general dime-
recent illness of Mrs. Joseph H. for of the
"Oft;" Baruch C. Vlad-
lich, preside nt, who, it is hoped, eck, national

MAY 28




,X11111111111111111 11111111111 \11111111111111111


Nature's Nobleman

Dr. Bettan Lectures on Mid-
rash; System of Adult
Education Lauded.


Presented With Portrait of
Himself by His Many

In the presence of at courtroom
crowded with friends, members of
his family, and assoviates, Judge
Ilarry B. Keitlan, Tuesday was
presented with a portrait of him-
self in recognition of their esteem. c


Mr. Brown said that though he
has never gone into anything out
of self-seeking motives, he recog-
nizes that out of all the things he
ekes there cameo a great recom-
pense, But he takes on no activ-
ity—and there have been many—
unless he feels it very keenly.
Having taken an activity on, he
needs no other driving force than



chairman of the


be able to preside. The annual American campaign, and
lion of "fiery and directors Niger, writer. Joseph Bernstein,
take place, together with brief treasurer of the Detroit campaign
ills of the year's activities; by seas toastmaster. The campaign
ere and chairmen of commit- here is in charge of Soloman A.
A splendid program will be Schkloven, who has established
nted, comprising vocal solos headquarters at 2210
Mrs. Jacob Sallie, mezzo so- avenue.
no, accompanied by Mrs. Ern-
"The 1,200,000 so-called de-
Monash; violin solos by Max classed Jews in Russia were de-
herer and readings by bliss prived under
the laws of the Soy-
a Berman. At the conclusion iet, of all leiral
rghts on account
annual strawberry festival of their position as storekeepers
be held ureter the direction of and small trades people," said Dr,
. Herman Wetsman, chairman
he social hour comm ittee,
I (Turn to Page Opposite EditorlaL)

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