TIEVETKOIT,IEN1Sil efROIGLE PAGE EIGHT KVUTZAH IVRITH" TO STAGE 2 PLAYS "Detroit's Most Modern Clothin Store" Excelling in Style Jacial an arsorta SANATORIUM UNIT TO BE BUILT SOON Detroit Auxiliary to Make The dramatic section of the Ile- brew cult ural group, Kvutzah I' City-Wide Collection for , t rith, has been busy for the la Project in May. 10 weeks in rehearsing the tey: Style comes first in our estimation of plays, "Up Stream," by Sheldon b}•the Detroit Word receive-el b}• Ash, and "Fatally III," by Z. the well dressed man. Keen-eyed on. Auxiliary of the Jewish Consump- Wendrolf, translated into the Ile: in Shaarey Zedek is making plans tive Relief Association of Califor- style specialists acting for you through brew by A. I). Markson. Mr. and Mts. Louis J. Rosenberg The Sisterhood of luncheon Congregati o a Mother's Day to he nia is to the effect that work will The first play presents a Ye- were among the guests at the, d Philcons search the centers where the be begun soon on the construction shiva-Bocher of the: nineteenth , nee given lit tine Book t'adillae Cr illis. stylus for men originate—ever alert cent ury who has for some time ' Hotel 'Tueselay evening in honor held on Sunday, Slip 12, let 'The of the Detroit unit. The corner- at , will e laid sAteeri ng,e 4,,, , it. k sted been absorbed by the liaskula lit- e Esme to new trends—ever guarding against Hoard, British w a m- synagogue, Brush and Willis. os h e forthcoming conventib on in L at erature and decided to revolt 1 .f Sir .or:saelor to the, United States, and git.ls of tla , Shitarey Zedek Young the "passe." Never for a moment is against e the yoke- and oppression - Sir John S B rod erick, commercial People's Organ Abraham 11. Jatlin. general sec- of t he dead hand of the strict ob: counsellor o f th e embassy'. Sisterhood in this retary, states that the local cone- erate with the ization our style consciousness allowed to will co-op ,ervanc of the laws of the Tad-. Mrs. Sidney Stone s will s' mince must be prepared to bring event. , slumber. It is the principal reason for »old, and decided to leave the m )lies hs'" mothers ai lot to the convention tee en- Judge and Mrs. Charles 4'. Si- represent the !i ghetto with its culture, to look for te larder, Leah Levin will represent the: able the completion of the work, our progress .... Newest fabrics in n interesting musical light and new life in the Eurde• mons have returned freest d aughters. A and urges renewed effort for th.. pe a n cultural world. A fter wan- weeks' sojourn at I all wanted shades and patterns. program is being planned The ,,,,,mit,,,,, , by Mrs. . institution. This sum will tune dering for seven years he returns, Ind. Herman August. plate the- $15,00 0 necklet! for the exclaiming desperately: "I cannot . Mrs. Frank' i completed unit. and Mrs. Andrew Wineman in charge consists dd M k , raelicate my God from my heart. A , n ,,,,,; m4. „f volunteers w ill tee , Woods have returned 1Vetsman, Mrs. Herbert Warner I'll try to do for my child what I of Palltier from a winter's stay at Palm and Mrs. Reuben Rosenfield. held Monday, April 20, at the A. could not accomplish for myself." It. Center on Holbrook, to arrang, Mr. Yableinko, of the People's Beach, Fla., and other southern On Sunday evening, April 14, for the special collection week. Theater, is directing the play, and points of interest. Sir. Jallin is general chairman of Mr. and Mrs. David Goodfriend announces that it is to be present "lbsolote Satisoction Guaranteed - Edwin A. Wolf and Richard gave a dinner for relatives and the collection week, and will be a- . - ed Sunday evening., April 28, in sisted by the following Iii,-11•, , I the Art Institute, Kirby and Cohn returned to the city Sunday friends their beautiful 111, II e r ma n G a 11 C <. from a three weeks' trite tee the 111.111e 111. 18103 Sluirland avenue. managers. Woodward. Thl• occasion was a double cele- Twelfth street district, headquar- The actors are Ch. Lerman, star %Vest Indies. ters at Blaine and 'Twelfth; Mrs. bration—a house-warneing, and of "Jephthah's Daughter;" It Sul- Miss Miriam Einsterwald, who I in honor of their son, \YU- Horrell, Oakland district, hcael- ky°, R. Tiktin, .1. Jayrich and M. quarters A. R. Center, 527 1101- in vacation liar spent heir spring liam's, thirteenth birthday. Sulker.. cruel:; Mrs. II. Fink, Fenkell di-- The second play is a one-act leVashington and New York, has Mitzvah services were held ice the. trict, headquarters, Jewish t'en'or s comedy by Vendroff, in which a returned to Ann Arbor to resume newnod Moshe synagogue, Dex- ter and Laurence, Saturday morn- Mr. Jaffin, at the Dexter district, i gentleman who returns lute in the leer studies. Dexter 111;1 1 ing• Seventy-five guests were headquarters at , morning from a card game, and , Mr. and Mrs. Melville 1). Kemple, present at the dinner. Among the boulevard, over the Dexter The a having no excuse for his wife, pre-1 tends to be sick in order to avoid' (Elsa Sturn1, echo have been at , guests were Rabbi Moses Fischer ter. The Sundays, Slay 5 Will Slay the Wilshire Hotel since . their mar- of the Wniii Moshe Synagogue and a scene. The act is full of humor- . " ' Cantor and Sirs. A. Rosenfeld. l'2, will be devoted tee Tag Dar : rage, are now rest • ous situations. Harry Weinberger was toastmast- chiefly, and the week days will be Cortland avenue. A short musical program will he er. From Chicago earne Mr. ;end devoted to house-to-house , collec- between the acts. Sir. and Mrs. Isidore Peritz arc Mrs. Slartin Grossman, the latter tions, business sections and office M a now residing in their new home being the sister of Sirs. Good. buildings. During its existence, the local at 2002 Calvert avenue. f ri end. auxiliary has succeeded! in sending Sirs. George Kraus of Chicag o 20 applicants tee the Los Angeles Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Free- Dramatic Tournament: Sly II With Elf WWII, and daughter, Elaine, spent the Sanatorium. Three weeks ago a The Intermediate and Senior man of Chicago boulevard left :Monday for Atlantic City, where last two weeks in Detroit visiting young man of 21 was sent to the Childs meeting at the Jewish Cen- Offering exceptional values in grown plants, roses, they are guests at the Ambassador friends and relatives. Over the institution and the local commit- I, tel Association and who are El They will also visit in last week-end, Sirs. Kraus, with tee now has an application from Hotel. tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, hydrangeas, lilies and ■ s: , eited in the Senior House Coun- Lakewood, N. J., and New York Benjamin Feldman and his dangle- a young woman of 2'2 who just others. cil Of ('lutes will participate in a ter, 'Theresa, motoreql to Cleveland gave birth tee a child k11111 is en seri- City before returning home. dramatic tournament which will tee visit with Sirs. KCaus' brother ous condition. The assistance of- Quality — Variety — Low Prices 11111.1 5. Each dub lee. held on Slay Mrs. Leighton Steele of Mon- and sister, Capt. Herman Feldman. fered to these people is quoted by will present a one-act play which terey avenue left last week leer a , Sin Jahn in favor of increased has been selected, staged and three weeks' trip to Washington, Mrs. Leon Heiman and son :Meer- communal support leer the Los An- coached by themselves. The feel- Lancaster, Pa., noel New York ris, who were guests of Sir. and geles project. lowing dubs have so far signified Mrs. Morris Cohen of the Chatham' CHAS. ROSENMAN, Proprietor their intentions of participating: tN. for their •apartments, have Junior Star, Snippichuck, Ilakoah , stop-1 Slyer S. Fink of Atkinson avenue Cherry 9171 227 Gratiot Ave. Sports, Inter-Nos, Jolly Sports, N. has returned from Miami Beach, ping at Watkins Glenn en ioute. ACTIVITIES E. I., and the Delta Club, spent tit a. , Sirs Harry Rabwin of Boston the uest of his daughter, Airs. Ben Bey. in Second Place: Harry NI. Markle. En route home.. boulevard is spending a fortnight Second place in the Jewish he visited his daughter, Mrs. Leon- in New York City visiting relatives League, was decided Sunday after- and S. Levin of Pittsburgh, Pa. and friends.. The Ames Orphans Bernie and noon, April 14, when the Ben Heys Farm School reports that more defeated the Strangers by a slim Miss Fanny Rosen, who has. The, board members eef the. Sis- than $1,500 was realized for the margin of one point with a score been spending the winter in Miami , terhood of ( ongregation Emanuel institution at Georgetown, Ontar- GIVEN BY of 11-13. elansky played best Beach, Fla., is now in Los Angeles, honored their president, Mrs. Eli io, at the dance held Sunday eve- ■ for the winners. Cal. Sachse, at a beautifully appointed ning at the :Masonic Temple. luncheon at the Belcrest on Tues. Plans for the summer include , STATLER HOTEL Mrs. J. Miller entertained de.' day afternoon. Bowls of pink roses the following activities: A mem- PERFECTION LODGE Perfection Lodge No. 457, F. & lightfully at four tables eel bridge and orchid sweet peas and green bership drive; a theater perform- A. Si., will hold a special tom - • at heir home on Cedar street, tapers in three-branch candlesticks ance• in Sit. Clemens, through the mumeation Wednesday, April 24 Wyandotte, on Wednesday. April decorated the table-, which was set courtesy eef Leon Krim of the Riv- DANCING 9:00 TO 1:00 10. for 30 guests. at 2:30 p. m. C. Degree. Tax $1.00 erside and Samuel Elkin eef Ol•m- CIIAS. K. SANDORF. pia Hotel. FEATURING THE VAGABOND KINGS Mrs. Jack Primako and her :kis- Secretary. Dr. and Mrs. A. Si. Bookstein Ely Greenblatt, representing the Radio Entertainers . are now residing in their new ter, Miss Pearl Franklin, of the Aroca, is expected to leave leer Eu- By order of Whittier, are visiting their parents, , HAROLD HELLER, W. M. home at 3234 Monterey avenue. rope the latter part eef this month , Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Franklin, in to bring :12 orphans for whom Under the auspices of the Uni-I Three Rivers, Mich. visas were secured in Canada varsity of Michigan, extension di-'IM through the efforts of Mr. Saxe. • Cu •ell entertained g vision, Dr. Ira Altshuler addressedMrs Si mon e :r I high schools en the subject the members of the l'urity last HEBREW INFANT HOME Matrons Club at a bridge-lunch- of "Mental Hygiene." eon on Wednesday afternoon. Pink • Arrangements are being made Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schiller and peonies and sweet peas, and pink daughter Priscilla and Mr, and tapers centered the table, which for a food shower to be given for the Hebrew Infant Home, the date Mrs. Simeon Cugell steel daughter was set for 18 guests. of the affair will appear in the next Frances motored tee Buffalo and Maurice Garfinkel, who is a stu- issue of The Chronicle. No tickets Niagara Falls for the, week-end. dent at the Dental college of Mar- will be sold, a food parcel being the Miss Dorothy Dorice Lieberman quette University, Milwaukee, ticket of admission. of 2284 Chicago boulevard spent Wis., attended the Zuckerberit- The officers 01111 !heard eef direc- the past week-end in Chicago as Garfinkel wedding. tors of the Hebrew Infant Beane the guest of Miss Lucille Ries of honored 3.Irs. S. Osnos, 2073 Tay- Sirs. Max II. Elias and daughter, lor, with a farewell luncheon, the Chicago Bench Hotel. Shirley Rhea, of 3:145 Richton Thursday, April 11, at the Mason. Mrs. David Oppenheim of Chi- avenue., have returned from a three is Temple Colonial Room. Forty- cago boulevard visited her daugh- weeks' sojourn in Chicago, where two officers and board members ter, Sirs. Harold Hold Barker, of Indi- they were guests of Mrs. Elias' were present at which time Mrs. sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and ana Ilarbor, the past week-end. S. ()mos and daughter, Mabel, who Mrs. Samuel Madison. While in will accompany her mother on a Mr, and Mrs. l'hilip Kruwitz of Chicago they were delightfully en- trite abroad, were presented with Euclid avenue have had as their tertained by their many friends. beautiful gifts. guest for a fortnight their cousin, Many beautiful affairs were Mrs. Charles Goodman eef Virginia, given in honor of Miss Betty Gar- Checker Cabs. Empire 7000 Minn. finkel, who became the bride of Joseph Zuckenberg, Sunday, April Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Danin of Whittemore, Mich., are the guests 14. Sirs. David Zuckenberg of Richton avenue entertained with a of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. rlD! c lit io 3 Otan er3 ,6 linen shower, Miss Betty Silver- el- . 13Vallate 1.111T Kramer of Philadelphia avenue. man of Slichgan avenue, a per- sonal shower; Sirs. Sam Friedman "'de Dby4 sooms•wo,-N- Nrs;w,e0000,%s;%% of Bryden avenue honored the 1.041.0 ilk50Je. 11-2Ect: ytel bride with a miscellaneous shower; Mrs. Bessie Garfinkel entertained cepteS -,fat, enacta4e, ea ipo.T .Jvi-dtg-itcult ;!. her daughter with a miscellaneous The, 0, shower. SUITS AND TOPCOATS $29.50, $34.50, $39.50 and $45 Plh 11 ODE S THE FOl'IZTII FLOOR TIIE CHILDREN'S 1•,01)R Children's Tailored "Regulation" Coats Are Smart For Spring $9.75 and SIZES 2 To d $12.75 YEARS These tailored coats of wool cheviot are double-breasted and have gold-colored but- tons that lend such a "military air!" They are all well-tailored, in navy, priced tic- cording to qtutlity. HUDSON'S FOURTH FLOOR WOODWARD AVENUE BUILDING FOX THEATER BLDG. Open Evenings. Passover Greetings CENTERS ASS'N SUBWAY FLOWER SHOP FOR "AMCA" SCHOOL • Opening Saturday, April zo, 1Q29 Detroit's Exclusive Ladies Handbag Shoppc Dorothy Pitt, Inc. HANDBAG-STYLISTS-TO-THE-AMERICAN-MISS 224 WEST GRAND RIVER AVE. NEAR WASHINGTON BLVD. SPRING FROLIC I A. Z. A. FRATERNITY SUNDAY, APRIL 21, • PE—I1111G T fl RR •11 171edeZ "an-4.0-ebt &rtrx,,efAi. G•vri FROCK (17114,1, A.1•10 ALL AT 15 • STREEToNtri DINNER Cleta-n..6 • SMART SPORTS Skeduei HATS$510 • DAINTY dagoms ..teurited MADP V.UNIEAD READY MADE HATS CUT STYLED TO Er2ei125 YOUR 41)7t0lIkirt AN ;We' YOJ0. COSTUME /1$5 $10 UNUSUAL SMART NEW LINES Mt./COLORS COPIES Or LATEST PARISIAN HITS SS $10 12.14.6 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD . n 'D - isplay the 5 Latest Modes 0 Paris • comes to Detroit 00• 0 with a wonderful collec- t lion of new summer en- , ■ sernbles, frocks and °' ' tress. •s 0 • I•mosual Garinentx in • Ilatrrials and Derrigns ,0 4#' Sir, and Mrs. 11. Blair, 3737 re Tuxedo avenue, entertained her 0 cousins Sir, and Mrs. N. Dennis Illelen Sweet) of Cincinnati, Ohio, I on Tuesday. Covers were laid for 20 people. • SISTERHOOD OF SHAAREY ZEDEK RUMMAGE SALE The Sisterhood of Congregation Shaarey Zedek is planning a rum- mage sale for the benefit of the ; 25 congregation for the week begin- ' ning May 20. Now that spring I cleaning is taking place there is other. ill to 3S9 clothing, dishes, furniture, etc., to ------• •• • • • • • be discarded, and the committee in charge will be glad to call for such :4 ni discards. Arrangements have been made p s ifopTh , e4. , for a warehouse to sort and store Y these various items prior to the rd, sale, and contributors are asked to 3 Door. se.m Mtc hl e u Tbestes 0 call Sirs. Herbert Warner, chair- 210 BAGLEY AVENUE ' man of the automobile corps, at Longfellow 7351, when ready to " """%%"" "%' "WC3i3CSN dispose of any articles. The committee in charge is Mrs. • Charles Hamburger, chairman; Mrs. Ralph Davidson, vice-chair- man; Sirs. Herbert Warner, auto corps; Mrs. Reuben Rosenfield, sales; Mrs. Sidney Stone, solici- tors; Mrs. Frank Wetsman, pub- licity. Assisting the committees are: Mesdames Charles Smith, A. Louis Has Opened an Gordon, A. M. Ilershman, David Diamond, Ira Copeland, Morris Blumberg, Samuel Benderhoff, Morris Zackheim, Sam Caplan, A. B. Straker, Harry Selker, Sey- mour Frank, Herman P. Cohen, Si- 8732 Linwood (Cor. mon Shetzer, Herman August, With a Full Line of Drugs Robert Lowenberg, Harry Eeidan, Harry Brown. Sol Pearlman, Louis and Toilet Articles Robinson, Morris Landau, Louis Fountain Service Dunn, David Opnenheim, Abraham We Specialise in Compounding Cooper, David Zenon, D. II. Fau- Prescriptions Sean, Samuel Jaspey, Max Ham- Telephone orders taken. We burger, David Lichtig, Barney Smith, Ben Fenton, Jack Brown, deliver. 'Albert M. Jordon, Morris II. Phone.: Garfield 9788-9772 e, ■ Prince, E. Tereny. announcement! Louis Zack Up-To-Date DRUG STORE 1 . 01"/J, 11'.1.VT TO BE DRESSED 1'1' FOR PASSOV13,' SELECT Faun ATEas 7'l1E DEXTER DEPARTMENT STORE 11567 Dealer at Burlingame Garfield 3216 With an Entirely New Line of Spring :Mer- chandise Just Arrived from New York Special: Children's Ready - to - Wear Coats, $5.00 Up A Complete Line of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear and Cents' Furnishings G4,Rollinste° . 36 ADAMS AVENUE WEST HATS CUT en Your Head By Nardi? Designers felts and Straws ANIORS11011.1 1510 11000WARD AN E. Parties are a sure success at Ms Palmetto The abundant service equal to a big down town hotel, to- gether with the intimate pri- vacy and freedom of Hotel Palmetto's rooms for enter- taining makes the successful hostess choose this setting. Private dining rooms, ban- quet ball, spacious ball room —every facility for charm- ing bridge dinners, dances, and social teas. Privat• room• for card parties, without servi(e, gS and up. Luncheon. 11:30 to 2 $ .85 Dinner, 5.30 to 8,30 135 Sunday, 11.30 .. sr to 8 p. m. LSO FURNISHED APARTMENTS 24-hour-••day complem hotel sera. Ice. Every apartment has out- .,d. bath with tub, shower and cir- culating kit watt, Singles Housekeeping SICsss g $0 [...I ej up PALMETTO HOTEL HANCOCK AT JOHN R Charles H. Cirenents. Col. ROOS Let Us Protect Your Valuable Fur Coat We all! fully Insure fur coats, men's and women's wearing apparel, rugs and draperies during the period of storage In our most scientifically equipped refrig- erated vaults for 007 of the el /0 Valuation (Minimum Charge, 13.SO) The Rollins' World-Wide Insurance Polley Insures your fur coat for a period of twelve months fully protecting It while you are wearing It ... for 4 V of the Coat's /0 Valuation (Minimum Charge, $8.00) Phone Randolph 0216 and our motor will call