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March 15, 1929 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1929-03-15

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Alpha Beta Gamma Sorority.

Alpha Beta (lemma Sorority
met at the home of Miss Ruth
Feldman, 1977 Gladstone. The
third annual spring frolic given on
March 3 at Hotel Statler was a
success. As is eustomary, the so-
rority is again interested in char-
ity work. Each year a certain
percentage of the proceeds of the
dance is given to needy • families.
A formal dinner-dunce will be
given by the sorority on March 17,
at Hotel Addison, for members
and their escorts. Miss Yvette
Gleisch, 108 Hendrie, will be hoot-
ass of the next meeting, March 19.




The Live Wire Boys.


The Live Wire Boys announce
that the novelty dance at the Fen-
kell ballroom, Fenkell and Dexter,
last Sunday evening, was a suc-
cess. The weekly meeting was held
at, the home of Jack Lazowsky, the
secretary, 1254 West Euclid ave-
nue. The semi-annual nomination
of officers was held.


The United Pretzel and
Cone Co.
1414 Twenty-first Street

Phone Lafayette 2179


Golden Crisp Pretzels
All Kinds of
Ice Cream Cones

Tusi Tale Sorority.


Harris Says:

You and Your Friends
Will Enjoy

A Better

Fountain Luncheon
Evening Dinner or
After Theatre Bite

Plesant Surroundings
Wholesome Food
Always Open



The Tusi Tala Sorority met
Wednesday at the Y. W. II. A.
fl ans were concluded for th e so t
ond annual bridge-tea to be held
Sunday, March 17, at 2:30, in the
Barium hotel. Entertainment and
dancing are outstanding features I
on the program. The next meet-
ing will be held March 20.

Junior Y.

The Junior Y Club meetings
are held every Sunday at 3 at the
Y. W. H. A. clubhouse. E. Levine
is sponsor of the club. The pres-
ent officers consist of William
Sarut, president; Ben Wasserman,
vice-president; Elsie Beck, secre-
tary; Esther Hellen, treasurer;
Esther Lichtenstein, sergeant-at-
arms. A committee, consistinf
of Esther Lichtenstein, Nelson
Berman and Harry They, was
chosen to take care of all social
events. An athletic committee,
consisting of Meyer Rosen and
Edith Lipsky, was chosen. The
club is now on a membership drive,
having 18 and wanting 25.

and Fountain Grill

Warren and Woodward Ave..



Coterie Club.

The Coterie Club met at the
home of Miss Harriet Stacker of
Hague avenue. The informal din-
ner-dance is to be given at Blos-
som Heath on Starch 23. The next
meeting will be held at the home
of Miss Fanny Weinberg, in the
form of a bridge-social.

Eta Beta Zeta.

The Eta Beta Zeta Sorority met
at the home of Miss Helen Tratt-
ner, 6338 Northfield avenue. A
shower is to be given in honor of
Miss Helen Trattner at King Walt
Lo's Wednesday evening. The
next meeting will be held at the
home of Miss Cecelia Shapiro,
2726 Webb.

Furnished Free

Reference Investigated

Maids, Waitresses, Laun-
dresses, Janitors, Cooks
and Chauffeurs

The Delis.

The last meeting of the Debs
was held at the home of Sting Alva
Applebaum, 2726 Sturtevant. Elec-
tion took place and the following
officers were installed: Mina
Schonette Goldsmith, president;
M ona Hill
utility officer. Miss Annette Fried:
man was brought up as a pledgee.
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Miss Fannie Bursky.

Ideal Employment


1729 St. Antoine
Randolph 0456

Camp Greylock
For Boys, Becket, Mass.
In the Berkshire Mts.



1916. Under personal
supervision of Gabriel R. Melon, Ph.
D., principal Elijah Clark High
School, New York City. Idealcamp
for boy. 8 to 17. All apart. avail
under meVert nupervisors. Season
begin. July 1.


Jefferson Study Club.

The Jefferson Study Club held a
get-together bridge Starch 11 at
Hotel Hudson. It was a fine suc-
cess. Thenext meeting will be at
the Mansion, 2725 East Jefferson,
with Mrs. Samuel Mitchell as host-
. •

Theta Delta Omega Sorority.

The last meetin • of the Theta
Delta Omega Sorority wan held at'
the home of Miss Ida Nadler, 527
Englewood avenue. Final plans
for the open meeting were made,
which is to be in the form of a
social. The next meeting will be
held at the home of Miss linden:
Share, 608 Englewood avenue.

Jolly Fellows.

Jack Kabrin, chairman of the
dance committee, reported at the
meeting held last Tuesday that
everything was done concerning
the dance and assured the club a
very big success, also that most of
the tickets have been sold. An in-
vitation has been received inviting
all members to attend a bridge
party given in their honor by Miss'
Ruth Arinoff on March 15, at 2323
Ford avenue.

Sisterhood of Shaarey Zedek.

The next meeting of the Sister-
hood of Congregation Shaarey Ze-
dek will be held on Purim day,
Tuesday, Starch 26, at the Shaarey
Zedek Synagogue, Brush and Wil-
lis, at 2 p, in. Mrs. M. if. Zack-
beim will deliver a talk on "Inter-
esting Scenes and Incidents
Through Europe and Palestine."
Rev. Elijah Zaludkowski will ren-
(ler several vocal selections in
keeping with the spirit of Purim.
A story, entitled Is an Esther
Needed Today?" will be read by
Miss Ruth Kaufman, a member of
Ezra Yehuda Club.

Phalanx Club.

The public installation of its
newly elected officers for the corn-
ing year featured the open house
meeting March 14 of the Phalnnx
Club, at the Y. W. II. A. After
the simple but solemn ritual the
following officers were sworn into
office: President, George Keil;
vice-president, Ted Masserman;
treasurer, Harry Abramowitz; see-
retary, Bernard Tilchen; assistant
secretary, Paul Marks; business
manager, Jack Cooper. Short talks
were given by the new officers.
Entertainment and light refresh-
ments were enjoyed by the mem-
bers and visitors present at the
close of the meeting. An ambi-
tious program has been mapped
out for the coming year.


2073 Gladstone

Euclid 10467

Tau Sigma Delta Sorority had
an open meeting on Friday, March
; 8, at the home of Sties Rose
Thomas. Officers are: Miss Ida
Goodman, president; Miss Marion
liendelman, vice-president; Miss
Anne Rochlen, secretary; Miss
Betty Luft, treasurer, and Miss
Thelma Goren, corresponding sec-
retary. Miss Esther Kunio was
voted an honorary member. The
next meeting will be held at the
home of Miss Ilendelman of Rich-
ton avenue.

And the Telephone No. Is


Euclid 2230

Cantor at Mi.hkan

The Old Timer on the
New Corner with
New Ideas

Israel Synagogue

Expert and

Antiseptic Mohel

Your old friend,
For Personal Service



Tau Sigma Rho Sorority.

The Tau Sigma Rho Sorority
met at the home of Slits Fay Haff-
ner, 1461 Clairmount avenue,
March 5. Further plans were
made for the raffle to be held this
spring. This was followed by a
social hour. The next meeting is
to be held at the home of Miss Es-
ther Yunis, 262 East Euclid ave-

Max Knoppow

2012 Virginia

12197 Dexter

Garfield 0287•M


Tau Sigma Delia.

Drug Store

Corner Richton


Meals in Detroit




Sigma Alpha.

Try Our Home-Like Med.

Convenient Location


••••• Inimitable Pohl Cuisine will

Ready to Serve You



118 W. Lafayette

second Fluor Kerr ISIdo.


Near Michigan Ave.

At Your Service


11145 D



Long. 2844 •

Members of Sigma Alpha So-
rority planned an eventful season
at their last meeting on Sunday.
March 10, at the home of the
Misses Ethel and Dorothy Green,
3500 West Warren avenue. The
girls plan to celebrate St. Patrick's
Day with a theater party. Miss
Mary Silver is the new correspond-
ing secretary. The next meeting
will be held Sunday at the home of
Miss Bessie Heller, 16200 Turner
avenue, at 4 p. m.

Hoy Toy Girls.

The Hoy Toy Girls met at the
home of Miss Sliv Pevin, 2470
Clairmount avenue, March 8. A
discussion of a charter and the
changing of the name was held.
l'lans were made for a swimming
party at Webster Hall. The next
meeting will be held at the home
of Miss Betty Sklar, 3770 Elm-

Hot Kosher

Tasty Kosher Sandwiches

Made and Served Different

Something new for Detroit.

A visit will convince you.


Barditchever Dramatic Club.
The Barditchever Dramatic
Club is rendering a performance
If "Hartzele Stenches," by St.
Richter, the noted Jewish drama-
tist. A previous performance was
successfully given, and this per-
formance is given in response to
numerous requests. Those taking,
leading parts are Mr. Finegold and
Mr. Siegal, while the leading femi-
nine role is taken by Mrs. II. ('ash.
The performance will be given
Friday, March 22, at the Echo
Theater, Oakland and Josephine.
All proceeds of the show are given
to charity.

Meta Alpha Theta Sorority.
Meta Alpha Theta Sorority met
Tuesday at the Y. W. II. A. club-
house. Miss Sally Goldman of
Philadelphia avenue was appointed
general chairman of the dance to
he given April 28 at hotel Statler.
Members are endeavoring to make
this dance an outstanding event,
as a greater part of the proceeds'
will go to charity. Bob Cruzet's
Cotton Club Orchestra will fur-
nish the music. Next meeting will
take place at the "Y" March 19.

Chi Sigma Sorority.

Kadimah Girls.

The last meeting was held on
Tuesday at the home of Bertha
Goldberg, 3450 Edison avenue.
The members thank those who at-
tended the bridge at Thornton's
Coffee Shop and helped to make it
a success. Proceeds are for the
Orphan Home. All efforts are
now being directed toward the
eighth annual dance of the Kadi-
mah Girls to be held on Sunday
evening, April 7, at the Statler.
Jean Goldkette's Society Orches-
tra has been engaged. The next
meeting will be a social one, at the
home of Miss Isabelle Goldman of
Parkside avenue.

(Continued from Page One.)
Eta Rho Sorority.
The Eta Rho Sorority met at
being formulated to have the
the home of Miss Weisman. The
Junior Zionists, from the ranks of
Camp Greylock
girls are planning a public meeting
Young Judaea, act as guides for
to take place April 19. The girls
For Girls in Adirondack'
delegates during their clay here.
working on speeches and enter-
Invited by Mayor Lodge.
tainment for the installation of
W. A. Mason and MAR of counselor,
The executive committee of the
Itistruellon In games, mimic, French,
the term's new officers. Miss Es-
Zionist District of Detroit was not
and crafts, woodcraft.
ther Levine, a new member, will
For complete detail. about either
the only body to extend an invita- be initiated at the next meeting at
camp write 5. S. Fishbaine, 3314 Stu,
tion to the Zionist Organization to
levant, Detroit, or phone Arlington
the home of Miss Brodsky. All
club correspondence should be sent
I troit Convention and Tourist Bu- in care of the scribe, Betty Gold-
reau, the Detroit Board of Com-
man, 3753 Elmhurst avenue.
merce, and Mayor John C. Lodge,
REV. JACOB I SKLAR in special communications, urged
Hakoah Sports.
that the convention be held here.
Ilakoah Sports completed plans
Mayor Lodge's invitation, dated
March 30 at the
Recommended by own,
Feb. 16, read:
Detroit physicians for
Oriental Cafe in celebration of
"Indicative of the sentiment of
theirems children as
their first anniversary. The mem-
well as others.
its citizens, the City of Detroit in-
bers voted to form a class in the
vites you to hold the next conven-
1610 H.01wood Ave
instruction of dancing under the
Ph.. Empire 6428.
direction of Miss L. Hartz. The
America in Detroit.
, club's intermediate basketball
"As mayor, and expressing the
quintet is making a fight for first
earnest desire of our people, I ask
place in the Jewish Centers

you to accept our invitation.
"You will find the welcome of mediate basketball league. Plans
Detroit sincere and we hope that
Mohel Specialist
our city will be honored with your I made, with Harry Gruber as tem-
porary captain of the track and
25 Yoare Experi.col
baseball squads.
Endorsed by Leading

Endor.d by Detrolt•
ays by virtu. of metic-
ulous care and clean-


12195 Dexter at Richton

The Chi Sigma Sorority held a
special meeting Sunday at 89 Ro-
wena street to plan for the bridge-
tea to be given Wednesday eve.
ning, March 27, at Webster Hall.
The following reported: Rebecca
Hoffman, general chairman; Tillie
Tilchen, candy; Sylvia Ascher,
prizes; Yetta Hoffman, entertain-
ment; Mamie Elbinger, publicity.
A fine program has been arranged,
and the prizes are also of a dif-
ferent variety. The next mee ting
will take place Sunday at 89 Ro-
wena street. The members of the
sorority who are in Stunt Night
will meet for rehearsal at 3

The Cosmo Club.
On Saturday evening, Starch If,
the members of the Cosmo Club
and their friends will participate
in a dinner party at Northwood
Inn. The next meeting of the club
will ho held on Tuesday evening,
Starch 19, at the home of Edith
Lewis, 3813 Pasadena avenue.

Junior Hebrew Relief Club.

The Junior Hebrew Relief Club
met Starch 7. Mrs. Kane reported
that a little girl, whom the club is
helping, was given medical atten-
tion and that in the future the club
will furnish the medicine for the
girl and also supply her with fruits
and vegetables. The theater party
will be held April 10 instead of
Starch 27, at Littman's People's
Theater, with the play, "The Mis-
chief Maker." Tickets can be
purchased from any of the mem-
bers and all clubs are asked to
get in touch with Miss Minnie
Finkel, 2270 Taylor, in connection
with same.

A. Z. A. Chapter.

The morning of Sunday, March
11 found the members of Adolph
Freund Chapter No. 93 attending
the services held at Temple Beth
El. The chapter has an active
membership of 20. Young men
between the ages of 16 and 21
with the desire to join the A. Z. A.
are urged to attend Sunday meet-
ings held at the B'nai B'rith Cen-
ter. Enthusiasm is ruuing high
in regard to the proposed kitter-
ball and tennis teams. Teams are
being selected and challenges are
being issued. The social and in-
tellectual advancement commit-
tees are co-operating to present
musicals and intellectual pro-
grams. The chapter is looking
forward to the debates which will
be held by two teams which have
just been selected.


The Question Mark.

will meet Monday evening, Starch

18, in the Holbrook Synagogue. :A
fine program is planned. Refresh-
ments will be served by Mrs. Lena
Tech ner in honor of the marriage
of her son. The public is invited.
An interesting meeting of the
board of directors was held on Sat-
urday, March 2, at the home of
Mrs. Si. Smith. Mrs. Ida Solai,
who is president of the Lechem
Aniyim and also of the Detroit He-
brew ladies' Free Loan Associa-
tion for the past seven years, was
presented by the board of direc-
tors with a gold medal. The honor
of pinning the medal was bought
by Sirs. Smith for $7.25, and
finally given to Miss Sarah Solai,
youngest daughter of the presi-
dent. The pinning of the medal
brought in $20, which was given to
the Lechem Aniyim Society.

Mattathias Tent 1005, Maccabees.

Degree work and initiation will
take place Monday, March 18, ,S
p. m., at 4829 Woodward. Judge
Arthur E. Gordon will speak on
fraternity. All members of the
:Maccabees are invited. Members
of this tent are urged to conic.

Delta Sigma Chi Sorority.

Miss IL A. Rapapport (if 15832
Inverness was hostess at the last
meeting of the Delta Sigma Chi
Sorority, March 8. Plans were
completed for the initiation on
Starch 15. Instead of the regular
meeting, the pledgees, Slits Betty
Cohn, Anna Lesson and Bea Baron,
were to be taken to the Capitol
and later to the Oriental Cafe.
Tickets for the raffle are selling
rapidly. Miss Belle Schwartz was
it guest at the last meeting. Miss
B. R. Schnurowitz of 2271 Clair-
mount, will be hostess at the next
meeting, Starch 22. Address all
correspondence to Miss R. A.
Rapapport, at 15832 Inverness.

Hebrew Ladies' Aid Society.

On Sunday evening, March 31,
the Hebrew Ladies' Aid Socety
will have their masquerade Purim
ball at the Knights of Pythias
Hall, 3153 Cass. All members
and friends are requested to at-
tend. Mrs. Emanuel Klein is chair-
man of the affair.



The Les Joyeuse Filles met at
the home of Miss Mildred Chertoff,
March 8. A "white elephane sale"
was the feature of the evening.
Miss Esther Balbirer and :Miss Mil-
dred Chertoff are working on the
new song for the club. A theater
party is to be held in the near
future. Election of officers will
take place March 29. The raffle
will be held May 10. The next
meeting will be held at the home
of Miss Mary Ulnick of 1717

Troty Vech Girls.

Zedakah Club.


Les Joyeuse Filles.

Pythian Sisters.

The Greater Detroit Temple No.
152, Pythian Sisters, will give a
charity bridge party on Monday
evening, March 18, at Detroit
Pythian Castle, 3153 Cass avenue-.
Miss Kathleen Pereira is in charge
If the arrangements, assisted by
her committee. Refreshments will
be served and prizes awarded.
Tickets will be sold at the door the
evening of the affair.

An interesting meeting WAS held
Monday at Sirs. Molly Simon's
home, Instead of a regular meet-
ing next Monday, a bridge-tea will
be held at 1:30 p. m. in the ball-
room of Miss Bessie Silberstein's
home, 3311 Chicago boulevard.
Members and friends are invited to
make reservations; by calling the
general chairman, Mrs. Blanche
Greenblatt, II 1 k 0071 Th e
new club emblems have been se-
cured. Sirs. Sophia Tolmish, treas-
urer, has charge of them. To pay
their dues, members should send
checks to recording secretary, Mrs.
Ann Elias, Hemlock 3358-J, 3345
Richton. The ',Monday following
the bridge-tea, Mrs. Tillie Lepedos
of Webb avenue will be the host-
Pi Beta Epsilon.
Pi Beta Epsilon met at the home
of the president, Miss Fay Sibrnck,
626 Belmont, Starch 9. .4. raffle,
to be held in April, was the topic
of the evening. Miss Rae Cohen
will be hostess at the next meeting,
at 2636 Pasadena avenue.


Detroit Ladies' Lechem Aniyim
Detroit Ladies' Lechem Aniyim

This club was recently organized
with the following officers: Sid-
ney Hiller, president; Ruth Krause,
secretary and treasurer; Doraleen
Abrams, corresponding secetary.
The last meeting was held at the
home of Ruth Krause and an April
fool party was discussed. The or-
ganization is open to boys and
girls between the ages of 14 and
16. Those interested should call
Ruth Krause, Hemlock 52984, or
attend the open meeting at the
home of Harriette Glickman, 1324
Edison avenue, Saturday night,
March 16.

An interesting meeting of the
Troty Vech Girls took place at the
home of Miss Ceil Shapero, March
The treasurer reports that a
sum was contributed to the Ile-
brew Orphan Home. Every-day
topics were discussed. The next
meeting will take place at the I
home of Miss Bertha Yackness of
Webb avenue.


East Side Coal Co.

Whittier 9200

Tau Sigma Gamma Sorority.

The Tau Sigma Gamma Sorority
: met at the home of its president,
z, 18016 John R.
Bridge and dancing were
the diversions of the afternoon,
after which the hostess served a
light lunch. Final arrangements
have been completed for a punch-
board raffle, proceeds to be gin-en
to charity. A theater party was
held Tuesday. The next meeting
will be held at the horny of Miss
Sarah Balantzow, 2220 Hazelwood
, avenue.


Meet Your Friends at


!delta Girls.

The !delta Girls met at the home
of Miss Ross, Gladstone avenue,
last Friday. A party-play was re-
hearsed and a few (latices were
enacted for the house party for
Starch 16.

Deborian Club.
The Deborian Club gave an open
model meeting Wednesday, March
6, at the Jewish Center, Marion
Simon, president, was in charge of
the program. Ida Naggit gave a
monologue entitled "Rosita." Mar-
ian Steiner recited "The Face on
the Bar-room floor." Evelyn
Grassman gave a piano recital.
Yetta Hoffman sang a pretty bal-
lad. May Gorelik and Rose Rez-

nick did the Apache

dance. Dancing

followed and the music was fur-
nished by Bill Lankin and Micky

11524 Dexter Boulevard

At Lawrence


1431 Broadway


Delicious Toasted Sandwiches



Golfers! Polish up your game, before the season opens,
at the Boulevard Indoor Golf School. This school is the largest
in the world, covering a floor space of 49,000 square feet. Lets
of practice nets. A group of the finest professional instruc-
tors always on hand to help the champion as well as the
Call today and make your appointment.


The So-Eds met at the Center on
Fenkell and Dexter. Suggestions
were made for a dinner at the Chi-
nese Princess Cafe, and for a
dance. The members will receive
their club ribbons at the next
meeting. Miss Julia Blumenthal
was granted a leave of absence,
Gamma Rho Sorority.
going to Toledo on business. Visi-
W. W. Girls.
The Gamma Rho Sorority met at
tors are welcome to attend the
The W. NV. Girls met at the
open meetings the last Thursday of home of Mrs. Stanley Orloff, 2701 the home of Romaine Borgman of
Blaine avenue, March 12. A corn- Dexter boulevard, where the fol-
each month.
mittee consisting of the Mi8SeS lowing girls were initiated into
Yima Zonta Cara Sorority.
Belle Woontner and Bessie D. membership: Estelle Solomon,
Yima Zonta Cara Sorority met Feldstein was appointed to make Beatrice Smith and Freida Silver-
at the home of Slits Belle Cohen, arrangements for a hike on Starch stein. Plans have been completed
3038 Elmhurst, March 6. The 24. Ox-the last Tuesday of each for a hay ride to be held some time
meeting was devoted to a discus- month the W. W. Girls are plan- in April, to Milford, Mich., and
sion of the card party dansant, to ning to give a social. Miss Feld- for a formal dinner-dance on Dec-
be held at the Chinese Tea Gar- stein is to be hostess at the next oration Day at the Masonic Coun-
dens March 24. Sale of Tickets social. The next meeting is to be try Club. The next meeting will
is proceeding rapidly and the af- held at the home of Miss Florence be held at the home of Faye
fair promises to be successful. For Terris, 554 Mt. Vernon, Starch 19. Schulman, Pasadena avenue.
information or tickets call the
chairman of affairs, Sties Betty
0. Y. H. C.
Ladies' Auxiliary of Delray.
The final arrangements for a
Feldman, Empire 2635, or Slits
Sunday evening, Starch 17, the
huge benefit dance to be held at Ladies' Auxiliary of Delray will
Rose Brooks, Empire 1801-R.
the Fort Wayne Hotel, Sunday, give a masquerade Purim ball at
April 7, were made at a meeting the Little Hungarian Restaurant
Beta Rho Delta Sorority.
The sport committee reports Tuesday at the home of Miss Edna Hall, corner West Jefferson and
that a hay ride party will be held Wasserman at 9702 North Martin- West End avenues. The final
on March 30, for members and dale, by the 0. Y. H. C. Proceeds plans are being completed by the
their escorts. Arrangements have will go to the poor in the little committee, which promises a big
been made with the White Star town of Wlagzimilnez for Pass- time for all who attend. Confetti
Navigation Company to hold a over.
and favors will be distributed.
moonlight on the steamer Tash-
Prizes will be awarded for the best
Detroit Dynamic Welfare
moo. This event will take place
costumes. Mrs. Sarah Becsky is
on Aug. 2. The proceeds will go
chairman, assisted by Mrs. Mar-
The next meeting of the Detroit garet Roth. MUSIC will be supplied
to charity. Jean Herschman, Min
Fox and Sadye Levin are on the Dynamic Welfare Auxiliary
by Bob Crozet and his band.
committee. Rose Galen and Sally be held at 1:30 p. m. Wednesday,
Cutler are in charge of advertis- March 20, at the home of its presi•
L F. D. P. Girls.
ing. April 21 is the date of the dent. Mrs. Morrie Brown, 3005
The L. F. D. P. Girls' Club met
third anniversary of the sorority, West Chicago boulevard. The prin.
to be celebrated with a formal din- cipal speaker of the afternoon will at the home of Miss Ida Buchalter,
9067 Cardoni avenue. Starch A.
ner-dance at the Oriole Terrace. be S. Levine.
The girls played bridge. A lunch-
The last meeting was held on
was served by the hostess. The
Blue Bird Girls.
Starch 7 at the home of Mrs.
hostess next meeting will take place at the
Miss A. Kurtzman was
Charles Auerbuck, an honorary
at the last meeting. The club is home of Stint Bertha Blondy.
planning a bridge for Friday. April
Nite-Hawk Club.
5, at Thornton's Coffee Shop. The
Philomathic Debating Club.
The Philomathic Debating Club girls are also planning a Purim The Nite-llawk Club abandoned
met last Sunday in the clubroom party at the home of Sirs. Oscar the idea of holding meetings on
of the main library, A'ood•nrd and Held on Northlawn avenue. Sirs. alternate Wednesday's. due to the
Kirby avenues. The program for Jack Commur will be hostess at amount of club business. The
the evening was a declamation the next meeting at her home, forthcoming dance is planned for
contest. Those participating were 3404 Edison avenue. the current season. President Jo-
seph St. Marston has appointed the
Morris Berris, Oscar Colton, Da-
following committees: Chester R.
Eta Rho Sorority.
vid Sabin, Lawrence Rubenstein
and Charles Starter. hall;
and Seymour I. Caplan. Lawrence
Rubenstein was judged the best home of Miss Esther Weisman. Frank J. Lutz and Samuel Cure-
speaker. Sir. Rosenstein, an alum- 3005 Elmhurst avenue. A week witch, printing and orchestra.
nus, gave the critics' report. Prof. ago Sunday the members enter-
L'Allegro Girls.
Preston II. Scott of the Detroit tained the pledgees with an after-
City College addressed the organ- theater luncheon held at the Bo- The L'Allegro Girls met at the
ization. The program for March hemian Cave, proclaiming Bea home of Slier Selma Prag. All ar-
17 will be a debate on "Resolved, Cohen and Sally Brodsky regular rangements were made for the for-
that the judges of Michigan be ap- members. The newest pledgee is mal dinner-dance to be held at
pointed for life by the Michigan Miss Esther Levine. All club Northwood Inn on Sunday,
Bar Association." The affirmative correspondence should be sent in March 17. A bridge to be given
will he upheld by Sydney Smith care of the scribe, Betty Goldman, the early part of May is planned.
and Harold Goodman, the negative 3753 Elmhurst avenue. The next meeting will be held at I
the home of Miss Dorothy Talberg, i
by Max Chomsky and Albert
I Checker Cabs. Empire 70002522 Gladstone avenue.



Phi Kappa Epsilon Fraternity.

Bicur Cholem Society.

to Make

We Invite You to

On Sunday evening, March 10,
the Phi Kappa Epsilon Fraternity
had the honor of being the guests
of the Y. A. Ii. A. at a supper
prepared by Miss Michelson. An
' excellent program furnished by
the "Y" featured the night. At
the supper the fraternity took the
opportunity to install the new offi-
eers, and short talks were given
I by new and retiring officers. Miss
I Feldman delivered an interesting
talk concerning a new "V" build-
' mg.

The last meeting of the Bicur
Cholem Society was held Thurs-
day, March 7, at the home of Miss
Betty Drapkin, 3052 Carter ave-
nue. A number of new members
were accepted. Plans are being
made for a Bicur Cholem night at
the Detroit Civic Theater. New
members are being accepted. Those
wishing to join should write Miss
Drapkin. Watch this space for
future events.

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