America 'mesh Prrio&al eater CLIFTON AYINUI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE THREE rinfieriurfEwisitinzoat YIDDISH THEATER HONORS AURBAC H performance indicates a cap acit y house. The esteem in which Mr. Aurbach is held by the followers BLUMENTHAL TOUR irm* firth El Notes OF MICHIGAN, OHIO . I WOMEN'S LEAGUE CHANUKAH PARTY J. Margolis Opens Law Office in Pittsburgh e An audience of 500 people al- manifested in their ready response Friends of Jacob Margolis, , tended the Chanukah celebration to pay him tribute. It is the con-. former editor of The Detroit Sunday Services: -- Tuesday evening at the Byron- census of opinion that Mr. Aur- Jewish Chronicle, will be inter- On Sunday, Dec. 16, the pulpit ested to learn that he has opened Testimonial Performance is bach has done more to popularize Regional Director of United the Yiddish theater in Detroit will be occupied by Rabbi Leon offices for the general practice Palestine Appeal Organ- Most Unique Ti. Shop in Detroit Planned for Monday, than any one individual. Idealis- Frain, who will speak on the sub- of law at SO4 Law and Finance izes Cities for Drives. tic and conscientious, his art has January 7. ject, "The Outlawry of War-A building, Pittsburgh, Pa. William R. Blumenthal, regional inspired him to give his audiences Delusion." Services begin at 10:45 a Near Monroe As a fitting tribute to his skill the best within him. This same director of the United l'alestine Appeal for Michigan and Ohio, ' and art, both as director and lead- feeling has been transferred to his Try Our that Plate ing man of the Yiddish Players, associates to the end that the pub- has, during the past two weeks, Sabbath Services: Lunch Samuel Aurhach will be honored lie is always assured of time well visited in Jackson and Lansing. Rabbi Adolph II. Fink of the Mich., and Cleveland, Youngstown, with a testimonial performance on spent at the Yiddish theater." Hours 11 a. m. to I a. m. Canton, Toledo, Elyria and Lo- Ilitlen Foundation at the Univer- Monday evening. Jan. 7, at Litt- rain, Ohio. He addressed meet- city of Michigan will occupy tho 11.1. Your Tea Leaves Land Contracts Bought man's People's Theater, Twelfth aturdu 3% The fifth anniversary celebra- Read by the Famous logs in these communities and or- Pu In DONAT ES5 0 , FOR at Seward. tion and annual Chanukah dinner Complete Financial ganized committees for drives for bath services begin at 10:30 and Mr. Aurhach, whose popularity H. U. C. BUILDING FUND are held in the main auditorium of of the Congregation Emanuel was Palestine. Service on has increased with each succeed- Late of the DEN OF FORTY held at the synagogue, corner Tay- In Jackson, Mr. Blumenthal ar- the Temple. Personal Property In celebration of his eightieth ing performance of this now fa- THIEVES lor and Wilson avenues, on Sun- ranged for a campaign meeting mous company, is one of the most birthday, Isaac M. Bernheim of day evening, Dec. 9, about :too Appointniente-Ph. Cherry 6721 Automobile Accounts for Wednesday Dec. 19. Morris Grand Rapids Rabbi to Occupy loved and capable actors to ever Louisville and Cincinnati, has .. u pit: people being present. Furniture Accounts grace the Yiddish stage in Detroit completed the $250,000 building Herman is chairman and Louis Chanukah candles were blessed Rabbi Philip F. Waterman, the Radio Accounts Mischa Ellman, business man- fund for a new Hebrew Union Glick In vice-chairman. by Cantor Mittman, which was fol- Electrical Appliances Lansing, Mr. Blumenthal sue- rabbi of Congregation Emanuel, tiger of the company, states: The College library in Cincinnati by .ceded in eliciting the aid of Jacob Grand Rapids, who is well known :owed by presentation of the Amer Store Fixtures and advance sale of tickets for this giving the sum of $25,000. icon and Zion flags by Maxine to the members of Temple Beth Factory Equipment Simon. Karbel and Esther Fisher. Rabbi Youngstown workers were slim- El, will occupy the pulpit of Tem- Garage Equipment Ashinsky gave an interesting talk. ulated by him to make a drive for pie Beth El on Sunday, Dec. 23. Bring your fiaamtal DE GRAFF FURNACE CO. A candle drill, in which eight the collection of outstanding and will speak on the subject "A problems to us. little girls representing, the Chanu- Authorised Garland and Sunbeam Dealers I pledges. Striving After Wind." kah candles took part, was pre-, ;rateSnY .C In Canton he arranged for a "71•1,G74:1 1 ; luP:nt: sented, under the supervision of the dinner-meeting to be addressed by Young People's Temple Club: Furam.. teachers of the Bible classes and /too it nos Made In old or New Homes , Rabbi Solomcn Goldman of Cleve- The young people of the Tem- Stores of the birthday cake was the center Fectorim, Remodeling and MRS. S. KALT land on Jan. 10. pie are particularly happy that so ABRAHAM COOPER, President pairing. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Last Sunday evening Mr. Blum- large a roportion of the member- Philadelphia hall given by the of a Mogen Dovid formed by a Amocleded Companim Caelt or Time Payments. group of little girls in blue and enthal addressed the annual Cha- ship of the congregation came to Northwestern Women's League of Total Paid-In Capital and Surplus We do excavating under old houses hr white costumes. nukah dinner of Hadassah and see their musical lay. Satisfied as $1,000,000 basement.. After the lighting of the birth- Zionist District of Toledo. they are with the considerably. the United Schools. Prof. E. Hebrew Zaluilkowsky blessed the Ground Floor, 320 W. Fort 3535 Beaconsfield A.)-The DANZIG.-(J. T. Len. ISIS day candles by Mr. Jacob Warren, A U. P. A. campaign will open financial return, which will go Chanukah candles. Miss Esther chair of vice-president of the Sen- first president, since the erection ate in the free city of Danzig may in Lorain on Jan. 7. Isadore Ja- into their community and Temple Ashinsky delivered a special Pray- of the synagogue, Mr. M. Kaufman, soon be occupied by a Jewish labor coby is Lorain's chairman. service fund, they are especially Cr. Cantor A. Bolivian accom- president, Rabbi Ashinsky, Mrs. gratified at the evidence that the anied on the piano by Prof. E. leader, Dr. Kamnizer, if the pres- whole congregation means to en- raluilkovsky, rendered two vocal Herman Fisher and Mrs. Eli ent coalition list in the Senate "STRANGE INTERLUDE" 3achse, past and present presidents AT WILSON THEATER courage them in their work. They solos. Miss Betty Milkovsky, ac- •of the Sisterhood spoke, and the election will be carried. are soon to announce a program of companied by Miss Miriam Gold• If the coalition is successful, latter presented a check for $500 social affairs, discussion groups, berg, gave a selection of Jewish Dr. Kamnizer will be the de facto O'Neil's Moat Successful Play an d social service for the rest of folk songs. Pupils of the United to Mr, Kaufman, for the congrega- parliamentary government chief Lasts from 5:30 to 11 p. m. tion, on behalf of the Sisterhood. the season. Hebrew schools directed by Miss responsible to the Volkstag. An Mrs. Eii Levin was chairman and Tiktin and Miss J. Lippit, pre- intense opposition on the part of The much-heralded play, Mrs. Isadore Karbel vice-chairman, Sisterhood Extends Its Religious H. Not merely a ',amongst vented a Hebrew playlet. Mr. Leo the Nationalists is expected during "Strange Interlude," will open at assisted by the following commit- -A guest always School Work: Schonbraun, accompanied by Miss the camp aign. the new Wilson Theater on Mon- tee: Mrs. Herman Fisher, Mrs. Jos. The Sisterhood of Temple Beth Evelyn Collier gave violin solos. ' L. Ruby, Mrs. Edith Rosenzweig, Simultaneous with this an- day, Dec. 31. nouncement came the statement This Theater Guild production of El has opened another branch re-' Mrs. M. Weksler, president and the Goldberg, Mrs. Anna Erusall, Mrs. of Julius Ilevelevsky, member of Eugene O'Neil's most important ligious school. This time it is in league addressed the audience on Mrs. Mendel Rosenzweig, Mrs. I,. the Senate, that he intends to re- and successful play must begin its the Wayne County Training School, the significance of Chanukah. Men- A . B. 51 Ashinsky, Mrs. May Jact111- sign from his post because of con- performances at 5:30, and there at Northville. Miss Betty Zino of dames F. Richmond, S. Kelt, L. son, Mrs. Ralph l'aul. Reserva- FOUR COACHES tinuous anti-Semitic agitation are to be no matinee perform- the Detroit public schools holds a! Weingarten were chairmen of the tions were in charge of Mrs. Max TRIPS EQUIPPED war assisted by Ales- religious school session with the ' affair. They were against him. ances. Schubiner and costumes for the DAILY with I The first five acts are played be- 18 Jewish children of the institu- dames N. M' auldren, M. Cohen , . children in program were made by Heists. 11:30 A. M. . Shevach, I. Margolis, Ch. Brody, tion every Saturday morning. Radio tween 5:30 p. m. and 7:45 p. m. 11:69 A. M. 11. Shugarman. Mrs. Silver.. Toilets !M. Hayman, A. Markson, I. 8:30 P.M. CEASE CLINICAL WORK From 7:45 to 9 p. m. is the dinner Card Tables Pal- 11:30 P.M. ' stein, S. Widre, L. Schlein, E. Pal- FOR LACK OF CORPSES hour intermission, and from 9 Inform the Rabbi: Drinking Rabbi Fram is very desirous of lock, B. Schwartz, E. Kopel, S. 9 GRATIOT 39 MONROE 27 CAMPUS G. & B. Decorative Shop. $6.00 o'clock until shortly after 11 Water Seat. being informed wherever there is Munch, E. Smilo, A. Mogulevsky, Nest to Hudsox's Corner Farmer Reserved Next to Shubert Careful, LEMBERG.-(J. T. A.)-Jew- o'clock the remaining four acts Round Upon illness in the congregational house-' M. Finkel, I. Lippit, D. WaldnianI Courteous ish students in the medical college are shown. The G. & B. Decorative Shop, Trip Request 107 MICHIGAN 101 CADILLAC SQ. 1595 WOODWARD Drivers Mr. O'Neil hinikielf refers to holds. Insofar as his doubly occu-and M. Busker. Latices and re-! 12226 Dexter boulevard, .t Cort- of the University of Lemberg will Opposite Ringers Comm Barium Hotel Corner Clifford Isle new 10.KYICE offers eve y convenience were served. land, is an old established, reliable have to cease work in the clinic this play as two plays compressed pied time will permit this year, he freshments or the COSIPORT of our alto.. The The next meeting will take place should like to visit the sick. He beneath one title. Sonny South Lines enschee re ' I • 403 MICHIGAN GRAND RIVER W. 400 WOODWARD for the lack of Jewish corpses. firm in a new location. It carries will appreciate it if you help to Tuesday evening, Dec. 18, at the ooht the most modern and wifely son. In actual playing time, "Strange New Bldg., Cor. Case Corner Griswold The dean of the medical school Corner Jefferson Darted coaches In the world Imlay. hood- new Talmud Torah, Tuxedo and a complete line of wallpaper, paints, ed, Imam& Licensed and Me dl/y Enilt fur informed the Jewish students that Interlude" is more than twice as keep him informed. Holmur. Nomination of officers' etc. It contracts for painting and one sa rely and protection. Our motto le long as the usual play. The in- LANSING STORE PONTIAC STORE decorating of high class style and unless they secure 12 Jewish corp- nrre stmite. olth ESHER All members are es: will take place. . s h h tu i i • S di 237 3. Washington Car. Saginaw and Pike WARES E K1 11 11 E ses they will not be permitted to termissions are short. The set- Beth El Col e . of Jew reasona bl e urgently requested d to at en. You are cordially invited to visit! continue their work in the clinic. sings are so devised that they may CINCINNATI- The last board meeting was held be shifted quickly so that the the class in Jewish ceremonials of Studies, at the home of Mrs. I. Smilos, 2102! Don't let our tongue say what Fare $5.00 One Way, or $9.50 ge J f Jewish thread of the story suffers no dan• Beth El College I your head my ay pay for. I Clements. gar of being dropped. Another Monday, Dec. 17, 9 to 10 p. Round Trip. Chanukah Greetings reason is that the play's tension The theme of the class session will pm. Fell Inlermation WM. or Call must suffer no long break. The be Sabbath ceremonials and their , The Only Direct Route lengthy intermission is so placed meaning for modern people. that it comes between the two Please secure a visitor's card in main parts of the play. the college office on the second 8:15 a. m.-$15.00---8:30 p. m. floor. STABLE 1015 LIBRARY 60c EMANUEL DINNER A HUGE SUCCESS Mortgages Madam Benita Travel the Motorcoach Way UNION INVESTMENT CO. CENTURY INYESTMENTCO. NOMINATES DANZIG JEW FOR SENATE VICE-PRESIDENT The Season's Warmest Greetings To CHI UNITED SHIRT 35 0 DISTRIBUTORS New York City BUFFALO Tyler-Craig "Macbeth" Announced for Jan. 14 Two Trip., $6.25, Daily e new For Young People: Have you any time to give to Dr. John George C. Tyler, interpid entre- community service? Thru Service. No Change. $5.50 Hamilton preneur, was in town Tuesday in- Slawson of the Jewish Welfare $6.25 Niagara Falls specting local auditoriums, with Federation suggests a highly con- $6.75 Toronto, Ont. the result that he fixed on the large structive piece of service for you 8:15 A. M.-8:30 P. M to do. It is to lead and advise a 1 50 Whippet theater of the Masonic Temple and DEPOT 219 BAGLEY AVE. Randolph 3600 STATLER HOTEL WASHING. the week of Jan. 14 as the place group or groups of adolescent boys TON BLVD. ENTRANCE and time for showing Detroit the and girls. But you cannot do this Niagara Lines, Glendale 4678 production of Shakespeare's "Mac- Vrithout some preparation. Samuel Levine, director of the Statler Detroit to Statler Buffalo beth," for which he had Gordon Every Passenger Insured on • NI•SUN BUS LINES PAYS it AIL.. Aim in bus fares to CHICAGO Yes. you can ride via bus I. Yee. Chicago for 33.50, but you can't got the same features of comfmt and salty that Pony Ea Ives for $4.00. For only 500 extra you dell $ 3.00 6.50 10.00 22.00 15.00 22.00 23.00 34.00 48.00 3.50 9 A. M.-DAILY-8 P. M. STATIONS BRUNSWICK HOTEL Grand River and Cass Information, Clifford 3386 All Steel Coaches Card Tables 2 Drivers Heaters Porter Washrooms Drinking Water Reserved Parlor Chairs Limited-Stop Service 4 COACHES DAILY 11 .30 A. X -12.01 Noon-8 80. 11 ' 3a P. Si. STATIONS 13•1enttment 1901 Grand Rime .1 Coss U ► timoni Hotel Fort Wayne. Can at Temple Ave. PHONES GOOD. 4114 menet:Its 2240 Chicago St. Louis Kansas City Denver Tulsa Dallas Fort W orth Salt Lake City Los Angeles Cleveland . Continental Stages BONDED-INSURED $3.00 CHICAGO $3.00 NEW TERMINAL 6 West Vernor at Woodward Own Busses Everywhere Phone for Reservation Cherry 5252 Jewish Centers Association, is con- Craig do the settings. By using the large auditorium ducting a class in club leadership with its 4,500 seats, he will be able at Beth El College of Jewish to keep his prices within the reach Studies every Monday night, 8 to of those whose interest in Over 9 o'clock. As a member of the things usually prevents their be- class you will be given an early ing able to pay high prices for thea- opportunity to begin doing this necessary piece of social service ter tickets. Mr. Tyler, who has had a great under the instructor's able guid- string of all-star revivals to his once and direction. To enroll roo E credit these last few years, admits ll inetthecl College alit- Beth frankly that "Macbeth" is the most the office of ambitious ambitious thing he has ever under- tie before 8 o'clock next Monday taken-and the most successful. night. Quite aside from the William Far- num-Florence Reed cast, the offer- School of Religion: Chanukah parties are being held ing has been notable for the first American showing of the Gordon by various classes of the school. Craig stage effects. The alumni class is planning a! social affair for the very near fu-. The first High School dance "The Crest Shop," Shoe ture. was a very successful affair and Store, Opens at Wood- the Social Affairs Committee is ward and Boulevard. planning other events for the near future. Are your children subscribers to Congratulations are being ex- tended to Benjamin Klayman and the Bethelite? In order to get the Harry Dermer on the opening of full value of our school spirit your their new ladies' shoe store, children should be subscribers to "The Crest Shop," at Wood- the school paper. The subscrip- ward avenue and West Grand' tion is 50 cents for the eight issues boulevard. The store is one of of the school year. Do you know that there is a na- a chain of nine that will be built Messrs Klayman and Dormer re..! tional Jewish children's magazine cently took over the shoe depart- full of stories and pictures which rnent of the May's Millinery Co., your child will delight in and at 1043 Woodward avenue. which will mean much to your child's Jewish education. Young Israel is the magazine, and Rabbi Fram frequently contributes stor- The Only Dairy Where Butter ies to its pages. Have your child I. Churned Daily bring $1 to the teacher, the school office will make out the subscrip- ..56e per lb. Fresh Butter.. tion, and the magazine will come 58c pm doz. Fresh Eggs to your home every month. (Received daily) Best Cottage Cheese .12c per lb. We Deliver Your Orders Wednesdays and Saturdays SASS DAIRY Co. 9150 Twelfth Street Bet. Atkinson and Clairmount this winter S UNNY land of t../ fruit and flowers, where living is a joy the whole year 'round. Varietyand beauty! Mile.highmountains -smooth beaches- orange groves, pepper trees and palms. World cities-quiet retreats. Every sport -every day. day.-.Bexpense. On flu California Mid-Wiwi Fronted Ton ery-ledunenieveme,OnmedCownwi.Phamie,Califerniaaml Ymeneas. Pt Poulin Rive. Comma. Rmal Gorge. Colensde 5teringe Row+ m Chicago Sateirderm. January 3.19. Febnam 2.16, mod Deform. Magid2.16, 1929. Ask r dead.. F Hendry. Oen Agent. Pit n's re EY. Detroit, Mich. Phone: B•ndolph 1141 III Tramportatien al Empire 5402 FREE BRAKE TEST On Our New Testing Machine Brake Relining and Ad- justing. Hi-Pressure Alemiting. NORTHWEST Super Service Inc. SHELL GAS AND OIL 8601 Linwood, Cor. Pingre• Garfield 10483 MANY ACTIVITIES OF ZEDAKAH CLUB The last regular meeting of the club was held Monday at Mrs. Ann F.lias' home, with President Ann Zamsky presiding. The bridge- luncheon was held at the Book- Cadillac on Wednesday, Dec. 12, and the committee in charge con- • sisted of Mesdames Blanche Green. blatt, Ann Paul, Lillian Newmann Marie Goulding, Matilda Ilittel- man, Elsie Ruben, Ethel Fisher,' Ben Laulsberg• Mesdames Ann Paul, Sarah Karbel, Sadie Simon and Ann Zamsky were on the committe to get the Chanukat! gilts for the inmates of the orphan, home. Bedroom slippers were the gifts for the children. Mrs. Sarah Kohn, 26 West Da- kids, has charge of all ready lay- ettes. Those in need of them should call Longfellow 1157 and it will be delivered. Mesdames Ann Arta, Minnie Canvaser, Ilattie Schwartz and Tillie Lepedos, are on the investi- gation committee. The Zedakah club gives a hearty welcome to four new members, Mes- dames Sebena Norman, Rose Gold, Fannie Moss and Rebecca King. The next meeting will be at Mrs. Minnie Canvaser's home, 3011 Webb, Monday evening. The club thanks Mrs. Fay Chat- lin for the beautiful gift which was raffled and brought in • sum of money at the luncheon. Checker Cabs. Empire 7000.' Superior with the NEW "FINGER TIP CONTROL" O S "PI 7 b #C L Greater Ileaut.Larger Bodies in complete line of Fours and Sixes With longer bodies, higher radiator 5 costa. Order now for early delivery. ■ and hood, sweeping full crown fenders, new artistry of finish and perfection of detail, the Superior Whippet dell- nitely seta an ultra-modern sty le trend for Fours and light Sims. Mechanically as well as artistically, the new Superior Whippet is so far ahead that it surpasses' even its own pmlecessor. A higher compremion engine gives more than 20`/0 added horsepower, resulting In far greeter spent. Higher second gear speed gives faster pick-up. low consumption of gee and oil, and dependable per- formance, result lo marked °per. sting economy and minimum service , WHIPPET SIX COACH 'URN 1 WHIPPET FUR 1 4 4 , 1, tn011 60 'WI 5151 cOACH Ce•p• Campo 55134 Re- d.. 55931 Road- atm 51634 Touring 114754 I omm•r- els! Chasahr 5365. aB W1LLYS-OVERLAND, LNC. 16138 Coups 1.11 h non. ..•t I 117251 %.d•• 1:60,9po0 1.14,0 Roadster ,Includien rumble mat sad The moat notable advance In driving convenience i. Willy.-Overland pr •. f.o.b. Toledo.Ohy and specifications..Fleet to change witbou notice. TOLEDO, 01110 since the self-starter A mingle button conienlently located la the center of the .terelne wheel, 0..- 4014 .11 funrtionsof ttttt log the motor. •permios the liehm and sounding M. YOURS WILLYS-OVERLAND, Inc. Detroit Branch 2965 Wodward let Charlotte) Phone Randolph 3520 F. ADAMS MOTOR CAR CO. Walnut St. and B,ddl. Wyandotte. Phone 1092 AMICK MOTOR SALES, Inc. 103311 Mack Aire. Phone Lenox 6001 DATE W. COMPTON CO. 4130 Cm Ave. (at Willis) Phone Glead•le 8960 WILLYS.OVERLAND, Inc. Detroit Branch 17740 E. Jeffemon A••. Phone Hoax 3063 WARREN SERVICE GARAGE Warms. rhea. 11-1F.2 STANLEY RYNIEWICZ 12115 Jim. Campau horn. TM. doe. •way with .11 trouble- hippe ...e foot fumbling for the martins bate tsixEs ton, .red obviate. • climes from the osinfeet•bledthing poeltion tormeh Lb* light switch ea lb. cia. ► . ARTHUR T. STONE & CO. STANLEY RYNIEWICZ DANIEL MERCURE 505 N. Woodward Birmingham. Phone 1340 Ave. 12190 C Phone Artiness 4276 South Rockwood Phone Trenton 70064-6 WILLYS.OVERLAND, Inc. KILLIAN SALES & SERVICE ELLIOTT MOTOR SALES 8445 Eimmorth Blvd. Phone Euclid 6166 1933 SprIngwolls Coder 6372 CLAY SALES & SERVICE DON CHAPMAN DOLENGA AUTO COMPANY 13225 Mack Ave. Phone Hickory 10232 2816 E. Cmfield Phone Wk.. 4886 WEST MOTOR SALES LOSEY•MACKAY SALES & SERVICE Detroit Br•nch 9321 Grand River Am. Phone Euclid 8353 1375 Michigan Ave. I.t Eighth/ Phone Cadillm 6760 Y. & M. MOTOR SALES Royal Oak. Royal oak 9837 4366 Warren Ave., W. Walnut 3502 GOULAIT MOTORC, Inc. ECKER SALES & SERVICE 17339 Redford A.. Ph.. Redford 287 HENRY W. BELISLE 13.16 Debate St.. River Rouge Phone Ceder 3022 McLAREN a, ATKINSON SALES 737 So. Maio St, Plymouth Phone Plymouth 109 State mil Ferris. 'Limed. Park Phone Atlantic 0540 HAVEL MOTOR SALES Utica. Phone 04 DON CHAPMAN 4445 Woodward (Convention Hall 1144.) Phone Glendale 10006 14245 Plymouth Rood rho.. Hotarth 2370 HAAR-CUTLER MOTOR SALES, Inc. 16330 Woodward Arl. 6130 AT*. AMICK MOTOR SALES, lac Vs. Dyke Am. (at Davide.) Phan. Whittier sns