ffewish periodical eater All Jewish News All Jewish Views WITHOUT BIAS curnsa •INOS - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO ItEbETROIT LWISR HRONICLE THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN TRAVELERS DIFFER ON PRESENT JEWISH RUMANIAN .STATUS, Ccngress of Sabbath Observers in Europe wil Desecrate TENDENCY OF RUSS WARBURG STATES Vandals Sixty Cemeteries JEWRY IS TOWARD ZION UNDER AGENCY "" PRODUCTIVE LABOR CONCERNS ALL JEWS ."' 1-0-4-0 Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cent DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1928 VOL. XXV. NO. 8 TELEPHONE CADILLAC Cornerstone Laid For O rphan Home _ - (Ludendorff Fears B'nai B'rith Want to Kill Him BERLIN. — (J. T. A.) — Members of the Independent APPEAL TO GORKY AGAINST RUSSIAN BAN ON HEBREW W A RSAW.-1.1. T. A.1—A Itabbi Abba Mlle! Silver Order Wind Irrith in Germany woi hi congress of Sabbath ob- haze evil designs against the l'ays Tribute to Work of be held in s,•rrers life of the former German war Europe. a i It'rith. lord and present leader of the lautern. The initiative for convoking anti-Semitic forces, General Teachers Complain Suppres. Gr e at Num- the conference was taken by a - gures ow Figures Show e , CLEVELAND. — Stating that von Ludendorff. This is in all — r.ki ■ PERLIN. — 1.1. sion Continues With- Berlin Jewish pro-Sabbath com- Surprised That There Are In d us- Christian Clergyman Contra- hers Are Entering the new buildings for the Cleve- seriousness told in an inciting Criticisms Before Regu- more cases of cemetery & seers - mittee and it is planned to p land Jewish O rp h an Home oened out Authority. dicts Jewish Repre- article published by the Deut- dustrial Field. a total Germany, making create a world wide alliance of hies hi lations Are Made. another brilliant chapter in the sche Wochenschau, the organ of - - - - sentative. of SO during the past two years, strict Sabbath observers and to philanthropic achievements of the General von Ludendorff. REPUBLIC HAD Pit SOVIET in the last WRITER SAYS FARMING seek ways and means of reviv- Wiwi B'rith NON-ZIONISTS ARE NOT o ere registered The paper asserts that at a 2,600,945 JEWS IN 1926 Independent Order history in this days. ing the old Sabbath tradition in INSISTS OUTBREAKS OF during its 87.-year WILL END PREJUDICE etinference held in Marienbad of OBLIGATED THIS YEAR old Jewish cemetery at Beth_ The Jewish life. CONTINUES country, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver the Writh lodges as well JEW-HATERS alle, Cologne, WAS entered by can- Eiht Per Cent o f P opuI a t i on of this city paid high tribute to the At a meeting of Sabbath ob- as the Freemasons in Germany, g Are Urged to Help, but Zion- dals who overthrew tombstones and Moscow Authorities Aroused servers called on the initiative order in his address as the prin- and Five Per Cent of the decision to "kill Ludendorff" Excesses Are Things of the of H. Farbstein, president of trampled graves:: ists Will Have to Con- ... Over Case of Anti-Jew- f cilia! speaker at the ceremonies was taken. Workers Are Jews. The Jewish cemetery at Hoven- Past, Cretziano De- the Warsaw: Kehillah council, it held in connection with the laying tinue with Campaign. • near Goettingen was also ish Terror. den was decided that a Polish-Jew- clares at Dinner. fur the new of the cornerstone The same economic conditions by unknown vandals. ish delegation participate in the NEW YORK.—(J. T. AL—The desecrated Jewish cemetery woo that caused the natural movement buildings anti the celebration of Another congress. MOSCOW.—(J. T. A.) —Al .1 upbuilding of Palestine, now that desecrated in K a i a e rslautern. of the Jews of Russia toward the the sixtieth anniversary of the NEW YORK.—(J. T. A.1—Two though no official decree has been the formation of the Jewish Thirty tombstones were destro3.ed. soil are driving thousands of them founding of the home by the B'nai travelers, arriving from Europe, issued by the Soviet Government B'rith of Districts Nos. 2 and 6 in Agency is entering ' into its final one a distinguished Christian into industry and labor in shops making the instruction and use o 1868. phase, must and should heconte the clergyman and the other an officer BUDAPEST,—(.1. T. AL—Fire and factories. The extent of this July, the Hebrew language a punish- Praising highly the program of concern of all Jews, irrespective of destroyed the a d in i n i strative movement of the Jew to industry of the Rumanian Jewish organiza- - able crime, the Ilebrew langu sar group affiliation or shades of opin- buildings of the old Jewish cone- is disclosed in the information col- the home, which has cared for lion in the United States, were di- is prohibited in Soviet Ru a. ion Felix M. Warburg, chairman tery in Budapest on Kerepes street. lecteti by the statistical committee more than 4,000 from 16 states, vided in their opinions on the pres- This prohibition is being enforced, "in this splendid of the Joint Di stribution Commit- The fire started from a lighted cite- of the Russian Ort and which has Rabbi Silver Said ent-day conditions of the Jews in English and American Com- institution, the lives of the chil- oner of Commissi can tee and Ameri Rumania. arette thrown into the building. just been received by David A. dren have been moulded, their mittees Reach Impor- the Jewish Agency, declared in an The Rev. Dr. Charles S. Macfan- Brown national chairman of the Soviet Will Permit interview with a representative of land, general secretary of the Fed- 10SCOW.---1,1, T. A.)—Vasil United Jewish Campaign. The ex- character formed and their feet tant Understanding. He Teaching of Hebrew eral Council of Churches of Christ Agrojoint Will Not Partici.- the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Tatirdz, chairman of the District pense of gathering and compiling fashioned in the ways of life." delved into the ancient conceptions turned sev- who re , air. Warburg in America, and Mr. Leon Fischer, Communist Executive Commit**. this statistical matter was in part pate in Plan, it is An - and philanthropy LONDON.—(J. T. A.)—Ameri- MOSCOW.—(.1. T. A.)—The oral days ago from an extended at liesaenkowitsch, was sentenced defrayed by the Agro-Joint in of vice-president of the United Ru- Jewish stressed the fact that the greatest can and British Jews are to co- Soviet Government has no ob- nounced, trip to Europe, said that during manian Jews of America, held con- imprisonment his stay abroad he concerned him- to o f 1 92e treasures were held for those who operate in matters pertaining to jection to the establishment in Crary views about the conditions in According to the Vi te bsk court. . cared for the helpless orphan. the protection of Jewish rights in Soviet Russia of schools for the self with four of the problems Rumania. Th e Communist leader was the Jewish population of U. S. S. MOSCOW.--(J. T. A.1—The 1,000 Attend Ceremony. Europe and elsewhere whenever instruction of the Hebrew lan- interest o f found guilty of having ordered his R. was 2,600,945.. Of this total to Dr. Macfarland, difficulties in making Bureya a which have the close interes Fred Lazarus, Jr., of Columbus, their rights are endangered or 'fr- guage, if the Russian Jews so an y Jewish groups in the United subordinates to cut down trees in the Ukraine had :1,574,391 Jews, "the most difficul situation appears place for settling Jews on the land nom !, it was announced at the desire. ates and Europe. still to be in Rumania," while Mr. are greater than was expected, ac- the Jewish cemetery to rebuild the Central Russia 566,925, White Ohio, and the president of the home, set the stone with a silver monthly meeting of the Board of Hebrew Uniity vers Progress. , communist community house which Russia 407,059, and the balance The assurance was given by Fischer asserted that since the last cording to an exhaustive report trowel presented to him by the J ew i s h Depu ties, held here last the Soviet Commissar of Educa- ions that a he dealt with had burned down. c The questions anti-Jewish riots in Oradea-M are - submitted to the praesidium of the were divided among the other re- w Hebrew Univer tion Lunacharaky, to Dr, Solo- of the th H e th a o in December, R anian goy Ozet Society for Settling Jews on were that r the Rumanian publics. Of the total of 2,800,945 Jewish Orphan Home Alumni As- Sunday. d ua t es i s ity, which wan taken up at the concerning the un- mon Zeitlin, Professor at Drop- ernment has changed its attitude the Land In report there were 2,143,914 living in sociations, compr s i ng gra Land. The report is the re- Lucien Wolf, sic College, Philadelphia, who IN and the Jewish population is treat- sult of an investigation conducted. meeting of the Board of Governors CLOVER HILL PARK reached, L towns and cities and 457,031 in of the home, who have raised in villages. This does not necessarily excess of $150,000 to date, and derstanding r during the past two months by a held in London, the drafting of the the J oint Foreign on a visit here. Dr. Zeitlin, ROUTE IS CHANGED ed with fairness. secretary o r the Committee of the Board of who came here to carry on re- mean that the entire rural Jewish who are Presenting the new mit re. Their Differing Statements. special 0/et delegation and by the report of the Jewish Agency COM• ish Communist leader Merez- mission, the situation of the Jew- Temporary Directions Announced population was engaged in agricul• lion building to be known as Jewish Deputies and of the Anglo- search work in the Romanov "From conversations which I Je w Jewish Association, stated that archives, was received by Lu- Hall. Pending Road Paving. tural pursuits; nevertheless in the Alumni had with the leaders of the liberal hi s. "The • complieations are 'worse sin in connection with the forth- More than 1,000 attended the during Louis Marshall's stay in nacharsky. During the inter- census of 1926 one-fifth of the government and the other political beecn. ceremony, the guests including London recently the president of view the question of the perse- coming development on the basis The board of Clover Hill Park „ A u .s ralha in dhaa bli r te aandty R ussian u Jerw c parties. I am convinced that in than Prof. Bruck's expedition re- several hundred graduates of the the Joint Foreign gn Committee die- cution of the Hebrew language these circles an attitude of peace ported. We found most of the of the new agreement with the Cemejery announces that owing to in Russia was discussed. efi to that census the Jews home and representatives on the and brotherhood predominates, land required amelioration. Most Soviet government, and the neces- the fact that the Fourteen-Mile cording formed 1.8 per cent of the entire board from the middle western , cussed with Mr. Marshall definite "The government has no ob- co-operation for th e closer and the Rumanian Jews are col- of the area is mountainous, mak- stty and extent of continuing the road, which leads to the cemetery, 2 and 6. Elena jection to the Hebrew language, committee and the between his traf- population of the Union, although, states of Districts Nos. is being paved anti is closed to laborating in a patriotic way and ing farming and road construction J. D. C. relief work in other Euro- On the contrary, I myself appre- Orphan Home Glee Club, com- American Jewish Committee. The' with faith and patience to help ce- difficult. The arable and dry land pean countries after the present fic, persons desiring to visit the so far as language was concerned, t The s posed of children now in the in-' result of these conversations is an ciate the value of Jewish history ment the bonds for such a relation- is sufficient only for settling 25,- program outlined in 1925 will have cemetery on the Ninth of Ab, f t o h r e . e d Y i o d n d l i y s h1.3sp pe e a rkcie n n g t o e fle t h m ee e n n stitution presented a musical pro - larrangement calling for consults- and of Ilebrew for the general Thursday, July 26, should note the ship," Mr. Fischer stated. ... 000 families. This land is partly been With completed. regard to the Hebrew Uni- following directions: Proceed on tire population of the Union. This gram. bone betwe en the two committees civilization, as the Hebrew lan- Dr. Macfarland declared: "Vio- Houses occupied for by the the settlers local population. Built on Cottage Plan. must be versity, the reports submitted to Woodward avenue to Hunt road, would indicate that over two- on all question s of common inter - guage has an ancient literature. groups lent attacks on minority Building construction is rapidly' eat with a view to making pos- If there is any initiative among seem to have ceased, with the ex- built now and not within four the Board of Governors and the which is approximately midway thirds of the Russian Jews claimed progressing for the new home, sib ( e a joint or parallel action in the Jews of Russia to organize ception of anti-Semitic outbreaks. years, as the Comzet originally decisions taken indicate fully that between Thirteen-Mile road and Yiddish as their mother tongue. which is being built on the cottage accordance with the circum- schools for the study of Hebrew, White Russia Tak n no Basis. e The most difficult situation appears planned. The preparatory work steady progress is being made in Fourteen-Mile road. Turn east on I myself shall help the under- For the economic divisions Plan, each cottage accommodating still to he in Rumania, where the alone will require an investment the establishment and expansion of Hunt road, going a distance of five children under the care of the I stances. 25 Wolf emphasized that the is taking," Lunacharaky stated. J Lutherans are declared to be un- of 1,000,000 rubles. It will take the Jerusalem seat of learning, Mr. blocks. Then proceed north di- among Russian Jews according to trades and occupations, White cottage mother. The new home is the rectly to the cemetery. leatisfactory conclusion of able to supply their pastorates be- 40 rubles to clear one acre. The Warburg Task of said. Weism ■ nn, Marshall. Visiting the cemetery on the Russia is taken as a basis. With a situated on a 30-acre site in Ifni. reement between the American by continuous persecutions against cause only those of Rumanian na- best American machinery is need- "As to the work of the Jewish Ninth of Ab is a long-standing cus- general population of 3,141,896 versity Heights, a suburb of Cleve- ag aJoint Hebrew writers, publishers, and tionality are allowed to serve, and ed to make' the enterprise sue- new institution is to be , Jewish Committee and ot 1Foreign Committee is nthe new teachers. Rumanian citizenship is hard to ac- cessful. The Comzet finds itself Agency Commission, I was glad tom among Jews who observe the throughout the republic engaged land. The by Aug. 1, 1929. completed , that day which records the destruction the fact of This is declared in a memoran quire. The law limiting existence compelled therefore to change its to observe that through the efforts venture, in view I Pledges totaling $1,103, k k ed (Turn to Page Five) the two committees have co - oper- dum submitted to Maxim Gorky 14 rit churches to those of a original financial plan and to set- of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency y o f i minorit non- of the ancient Jewish state. toward the $1,600,0 0 quota as e d , , i,ated very effectively in 1919, a group terming itself "The Sub certain size deprives many small ale only 10,000 families in the next the American Jewish and of the states of Districts 2 and 6, public was enabled to have h l American public opinion is of tre- terranean Conference of Hebrew communities of an y church life. five years. These 10,000 families Jewish done - wei II ht at Geneva. The Teachers , Tarbuth • " The corres ith tisan farni- the full text of the commissioner's are to inc 1 u d e 2 , 000 artisan Children cannot be supp e d with ■ annual meeting of the board:' ,D1s-{ men merican Jewish Committee has pondent of the Jewish Telegraph ht catechisms, and are forced to per- lies who are greatly needed and , report and to obtain an opportun- v trice No. 2, with a quota of $1, - - A ity to acquaint itself fully with always supported the action of the Agency has obtained a copy of th e form Orthodox rites and cere- who can earn there a good liveli- the actual conditions and the plans 000,000, has substantially com- Joint Foreign Committee. appeal in which the famous RuA hood," the report states. blic monies in state schools. ' formulated for consolidation and plated its campaign and the pu t who has influence wit l The monthly report submit ed , alas writer, "The Zionist Carriage" Prejudice Everywhere. later expansion. To translate the ' appeal for $600,000 was launched concerning the altos- high officials, is implored to ante r - "The Jewish minorities," Dr. Mr. Merezhin takes occasion to recommendations of the Jewish District No. 6 in April. Nov. 1 by Mr. Wolf in next has been fixed as the date lion o the Jewish communities in vene with the central authoritie s Macfarland continued, "are every- declare that the Ozet does not ex- Agency Commission into actual News Letter from Moscow. for the completion of the cam- Europe included reference to the and obtain assurances that the s e where. The sins of centuries are pect the participation of the Agro- facts will be the task of Dr. Weiz- paign in both districts. President situation in Rumania. In that persecutions will cease. , charged to them offhand, even to joint, the agency of the American mann and Louis Marshall, who is This news letter from Moscow, commenting upon the Kauf- Lazarus announced that this is the country perfect tranquility now "Do you know that Hebrew I a their being the cause of the last Jewish Joint Distribution Commit- now on his way hack to the United man case, which is now to be retried by an order of the Mos- first public appeal for capital prevails. The government has ap- prohibited in Russia, although n 0 war. Even people whose own mi- tee, in the Bureya project in view States. to carry out its official decree prohibiting It ha a cow district court, having found the prison terms to be too "Mr. Marshall, whose work dur- funds in the history of the home. parently resolved norities are in trouble forget that of the fact that "Mr. Marshall and mild in the face of the occurrence, provides the background of The city of Cleveland has par- pledges to the Jewish leaders to, ever been promulgated? The Je w it is a question of the Jews and do 11r. Warburg have entered the ing the London conference was of an incident which is typical and throws light on the present chased the old and original build- secure protection of Jewish life ish population in Soviet RUSSil inestimable value, will, I hope, what they condemn others for Zionist carriage." the Ruma- numbering 3,000,000, is not pe t attempts of the Soviet government to combat anti-Semitic It appeared probable that the find it possible upon his arrival in ings of the institution, now situ- and property. Even d • parties too are mined to publish a single news propaganda and violence.—Editor. "On every hand one meets the Comzet, the government commis- this country to make a statement ated in the center of a district nian opposition the Heb re t in that they have nothing raper or periodical d not only sion f or J e wi s h colonization work , with regard to the further plans to Cleveland police as "the realizing persistent t t prejuice, ishieni g h aori u g sa e ug to e; ilileobtre awsib n e go lk e spu is bli n A vivid picture of an anti - Semitic ePisode reported known among common people and riotous will be asked to decrease its creel- which are to be adopted for crest- roaring third precinct" because of to gain by continuing anti-Semitic students, but among intellectual its for Jewish colonization work ing the machinery necessary. I briefly in the press a few days ago is given in the following its present deteriorated character. agitation. Hebrew literature ha s question concern- istence. oscow d al 'I y P Pravda. The a Moscow In reply to leaders, political rulers, American in other parts of Russia and the most repeat what I said previous- article which d V in th e Ileading the Detroit delegation c appeare been thrown out of the librarie: s. tourists and the ever vigiland D. Ozet will give up its other work ly in London. that the deliberations fact that the perpetrators of this outrage happened to to the ceremonies Was Adolph ing the persecution of religion by Not a single school exists in th a A. R. Henry Ford's recantation an d devote its funds entirely to of the London conference were belong to the former merchant class, naturally most odious to the ("Daddy") Freund, who for many the Jewish Communists in Soviet Sov iet Union where Hebrew MA Russia, d'Avigdor Goldsmid de- has had some modifying linflu-• the Bureya project. cannot be alien t. Soviet writer of the article, must not blind the reader to the sad truth years was a trustee of the home. (Turn to Page Five) elated that the Joint Foreign be taught. You intervene in thi Mr. Merezhin's report also erica, but is often regarded as dip- that violent anti-Semitic outbursts have been reported in the Soviet to Committee has studied the condi- W e urge you lomatic rather than as genuine. states that Inc rice plantations press in recent months also from factories and other p laces where the Ilebraists' Appel matter." a success only if the ..ions in Russia for two months reads. and his book is still circulated," could be made labor is in power, and even from but it does not find it advisable hi to best American technique is ap- Dr. Macfarland stated. the various organizations of the Gorky on Anti-Semitism. make any public statement at t s plied there. He recommends that Communist party and Communist Esc ..... Jeer—Cretsi•no. Jewish colonization is among U. Offers Land in China moment. Anti-Semitic excesses in flu- the Comzet send a commission to students' clubs, and associations at ' most important phenomena in Je v For Jewish Homeland universities and high schools. In mania are things of Inc past, the United States to study Ameri- ish history, declared Maxim Cork I the light of all these facts it must • George Cretziano, Rumanian min- can rice plantation methods. If in an interview with the represel 16 TO GRADUATE FROM LONDON.—LJ. T. AL—An he obvious that the revival of anti- ister to this country, told the olli- the rice plantations are successful of the Jewish Telegraph in cers and executive committee the Comzet may attempt to float a opportunity to build a Jewish Semitic hooliganism is by no means HEBREW HIGH SCHOOL tati" Make. Communal Survey Agency. It will destroy anti-Sem members of the United Rumanian loan on the crops to expand the national home in China to sup- confined to the surviving represen• tic prejudices in Russia, first I n Jews of America Saturday night work. It was also stated in the Delegates Report on Con- plement the one in Palestine in ings on Public tatives Of the old regime, but has at a dinner in his honor at the report that in addition to artisans, vention; Zackheim, was offered by the minister of affected all strata of society in Bernard Isaacs, superintendent the villages and later in the to w a s Jewish Sick. Nell, he declared. f the United Ilebrew Spools of as the interior of Pekin, according present-day Russia. The pravda Hotel McAlpin. Former Assembly- unskilled Jewish laborers may Shetzer Speak. Gorky stated to the correspon man Colomon Suffrin, chairman of had work in litireya in the lumber letroit, announces plAs being to a dispatch from Pekin to the article follows: c ompleted for the first graduation ent that many years ago he was a London Daily Express. NEW YORK.—(J. T. A.)—The ms that we are now car- It ste the organization's advisory board, camps, where they may earn live Cretziano roubles daily in the SCAS011 from a re- rying on a fight against anti-Semi- average number of Jewish patients, ; /ebarocoil ses of the Ilebrew High worker in the Jewish colonies in The offer was made as Delegates from Detroit to the was toastmaster. Mr. Chein. m While wandering on fo annual convention of the Zionist sult of a misunderstanding by tism. I believe this to be the case, chronically sick, who are cared for sonic months ago received at November to March. The ceremonies will be hell during the nineties from Odessa ' to Doubt Success of Plan.' the Chinese authorities of the although I am by no means so cer- Organization of America, held two Washington a committee repre- at the Tiflis, he stopped for sever al application of a Zionist dele- tain. In some of our institutions in municipal and private philan- Tuesday evening, July 31, stinting the organization whose Dr. Joseph A. Rosen and Dr. weeks ago in Pittsburgh, in mai- Talmud Torah. months in the Jewish colony D ci- gate who arrived in Pekin and they consider the work of liquidat- thropic institutions in NOW York I 'hiladelphia-Byron guest he WAS at dinner, and sub- Ezekiel Grower of the Agrojoint, nlining their reports to local Zion- who will graduate are: bioya near Novopoltavka, where I te requested permission to collect ing anti-Semitism finished. At any City is 1,90.1 a day. This fact was T hose milted to his home government as well as A. Bragin, participated ists, urged united effort fur Pales- h. work il ed cd o. olf ig o a r nos tine eoeftrtihal R ecoloe Ordered, n r ists.. tc: r ,, , ,,N n b a e o rm g! It Rose funds for Palestine. rate, reports to this effect have brought out by the Jewish Com- h a l E t e l k r a , n F Bau ncnhih e a I ii recommendations then advanced. in the discussion of the Merezhin tine during the coming year. The director of lands had Israel Zilber, Mrs. Freda Zilbert been submitted to the proper au- These suggestions, he said, were report. All emphasized that the dis- munal Survey of Greater New already proceeded with drafting loldstein, Meyer Harrison, Judith The governmental and judici al thorities, the proper information "examined in sympathy," and re- closure of the facts minimizetithe Chan. Mrs. Joseph H. Ehrlich, Mr. .iepah, Eva Margolis, Joseph authorities of Moscow have bet ?.n an agreement when, throu/h has been given wherever necessary York, undertaken in 1925. cent events in Rumania have dem- belief in the successful consume Ehrlich, Joseph Haggai, Robert the British minister at l'ekin, Michalovsky, Marion Rosen, Nor- greatly aroused over the case of and the proper papers and theses head- Marwil and David W. Simons sub- The Committee on onstrated "the sincere desire of my mation of the Bureya plan. the delegate managed to explain have been filed away on the proper ed by Fred M. Stein as Jfiairman, at Slobin, Rae Sulker, Morris anti-Jewish terror which has he government to avoid in future any Dr. Grower emphasized that the mitted reports. Philip Slomovitz he only required permission to shelves for finished cases. made public its findings in an effort Soloweichick, Seymour Tilchin, kind of vexations directed against minimum cost of settling one fam- presided. (Turn to Last Page.) raise funds among Jews in "Evil Legacy of Tsarism." to determine the extent of the prob- Max Weine and Abraham Weston. the Jewish citizens by a group of ily in Bureya would amount to Although sentiments among the China for the Palestine upbuild- In other institutions they have lem confronting the New York turbulent elements." 4,000 rubles. delegates were divided for and ing work. This permission was decided to dispose of anti-Semitism Jewish community with regard to against the present administration, as a separate problem, and they affording medical treatment, food' all joined in urging that differ- granted. consider it merely as the next, or and shelter to persons who are us- ences be forgotten in work for . to f ra I ninth, or seventeenth inevitable ually refused admission gent Palestine during the coming year. chapter of the cultural revolution. hospitals and asylums because of Maurice II. Zackheim and Isaac APPEALS FOR J. N. F. IN Wherever mention is made of the the chronic charnel./ of their ill- Shetzer, who recently returned necessity of brushing one's teeth ness. These patients demanding • from a visit to Palestine, were en- SYNAGOGUES TISHA B'AB or of refraining from elbowing the special attention of the cam - Governor Fuller Refuses Intervention for Father WI 10 thusiastic over the work accomp- one's fellow-passengers in the munity, the Sur... y points out, are Killed Five-Months-Old Illegally Born Child; Legal Motion to Be Made by English Student Body; Delegations lished. They joined in urging that Tisha b'Ab, occurring this year tramcar, or of seeeing to it that made up of vai i ,us types of cases, all factional differences be elimi- Means to Save His Life Exhausted. Divided on Question; Rumanians Plan to Withdraw al i surgical nated when Palestine's success is on Thursday, July 26, will be uti- the peril of reaction should be requirim medical and Before Expulsion to Avoid Embarrassment. lized by the Jewish National Fund kept nut Of literature, or of re- care, and treatment or tu sbercu clo- involved. BULLETIN Chaplain Seder spoke with t he fraining from smoking, or of being sin, cancer and neurological dis- Committee of Detroit, of which A. on time attending meetings— eases. representative of the Jewish Te le- Nathan Desatnick died on The Rumanian union appealed BUDAPEST.--(J. T. A.)—The an chairman, for so me J. Koffman is wherever any of these things is graphic Agency and told of so The study of chronics, the first the electric chair in Boston National Federation of Rumanian to the government for assistance JEWISH WATCHMAN of the gripping scenes that are be- appeal in all local synagogues for mentioned, there we simply add of its kind undertaken in New Wednesday morning, The De- Students will be excluded from the and funds to enable it to pay its "also ing enacted in the death cell. Mrs. York City by the ,Iewish mmun- IS SHOT BY ARABS Jews to help in the redemption of a hackneyed phrase such as troit Jewish Chronicle I International Students' Congress dues and send a strong delegation Jackson who was the woman that to fight against anti-Semitism, as it goes to press. Prior to which will meet in Paris during to the congress, but the govern- J. N. F. this evil legacy of the dark days of ity, shows that the chronically ill the soil of Palestine. The of wed- cared for the child born out It is are in municipal hospitals, in pri- his being electrocuted, he August, states a dispatch of the ment refused assistance. JERUSALES1.-1J. T. A.)— is the land-purchasing agency of Tsarism." lock that was later found in the rate homes with their families, at probable that the union will send • •tement statement to the Hungarian Telegraphic Agency. Levi Varshayi, 26-year-old watch- In still other institutions they homes for the aged and at special lake, for which Desatnick is to pay Jewish youth in which he The motion to expel the Rums- no delegation, but will instruct Ru- man of the Menahemia colony, the Zionist movement and redeems , have simply postponed all consid- with his life, is ready to throw hospitals. nian Federation will be made by manian students living in Paris to was killed Thursday night. Var. land to become the inalienable warned them against the mis- of the problem of anti- . new light on the murder, but what The extent of the problem of the English student body and will represent it at the congress and if shayi was shot by Arab thieves property of the entire Jewish eration takes he made. with many providing for the chronically ill, action Congressman Stoobs, coun- Semitism together unavoidable, they have the support of the leading the expulsion is take in who attempted to enter the Jew- people. other problems because of the as well as other data necessary for BOSTON, MASS.-1J. T. A.)— sel for the defense, is to student delegations from western should withdraw before the de- ish colony. Addresses in local synagogues summer weather. It is too hot to communal planning for the next Resigned to his fate and with all the last desperate effort to save countries. The basis for this pro- decision is taken, suggesting vol. man was will be delivered by prominent work and it is vacation time, hence decade by the Jewish community, hope practically abandoned, Nath- the life of the condemned posal will be the participation of untary retirement on the part of what kind of anti-Semitism can not revealed, although from :TB. Rumanian students in the anti- the Rumanian union. MIZRACHI CONFERENCE speakers, on Wednesday evening there be anywhere? Let this prob- is being made available by the an Desatnick, condemned to die in able sources, it is known that Gov- and Thursday morning. Jewish Social Research, the electric chair fur the murder of Jewish pogrom in Oradeamare in The expulsion will be urged by lem wait till the autumn, after Bureau of ernor Fuller is to be asked to hear the British Students' Union, sup- IN DANZIG AUGUST 19 •A national appeal to thilJews of which it will be possible to con- which made the study. Samuel A. his five-month-old baby, the first December, 1927. Goldsmith, Executive Director of Jew in the history of Massachu- the new developments in the CRC ported by the delegations from America, to utilize Tisha h'Ab for sider it carefully and assign to it To Recite 23rd Psalm. the Bureau, is in charge of the so- setts to be electrocuted, is now in Italy, Hungary, Jugoslavia, Switz- Rumanians Gain Support. JERUSALEM. — (J. T. A.) — the upbuilding of Palestine, ha ▪ its proper place. With the Hebrew prayer book 1a cial workers making the study and the death cell at Charlestown Pris- BUCHAREST.—(J. T. A.1— erland and America, while the Ru- The date and place for the next been issued by 150 rabbis from Th• Black Huedred Activities. the death. cell, and with Chaplain Michael M. Davis was the consul. on, after the news of Gvernor The National Union of Christian manian Uniorrwill be supported When the fight against hooli- Seder constantly at his side, De. France, conference of the Micrrchi World all parts of the country. In thei * Students was notified by the In- by the representatives of Bulgaria, Organization has been definitely plea, the rabbis ask that Tisha ganism was proclaimed the urgent tant in the study on the chronical- Fuller's refusal to intervene in his satnick is praying In the ancient. behalf was broken to him by ternational Students' Congress Poland, Czechoslovakia, Tisha b'Ab, the day when Jew • task of the hour, some overzealous ly ill. set. Hebrew as he is being prepared fog General hospitals designed for Warden William Ilendry and Chap- death, that at its meeting in Paris it will Turkey, Greece, Portugal and Es- The conference will be opened in mourn the destruction of the Tom people were ready to denounce as it was revealed. discuss the exclusion of the Ru- thonia. If the Rumanian Union is Danzig on August 19. A repre- ple, he turned into an occasion to r a hooligan even a poor devil who acute diseases confine their work lain Moses Seder, the Jewish Seder will recite the Twenty .. Chaplain at Charlestown Prison, manian Students' Federation from expelled, it is possible that the stu- sentative of the organization is buildiuthe Jewish Homelan • happened to forget to write the to their field and do not care for ng third Psalm as he will take D• OMBINE EFFORT s FOR JEWS' RIGHTS FIND SETTLING OF BUREYA DIFFICULT STRIKING ANTI-SEMITIC OUTRAGE AROUSES ATTENTION IN MOSCOW UNITY IN ZIONISM URGED AT MEETING . I 904 INCURABLES N Y. Y DAILY TOLL . International Student Body to Expel Rumanians for Anti-Jewish Excesses ..... 442 772 the international Students' Con- dents' federations in Poland and leaving for Danzig to make the anew, by giving contributions to federation because of the Transyl- Czechoslovakia will also withdraw necessary arrangements. the Jewish National Fund. vania excesses. from the confederation. (Turn to Last Page.) . Nathan Desatnick First Jew Condemn eel a in M ssachuset To Be Electrocuted any noticahle proportion of chron- the same prison from which Sacco and Vanzetti were executed. ic cases, the Survey finds. • (Turn to Lag Page,) •