EWiSit ARON IGLE PAGE. SIX 'PERSONAL 0 CAN:LAU COMBINED COMMITTEE OF LOCAL HADASSAHS PREPARE FOR DANCE ` 1114.id ■ No effort is tieing spared to make the annual ball of Ilailassah which will be held Feb. 111 at the Steller Don't Risk Your Diamond! . ez:,* if the prongs of your muntings are bent or be sure to have it re- turn, 'tired or the stone re-set I re you wear your ring again. Platinum Mot. nt, Jeweled with B.guelle LEanio Ids Mrs. Mildred Mayer of Boston Dr. Leo Franklin delivered the boulevard entertained eighteen principal addr ess at the mid-y:ar guetts at lunch on Thursday at the graduating exercises of the South- western high school on Wednesday, Phoenix club. and at the Pontiac Central high Mr. and Mrs. Harry Conheim of school on Friday evening. Richton avenue have returned from a visit in New Yi rk. Mr and Mrs Alexander Bronson will lee at home Sunday, Jan. 29, at the residence, 1613 Clairmount ave- The gold rotas of the Hotel Wil- nue, in honor of their daughter shire was the scene of u luncheon Beldam Betty, whose engagement t W41 bridge e f beautiful app sint- Al Boesky was recently announced. ments on Wednesday at which Mrs. Mayer Davis and Mrs. Max liam.1 No cards. itirger were joint hostesses to fid --- M. Ilimelhoch have guests. Mr. and Mrs. __ returned ti the Whittier, after inending several weeks New York. Atlantic City and in !'hits-Mrs. Bernard Lipson sir Elmhust avenue antis hostess to 16 guests at lelphia. luncheon and bridge at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Fishman Mrs. Ad , phShoenfield, who spent have returned from a 10-day visit the t past fortnight in Youngstown, Blan- to New York City and Washing- FAS returned to her home on M on- ton, D. C. tercy avenue. this EspartaReset,'our Diamond ii.. A WRIGHT, KAY & I WINNER IN I. O. B. B. POPULARITY CONTEST Two New GlenBogie Felt Hats in men's head sixes 6 5.8-7 5.8 The beauty of Glen Bogie felts and their trim smart- Illoodward of tknR Just Three More Days To the BIG DANCE of the Detroit Hebrew Infant Home and Nursery Which Will Take Place Tuesday, Jan. 31, 1928 Come one, come all, and enjoy a very pleasant evening and help the little orphans. At the New Masonic Temple Crystal Ballroom ness of design is seen, •MISS MILDRED YARROWS, again, in these latest ar- candidate of the Hebrew Infants Home and Nursery, woo the winner of the popularity contest conduct- B'nai D'rith, by a majority ed of 161,300 votes. Mrs Abraham Anspach cf 1522 Mr. and Mrs. David Werbe of The Monterey avenue will celebrate her Stevenson are among the Detreiters MRS. HENRY N. WEINSTEIN iighty-sixth birthday anniversary ., vintering in Florida. ri Wednesday. Feb. 1. Her sons, a laiam'ful affair, according to the hldward and Eugene, of Newark. Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Van Vliet ammittee in charge, which is head- N. J., are expected home for the 'erasion• are occupying their winter home at ed by Mrs. Charles Hamburger. Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. J. Chernila, of Mrs. Hamburger is assisted on Buffalo, New York, announce the this conmittee by bliss Rose Wein• Mrs. Edward Stein of Webb ave. Mrs. Nathan Kline of West Bos- engagement of their daughter, Es- stein, as vice-chairman, the Mes- nue has issued invitations for a t ton boulevard has returned from a ther, to Samuel S. Kollenb•rg, of dames Ed Atlas, Philip II. Broudo, bridge-luncheon on Wednesday a Buffalo, formerly of Detroit. son a ' few clays' stay in Youngstown. Julius Brown, Morris Friedberg. the Hotel Stotler to honor tier sis- of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kollenberg, toe Horwitz, Harry Kopel, J. 1.. 'er, Miss Mildred Erusall, a March Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Ullian of New of King avenue, this city. Ruby, Louis Savage, Henry N. bride-elect. York City, formerly of Detroit. Weinstein, Julian 'Lemon and Miss who have been guests at the Bel- Mrs. Sadie Covitz, of Maywood, Jeanette Steinberg. Mr. and Mrs. Gus A. Strauss ofrest for a few weeks, will leave on Illinois, formerly of Detroit, an- The Junior Hadassah ball com- Pingree avenue entertained score- Sunday for Chicago. flounces the engagement of her mittee is composed of Mrs. II. A. pony of friends on Friday evening daughter, Gertrude, to Philip Mas- Singer as chairman, Miss Lillian Mr. and Mrs. C. Bilanskyf ^- kin, of Hudson, New York. Robbing, vice-chairman, Mrs. Mar- Mrs. I. Lebergott of Hazelwood 111310 Linwood avenue entertained, tin Weisberg and the Misses Betty a oenue, has returned from a visit at their home on Friday eveninir Mr. and Mrs. Frank Avrin an- Buick, Rita Blumresen, Henrietta in New York City. January 13, among the guests being flounce the engagement of their Berger, Nettie Baron, Elizabeth David A. Brown, a group of prom- daughter, Ida B., to Frank Mersky Glazier, Marguerite Moranz, Faye Mrs. Samuel 1'u kin and family inent Detroit physicians and other Stellar, Rose Sternberg and Ilelen if Glynn Court and Mrs. Jacobfriends . Mr. and Mrs. Brown of 3281 Yudkoff. Segal have left for an extended visit Richton avenue announce the en- Mrs. Jack Rosenberg is secretary in California. The Addison hotel was the scene of gagement of their daughter, Shit.- of the combined ball committee -- a delightful formal dinner dance, ley to Charles Gold. which will meet every Monday eve- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Berlin of Mr. ' ning until the dance at the home Alger avenue entertained 25 guests given by the Lambda chapter of the Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Eder of 902 ff the chairman, Mrs. Hamburger. at dinner on Sunday in compliment Beta Delta sorority Saturday eve- at 2123 Chicago boulevard. Tick- t• bliss Pearl Kaplan, whose en- ning, Jan. 211Itin celebration of the Pallister avenue announce the en- are now obtainable front mem- gagement was recently announced. chapter's first anniversary. Red gagement of their daughter, Lillian tapers tied with white tole bows Marion, to Harry L. Scott of Cleve bers of the ball committee or at the Mai- and a centerpiece of white sweet land, Ohio. hoer. Seventy-five members of the The list of patrons and patron- monides Medical society and their peas and red roses, fashioned of in- dividual corsages, added charm to Mr. and biro. A. Winstoin of •sses of this affair is reported as Ic wives enjoyed a delightful dinner the unique arrangement of the Davenport, Iowa, announce the en- toadily growing I will an '' w 'ii I and dance on Sunday evening at horseshoe-shaped table. bliss Anne gagement of their daughter Gert' oubliahed the Hotel Stotler. C. Geller was chairman of this rude Irene, to Theodore S. Fried novel affair, and Miss Esther M. man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sans Miss Belle Jackson, daughter of Pitt presided as toastmaster. Coy; Friedman of 55 Pilgrim avenue. Mr. and Mrs. William .lackson of ern were laid for twenty guests. 1210 Virginia park, has chosen Sunday, March 1, as the elate of her Miss Jeanne Gladstone of Boston CONFERENCE SUNDAY vedding to Harry Klein of this city. boulevard was hostess to 21 guests TO PLAN FOR BAZAAR Sutural, evening, ,Ian. 21, at a FOR SANATORIUM UNIT Little Miss }tilde Ruth Fixler dinner and personal shower of de- acted as hostess to twenty guests lightful appointments, given at the A special conference of delegates forher eleventh birthday on Satur- Wilshire hotel. honoring bliss Ida and volunteers for the forthcoming day, Jan. 21. George Cohen, better Ginsberg, whose wedding to Ben bazaar for the benefit of the Detroit known as "tingle George," acted as Gladstone will be solemnized Feb. 5. unit of the Los Angeles Sanatorium master of ceremonies. Table decora- Bridge was the diversion of the eve- will be held at 11 o'clock Sunday tions, as well as her birthday dress, ning. morning at the Jewish Center, 31 were carried out in a canary yel- Melbourne. low. Dinner was served to the Mrs. Norris Hartman of Toronto, According to plans, announced by mcthers of Hilda Ruth's guests, Ontario, is spending a few weeks A. II. Jaflin, general secretary of with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. the affair, such a unit is b be built The Tusi Tala sorority is wish- Abraham Hartman of 8950 l.a Salle with funds raised here to ac•om- ing Miss Henrietta Markovitz, a boulevard. modate many unfortunate sick who sorority sister, speedy recovery are unable to be placed. from the serious illness which has Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Butensky of Detroit organizations are urged confined her to bed for the past few 2468 Gladstone avenue will enter- to send representatives and to par- weeks. tain on Sunday evening, Jan. 29, ticipate in this worthy work. with a dinner party in honor of the Mrs. Anna Payne recently left Bar Mitzvah of their son, Ben. SHAAREY-ZEDEK LADIES for Coral Gables, Florida, where she will he' the guest of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. S. Glint were hosts GIVE THEATER PARTY Mrs. Rae Cohn. at a surprise party given at their Keen enthusiasm has attended home Saturday night, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weissman of their son, Abe, who has returned to the sale of tickets for the colorful West Euclid, avenue were hoots to Detroit after spending four weeks musical operetta, "Countess Merit- thirty guests at a musicale given with relatives and friends in Breck- za." at their home on Sunday evening in enridge, Texas, and Chicago, Ill. This benefit performance is spon- honor of Solomon Golub, Jewish sored by the Sisterhood of Shaarey- peet-composer and singer. Bernard Miss Rose Shevin of Twenty- Zedek,ito be given at the Shubert- Kugel, violinist, member of the De- ninth street has left for an extend- Detroit Opera House on Monday, troit Symphony orchestra, played ed trip to New York City, Lake- Feb. 6. "Countess bleritza," met a group of solos and Mr. Golub sang wood, N. J., and Atlantic City. with phenominal success in its ran caw of his own compositions. Miss While in New York City she will at- in New Yorw and Atlantic City. Lea Zagel, artist-pupil of Dr. Mark tend the wedding of bliss Johanne Many parties have been planned Gunzberg, entertained with piano Levine. sister of Mrs. I. J. Shevin nrior to and after the performance. selectiong, and Lillian Estrin acted of Gladstone avenue, to Dr. R. Ru- These in charge of the arrange- as accompanist for the evening. ments for the evening are Mrs. dolph of New York. Herbert H. Warner, general chair- On Sunday afternoon, Jan. 28, Mrs. I. J. Shevin of Gladstone man, assisted l.y Mesdames David Miss Ann Tobe, president of the avenue is now visiting in New York Oppenheim, l'hilip Gordon, Harry Nu Beta sorority, and Miss City, where she will attend the 1Vetsman, Ilymon Gittleman, Saul Petty Holtzman entertained tour wedding of her sister, Johanne Le- Copin, A. Louis Gordon, !limn iienresentatives of the Eta Beta vine, to Dr. Rubin Rudolph. Kaplan. Sol Kaufmann, Robert Zeta sorority and members of the Loenenlw'rg, A. M. Hershman, Saul alpha Nu Beta sorority at a bridge Mr. and Mrs. Israel C. Brown of Saulson, A. M. Attschuler, George luncheon, held at 4247 Joy road. the Wilshire apartments will sail Levey, Herman P. Cohen, A. M. Feb. 3 on a Mediterranean cruise Prince, A. B. Stralser, Ira Cope- Mr. end Mrs. Henry S. Weitz- and will also visti in European land, Charles Hamburger, Arthur non. 2015 Seward avenue, will he countries. They will stop at New Rosenthal. it home Sunday from 3 to 11 in York City as guests of their chil- Tickets may he obtained from the `ear of their daughter, Pearl Syl- dren, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey D. chairman or any member of the ia. a graduate of }latching Inter- Brown. They plan to return in committee. mediate school. July. Engagriurnte JEWELERS tmelhoch woodward Thru to WashIngtott rivals: "HUNTLEY"—A Glen Bogie with grosgrain facing and band; for madame; 25.00. "HURN"An engaging, broad-brimmed Glen Bogie for made• moiselle; 15.00. II imelhoch's—M ill i nery--Fourth Floor IF-YOU-ARE NOT-SLENDER Detroit's Leading Store Specializing in Your Correct Size Calls Your Attention to Final Clearance of All Lavishly Furred Winter Coats SAVINGS OF 1 / 3 TO 1 / 2 Await Your Selection Annis Furs Youthful Women Sisies 16+ to 28+ THIRD FLOOR ane 5rtjant 41st Great Annual Sale 1114.1■1141.111. 1 11 i 11411 Little Women to 25 cu , Sizes 35 Stout Women Sizes 38 to 56 1452 Farmer St. Cor. John R. FUR COATS Original Price At Hudson Seal* Black Astrakhan Brown Astrakhan Australian Sealt Leopard Seal Tropical Seal Russian Calf Pony Caracul Plat. Caracul Rose Broadtail Caracul Kid—Leather Trim Suslika Barunducki Rose American Broadtailt Rose Miss Bertha D. London enter- a'ned at her Iv me with a bridge- •linen party on Wednasday evening, 18,•complimenting bliss Ceal Sutkin, whose betrothal to William - liege' of Toledo was recently an- lounced. Miss Eva Cohen of Hague ave. lee entertained at a delightful sridge-tca at her home on Sunday, Ian. 22. *Muskrat Fronk A. Bernstein of the Lee- -rest left on Jan. 23 for a month's -..ourn to Miami, Florida, and Cuba. 'orley 1. 14 nib From our great stock we have selected a large group 64 coats in all and have reduced prices exactly one- half ( 1 /2). Every one is typical of Annis styles and quality. Buy now and save. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Pollicove of 15055 Muirland had as their guest mother from Utica, N. Y. Many affairs were given in her honor. M Mr. and Mrs. Max Grossman of 1996 Calvert avenue will be at home to friends and relatives on Sunday, Feb. 5, in honor of their twenty. fifth wedding anniversary. Recep- 'ion from 2 to 6 p. m. Buy With Confidence On Monday evening, Jan. 9, Mrs. Sol Strager of Elmhurst enter- tained 40 guests at a linen shower, hcnoring Miss Ida Silhrack whose marriage will take place in Febru- ary. every peltry—all drastically reduced—Hundreds of beautiful scarfs at low prices. Close to 2,000 others—in Editor's Note to Contributors. WOODWARD AT CLIFFORD A. C. Krenz Merchant Tailor FOUNDED 1887 • The Shop Where Courtesy 10347 Woodw'di Between Calvert and and Servicz Prevail. Coll:ngwood. Forms of The Detroit Jewish Chronicle close on Thursdays. To assure the insertion of all contributions in sanest issues, therefore, ■ I I contributions must be in the hands of the editor not later than 5 p. ne. on Wednesdays. Contributions re- ceived after that time will he retained for publication in the following ...Ws issue. WELCOME RELIEF— from DRUDGERY THOUSANDS of modern home makers now MISS MILDRED YARROWS Honoring Miss Belle Jackson, WINS POPULARITY TEST whose marriage to Harry Klein will take place on Sunday, March 1, Saturday evening, Jan. 21, wit- Mrs. Stanley B. Kirschbaum was hostess on Tuesday evening, Jan. nesed the close of the B'nai [Frith Community House Popularity Con- 21, at a bridge luncheon and miscel- laneous shower. Covers were laid tesa. Friends and supporters of the contestants crowded the audi- for 20 guests. torium of the Arena Gardens and thronged en masse before the con- A birthday surprise party was tendered Mrs. Sims Rabinowitz on test booth, where the contest c-m- mittee announced the results of the Saturday evening, Jan. 21, by the "minute by minute" count. ladies of the Jewish Women's Co- The excitement reached its high- operative association. Mrs. Rabino- est point when bliss :Mildred Yar- witz was presented with a lovely rows, candidate of the Hebrew In- gift, and Mrs. Lillian Jacobs was fanta Home, took the lead away also presented with a farewell g ift, from Mica Irene Kessler, popular prior to her derc.rture for New radio star. The contest came to a York, where she will make her •se with Miss Yarrows winning home. first place, Miss Kesler, second, and bliss Doris Brozgolel, candidate of La Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gordon of Salle boulevard announce the Bar Mitzva of their son, Albert, at Shaarey Zedek synagogue on Satur- day morning. Jan. 21. Following the services a dinner was served to 80 guests. On Sunday evenic,. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon were hosts to 75 guests at a reception at their home. Mr. and Ntrit. H. C. Pragg and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Atkins of Elmhurst avenue are expected home Saturday afte a five weeks micurn at various points in the East. While in Boston they attend- -d the Birshfield•Bernstein wed- ding. does hest/ Weller Laundry Co., Our Service Beyond Compare PhonesCAdillae 5169-5170 A.W.I.W.W4WkWAIM.V.NIAIONSIOSSIMMIXOWOWCW Greater DetroitY.M.H.A. Miss Anne ('untie of the Tau Sig- ma Epsilon was but 145 votes he- hind Miss Brozgold at the final eount. At ore time Miss Cantor sell first p•siti n. Contest Director Norman D. Crown mad! the popularity test a i $ Abe Gordon of La Salle boulevard alleCeSS. for the past week. coming here to attend the Bar Mitzva of Albert Gordon. Phone oet,onal shower and luncheon in honor of Miss Belle Jackson, a bride-elect of March 1. Covers were laid for Di guests. %LAUNDRY the Alpha Nu Beta sorority. in third position. a place she retained throughout the ball ding although parate institution from the en- daughter, Eli ante, of Cleveland, tertainment and through unmiti- were house guests of Mr. and Mrs gated labor carried it through to Mrs. Stanley B. Kirschbaum of 2630 Hsu •lwodai avenue was hesteea on Saturday evening, Jan. 21, at a 1 know the real economy and welcome relief . from drudgery offered by The modern laundry. Instead of weary hours over steaming suds, their washday is three minutes long—two minutes to gather the soiled garments, and one minute to telephone us! Longfellow 4802 For Appointment for All Lines of Beauty Work—Open Evenings MILADY'S Beauty Salon SPRING FROLIC Book Cadillac Hotel Grand Ballroom Sun. Apr. 1st SPECIAL PERMANENT Steam and Oil, $10 LILLIAN RHODES 10320 Dexter Blvd. Bet. Calvert and Collingwood All organizations take note of this date. e v.sw .v omw eve cwom om isi vcslimmvom weecvvoiss,