America Autisk Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, 01110 PAGE NINE HEVETKOIT11;111S11 ef RON ICU CLASSIFIED:: ASK THE RABBI Answers. d 8 d Year. adran, and Year, ' Infant L,m a I 'Oft Elect red P. J. WHALING and for COUNCILMAN A successful downtown Woodward Avenue business man. Resident of Detroit for 26 years. Tax payer, honest, fearless and a proven execu- tive, opposed to frills, for essentials. One cap- able of handling the business of the magnitude of the City of Detroit. and , red Son, mJ ear . Lola, and N., as l'ear a mils datIves and New Year. nal Son flail yeA and New Year. MAIN B. WEISS-Strictly kosher .1:u•ta, Silberman. caterer for weddings, banquets, 2. 2 , 17 Congress St. parties, etc. Excellent food. Savants of Palestine Report Rates reasonable. 1670 l'ingree 3. Samuel Marcus. Important Discoveries 1. Dr. Kaufmann Kohler. Ave. Empire 7146. Will also in Research. 5. Central Conference of Amer- rent out home for private par- _ - ican Rabbis. ties and weddings. 6, Federal Court Judgeship held .11•:11CSALlf:N1.---1J. T. A.) - Dr. MRS. .1. SHERLINE - First-class by Charles Simons. C. Adler, of the Ilebrew univer- cooking and catering for wed- 7. Temple Beth El, 1850. sity, has sin ceaded in tracing the dings and parties. 15852 Lin- S. Newport, Rhode Island. origin of the Poptitacci and Jericho- wood A YOWL% 1410114, Hemlock 9. Charleston, South Carolina. ros• diseases by carrying Oat re- 1881-W. 10. Louis Brandeis, Justice Su- search work on certain protozoa, preme Court. an annotim.ement of the Hebrew ADAMS 11. A Jewish cabalist and pseU- YOUNG or middle aged mum with university declares. Norma Talmadge in "Camille" $5,000 for officership in a $1,- ilo-hleFsilih of thd thirteenth cen- Ile devoted his attention special- 1100,00(1 corporation, fully se- will continue at the Adams next tury. ly to the sand-fly IPhlebotimus). It cured. I nvestigation invited. week. Hiss Talmadge followed in 12. Scholars of the early gaonic is stated that Dr. Adler's re- Ow footsteps of Sarah Bernhardt, Write Jewish Chronicle, Box period who invented a system of search,s have extended further illeanora 11use and other great 905. punctuation to indicate vowels and than the researches conducted by di amatia slit s in srliating the role accents for the consonantal Mann- FOR RENT-Bright front cosily of )1argui rite in the immortal the League of Nations mission for scripts of the Bible. furnished room suitable for stfatt I.y .hlexander Dumas, for tropical diseases and the British 13. The Book of Esther read on mission in India. gentleman, with quiet middle- her ui,.st pretentious production, the mast of Purim. The foundation of the Physics- aged coupe. Webb-Linwood dis- 11. Morris Rosenfeld. Mathematics institute of the He- trict. Handy to car and bus MADISON 15. Anton Grigoryevkh Ruben- brew university has been completed lines. References. Phone Hem- liqz Parade" current at the and the ex:itvation work for the stein. lock 2321-.I. )1ailison has shown no It up in the national library building is pro- IC. The party who represented the views and practices of the law FOR RENT-Beautiful furnished crowds standing in line to see this ceeding satisfactorily, a report of and the interests of the priesthood. room for one or two gentlemen. lilin masterpiece and will be held the building progress stated. soi' for a third week. John Gilbert 17. The year 70 of the Christian The work of repairing the earth- Hot water and shower. Close and Renee Adores are the leading quake damage is going forward era. to car and bus lines. Phone players and Karl Dane, Too rapidly. The workshops which were Is.. Nicholas the First. Garfield 4986-M. O'Brien and Claire McDowell are badly damaged have been pulled 19. Napoleon. 20. In 1,7:1. YOUNG BUSINESS LADY de- in the supporting cast. down entirely. New buildings will sires furnished room, including be erected near the animals' shed. CAPITOL breakfast and dinner, with pri- It is exported that the work of BARLASSINA DENIES Detroit's football season, via the repair and the installation of the vate Jewish family. N. W. sec- HOSTILITY TO ZIONISM tion. References exchanged. screen, Will have its Official opening fixtures and apparatus will be com- Phone Euclid 10075. Sunday at the Capitol with Rich- pleted before the rainy season. ard Illtrthelliless in "The Drop This is due to the prompt financial JERUSALEM.- (J. T. A.) - FOR RENT - Nicely furnished Kick." Barbara Kent, Ileibla Hop- help which was sent to the Hebrew Cardinal Luigi liarlassina, pupal room with small family. Suit- per and the 10 college boys se- university authorities after the representative in Jerusalem, denied able for one of two men or em- lected from 36 universities are in earthquake. The academic course that he was unfriendly to Zionism. ployed couple, Willing to pre- the cast. The stage show will be will begin in the fall without any Ile made this denial in an inter- pare suppers. 1954 Gladstone, especially ambitious, according to delay. view with Abraham El Maliach, upstairs. Phone Garfield 6460-M. the Kunsky production department, editor of Dour Ha'Yom. The alle- gations made in the press that Bar- FOR RENT-Nice furnished room with the headliner an 11-scene re- Vile, "Midget Follies of 1927," 12 lassina was an anti-Semite were with three windows. Near car Lilliputians making up the east. also denied by hint. time and bus line. 2711 Clair- mount Ave. STATE Vaudeville at the State Sunday FREE ROOM to young business girl in exchange for light house- will be headed by the Lee Kids of keeping. 3784 Atkinson Ave. Hollywood fame-Jane and Kath- erine, now grown to Ilapperhood. Phone Garfield 9620-W. As fort seen, the engagement of "Honorable Mr. Wu," a Chinese Clark and McCullough in "The FOR RENT-Nice furnished room fantasy, with a jazz band and a has proved a rip-roar- Ramblers - with refined family. Phone Gar- group of oriental flappers, is an- ing success at the Cass theater. A field 4533-1 other big number. Jean Grenese, musical piece of exceptional laugh- ing strength, this show could easily FOR SALE-Confectionery store. Jack Donnelly and four girls; Ar- thur Lloyd and Gautier's phono- sail through a run in Detroit, but Doing over $.100 business week- graph dogs also are listed, with will remain but another week be- ly. Show trade and school It hart Bosworth and Marian Nix- cause of Chicago tanking. trade. Long lease. Good rea- on on the screen in "The Chinese Funny as they are, it is not to be son why I am selling out. You Parrot." assumed that Clark and )1cCut . can buy very reasonable. 2408 lough are the whole show. Marie Myrtle Ave. I'hone Glendale Saxon as the leading woman is 0273. given several opportunities to Item- onstrate her kicking ability. Geor- FOR RENT-Blaine 2915. Nicely gie 0 Ramey, as usual, gives a furnished front room. Private highly individual touch to the many bona.. $5 per week. P hone Dolores Costello in "Old San comedy scenes that call upon her. Garfield 8894-W. Francisco" is the Regent Theater The cast throughout is competent. attraction this week, "Old San FOR RENT - Nicely furnished room for refined gentleman. Francisco" is a thrilling melo- Private family. Near car and drama of the colorful days before bus line. References. 2271 Clair- the "great fire" when the glamor- ADDED ATTRACTION mount Ave. Phone Garfield ous City of the Golden Gate had a Barbary Coast, known as ''the 97 1 122-J. Eva to Gallienne's Civic Reper- mile of hell," and a Chinatown tory theater of New York presents FOR RENT-Furnished room for which burrowed deep in the earth The Imsalion of th. Ago The Cradle Song," a notable couple, with light housekeeping and hid a thousand gruesome sec- Spanish comedy, at the New De- privileges. 1911 Burlingame. rets. troit opera house starting Sunday The story has to do with a Span- Phone Hemlock 0404-W. President Coolidge Award the night. The play was written by ish heiress who is kidnapped by a Distinguished Flying Cross to Gregorio and Maria Martinez Si- FOR RENT-Nice airy furnished half-caste boss of the underworld erra and was translated by John room with three windows. Ex- and offered for sale in a ambler-1 Garrett Underhill. Among the tra bathroom. Convenient to ranean auction room. cast of 20 players are Mary Shaw, Grand River Ave. and Dexter Five big acts of vaudeville fol- Harry Davenport, Mary Hone, Blvd. 9603 Martindale Ave. low the picture. Zita Johann, Phyllis Rankin and Phone Garfield 5407. Alexander Kirkland. FOR RENT - Furnished room, steam heat, hot water, shower. A beggar's wallet is a mile to All conveniences. Suitable for the bottom. gentleman or couple. Phone Hemlock 8756-R. N0 W flattens and New Year. d Family WILIAT PRICE Gtopy First 'me at Popular Prices "The Cradle Song" to Open at New Detroit datives and New Year. "MOVIETONE John E. Murphy amity , latives and New Year SEE AND HEAR COUNCILMAN Office: 690 Monroe Avenue Phone Cadillac 3333 d Family mogirmonssomEmssmosomsamiEm datives and New Year. sw000esocemoomswis-±mwoomiwommloomAwoonoviwommoc d Family TL la• • ,f- and FOR RENT-Nice furnished room near cur and bus lines. Suit- able for one or two young men. 3212 Clements. Call evenings, after 7. Phone Arlington 4285-J. FOR RENT-Nice furnished room with private family. 11648 Brush, near Burlingame. $12 per month. Let's Be Sentimental! )soslitsr, FOR RENT-9614 North Martin- dale Ave. Lower five-room flat. Shower bath, screened porch. Garage. Rent $55. 4S, 5 I1111111101111111011101i1111111:111111111111111811151121a1allIkallil111t1111111117111:111121"0111111 HOUSE FOR SALE-Glynn Court 3202. East of Dexter Blvd. Single. Three bedrooms, fir•- place, breakfast room, slite drive, shrubbery. Owner mu-t sell. $1,350 equity or 84.3 70 , • Will take sonic cash and inssl vacant. Phone Hemlock 3095 I. Business and sentiment never did go well together. There is a time for both, a place for each. upon of the •n h '..1cIpba t for Kai . ' 4 hr •■ • forma log it, • ay liar • another or No, sub do i` other - nt yid nest ( Jr So, we devote this announcement to the purely sentimental side, as distin- guished from the material side. We extend to our friends and pat- rons far and near a wish that is old, yet surprisingly new - the wish that the year newly-born may be rich in Happi- ness, in Peace and Prosperity -- per- sonal, communal, national. FRANK V. HADAS, President. F F F HADAS HADAS Au b urn Company Chandler Company Phone Northway I: FOR RENT-1948 Seward Ave., near Twelfth. Nice large room. $211 per month. FOR RENT - Hazelwood 2045. Seven rooms, extra large, fire- place, two baths, garage. $115. Phone Longfellow 2720. tai 1,, • and Year. Is fourth .fart 1770 Nash Earnings Show Remarkable Increase es'Ai At a meeting of the directors •,f the Nash 'Motors Company la Thursday', Sept. 22, the regm it quarterly dividend of FI per e was declared and an extra (livid• if 50e per share payable on Ntn. 1, to stockholders of record at t'a. close of business Oct. 20. , r The company reported that the third quarter of its fiscal y .ir 1P27, covering the months of .1,, , e, July and August, after deduct.•.g all expenses of manufacturing, in- cluding depreciation, selling, ad- ministration, and providing for local taxes, and state and federal income taxes. the net inc , me amounted to $0,298,521.55, as pared with 81,013,658.66 for • he corresponding quarter of I 'A Tidal earnings for the nine mot ' , is ameuii to of the fiscal year 1927 ammo 818.790,2:a75, against $11,: '1,- 991.27 for the corresponding psi ,d of 1920. The earnings of the C m pony for the nine months' period of 1927 have been very satisfaccry indeed. "It might not be amiss to p .nt iiut," stated President C. W. Nash, that although our sales were the greatest in our history follow .ng the int', duction of our new models, we still might have done an omen larger volume of business had cur productive capacity been grater, as both July and August ended with more orders for immediate &User- ies on our books than we e.uld I build." DANZIG.-Ii. T. A.)-An in- ternational conference of the rep- , resentatives of the Ha'schemir Ila'sair, • Zionist sport organ:za- tion, Was opened here. The confer- SaWaVasaViSVS11,WaVa%5A%VaIMICIMICICIPWSWIMMIII IMPaVallaWalaWalaWaWaVia%Vrea lence will last six d•ys. Delegates I from west European countries, j Ua r- MN America and Palestine, are present. 5036 WOODWARD AVEVUE EiEMSNEY." ee.-117.-_. odic DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA E S fT, - - VICTOR KOLAR, Associate C. OSSIP GABRILOWITSCIL Conductor. w " " O SALE A "SEASON TI CKETS" S AL E - FOR - Twelve Sunday Thursday-Friday Symphony Series Beginning Or a 13-14 I'Vaf• 532, $24, $10, sin, g9 Five Young Afternoons People's Concerts Beginning Oct. 18 Prices Si. $5, $2.50 Sat. Morn'. Beg. Nev. 12 Prices $2.50, $1, 110c FIVE MUSICAL LECTURES by OSSIP GABRILOWITSCH Acricted by the ORCHESTRA SATURDAY AFTERNOONS BEGINNING OCT. 29 Price. 111C.00, $7.50, $6.00 and $4.00. Hall-Glendale 5290 Apply at Symphony Offices in Orch Littman's Peoples Theatre Twelfth Street at Seward Ticket Office, Empire 3488. Business Office, Empire 3472. FRIDAY NIGHT, SEPT. 30.' SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, OCT. 1 AND 2 Matinee & Evenings at 2 :30 P. M. antl 8 :30 Ir. M. "True Love" A Melodrama in Four Acts by k Bloom. Announcement is made that on Thursday night, Oct. 6, after the fast, our successful drama will be repeated- "IN A GOLDEN CAGE" SPECIAL NOTICE-The Musical Libretto, "Dreams of Love," is now being rehearsed for Succoth Week. Tickets:: Nights, $2.20, $1.85, $1.10 and 75ct Matinees, $1.65, $1.10, 75e and 50c. Phone Empir DOLORN4 COSTELL IN "Old San Francisco" A Romance of the D•ys When 'Frisco Was the Paris of America. A city in fl•mes I The city that all the world loved I - Glamorous with its back. grounds of romantic Spain and the sinister Orient-and the mad gold rush of '49.- A story of heart • pounding thrillel LINDBERGH Tuesday, October 11, 1927 and New Year COL. CHAS. A. I • PRIMARIES rK I ORCHESTRA HALL The World's Greatest Motion Meters "Old San Francisco" At Regent Theater lughter S Tell Progress of Hebrew Science "The Ramblers" Stays At Cass Another Week Daughter, , to MICHIGAN golf comedy, An hilarious "Spring Fever," will It the feature! picture at the Michigan nest level:, wit illiam Iliumes, Joan ('row- ford, and George K. Arthur in the 1 1 cast. On the stage Lou Ku>lutf will syncopate the Publix revue, "Jazz a la Carlo," in which a nude chorus will sing selections from "The Student Prince" and other illUsical plays, With Rosemary as the f•n- ed soloist. i05( WASHINGTON and Ywar. a KUNSKY THEATERS A knife thrown into the light • switch plunged the room into darkness ... The Chinese girl fled silently ... Long yellow fingers reached nut in the darkness, clutch- ing the white flesh of the swooning Dolores! Additional Attraction DEMPSEY-TUNNEY FIGHT PICTURES BETTER THAN THE BEST RINGSIDE SEAT ■ and MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. 5 - ACTS OF VAUDEVILLE - For Happy Greetings, or Condolences SAMUEL UNGERLEIDER & CO. CONTINUOUS SATURDAY AND SUNDAY MEMBERS: NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE DETROIT STOCK EXCHANGE CLEVELAND STOCK EXCHANGE PITTSI3URGII STOCK EXCHANGE COLUMBUS STOCK EXCHANGE CIIICAGO BOARD OF TRADE NEW YORK CURB MARKET Use Long Distance Telephone Service Let your own voice present the congratulatory message, or carry the kindly word of sympathy. The spoken word means more than a mere letter, and you can express so much by telephone that you cannot say in writing. 114.118 PENOBSCOT BUILDING Randolph 4993-4-5-6-7 Canton New York R. 1, TEMPIVI, Manager Cleveland Direct Private Wires to All Prima Zanesville Findlay Columbus pal Markets. And it is good form-it is the modern way-to use Long Dis- tance for congratulations, greet- ings, invitations or condolences, or for any other social message. There are reduced Evening and Night rates on Station•to•Station Long Distance calls: Day Rate- • • -1:30a.m.to7:00p.m. Evening Rate •7:00 8:30p.m. Night Rate • • 8:30p.m.to4:30a.m. Vote For CHARLES BRAUN o 1: COUNCILMAN Burn and raised on Gratiot Avenue. Endorsed by prominent people in all walks of life. Primaries October II, 1927. Season's Greetings. Willey Sign Co. EVERY KIND OF PAINTED AND ELECTRIC SIGN Every Type for Every 1559 CHURCH Purpose. GLENDALE 8540 WE BLOW ONLY ONCE EACH YEAR THROUGH THE CHRONICLE AS OUR S H O F E R TO WISH OUR MANY ' FRIENDS, RELATIVES AND CLIENTS A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Greenberg Insurance Agency 520 Dime Bank Building.