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September 16, 1927 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1927-09-16

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when due, they would have been in- JERICHO LODGE TO
excusably remiss both in their duty
to those whom they represented
here and to those unfortunates
The Jericho Building association,
whoin they were trying to succor
which is completing its new and
magnificent temple on Joy road,
(Continued from first page.)
"Fortunately, we of the J. D. C.
near Linwood, which will house
was actually stolen?"
appreciated the situation and re-
Jericho lodge No. 490, I. 0. 0. F.,
"Yes. That is what I mean. The fused to pursue the cowardly
will give its annual dance at the
distribution now is being made by course, which would probably have
Book-Cadillac hotel Sunday night,
and for those persons to be bene- saved us from irresponsible criti-
cism now voiced, but which un-
Steuer later qualified his doubtedly would have meant the
first statement to eliminate the suffering and destruction of un-
original charge of theft.
told thousands abroad, and would
As the source of his information have subjected us to the more seri-
he quoted Deputy Isaac Gruen- ous charge of sacrificing the lives
baum, member of the Polish par- of those whom the Jews of America
liament and leader of a Zionist mi- sought to save from starvation.
nority group there, Joseph Teher- Our work had to be carried on un-
nichow, lawyer of Vilna, II. D. der conditions created by the un-
Naumberg, Jewish journalist of precedented calamity which had
Wa rsaw and Dr. Szabad of Vilna overwhelmed eastern Europe and
who, it was asserted, is the distrib- which had destroyed its entire eco-
uting, agent for the Joint Distribu- nomic structure and had isolated it
tion committee in the district of from the rest of the world.
Vilna. The last three named are
"To show that we chose our
the leaders of the Jewish Voelkist course with our eyes wide open, we
group in Poland, which advocates beg to quote the following resolu-
the inauguration of Jewish land tion adopted after full discussion
settling work in Poland. Mr. Steuer and consideration by the J. D. C.
met the European representatives in executive session in Deceniber,
at the Zurich conference on Jewish 1922:
This committee is now and has
rights which he attended as a rep-
resentative of the American Jew- been since the inception of its work
ish Congress. He obtained his in- fully aware of the risk of depletion
formation during a luncheon and of its funds through a depreciation
a subsequent meeting with these in the currency of the various
countries in which we are operat-
While dropping the original ing, and through other causes. It

charge attributed to him, Mr. has considered the matter from Oct. N. Both the crystal and grand
Steuer insisted in his assertion that every angle and it has been faced
ball rooms have been engaged for
the relief work carried on by the with the following choice:
this occasion. Billy Bushor and his
"'I. To discontinue its credit ac-
J. D. C. in Poland has not a con-
Rialto orchestra will play.
structive character. On this point tivities until the currencies of the
Tickets may be had from any
he quoted an article by Louis countries in which we are operating member of the lodge or at the door e
Fischer in the Menorah Journal. become stabilized, or
on the night of the dance.
"'2. To continue its work in the
While absolving the leaders of the
The committee is made up of
Joint Distribution committee in face of almost certain substantial William Ilacker, chairman, Meyer
America from any possible blame, loss or diminution of capital.
E. Tarnopol, J. Rarow, 0. Klaper.
"'It is felt that to postpone the Harry Haman, Julius Honeyman
he stated that he had previously ex-
pressed his doubts as to whether work until economic conditions be- and L. %milts.
the funds of the J. D. C. are used come so stable that there will be no
in the best possible manner. He longer wide fluctuations or depreci-
For upwards of 20 years now
referred to a communication he ad- ations in the currency would be
dressed to Mr. Baerwahl some time both inconceivable and indefensible. there has been no assignment of
ago. Ile also attacked his recent Our funds have been given to the seats to anyone in the temple or in
financial report, declaring that Joint Distribution committee with any auditorium in which services
"since coming back from the other the understanding that relief or re- have been conducted under the aus-
side, I have carefully examined the constructive aid would be furnished pices of the congregation. This
report that was made by Mr. Baer- at a time when such relief or aid year will be no exception to this
wald, the treasurer of the distribu- was urgently needed, as is now the rule, and it is therefore of import.
tion committee. Again, I want to case. To postpone our work until ance that those desiring to partici-
say that I yield to no man in my the currency becomes stabilized pate in the services, should be in
respect for the members of the dis- would mean in all probability post- their places as promptly as pos-
tribution committee, including Mr. poning it beyond the time when any sible at the hour announced for the
Marshall. Nevertheless, I am per- help from American Jewry to the beginning of services.
It is particularly desirable that
fectly willing to leave it to any per- suffering masses abroad would be
son to examine that treasurer's needed. Such help is obviously those expecting to worship at the
report, and have him say whether needed today in Russia, Poland, Maccabees temple, where the auxil-
that constitutes an accounting of Roumania, Lithuania and else- iary services are held for non-mem-
what was done with the funds by where, and it is the opinion of the bers of the congregation, should
the persons in charge on the other committee that there is no doubt as make the fact known with the least
side. I have no doubt that every to its duty in offering such help as possible delay to the committee on
dollar that was ever collected by we can even in the face of almost auxiliary services or to the secre-
the distribution committee was sent certain very great losses or diminu- tary of the temple, who is in his
office daily, except Saturday, from
to foreign countries in the hope tion in capital.
"'This point of view has been 9 to 5 o'clock. No charge is made
that the best possible use would be
publicly expressed by our chairman for attendance at these services,
made of it."
Mr. Steuer'a statement re-echoed on many occasions at meetings and but voluntary contributions te
with the theories advocated by the conferences of the Joint Distribu- cover the actual cost involved are
Voelkist leaders in Poland, who tion committee, the American Jew- received. Newcomers to the city
have recently established a society ish Relief committee, and of gath- and others who are without con-
to further Jewish land settlement erings of others interested in eco- gregational affiliation are particu-
larly invited to attend these serv-
nomic help abroad.'
work in Poland.
"We are proud of this decision ices. Those desiring to become
Mr. Marshall, commenting upon
this statement of Mr. Steuer, re- made in 1922 and have no apologies members of the congregation should
peated that Mr. Steuer had not ob- to make for the course followed by get in touch immediately with the
membership committee or the sec-
tained his information from reli- the committee since that time. We
able sources, but has instead "ob- know from our own investigations retary.

tained it from soreheads who were and from the testimony of thou-
not in a position to judge the diffi- sands of those who have been helped
culties under which the Joint Dis- abroad that the work has been
tribution committee worked during thoroughly worth while, and that
and after the World war when it the gaff here and abroad has
had to take advantage of any op- brought to it devotion, loyalty and
portunity which offered through honest effort.
"Famine and disease and the
any agency possible to prevent the
death by starvation and disease of hand of death could not be stayed
the Jews in eastern Europe and until the financial downfall could
that constructive work had to be be rehabilitated. We were con-
delayed while people were being fronted by a question of life and
sleuth and not one of making a
helped to live."
The reply: of the Joint Distrihu- good or bad bargain.
The very men who are now
tins committee continues as fol-
quoted as the authority for the
"It is misleading to imply that criticism now voiced by a single in-
money was lost or stolen either dividual, who does not pretend to
through carelessness, thievery or have personal knowledge, have, in
incompetence. Not a cent of the the past, indulged in the most un-
money so generously contributed qualified praise and approval of the
by America was lost or diverted achievement of the Joint Distribu-
from the real purpose for which tion committee," the statement con-
it was given. Had the .1. D. C. al- cludes.
tered its work because of an inevi-
table currency depreciation during i
the time the Polish mark went from 'TEMPLE
800 to the dollar to 250,000 to the
dollar, or had refused to give help
to the needy simply because their
loans probably could not be repaid
(Continued from first page.)



Distinctive Clothing
for Fall

Simon ackerman's Charing Cross Cheviots,

"GGG" Totenhams, gillman's Browns,

Oxford grays

by Ackerman, Gillman and "GGG"

HESE master builders of fine clothes again have pro-
duced the unusual in style and color harmony for
men who appreciate well-bred lines and metropoli-
tan appearance.


No one of these makers could have produced all of the
distinctive models, patterns and weaves embraced by the
Fall lines of all three. So we are very pleased that by vir-
tue of giving these makes their largest volume of business
between Fifth Avenue and the Loop we are privileged to
be the only establishment in Detroit where the models, the
weaves and the colorings of all three can be seen and com-
pared—side by side.

At Harry Suffrin's these three makes are priced

—in two-trousers suits—at the smallest margin
of profit known to the clothing world.


(Continued from first page.)
sooner or later the superstructure
which will be erected on these
foundations will be a fair and noble
one. However, the practical diffi-
culties are very great because of
the fact that I'alestine is a small
country and immigration to it is
small, although it has been very
high judging it relatively with the
population and the economic ca-
pacity of the country.
"Undoubtedly Palestine is now
passing through a very difficult eco-
nomic period. The good beginnings
made will need all the support they
can get in the next few years. From
that viewpoint, I warmly sympa-
thize with the fund-raising activi-
ties carried on by the Zionists for
that purpose of tiding things over,"
he declared.


Reformed and Strict-
ly Orthodox Funerals

Edmund G. Lewis

Lewis Bros.





B. Siegel Co. to see what
is truly new and smart.

An extensive collection of

lovely wash dresses

$1.95 to $19.75

Smart Tweed Coats


For trimmed coats

$25 to $75.50

Chinchilla Coats


Frocks of Jersey, Woolcrepe,
Velvet, Flannels and Coverts

$4.95 to $25

Children's Section—Fourth Floor.

Alan Kopelson

Teacher of Piano

with the Detroit Institute of Musical Art


Thoroughly experienced assistants, specializing in
beginners and first-year pupils. Supervised by
Mr. Kopelson personally.

Residence Studio-1941 Gladstone Avenue
Phone Euclid 2068-R

Appointments by Telephone.

Leschetizky Method



Announces that Supplementary Services
for the

Holy Days

will be held in our beautiful and spacious hall.
Competent and qualified Baali-Tefiloth will con-
duct the services.
The services in the main synagogue will be con-
ducted by Cantor A. Rutman, assisted by a choir
of 10 men.

Tickets on sale at very moderate prices at the

Slichos Services will be conducted at Midnight on Satur-

day, Sept. 17. The public is invited.

Fred Rosenfield, husband of
Clara Rosenfield and father of
Arthur C. Field, passed away on
Sept. 9. Funeral services were
held from 721 Chicago boulevard
on Sept. 12. Burial took place at

Detroit's Finest Funeral


And comes, of course, to


finite instructions for the work of
the coming season.
All departments of the schools
will celebrate the opening by as-
semblies of music and worship, at
R. F. Callaway, manager of the
which they will be addressed by Dr.
Detroit sales branch of Fridigaire
Franklin, Rabbi Frain and Jacob
corporation, has been transferred
Nathan, chairman of the religious
to the executive offices at Dayton
Nathan Adler, 4418 Tireman
schools committee. Parents are es-
passed away on Sept. 8 at
pecially requested to take note that
all new pupils must be accompanied the age of 40. Burial took place
by parents and that no registra- at Machpelah on Sept. 9.
tions take place either on Saturdays
or on Sundays. l'arents must bring
their children for registration on
week days from 9 to 5 o'clock. Only
in the Fenkell school are registra-
BASLE. — (J. T. A.) — Dr.
tions made on Sunday mornings.
ee for Holy Days.
Arthur Ruppin, Zionist coloniz-
Unusual interest centers this
ation expert and formerly a
year in the holy day services to he
Member of the Zionist Execu-
tive in Jerusalem, will proceed
held under the auspices of Temple
Beth El, if the number of persons
to Russia following the close of
seeking affiliation with the congre-
the congress.
gation or making request for cards
The specific purpose of Dr.
of admission to the auxiliary serv-
Ruppin's journey will be to
ices may be regarded as an indica-
make a comprehensive study of
tion. Announcement has been made
the Jewish colonies in the Uk-
that the services on the eve of the
raine and the Crimea.
holy days will begin at 7 o'clock
and the morning services will be-
gin at 10 o'clock. This applies alike
to the services in the main temple
the Brown Memorial chapel, and at
the Maccabees temple auditorium.
At the main temple. Dr. Frank-
Personally Supervised.
is assistant to E. G. Biechler, pres- lin will preach on Rosh Hashonah,
Latest Type of Limousine
as his theme for the evening
ident and general manager of the
H ..... and Packard Equip-
"A Fool's Paradise," and in the
:orporat ion.
ment used exclusively.
E. E. Rouech, manager of the morning "The Saving Remnant."
Cincinnati sales branch, will sue- In the Brown Memorial chapel,
:Ted Mr. Callaway in Detroit and
A. J. Bauer, assistant manager of eve of Rosh Hashonah on the topic,
the Detroit branch. will he placed "The Triumph of Man," and on
in charge of the Cincinnati organ- the following morning his subject
Empire 6533-4
At Second Blvd.
will be "The Kingdom of God." At
No Connection with any other 11rn,
The Frigidaire organization in the Maccabees auditorium, Profes-
Detroit now numbers more than 300 sor A. N. Franzblau
with a monthly payroll in excess of his evening theme "Holy Days or
160,000. It occupies 75,000 square Holy Lives," and for the morning
feet of space in the old Northway "The Voice of the Shofar." Yom
Saul Lzwia
Deals! Lewis
Motors factory on Maybury Grand Kippur themes will be announced
avenue, and serves the entire area later.
Has. No Assigned Seat..
Greater Detroit and Pontiac.
Bernard Zeiger of the Hebrew
This phenominal growth has been
accomplished in tive and one-half Union college will preach the ser-
years, under Mr. Callaway's cap- mon on the Sabbath between Rosh
Hashonah and Yom Kippur and
able direction.
Before joining the General Mo- will assist at all the holy day serv-
tsrs' forces, Mr. Callaway acted as ices. The choir in the main temple
Free Use of Our Chapel
assistant t d the manager of the lo- will be under the direction of Dr.
cal National Cash Register office, William Howland, while George
dealing entire:y with the down- Becker will direct the chapel choir
and Robert II. Luther will have
I orn clientele.
Mr. Callaway ass born near At- charge of the music in the Macca-
Cee•.g• L•■i•
Seaman.. Lew'•
lanta, Ga , and has been • resident bees auditorium. All of these choirs
base their programs in rehearsal.
of Detroit for 11 years.


Miss Detroit Junior
Prepares for

7739 John R. St.
Phone Empire 2114

VOUR gas company is always plan.

1 ning ahead so that you and our
many thousands of customers will
always receive good gas service.

This means we are now preparing to
meet the demand for gas that will come
several years in the future.

Constant surveys are being made—the
development of the city—where gas is
being used in greater quantities, and
how much gas will be needed.

That is one of the reasons why you are
receiving uninterrupted and satisfactory
gas service at the present time.

The people of Detroit enjoy gas
rates "which are lourr than

those existing in any other
similar city in America."


Ova. W. Rennet. Vice Pre.. and Ger).14gr.
Clifford at Bagley

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