America Yavish Periodical Carter - CLIFTON ATINOI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO It IFEbETROIT Ammt HRONICIA 1927 1111 •11••111 !i- l l All Jewish News All Jewish Views WITHOUT BIAS TELEPHONE CADILLAC I -0-4-0 0 OLDEST AND MOST INFLUENTIAL JEWISH NEWSPAPER IN MICHIGAN GENERAL ZIONISTS TO HAVE MAJORITY AT BASLE CONGRESS Estimated to Have 165 the 275 Delegates at Convention. Per Year, ;3.00; Per Copy, 1 0 Cents DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1927 VOL. XXXII. NO. 12 Rapid Progress Reported in Drive For Cleveland Jewish Orphan Home Officials of Iffinti Irrith District No. 2 Expect to Raise $1,000,001) by October; Many Cities Have Already Secured Quotas, Others to Start Soon. of Rapid progress is being made Hurry Nusbaum, prominent atter- in the organization of states and new and graduate of the home. Springfield, with a quota if $5,- communities throughout district cite, has selected as members of its No. 2, Independent Order Irnai campaign executive committee Max B'rith, for the $1,000,000 new K 'Yemen, .1 satin Altschul, Sam FIFTEENTH CONCLAVE S. P. Rosenfield, and ('harries' HAS DIFFICULT TASK building fund for the Jewish Or- Jaffa, phan Home at Cleveland, accord- Altschul. Assurances have been given the general campaign coon- • Experts' Commission Report ing to members of the campaign 'Matte that a campaign will bo executive committee. conducted in Canton and Spring- on Palestine May Not Those in charge of the campaign field at an early fall date. Harry Be Presented. z is directing the campaign are: Fred Lazarus, Jr., Columbus, president of the hoon; Louis J. in Marion. Ohio with a quota of $7110,000 Borinstein, Indianapolis; Rabbi Loa DON.-(J. T. A.)-Zionist Samuel 5lay•rberg, Dayton • Philip will be the first of the states in dis- I censtiteencies all over the world Schier, Kansas City, and award tritt No. 2, I. O. B. B., to get its will oo presented at the forth- 1 J. Sehanfarber, Columbus. Cam- campaigns under way, and the CIJI",11g. fifteenth Zionist congress paign headquarters are in Colum- summer months are being devoted in Bash, the birthplace of political by the general committee to the bus. Zii,nism, by 275 delegates, it was Leaders in Cincinnati and Day- perfection of organization and the etiti mated here. ton already have assured the cam- entalolishment of early campaign The list oil) be made, up of dele- paign committee that drive. will dates in these communities. Zanes- 1 gates duly elected by the various be held in their respective 1, niniu- odic, with a quota of $5,11 Hi, has' Zionist groups as well as by the fifties in September. Cincinnati has already •onipleted its isimpaign members of the general council accepted a quota of $100,1100 and under leadership of Louis We's r. known as the actions committee Dayton's quota will lie $35.010. Other states included in district and the members of the Zionist ex. Akron, with a quota of $25,000, is Ni. 2, I. O. B. H., are Indiana. amtive who are delegates to Zion- preparing fur a campaign in Sep- with a quota of $125,000; Ken- at congresses by reason of their tember, with Tunis limb as hon- tucky, with it quota of $50,1100: office. orary chairman, and Maurice Sas- Missouri and Kansas, with a total quota of $125,000: and Colorado, A tentative identification of the low as chairman. delegates as to their party affilia- Neighboring communities will New Alexico and Wyoming, with a tion shows that 50 will represent conduct their campaigns simulta- total quota of $25,000. Anticipating the formal launch- the Mierachi, orthodox Zionist or- neously with the larger cities, the ganization; 45 the labor groups, general campaign committee has ing of the orphan home campaign this fall, Columbus, Youngstown. Zeiri Zion and Poale Zion; 9 the been informed. Hamilton will have Zionist revisionists; 6 radical Zion- a quota of $'1,500; Middletown, $2,- Toledo and Indianapolis included the home in recent money-raising ist:: and the rest, 165, the so-called 11011, and Piqua, $2,500. general Zionists. The last group, The lanyttm city committe• has efforts. Columbus, with a quota of $51),- although it is subdivided on minor as its ineinla•its Jtoseph Thal, Sid- issues, is in general understood to ney Kusworm, Harry Lehman and 000, went successfully over the top, support the ‘Veizinann policy. Rabbi Samuel lilayerberg. In Cin- as did Toledo, with a quota of $10,- The correspondent of the Jewish cinnati, Herbert Blotch is chairman 000, and Youngstown, with a quota Telegraphic Agency here learns IT the campaign and Julius W. of $25.000. Indianapolis will raise $75,001. that no report of the experts' com- Freiberg, A. Edgar Aut. anti Wil- mission of the Jewish agency, liam J. Shrode• are associate chair- for the home in annual efforts of its recently organ iced Jewish com- which is now investigating the sit- men. uation in Palestine with a view to Donald Wise is heading the or- munity chest. Its first year's cam- paign was concluded recently. mapping out a program for the ganization as chairman for Lima, Zanesville, with a quota if $5,- next 10 years' work, will he pre- with a quota of $6.000. The cam. 000, already has completed its sented to the congress. It is, how- Ionian will he conducted early in under leadership of Louis v,eh ever, expected that a plan to create the fall. t ;triton, with a quota of I campaign DAVIS PREDICTS ( INCREASED BARS AGAINST ALIENS Secretary of Labor Starts PROHIBIT BIBLE PASSAGE IN PLAY LONDON.--(J. T. AT-Is a Bible passage subject to the rul- ings of state censorship? This interesting controversy has de- veloped between the Globe thea- ter and the state censor The censor prohibited the reading of a passage from the thirty-ninth chapter of Genesis feeling with the story of Joseph and Potipbar's wife. The man- ager of the play, "Potiphar's wanted to have the pass- age read from the stage. Following the prohibition of the censor, the theater manage- ment asked permission to print the passage in the program. Fixel Writes On Laws Of Aviation ; Detroit Attorney Publishes First Book on Aircraft Legislation. ZIONISTS ABOLISH JERUSALEM DOLE E It USA L E M (.1. T. A.)- The dole system, applied by the %boast executive in recent months for the relief of unem- pleyed Jewish workers, will be discontinued in Haifa, Afuleh and Jerusalem, the executive has announced. Instead of the dole system, work will be provided for the unemployed. The doles will be retained only in Tel Aviv, where they will be gradually reduced. SOVIET TO GIVE JEWISH FARMERS FINANCIAL HELP President Kalinin Declares Russia Will Sub scribe Of unusual signiaance to law- yors and persons interested in avi- to World Fur d. legal Entrants. ation the nation over, and of espe- cial interest to Detroit Jewry, is JEWISH COLONISTS the book by Rowland IV. Fixel of EXPECTS CONGRESS TO GET the Detroit bar which will be off TO APPROVE FUNDS ' the press next week. 'fhe book is totaled "the Lax. of Aviation " German Hilf Doing , Mr. Fixed, whois a captain in Will Use Ford Plan; Action Medical and Cs Rural the judge advocaat , genend's de- partment, reserve corps, nod a part Not Result of Sacco- Work in Rua, ia. ammander of the Charles A. Lear Vanzetti Riots. lied pest of the American Lego,. MOSCOW. - (J. T. A,) - The lot., made an unusually exhaustive Soviet government is ready to sub- and comprehensive study eif WASHINGTON, 1). C.-(J. T Third Anniversary of Land scribe one-fourth of all fund* suli:ect This is the first complete, AT-Plans for increasing the re- raised abroad for the p urpose of authoritative hew text published in strictions against aliens were form- Settlement by Jews promoting Jewish colonization, ac- the Unite .1 States dealing with ulated by Secretary of Labor Davis Is Observed. cording to a statement made by aviation law. early this week. President Kalinin in an interview In a clear, cionisto and forceful Secretary Davis stated that he with Bernard Edelhertz °ow; r of is taking preliminary steps to boy- Committee Chairmen Submit' manner, Mr. Fixel's work com- MINSE.-J. T. A.).--The third who i s pletely covers the following phases anniversary of the issuance by the the "American Hebrew cott aliens who are in the country now here. Reports on Plans for the Inv of aviation: Historical, illegally from getting work in the White Russian government of its The Soviet government intends !•ontlicting theories of sovereignty' decree providing for the settlement! United States and keep them out.' Coming Year. to continue the Jewish colonization in air space, a 011111 , 11 as a branch of the army. of White Russian Jews on the land work, to allocate new la nd and to internatienal Ills, international This plan was (originated by A large, interested group of re oadations rules of the air, right was celebrated here. grant transportation and other fa- NI. Volodko, vice-minister of ag- cilities for this purpose. For every Henry Ford, who insists on every I members attended the mid-summer to navigate. over another's land, employee being able to show that meeting of Pisgah [outgo No. 34, criminal liability of aviator or pas- ricult are for White Russia, pub- $1,000,000 raised in America or I e is legally entitled to residence, Independent Order of Mud B'rith, sengers, effect on insurance con- lished an article in which he sets elsewhere, the Soviet government in the United States. held Monday night, Aug. 15, at the tracts, aircraft as 11 COMI11011 Car- forth what has been acconiplished will give $250,000 for colonization The secretary said that there liana B'rith Community Center. rir, federal legislation and the in Jewish land settlement during work, Kalinin stated. Dr. M. W1sehnitzer, general sec- was no intention at present to es- Interesting reports on the pro- agreement between the United this period. During 1025 and 1020, he states, 15,208 desiatin of land retary of the Hilfsverheein yes- tablish a system of alien registra- Iiised activities of the lodge were States and (amide. Ion, but it undoubtedly will hr submitted by the chairmen of the Then. is appended an exhaustive were alienated fur Jewish land set- terday Juden, arrive. here 111'1,11111 1 11 by some member of con- various committees. President compilation of state statutes, the tlement, and 103 collectives, with a and proceeded on his tour Cress, and the exasperation at the Samuel Sternberg presided. air cciumerce act eif 1020, air com- population of 1,147 weds, were es- of the Jewish colonies in Cherson, On behalf of the convention com- merce regulations and the interna- tablished on this area. Including Krivoy Rog, Crimea al d Odessa. recent hoonihings may engender a sentiment for even that drastic mittee, Harry latiberman read a tional flying convention. The book the older collectives, this made a lie will also visit soli ral towns report on the convention of District also contains 11 complete and thor- total of DM Jewish agricultural (rein where the present settlers course, he said. collectives in White Reside, Twen- David says his )flans are not the Gland Lodge No. 6, I. 0. B. B.; ough index, ellVeri ng 21 pages. Jewish collectives more When en interviewed by the repre- Mr. Pixel's own ideas on his ty-two result of the Sacco-Vanzetti dis- held in this city .luly 3 to 0, inclu- have been formed since, and an- come sive. Adolph ("Daddy") Freund sentatives f the Jewish Tele- work, and the purposes for which orders, but these are very likely to other 372 Jews have been settled graphic Agency here, Dr. Wisch- cause a rebirth of the hysteria of presented an interesting picture of it was prepared, are best stated in 011 individual farms. Altogether nitzer stated that the Hilfsverein the work and activity of the Jewish his preface: some years ago, and congress is ex- "The Law of Aviation want writ- 1,510 Jews have been settled on the intended to participate in the Jew- petted to he generous with appro- Orphan Home at Cleveland, which land in White Russia during the ish colonization work last spring priations for deportation, even if it is sponsored and supported by Dis- ten both for the lawyer and the but the work was interrupted due is not persuaded to enact alien reg- ant Grand Lodges Nos. 2 and 0, layman. The fields covered are the period. I. O. B. It. This year 7,001) more desiatin of to the death of Dr. Paul Nathan. legal and historical phaeee. Tech- istration measures. Rabbi II. Z. Gordon, chairman nical and economic considerations land will he allocated for Jewish The Hilfsverein is now beginning of the Americanization committee, are omitted, as there are many land settlement, 5,000 desiatin of medical and cultural work in the delivered an illuminating report on works already dealing with those the best quality and 2,01/0 desiatin colonies. the work and plans of that commit- phases of the subject. of semi•best quality. an Agrarian bank will be submit- .A15,0111), is under the leadership of tee. Elias Goldberg, chairman of "Although over 25 states have The agricultural work, the vice- ted by the executive. the symphony committee, told the statutes on the subject, to elate minister declares, is being carried no milers of the year's program of there has been no general treatise on on intensive lines. rettle•brevel- that important body. Robert Gas- 1111 the statutory side of aviation ing and dairy-farming are being BERLIN.-(J. T. A.) -Final re- sell, chairman of the athletic com- law. Nor has there been any at- developed satisfactorily. The cows turns of the elections of delegates mittee., outlined the plans for an tempt to correlate these statutes. to the fifteenth Zionist congress on the Jewish farms yield more athletic carnival and baseball game The result is that the lava of avia- from the Zionist societies in Ger. cows on the non- For the tenth successive year, the between Pisgah Lodge and Lodge tion has remained in a state of con- milk than the, many have been made public here.] Jewish farms. congregation of Temple Beth El is Not. 55, Knights of Pythias. fusion due to the fact that there South African Boa' d Lends The trend indicated in other Will Explain Significance of Will Introduce New Bill in arranging to hold auxiliary serv- The vice-minister points out that Among those present at the has been no annlysis of the stat- Support to Conference of a Zionist constituencies ices during the coming high holy meeting were Lewis Mayer, past utes, decisions, and precedents un- owing to the scarcity of land, the Legislature to Put Bible International Conference strengthening of the extreme wings Jews are being given swampy areas on Jewish Rights. days. Temple Beth El, which is or- president of the Jacob Schiff Lodge der which aircraft operates. is seen also in Germany. Accord- in Schools. August 27. which require. amelioration and im- --- ganized along definitely democratic of Lansing, and Rabbi Leon Frain, "This necessarily retards the ing to the returns, the left-center ZUIIIC11.-.1. T. A .-Seventy principles, has always stressed the Rabbi Frain, in a short talk, growth of the industry; for if un- mense labor before they can be bloc received 2,313 votes, thus sown; nevertheless the Jews are delegates are expected to attend 'f hat the battle to force the Bildt- duty of a great congregation to touched on the work of the Hillel certainty exists in the minds of the "The Conspiracy of the Teach- electing four delegates. The Miz- offer to others than those upon its Foundation and of the intellet•ual public with respect to its rights and giving good results, their farms are the Conference on Jew: sh Rights, rachi, having received 2,076 votes, ers" will be the subject of Rabbi into, the public schools of Ohio is to roster of membership the opportu• model farms and their products are convoked under the auspices of the nolvancement coommit tee. vigor and liabilities toncerning aircraft, there elected hour delegates. The Peale Leon Frunffit sermon Saturday,' be resumed with renewed American Jewish congress and the It etas announced that Julius will loot fear and apprehension to of the first quality. energy at the coming session of the, pity of worship on all occasions. It Zion with 1,540 votes elected three August 27. Paris committee of Jewish delega- Rabid Frani visited the Interna- Ohio, legislature is the prediction therefore makes it possible through , Deutetlbaum has been elected to the enter the field either for investment de legates. The It I 7i n'-ta tions, which will open here on these auxiliary services 011 the holy board of directors of the II nal pa reuses or for active participa- with 465 votes •elected one delegate. tional Conference of Teachers' As- made by Itt, A. C. Dieffenbach, days for Jewish people in the cunt- , Wednesday. B'rith t'ommunity House. tion in the art of aviation. The Zionist revisionists received so•iations which was held at Tor- , liberal church leader and (data of nullity, who for good reason may The purpose of the conference is "The book I have written is an 302 votes and are not entitled by onto August 5 to 12, and he met the Christian Register, in explana- not be regularly affiliated with a to consider the reorganization of attempt to classify the laws of avi- tion of warnings issued by him in fellow-educators from the Far East this vote to any delegates to the the committee of Jewish delega- congregation, to worship under its ation; and to state the reasonable and the Near East, from every an address at the Institute of Poli- , {egress. T EL AVIV (J T. A.)-The tions with a view to safeguarding rules of law concerning the owner- country in Europe, and from many ties at Williamstown, Mass. municipality of Tel Aviv joined in the rights guaranteed to the Jew- This year the committee in ship, operation and use of aircraft, cities in the United States, Can- Elements responsible for the the plea for Sacco and Vanzetti in ish population in east European sou that the public generally may ada and South America. In his ser- fundamentalist movement in the' charge of the auxiliary services has a resolution adopted by the city countries under the Versailles linons what rights and liabilities it mon he will present the important south, which has for its aim the been particularly fortunate in se- council. treaty. questions that came before this easement of legislation prohibit- curing what is regarded as the Bias Reports 5,385 Jewish has with reference to aviation." At the ame time, the council Among the delegates will be 20 Pixel is signal yhonored, colorful assembly, and will explain ing the teaching of the theory of most beautiful and most conv•n- Immigrants Arrived in protest against the per- members of various parliaments adopted a and his book duly recognized, by the significance of the World con- evolution in schools and colleges, iently situated auditorium in the oe ilit a s and representatives of the Jewish of low s an dS secution o . Jewn a ish d U. S. in 6 Months. ference both in the field of educa- are preparing to back the light for city (of Detroit, namely, the Macca- Zionists in Soviet Russia. League of societies in Pal- (Turn to last page.) building auditorium on Wood- London Deities That Right tion and in the field of interna- anti-evolution and pro-Bible legis- bees estine, Bul g, aria Aus tria NEW YORK.-(.1. T. A.) -Five tional relationships. lation in Ohio, Dr. Diettrenbach de-, ward avenue at Ilutnam, just top. Czechmslovakia. In add to the posite the public library and the thousand, three hundred a n d to Exploit Dead Sea On Saturday, August 20, Rabbi c lone s. p !American delegates ro ttnse ti new Fine Arts building. The audi- eighty-fire Jewish immigrants ar- Leon Fram s subject will be: "The Has Been Given. Anti-evolution crusaders have torium is On the American Jewish et ngress the rived in the United States during the ground floor of the a dis- Wisdom," Seven Pillars of ocrossed the borders and are prepar- ! o delegates incite i of es Nahum the six months ending June 30, ac- cussion Of that picturesque Arab- 'rig to cone:oaf:ate efforts in Ohio.. building, and may be reached from chairman of th executive LONDON.-(J. T. A.)-Inquir- ian adventure which has been re- 1)r. hirffenhach chinos thatthe either the Woodward or Putnam cording to a report of the Hebrew izairtioTni.; the World Zionist Or gaadnirn Immigrant Aid and Sheltering, So- ies in responsible quarters by the . corded in the book, "Revolt in the central agency of the nation- avenue entrances. Dr. Simon Dubnow, VI The auxiliary services will this ciety of America, made public by Jewish Telegraphic Agency here Desert." wide fundamentalist and pro-Bible omkin, Mr. Teitel, Rusr ian Jewish Isaac I.. Asofsky, general manager Louis Lipsky Announces New Personnel; Nathan Kaplan year be in charge of Professor A. regarding the report which np- All during the summer the serv - attorney, end Or. Z. of Chicago Heads Palestine Office; Gives Service in the London papers that a ices begin at In o'clock and close F'undanutntalist Association, under N. Franzblau, professor at the of the society. chief rabbi of Vienna. Three thousand, eight hundred commission to exploit the mineral at 11. The general public is cur- the presidency of Dr. 11'. B. Riley,' New York Hebrew Union College Gratis; Organization's Assets Exceed Debts. According to the pre H gr . am, Chah je t s r. School for Teachers. Dr. Franz- and sixty-four Jews who came to resources of the Dead Sea is about (Bally. invited. "eh,. wears the mantle of William Bokolow will open the conference blau is well-known in Detroit, hav- the United States (luring that per- to be given to the Imperial Chemi- 1i-cluing, Bryan," and who has just and Dr. Duhnow the well-known iod were classified as non-immi- in Palestine ing officiated at these services for NEW YORK.-Men Id' acknowL for the sale of eat Industries of which Sir Alfred onounced that each year the ass°- ' the past several years, and he is edged lousiness ability, commanding !broke as a result t o the diecontinu-1 Russian Jewish histeria , will sub- Mond is the head, brought a thine' , iation will choose legislatures of deservedly popular. Dr. Leo M. grITtps;esentatives of the society Zionist confidence, have been placed Lance of immigration; to the fact mit a report ten "The N w and Old sf the report. tea or three important states for Forms of Organization met 3111 incoming steamers in Franklin will be in charge 14 the ! in charge tof affairs of the Ameri- that the American Zhu, common- It wasdeclared that it is likely • objectives. services in the temple auditorium, which Jewish immigrants arrived min Zionist commonwealth both in . wealth managers in Palestine Emencipation." Other : e fo pr orj trwill 11r. Novomejski and a British en- ohiit, in the • opinion of Dr. Diet.. mei in Palestine and failed to take proper precautions to • le submitted by Dr. Is eo Motzkin, and Rabbi Leon Fran in charge Of Kosher meals distributed by the t I i gineer will be awarded the conces- combat:1i, is under the shadow of a sr t- the Brown Memorial chapel. Fur- !Das to persons detained at Ellis at Ire 1 (it' Is' to protect the in- I protect the American land pur- Dr. Stephen S. Wise an d 1:01 . Mia sion. Mr. Novomeiski, who is a I gulies. The conferene d•gmatism and intolerance in re- island numbered 22,503 during . ther assistance in the conduct of terest of American purchasers and chasers." Russian Jew, was the first to nif- New Home of Congregation ligion. In discussing the situation, three days. Mr. Lipsky slates that "the, the temple services will be given that period, the report states. Talth's ' ■ to aissure the commonv tily for a concession to exploit the I,- p icted to the heated legislative According to repots Ls received One hundred and thirty-five ap - credit in America. Zionist Organization of America i I by Bernard Zeiger of the Hebrew , Beth David Is Among salts of the Dead Sea. II I,• at Columbus two years ago, !Union College, who last year so I peals through the Washington bu ., This is the statement made by Intel-yelled antlylaced in charge of here the board of Jewi .h deputies Finest in City. ninth centered on the Bible bill. of South Afri,a has an nuanced its rcaa of the 11 ias were submitted of very satisfactorily conducted the Louis Lipsky, president of the the American ',ion commonwealth This bill was passed and was ve- pose of the LONDON.-(J. T. A.)-A con• services held at the Fenkell branch. behalf(at detained immigrants. 0 f to take the place sympathy with the per Zionist Organization of !America, a new personnel toed by Governor Donahey. syn- conference. The corro•rstiont• of the new number III cases were decide, scion to exploit the mineral re- I Because of the growing memlat. this before leavinff for the fifteenth of the. old administration. At the ! Governor Iffinahey's concluding sources of the Dead Sea in Pales• agogue of Cengregatiton B e t h , ship of the temple, the main ten- in favor of the immigrants, 2: world Zionist congress at Basle, head of the affairs of the con word in his veto message of May, line is about to be given the Im- David, at the corner Of Fourteenth he states, "were pie auditorium and the Brown , we re rejected and the rest have no giving assurance that "the new ad - noinwealth," 1925, was: "As governor of a ll th e been decided upon. • d [oust- perial Chemical Industries, accord- street and Elmhurst avenue, was Memorial cfinpel will he reserve,' ■ ministration is slowly extricating placed men of acknowledicave the people, sacredly pledged to uphold The amount of $954,886 was re ability in whom we ing to reports in newspapers here. laid in place. last Sunday afterneon for members of the congregation th. American lion commonwealth mess the spirit and letter of the consti- The deposits of bromine salts, gyp iwith appropriate ceremonies. NA- . and out-of-town guests who are muted through the Iliac by tout of its credit difficulties." nost confidence, and Who will, tution, I can neither abridge nor hRniei Goldstick, assistant corpor- un and magnesium chloride are members in good standing of Cell- American Jews to their relatives in A cempesite (blanche' statement cotniniand the contblen, of all Zion- compel religious wt.rship in any Poiand, Roumania, Lithuania, Lat • of the books of the American Zion lets. At the head of the Palestine tiniated to be worth 1238.000,- ,ation counsel and chairman of the , gregations in their home cities. form, and, therefore, in the name cornerstone committee, presided. em10011 (about $1,199,000,00 11 .000) Three choirs will participate in , Russia and other countries. conmoonwealt h in this country as ■ mfliet. of the American Zion Will Ask Zionist Congress • ',bout 2111) times the British war Harry C. K. y well, president, of the founders of our free country the services. The musical service Weil as in Palestine, duly signed by • wines:0th we have been most for- and its soldier defendants, dicing to Obtain Pal estine in securing the able stirs- s poke on the hist iry and progress d bt to the United States. in the main temple will he fur- PALESTINE TO HAVE 'citified public accountants, shows !tunate . alhhi A. • • and dead. I must return this bill . nishell Entry Perm i ts. by a double quartet choir, NEW POLICE CHIEF that the assets of the company ex - I ices of Nathan D. Kaplan gratis. The granting of the concession , of the mini:legation. R herewith to the house of its origin. Ashinsky male in Yiddish. Charles cued the liabilities by over $6110,-, Ste. Kaplan, an attorney, is premi- under tilt direction o f :• ill be the signal to start one of anapproved. Goloistrin praise.' the efforts ti 1 Howland. The choir in the 11rnwn ere°. The surplus earned by the nent in Chicago Zionist affairs." (J. T . A.) - A ati. biggest commercial enterprises ERUS.11.1 . .).-1J. T. A.)- , The Ku Klux Klan etas in oi• :enthusiasm of the mend., ot i s Th.. statement further declares world conference of the He'Chalutz, Memorial chapel will be under the 1Colonel A. S. Alavrogerdato, th e eempany is not the property of any r undertaken by any nation. It ce in the fight for the Buchanan corgregation in a short adilr. i direction of George Becker, foor individual but is to be used ter that "the Zionist Organization of the international Zioni a t youth or- • 1 1, I( . .1 that it will start a con• inspector general of the I'alestin e reading bill. The 1.11. C. A. .•sh'skin . A • . many years tenor soloist of the (le nit:talent of police and prisons public purposes and for the fur.: Amer lea stands squarely behind 'ganizatton • which prep' res for pio- u. (1.1W ofsurplus profits into as,supported the (.111. leader of the congregation for th le.rnt temple. And that at the Maccabees ‘tf.,i i,ise l eniei r i,wa y t e ie.Z i a,e h Bee the ,„,o Drd. veer week Palestine, will be held is to be transferredto anothe r therance of the Jewish National t ernment coffers of Palestine. past 22 years and who was oditorium will he directed by !post, states the Doar Hayom. 11 e !lime ideal in Palestine. of in Danzig Sept. 14, i mmediately the enterprise is placed on a yently electi•l to that position Lo Rebert Luther, whose work last will he succeeded as chief of th e Mr. Lipsky's statement briefly organization." It further declares following the fifteenth Zionist con- h•is it will enable the a. made his life, llf JERUSALEM FACES year was received with the greatest Palestine police by Colonel A. .1 . outlines the. accomplishinente of the that "the failure of the American gross in Basle. of the British empire to I the remainder ri ng ORTHODOX BATTLE enthusiasm. The conference was c ned t con- • .• , 1 potash at approximately appeal fur fouls. Among the Macneill, former commandant to f commonwealth during the nine Zion eenimonwealth wou ld b who eesponded was D. Simons, Thus,• wishing to attend the aux- the British section of the Palestin e years of its relive operation in Pal- abut a serious financial condition shier the situation in he light of Inc current prices. who contrilontetd $250. iliary sorvices should send their lin ether Zionist institutions in l'al- the new decisions w wit eh are ex- gendarmerie (Black and Tans) estine. "During that time," he de- The Imperial Chemical interests, JERVSALEN 1.-1J. T. A.)- The privilege et actually laying names and addresses as soon as which was disbanded about a yea ✓ claims, "it has contributed a great entire, which makes it all the more pecteel to be taken at he congress a merger of practically the entire was purchased by First stops toward splitting the pe the cornerstone ssihle to the committeeI. imperative for Zionists in coopera- with regard to the Ch a lutzim and chemical industry of Britain, made deal to the uphuilding 14 the. Jewish Jewish community in Jerusalem iliary services, care of Temple Iv Brunner, Mond Li Company, Mr. and Mrs. A. Boordelov. Under National Home. It has established tion (0 (10 their utmost to place the the question of i mmigration. due to the controversy between this stone was {dared a history of Beth El. Those desiring to loerame seelmenwealth upon a safe tinan- Eleven countries, it was stated ace been making extensive prep- he colonies of lialfourin, ` the ultra' irthodox and the Zion- members of the temple hefore the •ations for the task of exploita- I the congregation and other Meta- NUMERUS CLAUSUS here. will he represei ailed at the and Afule. It redeemed Ihtlo011 eial basis." ists were taken at a meeting of : mods which will undoubtedly prove holy (lays season, sn as to entitle Mr. Lipsky're statement, which in conference. The orgeni zation has a dunams of land frem the posses- TO BE CONTINUED representatives of ultraortho- some future them to sittings in the main tem- sion of non-Jews and tide part in supplemented by the financial membership of 2000. A provision likely to be incorpor- of great interest to dox groups held here. ple, should communicate shortly In view of the press •nt situation the acquisition of the most promis- statement of the commonwealth, '.51 in the concession is the dons- , generation. BUDAPEST.-(J. T. A.1- The meeting was attended by The now structure, which repre- with the membership committee or ing stretch of territory known as concludes with an appeal to all in Palestine, the head quarters of ton of the entire recovery plant to The numerus clausus limiting representatives of the Koolelim, sents an expenditure of $27,0,110 1 1, with any of the officers of the tem• American land purchasers to give •the lle'Chalutx condo( test a thor- the Haifa bay complex, which con- the Palestine government after a the number of Jewish students by and erected under the organizations raising funds plc. Nn assignment of seats is sists of 60,0a0 dunanis of land and their steepest to the "effort that is I ugh survey of the C halutzim in arm of years, the establishment of • was de s igned in the Hungarian universities in the Diaspora for the mainte- the personal supervision of J. I.. temple services, made at any of the being made by the present board of the various countries o ho are pre- '..ssttional schools to train natives which is destined to become a flour- will be continued during the The temple nance of the Chatukah institu- but cards of admission will be is- for noses in the industry and even- , Popkin, architect. ing industrial and agricultural see- dires•tors of the American Zion pared to emigrate te P alestine. next school year, according to s an area 105 feet tions, several orthodox institu- ■ nr, per ..eupi sued only to the seating capacity of senimenwealth to meet all the ebb- The He'Chalutz has decidsd to tually for administrative and tech- ir.n. an ordinance issued by Hunga- tions and rabbis under the lead- long and HO Let wide and will ar- the various auditoriums. "The American Zion common- catems of the corporation and ts ask the cengreee to ob f ain vrmits Posta and the admission of rian Minister of Education ership of Rabbi Sonnenfeld. t, nom date P5ii persons on the file Palestine government refire- wealth Was caught, however, in the piece it once more in a position in for the entry of 1,500 Chalutsint Count Klebelshurg. The meeting derided to form a main floor and 525 in the lateen}. conditions that developed in Pales. ehich it can he of service to the who are fully (pantie, and ripe- si•ntatives 11 the heard directing the In the ordinance issued ter the separate congregation in accord- is said to he One ESTABLISH 29 NEW The new building whole protect. One during the past few years," Zionist movement." The statement dally adaptable to Pall stint condi- forthcoming !wheel year, Count complete and Modern Rote with the provisions of the JEWISH VILLAGES K ithelsburg points out that only Mr ipeky'e statement continues' points out that there are now out- , thine. Their entrance into Pales- The concession is said not to 1of the most recently promulgated Palestine nagogues' in the city. s y .n explanation eif the difficulties of I standing $.182,2S11.58 due to the tine in view of their t r aining will grant an unrestricted monopoly. 200 Jewish students will be ad- communities ordinance which. It is expected that the new syna- MOSCOW.-(J. T. AL-Twen• but to provide that the hulk of sur- the fund. "Its difficulties are at- American Zion commonwealth from not add to the unempl oyment, the mitted in all the Hungarian col- be sufficiently completed although it establishes the prin- I gogUe will plus profits will go to the govern- ty-nine new Jewish villages are tributable to the fact that it had !American land purchasers, and de- I Ilerhalutz leaders belie leges and universities. Of this ciple of one Jewish community within the next month s° that it Preference is to he g iven in this ment Of Palestine, partly for rein- ' about to be created in the District inoutficient capitrt with which to clares that the payment of this number, 31 will be admitted to in each locality, allows the crea- vestment in Palestinian industry. will he available for the high h'Is of Nikepol. From 20 to 25 houses perate; to the fact that its man - amount would enable the common- Troup to the Chalutzi m who are the technical 'shoo's, 20 to the tion of separate congregations services. The actual dedica- imprisoned in Russia and whrm rotlt•r provision is said to be the day ngers purchased more land than wealth fully to redeem important are being built in each village. agricultural schools and one in are already of dissenters from this commu• distribution of fertilizer to the tion, plans for which Ithoy were in position to sell or de- ! stretches of land which are being I the Soviet government i s willing to Seven hundred sixty-five families a ac hool for chemistry. under wan will take place within permit to go to Palestii e. farmers of Palestine and Transjor- s rel. p; to the fact that the market held under mortgage. have already been settled the next few months. dania at cost prices Fundamentalists Fram to Discuss Active In Ohio Teachers' Meeting Campaign Against Il- wire," B'NAI MTH HOLDS SUMMER MEETING MORE LAND JEWS CELEBRATE RUSSIAN DECREE' Temple Completes Arrangements for Holiday Services! 70 DELEGATE GO TO Z URICH Gives Out Facts On Immigration No Concessions Granted to Mond I TEL AVIV MAKES PLEA FOR SACCO Financial Statement Shows American Zion Commonwealth Is On Sound Basis ,okolow, i I LAY CORNERSTONE OF NEV SYNAGOGUE He'Chalutz to Hold World Con ference 1 T I ■ I .00 0