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May 20, 1927 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1927-05-20

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A merka lavish periodical Curter


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GiAS. - H--. JOSEPH-


that article in the current Atlantic 51.•dhly cam
d - The Rev,.!:
ass ,. •
of a Iliddle Acted Father" doesn't arouse n
those interested in college edueetion, I shall miss my guess. It was to me
one of the most illmninatirat articles on the whole subject of a ...liege edu-1
cation that I have ever read, and when I had liniohed it I looked about for I
the name of the author. And I finally discovered it to be Dr. Isaac M.
Rubinow, the famous economist, social worker and statistician. He surely!
goes to the heart of the problem from every conceivable angle and when one'
finishes there is in one's mind a real doubt as to whether more than half of
the young men and young women who are piling of melt into our colleges
to the number of 000,000 wouldn't be better off at home working to make
a living for themselves and relieving their parento of the unnecessary sac-
rifices they are making to keep them in college.

Sunday Morning Services:

1/r. David Philipson of Cincinnati

mill occupy the pulpit Sunday morn-

ing, May 2'2, and speak on the subject
"The Great Spiritual Quest." Serv-
ices will begin at. 10:30.



to sing the anthems "Hallelujah"
and '"I'hanksgiving and Praises" at
the Teniple High School graduation
exerrises Sunday morning, is com-
posed of the following students: \Yur-
rem Greenstone, Hortense Rosenberg,
Louis 't.tsittan, Sylvia D. Abrams,
lack Rum, Anna Newnan, Rae Kraft,
Daisy Kass, Flodtdle Scheeler, Doro-
thy Weitznian, Della Colo.?), Jean
Bennett, Delphine Lorig, Nliriam Abe
ramovits, Miriam Edwards, Lola
1S'einberg, Sylvia ,1,100by, Gerald
Beek, 'Muriel Greenberg. Milton Sil-
berstein, Bernard Rothenberg, Irma
Sirloins and Lucille Schrieber. Con.
doetiir, Mrs. Mathilde G. Kesler; or-
ganist, Miss Frances D. Rosenberg.


Saturday Morning Services:
Jewish Book Week Will be cele-
brated at Temple Beth El on Satur-
day May 21. Rabbi Leon Frain will
occupy the pulpit and speak on the The Temple Men's Club
subject "Dot, Your Libraray Relleet Prize Winners:
Your Personality." Services begin at
The high school oratory prizes
have been won by Irving Wartell, '27,
first prize, subject "Liberal J uda-
Young People's Temple Club:
ism ; Samuel Trunsky, ':31, second

by prize, subject "Capital Punishment,"
The Sluts'
the Young People's Temple Club will and Sam Sinister, '31, honorable men-
take place 'Wednesday night, May 25, tion, subject "Peace." The judge , for
at 8 p. m. All members of Temple the oratory contest were the follow-
households are cordially invited. The ing: 51ro. Oscar Rubinson, Felix Sil-
Temple high School graduates will ver and Nelson Shapero.
be guests of honor. At this time,
The Temple men's declamation
also, new officers and directors will prizes have been won tie RIM Lo-ip-
be elected.
siger, 5-13, first prize; Willima flood-
The annual moonlight excursios friends, 5-A, second prize, and Muriel
given by the Young People's Temple Smith, 0-B, honorable mention. The
Club will be held on Monday night, judges for the declamation contest
June 211.
were the Misses Rose Phillips, Ruse

Buchman and Florence Wolenburgh.
Beth El College to Close May 30:
The closing assembly of Beth El Fred M. Buteel Teaches
College of Jewish Studies will be held High School Clam
on Monday night, May 30, at 8
Fred M. Butel will give a lesson
o'clock. The program for that eve-
in social service to the combined
ning is as follows: Announcement
junior and senior classes of the high
of courses for next season; lecture
school Sunday morning, May 29. His
by Dr. Israel Mattock of London,
subject will be "Social Work as a
Eng.; social hour, refreshments and
Profession and nstillobhy."
dancing. Students :nay invite their
friends. Non-students may obtain
The Library:
tickets of admission at the college
"The Dybbuk," one of the plays
given in Detroit by the Ilabinin play-
ers, may be had in a beautiful Eng-
The Graduating Class:
Miss Alma Marks has been appoint- lish translation. Members of the
ed by the faculty valedictorian for temple may borrow the book from
the graduation class at the exercises the temple library. Among the other
to be held on Sunday, May 22, Dr. new books to be obtained at the li-
David Philipson will deliver the brary is the new one-volume Jewish
graduation address. Plans for Class history, "A History of the Jewish
[lay, the senior play and the gradua- People," by Margolis and Nlarks.

join the Temple Big!) School orches- , Ermann, Jeanette Sarah Musliner
tra' which meet, s every Sunday after- and the Messrs. Harold Ehrlich, :Stil-
thou, Nor-
noon at 12:30 under the leadership ton Ponnusky, Poster
nolo Mayhem%
of Saul Abramovitch. The Iligh nem Iiirnkrant,
School orchestra will play at the Felix Silver and Henry Freud.
closing exercises of the School of
Beth El College:
Religion on June 1__
A social hour will follow the clos-
assembly of Beth El College of
The Afternoon Dramatic Club:
Studies Monday evening, May
The dramatic club of the afternoon
school meets with Miss Esther Gold- 311. The a scmbl y will hegira with a
by Dr. Israel I. Ntattuek of
berg every Tuesday at 4 o'clock.
London and the announcement of
- --
' s cour•es by Rabbi Leon
Memorial Gifts:
Frain. Refreshments will he served
d fur
by young women of the student body
menurtial dear,
and there will be dancing. Non-stu-
p., )i,rte)1 ones may be commemorated. dents may obtain tickets of admission
You are invited to consult Dr. Leo
at the college office.
M Franklin on the subject

Brown, Delphine Baron; B. Milkowsky
'class, Pauline Weiner, Eugene Rabino-
witch, Sanford Waxser, Gerson Birris;
Goble Greenbaum class: Florence Al-
bert, Herbert Gross, Sylvia Fink, Ruth
Rheins, Florence Rossner, Irvin Strub,
G. Goldman, Roslyn Arta, Sanford
Goldstein; Anne Greenbaum class: Al-
bert Newman, Giddies Burnatein, Ros-
alyn. , Handelsman, Ruth Lipski.



For theIletter-Dres,ed %V 0111a,


9118 Twelfth St.. Neer Clmirmotant,

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Party for Graduates:
High School Athletics :
On Saturday night, May Li, the
The gymnasium committee of graduals, of Beth El High School %,‘,.•kNislIsIls1 1•1011 4111‘.1011.111r,
Temple Beth El has granted the use were honored by is special affair given
of the gymnasium to the boys of our under the conibinssl auspices of the
There cannot be the sightest doubt that thousands of parents are today
high school On Saturday nights, 7 to
School Council and the Drama
influenced by the herd instinct in sending their children to college. And I
10. A basketball league is being or- Club.
'flu. 11rograin consisted or
feel that they are further influenced by possibly the same reasoning that
ganized. Your boys are invited to play entitled "Sauce For the Gos.
parents have regarding the necessity for their children acquiring a satisfac-
join. The boys of the pre.conlirma- lingo," conducted by Mrs. Alan Ko-
Every child ought to have
tory case of measles early in their liV1 . 5.
lion class are now using the gym- pelson. In the cast of the play were;
the measles and have it over with. So it seems that every young man or
nasium every Tuesday, 3:30 to 4:30. Elsa Silver, A low
SI111011, Ruth A
young woman whose parents can afford it or who are willing to make the
Woolf, Leah Bolhoier, Harold
sacrifice should get a "higher education." But what puzzles Dr. Rubinow
Women's Gymnasium Class:
Schiller, IF
at.1•, .101.1 Kahn
is "What is higher Education?" lie seems to think that in all too many
A special class has been organised Rut Soloman delivered the address
cases it means nothing more than a fine four years' loaf, with a little study-
for the women of the temple. One of greeting to the graduates and Miss
ing between times so that the boys won't find loafing too strenuous, and
of the best women's instructors in Hannah Fenian responded in behalf
at the end a sheepskin with the magical and rather dubious degree of
HERE is one su-
the city tots been engaged for the , of the graduating class. The presi-
Bachelor of Arts.
premely c a rrect
slass. It meets Friday mornings, 10' dent of the council is Irving Wartell.
place in De-
to lg. TIP women of the temple are The chairman of the affair for the
Reading such an article written in an irresistibly logical way and meet-
troit for private parties,
cordi.illy invited to enroll.
council was Joel Kahn and for the
ing every possible objection that is likely to arise in the mind of the reader,
bridge dinners, or so-
1)ra= Club Jean Levy.
one begins to ask himself if the hundreds of millions of dollars poured into
cial teas.
Men's Gymnasium Classes:
colleges are worth while, and whether the fact that almost one out of every
appointments and un-
'deli'men's gymnasium classes are
12 of the youth of the nation should spend the productive years between
failing service grace
held Nlenday and Thursday evenings.
18 and 23 on a chronic leisure-jag embellished with a raccoon coat, a few
every occasion at the
rah-rates, frat pins and an ornately engraved parchment is good for the
Bny Scow.:
parents, good for the youth and good for society as a whole. I recommend
'I he Boy Scout troops of the tem-
Private dining rooms,
this article whole-heartedly and enthusiastically to every father and mother
ple hold their meetings on Wednes- Sunday School:
spacious ballroom and
who has a boy or girl at college or who has in mind sending them. There
Th, Sunday School ('lasses of the
day night. A third Scout troop has
hall may be
In fact, that
is certainly room for thought in his analysis of the situation.
Temple Emanuel Congregation lire
been organized.
arranged for through
article should be printed in pamphlet form and distributed at the coot of
eagerly looking forward to the coin-
Yes, Dr. Rubinow is a Jew.
the state to every family in the country.
Girl Scouts: m•nciment exercises which promise to
And his home is in Philadelphia.
Girl Scout troops meet Monday he very interesting. The classes that
night and Wednesday afternoon. continue only until the middle of June
Leaches. 11:30 le 3-4114.
Why all this hullabaloo about two radicals convicted of murder in Massa-
are planning a picnic whiCh will be
Dinner 5,30 le 11:30—$1211.
chusetts? It isn't the first time that men have been convicted and executed
given after the close of school.
May Dance:
$ Sunday Maser 11:30 A-4.M I F. M.
for murder. So why all through the years has the whole world been agitated
The spring affair of the Young
over the eases of Sacco and Vanzetti, two Italians accused of murdering
People's Club of 'remote Beth El will Honor Roll:
for a payroll? Because there has been a feeling that these men were rail-
ItosctIthal's class, Dorothy
be it 5lity donee to he held in the
roaded in an atmosphere of prejudice that enveloped the presiding judge.
social hall of the temple on Wednes- Greenbaum, Flora Iterlinuin, Beatrice
There has been evidence of and extreme hatred and prejudice, of
day evening, May 25. The graduates Fisher, Stilton Strauss, Hyman Bern-
course, on the part of Judge Webster Thayer, a man sworn to uphold the tion dinner and dance have already
of the Temple High School will be stein; Esther Ashinsky's class, Rose
The High School Orchestra:
majesty of the law. Since the conviction of these two men, evidence has been made.
guests of honor. The committee in Schwartz, Charles Newman, conalee
Charles II. Clements
been forthcoming which, unless successfully discredited by this judge, should
Students of Temple Beth El High charge consists of the Misses Joseph- Rosenthal, Evelyn Chase; Nlar• New-
Glendale 3000
make hint subject for immediate impeachment and brand him before the The Religious School Choir:
School who can play any instrument ine Imerman, Elsa Freeman, Gold's man's class, Jerome Arta, Gerald
world an a dishonorable public servant, unfaithful to his trust. To me, it
The Religious School Choir, which other than the piano are invited to Vehon, Judith Bseitenbach, 51.treia Beckman, 51alcom Levinson, Edith
is nothing short of sensational that leaders in every walk of life in almost
every country of the world should have voiced a vigorous protest against
what they deemed the judicial murder of these two foreigners. It was ex-
pected of course that the conservatives should lament this annoying epi-
sode; so common, don't you know! Can't Sec what decent folk want to
meddle with this Bolshevik business and all that, you know!








ili ALM
/ I





1.■■•■•■.■ •■ ■■■■■•■■■•■:4

But the truth will not down! And Iknow of no greater triumph of the
indefinable sense of justice possessed by the public than the insistence that
these two men have a square deal. Professor Felix Frankfurther of Harvard
published a history of the case, showing its injustice to these convicted
men, and this book has strangely enough become one of the best sellers of
the hour. Professor Frankfurther has been attacked, of course. Some of
his opponents have shown not merely a lack of good judgment but of good
manners as_well. By the time this appears the Governor of Massachusetts
will have done something to redeem the good name of his state. Feeling
runs high in Boston and old friends and acquaintances have become enemies
as a result of this storm that has been raised about the ears of that amazing
judge. All of which is a good sign and there is an element in the country,
and a considerable element at that, which is willing to sacrifice a great deal
in behalf of justice.

Winning the greatest succe iss ever
won by a low-priced quaht / Six

The Jews of Germany ore perfectly justified in demanding that the
United States immigration authorities change their classification of German
Jews entering this country from "Hebrew" to "German." Such a classifi-
cation plays into the hands of the German anti-Semitic party, which insits
that German Jews are not German.

Can't scrub the militarist feeling out of the German hide. The organiz-
ation of reactionary soldiers known as the Steel Helmets, which held a mon-
ster reunion and demonstration in Berlin the other slay, gives one an appre-
ciation that militarism in the German republic is still to be reckoned with.
A group of them marched through the streets of West Berlin distributing
anti-Semitic literature, and 20 of them were arrested.

Whie on the subject of Germany, I notice that finally there has des-eloped
important anti-Ford propaganda in that country. It takes some time to
discover the real Ford, but the world is now making up for lost time. A
newspaper in Berlin told its readers that:


Ford prescribes a murderous speed for his workers, treating them
with savage brutality as soulless machines. Ruthlessness brought
hint $500,000,000 net profit in five years, but his methods created
a system of servilism and espionage. Ile is now on the downward
grade as the outpput of his factories decreased 30 per cent in 1926
and 25 per cent of his cars remained unsold despite the most cun-
ning propaganda throughout the world. . . Ford only works with
a calculator's pencil. Human beings mean nothing to him ns he
throws them aside like scrap iron when they become mentally and
physically exhausted after three, five or ten years,

If this sort of thing keeps up the Ford myth will be a thing of the past.

Y '44

Earle D. Bruner, superintendent of the George Junior Republic of West-
ern Pennsylvania, has just handed toe a book which he wrote and which has
recently been published by Doubleday, Page • Co. It is called "A Labora-
tory Experiment in Democracy." Mr. Bruner has taken types of boys and
girls who have been sent to the republic and through their experience there
shows the inestimable value of the George Junior Republic idea restoring
wayward boys and girls to their homes and to society, cured of their de-
linquencies, and with their self-respect unimpaired. There is not the
slightest suspicion of sectarianism in this movement which has come to be
looked upon by far-sighted students of juvenile delinquency as the best
corrective system yet devised in modern society. The president of the re-
public is Leonard S. Levin, a I'ittsburgh attorney, and vice-president of the
National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods.

Body by Fisher

`)II/New and Finer


Mr. Levin, ever since he reached maturity, has taken is deep interest in'
wayward boys and when he was approached by W. R. ("Daddy") George,
the founder of the George Junior Republic movement, to establish n re-
public in Western Pennsylvania. Mr. Levin fell in with the id:-a. When
it was dedicated, the late Thomas Mott Osborne, one-time warden of Sin•
Sing, was the principal speaker. And I recall Mr. Osborne saying on ills;
occasion that he had introduced into Sing Sing many of the self-govern
ment ideas of the Junior Republic. To my mind it is the only humane -s-
tem of making good men and women, good members of society, out of err

ing boys and girls. And I hope the day will come when the religious leaders
of this country will find time to make a nation-wide "drive" for Junior Re
publics in every state of the Union, and once and forever drive the obso-
let and infamous reformatory out of civilization. If fathers and mothers
would only take the time to learn of this republic idea and would find out
how many children have been saved to heart-broken parents by the republic
who otherwise might have become hardened criminals if they had been!
committed to a reformatory, they would rise up and bless the name of
"Daddy" George! And they would contribute to the support of these re-1
publics. Read Mr. Bruner's book. It will be well worth your time.
• —
I must sacrifice another paragraph to tell you this story of a son of a
fine father and mother; morally and intellectually outstanding. Never a
blemish on the family name. This boy, 16 years old, was caught stealing.
The parents were heart-broken. Fortunately they were able to send him
to the George Junior Republic at Grove City, Paul, instead of a reforma-
tory. When he left the republic he seemed all right and was making splen-
did progress. Suddenly Mr. Bruner received this letter:

Dear Friend:—Again I stand within the shadow of the gates of
a penal institution. My parents have taken me to a specialist who
found that my relapses (moral) are due to a tumor on the brain.
In the hope of finding life I must face death, but even death is
preferable to this awful cloud under which my life is being spent. If
the operation be successful our acquaintanceship shall be renewed
nod 1 shall know what it is really to be a man. If it be unsuccessful,
I shall be spared the agonies that have been my lot, and ask you to
remember me not when the clouds were low on the horizon and the
storm breaking, but during the periods of life when the skies were

Could anything be more pathetic than this cry of a tortured soul? The
poor boy died and each year at the George Junior Republic a memorial serv.
Ice is held for him. Could anything more inhuman be imagined than to
have sent this boy, a criminal through no fault of his omit, to a penitentiary
or to a reformatory?

So Brother Brisbane suggests a Young Men's American A , dciatioo in-
stead of a Young Men's Hebrew Association or a Young Men's Christian
Association. Reads well. But it is just about as practical as getting the
Holy Name society, the Ku Klux Klan and the Independent Order Bliai
B'rith to hold • joint parade on St. Patrick's Day. College is one place
where the youth of America meet. But they don't get together. Maybe
oung Men's American Associations can be formed in our colleges. I dele-
gate the job to Arthur Brisbane.

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