A merica Aut ish Periodical Cotter aIPTON AMU& • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PAGE THREE 4ifEl)entonlEw7sii6utoriic4 SEVERAL HUNDRED JOIN CONSUMERS' LEAGUE AT MEET 1,...WMWMOVW ■••■••■■•■•• new officers a successful term. In- ea by the Mesdames Fannie Rodin a very entertaining evening for their PHI BETA KAPPA stallation will be held on Thursday, and Herman Cohen. PLANS MAY FROLIC many friends. Music will be fur- May 5, when the Arrow Orchestra nished by Shooks Original Orchestra. Tickets may be obtained from the will make its first public appearance. Music Study Club. The members of the Phi Kappa following members: Misses Arlene Due to lack of material, the Arrow R. J. McLaughlin, musical and dra- Beta Sorority are looking forward Mrs. William Hutton and 'laughter Gildenhorn, Ida Leion, Nanette team may not enter the Jewish matic critic of the Detroit News, will with keen anticipation to the May League, as had been intended, al- he t he principal speaker at the next Jeanne, left last Saturday for Ruch Weinberg and Rose Schlacht. Frolic to be given Friday evening, though it will accept games from any regular meeting of the Music Study ester, Minn., where the former wit Nlay 6, at the Gotham Hotel. No ef- other team, regardless of weight or Club, tee be held on Friday afternoon, take treatment with Mayo Brothers Ladies B'nai B'rith. forts are being spared in arranging Even crooked wood burns straight. The Ladies Auxiliary of the B'nai class. May 6, at Temple Beth El, at 2 :30 The Arrow Club is still open to o'clock. Preceding Mr. McLaughlin's Jacob Margolis Spoke on Pur- B'rith will hold a regular meeting on Mrs. Max Kahn has returned! fron Monday evening, May 2. 111 mem- membership. Meetings tire held every address, a musical program will be Cleveland! where she spent the Easter poses of League Last bers are asked to attend, as plans Thursday evening at the Jewish Cen- presented by members of the club, with her parents. Tuesday. are being made for the next card ter, 31 Melbourne, at 8:30. including: Miss Cecilia Lieberman, party, to be held Wednesday evening, pianist; M rs. I. IA•bergOtt, vocalist; Mrs. Harry Bernstein and Mrs. Mi- May 25, at the Community Center, Mrs. Michael Leishin, reader, and COMPLAINT BUREAU Zedahka Club. riam Kramer have returned to Rode- 275 East Ferry avenue. The Zedahka Club will hold a card Mrs. A. Lappin, vocalist. Mrs. • NOW FUNCTIONING ester, N. 1., after spending nine party on Wednesday, May 25, at 2:30 Aubrey Brown will read a paper weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. --- Arrow Club. p. m., to be held at the Knights of on current musical events. Mrs. Leo J. Kramer. The Arrow Club net on Thursday, Pythias hall, 3153 Cass avenue ref Landow is chairman of the occasion. Clean-up Week Planned Under The philanthropic committee of the Miss Caplan. Other Ac- April 21, at the Jewish Center, 31 Teterboro. Mrs. Milton Greenblatt Mr. and Mrs. Lichtig left fo: De- Melbourne. At this time election of is chairman and is being assisted by Music Study Club presented its final tivities at Center. troit on Tuesday, where the latter program of the season, at the Old : officers took place, with the following the Mesdames Charles Cohen and will enter Ilarper llospital for treat- Folks' Home, on April 20. Under the result: President, !tarry Weinbaum Alex Schreiber. Several hundred weelein :Mendesl a ment. !chairmanship of NIrs. Benjamin Step- ! (re-elected); vice-president, Benja- inassineeting of the ColISL1111 , 1*S . League say, the following members enter- min Judelson; secretary, Fred Rose; Hebrew Orphan Home. e 1 the' tree'. tive audi nice. at the Jewish Center, 31 NIelbomene Mr. and Mrs. Ixeitner have returned treasurer, ('harks Semansky; club The Iklroit Heb rew Orphan Home evolve., last 'Tuesday evening and en- representative, Albert Glershingon; will give its annual card party on Miss Marie Silk, violinist; Mrs. Leo thusiastically promised their support tee the city after spending several corresponding, secretary, Jack Allen; 1 M'eedneselay, May II, at 2;311 p. in., at Weizman, pianist; Mrs. William and co-operation in the work of tits day's at Toledo. Soch , , vocalist, and Mrs. I. Leber- sergeant-at-arms, Joseepel Silverman. the Knights of Pythias Hall, 31 league. Jacob :Margolis spoke oir the S. Schneiderman has left for Roch- This was the second election of the Cass avenue nt l'elltgb0g0 street. Mrs. . y ou, vocalist. Mrs. S. Quentin Kes- purpose mid duties of a consumers' club year and everybody wishes the Ralph l'aul is chairman and is tees-let- h•r and Mrs. Maurice Morse acted as ! league, explaining in detail the var- ester, M inn., tte be gone several empa e ts. ious activities which it sponsors and how the members can make such a Phi Kappa Beta Sorority. league et strong weapon to use in their ALFRED DAVIS FORMS Mls Rosy Etrusy was hostess at the contacts with tradesmen. A discus; lie--1 alerting of the Phi Kappa Beta sion period followed his talk, during OWN ORGANIZATION Sorority on Tuesday, April 26. Final which the speaker answered questions plans were tirade for the May Frolic put from the floor. Nlanv women who Alfred Davis announces the forma- tee be given Friday evening, May 6,, attended the meeting Mid been former tion of his own organization with of- et the Gotham Hotel. residents of New York City and other fices at 1316 Penobscot Building. sn centers where the consumers' leagues With him are Messrs. G. Joseph Mur- Tau Tau Gamma. ,.,., T have proven successful and they told doch, John T. Meade mill 'alter J. Miss Theresa Feldman was hostess of their experiences with these organ- Conner, who are specialists in the La.: t.: - - “ Mel • . •at the last myelin); of the Tau Tau! iZeltiOnS. Mrs. Anna Kolodin, who has various fief real estate in which Gamma, which was held Tuesday eve been chosen temporary president, was this organization will operate. Bing, April 26, at her home on Larch- in e'llarge of the meeting. They will specialize in the sale and motet avenue. Plans are now in or- Nearly every woman at the meeting exchange of apartment houses, hotels, -- ...t.. ' I lee for a house party and a commit-' became a member of the. Consumers' industrial properties, long term .. 19.- lama tee consisting of the Misses hate League of Detroit upon payment of leases and acreage. -., Katz, Mollie Ulanotr and Annette the first month's dues of 15 cents. Mr. Davis has selected his organiz- Cohen was appointed tee take charge Parch member received a cant and will ation with care and feels that he can of all arrangements. The text meet- later be given a badge of identifica- assure the public of a very elepend• ay 3 at the ono. tion; dues are lo cents monthly. Ih• ing will be held able type of real estate service. I of Miss Katz on Sturtevant avenue. officers and members of toe league are conducting, a 111,•111g - I Stilit deice anel YESHIVA LADIES are inviting every Jewish woman in Phiota Delta Sorority. ELECT OFFICERS Mrs. Harriet Steinberg of 3043 the city be join. The officers chosen for Grand avenue was hostess at the last thres, months, tire, beeselcs Mrs. Kee- I At a meeting Mehl last Tuesday • regular business meeting of the Phi- Imlin, Mrs. Rose Katz, treasurer; Mrs.! evening in the Holbrook Synagogue, , ota Delta Sorority, held on Tuesday M. Wolinsky, recording' secretary; the Detroit Sisters of the Hebrew evening, April 26. After the busi- Mrs. Lillian Jacobs, financial secre- follow- ness discussions, bridge was played tary, and Mrs. A. Mech.:ler, Mrs. .1. ing officers: Mrs. Baker, president; I and the Misses Gertrude Adels and Baskin, Mrs. A. Levine, Mrs. A. Fein- Mrs. N. Goldman, vice-president ; Mildred Katz won with highest lion- setin, Mrs. S. W. Eigess and the eitli- Mrs. I. Solai, treasurer; Mrs. I. Cohen ors. Miss Beatrice Stern of 137 Lei- cers, exts•utive commitme. An advis- d M . Kadushin, trusters. : center court will be hostess at the ory commit me of 25 members has also next regular business meeting, which been chosen. Bureau to Receive Complaints. will be held on Tuesday evening, Thee complaint bureau of the league May 3. has been organized and has assumed ACountry Boarding School its duties of receiving complie ints D oers t.lub. and Junior College for Girls Ida located 4,11 the Iltidt The last meeting of the Doers Club from housewives against overcharg- t :toe --near New York was held at the home of Miss Jewel ing, lack of cleanliness and other elc- C ollege Preparatory Kaley. A very interesting meeting ficiencios of storekeepers in the dis- Course • was heed. Various reports proved to tricts. The 'untrue is devoting itself Certificate Recognised High School. Ilimie.htekine. by the interesting topics of the eve- tee the food shops, particularly the IS Secretarial, Journalism. ning. Refreshments and entertain- Kosher meat markets. A direct out- • deraart•n Training. Music ment were prepared by the hostess. growth of the recent boycott by the and Art. The next meeting will be held May 3. Jewish housewives against the hutch- , Separate Cottage for Ele• ers because of overcharging of Kosher mentor,' School Vacation Trips to Bermuda meats, the league is closely watching , Philomehic Debating Club. and Europe At the last meeting of the Philo- the meat markets to see that the terms ' The exceptional cigar- Associated with Highland ette for the exceptional mathic Debating Club, held Sunday of the agreement ending the boye•ott I Nature Camps, So. Naples, Me. evening, April 24, at the 1'. W. H. A. are being adhered to. The districts man who feels he is Eugene H. Lehman, clubhouse, 83 Rowena street, a very with the representatives to whom com- entitled to the better Director things in life. interesting declamation contest took plaints are being mad:. include the Box 141, place. William Brown used as his Oakland district, in charge eef Mrs. Terrylown•on.Hudson New York declamation "Militarism," by William Drapin, 8949 Goodwin avenue and ti Jennings Bryan. Harold Goodman, Mrs. Buchhalter, 9109 Goodwin reve- the next speaker, gave the "Traitor's nue; Twelfth street, Mrs. Hoffman, Death Bed." "A Message tee Garcia," 1741 Collingwood avenue; Michigan, by Elbert Hubbard, was the topic Mrs. Anna Labret, 4953 Twenty- Max Schubiner gave. Nathan Wise eighth street; Joy Road, Mrs. Wechs- concluded the program by giving ler, 4065 Elmhurst avenue; lienkell, "Death Penalty," by Victor Hugo. Mrs. Pasternack, ISNnI Dexter bottle- The judges, Benjamin Kurtzman, an Card; Linwood, Mrs. Neuehims, 328-1 ex-speaker; Robert Bernstein, also Blaine avenue; West Warmer, SIrs. 30 Convenient Branches in Detroit and an ex-speaker, and Ira Stone, decid- Gods, 6531 Whitewesed avenue. Mrs. Lillian .111, , 110, who recently ed that the best &chimer was Nathan Greeter Metropolitan Area. Wise and Harold Goodman second joined the stall' of the Jewish Centers • Association as assistant tee Miss Mary., best. Propeller Shalt, A The twenty-fifth annual model C aplan in charge of the mothers '] Universalloth., meeting of the organization will take clubs, is acting as advisor and assist- Differential, old place on Tuesday, Meey 3, at the ant to the Consumers' League. Ask Stole. Members eef the mothers' clubs are Shaarey Zedek Synagogue, Brush and Willis streets. A very interesting de- busily engages' preparing for the yytes bate will be the program of the eve- Mother and Daughter Banquet tee tee 131 Co lots ning: "Resolved, That Foreign Inter- held at the center the evening of vention In China Is Justifiable." Na- Thursday, May Ill, Lag ll'Ome'r. A musical pregram iind entertainment, than Shur, Howard P. Berger and Ira Stone will support the measure, while including a play ley the daughters, will follow the dinner. Mrs. Elizabeth Max Barahal, Harold Koretz and Sol Roseman will furnish the opposition. Steinberg is in charge of the dramatic Further announcements regarding the program. The members of the various contest will be found on the first clubs are also busily engaged in gath- page of this issue of The Chronicle. ering linens and other supplies for the Mothers Sumner Camp which will open in a comparatively short time. Northwestern League. The Oakland Mothers Club will give Last Tuesday evening the North- western League of the United He- a kitchen towel shower at the Jewish Center Saturday evening, in addition brew Schools held its regular business meeting at the Hebrew School. Many tee the ceremonies of installation of of- firers. Mrs. Anna Lankly has been important questions pertaining to the welfare eef the Hebrew School were re-elected president and will be in-' Levin. stalled by Seel taken up and discussions relative to Attend Mother-Daughter Meeting. ces. the membership drive that is now in Nratrrnat attb Cub Nntro – (• riiiiir • - IMO. Pit inn FF. .....,., •, Nati Tilt' Notes .- t k . t Ist .. a good cook uses good W HEN materials you have a right to OIVItr, r 7n1l id' p expect a fine dinner... a dinner which is different from that which you would call ordinary. The greatest manufacturer of fine cigarettes has blended the choicest tobaccos into Murad. Aroma... fragrance... and flavor all combine to make Murad ... a cigarette which is the best that you can enjoy. From the Bottom of the List— We have grown to be not only the largest laundry in Michigan, but one of the three largest in the United States., M VRA.D HIGHLAND MANOR Everyone knows that this would have been impossible had we not given more and better service than others—all the time. te" PALACE MODEL LAUNDRY Glendale 5680 New Silent-T y Clutch Softer Pedal Action Ni ed Balloon Sieerir , te jatrcl New 0 nit rsiVen; — Two.Unit ,-,omf se°"- Starter ats Quiet Staumber Ne w Velvety es Stna,I1 Power Flow New Engine Mounting Improved DODGE BROTHERS Sales Mount as Improvement Xhws RUSSIA "PROTECTED" HER JEWS EMMED in by the police, forbidden to assemble, or make public speeches, the whole Jewish community of Wilna, "The Jerusalem of Lithuania," managed to pay an unforgettable tribute in 1903 to the great Zionist leader. H The story is told in all its moving detail in Theodor Herzl A Biographical Study By JACOB DE HAAS A stirring story of Israel's Emancipator who gave his life for his people Beautifully bound and Illustrated '1022 Per Set—Two Volumes--Boned Order Your Set Today! r- I The TteZ7Jew7h7h7or717 Inc Woodward Ave. Detroit. Mich. Please enter my suhtctiptom for one set FIRST EDITION I of, THEODOR Mita, for uhech I enclose hcreu tat my check for 310.00. I NAME ADDRESS ..... .. Athena Girls Club. Mrs. Nathan Horwitz of 1603 Gladstone avenue was hostess at the last regular business meeting eef the I Athena Girls Club held Tuesday eve- ning, April 26. Plans are being com- pleted for the Mother's Day celebra- tion to take place on Tuesday, May 10. The girls are taking their moth- ers to the Michigan Theater and then to the Taller Hotel. The next regu- lar business meeting will take place I Tuesday evening, May 3, at the home of Mrs. l.ippitt of 12185 Otsego street. Take Dexter bus north and at Richton, walk three blocks get west. ar University Club. The University Club held its last regular meeting at the Utley Library 011 Saturday last. I.ively discussion took place on a membership cam- paign. The club voted on entering the Jewish Indoor League. The next meeting will be held on Saturday,', April 30, at 7 o'clock. Detroit Repertory Theater. Gentlemen: CITY progress were also discussed. Next Tuesday evening the league will hold its regular meeting at the Hebrew School, at which time and place many discussions will be had as to the various functions for this spring and summer. A cordial invitation is extended to the Jewish Women of the City of Detroit who are looking out for the welfare of their children espe- cially where the Hebrew School is in- volved to join the ranks of the worth- while work that this organization is doing, by attending next Tuesday's meeting, which will be held at the Byron and Philadelphia Branch of the United Hebrew School at 7 p. m. sharp. ................... Mrs. Lillian Jgeolis Will take setmal hundred mothers and their daughters to the city-wide Nlother-Daughter cel- ebration at the Cass Tech High School on Friday evening, May cc. A special program is being given for the pleas- ure of thousands I if mothers and daughters who are espmeted to attend. Mrs Jacobs has complimentary tick- ets for mothers' clubs members, which • may lee obtained from her at 31 Mel- bourneavenue. Miss Caplan has invited a commit-, tee tee confer with her on plates for the ' annual clean-up week in the Oakland district. At a recent meeting of the committee delegate's were present from th Civic Pride Asses intiten, the Board of health, the Urban League, and De- troit Public Works, in addition tee the principals of the .Alger and Dwyer schools, which are. situated in the Oak- land district. The siehol children will write essays on ( ban-up week for which prizes have Ms n offered; several physimans will speak at various church meetings een neighborhood san- itation and the eivies and art class, in the- schools are planning to take• an active part in the clean up work. Further announcements will be made, giving the exact (lute and the collec- tion schedule of the Department of Public Work, see refuse may be gath- ered and placed for collection. Posters are being made by the children in the art classes and will be placed in the store windows in the neighborhessl. Young Judea Here, emphatically, is a genuine contribution to finer motoring! Read each card carefully. Everywhere sales are increasing as motorists discover the full scope and importance of these vital improvements. Standard Sedan • Special Sedan • Every driving operation made easy and effortless .... seats tilted for maximum ease .... smart new lines and colors .... years added to the life of working parts and body .... De Luxe Sedan - And thanks to the new five-bearing crankshaft and other features, a flood of quiet, velvety power—with the world's best starter to release itl Delivered Get your order in before Spring busi- ness necessitates unpleasant delays. Club Notes THOMAS Judaean Pioneers. A regular meeting of the Judaean Pioneers was held een Thursday. April 22, at the El Moshe Synagrig„ue, at 7:30 o'clock. The possibility of a I club paper Was discussed. A com- mittee (or the coming anniversary , Was appointed by the president. Under the program the following talks were given by various mem- , hers: "Jewish Athletes of Promi- Whoever studies Torah and forgets nence." "Jewish Contributions to it is like • woman who gives birth to I Law or Religion." "Zionism," "Anti- 1 children and buries them. (lb.) I Semittsm in America." On Friday, Saturday and Sunday !evenings the Detroit Repertory The- : ater, local representative of the Lit- ' tie Theater movement, will present George Bernard Shaw's comedy, "You Never ran Tell," at the Studio Theater, 52 Putnam avenue. SPREADS J. DOYLE INCORPORATED WOODWARD AT VARTIN PL. GLENDALE 7117 JEFFERSON AT DIENE ED5EW0013 4460 JOHN R. AT ENDICOTT NORTHWAT 5406 Lenox 4400 liergenroedee, Inc.. 14615 E. Jefferson Highland Park Motor Co., 16123 Woodward__Arl. 3730 Hera. 4247 Hiles Auto Service, 12217 Twelfth Mercies Motor Sales & Service, 4426 Chene.. Mel. 6667 Gar. 7100 Mid-West Motor Co., 9111 Grand River Cook-Wood, Inc., 15620 Grand River....Hogewth 6380 Lat. 1601 Dix-Western Motor Ca, 3950 Dix Beaknell-Knowlwn Co. 2415 Michigan Glen. 9881 L W. SchultaRCO.,10000 Conant Avenue. Emp, 68211 Northeast Motor Co., 8564 Jos. Campau Emp. 4063 Betray Motor Sales, 7132-34 W. Jefferson...Cedar 3135 Colonial Motor Sales, 663440 Michigan Cedar 3138 Lin. 1172 Euclid 1680 Graelot Motor Co.. 8236 Otitiot North Central Motor Co., 8517 Linwood Norwoodward Motor Co., 9115 Woodward..Emp. 6980