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Los Amigos.
The Loo Amigos Club held their
last regular meeting on Friday, April
15. It was decided that a dinner-
dance be held Saturday, May 14, the
place to be decided upon at a later
date. On April 10 a picnic was held
and an enjoyable day Was had by
all that attended. The next meeting
will take place Sunday, May 1, at 546
Hague avenue, at 3:30 p. m.
Sion, above 17 years. At present the
juniors have five clubs enrolled and
the seniors six, the Oakland A. C.,
Jericho Lodge, Strangers A. C.,
Alpha Tau Fraternity, El Moshe and
the Y. M. II. A. The Jewish League
will hold its most important event
of the year when a track and field
meet is held on June 5 at Codd Field.
Entries for clubs and individual mem-
bers of clubs are now being accepted.
Theta Delta Omega.
Sigma Beta Sorority.
The Sigma Beta Sorority will be
hostesses at a bridge-luncheon on Sat-
urday, May 7, at the Wardell Apart-
ments, Woodward and East Kirby
avenues, at 2:30 o'clock. Tickets for
this affair may be obtained from any
of its members or at the dour the
afternoon of the affair.
Detroit Jewish Athletic League.
The Detroit Jewish Athletic League
held its first meeting of the spring
season and elected William Morris as
temporary president and Nathan Kor-
by as secretary-treasurer. There will
be two divisions in the league this
summer, the junior division, under
17 years of age, and the senior divi-
A regular meeting of Theta Delta
Omega Sorority was held on April 21
at the home of Miss Ida Nadler. Plans
for summer activities were discussed.
Miss Rose Briskin was formally ac-
cepted as a member of the sorority.
day evening, May 5, at the home of
Miss Sarah Alzofon, 595 East Phila-
delphia avenue.
troit Zionist District A playlet by
the children of the United Hebrew
Schools, under the direction of Miss
Chanah King, accompanied on the
piano by Miss Tobin, was liberally ap-
plauded. The beautiful piano solo
rendered by Mrs. Leo Weisman was
very entertaining. Mrs. J. II. Ehr-
lich greeted the members with a
pleasant and appropriate address.
Mr. Fishman, editor of the Morning
Journal of New York City, gave a
very instructive talk, which was fol-
lowed by an address by Jacob Miller,
who has just returned from Palestnie.
The last two speakers were intro-
duced by M. H. Zackheim, president
of the Zionist District. The next
monthly gathering will be held May
17, featuring a mothers and daugh-
ters day program.
Friendship Club.
The Detroit Friendship Club wishes
to inform its members and friends
that installation of the new office
body of the club will be performed on
Sunday, May 1, at 4:30 p. m., at the
Jewish Center, 31 Melbourne avenue.
A musical program, including danc-
Women's League of U. H. S.
A very pleasant evening was spent ing, has been arranged. Everybody
by the members of the Northwestern welcome. Bring your friends.
Women's League, Wednesday eve-
Orean Girls.
ning, April 20, at the Philadelphia-
The April 21 meeting of the Orean
Byron llall, at which time a very in-
held at the home of
teresting literary and musical pro-
gram was held together with the De- Miss Tette Weisberg, Vinewood ave.
nue. A hike at Northville was plan-
ned for Sunday, May 1. While in
Northville the girls will visit the sani-
tarium and distribute surprise pack-
ages among the children.
Being the fourth meeting of the
month, the April 28 meeting was a
social one, cards and music being the
diversion of the evening. Mrs. Mor-
ris Baum of East Milwaukee avenue
was hostess at this meeting.
Sigma ■ Alpha Chi.
At the last meeting of the Sigma
Alpha Chi Fraternity, plans were
made for an outing to be held at
Brown's farm. Plans are also under
way for a membership drive. The
next meeting of the fraternity will
be held at the home of Harry Lan-
dau, 3244 Grand avenue, Sunday,
May 1.
Sigma Phi Lambda.
The Sigma Phi Lambda Fraternity
of the University of Detroit held its
annual election of officers at the last
meeting, held Sunday, April 24.
Those receiving honors were henry
J. Dersher of Toledo, grand master;
Morris Portnoy, master; Sidney Gas-
sell, scribe, and Jack J. Greenberg,
master of accounts.
Emanon Girls.
Miss Rhea Rosenthal was hostess
to the Emanon Girls Sunday, April
elements constituting the repertoire Mrs. Dan Greenblatt, Mrs. Jack flare-
of Theta Sigma Tau, Alpha Chapter, lik and Mrs. J. Goldberg were guests.
Plans for a Mother's Day celebra•
again burst forth at the last meeting
of the month, which was this week lion are being formulated.
The next meeting will be held at
hbld at the home of L. Barak, 1564
Glendale avenue. The culmination the home of Miss Ethel Klein of Ar-
of the numerous suggestions ren- cadia avenue. All members are re-
dered, a March "stag party, was quested to be there, as a surpri,
unanimously accepted by all and it is awaits them.
expected that preparations and plans
Beta Rho Delta.
Hebrew Baby Day Nursery.
will be complete by the next regular
The first anniversary of the Beta meeting.
The Detroit Ilebrew Baby Day
Rho Delta Sorority, on April 30, held
All members are here again re- Nursery has completed plans for a
at King Wah Lo, in the rose room, quest•d to be present.
theater party to be held at the Shu-
for the sorority members and their
bert-Lafayette on Tuesday evening,
escorts. Miss Esther Horowitz is
Alpha Tau.
May 17. Thursday, May 24, will he
chairman of the social committee.
The Alpha Tau Fraternity has set aside as tag-day for the nursery
The entertainment will be furnished
planned man• activities for the en- and the ladies are appealed to to give
by the Misses Dolores Gordon, Fay
suing year. ainong them the installa- their services for that day. Call M N ,
'Lager and I. Fox.
lion of officers, to be held on May 1 Jacob Harwith, who is in •char e .•
A surprise birthday party was
at 89 Rowena street at 7 p. m. Past- Empire 0398 or Melrose 1620.
given for Miss llorowitz by her par-
ents. Covers were laid for 50 guests. chancellor William Morris will act
Pythias Sisters.
master of ceremonies and will induct
Mks Gordon entertained with a vocal
The Greater Detroit Pythian Sis-
the following into office: Max Stoll-
to give a card party on
berg, chancellor; Hen Solomon, vice-
A swimming party was held at the
chancellor; Sam Larkin, treasurer; Wednesday afternoon, May 25, at the
Ilutchins Intermediate High School
Detroit Lodge, No. 55, Knights of
on Tuesday evening and one will be Irvin Kapitz, secretary; William Pythias Hall, 3153 Peterboro street.
Katz, financial secretary; Leo Yesin,
held every week.
Ladies kindly reserve that day until
The sorority was invited to be hos-
stars will entertain and dancing will further notice.
tesses for the Friday evening serv-
ices at the X. w. II. A. on April 29.
May 12 the Graystone Purity Chapter, No. 359, 0. E. S.
Election of officers will take place gram. On
beau- On Monday evening, May 9, Purity
at the next meeting, on Thursday, ballroom will be the scene of a
tifully appointed May frolic, with Chapter will hold its twentieth an-
April 28.
Jean Goldkette's orchestra furnishing nual public installation of officers for
the music, and on Slay 22 a benefit the ensuing year, at the Eastern Star
Theta Sigma Tau.
bazaar will be held. The fraternity Temple. Mrs. Selma Rosenblatt, re-
Novel ideas, one of the foremost has entered
team in tiring worthy matron, will be ill
en erca
the Jewish Athletic League and prac- charge of the installation ceremonies,
lice is held every Sunday morning at assisted by the past matrons and past
10:30 at Codd Foeld. William Mor- patrons of Purity Chapter. Mrs.
ris was appointed manager of ath- Dorothy Schiller, past matron, chair-
letics. The application of Harold man of the decorating committee,
Green for membership was accepted. will be in charge of the beautifying
The next regular meeting will take of the large auditorium for this Russ
place on Monday, May 2, at 8:30 picious event. Mrs. Ida Blumberg,
o'clock, at 89 Rowena street. past nuitron, will serve as installing
marshal and Mrs. Edythe Cugell,
chairman of the entertainment com-
We Moderns.
mittee, will be in charge of the pro-
At the last meeting of We Mod-
erns, held at the home of Miss Anna g ram.
The following newly elected and
Semansky Monday evening, April 25,
appointive officers will be duly in-
election of officers took place and re-
stalled: Worthy matron, Golda Ka-
stilted as follows: David Weiss,
anau; worthy patron, Samuel Kava-
president ; Miss Nathalie Isberg, vice- •
president ; Hyman Penslar, secretary; nau; associate matron, Edythe Cu-
Louis Sigel, treasurer; Myer Golding, gall; secretary, Ruth Metzger; treas-
urer, Hattie Schwartz; conductress.
sergeant-at-arms. After the meeting
Ann Weinbeck; associate conductress,
an interesting program was present-
Cora Jacoby; chaplain, Minnie Gold-
ed. The next meeting will be held
berg; marshal, Jeanette Asche; or-
754 West Grand boulevard, Monday
at the home of Miss Nathslie Isberg, • ganist, Jeanette Asche; Adah, Olga
Schiff; Ruth, Minnie Gelber; Esther,
evening, May 2, at 7:30 o'clock.
Anna Paul; Martha, Helen Jacoby;
Elects, Myrtle Schreiber; warder,
Blue Bird Girls.
Edith Stone; sentinel, William Roth.
A very interesting meeting of the
Blue Bird Girls was held on Tuesday
Phalanx Club.
evening, April 26, at the home of
The Phalanx Club did not hold its
Mrs. Leslie Mitchell, 2699 Glendale weekly meeting on April 22 because
avenue. Reports were given by the of the holidays. At the meeting held
charity committee on the charity on April 29, ut the Y. W. 11. A., 89
given by the club to several poor Rowena street, it was announced by
families. Final plans were completed President Dave Slavin and approved
for the annual mothers and daugh- by the club that a campaign would
tern celebration which will be held be inaugurated for the admittance of
Tuesday evening, May 10. Reserva-
tions have been made for the Temple between
new members.
the ages Young
of 20 and
27 years
Theater, followed by supper at King of age are eligible. They must, how-
Wah Lo Cafe. This affair is one of ever, be sponsored by two members
the outstanding events of the year
and it is being looked forward to with nounced
in good that
It was also com
the entertainment
great pleasure. mittee was planning some novel en-
A special meeting has been called tertainment for the club after niect-
for Tuesday evening, May 3, at the ing in the near future. The club is
home of Miss Anna Gold, 665 East planning many activities for this
Kirby avenue, at which time tickets summer.
for the theater for mothers'night
The next meeting will be held on
will be distributed among the girls.
May 5 at the clubhouse.
25. Bridge was the diversion of the
evening. The Misses Rose Perlman
and Dora Spiekin were the prize win-
ners. The girls deeply regret the
resignation of Miss Hattie Kellerman
on May 8. Miss Evelyn Schubiner
will be hostess at the next meeting at
her home, 3759 Carter avenue.
Koeba Girls.
L'Allegro Girls.
Miss An Sulkin was hostess at the
The last meeting of the L'Allegro
last meeting of the Koeba Girls on Girls was held at the home of Miss
Thursday, April 19. Election of of- Sylvia Chapman of 2722 Cortland
ficers for the ensuing year were held. avenue.. It was decided that the girls
Miss Fannie Solomon was elected wear pretty shoulder corsages to dis-
president and Miss Frances Bagdade tinguish them from the other guests
secretary and treasurer. Plans were on May 15, the date set for the club
made for a theater party to be held bridge at the Tuller. A dance is be-
April 29. ing planned for this fall. Announce-
A special meeting will be held on ments will appear later. The next
Tuesday, April 26, at the home of meeting will be held at the home of
Miss Frances Bagdade, 1507 West M iss Esther Alzofon of 595East
Euclid avenue.
Philadelphia avenue.
Hebrew Ladies Aid.
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A twenty
Yerkes, Simons B Goddard
•^1,1,01 ■ ••••••••••• "virmmemres••••••■•movire
Northwestern Women's League.
A meeting of the board of directors
The Hebrew Ladies Aid Society
will give a box social and informal of the Northwestern Women's League
dance at the Jewish Center, 31 Mel- was held Tuesday evening, April 20,
bourne, near Woodward, on Sunday at the Philadelphia and Byron Tal-
evening, May 8. Dave Diamond's mud Torah, at which many important
Orchestra will furnish the music. events were transacted the most in,
Members are requested to bring a porlant one being the affair planned
package containing linens, glassware, for this summer, which will be an-
etc., to be sold for charity. nounced in next week's Chronicle. It
was also decided that regular meet-
Hashaehar Camp. ings he held every two weeks on
The Ladies Auxiliary of Hashachar Tuesday nights and every other week
Camp, Order Sons of Zion, held an a board meeting, with social gather-
executive board meeting at the rani- ings once a month. The next social
Bence of Mrs. Aaron D. Markson meeting will be a mother and daugh-
last Tuesday. Plans and arrange- ter night, Wednesday evening, May
ments were discussed for the next 18, in place of Tuesday evening. A
special meeting, which will be held rich musical and literary program is
Monday May 2, at 8 o'clock, at the being planned.
The league wishes to thank Mrs.
Taylor and Wilson Synagogue. A
delightful musical program has been Samuel Ware for her donation of $to
prepared for this occasion. Mrs. Jo- and Mrs. C. Coven $2 at the ho,
seph Ehrlich, well known leader in meeting.
Detroit, a zealous worker for all na-
Gamma Sigma Kappa Sorority.
tional constructive work and a bril-
liant speaker, will address the meet- The last regular meeting of the
ing. Refreshments will be served. A Gamma Sigma Kappa Sorority was
report of all past activities will be held at the home of Miss Eva Levin
given by the officers. Plans for fu- of 435 King avenue on April 19. An
tore activities will be discussed. All outing is being planned to be held
visitors are welcome.
at Belle Isle on Sunday, May 1.
Miss Rose Levin of 4107 Mont-
A bridge party and entertainment
for the benefit of the unemployed in gomery avenue will be hostess at the
meeting, which will take place
Palestine will be given Tuesday, May
I 17, at 1 p. m., at Broker's Ballroom. on May 3.
IMore details will be announced in the
(Additional Clicks out Page Three)
next issue.
Madison Athletic Club.
A regular meeting of the Madison
Athletic Club was held at the Y . W .
C. A., 89 Rowena street, April 24.
This organization functions for the
purpose of athletics, education and
the promotion of fellowship. Since
its inception, about seven years ago,
this organization has very rigidly up-
held these traditions so that today it
is an important factor in the progress
of good clean citizenship.
Due to the interruptions caused by
the Passover holidays, the member-
[ ship drive has been extended until
May 20. Anyone interested in the
lartivities of the club is eligible for
application for membership.
Greatest of all interest is the corn-
ing thince to be held on May 20 in
the main ballroom of the Maccabee
Temple, Putnam at Woodward.
, Those that have attended our dancess,
in the past look forward to this event
I with great expectation. The com-
mittee in charge of this affair prom-
ise. the patrons something that will
eclipse anything of the past.
Another item of great importance
I is the open meeting to be held Sun-
I day, May I, at 3 p. m., in the Little
Theater of the Y. W. II. A. A won-
derful program has been arranged
and an enjoyable afternoon is prom-
ised to all. The committee in charge
extends its invitation to the many
friends of our organization.
Kadimals Girls.
Mrs. A. C. Goldberg
nue was hostess at a
of Edison ave-
social meeting
on Tuesday, April 21. Bridge was
the diversion of the evening and
prizes were awarded at each table.
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