THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE PAGE FOUR principal part of this prayer drew not easy to understand why impor- attention to the failure of the Brit- tont information such as this should Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fink of Lor- CHICAGO CIVIC OPERA , ish government to place more land not have been furnished by the Brit- raine court entertained with a buffet AT MASONIC AUDITORIUM 0 o in- ' at the disposal of Jewish settlers. ish government. Deprived of this in- supper for 26 members of the imme- () ; The mandates commission accepts formation and other information m e diate family, on Sunday, March 6, in ( ) The Detroit engagement of the Oli1 111 1 , the excuses of the British govern- asked for, the commission fell back honor of their tenth scudding anni- 11111 lllll Chicago Civic Opera Company will meth. but only for the time being. on an examination of the witness versary. The tables was beautifully Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Rappaport o I"' • be sung at the Masonic Auditorium, By Hermann !beater. It is careful to state that the oppo- , sent by the British government to Williams street are spending some decorated with a bowl of sweet peas I sition of that section of the Arab speak for the Palestinian atiministra- time in New York City and Roches and pink tapers. Guests from De- , population which had shown its hos- lion. On labor in particular the man- troit, Flint and Pontiac were present. ter. ' The most interesting events during moth Slackunna. (The latter, by the tility to the very idea of the estab- dates commission draws attention to Mr. and Mrs. Fink were presented great - the oced of speedy factory and wor k. with an Oriental rug. the last fortnight in the musical ac- way, is not so very distantly related lishment of a Jewish home has Mrs. Saul Orman and son, IlaroId, tivities centering at Orchestra Hall to our its log, Morris Silver, Silver ly diminished. This, of course, is shoot) legislation. The commission also urges reform of Whittemore street left Tuesday I were the special concert dedicated to and his gifted wife, nee Lillian Lech•; so, and the opposition is likely to go Mrs. Sol Manes and daughter, tier is the reason in the organization of educational Oil diminishing. for a several weeks' visit with rela- Beethoven's memory, this month be - Hound.' lint Hie talents of the other • Rose, and son, Albert, have returned work and by so doing really endorses far to I tives in New York City. ing, the centennial of his death; the members of this excellent company, al- for this diminishing histility s to their home 1111 Lorraine court after recital by-Fritz Kreisler, and the De- so win the enthusiastic comments of seek. In the first place whatever the complaints of the Jewi h Na. a six weeks' visit with relatives in tional Council of Palestine under t h e troit debut of the renowned German the audience, so that when the play is ' criticism may be made of the British Mrs. Bartley Weiman of Mark New York City. 'lit t h y, emu • piano virtuoso, Walter Gieseking, so- over, there is not a dissenting voice o rule in Palestine, and I myself for heading of education. street, Mrs. Norman Buckner of single phase or factor in the , one have not been sparing in such Plaint in Particular that a dispe o p ee. hoist last night at the first of the about any Dwight street and Mrs. Benjamin Ilis money rectifies the judgments , thirtt•enth pair of symphony concerts, performance. It, the play, must be g criticism, it can he clearly stated that donate amount of the revenue is Goldstein of Ottawa drive attended successive governments at West- spent upon schools for the Arab pop- of his intelligence. I seen to lie appreciated, and its appeal I your by our own orchestra. the meeting of the Detroit Council of Illation the British g overnment ma k e , t•s bu to the I minister, o wide ly differing politi sold out I is not only to the lai lit The house woo cal the naive defense that the Arabs Jewish Women, which was held at ti o; for r the color, have ity to a premium "strong men" of the c Ti unstring the Mow is mot to heal ne in their turn, need more schooling and that as th ey and standing roo m sat at Temple Beth Et on Monday after- theory, upheld the at any rate in conceit of the "John Shand" in I the wound. f o r the Beethoven na.morial. Ossip crest ir, t ,, fiu):fit ,h. t t •i rcalsychno,tioil,ieitti o.s.:: btheti hre oRprioitto- . noon. pre . the play, must undoubtedly y find a thou- , principle of the Balfour Declaration it I Gabrilowitsch was in charge an d sv government's kim' to the British go echoes in every community where for the creation of a national home i seated the Viennese master's first I sand ‘eyon,thls., looliful:„, :rri ,l,1.1(o:ns ts .en..nd i:lect:tpht t,..ed b for piano, violin and cello, with ; there is a successful and so-culled "self , fur the Jewish people in Palestine. MUSIC A MUSICIANS Pontiac Notts I lath, When this great and historical pro. ;th e ass is t a nce of Ilya Sehkolnick and I made" man. PlaYs come arid go and the the public never wearies of variety; , nouncement was made a coalition' Georges Mi guellto, and then lead tht L eague of Nations that much of the but there is onl y one Barrie, and when l government was in power Itt West- i : hrilb a gitation against the establish. orchestra and the Snil Y l hollY Choir in GRAND AND UPRIGHT PIANOS TO RENT In this coalition govern- ' profound and inspired performance iyou will have forgotten the very names. 'Master. a ! ment of the Jewish national home of the immortal ninth--the choral of a score of those that make up the • mod the conservative die-hard and would lace bees impossible but for mass of the variety, you will still , nationalist element was in the iii- symphony. the ease with which an utterly ig nor• Hayes in this ! norit y. It was this element, inci- Quite nottrully, Mr. Gabrilowitsch fondly renumber I Mentally, strongly anti-Semitic, which ant ppoulation can be stirred up by dominated in the performance of the delicious satire on mere man, "W agitators and evilly disposed persons. Evet y W01111111 Knows."—Ill. IL) hat ; brought down the coalition' govern- agitators trio, personality and musicianship paramount. The freedom and the . meth in the end, though on another It is also remarkable, and this is noey t e conimi sson, tht a in The small • question, i. e., Ireland. depth that one expected from his ar- Detroit Symphony Orchestra. etiht pi on of thei Arab Con- , o handful of agitators in Britain who tistic associates were unfortunately Kress, for the first time, there is no had been opposed to the whole pol- CHARLES HACKETT wanting; for, while the music itself Randolh p Reuter, American p ianist, icy of the Balfour Declaration hoped attitude of complete opposition too the but the simplest of treatment, r policy of the Brutish government. A permitting the company its first op- asks the naive fluency which Mr. Gabrilo- will pl ay Liszt's Hungarian Fantasy for a change of policy which the ad- most satisfactor y statement by the portunity to be heard in Detroit amid r Symphony Orchestra I vent to power of a purely conserva- Mr. Schkolnik with the Detroit ve it, both Mn. gave British government, through its rep- adequate surroundings. p us soloist March Ili list, administration. Naturally tho rementative, is that, with regard tim id , in their when he apt•urs to Two twrformances will be sung on and M iguelle seemed at the 'thirteenth Sunday afternoon Nationalist element,. among the Arab rather pl ac id in their, a substan. , ,, the opening day, Saturday, March IS, expression and population of Palestine believed even the °Tants for .1 • c playing. And vet they might just as coniagrt• t inI increase will ht. made in the "Tosco" at 2, with Muzio as Florio Victor Kolar, conducting the mashes- ' more strongly in an ultimate change easily have followed their leader and financial estimates for next year as ill I Tosea, Charles Hackett in the role Hal part of Sunday's program, This Nationalist „ ".-- of British policy. of Mario and Cesare F ormiclu as given an altogether more colorful and pres a subsidy to the cost of the Jewish a lit two rt•quest numbers, naveo•s party among the Arabs in Palestine „,, , convincing a performance. The au- Vic- , was undoubtedly encouraged, Scarpia, and "The Jewels of the Ma- "L Valse” and selections front V 1,‘ xhort '''''''''''' was dience, however, enjoyed the several Thera is, hoowevt•r, one matter on donna," with Rosa Balsa, Curtis, tor Herbert's Irish opera, "Eileen." ed and stimulated b di i m nniall small e but w ' movements and greeted the artists hich the mandates commissi on ' Lenska, Rimini, Mojica, Jackson, Two other numbers of the program noisy section in British and d with real enthusiastic applause. could not very well make anv o will be Saint-Saens' 'billet Suite from the British press • . Wh' en, I h o•vever, Bitch, Olivier°, Nicolich, Hamlin, • ' a At this late day it need only be re- nouncement, and that is with re tizad • r' : • Bitch, Shear, Police and Cor- "Henry VIII'", and .lobann Strauss' purely conservative government was to the necessity of making more land corded that Mr. Gabrilowitsch gave renti complete the large cost. The Overture bar "The Bat." a very fine reading indeed to the .availablefor close settlement by The series of free com•erts for school tluly illatalled at Westminster it en- .available ballet will be a feature of "The dorsed the policy of the Balfour Dec- be great score of Beethoven's ninth; an children 14 Detroit and Wayne Coun- Jewish immigrants on the other side Jewels" performance, which interpretation that will rank with the ty will conclude on Frida y March 18,1 !oration, to the intense disa ppoint- of the River Jordan. The Vaaol Le conducted by Moranzoni. • • sec meat o of t he smal l anti-Semitic "Aida," which is the opera for, finest he has ever given here; the with the annual music menun•y con- , ti,m , nu undoubtedly made an ins pressrnon 0t . the conservative party. he can give when on the mandates commission by its host. Victor Kolar conducting the or- Sunday night, will have a lavish pro- type of performance llosiet and t i A labor "government followed he knows his music and is free to lead mpla as to the prevailing land coints duction. The cast includes Rosa chestra, will repeat the numbers ' 1" endorsed al tht policy ' his men without constant and con- . spec ulation in Palestine. The rep- played earlier in the season as a pre- "ile h "Vemllri Raisa, Cyrena Van Gordon, Charles ti‘•h l s r Empire „ • wine t , fusing reference to the notes—here had set its resentatives of the British govern- While the . . Marshall, Richard Bonelli, I.azzari, • contest. ntest 'Monitory to t he tto hand. The Labor government was rent made a strung defenst• and it dispensed with. The orchestra gave Misgen, Cotreuil, Oliviero, and ballet. children are being graded, on followed followed by it Conservative govern- bur p red to show the him the finest support and the chorus . ' difficult ty ' tor ' p ' t- papers written at Orchestra Hall, Miss Polacco will conduct. —most carefully trained by Victor Monday night will bring the much Ada 'licking, state supervisor of mus- ity. The previous Conservative ma- venting such land speculation. Kolar—sang with telling effects But it is common knowledge to all, discussed "Resurrection" of ,alfano, ic, will give a talk, and the Detroit jority had been very much smaller. , unbiased students of the facts that with Mary Garden. In the cast with throughout and earned an ovation of Grade School Orchestra, under the di- But this immensely strong con.serva- ...peculation peculation would disappear if Garden will be Bitch, Formichi, Jack- its own. Four soloists made most of rection of Fowler Smith, will play. tive government is now finishing its more land were made available on the music that taxes the higher regis- son, Mojica, D'Hermanuy, Maria once , . . ters especially, but need no further . • favorable terms for settlers; if Trans- Claessens, Defrere, Nicholich, Mis- no sign whatever of changing in any I A : e "What Every Woman Knows, comment. uOrt/t111 ■ 11, f or example, were opened gen, Olivier°, Clara Shear and Anna a r way the policy of the Balfour Dec- up for close Jewish settlement by Correnti. The conductor will be Mo- 'oration and this despite the fact that agriculutral colonists the price of Fritz Kreisler and Carl Lamson By L. P. C. ranzotti, the colonial secretary himself, Colonel land in Palestine would fall like it Tickets are on she at Grinnell had a sold-out house to their recital the Rt. Hon. Leopold Amery, M. P., stone Wednesday night, and held the audi- dropping into a well. If would- The easiest thing for anyone to say Brothers. ence spellbound throughout the won- relative to Helen Mayes and her pre- has long been numbered among the be settlers, driven forward by one derful and in some respects novel sentation of James M. Barrie's "What die-hards, though not, fortunately. of the most enduring instincts ever program. Kreisler played as no Every Woman Knows" is that she among the anti-Semites. manifested by any section of the hu- The smaller Conservative party of other living, violinist can, and that does it as well as Maude Adams. That 1111111 race, desire land eagerly, and means some unforgettable moments is trite and it is not entirely beside opponents to the Zionist policy have if the mandatory power who holds the T TE in the Bach "Adagio and Fugee," and the point. We feel, however, that therefore turned their attention to state lands prevents immigration be- other activities, and the leaders of "The Magician," a fantastic affair the loveliest of effects in his own yond the Jordan, the price of the the production of "What Every Wom- with Alice Terry and Paul Wegener. transcription of Scott's "Lobusland" an Knows," running this week at the the Arra, ; Nationalists have been available land is hound to rise. It ...May be had with electric motor, forced to face facts and to make the would be only carrying out the very Rex Ingram directed the production. and Lehar's "Frasquita Serenade." Cass Theater, as given by Miss Hayes best of things, while the rank and terms under which Great Britain $33 additional Charles Nielson, with the aid of Ed- The brilliancy of the final transcrip- and a most competent company, is, file of the Arab party, as distinct holds the mandate for Palestine if die Moran, will control the destiny tion, de Folio's "Spanish Dance," was from the standpoint of entertain- of the stage show. HINK of having this wealth of enjoyment always only one of the many high lights of ment, as well done as Miss Adams from the political leaders, have seen settlers the I their eves the • b the evening, the great and only Kreis- ever did it, yet it is different. The V–) at your command—how much more the home- treated with at least equal genre- • MICHIGAN ler at his best—and that defies super- interpretation of the character of jest lesson of the actual carrying out,, °sa y to that meted out by, say for life would mean to each one of your family, too, at any rate in part, of the Z "A Kies In • T ■ xi," adapted from latives and descriptions. example, the Canadian government Maggie Wylie has originality in every program with great economic ionist benefit to agricultural workers willing to * • the delightful French farce, will through having this splendid and unfailing means of scene. A particular influence is the o • t bring Bebe Daniels to the screen in At Orchestra Hall on Thursday, delightful intonation. Originality is entertainment! The cabinet of the number 7-3 is of After all the Arabs are no fools take up land in Canada. It is be- the featured role. Usual stage trim- Mr. Gabrilowitsch gave us one of the t of this great urge to rebuild the artistic Spanish type and is furnished in rich, shown in the interpretation of the and have seen wealth pouring into mings are also offered. ; finest concerts of the season, thor- really serious incidents. The humor- the national home of the Jewish peer Palestine and the wonderful efforts , blended mahogany. There are separate lids for both . I oughly roughly enjoyable and satisfying prac- . ple in Palestine that the mandatory us opportunities are emphasized not o f J ew i . s h 1 1.1. work i ng w i th en Victrola and Radiola compartments. This complete power can dispense with similar en- ' tically every demand. A Gluck over- too boldly, but with a finesse quite ergy and enthusiasm to turn the des- "The Belove d R ogue, with John tare, Glayounov's altogether lovely couragements to settlers and because and unusually beautiful instrument may be purchased delightfully personal to Miss Mayes. . Day, I is the fourth symphony, and two magnifi- Barrymore and :Marce into a garden, to drain the of this that the land speculator can Of course, every reader knows the ert on easy monthly payments, and allowance made on swamps, to establish industries and to a. y. ng Sunday. de luxe attraction, opening flourish. These things are hinted at e pleasure that conies from a capabl This is a version of the l• rancuis Vtl- cent interpretations by the renowned your present talking machine if you have one to ex- German piano virtuoso, Walter Giese- understanding of the lines of any erect factories. The mandates cum- o by the mandates commission. And mission recognizes and gives just Ion yarn. king, a stylist of purest ray and a change. Free demonstration, too, in your home, if you Barrie book, praise to the great material progress because the mandates commission, marvelous technician; first in Mu- So thoroughly has the American made in Palestine and the remark- I like the League of Nations itself, is wish—come in or phone (Cherry 3600) MADISON zart's immortal C major concerto, theatrical public accustomed itself to , becoming more firmly established, its able increase in the wealth of the COSMO• "The Red Mill," sumptuous findings and reports will have to be It is to these two facts politan comedy with Marlon Davies and then in de F'alla's fantastic the belief that no one but Miss Adams country. "Nights in the Gardens of Spain." ever properly could gvie a • Barrie taken more seriously in the future that we can trace the diminution of heading it notable cast, will enter a This combination made the concert a and not least by the mandatory pow- play, so that we would like it, makes the opposition of the Arab National- er in Palestine. second week of a highly popular run light and the evening one t all the more difficult for Miss Hayes de ists. .The Musical Center of Detroit" on will present long to n Sunday. V itaphe Looking at the whole question i ng to be remembered. and her company to carry out their And here surely is a lesson. More the Waring l'ennsylvanians, Mary broadly, Zionists the world over, and thought, and they are all the more . . . . Lewis and Martinelli. all sympathizers and supporters, can "What Every Woman Knows." entitled to praise and app ause or doing it so well, so differently and yet wealth in Palestine, the provision of take heart and courage on this year's more work and the greater increase report of the mandates commission — Strinteoy Representatives CAPITOL no happily. "Orchids and Ermine" is Colleen If you have not yet been down to l . h sentences of prosperity. Two fool- on Palestine. This report shows that 1515.21 WOODWARD AVENUE r.erstfn, dis pantqsuiitnetnlovhe in- lowipg g; il e i iyesit h Moore's latest vehicle to reach the the Cass Theater to see the inimitable iy Mminss each other in the commis- the policy of the Balfour declaration 4051ores—w Dania ornarart . Sir James M. Barrie's . Sunday. Charles Ir- Helen Hayes 111 screen, opening must be carried out and that nothing most difficult task a personality which win returns ;ea master of stage cere- fascinating comedy "What Every The first states: "The Arab save a failure of the Jewish people suits exactly. Eugene Webber as Da- gether. section of the population i is gradually themselves can prevent the ultimate monies. Roman Kmows," then make immed- vid Wylie is particularly suitable. abandoning its attitude of non-co- iate arrangements to this end. With realization to the full of their great • the posible exception of the veteran Miss Selene Johnson, as the Countess operation with the manolatory pow- de a Briere, gave an exceptional brit• er. ' The second sentence is: "The „o,;„,,, George Arliss over at the Garrick, no Jewish hom e. liancy en to each opportunity presented. commission hopes that immigration ' - -- ---- --- ' e. finer play has been seen here in a long Mr. Ve Hare, in the character of will continue to be in proportion to time, nor one so thoroughly satisfy- Lumsd nables, was incomparable and JEWS AGAIN ATTACKED the country's power of absorption on ing and so uniformly well acted. There carried with the part an idealism the land." These two sentences con- is not a false note in the entire pro- which was as good a piece of acting BERLIN (J. T. A.)—New anti- fain the key to this weighty and im- , duction and no one could possibly con- lovoendasye. ton on a Detroit stage portant document. Jewish excesses on the streets of Bu- ceive of a more ideal character for the in as many n charest are reported by the Rouman- part of "Maggie" than that provided How can more land be made I Lee Shubert deserves the thanks ian ne•aPaPers, Dimineatzu and Ade- by Helen Hayes. The critics have l the t h t' a ssA .T hBerantiei , available? This is dealt with, in tart vend. The excesses took place in the t hber npgaitnrgo nish r been generous in their praise of this Brady only, however, by the commission. center of the city, where Cuzists at- William The commission urges the hastening ! play and its interpreters, notably Miss production to this community. Hayes and her gifted assistant, Ken- of the land survey of Palestine as be- tacked Jewish passersby. Many were ing of the utmost importance to the injured, including the Jewish reserve officer, Mendel. general development of the country. Great interest is displayed in the The commission, while accepting the British government's explana- trial of Nicolai Tutu, for the murder tions with regard to the noon-alloca- of the Jewish student, David Falik. tion of the Belson lands, nevertheless The trial begins soon in Kimpolung, that aeons may soon be found Bukowina. Seven hundred Rouman- Examination by the Permanent Mandates Commission, Justifi- hopes to utilize these lands to the full. It ian,' have come forward to express cation of Criticism of the British Government. is notorious that these lands are not sympathy with the accused and to of- being aid for, fully I ' I fer to act as his "attorneys." or Economical Transportation By LIEUT.-COM. THE HON, J. M. KENWORTHY, R. N., M. P. and it is extremely dolibtful if the *corded or Troadcasb the music and entertainment afforded by the thousands ofVictor Records — and also that constantly"on the air," is yours to enjoy when this hand- some Victrola-Radiola comes into your home. Orthophonic Victrola - Radiola Number 7.3 KUNSKY THEATERS Price, $325 GRINNELL BROS. Announcing The Appointment of The Streng Motor Car Co. 8510-Twelfth Street As Chevrolet Dealers f • The Streng Motor Car Company because of its won- derful facilities for service, its reputation for integrity and its convenient location to a great shopping zone has been selected by Chevrolet Motor Company as its dealers in the Twelfth street and Linwood district. Coincident with this announcement The Streng Motor Car Company wishes to announce a change in name in order to identify it more closely with the wonderful Chevrolet car which it will henceforth represent. The name of the company will now be The Streng Chevrolet Company. You are invited to make this your headquarters for Chevrolet service, Cour- teous attention to your motor needs always. Buyers-Gowdy Co. Come And See The Most Beautiful Chevrolet In Chevrolet History. We Invite Inspection! STRENG CHEVROLET CO. A. B. STRENG, Pres. P. M. BERNSTEIN, Vice - Pres. present Arab squatters on these lands, MISLEADING will ever have the knowledge and the , capital to develop them to the full • Together with other mandated "C mandates, those under heading A well known soap advertises by There l.--, evidence that the Per areas, Palestine has recently been "A" including Palestine, comprising d manent Mandates Commission has requesting women to keep their • under examination by the Permanent those territories . inhabited b • only recently been taken very seri- schoolgirl complexion. I addressed Mandates Commission of the League vanced and cultured populations who, musty lately a great gathering of high school I - by the mandatory power, of Nations. It most be understoodI it is anticipated. will be self-govern-'though though this attitude is not likely to girls. As I contemplated my ou- that mandates areas are placed in Mg in course of time. It may be said ; continue, in view of the present re- r dience and observe.' how some were charge of selected powers by the 1 with fairness that for the first time port. Thus much information asked made up I framed the hope that they League of Nations and, in theory at in this year 1926 the Mandates Com- for last year of the British govern- would lose their schoolgirl complex- any rate, the mandatory power is re- mission has really got down to it= rent by the mandates commi ssion , ion. Ads are sometimes misleading. sponsible to the league for the good work seriously and has been taken has not yet been supplied to it —Alexander Lyons. I y in it turn . at th e same government of the area in its charge , 11 er i OUS This is particularly the case with and the carrying out of the terms of time, owing to the very constitution regard to the information asked fort Patience is hitter, but its fruit is . . its mandate. The mandatory system of the League of Nations, and the labor. It is sweet. • was the invention of the Late resi- fact that it is not yet too firmly estab- lished, where there is a conflict of dent Wilson, who wished to prevent a too, flagrant violation of his fam- evidence between the mandatory ous 14 points by naked annexations power and the complainant bodge= from the area for which it is respon- of conquered territories. Instead of the old Colonial system, sible, the mandatory power gets the l leubtth. eref,ire, b under which the governing power had benefit remta h rekato It is remarkable, sole responsibility for its possession and looked upon any interference of all the shove circunfinallteS, that • from outside as an act of a4zgression,1 the permanent commission felt itself the mandated areas are considered as compelled to pass certain strictures on me British government arising nut Now 'accred trusts. New tocAtion, A Permanent Mandates Commis- of its mandate over Palestine, though 638 - 40 - 42 EAST FORT STREET ! siton is in session twice a year at Ge- on the whole tbs. British government nes a, meeting in June and Novem- COITICA well out of the examination. 11.000 St•.s•r e Feet of (.tia.•.teed Ser•ire. ber. When the conditions of a man- For example, the mandate= coinnii , - dated area are under consideration nion makes it cl• ar that while teem:. the mandatory power concerned is nixing the difficulty of the Bedish FINE AUTOMOBILE PAINTING — FENDER AND • not represented on the commission. government, in face of the organ BODY BUMPING — COLLISION WORK The inhabitant. of the mandated iced opposition am- ng certain ele- area are entitled, and even encour- ments of the Arab population, it will Trimming — Glass Enclosures — Tops Recovered - 1.e: too z - aged. to send petitions and com- be expected of the British govern- Trademark, — Monograms. plaint., and this right has been exer• ment that it will proceed with mori , eiaeli by various bodies in Palestine, vigor in the future to make suitsbk I including the 'Zionist Organization it- land available in greater quantities selfsad the organization of the Arab for Zionist close settlement. The mast important document be- Nationalists. ' Slandated areas are described an- fore the mandates commission was . der three headings as "A," "13" and the petition of the Vaad team'. The (Copyright, 1926, Jewish Telegraphic Agency.) CHEVROLET 8510 12th Street at Philadelphia Palestine and the League of Nations Empire 4035 I. HAMBURGER. See'y. Phone CAdillac 1845