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January 21, 1927 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1927-01-21

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A tmerkat lavish periodical Center

CLIFTON small • CINCINNATI 20, 01110




.■•■ 11111•11,

Graham 1926 Production.

Production facilities of Graham
Brothers, truck manufacturing divi-
sion of Dodge Brothers, Inc., were ex-
panded over 40 per cent in 1926, the
first full year of Dodge Brothers con-
trol of this company, according to an
official announcement. Production and

sales under Dodge Brothers guidance
last year more than kept pace with
the increase in manufacturing facili-
Shipments of trucks and motor
coaches in 1926 totaled 37,463 units, a
gain of 55.7 per cent over the 24,056
shipped in 1925, Graham Brothers
best previous year. Shipments of





%-ton commercial cars totaled 29,830,
against 26,657, a gain of 11.9 per cent.
Graham Brothers now build trucks,
mtotor coaches and buses to meet over
90 per cent of all commercial motor
transportation requirements. 1Vith
this advantage at the beginning, 1927
promises to bring even greater rec-


k 4;4

"See us at the Auto Show"

Fraternal and
Club Notes

The Round Table.

The next meeting of the Round
Table Interprofessional Society will
be held on Friday, Jan. 28, at Tem-
ple Beth El, Room 26, at 8:45. A
paper will be read by Leon Saunders,
who is a local attorney. The subject
will be "Russian Literature Since
1917." Mr. Saunders is well versed
in Russian literature and is a gradu-
ate of a Russian university. The pub.
lic is cordially invited.

G. A. B. Club.

Get yourBilick From

Louis Rose Buick Co.

1 49,000 Square Feet of Floor Space


Devoted to
Buick Service - - - to Serve You

Buick shares it's price with many Motor Cars
But it's Value with none

We are selling more cars today than ever before in our history.
The public wants finer transportation at lower cost. And in Buick
they get it.

Louis Rose Buick Co.


Euclid avenue is chairman of the
sale of tickets and is assisted by Mrs.
S. Cabot, Mrs. Weiner, Mrs. Milkov-
sky, Mrs. Silver, Mrs. Levin and Mrs.

Purity Chapter 359.
The get-together card party which
was scheduled to be given by Purity
Chapter for Monday afternoon, Jan.
24, has been postponed until Feb-
ruary. A luncheon and bridge is
to o • held at the Eastern Star Tem-
ple on Monday, Feb. 14, at 1 o'clock,
in the large auditorium. Progressive
bridge, bridge at individual tables,
mah jong and lotto will be played.
Prizes will be given and members are
asked to bring their friends. Mrs.
Cora Jacoby and her committee will
be hostesses at thin bridge-luncheon,
for which tickets nut}, be obtained
from anv of the officers. The next
regular business meeting will be held
on Munday evening, Jan. 24, at

j:■11■1■■■■■ 1111 ■ 10116WL.W 117 11.11.11sWeIMIK W IWs.\\ ■ .11% ■■■■■■■■■■■1 0

The Place Where
the People Go

Bigger and Better Than Ever Before

Will Be Held at




$ •
• •
• •
$ ,

February 26 to March 8 • •
$ $ The World's Greatest Builders' Show $°


Under the Auspices of




o i

0° I



One of the features of the show will be the erec-
tion of a complete, full-sized model home inside of
Convention Hall.

Of particular interest will be the Builders' Ideal
Home now being erected on Lochmoor Blvd, Arthur
J. Scully's Eastern Super-Highway Subdivision, and
which will be ready for public inspection about Feb-
ruary 6.

The last meeting of the Jolly Odds
was held at the home of Irvin Olan-
sky, 2991 Hazelwood avenue, on Jan.
14. Plans for a party to be given
some time in the near future were
discussed. The Misses Tillie Sher-
' man, Goldie Lieberman and Bell
Schwartz were appointed on the
party committee. Miss Rita Welt was
elected recording secretary to replace
Miss Renee Stellar, who resigned.
Jack Aaron, Jack Hlanfer and Ilarry
Snitzman were voted in as members.
A membership drive has been start-
' ed. Tickets are now on sale for the
raffle to be given on Feb. 13 and can
he purchased from any of the mem-
bers or by calling Harry Levin at
Melrose 0141-11. The next meeting
will be held at the home of Miss Rita
1Velt, 2951 Richton avenue. All
members are urged to attend.

Special $1.00 Dinner, 5 p. m. to 8 p. m.
Special Noon-day Luncheon 55c, 11 a. m. to 2 p. m.
Sunday Table D'Hote Dinner $1.25, 12 to 8 p. m.

And His Tea Garden Orchestra.


12-1:45 P. M. — 5:30 P. 11.-8 P. M. — 9:30 P. M.-1 A. M.

No Cover Charge at Any Time

ti .41



When Buying That New

See the Schreiber Boys for • Good Deal

.1 the



Arlington 3827



Chrysler Representati•es for Highland Park.

.................... .

"I was happy to see that at the recent confer-
ence in Chicago unity in American Israel was estab-
lished and the way made clear fur the continuation
of our efforts to establish a common platform on
which both Zionists and non-Zionists will unite for
the benefit of Palestine. I am confident that the
Jewish community of America in animated by a
sincere desire to see a flourishing and proud Com-
monwealth in Palestine, and whatever differences
may have divided them before, every vestige will
disappear in the course of the difficult work which
is sacred to us all. Needless to say, whatever is
in my small power to help towards this end will be
done devotedly and unreservedly."


On Thursday evening, February 17,
the Bicur Cholem Society is sponsor-
ing a elaborate card party to be given
at Braiker's ball room, at Fourteenth
and Gladstone avenues. A prize is to
be given at each table and refresh-
ments will be served. Dancing will
complete the evening's entertainment.
Tickets may be obtained front any of
the members or at the door the night
of the party. Proceeds are to be used
solely for charity. Sarah Chodoroff
is etairman of the card party, as-
sisted by Anne Topper, who has
charge of the refreshments, and Ger-
trude Brenner in charge of the tick-
ets and prizes.


President, World Zionist Organization.

Home Relief Society.

Final arrangements have been
completed for the luncheon and card
party to be held next Tuesday after.
main, Jan. 25, at the Seward Ilotel,
Seward at Woodward avenue. Judg-
ing from the report of the chairman,
Sirs. Abe Gordon, this affair will sur-
pass all previous social gatherings.
For reservations please call Mrs. Gor-
don, Garfield 7621.51, iir Mrs. /Shah
man, Euclid 1749. Luncheon will be
served at 12:30 sharp.

Junior B'nai B'rith.

On Tuesday, Jan. IS, the Junior
B'rith attended en masse the
basketball game and dance affair ar-
ranged between themselves and the
Alpha Tau at the Shaarey Zedek
gymnasium. The society reports pro-
. gress in the completion of plans fur
the valentine dance to he held on or
' about Feb. 14, to which members
will receive their bids on Feb. 8. All
details regarding the installation of
the honor system have been corn.
pleted by Meryl Fenton and the in-
auguration of the system will take
place Feb. 8. The semi-annual DICITI-
lwrship drive of the Junior B'nai
ll'rith will have its inception at an
4 u meeting to be held on Tuesday,
Jan. 25, at the B'nai B'rith Com-
munity House at 275 East Ferry ave-
nue. Prominent Jewish speakers will
address the meeting and entertain-
ment is to be furnished by Julius
Ilarris, Florence Blondy, Sol Rosen-
:van, Adolph Travers, Sam Steffin,
Bill Lankin and Betty Freeman.
Dancing will follow and all young
Olen and women between the ages of
18 and 21 are eligible for member-
ship and are cordially invited to at-

Goad Will Club.

The meeting of the G. W. C. was
held at the home of Miss Rose Schrei-
berman, 2504 Grand avenue, on Sun.
day afternoon. The following offi.
sere were elected: Membership cam-
. mittee, Mary Lewis, Estelle Silver-
1man, Joe Sage, Sam I.ipshy and Sam
Lesson; c o r r e sponding secretary,
Mary Lewis; treasurer, Sam Lipahy.
Seven new members were voted in.
All wishing to join call Northway
11960. Girls are to be between the
ages of 15 and 16 and boys 16 and
18. If you wish to join a good club
. and have loads of fun, join at once.
The next meeting will be held at the
above address on Sunday afternoon
at 4:10. Please be prompt.

Ladies Auxiliary H•sh•char.

The Ladies Auxiliary Ilashachar
Camp of the Order Sons of Zion. No.
116, held its annual election an Mon-
day evening, Jan. 17. Mrs. 11. Mil-
kovsky was re-elected president, Mrs.
S. Becker and Mrs. S. Cabot, vice-
presidents; Mrs. H. Kraft, financial
secretary, and Mrs. A. Markson,
treasurer. The time of regular meet-
ings, heretofore hell on Wednesdays, I
was changed to Mondays. All mem-
hers of the Hashaehar are working!
very zealously for the success of the!
two Jewish theater performances to
be given on Feb. 19 and 20, the pro-
, reeds of which will go for the J. N.
tql ■ mmmm ■■ ■■■■■■■ ■■1■ 10 01:10M .1010 ■•■■■■ ■ •• ■■■■••■ 14 ■ 1 1163111. 10M MILII:9110 ■110 . ■ F. Mrs. A. Markson of 3293 West

I New Location 420 U. S. Mortgage Bldg.
607 Shelby St. Rand. 9783

1516 WOODWARD, Corner JOHN R.


Jolly Odds.


ea 6arden cafe

The last meeting of the G. A. B.
;21 Club was held at the home of Rena
Krakowsky. The following new of-
•- ticers were elected: President, Tuba 0 clock.
Berman; secretary, Buena Epstein,
and treasurer, Estelle Morse. The J. W. E. W. 0. (North Woodward).
The North Woodward branch of
club is planning a skating party to be
given in the near future. The next the J. W. E. W. 0. completed all ar-
meeting will be held at the home of rangements at its last meeting for
the dance and package party which is
Buena Epstein.
to be held on Sunday evening, Jan.
23, at 8 o'clock, at the Mishkun Is-
Young Emanuel..
At the last regular meeting of the reel Synagogue at Blaine and I ir-
Young Emanuels plans for the reor. wood avenues. All members and
their friends are invited to attend,
c ; ganization of the club into two chap- price of admission being a package
tern were enthusiastically discussed
and agreed upon. It was officially de - containing any kind of goods. The
cided that the intermediate chapter Peerless orchestra will furnish the
consist of young Jewish people be- music for old fashioned as well as
tween the ages of 16 and 19 and the m odern dances. The J. W. E. W. 0.
senior chapter of young people of 19 elected at its last election Mrs. Jo-
over. Both groups are to have seph Chagi as secretary to the board
+• •;;c the same ultimate purposes and are of directors.
to be linked with each other by a
W. W. Girls Club.
,te general council consisting of elected
Miss Rose Shustek was hostess on
representatives and by joint meetings
to be held at intervals. The inter. Tuesday evening at the regular meet-
mediate chapter held its election and ing of the W. W. Girls Club. Plans
•;-4 Nathan Shur was elected president; were made for the open meeting to
1:4 Joseph Morris, vice-president; Gwen- be held on Friday evening, Jan. 28,
dolyn Knoppow, corresponding secre- at the home of Miss Belle Woontner
tary; Zelda Tettlebaum, recording of 1652 Gladstone avenue. An in-
secretary, and Charles Wolok, treas- teresting program is being prepared
urer. On Jan. 17 a Chamisho Osar by the entertainment committee and
Beshevat party was held at the Tem- a good time is assured. The next
ple Emanuel by the intermediates, regular meeting will be held at the
and the seniors commemorated the home of Miss Lila Patterson, 1734
holiday by holding a similar affair Seward avenue, on Tuesday evening,
on Jan. 18. Jan. 25.
During the past term the Young
Sisters of Zion, Miarachi.
Emanuels have been unusually suc-
cessful in the staging of all their
Two performances at the Majestic
functions. Friday night lectures given Theatre are to be given on Feb. 26
by Rabbi A. M. Ashinsky at the Tem• and 27 under the auspices of the
ale Emanuel have been arranged, Sisters of 'Lion, Mizrachi. The pro- .
14 Hebrew classes have been instituted, reeds will be used to help the build-
an elaborate Siyum Hasefer has been ing fund for the chalutzim and trade
01 held, successful dances given, and the schools of Palestine, which is a very
Saturday morning srevices have been worthy cause. Tickets will he sold
N,e '? well attended. Under the new ar- by members of the organization and
rangement the services on Saturday a large attendance is anticipated. For
morning and the Hebrew classes are further information, kindly communi-
to be taken care of by both chapters cate with Mrs. A. Wilenkin, 2038
working together.
Taylor avenue, Eaclid 4638-M.

tiVAZittk-tlet T.L.W..e.Y.a*:::4:*4.4.464NPRRVV,M=4

Ninth Annual

at the

Turn to the --
Re-sale Prices for the Truth

It is common knowledge that Dodge
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As re-sale prices are established by the
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Could there be a more eloquent tribute to
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Brothers product?

Touring Car
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Highland Park Motor Co., 16123 Woodward. Arl. 3730
Hergenroeder, Inc.. 14615 K. Jeff encet
Lenox 4400
Mentes Motor Sales& Service, 4426 Cheat Mel. 6667
Hues Auto Service, 12217 Twelfth
Hem. 4297
Cook-Wood, Inc., 15670 Grand River
Mid-Weal Motor Co., 9111 Grand River
Hogartb 6380
Gar. 7100
Bucknell-Knowlson Co., 2445 Michigan__ .Glen. 9888
Dix-Western Motor Co., 3950 Dix
Lai 1601
Northeast Motor Co., 8564 Jos. Campo__. Emp. 4083
Oration Motor Ca, 6226 Gratio4
Lin. 1172
Cc:onial Motor Sales, (834-40 Michigan Cedar 3138
Fairview Auto Sales, 10940 Mack
Lenox 0707
North Zentral Motor Co., 8517 Linwood Euclid IMO
Delray Motor Sales, 7132-34 W. Jefferson. Cedar 3131
Ncrwoodward Motor Co., 9115 Woodward Env. 6980

Patronize Your Nearest Dodge Brothers Dealer



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