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January 14, 1927 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1927-01-14

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A merican ,9 f avish Periodical Coffer


ThEi)entondEmsn CARO/416LE



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Fraternal and
Club Notes

meeting will be held at the home of
Rose Shustek at 4249 Eighteenth
street, on Jan. 18, and all members
are urged to be there. Miss Belle
' Wootner is to be hostess at the open
Imeeting which will take pace in the
near future.

Ased.Edain Sorority.




A very interesting meeting of the
Ased.Ed-Din Sorority was held Sun-
day, Jan. 9, at the home of Miss
Schwartz. The sorority wishes to an-
nounce that it has changed the meet-
ing day from Monday evening to Sun-
day afternoon at 4 P. M. A member-
ship campaign is now being conduct-
ed. Miss Celia Morin of Hazelwood
avenue will be hostes sat the next
meeting, to be held Sunday, Jan. 16.

Junior B'nai B'rith.

cif Piano

that has for nearly a century been held in

high regard is certainly one you
can have every confidence
in. Such a piano is the
Famous Ludwig


Small Grand Piano

This exquisite instrument is the latest
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name. Its beautiful tone, its graceful
design, its fine workmanship and finish
are features which you can look for-
ward to enjoying year after year — a
record of satisfied purchasers of LUDWIG
pianos covering a period of practically
too years assures its worthiness and
dependability beyond all question.


You will find that, quality considered,
$795 is a very low price for the LUDWIG
SMALL GRAND. We gladly arrange con•
vement terms, if desired. Your present
piano accepted in part exchange at
liberal allowance. We would greatly
appreciate the pleasure of showing you
this dainty high-grade grand soon.

"The Musical Center of Detroit"


Steinway Representatives


40 Stores— 10 Da,. !Ranches


The third session of the Junior
B'nai B'rith was held on Tuesday
evening, Jan. 11, at the B'nai B'rith
Community Center, 275 East Ferry
avenue. Brother Gottlieb of the
senior order was appointed to spon-
sor and aid in the development of
Jewish culture among the members.
Announcement was made of the in-
auguration of an honor system
whereby members will receive an ap-
propriate emblem in appreciation of
outstanding efforts In behalf of the
society. This is to go into effect on
Feb. 1. Arrangements were made
for a Valentine and get-together af-
fair which is to take place on or
about Feb. 14. The formation of ii
girls basketball and baseball team
received added impetus through a
promise of co-operation from Broth-
er Bob Cassel, athletic director.
Brother Max Edwards gave an in-
spiring address on "The Status of the
Modern Jew." The subject was fur-
ther elaborated on by Brother Kane.
There is to be no meeting on Tues-
day, Jan. 18, as the B'nai B'rith Jun-
ior basketball team is playing against
the Alpha Tau on that date. The so-
ciety will turn out en masse to wit-
ness the game and to participate in
the dancing after the game. Admis-
sion is 50 cents. The next meeting,
which is to be an open forum, is to
be held on Tuesday, Jan. 25, at the
B'nai B'rith Community house.

Sirs. M. Satowsky, second vice-red-
dent; Mrs. Fred Epstein, third vice-
president ; Mrs. I.. Greenberg, fourth
vice-president; Mrs. Zedor Rozen- I
stein, re-elected treasurer; Mrs.!
Agnes Levin, honorary recording sec-
retary. The following trustees were I
appointed: Sirs. Jennie Newman,
Blue Bird Girls.
Mrs. George Cohen, Mrs. M. Lipnick
On Tuesday evening, Jan. I I, the and Mrs. Taubie Siegel. The meet-
Blue Bird Girls held an interesting tug was most interesting and was fol-
and important meeting at the home lowed by the serving of refreshments.
of Mrs. I. Chaenko, 357 Rosedale
court. Definite plans were made for
J. W. E. W. 0. (North Branch),
the bridge-ten which is to be held on
The North Woodward branch of
Sunday afternoon, Feb. 13, at the the Jewish Women's European Wel.
Savoy Hotel. A pleasant time is in fare Organization is completing ar-
store for all those attending. Elec- rangements for a package party and
tion of new officers took place and dance to be held on Sunday evening,
the following officers were elected: Jan. 23, at the Mishkun Israel Syna-
Miss Tillie Halperin, re-elected presi- gogue at Blaine and Linwood ave-
dent; Gertrude Solomon, vice-presi- nues. The committees in charge,
dent; Dorothy Scheer, re-elected sec- headed by Mrs. N. Fishman and Mrs.
retary-treasurer, and Sophye B. Lip- M. Goldberg, are making every at-
nick, editor.
tempt to give to their members and
The next meeting is to be held at friends a most enjoyable evening. A
the home of Mrs. Hermit Salter, package containing goods of any kind
2496 Pasadena avenue, on Jan. 18.
will be the price of admission.
Peerless Orchestra will furnish both
Alpha Beta Gamma Sorority.
modern and old-time dance music.
The Alpha Beta Gamma Sorority The next regular meeting will be held
held its last meeting at the Y. W. on Tuesday, Jan. 18, at 2 o'clock, at
II. A. clubhouse on Tuesday, Jan. 11. the home of Mrs. J. Feldman, 2946
The sorority has added to its list of Elmhurst avenue. All members are
members Miss Pearl Gilberg and Miss requested to attend.
Nellie Israel. A mid-winter dance
will be given by the sorority on Sun-
Upsilon Chapter.
day evening, Feb. 6, at the Gotham
The Upsilon Chapter of the Phi
hotel. Shook's Creoles, one of the Beta Fraternity is planning a ban-
snappiest orchestras to be had, will quet to be given at the home of Mr.
furnish the music. The next meet- and Mrs. E. J. Schwartz at 3799
ing will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 18, Blaine avenue. This is to be held
at the home of Miss Shirley Gross- in honor of Oscar Schwartz and Her-
man of Grand avenue.
man Stein, who have recently joined
the Upsilon Chapter. These new
J. W. E. W. 0.
members are heartily welcomed by
A regular meeting of the Jewish their fraternity brothers.
European Welfare Organization of
Detroit was held on Tuesday evening,
Theta Lambda Tau Sorority.
Jan. 11, at the Jewish Center, 31 Mel-
The Theta Lambda Tau Sorority is
bourne avenue. The following offi- giving an informal valentine dance to
cers were elected for the coming be held on Friday evening, Feb. 11,
year: Mrs. Ida Levin, president; Mrs. at the l'ark Avenue llotel. Music
Joseph Radner, first vice-president; will be furnished by Shook's Creole

Serving You Through 2$ Branches


Office: State

at Griss old

at the

tea6arden Cate

1516 WOODWARD, Corner JOHN R.

Special $1.00 Dinner, 5 p. m. to 8 p. m.
Special Noon-day Luncheon 55c, 11 a. m. to 2 p. m.
Sunday Table D'Hote Dinner $1.25, 12 to 8 p. m.

And His Tea Garden Orchestra.


12-1:45 P. M. — 5:30 P. M.-8 I'. M. — 9:30 I'. M.•1 A. M.

No Cover Charge at Any Time

Sisterhood Congregation Emanuel.

At the next meeting of the Sister-
hood of Congregation Emanuel, to be
held Monday, Jan. 17, Mrs. J. Zeck-
man will speak on the subject "The
Jewish Women of Yesterday and To-
day." Mrs. Tobin will give the Bible
reading and Mrs. Charles Alperin will
render several vocal selections. Pack-
iq.,es for the package party should be
brought to this meeting without fail.
A beautiful silk pillow, made and do-
nated by Mrs. Ilarwith and Mrs.
Sachse, will be raffled at this meeting.
Due to a fire in which all the mail-
ing cards were destroyed. members
will not receive their cards for this

Madison Athletic Club.


Fresh Air Society.

The Fresh Air Society will hold its
annual meeting on Wednesday, Jan.
19, at 2:15 p. in., at the Jewish Wom-
en's Club, 89 Rowena. All those in-
terested are cordially invited to at-

Koeba Girls.

Auxiliary Haidtachar Camp.


Alpha Lambda Kappa.

The Alpha Lambda Kappa fraterns
ity is giving its first dinner-dance at
King Wah Is Cafe on Saturday eve-
ning, Jan. 22. Ben Berlin and Gor-
don Caesar are on the committee to
arrange all details.

"Craig's Wife" at New Detroit.

Among the most important events
of the local theatrical season is the
engagement next week at the New
Detroit of "Craig's Wife," the Pulit-
zer prize play by George Kelly, the
brilliant young author of "The Show
Off" and "The Torch Bearers." This
play presents a powerful study of a
woman who married for a home and
not a husband, and of her practical,
calculating concept of the imperma-
nence of a home dependent, as she
considers, on the whim or mood of
a husband. The New York east, head-
ed by Chrystal Ilerne, will be seen
in the engagement here, which opens
next Sunday night.

Miss Frances Bagdade, 1507 West
Euclid avenue, was hostess at the last
meeting of the Koeba Girls on Tues-
day, Jan. 4. Plans were discussed
for an open meeting to be held in the
near future, the date to be announced
later. Pins have been ordered and
are to be distributed at the next
meeting, which will be held at the
home of Miss Bessie Gedrich, 2227
West Euclid avenue.

Two performances at the Majestic
Theater are to be given on Feb. 19
and Feb. 20 under the auspices of
the Ladies Auxiliary of Hashachar
Camp. Tickets will be sold by the
members of this society and a large
gathering is anticipated.


Orchestra. Tickets may be obtained
by calling Empire 8611-1V.

The last regular meeting of the
Madison Athletic Club was held on
Sunday, Jan. 9, at the Y. W. H. A.
clubhouse, 89 Rowena street. Morris
Cohn reported on the committee in
charge of the novelty valentine dance
which is to be held no Sunday eve-
ning, Feb. 13, at the Hotel Statler.
The club is making a special effort to
make this affair a most enjoyable
one. Billie Busher's Original Rialto
Orchestra will furnish the music.
Tickets may be obtained from mem-
bers of the club.
On Sunday, Feb. 6, at the Y. W.
H. A. Theater at 89 Rowena street,
there is to be a special open meeting.
David Marks is in charge of the ape-
eMlly planned program. Music by
Jules Jewet's orchestra. Members of
the club met on Monday evening at
the Chirard School for a strenuous
New furniture has been purchased
by the organization to be used at its
summer cottage at Cass Lake.
The next meeting of the club will
be held on Sunday, Jan. 16, at the
Y. W. II. A. clubhouse.


By t&Tresdent of

Within a few months, Dodge Brothers, Inc.,
will introduce a new line of motor cars, in
no way conflicting with the market for
Dodge Brothers present types, but occupy ,
ing a considerably higher price field and
produced in limited quantities.

'Combining Dodge Brothers well known
dependability with exceptional performance
and striking beauty of appointment and
design, these distinguished vehicles,, we be'
lieve, will instantly set a new and higher
standard in fine car practice.

Women's Benefit Association.

Women's Benefit Association, Sho-
lom Review No. 88, will hold a special
and important business meeting on
Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 19, at
1:30 sharp, at its clubrooms, 1522
Randolph street. A social afternoon
will follow. Bridge and poker will be
played and prizes awarded at each
table. All members and friends are
urged to attend.

Strangers A. C.

The last meeting of the Strangers
A. C. was held on Thursday, Jan. 6,
at the Jewish Center, 31 Melbourne
avenue. Plans were made to con-
duct a series of dances. The first
dance is to be held at the Jewish Cen-
ter on Wednesday evening, Jan. 19,
at 8 o'clock. Special efforts are be-
ing made to make this affair a most
enjoyable one.

Tau Tau Gamma.

The last meeting of the sorority-
was held Tuesday evening, Jan. 11,
at the home of Miss Mollie Ulanoff
on Glendale avenue. Detailed reports
regarding the skating party to be
held in Windsor were given by the
committee and the arrangements ap-
proved. Plano are also being made
for a sleigh ride party to be given in
honor of two young ladies who will
become members of the sorority. The
next meeting, which will be held
Tuesday evening, Jan. 18, at the,
home of Miss Annette Cohen of
Hague avenue, will be an open meet.'
ing. The visitors will be entertained
with bridge and bunco, after which
refreshments will be served.

W. W. Girls Club.

The last meeting of the W. W.
Girls Club was held on Tuesday eve-I
sing, Jan. 11, at the home of Mils
Shirley Mendeloson. The meeting
was opened with a talk by Miss Sally;
Deutch on friendship. The Misses I
Rose Shustek and Belle Woontner
were chosen to be on the entertain-
ment committee. Membership Is I
closed until June. The next regular I

Dodge Brothers will continue to produce
their present line in maximum quantities
to meet a demand which, during the year
just ended, was very much the largest in
their history, reaching the record total of
330,000 cars.

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