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July 16, 1926 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1926-07-16

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711 ■ 17A,Kon]ifyisq UlIZOlfiC115

, his reply, "The people on Cop have
e here the lon gest.
h ad
more time t o bsorb the Ame
Thri can cul-

similation you must have the assimila-
tor as well as the assimilatee," he add-
ed with a smile.
Asked if there were more atheists
and non-religionists 818011g the Jews
in knerica than among the Gentiles
Jude Simons expressed the opinion
that while the educated slew-was quite
liberal in his religious views he doubt-
ed very much that atheism was more
coI8111011 among Jews than among
Gentiles. "The liberalism of the edu-
•ated Jew; d o es nut lead in any great
measure to complete non-religion," he
Returning to the question of crime
among the Jews .fudge Simons pointed
out that homicides, rare among the
Jews till quite recently, have lately
been increasing at the same rate as
in all other groups. The war, he de-
clared was (rattly to blame fur this
condition. Asked if' crimes of Vis-
knee were more common 81110111; East
European Jews than among West Eu-
ropean .lews as has recently been
charged, he replied, "That classifica-
tion no longer exists. There hasn't
been any such classification for years.
are no longer Americans. American
The so-called \Vest-European Jews
Jewry today means almost exclusive-

ly East-European Jews. How West-
European Jews would react to life in
America today I can't say. That's
purely speculation. The West-Euro-
pean Jews came to America at a time
when this country was a la W abiding
and orderly country. The East-Eu-
ropean Jew's coming later found a
country that was, and still is, turbu-
lent and law-breaking."

Mr. and Mrs. Felix Lichtig and
daughter, Doris, of St. Louis, Mo.,
are the guests of Mr. Lichtig's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lichtig.
The following will leave on Satur-
day- for a several weeks' stay at
Charlevoix: Mrs. J. C. Hirschfield
and family, Mrs. N. Seitner and son
and Mrs. Frances Levy.

brew, written and published by its
own students. for the students of the
school. Work.is now well under way
and the first number is promised for
the end of next month. The tempor-
ary name of the magazine is "Ilecha•
nich" (The Student l.• It will have
the following departments; news,
literary, editorial, feature and hu-
mor. All phases of the work of the
United Ilebrew Schools and its stu-
dents, all departments and organiza-
tions of the schools will be represent-
ed.. Seymour Tilchin (class of 1923)
is editor-in-chief of the magazine. Ile
is, assisted by the following staff:
News editor, Max Weine (1923); lit-
erary editor, Meyer II. Harrison
(1923); editorial ; editor, Irving She-
vitz (19261; feature editor, Miriam
Plotnizky (1926); humor editor, Na.
,mii Buchhalter (1924); art editor,
Nathan Shur 119211); circulation, Os-
car Schwartz, and A. D. Markson,
faculty adviser.



! lure."
Because the Y. M. II. A. is devoted
to the moral, mental, spiritual and
Will Jewish culture survive the
physical development of the Jewish
"Is there a larger proportion of pro- ! Process or assimilation r' I asked.
youth, as well as for numerous ether
hibition law violations mow Jews; 'That culture will not survive the
reasons, the 10,000 eligible young
than among other groups?" I ques - , cheek upon recent immigration," de-
men should join the Detroit 'Y."
t ioned. dared Judge Simons, "Th.; second and
generations are almost entirely
"No," he replied, "There are morel
Swimming CI
Mrs. Ed Lichtig was hostess at a
violations among those foreign groups , absorbed by American culture. The
Starting Wednesday evening, July
bridge-luncheon at the Wenonah Ho-
that have always lawn accustomed to ' disappearance of any culture is a loss
21, a swimming class for the benefit
in •hetior of her guest, Mrs. Felix
of the members of the Y. M. II. A.
Lichtig of 'St. Louis, 111o,
tom in the countries from which they Pause, "but whether it is a loss to the
will be held at the recreation center
came. The ,lews always had aliberal . individual—that is another matter.
on Palmer and St. Antoine streets.
On Tuesday afternoon last Mrs. I.
spirit towards the drinking of liquor., However, the Jew tends towards tom-
Jewish young men in the city who are
Let us not forget that the drinking of Pleb , assimilation in habits, customs,
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Brodder am Voight entertained with six tables of
interested are invited to join the
daughters of Detroit and Mrs. New bridge.
liquor is not morally wrong among node of living, in thought every-
swimming class.
man of Buffalo, N. Y., spent las
other peoples. It is a crime wily he- thing except actual physical assimila-
cause it is prohibited by law—not be- tom. In that respect he is no more
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. It
cause it is inherently immoral. The assimilated ttality than he was years
Members of the Y. M. IL A. and
Of I.r
law recognizes that distinction. There ago. Interm arriage will not increase
their friends will spend Sunday, July
are lawn male prohibita and laws mala t at :t,rulliciently high rate to wipe out
Mr. tool Mrs..1. C. Hirschfield have
trribTI crirmn
IS, at Island Lake,
as their house guests Mr. and Mrs, I..
in se. Violations of the former kind ! , the Thee.
B. Cohen of Hollywood, Calif.
are crimes because the act has been - Consciously to! unconsciously the
Friday Outing:
To Publish Magazine:
prohibited while laws. of the latter; Jew is still loyal to his race whether
The family of the late Mrs. Chyns
The Alumni Association of the
The classes of Miss Eva Margolis,
Complimenting her guest, Mrs. A.
kind are crimes in themselves, that is,, he is culturally' assimilated or not.
wishes to thank their
Spero of Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. Max
they are regarded as morally wrong.; A variety of influences operate to keep
Kohn entertained lit guests at a ing an ideal that it has cherished Weine were taken to Belle Isle on many relatives and friends for the
The prohibition' law belongs to the , him from losing his identity. There
them during their
bridge-luncheon at , the Wenonah since its inception several years ago: Friday last and are looking forward
are, for instance, the external iota-
first kind."
recent sad bereavement.
to produce a school magazine in Ile- to future outings..
Hotel on Wednesday 'last.
"Since it is a crime to purchase cores. To complete the process of as-
liquor do you think that ;
this specks of, liquor law violation is
more common among the Jews than it
is among wealthy Americans?" I
Judge Simons' answer was a final
and emphatic "No" no I went on to
my next question.
"Are Jews inclined to rush to the
assistance of law-breakers of their
own race?" Tu which Judge Simons
"I don't think that's more true of
Jews than of any other cohesive
group. Of course there is bound to be
a natural bond of sympathy between
the members of any well-defined
group. The peaceable Jew's sympathy
7 Mere is only one Electric
is easily enlisted. Ile brings with him
from countries where discrimination
Refrigerator named Frigidaire
was strong a feeling of mutual respon-
sikility. Such a feeling is much more
easily aruosed among the members of
a small group than among the mem.
hers of a large group." !
"Has the breakdown of the religious
influence in the American Jewish
home anything to do with the increase
of crime?" was my next query.
"I think perhaps it has. In that re-
spect the Jewish home is subject to the
same influences as other honks," re-
plied Judge Simons.
"Art- there any figures on crime in
the Jewish ghettoes of Europe," I
asked, "with which we could compare
the figures in America?"
"I know of no such statistics," he
answered. "But, I have an impression
that much of the crime manifested by
any group results from their partku-
lar environment rather than from the
!lendencies they bring with them from
abroad. You will find that it is the
youoger people who are usually the
violators in every group--the younger
people who have been subjected to the,
influences of the big city."
I made reference to the speech of
Judge Kavanaugh before the F.eonont-
ic ( c lub of New York in which he'
pointed out that all races increase.
their criminal activities upon coming
to America. Ile shows that there are
only 13 homicides to the million in
Canada "just across an imaginary
line," only 9 in England and 16 in It-
aly, "the home of the stiletto," while
there 100 to the million in America.,
Commenting on the causes fur this
amazing increase in the criminal ac-;
tivities of all Europeans coming to
America Judge Simons declared that
one reason is the faster pace of life,
in this country.
"Everything is speeded up here. ,
There is a craving for excitement.;
Life is faster—in fact, the synonym'
for immorality in America is fast,
"fast living," and "fast women" for
example. Then too the greater pros- I
parity among all groups tends to ere.;
ate more self-indulgence. Young men
become more impatient. The examples
of sudden fortunes cause the average
young fellow to want to make a flash
—to get a lot of money quickly—le-
gitimately or illegitimately. Ile wants
to live like those he sees all around
him who somehow have acquired
"Is it possible," I venured, "that the
worship of success in America has
reached the point where a man would
rather he regarded as a crook than
have it known that he is broke?"
"No one likes to cconfess failure,"1
commented Judge tSTcoons. "Yet I
think we have outlived the day of the
great circulation of success literature.
The magazines that cater to that de-
mand are not attracting as many
readers as they used to. Success is
I00 common to have much romance
abut it."
"Is the business practice of the Jew
satisfactory?" I asked.
"In the higher reaches of .lowish
business it is," he replied. "The large,.
successful Jewish concerns have de-
veloped perhaps a higher code of bus-
Mess honesty than the business men of
any other group. That may not be
true of the small struggling concerns.;
But it is certainly true of:the bigger l
concerns—the big merchandising con-
corns. Perhaps the keen competition
and the inexperience of-the smaller
concerns is responsible for the lower
standards among them."
"Is the bargaining system used in
the smaller Jewish stores less fair to
the buyer than the one-price system
of the large downtown department
"I don't know about the fairness,"
replied Judge Simons, "but I do think
that the small merchant may be
taught by the demands of his eusto..
niers. He is just catering to their de-
mands. If they demand the bargain-
ing system of selling he has to bargain
with them, that's all. The merchant
who is entitled to success soon realizes
that there are certain ethical practices
You will be delighted with the beauty of the new
which are good business as well as
good morals."
metal cabinet Frigidaires. Their smooth steel sides are
"What is this we hear about the
finished in lustrous white Duco. They are lined with
Levantine morals of the Jew in busi-
seamless porcelain enamel. Single-depth and double.
nes'?" I queried wistfully.
"It may be that the accusation of
depth freezing trays protide ample capacity for ,oat
Levantine morals is true of the immi-
cubes, desserts and salads.
grant cm his first contract with Amer-
ican life. However, there is not any
group in America that is more adapt-
All Frigidaires are automatic in operation, low in
able to the business practices they find
operating cost. Any model may be purchased on that
here than the Jews."
General Motors deferred payment plan.
"Is the wealthy Jew intellectually
equal to the wealthy Gentile?"
In my experience," answered Judge
Simons, "I have found no group that
has such a real passion for culture
and a desire to give their children the
benefits of education. That's true of
the wealthy Jew, of the moderately
wealthy Jew—and of the poor Jew.
The mere fact that the average Jew-
Main Floor, General Motors Bldg.
ish family so often desires to see their
Main Floor
Please bend me a copy of the Frigidaire Catalog.
children in the learned professions is
an indication of their love of culture.
General Motors Bldg.
Empire 9180
calls once-title Frigidanc-
Music has • tremendous patronage
Downtown Branch,
among Jews."
end the c c stay dug
"Where do you find the most thor-
Postisic, Mich.
Basniogh•nc, Mich.
ough assimilation of American cul-
ture, on to p of the social ladder or
towards the bottom?" I questioned.
__try 514111t•

(Continued from Page 1)

Nag (burl Notes


a dayt

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More on top in every group," was

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