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May 07, 1926 - Image 6

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1926-05-07

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Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc.

JACOB H. SCHAKNE, General Manager

ach 3, 1916. at the PostofEce at DetrelL
Entered as Becond•class matter Mar
Act of March 5, 1879.
Mid, under

General Offices and Publication Building
525 Woodward Avenue

Telephone: Cadillac 1040


Cable Address: Chronicle

om all these, there
otherwise self-supporting.
are unforseen emergencies at
AlOgand abroad which
may require immediate help.
The only person who may escape from this net of
helping those in need, is the individualist, miser or mis
anthrope who is unmoved by every human appeal.
If such a one you are, then indeed it would be folly
to part with any of your money. If, then, you are not
such a one, you shoulld give generously and willingly
to those who still hope some day to thank you by once
more becoming self-supporting men and women.

Jewish Campaign

Subscription, in Advance

$3.00 Per Year

To insure publication, all correspondence and news matter must each this
eller by Tuesday evening of each wed.

The Detroit Jew1.11 Chronicle Invites correspondence on subject. of interest
to the Jewish people, but discisimsponsibility for an indorsement of the
by the writers.
views expressed

May 7, 1926

lyar 23, 5686

The United Jewish Campaign.

Who can refuse to give to the United Jewish Cam-
paign which will hold its drive for funds from May 10
to 17.
What causes will be served and furthered by the
$600,000 which must and will be raised?
The answer to the second question will of necessity
answer the first question.
Many are tired of giving, but can one for a moment
talk of being tired of giving to those in Europe and Pal-
estine who are so tired of living. Only spontaneous and
generous giving on the part of those more fortunate
ones in America will encourage those in Europe and
Palestine to renew the will to live.
What specialists in suffering are the Jews of Eu-
rope! What pertinacity they exhibit in the face of all
those forces which destroy the wish to survive! How
they do it is a mystery, especially when one thinks of
the defeatist attitude which prevailed in France just
before America entered the war. Honest observers
who visited France during the winter of 1916 found a
general attitude of defeatism. The masses of people
were so tired of the war with its attendant suffering,
fatigue, low rationing and hopeless outlook, that de-
feat was preferred to continuation of the struggle. It
would be futile to minimize the poignant tragedy and
leaden hopelessness of France after more than two
Years of the most terrible catastrophe ever experi-
enced by humanity.
0! The Jews of Europe went through all that France
had experienced and even more, for in Poland and Ga-
licia, time after time had the enemy crossed the fron-
per, and the Jews were by no means the least suffer-
ers. For France the war ended in 1917, as far as the
actual, raw human misery and starvation were con-
cerned. For the Jews of Russia, Poland, Bessarabia
and Roumania one may almost say it just started.
• The Bolshevik revolution dislocated all commerce,
industry and trade. Outside of the peasantry there
has been general suffering among all the groups in Rus-
sia, but even as they suffered the Jew suffered most.
This was not due to any special animus against Jews, or
any special anti-Semitic attitude of the Bolshevist, but
was due entirely to the occupations and trades in which
pre-Bolshevist Jews engaged. The revolution meant
simply that the Jew belonged to the most despised
category, the bourgeoisie, his pyok or ration was the
lowest, his business or profession was destroyed and
willy nilly he found himself faced with a condition
which he could not handle.
Now maliy of these people have gone on the land
and are asking American Jewry to enable others to join
with them in this sound effort to orient themselves
along lines which must inevitably result in a healthy,
self-respecting, self-supporting people. Can you re-
fuse to help these people to help themselves?
But perhaps you are of those who are not concerned
about the rehabiliation of Russian Jewry upon the land.
You have academic or quixotic reasons, or just a preju-
dice against the whole scheme. If so, then consider
the plight of the Jews of Poland, Roumania and Bess-
From all quarters come reports that the plight of
Polish Jewry is worse than ever in its long history of
travail and misery. If Roumanian conditions are not
as bad as those of Poland, the Bessarabian parallel if
they do not transcend. Imagine whole areas with a
child mortality of 100 per cent. Imagine whole areas
of starvation and nakedness, relieved only by the doles
of the Joint Distribution Committee. This condition is
the product of intrigue, self-seeking, balances of power,
and mutual fears and distrust, in which the Jews have
practically no part. They are but the pawns in the
game of the power seekers. In the credo of the power
seeker what if pawns are sacrificed if the main objec-
tive is attained.
But in Poland, Bessarabia and Roumania these
specialists in suffering have broken down, for never
in the history of Jewish woe has there been such an
epidemic of suicides. Orthodox Jews are known for
their stoicism, and the acceptance of their fate, no mat-
ter how hard, is implicit in the faith. All these buttres-
ses and defenses have broken down for Polish Jewry
n has sunk into the most despondent of all moods, and
only immediate relief can give them a half normal per-
Who can close his ears to their call? If there are
any whose cold and cruel logic can enable them to wit-
ness the misery of Polish Jewry as an inevitable conse-
quence of Galuth life, then perhaps the fact that Pal-
estine is also on the program may elicit from them the
wanted teSpOnse.
Although the United Palestine Appeal proposes to
raise $5,000,000 for its activities and work, yet the
U. J. C. has allocated $1,500,000 for Palestine. The
needs arureater today than ever before because there
are now 100,000 who entered since the end of the war.
If all these combined causes still leave one un-
touched because they are far away, for such a one the
United Jewish Campaign still has local causes which
deserve support. The United Hebrew Schools have
become a center of culture in Detroit. If their influ-
ence is to be wider and deeper, they must be adequate-
ly supported by all who have hopes for a Hebrew
renaissance. If the labors in Palestine are to have an
outside repercussion and if intimate and vital contacts
are to be made, then those who would bring this about
are of necessity compelled to maintain and support the
schools here.
If by chance one still feels that he Is not touched by
any of these urgent causes, there is still the Hebrew
Free Loan Association, which helps with loans those
who have met with temporary dificulties, but who are




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The Crisis In Britain.

The general strike in Britain was expected for
months as disclosed by the proclamations calling for
citizen volunteers that were printed months before the
strike was called.
The immediate cause of the strike was the inability
of the miners and operators to agree upon wage rates
and hours of employment. The same situation arose
last August, but the stoppage was avoided by a gov-
ernment subsidy. Had the subsidy been continued
there is little doubt but that the present crises would
have been postponed. The break was inevitable due
to economic maladjustments in the coal industry of
Great Britain. This maladjustment goes deeper than
the coal industry as evidenced by the fact that since
1919 more than an average of 1,000,000 British work-
ing people have been receiving the dole.
In America we are faced with a very critical situa-
tion in our coal industry, due to too many mines and too
many miners. We went through a very trying experi-
ence in the anthracite strike, and unless steps are taken
we shall go through a bituminous strike of much great-
er consequence.
The situation in Britain touches the Jewish people
and particularly the Zionists in a most intimate way.
The situation is so pregnant with possibilities that it
would not be surprising if a state of revolution actually
was precipitated. This is not an alarmist attitude, in-
asmuch as the suspension actually ties up practically
the economic, industrial and commercial life of the
whole nation. We in America can scarcely appreciate
the co-ordination and solidarity of British labor with
its 90 per cent organization. What is more, the; idea
of joint action in key industries is entirely unknown on
this side of the ocean, while it has been advocated as a
method for a long time among the most conservative
of British trade unionists.
The strike may be described as an internal affair,
but who can be so gullible as to believe that there will
not be repercussions throughout the whole of the Brit-
ish Empire if it becomes protracted and if fundamental
changes are affected in the political, industrial and eco-
nomic life of the mother country.
Palestine, India, Egypt, as well as Australia, Can-
ada and South Africa are bound to feel the effects of
any changes that may take place in Britain. What
effects will be produced, it would be rather daring to
We feel impelled to bring this to the attention of
the Zionists and their sympathizers because they have
always spoken of Britain and the Balfour declaration
as everlasting guarantees of immutability. After the
catastrophic changes of the last decade, one must in-
deed be most credulous to believe that there is immut-
ability or certain guarantees.
Whatever may be the outcome of the present crisis,
it is our earnest hope that it will make for greater
plenty, more happiness and a larger measure of social
justice and equality for all the peoples in the British


Anti-Jewish Feeling Spreads.

A Letter from Constantinople.

(Copyright, 1926, by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)

The Wises.

' 161 v.ve

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Dr. Stephen S. Wise was chosen by 11 editors as the
man who rendered the most valuable and conspicuous
service to American Jewry during the year 1925. For
this he received the Gottheil Medal from the Zeta Beta
Tau Fraternity. Almost simultaneously with this an-
nouncement, comes the news that his 24-year-old son,
James Waterman Wise, has renounced his adherence
to the theology of Judaism, because he no longer be-
lieves that it functions. Yet another Wise, Justine, is
actively engaged on behalf of the textile strikers in
Passaic, New Jersey,
These diverse activities of the Wise family may ap-
pear to many as irreconcilable, but upon examination
one will discover that there is no essential difference,
for all of them are primarily interested in social justice.
No one could reasonably maintain that Dr. Wise was
accorded the distinction of conspicuous service for any-
thing he did in the world of theology.
The Jesus controversy which aroused such a storm
of protest from Orthodox leaders added nothing to his
eminence as a theological leader. Although we have
not read the reasons offered by the judges who selected
him, we feel certain that the decision was based upon
his social and cultural services to American Jewry.
Less than a week before the announcement was made,
Rabbi Wise addressed a meeting in embattled Passaic.
He denounced in no ambiguous language the mill own-
ers and the local authorities for the abominable eco-
nomic conditions of the mill workers. With a prophetic
zeal and earnestness he espoused the cause of exploited
humanity. His daughter Justine is doing similar work
daily without any special notice, however, being given
to her activities. This same attitude against discrimi-
nation and inequality characterizes the son.
If Rabbi Wise still subscribes to credal forms, the
son finds that he would be limited were he to retain
In all candor, does anyone really ask of Rabbi Wise
what are his theological beliefs and were he to re-
nounce them with the same honesty as did his son
would his social usefulness be thereby diminished. Put-
ting the question in another way—would the editors
who selected him as the winner of the Gottheil prize
have decided otherwise if he did not have any special
theological views? We think not, for the honor was
conferred for service rendered and not beliefs held.
James Waterman Wise is now on tour for the
United Palestine Appeal. His interest in the Jew is
just as keen and sincere as it ever was. He emphatic-
ally denied that he had the remotest intention of be-
coming a Christian and further denied that he was an
In the case of the Wises, like father like son is not
We hope that the splendid social consciousness of
the Wise family will continue to make itself felt when-
ever the need is most urgent.



Difficult Times for the Jews of Turkey

Leading Christian Clergymen and
Publicists C•II Upon Christians o
America to Match $15,000,000
Jewish 0 Chest With $15,
000,000 Fund of Their Own for
Same Purpose.

London Oft,.:

14 Stratford Place, London, W. 1, England.

. A■ Cght, r 4 W-1. 114.

NEW YORK.—An appeal by lead-
went to Angora was able to convince
There are about 100,000 Jews liv-
ing non-Jewish clergymen and publi-
the government that the story was un-
ing in Turkey. Of their life next tp
cists was issued recently to the Chris-
true and that there was no,ground for
tians of America to match the $15,-
the charges made against the loyalty
The Jewish press seems to be hardly
000,000 which the Jews of this coun-
of the Jewish population.
try are raising for the relief of the
Filially, the agitation has died
in Turkey. But ignorance is not al-
7,000,000 destitute Jews of America,
down. But it shows us what the posi-
with another fund of $15,000,000 to
tion is, when a mere rumor, an un-
the Jews in Turkey keep quiet does
be contributed to solely by Christians.
not prove that their lot is a happy one confirmed report, which at the first in-
The signatories to this appeal are
quiry is shown to have no basis in
as compared with the lot of the Jews
Rev. Dr. A. W. Anthony, chairman of
fact is sufficient to start such a hunt
in almost any other country of the
the Committee on Good Will between
against the Jews of the republic. But
world. They keep quiet because they
Jews and Christians of the Federal
what can be done to improve the posi-
are glad to be left alone. Submission
Council of the Churches of Christ,
tion of the Jews in Turkey, Nothing.
to the government seems the best pol-
who has assumed the treasurership;
only thing to do is to keep quiet
icy. And they submit almost to the
Dr. Samuel Harden Church, president
try not to provoke anyone, if such
of the Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh,
is possible in the life of a
The first stage in this policy of sub-
Pa.; Dr. George Elliott, editor of the
mission followed the decision of the community distinct in many ways
Methodist Review', New York; Rev.
from the general body of the popula-
Turkish government to separate the
Dr. Charles P. Fagnani, of the Union
religious and secular life in Turkey.
Theological Seminary, New York
As to whether the lives and proper-
As soon as this decree was issued the
City; Rev. Dr. John Haynes Holmes,
of the Jews of Turkey are any inure
Jews in Turkey decided to fall in with
pastor of the Community Church,
it although the chief rabbi, Chaim Be- secure than their honor, can be seen
New York; Rev Dr. Frederick Lynch,
the following two recent eases:
jarano Effendi, wits not pleased about
former editor-in-chief of The Chris-
In Smyrna there lived a poor Jew
the idea, for it would have done away
tian Work, New York; Dr. David
Ezra. He had a friend. a
with the prestige of the Grand Rab-
Starr Jordan, president emeritus of
Turkish soldier named listen. Ezra
binate. The rabbi of the Askenazie
Leland Stanford Jr., University, Cal-
from Urfan 50 liras (about
community, Dr. Marcus, on the other
ifornia; Edwin Markham, Dr. Na-
£5) and being very poor he was nut
hand, welcomed the project as an ef-
thaniel Schmidt, Cornell University,
at the promised Una..
fective way for the Jews in Turkey
Mrs. Vida I). Scudder, professor of
Urfan one day came to see his friend
to emphasize the facts that they were
English Literature, Wellesley, Mass.;
his money and get-
primarily Turkish citizens. The whole
and William II. Short, secretary of
ting excuses, he whipped out his re-
matter was tending to drift until the
the Amos Society; and Dr. George F.
dead on the spot.
recent anti-Semitic attack came in the
'Moore, professor of the History of
Turkish press and hastened the Jews Asked by the police why he had done
Religion at Ilarvard and vice-presi-
this thing the murderer replied: "Ile
in their decision to of the separa-
dent of the Amos Society.
did nut pay me. So I killed him."
tion of secular and religious matters
All of the signatures to this appeal
In Conscoundjouk the synagogue
within the Jewish community. The
are members of the Amos Society,
was broken into. Nothing was taken
result of this separation is the abso=
an organization for the propagation
away, only the Holy place was dese-
lute loss of power by the Grand Rab-
of the lofty humanitarian doctrines of
binate, but on the whole the Jewish crated, the furniture was smashed
the Hebrew prophets from Amos to
and the Ark was broken upon and the
Grand Communities should benefit
Jesus of Nazareth. The appeal is is-
Scrolls of the Law torn into shreds.
from the change, since with the abo-
sued by them on the ground of the
lition of the privilege of the Rabbinate
central twin-dogma of that sublime
it should be easier for the Jews to
religion of the spirit and heart which
share in the general revival of the
was the unity and the Fatherhood of
Turkish nation.
God, and its inescapable conclusion,
the Brotherhood of Man.
This desire to merge into the Turk-
"What would Jesus do in such a
ish nation, the fear of being regarded
case"—the appeal asks, after quoting
as a separate body within the state
from the description of the Jewish
is shown also by the readiness with
tragedy in Eastern Europe by David
which the Jewish communities in
A. Brown and it then calls upon the
Turkey have hastened to comply with
100,000,000 Christians of America to
Each of the great races, with the
the government's regulation that all
match the $15,000,000 Jewish fund
exception of the Hebraic, have had
instruction in the elementary Jewish
with a $15,000,000 fund of their own
an art which reflected the spirit of
schools should be given in the Turk-
for the same purpose. Checks are to
the times in which they lived.
ish language only.
be sent to Dr. A. W. Anthony at the
Studying the arts from a viewpoint
But there is a more serious aspect
offices of the Federal Council of the
of evolution, beginning with the pre-
to this matter. The government has
Churches of Christ in America, 105
histories, to the Egyptians, the
issued a supplementary to the regu-
East 22nd street, New York City.
Greeks, the Romans, the nations of
lation about instruction in the Turk-
The appeal reads as follows:
the Middle Ages, and finally, the mod-
ish language, making it compulsory
erns, we find that each of the many
for private schools to have three-quar-
periods among the great races of the
ters of their staff Turks. The ques-
earth has been represented by sonic
tion then arises of what the Jewish
form of art—with one exception, the
children will be able to do when they
are grown up . They will know no Ilebraic. The llebrews have no dis-
tinct form of art which might char-
language but Turkish, and as Jews
"in the month of August 1923 the
they will be debarred from getting acterize them.
Amos Society was founded in the city
employment, for the regulation about
of New York for the propagation of
This is, perhaps, in a large measure
75 per cent of all employes having to
the lofty humanitarian doctrine of the
due to the commandment given by
be Turks applies not only to private
Hebrew prophets, from Amos, the
Moses: "Ye shall make you no idols
schools, but to all undertakings in-
Shepherd of Tekoa, in the eighth cen-
nor graven images..."
cluding business firms.
tury B. C. to Jesus of Nazareth in
It is my opinion, however, that
whom the teachings of his country-
The only hope for the Jews is that some of the great Egyptian sculptures
men and predecessors reached their
the government should cease to draw
now seen in the various museums
acme, both as to depth of thought and
a distinction between Turk, Jew or
throughout the world were worked
intensity of feeling.
upon by Jews during the Egyptian
"The central twin-dogma of that
The general economic position of captivity. I draw this conclusion from
sublime religion of the spirit and
the Jew in Turkey is deplorable. En- the Biblical description of the Golden
heart was the unity and the Father-
gaged in commerce and small trade
Calf. Quoting Aaron, "For they said
hood of God, and its imescapable con-
they have suffered greatly from the
unto me, 'Make us gods which shall
clusion, the Brotherhood of Man.
monopolistic policy of the government. go before us.' .. . And I said unto
"It is upon this ground that we, the
The Turkish government has in this
them, 'Whosoever bath any gold, let
undersigned Gentile members of the
respect followed the example of Rus-
them break it off so they gave it
Amos Council, appeal to our brethren
sia with which it recently concluded
to me; then I cast it into the fire, and
and sisters in Christ to extend their
a treaty and has monopolized practi- there came out this calf."
help to the over 1,000,000 starving
cally everything: petrol, oil, matches,
Stripping this quotation of its po-
Jewish families of Eastern Europe, sugar, tobacco, cigarets, paper, beer,
etic license, it seems rather reason.
whose miserable plight almost defies
slaughter houses, alcohol, ice are al-
to believe that the Golden Calf
description. We cannot and will not
ready monopolized and it is expected
was modeled in clay first and then a
leave the entire burden of this stu-
that many other branches of com-
made from the clay. Casting
pendous work of pholanthropy upon
merce will have to follow suit. In ad-
the shoulders of our Jewish fellow-
the gold into the fire was nothing
dition to this forcible exclusion of the
citizens, who never fail to contribute
pouring the metal into the
Jews from the commercial life of the
their generous share to the allevia-
mold after it had been melted in the
country the 'taxes levied on property
tion of the world's misery at large,
are exorbitant and numerous and
without ever asking after creed or
It is obvious that the Israelites,
quite out of proportion to the earning
race of the victims of the calamity.
then, were not new at this method of
capacity of the Jews.
"The $15,000,000 which the Joint
images, and it is more than
A wave of anti-Semitism has passed
Distribution Committee through the
recently over the whole country, filling probable that those among them who
present nation-wide drive attempts to
the images were modelers
the Jewish communities with dismay
collect will not only serve to relieve
and despair. The movement began and artisans under l'haraoh.
the immediate and most urgent needs
who was absent during the
of nearly 7,000,000 human beings, as for back as December 20, when an
anti-Schechita agitation was set on casting of the images under the su-
most of whom formerly belonged to
of his brother Aaron, re-
foot in a number of Turkish newspap-
the bread-winning classes, but also to
turned to find his people slipping hack
ers. The papers contended that since
send nearly 100,000 additional Jewish
to idol-worship. To prevent this,
the slaughtering of animals was now
families back to the soil in Southern
Moses forbade the making of images
carried out under the best of sanitary
Russia to join the 50,000 Ilebrew
in any form, and as a result of the
farmers who are already settled in
interpretation of the com-
further need of rabbis in the slaugh-
the Ukraine. The soil has been gen-
mandment. Hebraic art has lain dor-
tering houses to supervise the slaugh-
erously offered by the Russian gov-
these 3,200 years. But for
tering of animals. This first indirect
ernment; all that is needed is to equip
anti-Semitic move was soon followed this golden idol Hebraic art and Ile.
the newcomers with the necessary
would in all probability
by a direct violent attack on the Jews
tractors and farm implements.
have developed an art at least as
in almost every Turkish newspaper in
"To quote the words of Louis Mar-
great as those of the Greeks and Ro.
the country. An allegation was nuale
shall and David A. Brown, two of the
mans. And since we have begun to
against the .leas, no proof was
most devoted and indefatigable chief
brought forward to substantiate it, look a little deeper into the Faith, we
conductors of this Good Samaritan
know now that the commandment
it was a rumor, a mere pretext.
against graven images was not a man-
It was alleged that a message ex-
' We are called upon to help a peo-
date against art, but merely a pre-
ple who have put up a valiant strug-
ventive measure necessary to the
sent by 300 Jews to the king of Spain
gle against the current that is drag-
upbringing of the world's
ging them down. They have strug-
Celebration last October.
first great religion during the tender
gled as no people have ever struggled
years of its infancy.
and today they are facing the black-
government by all the Jewish com-
As an example of this, let me rite
est tragedy that has ever confronted
munities of Turkey denying emphati- an example that occurred to me re-
any human group.
I was modeling a group of
" 'When the national debt question
Turkish Jewry, that any message such
three figures to portray a Russian
is settled and Europe can begin to
function normally, the Jewish situ-
Spanish Legation issued a similar de-
In search of a model, I strolled into
ation will improve. But, in the mean-
nial, the president of the Spanish
a synagogue on the lower East Side
while, not only in Poland, in Russia
Club, too, issued a denial, but it all
and invited an old Jew, my ideal of
and Bessarabia but also inLithuania,
failed to silence the Turkish press.
the figure, to come to my studio. Ile
Esthonia, Latvia Austria and every
Even if it had been proved (which it
came, but when he vain that I wished
other country in Eastern Europe,
to mold his image in clay, he protest-
death stalks in every Jewish home.
sent such a message, it would have
ed, and it was only with the greatest
We must help them to bridge over this
been only those Jews resident in Turk-
difficulty that I could induce him to
terrible period. The star of hope to
ey, who are Spanish citizens and who
remain. It was not until I appealed
which their eyes are strained is right
number altogether only about 500 to his sympathy for his brethren in
here in America. Let us not cause
Russia, until i showed him how with
this star to wane on the horizon!" '— souls; in infinitesimal proportion of
the whole Jewish population of Turk-
my clay I could help fight the po-
Louis Marshall.
groms, that he consented to pose.
"'Women and children are drop-
The Turkish press did not stop to
This Orthodox Jew, who had been
ping on the streets from hunger in
think of this, did not even pay any at- brought up in fear of the command-
Bessarabia. Many others are found
tention when it was pointed out—it
dead in their homes in Poland. A hor-
ments and who strictly adhered to
only saw an oppotunity for an attack
rible scourge of typhus is sweeping
every letter of the Holy Book, con-
against the Jews, Turkish citizen or
over the Jews in both lands, adding to
sented to break the letter of the law,
not, and it went on with its agitation
the toll of death.
because he knew that the spirit Wa ,
heedless even of the government state- not violated.
"'In thousands of homes, men,
women and children are nick to the
Sculpture, painting and art of all
loyal element tf new Turkey.
point of utter exhaustion from hun-
sort is today no longer prohibited be-
The Jews of Turkey had deserved
ger. There is another gruesome pic-
of a Mosaic law issued thou-
better of their country, considering sands of
ture that is given in the cables receiv-
years ago. There is no dan-
all the things they had done and done
ed by me and by the Joint Distribution
the Jews lapsing into idol-
voluntarily in order to comply with
Committee in the last few days that
again. So there is no need
the various general regulations laid
unless substantial help comes quickly
down by the government with regard for the prohibition of an art in conjec-
—the Jewish orphan asylums will be
it may safely be possible to
to the separation of religious and sec-
compelled to close because their re-
ular affairs, the renunciation of mi-
sources have been exhausted to the
nority rights, the introduction of the stages of their history.
last penny. Thousands of children
Turkish language in the Jewish
will be turned out into the streets to
Men deal with life ac children with
schools, etc.
roam about a imlessly, hopelessly,
their play,
It is true, that the whole story was
blindly. Many children already on
afterwards proved to have been an in- Who first misuse, then cast their toys
vention. The Jewish deputation which
(Turn to next page.)


Were Jews Sculptors
To the Pharaohs?

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