A literkam ffewisit periodical Carter Morris 3. Neu- ds and e Insur- a nnual Associa- ts regu- h Hotel, :ion, the ited ex- ness in e organ- 105 life ig all of ons. All Jewish News Views All Jewish WITHOUT BIAS CLIFTON emus • CINCINNATI 10, 0810 11EDETROIT LWISII RROAICLE THE ONLY JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents DECEMBER 4, 1925 DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, -- VOL. XIX. NO. 2 Beth El Arranges Huge Celebration Completes 75 Years of ,Temple Existence. Commemoration Soci i R. JOSEPH ROSEN ANSWERS CRITICS BEFORE DEPARTURE et es Pi' Joint l Dayton Rabbi Will Speak Next Monday Mayerberg Speaks For Lodge Dec 7 - TELEPHONE CADILLAC 1-0-4-0 --- Former Associate Rabbi at Beth El Will be Pisgah Lodge Hebrew Schools Plan $100 Benefit Dinner At 0 conference of friends nod sympathizers of the United Hebrew Schools held Monday evening Nov. 30, at the Kirby avenue Talmud Torah, the ti- nancial situation of the schools vies discussed and it was decid- eel that, in order to tide the schools safely over the winter months, a $100 dinner should be given. The date for the (Jinni i was selected for Tuesday evening, Dec. 29, at the Phila. auditorium. let pia • Byron There will be no collections of any kind at the dinner. Rabbi A. M. Hershman was chairman of the conference. The follow- ing were appointed to the mom- mittee on arrangements: Sams- el Frank, Jacob Friedberg, Da- vitt Robinson, Louis Duscoff, Aaron Klein, M. B. Cohen, liar- ry So.;cnsky, Sidney Stone, Aaron M. Pregerson, Max Lie- berman, Harry Greenberg and Michael Krell. MARSHALL, DR. WISE DEBATE QUESTIONS CONFRONTING JEWS The third annual joint meet- Guest. J. D. C. Leader Urges A United ing of the Detroit section. Na- . — Sunday, Dec. 13. tional Council of Jewish Wo- Appeal for Russian Jews and Detroit Jewry is awaiting the op- men (fornierly the Jewish Wo- portunity to pay homage to one of Palestine. On Sunday, Ike. 13, Temp e man's Club.) the Ladies Auxil. the outstanding figures in American most influential Re- --- ' El, the ol dest and mos Regrets Irresponsible State- liary of Shaarey Zedek and the Jewish life, a man admired and re- form Jewish congregation in the Mid- "PEACE WITH HONOR Sisterhood of Temple Beth El ments and Censures Rw spected by the Jewish community of die West, will celebrate the comple- will be held on Monday after- IN AMERICAN JEWRY" morn as Libelous. Detroit and known nationally as a tion of 75 years of uninterrupted ser- noon, Dec. 7, at 2 :13 o'clock in great orator and thinker. The Jews vice. The occasion will be mar e by the chapel of Temple Beth El of Detroit need no introduction to $720,000 Subscribed at Convert- a great religious service in the morn- I when Manley Hudson will speak :XPLAINS PERSONAL ' Rabbi Samuel S. Mayerberg of Day- the president of the tion Opening National Pales- ACTIVITY IN RUSSIA! on ''The World's Court." These , ing in which ton, Ohio, formerly associate rabbi of !Central Conference of American Rab- , tine Drive. meetings have proved so suc- • Temple Beth El, Detroit. During the , his, Rabbi Louis Wolsey of Philadel- I cessful that the organizations time of his association with Dr. Leo , phis, will preach the sermon and the I Failure to Continue Work represented have made them a BALTIMORE. — With $720,000 M. Franklin at Beth El he formed ' ' musical service will be rendered by , Would Lengthen Jewish yearly feature so the members subscribed toward the $5,000,000 numerous friendships and, although an augmented choir of 16 selected may become acquainted with Bread Lines in Europe. sought of American Jews this year absent from Detroit for some time, 1 o voices, in addition to J seph Schwartz each other and with the work for work in Palestine, the United his popularity has never waned. Rab- of the Chicago Civic Opera Company, done by the other societies. Palestine Appeal was launched at the NEW YORK.—Pressure from lead- bi Mayerberg is a past president of by many considered the foremost Mrs. Joseph M. Welt is presi- In this extraordinary conference on Pales- Pisgah Lodge, No. 34, Independent ing Jews of Russia who have sent him baritone in this country. dent of the council, Mrs. Wal- tine held at the Southern Hotel with numerous cables begging him to has-1 Order B'nai B'rith, and his adminis- musical service, the string quartet of 1 lace Rosenheim of the sister- ilf the attendance of over 1,500 dale- tration is still remembered as one of ten his return because of the con- I the Detroit Symphony Orchestra will hood and Mrs. M. Zackheim gates. Dr. Stephen S. Wise, chair- the most successful in the history of te. Those in charge o stantly increasing number of Jews '' also participa of the auxiliary. man of the United Palestine Appeal, the lodge, the power and influence of clamoring for a chance to take up ;the arrangements for this event pre- Mr. Hudson, who will deliver the lodge being greater than at any farming, urgent messages from the j presided over the conference. diet that it will be the most notable 1 RABBI S. S. MAYERBERG , the afternoon's lecture, is pro- ; In an atmosphere ranging from un- Agro-joint staff conveying the same time in its history. service ever held in the history of fessor of international law at precedented enthusiasm for concen- Pisgah Lodge will hold an open information, besides the necessity of Harvard University and an au- ' the congregation. trating on the work of raising funds meeting at Temple Beth El, Gladstone immediately preparing for the con- The children's celebration of the thority on world politics and for l'alestine and satisfaction with and Woodward avenues, Monday eve- tinuance, in the spring of the land- seventy-fifth anniversary will take problems. Be has been hon- , what appeared to be union between ning, Dec. 7, to accord due honor settlement work already in hand are 'place in the afternoon. One of the ored with the title of advisor at n t inot iteb t s , to • a to Rabbi Mayerberg, who will deliver re se n t; n m oeb.Zn Zionists and the reasons for his departure from ' classes of the school of religion will the World's Court at Geneva the :till urpe: the principal address of the evening. pressed resentment America at this time, Dr. Joseph A. ; present a playlet. Chanukah hymns because of his interest and ac- maining uncertainty of the situation, It is announced that he will speak on Rosen, declared to the representative will be sung. For the special delight tive participation in the League the conference dealt with the two the subject: "Is Lite Worth Living?" of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. I of the children the tempi: has invit- of Nations. The public is in- i He will be introduced by Dr. Frank- Local Chapter Plans Intensive problems which confront the Ameri- "I would have liked to remain here ; eel Mrs. Dorothy Gordon of New York can Jewish community today; the ap- vited. I lin. It is hoped that he will be heard longer," said Dr. Rosen, who in the Membership Campaign , to present a program of the folk songs of ,.. cal for Palestine and the problem r by an audience of men and women ; and costumes of the children of all head of the Agra-joint work in Rus- Next Week. ringing relief to the lane en Jewish children of which will tax the capacity of the sia, "and my family is very much dis- B'nai Jeshurun nations. Two all Congregation erg communities in Eastern and Central vio- auditorium, mo that Rabbi Mayerb appointed that I am cutting my visit Beth El schoo l, Joseph Reilich, 100 Years Old. )era el will be made to realize the gr eatl linist, and William Reilich, pianist, Hadassah Sabbath will be celebrated Europe. to them so short. But the outcry Goldstein is Rabbi. esteem held for him by his host of Amon g te delegates assembled d will play children's music. it on Saturday orning, ec. from the Jews of Russia is more than in Detro the congregations were not only members of the Zion- Detroit friends. any human being can withstand. ng, 6 when rabbis of all pgtalervaetn it -• The program for this meeti nry will preach on some phase of work of tat Organization of America, but h BOOT-C7d71f a r e c gAtnl Within the past several weeks I helve BISHOP MAN NI NG TALKS which has been arranged by Ile air.' the Women's Zionist Organization. Keren Ilayesod workers representa- had cables imploring me to as en my , f or a banquet to be followed by an ON IDEAL OF TOLERANCE M. Abramovitz, the well known ch ad. The Iladassah Sabbath will inaugur- tives of American Jewish fraterni- artists' concert of the very highest or- return from such men as A. L. Fuchs,' --- 1 man of the lodge's intellectual ter- ate an intensive membership cam. ties, including a special delegation of der. At this evening entertainment president of the Moscow Kehilla, iso r, Work in Palestine an Ideal, the speaker will be Rabbi Jonah B. Other Speeches Given by Ochs,vancement committee, will be in ions paign which will close with a Chanu- the Independent Order B'nai B'rith ze we' sneb 1..Braude, A s Dr. IL Pen , from spersed by several musical select will kah festival on Wednesday afternoon, and newly recruited forces who Wke of New York City, president of - Ol urti t Says Nahum Sokolow in Dr. Wise, Monsignor Car by local artists. The meeting Dec. 10. Mrs. Abraham Cooper is gained interest in the issue. the Alumni Association of the He- Feldman, Isaac Kamonetzki, Schne rol and Dr. Adler. Interview. The direct outcome of the confer. open promptly at 8 o'clock. brew Union College. Rabbi Wise is dge, chairman of arrangements and is as- all of whom have pictured the fever- — At the last meeting of the lo ple misted by Mrs. Louis Robinson. Miss ence was a resolution adopted at the a son of the late Dr. Isaac M. Wise, ish eagerness of thousands of our en- which took place Nov. 30, at Tern ter: Hattie Gittleman is chairman of the close of the session which, recogniz- NEW YORK.—"The trouble in who was the founder of the liberal NEW YORK.—(J. people to get out on the land. Their ovement in Judaism in America. try of the eighth Jewish congregation Emanuel, important business mat An Detroit liadassah Chapter, Mrs. lien- ing the existence of the problem of cables have been backed up by ap- S ia will not affect the situation in were acted upon by the members. ry Weinstein and Mrs. Morris Fried- relief for the stricken Jewish popula- peals for my speedy return from S. Palestine," declared Nahum Sokolow The son is a worthy su ccessor of his , berg are vice-presidents and Mrs. Jo- tion in Eastern and Central European Lubarsky, the chief agronomist of the chairman of the Zionist Executive on Ithinker and a very eloquent speaker. century of its existence was the or- , amendment to the by-laws o Agro.joint and Ezekiel Grower, its his arrival in the United States to at- [ father, being an exceedingly keen ' in the United States Into the second ,, lodge was submitted which presto' ibed seph II. Ehrlich is a member of the countries, urged paramount interest theme will be "Can Israel Win?" casino at which leading Protestant the method of electing the boar I of National Board. Any of the above in the work of rebuilding Palestine, tend the Baltimore conference in an ; His Because of the comparatively limit- Catholic and Jewish ministers joined legal advisor." rich in a common appeal for greater toter- directors of the new B'nai B erry mentioned women or any member of is, according to the resolution both te Jewi with the repre sentative of Or Rosen will has— a conference nrview y welcome any relief and reconstruction. The reso- ance l an a broader unuerstanding Community House at 275 East F sh events Telegraphic Agency. and "These throw light on the :ed seating capacity in the temple, ad- the chapter will glad in Berlin with Dr. Bernard Kahn, ithe , mission to the service will be by in- I avenue. I inquiries about the work of the or- lution as adopted read: Euro pean director of the Joint Distri - In order to accommo- among the denominations. "This conference declares it is its h homeland mission only ganization and of the Detroit chapter. tion Congregation Jeshurun , which cel- button Committee, and Mr. Lubarsky, importance of the Jewis \ , „. All women interested in helping the unanimous opinion that the develop- in Palestine for the t peace of a the i date an overflow congregation, loud hundredth anniversary d :t It which the work of the Agro.joint es. work in Palestine are in- ment of Palestine has reached a stage eliven by world. The contras between r, t g LIS..humanitarian Tha n ogonngt inne Ho I n on will be surveyed and the ■ etai s tine and the rest of the Near East is speakers are being installed in e which calls for constructive actin Astor, at he vited to become members. its future program will be worked evidenced in a situation where Pales- Brown Memorial Chapel for this oc• ale t a con , r e gati "Palestine Health Week" is a unique a scale hitherto unprecedented; that castor'. Temple Beth El was organized 75 was founded by Dutch, German and out. the immediate possibilities which Pal- aria/ tine becomes the refuge for those Chicago Art Authority Deliv addition to the American calendar con- - estine offers as a haven of refuge to Speaking of the discussion which Portuguese ' remain in Syria. I t l years ago in the home of Isaac and' Polish Jews, who left the they wanted a e Series of Lectures in City. tributed by thousands of Jewish Wo developed in the American Jewish who are afraid to on Congrega tion n because the specia e Ashkenazic be very desirable if a lee- en all over the country who are de- tens of thousands of homeless ; and Campaign, Dr. Rosen gave expression vvould k for de their sake Jewish fund for the assistance of the I Rebecca Couzens in a little cu t end Jews is still synago gu e i which hous treet The first of a course of four given voting themselves to an effort to raise p st e .ir zse eda used must , Palestine, be to his regret that in a vital human standing. It consisted of 10 families. ritual was observed in New York City ian fu ees in Palestine were East Larned S ample the sanitary and hygienic standards and for the sake of Today the membership of Temple in 1625, a time when New York had 1 tures on "Modern Art," was task such as undertaken by the Unit- ,. and eel Jewish Campaign, no many irre- ; created. Such a fund would have a Beth El numbers approximately 1,300 a population of about 160 ,00, . with a I ; Tuesday afternoon, in the Ti rafts of the Holy Land to the best medical the honor of the Jewish people, in- l i ttle sponsible statements have been issued 'beneficial and calming effect upon Jewish population numbering en standards of this country. ic h hoe lgoivfa b m the rnen wtortold, tbweh bu families. But indirectly affiliated Beth Fl chapel by Dudley C ednd oy itoike over 1,000. The first synagogue of Watson, extension lecturer, Art In. nwn who are adding "Pales. v in various quarters, without any con- ' the neighbors of the Jewish national i The women sideration of the actual merits of the home. The element which seeks ref- with it are vast numbers of Jewish the congregation was dedicated June atitute of Chicago. These lectures is tine Health Week" to the list of Jewish national home In Palest ne, of plan. uge in Palestine consists mainly of people in the city and state. The Re- 29, 1827, and w as located on Elm are under the auspices of Detroit Sec- The "weeks" observed in the United States eq ually at stake with the fortunes ligious School of Temple Beth El is dad- don, Council of Jewish women. street. In 1918 the congregation b th "I have nothing but utter contempt Christian Arabs," Mr. Sokolow atat- elefaarne dofwti e ew s oorfalJvi ene smoaftetrhiaoluasannddm este ure was attended by a most inter are members of Hadassah, the WOM. t b t are trying to thwart d declaring that he will endeavor to ai to be he largest of any Jewish cared its new house of worship on 88th I lect for d thuse who d group of women, who eagerly en'i Zionist Organization of America, concerning the Sabbath School in America, having an street, near West End avenue. this campaign by spreading libelous collect money to assist the refugees. Watson prefaced his art talk ,, and is scheduled to begin on Saturday, , enrollment of about 1.700 children. of Jewish homeland. t.a The first rabbi of the congregation await the rest of the series. li tr.e.. 05n. s 01'n'oltlhoew ii,nugbpl.chte of se Palestine Paramount. insinuations and who do not hesitate , Asked Jewish . SI o II J. to impugn the integrity, the honor ;United Jish Campaign and the e v, D r , Morris as the R "This conference, while recogniz- eauti- and the earnestness of men who, with ;United Palestine Funds Appeal, the) In addition, the recently established 1 Th e present rabbi is Dr. Israel Gold- and the presentation of his b arison [the Jewish Homeland" by rabbis in 350 adults and was their entire energy, devotion and zeal I issue of the Jewish colonization work I Beth El College of l Jewish Studies mane' practically everhe ewish pulpit in the ing the existence of • Jewish relief stein. The congregation being the fully-colored elides, by a comp was a matter of die- i has an enrollment of y instructbion. f 25,000 members of problem throughout Eastern and gives 13 hours week of presen t day methods in ind of the United States, try to promote a cause w hich should in Russia, a num er o second oldest Ashkenazic congrega. • those in which American Jewish circles,' there are domestic life, with tunics. Hadassah, grouped in 220 chapters in Central Europe which must be dealt , Moreover in and cos 1 mid-week study classes conducted in tion in the United States, it has, appeal to every Jew. •d. cience as many cities and towns, in addition with on the spot, and the necessity Mr. Sokolow stated. the temple. The rabbi of the congre- the course of a century, introduced eighteenth and nineteenth cep to 624 sewing circles and 130 Junior for the efforts devoted to the solution Opponents Prejudiced. I gallon is Dr. Leo IM. Franklin. who only one change in the ritual, that is, He spoke of the advance of s if Ito l "The handful of opponents of thisl "The Jewish colonization work in and the quickening up of al he life srroups will go in for an intensive drive of such problems on the basin of the plan refuse to give any consideration Russia is merely an incident in Jew- 1 has held his present position for the ; the introduction of family pews. Mon- Art, as he said, must depict t y, if it ito double the membership of the or. resolutions adopted by the Philadel- ; Bishop William T. Manning, to its "It intrinsic Dr. that Ro- ash relief is work, while work in past 27 years during which time two sen. doesn't merit," matter said to them Palestine an ideal. No the Jew would G. Carroll, chancellor . of the times in terms of beaut . And ganixation in order that it may in- phia conference, declares that the ish "L'shanah Ha ' 1 I magnificent temples have been build signor Thomas o f phenomenal growth of the Jewthe but he does say .1; e ver dream of saying eel by the congregation. The Direc- ; to Cardinal Hayes; Dr. Stephen S. wishes to really fulfill its object st keep 'case its already impressive range x. homeland has given to Palestine , aha B'Crimea " Adolh C. Oh Dr. Cyrus Ad- when the times change, art mu it involves the fate of thousands of ; : b new ' health work in Palestine which it e wke, p Roy c s, scrimina- aramount osition as a permanent p Hence the Jerusalem." Itor of Religious Education is Rabbi' ah Ha' baha B. al S. Copeland, Hon. , pace with them. their own fles h and blood. It doesn ng up, tends ireely and without di Senator lifeonth v grreoluienfdsfaaentodr because the Leon Fram, w•ho recently came tom ler, Zionists Interested. ulius Miller president of Manhattan ; schools of art which have ape sionist, tion to the entire population, Jew, construct matter to them that if, because of • the grounds to "The Zionists are always glad to I Chicago to accept this responsible po- J boroughnd Dr. Israel Goldstein were ; the Impressionist, the Express their o PP os i tion we will be ds unable Christian and Moslem alike. I , a others. and wile we, , Thousands of American tourists Jewish homeland in Palestine is the Jews of en- sition. . Charles W. Endel, [ the Cubist ad vance aid to the thousan al aspire- The edifice in which Congregation i the main speakers France has kept art alive, w devoted I who have visited Palestine sing the expression of the immemori who are already out on the fields, din.; know when Jews in any country val hunger of the congregation, acted as oneers, gage in agriculture. This type of 1 e dic ated three 'resident p Beth El worships was d ient of 'praises of this unique contribution by tion and the present spirit Solomon N. Stroock was in the United States, have aster may overtake these pi ncple. ish peo w toastmaster. these men, women and children who Jews are always the best material for th e Je years ago and is said to be not only encour- the Jewish women of this country to of " Th is c o nfe re e is convinced that have risked It their all in matter this effort to later helping Such was and the so one of the mold beautiful but one of chairman of the evening. Dr. D 'd our energies to the acivanceir win bread. doesn't to them case of the Palestine. Jews in Argentine, of Land. One re- houses I de Sole Pool offered the invocation. science alone. France has ver the the revival of the H a united American Jewry will respond the most completely equipped en sup- cent visitor, David A. Brown of De- to the united Palestine appeal in a ey all that if the United Jewish Campaign will be the case in other countries cannot raise $15,000,000, thousands where Jews will become agricultural of worship of any denomination in \ eNM nnly the members of the con- , aged art students from all o worthy troit, aid o f a bc.loved word in Pal. measure demanded by its honor and of others who are waiting for the workers. this part of the country. The con- ; gregation and the spirit of those who world, its Ministry of Art this congregation 100 years plying the where-withal for Fran c e, "Hadass a his e by the greatne s s of the oc ago ca the students to live and study in aligned with the progres- founded . g estine. Its name is a blessing on ane also The Jews of Russia deserve ape- gregation is alig expectation pre- tonight, me here toni " f the patriarchs. the prophets, , until they become self-supporting. same chance to better have their already unfortu- cut caul attention in the relief work be- sine party in Judaism, usually known note condition—who I has eaved countless lives, ailed because of the realization by spirit of Reform or Liberal Judaism. free- as had Sol, brought in- alike themselves off from their old lives in cause, in former days they gave th Impressi o n isty Monet. Beautiful ,threatened by disease, and has brought the delegates that Zionism ars of all ages, Dr. Israel the expectation that with the coming ly to all Jewish causes and supported ; I e b to e prominenc slides were shown of this class of Pic- , help and healing to thousands. It I reached a turning point and that the declared. of the spring the road to a new life Judaism. Now, when they are stric-1JEWISH splashes ;beneficient influence has a tremendous future developments depended upon I ed. Rejoice as Americiin Jews. hey a must m be he lpace and would ee, with their wonderful I t tu coloring; of also, by way of contrast' influence in the improvement of the the addresses of the two outstanding will open to them, wil l be hurled back ken tam an of pe " I "As American Jews we cannot help' into the ghettoes, into even greater but rejoice on this Thanksgiving day. reproductions of the genre pictures 1 only hygienic and sanitary not : I phen figures in American Jewry, Dr. Ste- It doesn't matter to them like to see the $15,000,000 United in Palestine, but conditions of the entire S. Wise, national chairman of will be Jewisehd Campaign and the $5,000,000 Its institutions spread . the appeal, and Louis Marshall, the Palestine Campaign be car- Those Stranded in Danzig, Roumania The presence at this gathering of rep- of Millet and Breton, whose peasants ' , on that the breadlines of Europe . . r over; N Given Permission to Leave. ' resentatives of all denominations is a have become famous the wo t widely ; over the land like the loving embrace Iguensetscorfibtineg Palestine No extended hideously . tha t starvation, Unit hwithout conflict. s an undeb- r an and also the beautiful bus a DANZI.—A decision to return to !token of throad chracter of Amer- disease and death will be the conse tie ; of a great mother" stable fact and "not as Jewish ques- t. (Pence. It doesn't matter to them ; one can say that American Jews have ; G s made by i Jewish emigrants limn citizenship which brings all faiths different landscapes of Coro these ' lion, but as the Jewish answer," de- w I mutuality of One must study and live t that mit only will the Jews of Russia ',invented the Crimea colonization plan ' in order to harm Zionism as, regret- ' Russia wa ' together ine ab common med, to daring that "on this day we re-enter refugees here. At a meeting It land '1 d that in view of their , izenship and understanding," he de- ' new ideas in art, it is clai have to pay the price for their oppo- : tabl some think. I have no doubt into a covenant of understanding and , will, sr - was grow to like them; and they sition, but the Jews of Roumania, o and announcing that he was time fav-; that Louis Marshall, Fe ix . • ON t to lerance is no longer to be e .entuall • replace the old- Poland, of Galicia, of all the countries burg and the other leaders of the present hopeless economic position c a That me mere- , not urging competing claims upon • American life v which 11 then beco I of Europe where Jews are suffering, United Jewish Campaign mean was-! and the fact that there are no open-1 sp • n o Will Discuss "Bulwark; Against As' limited purse, Dr. Wise stated: L Ingo for them to emigrate, the on- was the opinion expressed by Bishop . y where Jews are in want. Frankly, I not want to harm the Pales- of a past age. way left to them is to return to William T. Manning in his address. , i treasures In the realm of sculpture. too, and do am rl--mayed by what may happen as tine work. I must observe, however, , i y al committee was ap- id, 'M " he said, the word tolerance, a A speci "I hate th . goy- a e'. , sequence of their reckless disre- hot should it become necessary .to Russi the . ___—_ he declared, "I bring peace with hon. . roach t "for it neq treated, the old and the new, po ear I if the situation in Russia and The social and religious institu. i or... The chairman of this confer- t to ask it to facilitate the idealistic and the real stic. e rest of Europe. Not to me, but defend the interest o the d, in- ernmen permits for the return of ence is tempted to use the same tions and practices through the obi' re- whom the J. D. C. is hoping should these interests be onally, attacke it will I sue of the ' IgiO because, remaining firm in our a to th, ■ se ; f which the Jewish pent terms. I bring to you, my fellow-Zion- or uni us beliefs as we do, we learn to ap- I Mr Watson, who is a chairing refugees to Russia. The committee gn. Have tentionally ' to help wi to predate and to understand the relig- I speaker naturally be my duty to defend the y withstand the influence's which iota, peace with honor—peace in a keen and edge as ee an the authority enthusiasm on of • • Ina put ds- i they no rs have at all? been deliber. Palestine work against any obstacles has also been instructed to appeal art consciences American Israel, honor to Palestine, Ibis audience. „„ ; result in assimilation will be an at ■ the Jewish organizations for assis- ious doctrines of others." place and the assurance of service to our "Varioum rum o had ' Th e next lecture takes o - - : cussed by Rabbi A. M. Hershm ce and both deserve our ' tan , Biter Manning said no nation than lace 2:30 ately set afloat to cast reflection upon which might be encountered of great the late Sabbath services at the ; fellow.Jews within and without Pal- The Ministry of the Interior at Bu- ay afternoon, Dec. 8, at ry anksgng and . ' im po rtan cause for Th Tuesday . Td great ek Synagogue, Friday tine Wherever and in whatsoever the motives of my work in Russia andl whol e -h arted devotion. " Ask ! d . as mentioned one 7 d ihis opinion on the last statement of ; charest has given permission to the the Uted Ste s a . ni ; o clock . ening, Dec.1, at al :30 oclock. l measure help may rightly be extend- to arouse suspicion against me by em- to c. im m at incr ea . ev in. the Joint Distribution Committee, in-!, refugees who have entered Roumania the re ason "the engaged in tom- he subject of his address will be 0 from Russia during the past two of the indispensable necessity of re- I , T Assimilation." eel ' that I am I am Pace Needed Hens. tures mereiai ven in Russia capacity Againet eluding the allocation of $1,500,00 , 'Bulwarks SAMUEL COMING HERE nion of Agricult- for Palestine Development Corpora•' years to re emigrate to Russia. The li "ion in human life. .• peace in American Israel—not ; di cussion which will constitute' deed acting in an advisory. "Our strong-minded and straight- peace which grows out of indif- oral emigrants who intended to return ; , to the co-operatives. All-Russian U Even before the I Hon. Mr. Sokolow, while refraining I will have to apply for the necessary he con Maurice Samuel, famous Zionist,' thinking President, xpressing a definite opinion on ference and apathy, but the peace s.' lecturer and author, will speak in De- one of the important utterances to , the e "has said 'the only adequate found second of the serieel which has come after unfaltering de- war I was the Amer. from sian representative co-operatives. in Two \ the situation, indicated that the sum Frontier Commission. There will be lion Talmue will be the the week of Chanu-, ligion." for Men democratic are coming institutions to realize is re- the 1 troit on Wednesday, Byron Dec. 30, at the kah, \ be made during when the question as to of $1,500,000 was small in relation to permits to the Roumanian.Russian ieaof aRgu o s, ' notion to what we believed to be our whether the J. D. C. would continue the need and the program of the work the no special formalities in the is issue of truth of this. Education is nnt enough. 'Philadelphia and yearn permits. The frontier to be "Education alone may make a crook , Torah under the auspices of the D ..lof addresses to be delivered at the I duty to the highest Jewish interests. None have we hurt and all we have I crossed at Resent, Bender, Ataki or or • scoundrel of a man, hut belief in ; troll district of the Zionist Organize-' late Friday evening :services. will be Dr. Charles • Ira work in Russia was an uncertain- in Palestine' I Akkerman. Parcels and money may God and responsibility to his law make tion, according to an announcement ereTnhiengspeaker Dec. 18, ------- at the services Friday ' helped and healed by holding up, des- be taken across the frontier, it was Mn. Vi. Margold of the State Normal ; pile deep misunderstanding and all ty, I assumed charge of the New York by A. J. Koffman. President. RGANIZE MANY I ,..rre' its consequences. the ideal which is offic e of this unit, but when the J. D. WILL O of "You attained Gentiles," a book I School at Ypsilanti, who will lectu character, personality, et,„pap,ibility Samuel fame as the which author JEWISH COMMUNITIES I declared. i on "What I Saw in Europe." I., our sruerdon. C. de .ci ' ded to resume its activities in and citizenship," I e have not willed to hurt any gned from the office and --- I Margold spent many months investi; RtmIR , I resigned the , Bishop Manning referred to caused much controversy a mon g Je ws . " W or men, although In these days TI ON LAW wine Jewish conditions in European man have since acted in • purely advisory WARSAW.--(J• T. A.) — The or- SOVIET ELEC breaking down of religious intolerance throughout the country. Mr. Samuel; S MANY JEWS at - ommunities in I and in the Near East. time during my ENEFIT r i and in other days we have suffered c B e fia li o .at y. spoke in Detroit last year and those I c -- as a cause for thanksgiving and of the I re • mutation of Jewish the tPolish! have of --- blow upon blow, because we have filiation wlh with this is body nature "generosity and broadmindedness" of who missed him then will be glad of 'ountries, —_---_ Prov incesf the o of he Po-i dared to stand for the right of the reined one cent in the W —(J• T. A•)—A grater gifts by Jews to the Cathedral of St.: ublic, one of the points be hasten.' MOSCOW.—(J. I WOLFSON MADE PROFESSOR salary or r any other compensation RepEastern will 1ohn the Divine. He said Adolph S. an opportunity to hear him. I Jewish people to reach their own de- __— ------- link Jewish agreement, A.)--Icisions touching their own aaffairs. ill be enabled 'The movement has eel Ifthe decision of the Polish Cabi- , number of Jewish citizens in to the particL Son. Ochs' gift of two candelabra in the from the co-operative body. , iet Republics A TEL AVIV WANTS REMAINS CAMBRIDGE. Mass.—LI. T. Farms C o-operatives pate in the Soviet elections as a result The appointment of Dr. Harry A. , "In Philadelphia each of use in- ■ Menorah, was one of the re- I form of Wan ours, but it at a y ! l '. newly published Soviet election moat beautiful and significant!' A.)—The re- , Th el ounTlrioefcl IZisters T. famous o eliChe pealene Ilynalti: ' mains of Max Nordau, Euro- 'WnItmon to then new Nathan Littauer lagined that victor cteorayrewittolioauctbr:vaece. a ways been dear to me because of neThwi maosrevi ,, The representation of various re- . TEL ; ;law. P f isorship of Jewish Literature' w l: beneficial effect it has on the cent session introduced the project off t til government ordinance submitted by The election privilege which was ligions at the dinner shows peop le to , ro writer an d one of t he first f d•' rning' and Philosophy at Harvard has been out victory. What Jew would achieve the toiling messes , th ssia farming population. I hope a Ministry of Education cones learning, he said, " respect and ap- peat: Britwho, wit . is to- the a nnounced. )r. Wolfson was graduat- victory over ■ fellow-Jew? Ours . at the Jewish colonies in this union the organization of the Kehillahe in form rIv limited was extended by to the new law to of site esti.; predate and love twine whose faith iet ' ed l the modern Zionist movement, will ed at Harvard in 1912, because an in- to gain victories not over, but for, hawkers, peddlers, members kl: r not yet represented which are This union, the districts of Wolyn, Palesie, Bialy- differs from their own." ;be traneferred from Paris to Eel Aviv, etructor in 1915 and has been amis. page 3.) (Continued on w ho employ ll. rep- 1 daY j oin it. Thomas G. r" 1l g san companies, art i two apprentices. Mons inor the 1 according to a decision of the mania- tent professor since 1921. rn stok and Vilna. which n last year alone had • turnover or dinance the or- brought According to communities in these an assistant or sans pality of Tel Aviv. of arti . resen ting Cardinal H ow., $25,000,000, plays an important f f the families Two) me be o Page Adult (Turn to ganization of the late in bettering and reconstructing provinces will be arm ilar to that of sans were also given the nght to vote. he economic life of Russia and I am 1 • HADASSAH SABBATH DAY WILL BE DEC. 6 RELIGIOUS LEADERS MEET TO CELEBRATE SYNAGOGUE ju nEE, , CA LLS J. D. C. PLAN w MERELY INCIDENTAL f D. C. WATSON GIVES INTERESTING TA I I REFUGEES RETURN TO RUSSIA Thi.ery . ear TO SPEAK H THEME peace" ON o Avw-a• (Turn to Last Page.) Congress Poland.