A merica P i nsk periodical Center CLIFTON anNux • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE Fin ~ fl r, rrttorr Anvil (A itort_ 3RAVIAN KILLED EIGHT REFUGEES GERMANY SUBMITS OLSHANSKI PAPERS g••••••••••••••••••/././... fontiar Natto . BOOK REVIEWS Bercovici's First Novel. $3,855,681. The second agency IS pares with $1,746,775 in September, the Frank M. Hayes agency with 111, - Detroit Life Announces an In- and with $1,449,000, the production Evans 689,900, and the Lamoreaux & of crease in Business in in October, 1924, an increase of 22 agency being third with a total per cent. The total amount of new $1,215,754. October. M. E. O'Brien, president of the Detroit Life Insurance Company, an- nounces the October production of that company in the State of M gan, totaling $1,772,652. This com- MARRIAGE GUEST, by Konrad Barre- Dr. and Mrs. George M. Weiss, who THE ski. Boni I livoricbt, Nor York, 1925. were recently married in Detroit, have returned from their honeymoon and Bercovici's first novel, Konrad Given to Polish Ambassador. are at home at 49 Lorraine Court. recently "The Marriage Guest," was Steiger Trial Becoming T. A.)—The trag- put on the market by Boni A Live- VIENNA.- international. f of the Jewish refugee was un- The first of a series of evening par- right and is an interesting field for ed ded in its utmost terrible aspe ct ties was given Tuesday evening, Nov. this famous author of short stories. BERLIN.—(J. T. A.)—The trial of fo ien the trial began in fglau, Mo- 17, at the Jewish Community Cente r Bercovici is acquainted with the New wl vie, of Karl Dvoratchek, a Slovak, Stanislaw Steiger, Jewish student ac- by the Sisterhood. Mrs. J. Barnett, York of which he writes: the New cused of having thrown a bomb at the Mrs. Norman Buckner, Mrs. Jerome York that is a polyglot, raucous city, re others , charged with Jew refugees in Tre- Polish president, Stanislaw Wojeie- Edelstein and Mrs. A. Elbling were the scene of a constant struggle be- a n 18 eight ight h Jew h chowski, entered the phase of inter- in tween two generations, neither sur- Moravia. t hostesses. bi tsch, The attorney for the state in his n ational concern when the governmen rendering or capitulating. the city declared that the prison- o f the German Republic transmitted where the immigrant is transformed a 'Cl1,71tintt re guilty of murdering eight t the Polish government the official Mre Benjamin Netzorg, Mrs. B. into the American citizen. , we ei • ;fugees. chopping the corpses into a cts in the case of Theophile Olshan- Goldstein and Mrs. Henry Jacobson "The :Marriage Guest" deals with f feces ai d throwing them in sacks ski, a Ukrainian, confessed thrower o attended the sisterhood luncheon given the love story of a finely sensitive h- at the Temple Beth El in Detroit, last do the lglawa river, near the sluale- the bomb. woman who, because of the necessi- it house. The counsel for the statement issued by the Ger- Monday. In ties of existence and conventionality, er ense &Med the charge, producing man Foreign office to th e J.. A. here, is forced into a loveless marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Blumrosen Spiritually she is mated with the It was declared that the do cuments taternent, from the Jewish cummui- y in Trebitsch and the committee on were transmitted to the l'olish Ambas- (Celia Barnett) are receiving felicita- young German artist and musician tions on the birth of a daughter, Bar- whom she could not marry but whose efugees, which declared that no sador in Berlin. bara llelen, on Nov. 10. efugees were missing. ideas influence her life. How three —Theophile On the other hand, oiw of the wit- W A RS AW (J. T. A.) lives are crucified because of her mis- leases declared during the trial that Olshanski, the Ukrainian who confes- Mrs. Alex Elbling entertained Mon- take is portrayed in the book, which is saw refugee children drink water sed to the German frontier authorities day evening in honor of her house emphasizes Bercovici's power to tell a bucket where pieces of the that he threw the bomb at the Polish guest, Mrs. Judith Goldblatt of Roch- a story and weave a background of loom fro president is now safely located in Me- were floating. concentrated power and color. ester, N. Y. co rpses Dvoaratchek was arrested on mel, the port which is under the con- Itarl Feb. 11, having made a confession trol of the Republic of Lithuania. COMMUNISTS BURIED Reports received here state that AMEND ALIENS ACT that he murdered eight Jewish refu- s, among them the brothers Polif- Theophile Olshanski left Germany for WITH HIGHEST HONORS gee. The bodies of his victims were Memel with the permission of the Ger- LONDON.—(3. T. A.)—A rigor- by not buried, but were chopped into man authorities. In view of the un- ous amendment to the aliens natural- MOSCOW.—(J. T. A.) —Trotzky, pieces and sold in barrels to farmers certain diplomatic relations between ization act in Great Britain will be for fertilizer and food for animals the Republic of Poland and the Re- introduced shortly by the Home Sec- Kameneff, Krassin and Enukidze were the extradition of the speakers at the grave of Sklian- and chickens, his confession stated. public of Lithuania, retary, Sir Joynson-Hicks, according sky and Churgin, the two Communists A number of Jewish war refugees Olshanski is impossible. to a report of the Morning Post . who were drowned at Long Lake, Ukrainian leaders in Berlin and Vi- Naturalization of aliens will be made from Poland who were kept in a refu- gee camp in that part of the country enna refuse to make public statements more difficult, according to the Adirondacks, New York, when their ashes were brought for burial here. mysteriously disappeared. It was be- on the Olshanski case. amendment, which imposes the con- The ashes of Skiliansky and Churg- The trial of Stanislaw Steiger, lieved that they had either returned dition of good physical health, sound in were buried in the non-Jewish cem- to their native country or that they which has been going on for the last mentality and decent financial cir- etery of the Novodewitchev convent. America. Dvorat- month and which is scheduled to last cumstnaces. No naturalized alien had departed for chek stated that he used to invite for another three weeks will, in all - will be permitted to sit in parlia- The military and civil procession learn which accompanied the funeral was Jewish men and women from the probability be postponed, it was ment, to be a member of the cabinet refugee camp to tea in his house and ed here from reliable sources. The or a judge, the proposed amendment two miles long. The marchers car- ried banners and wreaths. Ten brass after doping them he robbed and court authorities are inclined to post- specifies, according to the Morning bands played funeral marches, pone the trial in order to complete the murdered them. Post. The clue which led to Dvoratchek's investigation n view of the sensation- ny n the court during the arrest was given by a peasant, Fejta, al testimo in Dvoratchek's servant. last few days. l Pan Sawicki, chief of the politica police of Lemberg, whose testimony in court compromised the investigating GRABSKI WANTS PEACE WITH JEWISH DEPUTIES authorities, showing that the proced- ure was conducted with the pre-con- move ceived purpose of proving Steiger WARSAW.—(J. T. A.)—A to bring about a reconciliation be- guilty, is being shadowed by the po- tween the Club of Jewish Deputies lice at the order of Lukomski, the and the Grabski government was Lemberg chief of police who was main- made following the adoption by the ly affected by Sawicki's testimony. In club of the resolution refusing to a complaint forwarded to the Central vote confidence in the government. authorities in Warsaw, Sawicki asks The move was made by a high gov- for protection. ernment official who approached the LF.MBERG.— (•1. T. A.) — While I leaders of the club with the question on what conditions the club would be diplomatic channels are busy tracing ready to soften its oppositional atti- the steps of the escaped thrower of the tude. No positive reply has been bomb, the court here continues with ; investigation of the witnesses for given. the ss and against Stanislaw Steiger, tried on the charge of having thrown the Lawrence Motor Sales Display bomb at the Polish president. Important evidence in favor of Stan- Bosch Magneto Radio t- islaw Steiger was offered by four wi Tr al He1.1 Following Confession of Murderer. business written in Michigan by the Almost never killed a fly. Detroit Life so far this year is $18,- 486,212. Of this amount, $2,437,40 6 . written in the Upper Peninsula was We can live without a brother, but The Morris Fishman agency leads all not without a friend. other agencies with a production of N BO e an=j. ES ty ds c 5783 Products. nesses. While the accusation is based At the I.awrence Motor Sales Com- on the fact that the bomb was thrown from the street by a man who res pany, 11629 Twelfth street, the first bled Steiger, the witnesses testified to public•display was made of the new the contrary. Witnesses Hermann and radio products of the American Bosch th Wasch testified to the effect that ey on Magneto Corporation. The Bosch receiving set—the Am- saw the bomb fall from a window Mr borola—is highly representative of the second floor of a house in iewaicz the craftsmanship that has been re- a acld Square. Witnesses Nizink flected in Bosch electrical products nd Schreiber testified that they saw two suspicious looking individuals flee for so many years. The Amborola is iediately after the a six-tube set which is said to have from the scene mm bomb exp Neither of them re- loded. several new features of design. sembled Steiger in appearance, the The Ambotone reproducer is dis- played as a part of the Bosch radio witnesses testified. Witnesses Ulrich and Schorr testi- line. This is a beautiful radio repro- that Steigerwas affiliated with the ducer with a large wooden conoid in- fled Zionist movement and had no Com- stead of the conventional paper cone. Another Bosch product—the Junior munist leanings. Mlle. l'asternak, the chief witness Ambotone—shown for the first time. This is a cone type radio reproducer, for the accusation, will again be ex- low in price but reported to have un- amined by a decision of the usual tone qualities. The actuating A motion of the defense to have Mlle. mechanism follows the Ambotone in Pasternak confront Witness Sawicki was rejected by the tribunal; another design. The long experience in the manu- motion that Sawicki he confronted by facture of precision electrical equip- Lukomski, chief of the Lemberg po- t. ment as well as the plant and organiz- lice, was also rejected by the cour pres- ation facilities of the American Bosch A motion to call Dr. Leon Reich, Deputiess Magneto Corporation serve as an ex- ident of the Club of Jewishtne cellent background for their radio ac- in the Polish Seim, as a wi tivities, which are said to be on an also rejected by the court. The University of Lemberg refused extensive scale. the request of the court to delegate its . chemical experts to testify in the case Instead, experts of the War Ministry ESTRA a actor PIANO D Minor. 1. MINMONNI OUSE at Grinners Og and 7k. Delivery ,rd and Wanted 6—COMEDY Tomorrow 'ON IGHT a nd 'err Night (RDA)' Long Distance puts the buy- er and seller in direct com- munication and avoids misunder- standings and delays. Its use means quick and economi- cal action on orders. riling ',how In A,/ rt and Arremned at didn't .ner , -Detroit Ti-'. also soro ,3— Fr. res. gq We• W‘441 sous r 2523 e Long Distance. is Personal and Direct es. a Evening. Ar BE GIVEN• I A MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. Le •gue. o use M•nagse. 26. A BIG DINNER WITH NO DISCOMFORTS Because the Dessert Will Be Famous Jersey Ice Cream Well and It Is Always Nothing Will Please You So PURE AND WHOLESOME Tell Your Dealer You Will Have No Other or 10205 MACK AVENUE. L incoln 4168 5 IA PA WHAT TMEIR. MONEY BUYS Dodge Brothers, Inc. have always built a good, sound, long-lived product. They have never built "yearly models" and never will. They do not make frequent expensive changes simply to catch the whim of the hour. On the contrary, they devote themselves steadfastly to the improvement of a car that has been good from the very beginning. This process of improvement has now been going on for 11 years. were named. The Ukrainian press of Lemberg strongly attacks Steiger's counsel for ill of the their attempt to prove the gu Ukrainian military organization in throwing the bomb at the Polish presi- Its influence on the car's appearance and performance has been nothing short of dent. A reply to these charges was made by Attorney Landau in a press inter- view. "The defense,is not opposed to sympathizes with the Ukrainians. It minori- aspirations of the national ties within the Polish Republic. How- I ever the defense is obliged to prove; the innocence of Steiger by showing the probability of the guilt of a mem- ber of the Ukrainian military organi- zation,", Dr. Landau stated. remarkable. VIENNESE CLAIMS STEIGER GUILTY LEMBERG.—(J. T. A.) —Liberal public opinion in Poland has been greatly alarmed as a result of the new turn in the trial of Stanislaw Steiger. After a number of witnesses had testified to Steiger's innocence, a serious situation arose with the d ap- of pearance on the witness stanh girl Miss Victoria Loedel, a Polis brought from Vienna for the purpose of testifying in the Steiger trial. b Miss Loedel declared at the egin came ring of her testimony that she all the way from Vienna to as a pole in order to fulfill her duty and to "prevent the injustice of Steiger's acquittal." Miss Loedel stated that she had notified the Polish consulate general in Vienn a that she witnessed the at tempt to assassinate the Polish presi- dent Miss Loedel declared that she and Miss Pasternak grabbed Steiger's arm after he threw the bomb. it is now also Always eminently dependable, an exceptionally easy riding car. Always up-to-date, it is now strikingly attractive. Style and smartness stand out in every line. Sheer logic never made the choice more obvious — Dodge Brothers Motor Car for those who really care what their money buys. THOMAS .1. DOYLE INCOR•ORATID WOODWARD AT MARTIN PLACE JEFFERSON AT (NENE GLENDALE 7117 EDGEWOOD 4460 Hotels Elkin and Olympia of Mount Clemens Announce Reduced Winter Rates. Highland Mersin Motor Sales es Service, 4426 Chene_.Mel. 6667 • Special winter rates went into ef- Northeast Motor Co., 8564 J he Hotel Eln 1 0 ns. f ect on Nov. H o tel at of t Mount Clemeki O lympia and The hotels are under the management Co., Samuel Elkin having of the Elkin Hotel of Elkin Si charge resident Mai Elkin of the Olympia. The and former/4 a strictly kosher hostelry and rde,bers among its clientele many rn" the most prominent Jews throurod the country who come to healing Michhng to bath city for its Olymia was purchasedd poweeligionie a severapl months by thSat ( ne m become one of the best bids 'ries in the city. know^3." Call CONSUMERS ICE AND CREAMERY CO. FOR. THOSE WHO CARE Hall ■ AND Park Motor Co., 16123 Woodward-Ad. 3730 Norwoodward Motor Co., 9115 Woodward.E inp. 6980 ichigan....Glen. 9888 Co., 2445 Bucknell-Knowls on Go., os. Campau. Emp. 4083 Nth Ccoust Motor Ca, Hergenroeder, Inc., 14615 E. Jefferson_ _Hick. 7600 Hem. 4797 Hiles Auto Servi“, 13217 Twelfth. Midwest Motor Co., 9111 Grand River—Gar. 7100 West 1601 3950 Dix Co., Dix - Western or Lin. 11T2 6226 Gratiot Gratiot Motor Co., 8517 Linwood...Euclid 1880