0 NOVEMBER 18, 1925 1/11:11rntort/r4s'isn (Awn icus POHL'S (Continued From Page One.) New Kosher Restaurant The Finest Outside of New York and Chicago. at 8939 Twelfth Street You will be cordially welcomed. Special arrangements can be made for parties. DELICATESSEN LUNCHES Protect Your Walls and Curtains with UNITAS RADIATOR SHIELDS (From Correspondem• and Cables of J•wieh Telegraphic asoisyl of The Roumanian student, l'ascalutza. was sentenced by the court Beltz to five months' imprisonment for netting fire to the synagogue in Beltz. Jewish immigration to Palestine cluing the month of October has kent pace with previous months. About 4,000 immigrants entered during last month, according to figures published in Jerusalem. The strike proclaimed by the Palestine Arab Executive on the occasion of the eighth anniversary of the issuance of the Balfour Declaration failed. Complete order was maintained throughout the city, only a few Arab shops Glendale 6359 being closed. Steel • s B a ke-Enameled. Neat in appear- ance and low in price. ■ UNITAS PRODUCTS, Inc. Skirmishes between the Arab rebels and the French occurred on the slopes of Mt. Hermon and Kuneitra. The rebels are reported to have de- stroyed a part of the liedjas railway to the south of Damascus. Reports indicate that a further advance by the Druzes on Damascus is impending. The French are taking defensive measures. it • • • (New Address) 79 MARTIN PLACE. Half Block from Woodward Ave. Settle by ARBITRATION Save Time, Money, Temper A. C. LA LA WY OIL •A -4, 477 4. 4 % ,t, TRIAL OF STEIGER AROUSES INTEREST ['PIN MOT werom Specializing in the Settlement of Claims and Controversies Without Court Proceedings. SUITE 948 BUHL BUILDING Cadillac 4642 MASTER HEAT REGULATOR ft mon. dampers only an amount eonal to the draft actually required. NO,werheatins of rooms— no waste of heat up the chlmney—no forced are— no clinkers—no waste of Fuel. EARNS ITS COST IN FUEL SAVED. Henry F.Hurley "4 1.;Zir0152" . RHEUMATISM ment further anti-Semitic sentiments among the Polish masses, though it was known by Lukomski and other police officers that the Jewish student was innocent. As in previous libel cases there appeared here, too, a per- son of disreputable type who volun- teered to serve as a tool in the hands of the dark forces that were aiming to perpetuate another historical crime against the Jewish people. In t' is case it was the apostate Mlle. Pasternak, converted to the Baptist faith, a figure of the cabarets closely connected with the underworld. At first she declared that "she believed" that Steiger threw the bomb, but later, after some considerable coach- ing by Lukomski, she discarded the' , ' dubious words "she believed" and stated that she was certain she had seen Steiger in the act of throwing , the bomb. It was on the basis of the 1 statements of this half-demented con- 1 vert that Lukomski built up his in- dictment against the Jewish student. The New Development. That Lukomski was working on a deliberate "frame up" has now been Disquieting news to the effect that a general attack upon the Jewish proven by another fact which is no population of Roumania is planned by the Roumanian anti-Semites is pub- less amazing than the revelation of ! lished by the Bucharest paper Facia. According to documents discovered Steiger's false arrest in general. Its, mass has now been disclosed that many by the newspaper, preparations are being made for an anti-Semitic months ago the German government movement and excesses all over Roumania. • • informed the Polish government that The number of immigranis of the labor class who will be able to enter a certain man named Olszanski, a Palestine during this year may be increased, it was declared in Jerusalem. Ukrainian, who was arrested in Ger- In addition to the 7,500 certificates issued for the next six months to the many when he attempted to steal Zionist Executive for the admission of labor immigrants, the schedule is across the border, had confessed that he was the one who threw the bomb subject to revision in January if the labor market will be satisfactory. at the Polish President, but as the Polish government took no action in The establishment of a Nathan Littauer professorship for Jewish litera- this matter the German authorities ture and philosophy at Ilarvard University was announced by the officials released Olszanski, who now resides of the university. The professorship was established by Lucius N. Littauer, in Berlin. The Polish police inten- a graduate in 1878, prominent glove manufacturer, in memory of his tionally kept this fact secret so as to father, who was prominent for many years in the Republican party of be able to indict Steiger. The dis- New York and served in Congress for 10 years. closure of the incident now indicates perhaps that the Polish authorities Dr. S. Freud, head of the X-ray department of the Hadassah Ilospital have realized that they have gone too in Jerusalem and cousin of Professor Sigmund Freud, died in Jerusalem at far with their intended "frame up" the age of 63 from anemia pernicosa. Three blood transfusions proved un- against the Jews through the martyr- successful. The death of Dr. Freud is greatly mourned by the Jerusalem dom of Steiger and they may be try- population. He was entirely devoted to science and was considered the ing to unravel the knots in the case greatest medical authority in the Hadassah medical unit in Palestine. and clear up the situation as best the e ricumstances d they can under The Free City of Danzig, under the protectorate of the League of Na- But it is certain that the Olszanski tions, and Palestine, the "sacred trust of civilization," as the Palestine Incident is bound to play a conspicu- mandate is termed in the covenant of the League of Nations, will be in sus role in the trial from now on. During the time that Steiger was permanent commercial relationship. A delegation of the Danzig Chamber n go of Commerce arrived in Tel Aviv for the purpose of etiating for a imprisoned the drama developed into r which will take several acts, permeated with tragedy. Palestine exhibition at the Danzig annual international fai To begin with the first act: Steiger place in March, 1926. • • • • himself. He is a young man with a The strike called by the Palestine Arab Executive in connection with youthful, delicate expression on his the eighth anniversary of the issuance of the Balfour Declaration is to be face, his features showing evidence taken as a protest against the Damascus events as well as against the Bal- of good breeding, culture, nobility of four Declaration, a statement of the Palestine Arab Executive declared. character and sincerity. Ile was al- Disquieting reports were also published in the Arab press containing grave ways preoccupied with his studies, charges against the Palestine administration. According to the Arab papers, took a deep interest in the fate of English officials in Palestine are guilty of bribery as practiced under the his people, was a loyal Jews and Zion- ist, participating actively in the work Turkish regime. • • for the rebuilding of Palestine. It a, "INTERIOR In . DE.4N" There is an indescribable charm about the lovely furni- ture forms and related objects which one may find at Dean's, as well as the manner of their grouping into scores of de- lightful ensembles. Each setting is a silent tribute to the unity of spirit which enables an organization of skilled deco- rators to create an interior of such surpassing beauty and certain individuality. ?Warra'DeanCompany 2 ,, Detro,t- Quality for Eighty Years. s , DeferredPayments if Desired - • was in the midst of such a life of earnest thought and devoted labor Jew- for his people that he was suddenlyI through him against the whole Jew- arrested, hurled into a cell, abused, ish people. Effective and inesp•nsiva. beaten, tortured physically and in Will Steiger be freed? It appears It costa nothing to come down and every other conceivable way in the certain now that he will be freed. find out. brutal effort to force him to confess The accusations made by Lukomski to a crime of which he was innocent. lonic ago been proven false. And THE WAYNE BATHS feelings of 1 1'ave ze ago nid Ainful nd the pa ds, who knew in the course of the long year that Second and Front St.. to the report. ien tives and fr his rela the • • • • outset that he was not Steiger was confined behind bars all Sulphur, Mineral, Turkish, Tonic, trio Swedish, Electric Baths. Jews are naturally introspectitve and subject to worry, according to Dr. guilty, feeling s which communicated the other charges have been shown all other Jews in Po- unfounded, pure fabrications. And W. A. Evans, widely recognized medical authority of Chicago. "Almost themselves to SWEDISH MASSAGE 1,000 letters asking about 'dropped stomach,' come to me each year," says land and to the Jews in every part what is.still more important and gives Take Woodward Through Car. of who understood that this me rzason to believe that Steiger will Dr. Evans. "Of these more than three-fourths come from New York City, w as the Cherry 4784 an world attempt not to indict a single be declared innocent and liberated is and of the three fourths nearly all that ask about 'dropped stomach' are individual but through him a whole that the Polish Ministry of Justice is from Jews, or, at any rate, their names indicate that, Why are so many interested that Steiger should have a 4' of the complainers of the Jewish race? Because the Jew is naturally given people. The search in the house of fair trial, and a fair trial means com- to introspection and to worry. While he does not worry so much about Steiger's parents and the discovery plete vindication.—Z. Tygel in the business, when it comes to his 'liver andsights,' he is the champion worrier." there of bombs was a little by-play Jewish Tribune. • • in the scheme of the bitter tragedy. Dr. Jose Calves, professor at the University of Chile, one a tour around But that was soon given up by the the world for the purpose of establishing intellectual co-operation between police when Lieutt.nant Kesler of Chile and other countries, has arrived in Jerusalem. In an interview with Lodz came down at once and testified 1 the correspondent of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Professor Galvez de- that those were his bombs which he clared that the Republic of Chile deeply sympathizes with the rebuilding of had forgotten in the house in which he had formerly lived. But Lukomski, Palestine as the Jewish national home, Palestine being the door to the Orient. "The revival which is now going on in Great Britain is the best nevertheless, persisted in including this insurance policy for Palestine. Britain is the greatest example of tolerance in his act of indictment which he Cut Rate Mowing and Storage. and there is, therefore, reason to lay hope on the Jewish work in Palestine," read before the court. This first act he declared. Professor Galvez further discussed the economic situation of of pain and dreadful suspense, of 1957 GRAND RIVER AVENUE l'alestine anti stated that with regard to commercial relations, Palestine can hope mingled with fear, of sorrow Phone Cadillac 6853-41379. and prayers that the truth might be import nitrate of soda from Chile. ••• • revealed despite the machinations of An attempt to bring order in the collection carried on in the United the enemies of the Jewish people, will run through the entire course of the ious States and Canada by emissaries of the old relig tine was made at a conference held at the Broadway Central Hotel, New case until Steiger will finally be de- MEtrost 4711 11Elrose York. One hundred and fifty rabbis and Orthodox communal workers par- Iclared free and innocent. Additional Abuse. of ticipa ted in the discussion, which took place under the chairmanship Then there is the second act of the Isaac Allen. It was decided to organize a central committee w hich supervise the collections, investigate the authenticity of the credentials of drama: the case of the three promi- the collectors and attempt to organize the collections on a federaion sys- nent leaders of the Jewish commun- tem. An office is to be opened in New York, with branches in various parts ity of Lemberg. These men, the of the country. A national executive committee of 100 and an actions president of the Jewish Artisans' Or- ganization, a Jewish member of the • committee of 35 were elected, including Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, Peter Lemberg Board of Aldermen and a Wiernik, G. Bublick, Isaac Allen, Jacob Mark as secretary, M. Lamport, member of the Jewish Tradesmen's Harry Fischel, L. Kamaiky, Rabbi Seltzer and F. Stavisky. Association, were arrested on the I I _ fl charge of having conspired to free "We do not recognize the Jewish National Home nor the Balfour Declar- • , ation." This was the statement made to the representative of the Jewish Steiger because they were active in the work of gathering a fund to se- Telegraphic Agency by Emir Arslan, representative of the Syrio.Palestine minruistiltstieworim• Congress and the Moslem Christian Executive of Palestine, who is in Geneva cure the release of Steiger on bail. to present the Arab claims before the Mandates Commission. , Along with them was arrested the de- Syria and Palestine as one country," Emir Arslan further stated. "We I tective, Dwornicki, but he was re- want a united or federated Arab state, consisting of Palestine, Syria, Le-' leased on $100 bail, whereas the Jews furnish no less than $35,000 banon and Mesopotamia. We would allow a restricted Jewish immigration had to S..ct Dancing Nightly into Palestine, but on one condition—that the Jews should never become a i bail. The abuse and suffering to I majority. An Arab elected parliament would regulate immigration, would ! which these Jews (who were subse- ' decide on the citizenship rights of those Jews who are in Palestine and , quently acquitted) were subjected in would control other important questions relating to the interests of the • prison demonstrated clearly that an Particular People Prefer attempt was being made to conduct country." the Palais I the libel charge against the Jews in • • • • "The opponents of the present leaders ask that the Zionist Organize- wholesale form. In addition to this Strictly censored. Highest there hannened the murder of one of tion should demand much more from the mandatory power. But that is I Standard what the Zionist leaders are doing. If all that they wish is done, the fault : the witnesses, Ciechnowski, who had iliesielam—The Band You I is not that of the Zionist leaders," Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of the , testified in favor of Steiger. This in his honor in Geneva.' man was murdered by a Jewish com- Lev. to Due. With. Wald Zionist Organization, stated at a dinner given "The present economic crisis is holding bark considerably the success of the munist, who has been hanged for his ----- Palestine constructive work. Nevertheless, Palestine is being built up and crime. of the Steiger will never be possible to hold up the Palestine work. Palestine as a Jew- But the second act it No British government will be able to recall drama is connected with another very ish national home is a fact. to realize important incident. During the time MEYER BARRON. Fry" want do not he declared. "The Arabs f are Declaration," B alour Buyers of All ICIalla .1 the useful to them. The progress and revival in Palestine are a! when the trial of the three Lemberg , that we taking place, the judge re- was Palestine. The Jewish Jews WASTE PAPER result of the Jewish work and the Jewish capital in Don't suffer--get quick relief. A , The French military command and French officials are incensed with the or the part played by it in the Damascus events Palestine Arab Executive ins by sending out alarming, ccrate reports, according to a dispatch from Damascus to the Daily Telegraph of London. The Palestine Arab Execu- tive, however, continues its anti-French propaganda. According to the latest reports published by the executive, a revolt in a Damascus prison g wich 1,200 pr isoners per- led to the ombardment of the prison, durin h ished. European and American women are leaving Damasc us, according Let JUNIOR HADASSAH The following letter was received by Miss Rose Lipsitz, president of the Detroit unit, from Mrs. Hyman B. Ullian (Freda Silbert), who is na- tional president of Junior Hadassah and who recently returned from a trip to Palestine. Mrs. Ullian, who resides in Detroit, is at present in the South. "I have no idea how long I shall be in the South. I console myself by working here as hard as possible. I want to form several Iladassah and Junior Hadassah groups, and in ad- I dition. raise money for a lladassah building fund in Palestine. Tomor- row I begin to interview some Florida millionaires! "Palestine is even more than I dreamed it would be! The beauty of the country is entrancing. The maj• esty of the hills, the rolling of the plains and, more than all, the spirit of conquest in the hearts of the peo- ple—all these things make for a land that raises one to spiritual heights. "I am writing a series of articles on Palestine which will be circulated to the units during the winter.- "I am still full of thrills. Life means a thousand times more•to me now. It is richer, deeper, more in. tense. • SHEKELL Move You 1 MOVING STORAGE CRATING SHIPPING Palais de Dance Mic higan Paper Stock Co. 1342 III...eat•r St. — person who should first visit Palestine and see what Zionism I activity people have already found their way to Erez Israel and the people will con- threw the bomb was a Ukrainian, who had done it out of revenge against time to build up Erez Israel," Dr. Weitzman concluded. the Poles who oppress the Ukrainians s • • • MANUEL URBACH A new petition was submitted to the League of Nations secretariat in living in the Lemberg district. These the executive committee of the Syria-Palestine Congress, in thelletters, however, were ignored by the Granite and Marble• Geneva by expressed for the triumph of the "principles of court and the government took no course of which a hope is the safeguarding of op- action in the matter, although it knew this greatest institution for justice and peace and truth. Soon after the incident of "de- the pressed peoples." "The Syrio-Palestine Congress," the petition stated, the bomb-throwing occurred, the Po- sires to recall to you that every year it brings to your notice the claims of 564 Winder Street that Syrio-Palestine peoples. The lack of haste with which the League of l fish press expressed its opinion Phone Cadillac 0048 person had been arrested , the Nations has taken note of these complaints has placed a section of the popu- the wrong The Only Jewish MONUMENT in the lamentable situation of strife in the . for a suspicion was already extant the crime was committed by Uk- lation in despair and has resulted Dealer in Detroit. by the blood poured out and the vii-Ithat ainians It was known that • Ilk- coon try a situation sadly illustrated lages destroyed. Once again the committee appeals to the League of • N a. rainian terrorist organization was in Dons for its immediate intervention, not only to make an end to the work existence, but the police refused to present being carried out in Syria, but above all to listen of destruction at investigate, until it so happened that the voice of the Syrio-Palestine people who demand justice. The in- an attack was made on a postale. to unfortunate country place the last hope that remains to Lemberg, and when the this ha bitants of e League wagon in them on the justice and equity and the prompt intervenion of nations de•' guilty ones were apprehended it was weak which they still consider the sole refuge of that they were members of of Nations, , learned prived of their rights," the petition read. the secret Ukrainian terrorist organ- ization who were also connected with Monuments 1E SPRUNIC ENGRAVING CO. attempt on ■■■■■\■Wls■■■■■■■■■••■■•■■•■•1 1 President. the 01MMIOnliallOnlin L E r wtc aro RRnTHERS IT Come in and view the Greater Value in the SPECIAL SIX 4•DOOR SEDAN at its new low price of f. o. b. factory —including luxurious mohair 45 upholstery, four broad doors, silver fitti n gs with vanity case and smoking set, large efficient heat. er , Nash-design 4-wheel brakes, full bale loon tires, and 5 disc wheels. MILLER-JUDD COMPANY Woodward at Palmer the life e f th e P elleh Thus act followed act, each reveal- A was & ing bloody scenes. And all this perpetrated instigate Lemberg police, in their effort to I Merchant 11f1 01 87 iii.set; The Shop Where Courtesy Wail n tn,