A merican lavish periodical Center 18. Jr. ■ 11. gInnneal 11115 CLIFTON AYINC1 • CINCINNATI 10, 01110 PAGE ELEVEN fie erionllornsnetRomicus INSTITUTE NOTES PERFECTION LODGE Perfection Lodge No. 486, F. and A. 51., will hold a special communica- Mother. Club: p. The Jewish Institute Mothers Club lion on Sunday, Nov. 8, at 12:30 will hold its first meeting of the sets- m., at the Masonic Temple, to attend sloe at the Balch School, rand the funeral of Brother David A. Lan- St. Antoine, at 2:30 p. m., on Satur- dau. C. K. SANDORF, Secretary. day afternoon, Nov. 7. By Order of- Miss Mary Connolly, secretary of the Detroit Council of Immigrant MAXWELL W. BENJAMIN, W. IL FOR RENT-Nice furnished room inlh TO RENT-1200 Virginia Park. Very private home on West Euclid, near attractive eight-room upper two- Twelfth St., for gentleman. Phone family flat. All modern conveni- Euclid 1817-W. ences. Side drive. Phone Arling- --------- ton 1174. FOR RENT - Furnished room for . SACK il. WEISS- Strictly kosher By HARRY CONZEL couple or two g irls. 1717 Hazel- ' caterer for weddings, banquets, parties, etc. Excellent food. Rates FO R RENT-Completely furnished wood Ave. Pho ne Empire 1934-R. flat at 1998 Gladstone, near reas ir able 1670 Pingree Ave. Em- Twelfth St. Will rent to couple Education, will begin a series of talks pire 7146. (Copyright, 1925, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.) over the winter. No children. Call !FOR RENT-Nicely furnished room on the "Know Your Town' move -- - i for refined gentleman. No other Euclid 1849. TYPIST will do extra typing in the meat. The course will cover three roomers. References exchanged. BENNY FRIEDMAN, A SYMBOL evening and in spare time during aspects, the family, the neighborhood Phone Northway 5751.W between The hero of today's sporting column is Benny Friedman. rbThis Benny, day. Call Miss Taran, Walnut F OR RENT-Spacious and comfort- the and the city. Under the first caption k k 9 and 12 a. m. 295 liendrie, be- , p an able front room with small adult a 19-year-old Jewish boy from Clese 4038.3, 11437 Indiana Ave. tween Brush and John R. Varsity football team of the University of Michigan, is attracting so much le •ncluded the subject of facilities or family one and one-half block from ' th dor of the other lack of such for the proper care of . Temple Beth El. Call at 307 King FOR RENT-Furnished front bed- comment and praise that is ants YRS. A. STEIN will prepare strictly great Benny-Benny Leonard. The Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle in its issue the expectant mother, the baby, the Ave. or phone Empire 2328-.I. kosher Ilungarian meals to order. room. Private home. With or full column editorial to "Benny Friedman, Symbol of pre-school child and the school 'hill. Call Edgewood 2479-M. or Rose- without garage. For refined young of Oct. 23 devotes a Under neighborhood is included the man. Call Euclid 0116-M or call a new Jewish youth Wit. ville 39, Ring 2, or call at Gordon F OR RENT - 1660 Virginia Park. lyard, the cellar, the garbage can, al- We cannot resist quoting front this extremely well-written article: Modern lower eight-room flat. Four Ron, Lake Shore Drive, Mount at 2061 Blaine near Fourteenth St.i , leys, rubbish, condition of grocery bedrooms, hun room. Phone Em- Clemens. Take Lake Shore car. family going to New and butcher shop, how meat is kept, pire 8507-J. YOUNG LADY will give services tol ... The "Intelligentsia" amongst us will point to this fact the Mrs. Stein also prepares pure egg how milk is kept, ow 1., popularity of Benny Friedman) as evidence of national inte ettua kept, etc. Under city is included the noodles at $1 a pound. deterioration, but somehow we cannot shake off the feeling that the FOR RENT-Nicely furnished room change for fare. Write Jewish subjects of the water supply and how for respectable young man or wom- said intelligentsia with their superiority complex over the "babbitry" Chronicle, Box 129. HEBREW TEACHER-Experienced. it is protected, the meat supply and of the nation and their contemptual tolerance of things merely an. Call at 8715 Beaubien St. Well acquainted in Hebrew and the milk supply and how they are pro- , Calvert. Six-room physical, are passing up one of the greatest factors in the life of Phone Empire 5430-J. FOR RENT-163 0 English; will give private lessons tented, what happens to the garbage, modern fiat with garage. One block the American people. The num or woman who cannot experience a in Hebrew. Call Hemlock 7600-R. etc. from Twelfth St. Phone Hemlock real live-red-blooded thrill out of a vigorous competitive sport is FOR RENT-A very pleasant fur- A musical program has been ar- much more an object of commiseration than is the "boob who goes nished room in private home for FOR RENT-Furnished front bed- 9871. - ranged by the Music Study Club and couple or one or two refined gen- crazy" at a football or baseball or basketball game." room in private home. With or Russian folk glancing will follow the . . . . tlemen. 2525 Glendale Ave., right FOR RENT-A beautiful newly fur- without garage. Suitable for one meeting. Children under 8 years of nished large bedroom. 1690 Court- off Linwood. Phone Arlington two young men or women or BENNY FRIEDMAN VS. SAMUEL or land. Private family. Gentleman of "You Gentiles," age will be entertained by the recrea- couple. Must have reference. 4546 4221-J. We called the attention of Maurice Samuel, out preferred. Phone Hemlock 8302-R. teacher. to the achievements of Benny Friedman. We challenged Mr. Samuel to lion Oregon Ave. - FOR RENT-Furnished room in pri- make some sort of retort at the obvious contradiction between these facts MUST GO SOUTII for my health. But Jefferson Club: vate home at 9640 Otsego, Phone YOUNG MAN, 26, has $1,000 to in- Jeffer son Will sacrifice solid mahogany bed and his unequivocal assertion: the Jews and sports were as poles apart. The meeting of the Ehast Mrs. Garfield 8854-R. vest with services in a reliable go- Mr. Samuel seemed sublimely unmoved by what appeared to as to be Louis and dining room suites. 1923 W. Women's Club, of the --- ing concern. Prefers a town or TWELFTH-HAZELWOOD Euclid Ave., Apt. 202. Garfield a K. 0. to his theory. Said he: - A real Benson is the newly elected president, city other than Detroit. For full 5812-W. Call mornings on y. investment. Close to synagogue. which was to have been held Wednes- particulars write Jewish Chronicle, ' I have never said the Jews could not perform a specific task as - Two-family flat, six big, cosy - day evening, Nov. 4, and at which well as anybody ellse. Neither did I need the instance of Mr. Fried- Box 125. rooms, steam heated, thermostat FOR RENT-Attorney's office, )lam-1 their husbands would have been be in order to remind me that Jews have 1 Bldg second floor, facing h control. Three-car garage, paved guests of the evening, has been post- , m FLAT FOR RENT - 1473 Burlin- Fort. Reception room; stenog- occasionally exhibited remarkable physical prowess. But the native alley. Apartments rent for $100 poned until Nov. 11 at 8 p. m. Re- game Ave. Three exceptionally rapher. Reasonable rent. Phone instinct of the Jew does not lend itself to the deification of.sport per month. Building in best of re- freshments will be served and will be large light bedrooms. Plenty of such as is common in Western universities. The Jew will fence, Main ;377. preceded by the installation of offi- pair. Owner is anxious to sell on closet space. Phone Hemlock fight, swim, row, punt, wield a tennis racket or baseball bat in re- cers. The string choir of the Jewish account of ill health and will con- ROOM FOR RENT-Nicely fur- 4676-M. sponse to his environment. At that, he never goes frantic about it Institute Music School will render sider any reasonable offer. Phone nished room for refined young in the universities of the Western world. as is the custom FOR RENT-Front double room for sse for appointment. Hannan Real Es- en ma several selections. man. North End. Conventent o tate Exchange, Realtors. 16491 two refined young men, by refined -out . nine Woydward car line. Phone Ilem-1 - O ne -two-three-four-five-six-seven -eight So there you are. family. Evening dinner and ga- Woodward Ave. Hemlock 1095. Mack Avenue Club: l ock 24 .43,N . Benny Friedman wins by a knockout! - The first meeting of the Mack Ave- rage if d esired. Ten minutes' ride . • . . HAZELD WOO BRICK DUPLEX- nue Mothers Club will take place on desires to share room to city I lall. Near bus and three car Splendid income proposition; two YOUNG LADY des FRIEDMAN ONCE MORE Monday evening, Nov. 9, at 8 p. m., lines. References required. Phone in apartment with another young years old, in perfect condition. lady. Write Jewish Chronicle, Box ) Laurence Stallings, one of the authors of "What P r ime Glory," proclaims at 3836 Fisher avenue. Dr. B. B. Melrose 0401. Each flour has nine rooms, four! _---------_ Benny Friedman "the greatest quarterback" and describes him as follows Sherman of the Sliamonides Medical bedrooms, two baths, sun room and l 130. HEBREW TEACHER-Young man Society will talk on the pre-school FOR SALE -Four-bedroom house, in the game Benny won against Illinois on Oct. 24: screened porch. Third floor has 1 with thorough knowledge of the child. All Jewish women living in 1409 Blaine Ave. Leaving city; Hebrew language and modern liter- two maid's rooms and bath. Recre- . A gyroscope, whizzing with a- starry speed until touched by a the neighborhood are most cordially talon room in basement; three-car ature is'prepared to teach a limit- will sacrifice. Near new Talmud foreign body, and then a shower of sparks, and a hurtling, careen- invited to attend this meeting. garage. Upper flat is rented until ed number of children. Call Ed- Torah. Third floor all finished. ing figure. _____---______ ward Cabot, Empire 5155-W. 1699 Benny ran himself 15 times, also for five yards a clip on that April for $200 a month. Under Art Exhibit.: priced for quick sale. Hannan muddy field. But Benny, who has 185 pounds of nerve and muscle Clairmount Ave. The educational department of the Leyendecker poster. had anot ter trick Real Estate Exchange, Realtors. 1 MARGUERITE SCHUILING United Jewish Charities will conduct anti who looks the image of a 16491 Woodward Ave. Hem. 1096. I TO SING AT SYMPHONY in his stock. Benny can kick from placement with the accuracy of a series of one-man art shdws and ---------- • a trench mortar. Al the close of the second quarter he lofted one -- will Will ,' up with a mixed exhibition ONE DAY BARGAIN FOR $12,500-Only $2,-1i over, wet and dripping, from the 25-yard line to Will a game that in the spring. Miss Marguerite Schuiling, who is Wood- BATTERY CHARGING 000 down, Tennyson near Wood- The first one-man exhibit will be- ended 3 to 0. wand. Eight-room brick and shin-Ith e wife of Hermann Hoexter, musi- . • . . gin with the work of Marco Zim of critic of the Detroit Jewish Chron- 1 gle home, four bedrooms; easilylcal first came into prominence when New York, on Monday evening, Nov. I rented. Property later will be good lis l e, sang i championship of the Circle Lawn Tennis Club 1, and will last for a period of two for 51r. 110exter, then musi- h In th e fi nas l f oe th enns t e apartMent site. This is a ome she • Miss Julie Rosen created a record by winning the ladies' singles champion-I weeks at t t th he private studio of Sirs I with investment possibilities. Han- cal critic of the old Detroit Times, and • 2033 Woodward ship, the ladies' doubles (with Miss 51. Vermont) and the mixed doubles David B. Werbe, tors. 16491 Woodward Ave. Hem- he advised her to coach with Frank man Real Estate Exchange, Real- M. avenue, near Fyfe's shoe store. Al- 11529-37 TWELFTH STREET LaFerge of New York who, in turn, (with Mr. Felix). The men's singles and men's doubles were won by though Mr. Zim's specialty is etch- told her to also continue working with HEMLOCK 9460 r dr. Benstock and Messrs. N. and A. Felix, respectively. lock 1096. ings, he is also a painter and a scalp- •• • . a the Detroit teacher. She made he BREVITIES tor: and fac- hut in New York with the Philharmon- egg noodles to!! KINDS made' of to order at $1 a pound. ALI. The International Chess Tournament is on at Moscow, Russia. Emanuel cc and at the Stadium concerts, also All Makes Radio and Auto Community Fund Exhibit: Mrs. Karol, 5903 Frontenac Blvd. a ppearing in recitals at TOND a d Lasker is the favorite to carry away first place. Batteries Serviced. The educational department of the Biz boxing purses have shifted from the East to the West. That to the Aeolian Halls. She was to have touredl l'hone Lincoln 6430-W. - why boxers and especially Jewish boxers are leaving the East en United Jewish Charities will co-oper in Australia with S«) 1. ate in the Community Fund exhibit not taken but, as a result, Miss Schuil- masse. Charley Phil Rosenberg, bantamweight champion of the world, is now to be held in the lobby of the City ing appeared as special soloist at Cap- ital Theater, New York. She was at in Los Angeles and writes home that he is going to remain there for several Hall during the period of the Com- munity Fund drive. This department one time a member of the Wagnerian months at least. Ruby Goldstein, one of the most promising of the rising generation of is to participate in two branches of Opera Company. The artist, who is the exhibit, one, Americanization, a mezzo soprano, studied abroad un- New York boxers, is starting for California this week. CONGREGATION MISHKUN ISRAEL Sam Cohn, well known fistic manager, will start with a flock of Jewish and two, settlements and recreational der the patronage of Eduard Moericke, agencies. Miss Dora Tannenbaum who considered her voice one of the boxers for the West. Phil Kaplan is also on his way. are in Whether these boxers are pursuing the fabulous pot of gold supposed and Miss Blume I. Levin most wonderful he has ever heard. Sunday afternoon's popular concert to be at the rainbow's end remains to be seen. The outsanding fact at charge of the details. on Nov. 8 at 3:30 o'cleck will be alias present is that they are going away front the East because good purses are At BLAINE AND LINWOOD Goldman Brothers Travel Bee• Schuiling's first appearance with the scarce in that region. Inquire of A. Simon, Blaine and Linwood. Detroit Symphony Orchestra and she reau Open in g Branch Of- sings at the special request of Vic- tions to them. In other words, we fice at 9008 Twelfth. e songs w ill be "The bring into the world, naked though H tor Kolar. Phone "0 Do n Fatale." we come physically, certain tangible Omnipotence" and Arlington 1175 On or about Nov. 1 Goldman WE CALL loyalties. And the older I grow, the Brothers will open another branch of AND DELIVER (Continued from nage three.) more I believe that of all of the great travel o at Twlefth CLEANERS AND DYERS 9008 If you are- a racially conscious Jew, virtues in life, none is greater than bureau ffices d' ' Garments and Furs. Detroit Panthers Prepare to I shall ' Ratnedallag and Relining ofPersonal Service. feel drawn to you greatly, al- loyalty. Loyalty to our friends, not street, between Taylor and Clair- 3353 BURLINGAME Meet Milwaukee Badgers though I may not be nrenared to go merely when they please us and do mount avenues, to serve the people IF Near Deatet on Sunday. to your extreme lengths in believing right, but when they displease as and living in the northwest community of the city. Goldman Brothers have that the Jewish race warrants my ex- -_ do wrong. been established in Detroit for 26 - Detroit Panthers will meet the Mil clusive or even paramount loyalty. You students of the University of ' . H If you are a chai nit.% Jew. I shall Michigan are loyal to your alma ma- years and have two offices, one at waukee Badgers in Sunday's National *"H:":'*<8:":": be glad to lunch (if. dine with you, ter and even those of us who are not 5251 Hastings street, near Frederic , Football League struggle at Navin Field with a chance to go out in front not only because I need your money connected with the university, but and the other at 1129 Westminster for the poor, but to use you as the residents of this college town, quick-avenue. They aim to give complete all alone. wall against which to throw my hand- ly generate a loyalty to your uni- information regarding world-wide This chance is offered the Detroit of social philosophy. versity; like my young daughter, who and ocean travel and also arra g representatives because of the stiff ball But, if you are an assimilationist only last Saturday gleefully rushed send money by mail or cable to all . w is tied icle, oppos i tion Akr on, which no et on two Jew, then I shall want to talk to you. part, of the earth. Their new offices About a year ago when I started advertising in The Jewish Chron in into the house after the football game will be for the convenience of their future of f or t h e league lead, will me n reports on the was over with the cry: "We won." 've days• Akron meets the If you desire to become absorbed all my advertisements conveyed . veye glowing • . the great majority because you be- patronsand customers. now i vestors that paving is t n Philadelphia Yellow Jackets on Satur- lieve it *ill help advance your ma- And when I asked who won: "Why," my promise Jos. Campau Ave. day and this team has lost but one terial prospects, then I shall want she said, "the U. of Si., of course." going on, automaticall y increasing the valuation. Hencefulfi lled. CARD OF THANKS Compels Ave. has been yet she is not old enough to en- verdict, to the Detroit eleven. On Mid on the future of Jos. nothing to do with you, because I Sunday Akron plays Pottsville, an- shall have nothing but contempt for ter your college. I do not know whether I belong to Mrs. Herman Shapero and family other of the league's strongestt clubs. you.. You will be selling your soul It is a safe wager that will for • mess of pottage. If you desire any one of the types of Jews which wish to express their sincere thanks I have described; perhaps I am that to their relatives and friends for the be beaten in one of these conflicts to become assimilated because you victory for Detroit over Mil- see no difference between Judaism kind of a rare bird who belongs to kind expressions of sympathy clueing and of possession none of the classes enumerated. In their late bereavement. waukee will mean sole Cadillac 5593 and Christianity, believing that both the great parade of life, I prefer the 1372 PENOBSCOT BLDG. the lead. are flee religions, and that the code role of spectator. I like what Robert , of ethics which they have produced Louis Stevenson said, that it is much , 3-01100.0* ***001: resemble each other greatly, and if more agreeable to be on the side lines' * c ao 0 oatu1004104104:8M 11****** ORCHESTRA HALL you further believe that the injection and see the parade going by than to DETROIT SYMPHONY of Jewish blood among the non-Jew- take part in the fatiguing experience. ish races is likely to produce • bet- And therefore, friends, I can speak in ORCHESTRA ter world, I shall respect you for your somewhat detached way. And, I sincerity, but I shall differ with you a say, that no matter what kind of Jews in your philosophy. we may be, we should be self-respect- I am willing to concede that, es- ing Jews, who stand up straight and At 3:30 , sentially, there isn't much funda- who, because we belong to a hated Phone Cherry 2523 VICTOR KOLAR, Conductor 2814 Hastings Street mental difference between Judaism minority, should stand up no straight Solo'st Marguerite Schuiling• Soprano A. LITTMAN and M. FISHSON. and and Christianity and in their code of as to bend backward. Then we shall and 8, M•tinee •nd Evenings. Tcket• 25c to 81 at Grinnell'. ethics. The Jew believes in God, and at least have the respect of OW neigh- Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 7 Thre 11.11. Glen. 8290. il e Acts and Chas A Dram• in so does the Christian. The latter be- bore. And possibly tbey will, in time, % "LOST YOUTH" I heves in Him with the embellish- come to understand that loyalty is a i Thursday, Nov. 12, at 8:30 ments of the Son and the Holy Ghost, big, warm, all-embracing thing, unit- A Melodrama in Three Acts, by S. Cohen. but essentialy he believes in the one ing diversified affections none of •t P opular Prices. Friday, Nov. 13, at 8:30 Mon d•y Evening, Nov. 9, " VE 1 God. But as to your other theory which is in conflict with the other.' VICTOR KOLAR. Conducting "P ALESTIN E LO there is an old Talmudic maxim that (Inc may be a loyal neighbor, yet a Tuesday Evening, Nov. 10. an object is dissolved and nullified in cosmpolitan; a loyal American, and 1,' SIBELIUS FOURTH "FOR HER MOTHER" 60 times the quantity and I believe, yet an internationalist; a loyal Jew, SYMPHONY Wednesday Evening, Nov. 11. biologically speaking, that if the and yet a loyal citizen. No. 364. , VA ILYA SCHKOLNIK, Violinist trifling number of Jew, in the world Benefit Performance for B'rith Sholem Lodge, Though I do not approve of the' IA to 82.0 "WHO IS SHE?" 5 at Grinnell's were to intermarry, the eugenic re- tendency to laud Judaism as a re. . Ha ll. Glen. 5290 suit would be negligible. TickOrchestra e Thursday Evening, Na.. 12. ligiOn, and the Jewish people as the ! snd 11 If you are an assimilationist be- chosen people, because 1 consider A Literary Performance by Ossip Da•idow. _ -, -- I cause you dislike belonging to the mi- boasting of this character a Freudian "THE WANDERER" Comedy, . it then I say to you, that is pure- 1 ly an attitude, and you can gain much defense re-action, true of all such Watch for the Announcement of Our Great Musical Week. % happiness by changing that attitude.' group boastings, surely our history Ninth Unbroken "THE NIGHT OF LOVE" --■■■ ■■ It is a glorious thing to believe with; is sufficiently creditable to warrant a 71■11■11M101.■■ staunch loyalty. The least we can do tIlkILW ■ WIL711 ■ Wl ■ WL‘.‘ the minority, even if the minority be , wrong. But ' is not the minority fre-lis to become familiar with it. quently right? Copernicus, who dis- Production of Gra- covered and taught that the earth September ham Bros. Was 171 Per moves around the sun, that the earth ! Cent of 1921 Output. i . is only a point in the infinite stellar LAFAYETTE and SHELBY space and the celestial bodies gravi- Graham Brothers production of away from one an- Ntghts 8.15 tate toward and tre in the World. Meiners2 15 single month of The Meet Unique LIOT-GLEN. 9792Thea Downtown Tocket Office at Grinnell's other, belonged to the minority. And , m otor trucks for the BARGAIN MA,INEE THURSDAY 50c and 75c. so did Galileo, who followed him; and September, 1925, according to official WOODWARD ATE BEST SEATS 112 Mats. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and all I figures, was 171 per cent of their c to $1.60. so did Darwin and Huxley, Beginning Monday, Nev. 9. Nigh" 75 Most Beautiful of Musical the great prophets and seers of the production for the entire year of Plays. world. And so did Leonardo da Vinci, 1921. whose stupendous art, and no less stu- I With the combined output of their In the ''Ten.Strike" Romantic Comedy pendous science, constitutes him as . four large factories located at De- Evansville, Stockton. Calif., and , one .3f the greatest figures in histore, I trait, a and so, for that matter, did Jesus be- ( Toronto, Ont., Graham Brothers, In Heidelberg. long to the inority. Brilliant Singing and Acting the largest exclusive manufac- Though Though we are born nude, we carry Cast. Company 150. Orchee. of motor trucks, month by 1_ 'edBarq•• • Le Galilean: Molnar. Translated by into this world much that belongs to turers Richly col- AMs.Xy month and week by week are shot- tea 30. Chorus 75. the past. We bring with us our he- taring all their previous recorde. I 4.= (PREMIERE hil'7 ored and gorgeously sung. Sueceesful Play In New Teri. During the Seaton .11923 arid 1924. redity and the cumulative obligations Tbr 041,10 Opera Corniqu•, "This proeress is not surprising to Grand Opera, NEW YORK NEWSPAPER OPINIONS: , of the thousands, perhaps millions, of erald. of Graham Brotherstrucks " Nan York Musical Comedy and Serious in tin. York thi• years behind us. We are the children owners "An enchanting plity."-Weolcott, rays Thomas Hogan of the Dorset . I , pica°. succes• Drama all in one. ! "Gl•ne Indication or being the meat con of our parents and surely neither you Motor Sales, local Dodge Brothers WwW. .....^-Bresest. New York Don't fail to ..cure tickets .- nor I would repudiate our fathers and Dealer, "because they know the sat'' LEN G. SHAW OF THE DETROIT FREE PRESS SAID: at Clairmount Fier of crier dialogue One of the oesom's smartest andi• early. others or our sisters and brothers. . anviee these trucks lo • at which to chuckle in the Molnar lino •nd •Ituatione. The Sat. Mat.' Relatives, of course, are accidents; isfactory 'Pew. mash " " 11 found Nights: 50c to $3. with bright line. and technical, 0 0 on e. apreciate their unusually low; , p and r.i.h..1 ga I perhaps, at times, unpleasant ones.' hswotifully 50c to 12.50. an hip. ete at craf Yet, we would not evade our oblige- cost o f operation." SEE IT NOW, AND YET AGAIN - IF YOU DID NOT SEE rir BEFORE , •-: CLASSIFIED SPORTS •-• "America's Best" Schor's The Furniture Store for Useful Decorative Pieces Lawrence Mom Sales ATTENTION!! 8926-28-30 TWELFTH STREET -Exquisite Wall Cabi- net Desks. -Colonial Secretaries. -Lamps. -Mirrors. -Odd Chairs. -Smoking Stands. -Sewing Cabinets. -Gateleg Tables. FOR 'RENT NOW ON DISPLAY Offers a Hall for PARTIES, WEDDINGS, ASSEMBLIES New arrivals in Living Room Suite s, Dining Suites, Bedroom Suites. "You Jewish Students" P. D. JACOBSON Furniture Co. 8926 - 28 - 30 I, se u e . A P romise I Schor TWELFTH STREET Phone Empire 3271 S. K. SLOBIN The Place to Buy the Yiddish\ Playhouse Sunday Afternoon II 5 5 0 Detroit's Finest Clothes For covering territory com- pletely a n d economi cally and getting into the hun- dreds of out- of-the-way places- where there is much undeveloped trade - there is no greater sales ally than the Long Dis- tance call. 5 • THE -BON S TELLE PLAYHOUSE The BONSTELLE Co. 66 99 SHUBERT LAFAYETTE THE STUDENT PRINCE Lang Distance Le an Economical Result•Getter i s at MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. Scho lnicks 9025 Twelfth St. 1