PAGE FIFTEEN Lel)erRorynosnatRoincu$ is eosin/ WORKING FOR DANCE OF ATHENA SOCIETY Mi. Chimovitz is one of the mem- bers of the Athena Girls Club who is WE WISH THE ENTIRE JEWISH COMMUNITY New Year let V for Service and Window Shade Satisfaction D. & C. Window Shade Company 12300 HAMILTON AVENUE Shades for the Office or Home 10. ■ ■■ ■ 111.1 ■11,■1■■ W ILIK11 ■ 11.1 ■111 :116.W OM IL'%I elle■■11kNaM., GREETINGS And a Happy New Year TO ALL ft 1 We take this opportunity of thanking all our friends and patrons for the part they have played in our business during the past year and to assure them that it will he our endeavor to serve them even more the corn. ing New Year. Food — Service — Dance Music Entertainment Lippitt is president of the United Northwestern League of the rah at Philadelphia and Byron ■ ve- nues on Simchas Torah, Sunday eve- ning, Oct. 11. The proceeds will be used toward the purchase of busses ADDISON HOTEL INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS — ALL LINES 921-922 DIME BANK BUILDING Cadillac 4025 - 8589 "SERVICE IS ALL WE SELL" Life, Accident and Health Insurance. Georgia Casualty Company Automobile C 5686 Season's Greetins And best wishes to Everybody for the coming year , Burglary, Plata Glass, Workmen's Compeses• tion, Liability (all forms). with Reputable I Fire and Windstorm I tatement 1924 STEADY PROGRESS Life Insurance in force, $ 5 8,5 8 7, 2 50 .00 7,169,582.71 Assets Life Insurance Paid for in 1924 - • 12082,333.00 2,307,248.35 Gross Income, 1924 • GAINS OVER 1923:— Insurance in force - $6,762,027.00 Assets Income - MILWAUKEE. WIS. GENERAL AGENTS Jacobs Insurance Agency 921 - 922 DIME BANK BLDG. --- FROM --- CONLEY'S SALES ROOMS The Sales of Sales Croierd ou III gait Illon9f 1925 111111/ImiwiliMir ATHLETIC SUPPLY CO. — Makers of --- MIDDIES, BLOOMERS, HEAD BANDS, ANYTHING IN CLOTH, BATHING SUITS, BASKETBALL PANTS, RUNNING PANTS, SUPPORTERS, SHIRTS, HOSE, SHOES, CAPS CAMP OUTFITTERS 1139 WASHINGTON BLVD. at STATE ST. Phone Cadillac 2021 the popular demand Miss Bonstelle has announced that the com- edy, "Kiki," will remain at the Bon- stelle Playhouse for a third week. The playhouse is filled every evening and matinee by the theater-going public, which is ordering its tickets well in advance. Those desiring to see the play are advised to make their reser- vations early. To fill S. N. Rouff, with the Reo Motor Car Company, 2272 East Jeffersor avenue, enjoys the unique distinction' of being the only Jewish salesman in Mr. Detroit selling the Reo car. Rouff is well established with his corn. pony and has many Jewish customers who delight in the sturdy. dependable qualities of the Reo and the exquisite taste shown in the furnishing of their , closed models. Alwoys a popular car of the better class. the Reo has leaped into sudden popularity since the recent drastic price reductions were announced CADILLAC 4025 - 8589 NEW YEAR'S GREETINGS 1254-6-8 Griswold St. "Kiki" Will Play for a Third Week at Bonatelle Playhouse at Public's Demand. 1 287,707.08 237,931.31 Insurance Company ofAmerica "Meet Friedberg Wear Diamonds" . - • The Accident and Health Department did its usual satisfactory business. FRIEDBERG'S Vestomm~NN~~•~011 Companies. LET US SERVE YOU by the Public. Nest Meeting: The next meeting will be held on Monday evening, Sept. 21, at 8 o'cloek In the fourteenth floor of the Taller Hotel. • All members are urged to at- tend as important business will be dis- cussed. ing Rep The Old Line Life Insurance Company of America "The Student Prince" Opening at Schubert-Lafayette Hailed Detroirs newest and most exquis- itely appointed theater, the Shubert- Lafayette, opened its doors to the pub- lic last Monday night with a perform- ance of the most recent and success- ful of the Shubert Brothers musical Ve•MetiVs•V•SAIMM• productions, "The Student Prince." Sat.14VMSVM1SWISVIZIMMIVIM VSMICCSVAISWM The theater at once favored com- parison with the finest anywhere, not FIRE PREVENTION alone for its decorative scheme in the DAY WILL BE OCT. 9 auditorium and foyer, but also for the many conveniences for the public The multiplication of special days has been so extensive that one is like- which have been installed and un- ly to note the approach of another known to these patrons, for the up- , with utter indifference to its mean- to-the-minute perfection of all those ing, but Detroit cannot afford to re- mechanical devices associated with the stage. These factors were especially 'rani Fire Prevention Day with any stressed by prominent speakers dur- such indifference. The needless loss of life and suf- ing the inauguration exercises. "The Student Prince" is a very able, fering by fire, to say nothing of the vast amount of property destroyed, truthful and clever adaptation of the which in 1924 amounted to over $5 5 0,- famous Meyer-Foster tale of "Alt 100,000, can he greatly eliminated, be- Heidelberg," by Dorothy Donnelly, cause most of our fires are due either who has successfully maintained the to carelessness or neglect, con.- color of the original as well as its quently preventable. spirit, and who has added a number In this connection the Detroit Board of excellent lyrics which have found of Fire Commissioners are asking the eminently satisfying settings in the citizens of Detroit to assist in lower- charming melodies provided by Sig- mund Rosenberg. The music is smith. ing our fire loss by eliminating the ganger of fire in and about their prem- ing as well as stirring, but never ises, suggesting, a good time to start cloying or harsh. Here is good, sane is now, just prior to Fire Prevention musk, singable lines, a libretto that Week, which is October 4 to 10 this has stood the test of several transla, tions and adaptations, and a setting year. that is ideal. Several of the songs that are an essential part of the Comedy of Idle Rich, "Upstairs drama have already found their way and Down," Starts at Ma - to popularity, and as the operetta con , tours here, we may expect "The Stu- jestic Sunday. dent Prince" to vie with another welt "Upstairs and Down," the most out- known Prince in public favor! standing of all Oliver Morosco's no- The Shuberts have brought on a table comedy successes, will he the at- very capable company of principals traction at the Majestic Theater for and an exceptionally well-trained one week starting Sunday. Charles chorus. Honors go to Leonard Ceiley Meredith and Isabelle Randolph will (tenor), who plays Prince Karl; tc be seen in the leading roles and the Madeline Collins, as Kathie; to George other members of the Woodward Morgan as the perfect embodiment of Players have been assigned to excel- Dr. Engel, and to Gladys Baxter as the Princess. All the other roles were lent parts. Crisp, peppy dialogue and plenty of arceptably filled. The production laughs mark "Upstairs and Down" was under the personal direction of as a thing apart from the usual farce J. J. Shubert, who had every reason comedy. And in addition to the situ- to be proud and happy in the success- ations provided by the authors, Jane ful outcome of this, the Shubert.' lat.' 0 • Darwell, Forrest Orr, William Ams- est venture in the "legitimate" in t••••Vt•vrX•VIJ dell, Doris Underwood, Cecil W. Se- Detroit. tvoomvoivttss•v (veggettet crest, Gertrude Moran, J. Arthur Young, Philip Brandon, Frederica S. N. Rouff, Reo Salesman, En-, Winstanley and Madeleine Race have joys Rapid Sale of Cars been provided with parts in which they WE WISH THE JEWISH PEOPLE OF DETROIT A Since Price Reduction. can give full vent to their comic pro- HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. pensities. • Jacobs Insurance Agency T Erizrrag, at the meeting were Rabbis Leo M. Franklin, Leon From, Harry Z. Gor- don and Jacob Bienenfeld, formerly of Indianapolis, who will reside in De- troit. ALL OF THE V'ERY BEST for conveying the children to and from the schools. A detailed account of the work of the league will be given next week. 525252525-45252525 A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU The activities committee of the Ue-! trait section, National Council of Jew-, ish Women, in pursuance of the policy successfully inaugurated last season, is offering to its membership and the general public a series of lecture courses. These courses, which deal, with vital subjects, and delivered by' able speakers who are especially fitted for this work, are an admirable cor- rective to the narrowing tendencies of adult life and the surest pledge for the future well-being of the comm. Wily. Or. Earl Barnes, Dudley Crafts Watson and Professor M. V. O'Shea will deliver the series. Or. Barnes has for his general sub- ject, "Governments Old and New." Dr. Barnes, who is a graduate of ('or-1 nell University, has been a professor of European history at the University i of Indiana, organized and heads the department of education at Leland I Stanford University, was staff lee- MISS HELEN TIBIE CHIMOVITZ ' turer for the London Society for the MRS. H. E. LIPPITT actively interested in the dance to be Extension of University Training. ebrew Schools which is planning held at the Statler Hotel on Sunday I Dr. Barnes lectured here last year evening, (lct. 11. Jean Gol(lkette's I and was widely acclaimed by his audi- ince to be given at the Talmud To- !owes. The lectures, which will be Orchestra will play. given on Wednesday evenings, Sept. — — 30, Oct. 7, 11, 21, 25 and Nov. 4 at ZIONIST ORGANIZATION 8 o'clock in the chapel of Temple Beth WILL MEET ON SEPT. 22 El, are as follows: "Imperialism in England and The first meeting of the year of De- France" and "Our Growing Interfer- troit district of the Zionist Organiza- ence in Latin-America." tion of America will be held at the "The Republics of Switzerland and United Hebrew Schools kidding, cor- Turkey" and "Our Fear of Popular ner Philadelphia and Byron avenues, Control. on Tuesday evening, Sept. 22, at "Socialism in Germany" and "Pull. o'clock. A program both educational lie Ownership and Control in the and entertaining has been announced. United States." Professor M. 11. Kaaplander of Phila. "Sovietism in Hungary and Russia" (holphia and New York, who has trav- and "The World's Fear of Class-Con- elled extensively throughout the sciousness." During 1924 old line or legal United States and Palestine, will "Dictatorships in Italy and Spain" reserve companies placed approx. speak on "Palestine and Her Possi- and "Growing Indifference of Voters imetely f I I,500,000,000. of new bilities." Reports tin the twenty- in ' States." . business on their books. Such eighth American convention held last "The League of Nations and World figures were unbelievable 25 lune in Washington and on the Four- Court" and "Our Flag of a Super- years ago. teenth Zionist Congress held in Vienna The popularity of insurance State." last month will be given. Discussion Mr. Watson, who has as his general issued by The Old Line Life will follow on the season's program. subject, "The Enjoyment of Modern Insurance Company of America The presidents of local organizations Art," is the extension lecturer of the, is growing by leaps and boon& and synagmrues have been invited as Art Institute of Chicago and in that and predictions of new business special guests of the evening. A. J. capacity carries on all the publicity or of the insurance in force, 25 Koffman is president of the local and educational work of that museum, years hence, for this company, or of all companies, would sound, district. which ranks with the Metropolitan of possibly, like • fairy tale. New York. Mr. Watson is recom- Our conservative and steady ANNOUNCEMENT mended by Clyde Burroughs of the growth is daily attracting large Detroit Institute of Arts. His four • volume. of new insurance. Many The Pereira School of Dancing an- lectures, which will he given on Tues- new men are joining under our flounces the opening of the season on day afternoons, Dec. 1, 5, 15, 22 at o banner each year. Progress is Monday, Sept, 21, at 375 Monterey 2:30 o'clock in the chapel of Temple now moved on by its own avenue, Highland Park, teaching hal- Beth El and which will be illustrated momentum. let, interpretive, Russian and Spanish with stereopticon and chalk drawing,1 Inquiries are invited from dancing, also classes in stage work are as follows: men who would like to devote and physical culture. Phone r1925 M • 1895-1925." Painting, "French their exclusive time to the work (Monet to Cezanne and Matisse.) of Life or Accident K Health. "Present Day Tendencies in Sculp-1 underwriting. No.34 lure and Architecture." (The new 1..ocifte 1644 6 . 1 1 • e Following the precedent estab- lished by us, we wish our friendly creative spirit, Europe, America.) ALI competitors success during the New Design in Fine and Industrial current year. First Meeting: Art." (Aesthetic invention for life The first meeting of Pisgah Lodge,' today.) "New Contributions to American! No. 34, I. 0. B. B., was held at Temple Beth El last Monday evening when all Painting." (American masters and the committee reports were presented. world leaders.) I Professor O'Shea, professor of ed- M. J. Kramer, chairman of the build- ing construction committee, reported ucation at the University of Wiscon- that work is progressing satisfactorily sin, is nationally known as an edu- on the new' community center on East cator, author and teacher. He will Ferry avenue. Max Edwards is chair- deliver four evening lectures designed man of the finance committee, which to help the modern parent to under- is seeking to raise funds for the stand the modern child and youth. speedy completion of the center. Detailed announcements will be given Adolph "Daddy" Freund and Milton later regarding the lectures which Alexander also spoke. Honor guests will he held in February and March. 1 S. ERNEST BERT MOSS Mrs. Detroit Council Plans Talks on Subjects of Present Day Importance. a Happy andi grosperous Yours OF LEAGUE Women Announce LEADER OF HEBREW SCHOOLS Lecture Courses FURNITURE AUCTION EVERY TUESDAY AT 10 A. M. Your Actual Savings in Cash Will Richly Reward You CONLEY & MUDDIMAN A uctioneers Walnut 4498 4611 Fourteenth Ave. cor. Grand River. Walnut 1167-W The Talk of Detroit—Private Sales Daily