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September 18, 1925 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1925-09-18

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A mtrica ffavisk Periodical Ceder



Mr. and Mrs. Neifeld and Family

Appeals To Every
Jewish Men's Club

New Year Greetings


V. M. H. A. Club Desires the
Co-operation of Every
Club in Detroit.

(Continued from Page Nine)

Mr. and Mrs. Herman J. Gordon

1918 Pingree Ave.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Bernard M. Cohen, the present
chairman of the Young Men's Hebrew
Association Club, has addressed an
Mr. and Mrs. H. Ginsburg and Family
appeal to all Jewish clubs in the city
2955 Cortland
to join with the Y. W. H. A. in its E x tend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and l'rosperous New Year.
aim to build up an association in De-
troit. Mr. Cohen An be reached at
the United Jewish Charities, 687 East
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Goodman and Family
High street. His article is as fol-
440 Farnsworth
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
"Of late a demand has arisen
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
among younger Detroit Jews for an
opportunity to unite and give expres-
Ise, Greenberg
sion to an ideal common to all and
526 East Kirby
which has hitherto been denied them. Extends his best wishes to his children, grandchildren
To define that ideal explicitly would
and great-grandchildren for a Happy and Prosperous
be difficult, except that it be the de-
New Year.
sire to express the consciousness of
being Jewish through the spiritual
and social medium possible to all. Of Mr. •nd Mrs. Nathan Goldman and daughter, Gertrude
1504 Glynn Court
all large Jewish communities in the
U. S., Detroit's has hitherto been least Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
and Prosperous New Year.
articulate. Through lack of organiza-
tion and co-operation the particularly
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Goldman, Jr., and Daughters
Jewish consciousness has been either
3773 Itichon Ave.
atrophied or refracted to minor un-
attached groups who have not had the Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
and Prosperous New Year.
opportunity and the means to include
an adequate Jewish representation .
This situation is probably obvious to
Mrs. Annie Golding and Sons
all who have been able to think about
2837 Twenty-third St.
E xtend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
In other communities the usual so-
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
lution was and is yet, found in a
Jewish Community Center. In De-
Goldman Furniture Store
troit a like institution does not exist.
2624 Hastings
But lately a group of consciously Jew-
xtends its best wishes to its patrons and friends for
ish young men have been trying to
a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.
create a demand for a Y. M. H. A.
Their success has been impeded by
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Goldberg
lack of co-operation between the ex-
2034 Delaware Ave.
istent Jewish groups and the tardi-
and friends
ness with which they are realizing the Extend their best wishes to their relatives ear.
Happy and Prosperous New Y
used of a Y. M. H. A.
"A program, inclusive of all Jewish
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Gordon
organizations and which proposes to
1918 Pingree Ave.
unite all to one common purpose, is
best wishes to their relatives and friends
now suggested. It is very simple in
and Prosperous New Y ear.
its outline. What is asked is that
each organization permit its agents
Harris Glickman and Family
to include a Jewish community center
900 East Canfield Ave.
program. This would involve the ex-
best wishes to their relatives and friends
istence in each organization of a Jew- Extend their
and Prosperous New Year.
ish community center committee (com-


posed possibly of three active mem-
bers) which will represent its organ-
ization at the common community
council, known as the J. C. C. Council.
This council would be autonomous, ex-
cept that the committees of the va-
rious organizations would he respon-
sible to those whom they represent.
Besides acting as an intermediary,
social and spiritual, between organiza-
tions, it would direct the greater part
of its executive powers towards cre-
ating a co-ordinated demand and arbi-
trating for a Jewish community cen-
ter. But, as can he easily seen, the
txiucative and socially intergrative po-
tentialities of the council would be
limitless. It would not only be a val-
uable asset to the younger generation
of the community but would become a
vital factor in community organiza-
The possibilities, then, are innu -
merable; the value of the council to
the individual club undeniable; its ef
fleecy in uniting Detroit's Jewish
youth and giving them in the near
future a community center, irrefut-
able. We await action from every


3013 llazelwood
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friend.
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year,

Mr. and Mrs. I. Kate •n d Family
4464 Brus h

Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

1613 West Philadelphia
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

1624 Lyon St., Flint, Mich.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

2410 Tuxedo
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Katz

Mr. and Mrs. Barnett Rosenberg

2080 West Euclid Ave.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Robinson and Family

425 East Kirby Ave.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

551 Michigan Ave.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends Mr. and Mrs. Sol Ressler and daughter, Florence June
for a Happy and Prosperous New' Year.
2232 Hazelwood
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kallin and Family
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
373G Garland Ave.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
Dr. and Mr.. Joseph Rothenberg and daughter,
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
107 Alger Ave.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Kea and Son
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
151 Avalon Ave., Highland Park
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Sine' and Family

5145 Chene St.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

637 Alger
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Dr. David J. Sandwelm
Corner McQuade and Joy Road
Extends his best wishes to his relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mr.. Simon Shapero and Family

2932 Webb Ave.
Extend their best wishes t their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Ben J. Sefir

2254 Pingree
5:xtends his best wishes to his relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mrs. Anna SchrebnIck and Family

762 West Grand Blvd.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

— w —

Mrs. Essie V. Wilson and Family

3831 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hack and Family

1009 King Ave.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Max Kata and Family

2287 West Philadelphia
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Founder's Month

Dr. and Mrs. J. 0. Kopel and Family


1982 Pingree
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Koblin

1055 Morrell
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

1638 Calvert
Extends his best wishes to his relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaufman and Family

3815 Blaine Ave.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Kirschbaum and Daughter

1918 Pingree Ave.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Hoffman and Family

5232 Brush St.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hirschfield and father,
Victor Slesinger

1660 Burlingame
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. Simon Harris and Famliy

1422 Collingwood Ave.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. •nd Mrs. Herman Hoffenberg and Family

1560 Glynn Court
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
Relatives, Friends to Present Gift to
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Temple Beth El in Her Name.

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Horowitz and Family

In honor of the late Mrs. Louis Kutt•
551 East Euclid Ave.
nauer, 33
died on Sept.
10 at her
her rel. Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.
atives and friends are planning to
purchase a gift to be given to Temple
and Mrs. M. M. Hyman and Family
Beth El in her name. Relatives and
2495 West Boston Blvd.
friends of the deceased were request- Extend the best wishes to their relatives and friends
eel that, instead of sending flowers or
py and Prosperous New Year.
for a
other tokens to honor Mrs. Kuttnauer,
they should send money, which would
Mrs. Martin M. Harris and son, Bertram
he used as a fund to purchase some-
2201 Blaine
thing for the temple. Mrs. Kuttnauer Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
vvas a lifelong resident of Detroit and
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
a member of the temple, and was
noted throughout the Jewish commu-
nity for her charitable work.
Mrs. Caroline Kuttnauer, who died
on Sept. 10, was buried on Sept. 11 Mr. and Mrs. Theo. J. Israel, Borice, Marion and sister,
from Temple Beth El with interment
at Wosximere Cemetery. Rabbi Leo
Chatham Apartments
M. Franklin officiated. She was born Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
in Germany 73 years ago and came to
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Detroit when an infant, residing here
for 72 years. Mr. and Mrs. Kuttnauer
celebrated their 55th wedding anni-
versary on July 14 of this year. Mrs.
Kuttnauer is survived by her hus-
and Mr.. Joseph J. Jacobs
band, Louis Kuttnauer: five sons—
355 Leicester Court
Isador, Adolph S. and Edward, all of
Chicago, Milton and Samuel Kutt- Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
and Prosperous New Year.
nauer of Detroit, and a sister, Mrs. for a
Julius Roseroot of Detroit. Her only
daughter was the late Mrs. Al J. He
Roy of Pittsburgh. Iler five grand-
—K —
children were the pallbearers .

Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Kalinsky

Grand Rapids, Mich. (formerly of Detroit)
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Dr. and Mrs. Herbert I. Kallet

4108 West Euclid Ave.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel K in and Family

3234 Carter A .
latives and friends
Extend their best wishes to their
for a Happy and Prosperous 'ew Year.

A store wide sale of New Fall and

Winter Merchandise at far below
prevailing prices.

This is an opportunity to supply the
the needs of the entire family at ex-
traordinary savings.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Klein and Family

3758 Brush
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year,

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Kopelson and Family

1611 Taylor
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

— —

Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Kapet•nsky and Family

1476 Taylor Ave.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kessler and Family

1554 Virginia l'ark
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H. Kopelm•n

224 Medbury
and friends
atives Year.
Extend their best wish es to their relNew
for a Happy and Prosperous

Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Krohn

Iler Loving Pal, Mrs. Mare Cooper.

Carson City. Mich.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
In loving memory of Rebecca Mar-
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
cus, who died one year ago.


Mr. and Mrs. Moses Rosenthal and Family

Mr. and Mrs. Sydney H. Kahn

Harold Heller

Her Loving Husband, Children and

Mr. and Mrs. 1. Rosenstein •nd Family

2897 Monterey Ave.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

296 Mt. Vernon
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Schuster and Family

315 Frederick St.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Stone

—R —

Mr. and Mr.. Sam Krakowsky

Wing Lake, Mich.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Oa of P. ' .
Iteryreary hour•, her darn
Her weary nights have mooed
Her ever patient. orn
w•ot frame
at tact .
H as found 1.rfft

Mr. and Mrs. N. Plain

Mr. and Mrs. Abe Kasle and Family

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hartman and Family

heart your memory lingers,
In Sweet
set •nd tender, , kind nA true.
There la not • day goes shy
That I in not think of

its best wishes to its members and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

5282 Twenty-third St.
Exten) their best wishes to their relatives a:,d friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaufman and Family

2548 Elmhurst
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

In loving memory of my d sr
friend, Tam Remer, who passed away
one year ago, Sept. 23, 1924.

2041 West Euclid Ave.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

— s —

Pisg•h Lodge, No. 34, I. 0. B. B.


1534 Virginia Park
Extend their best wishes to their relatives an d friends
for a Ilappy anti Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex M. Hertzberg and Family

1111111111.1111.111111111 11. 1111,

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rosenzweig and Twin Sons

—P —

Mr. and Mrs. M. Kaplan and Family

— H —


615 Kenilworth
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and l'rosperous New. Year.

Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Kruger
12967 Woodward, Highland Park

Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for • Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. mid Mrs. R. W. Klein and Family

15 386 Linwood
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for • Happy and Prosperous New Year.

The impulse to seek God is as much
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kapeten and Family
1474 Taylor
an instinct as the impulse to find food
or a love-mate. or to gather posses- Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends

Prosperous New Year.
sions. The instinct for possessions is
often turned to thieving. But God
Krieger and Family
meant it as • stimulus for labor. The
Mr. and
2226 Hazelwood Ave.
instinct to find • love-mate is some-
their relatives and friends
times turned to gross imm-rality. But
for • Happy and Prosperous New Year.
God meant it as the foundation for
the home. So the instinct for roll-
Dr. and Mrs. David Kellam.
Rion may be prostituted to the wor-
589 East Palmer Ave.
ship of material things, which shriv-
ivies and friends
els the soul, but God meant it as the Extend their best wishes to their relatives
means of the refinement of the heart

42 rears No


Mr. and Mrs. P. Kahn and Family

464 Navahoe St.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Sale Like This

Mr. and Mrs. Morris K•rbal and Family

1006 Coiling-woo d
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and l'rosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kreider

3307 Clairmount
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Yell;

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Koppy

5282 Twenty-third St.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kaufman and Family

2512 Blaine Ave.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Simon K


Ernst Kern Company


3259 Monterey Ave.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
and Prosperous New Year.
for e

Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Kwiker

15345 Fairfield Ave.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

The Keener and Volyner Progressive Society

Extends its best wishes to its members and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

—L —

43.000430-00001 -011041



Mr. and Mrs. Abe Levy and Daughters

1511 Delaware (formerly of Ann Arbor)
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

—m —

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Markowitz and son, Martin

2724 Monterey Ave.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

Miss Sadie Molise,

Extends her best wishes to her relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Maurice M•rrich

2680 Rochester Ave.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Marrich and Family

3333 Pingree Ave.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

— N —

Mr. and Mrs. B•nj•min N•taorg

109 Ottawa Drive, Pontiac, Mich.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

De Luxe Top and Trimming Compay



De Luke Glass Curtains

We are epecialising o• Winter Endo sssss that •re lice finest things in closed car tops today Place
order now to insure deli•ery before cold weather arrives.

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