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September 11, 1925 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1925-09-11

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PAGE $11

Reach Jewish Youth Through the Home

To have a

Honorary President, West Virginia State Federation of Temple

Lifetime Guarantee

of automatic heating-comfort

This guarantee, matched by no
other heating device, today op.
crates in 24,326 American

homes. How you may have it.

UT of 75,000 American homes
now oil.heated,24,326 are heated
by NOKOL Automatic Heating plants.

The rest are heated by the devices of
346 different manufacturers.
NOKOL guarantees automatic heat
—clean, healthful—for a lifetime. And
NOKOL has the permanent organiza-
tion, the responsibility to back up these
The cost is less than hard coal. And
as far as is known, less than any other
oil.burning device, burning any kind of



We have further facts, figures, proof
that will interest you. Time is short, if
you are to have this modern comfort
in coming cold weather. Come in, telee
phone or write:

Automatic Heat Corporation


Northway 4197

Cau Avenue

Aufosnatto Oil Hosting for Homo

Tested and Listed as Standard by the Undoes'snen' laboratortes

nerasfectered and Guaranteed by AMERICAN NOKOL


"Wad sonic power the giftie gie us
To see ourselves as others see us."

That is the way I feel about the children the opportunity of being ii,o-
youth today. Could they but realize ewers like them? Parents may
how their actions look to the older many things but they cannot
generation, they would change many the souls of their children. Ti„,
things. But are the youth to blame will develop along their own 1041,
or are we mothers and fathers in helped by the influence eef home condi.
Let us begin with tied's. Mothers and fathers in Israel
Israel at fault?
the home, the one institution whose teach your children from babyhood to '
roots reach deep down into the hearts love and respect their heritage. le-
But modern farm buildings and machinery are also found ni Palestine, thanks to the Keren Hayesod and
d humanity is the home. Let us wake stead of crooning lullabys, sing to
the skill and initiative of the Jewish settler.
up tee the fact that fur the few years them sonic of our own beautiful tra.
in our zeal for things outside we have ditional hymns; rather than the tales
large contributions from the Ameri- and has established a six months' allowed our homes to become a see- of Bluebeard, Cinderella and Jack the
can Jewish Physicians' Committee course eef training for graduate hos- ondary consideration.
Giant Killer, tell your children the
and Hadassah, the Women's Zionist pital nurses, who wish to qualify in
"Home first” must be the dominant stories eif the Jewish heroes and
Organization. The Hadassah Nurses' infant welfare work. In Jerusalem, thought for the welfare of our youth. prophets see that they will revere them
Training School, which has turned where- infant welfare work has been It is in the home, in the ideal home rather than fictitious characters. !f
out 54 fully trained nurses, is about undertaken by the infant welfare yen.
that the child learns that success i. you instill in your child in the nur-
ter of the Hadassah and by this de-
to hold its fourth graduation.
ry the reverence and love of his
not what men call success but which
Not only the hospital work but the partment as far as the limited budget God himself would pronounce success. faith and ancestors, you will have
All Activities in Palestine Tak-
permitted, infantile mortality dropped
naught to fear when he goes out into
preventive medical and educational from 150 per 1,000 births in 1921.22 The home where ideal teaches the
ing in Large Scope, Says
child the value of holiness. The home the world. The things rightly im-
work of the Hadassah Medical Organ- to 140 in 1927." Extensive and sys-
should be a place of reconciliation, re- pressed upon the child's mind are
ization has taken a long step for. tematie maternity aid is also provided.
ligion and revelation of the highest there while life itself lusts.
Health Wees, held for the first time
In a report summarizing the activi- ward. Over 15,000 children have been
Men have changed less than worn-
human characteristics; a place where
ties of the Jewish health agencies in examined in the schoolS, where 579,- in Palestine in November, 1921, and
the name of GO(' is mentioned with en. It is hard tee he a woman, still
Palestine during the last two years, 955 treatments of skin, eye and other organized on the initiative eef the Ha- respect, where parents and children harder today tee train a girl to be a
Dr. A. Kaznelson, secretary of the diseases have teen made as compared dassah Medical Organization, was one can pray together and play together. tine woman. If we open wide by edu-
Vaad Ila-Briuth (Palestine Health with 759,915 treatments the preced- of the outsanding features in educa- Where parents are willing to shake cation the door of opportunity tee our
Council), dwells on the growth in ing year. A vigorous campaign tional work during the year.
off the world and be natural, and be children, we owe it to them to sO•
scope of the Hadassah Medical Organ- against trachoma has been extended
Among the activities to be added once more children among children. that human selfishness does not close
ization to meet the needs of the in- tee all the agricultural settlements. in 1925 to the work of the Iladassah
it again. We must be tolerant of the
This is the ideal home.
creased Jewish immigration. The The infant welfare work has been Medical Organization and therefore
youth who has come from the sub-
The synagogue and the home must
Hadassah Medical Organization has greatly extended. New stations have not mentioned in Dr. Kaznelson's re-
merged ghetto of foreign lands. He
co-operate. The lessons taught in the
increased the beds in its four .hos- been opened in Tiberias, Petach Tik port is a tuberculosis sanatorium at
is dazzled by American opportunity.
house of God, the resolutions there
pants in Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Haifa wah and Rehoboth, and the number of Sated, to lee maintained with funds
We must learn that we cannot live
formed, must be lived in the family
and Sated from 2149 in 1923 to 328 in stations in Jerusalem has been in- provided by the Canadian Hadassah.
religiously or morally upon the past
circle. For after all the home is the
1924, which made it possible to admit ereased to four with two sub-stations.
glories eef our race. It is indeed a
The total budget of the Hadassah
laboratory where the character of our
451) more patients than in the pre- In connection with the infant welfare Medical Organization for these de-
splendid heritage to he descendants of
ceding year. The city clinics and work of the Hadassah Medical Or- partments now totals $500,000 of
a worthy ancestry, but it is much
Jewish mother must become the priest-
those maintained in the agricultural Ninization and the distribution of milk which about If per cent is contrib-
more important to be the progenitors
ess of the fireside and through her
settlements and villages showed an known AA the "Drop of Milk" (Tipat uted by the population of Palestine,
of a worthy posterity. We cannot en.
benign influence in the family, the
increase in the number of patients in Halav), the annual report of the Gov- 25 per cent by the Keren Ilayesod,
the spirit ter upon the path toward this goal
culture of the heart and
the same year of :1,797 and in treat- ernment Department of Health for and over 55 per cent by Hadassah, the
will again restore Jewish family life until eve face the responsibility of edu•
ments of 6,142. The !lumber of bac- 1923 states that: "This scheme in women's Zionist organization.
eating our children in their history
to its pristine heights.
teriological and chemical analyses in Jerusalem has been merged into the
The opinion seems to prevail at and religion. In them lies the future
1924 was 80,745 as compared with health welfare centers which the Ila•
of Judaism in America.
There are six kinds eef tears; three present that the younger generation
66,382 in 1923. One of the most im- dassah Medical Organization is con-
Something has happened in Anieri-
is fast heading toward chaos and per-
portant evidences of growth of the ducting, on modern lines under the kinds are good, viz., those from medi-
dition. The youth of today are far can life tee convince all Jewish moth-
hospital work during the past year direction of well-trained and experi- cal treatment of the eye, from acid
err that the business of children's
was the opening of the Roentgen In- enced personnel. The Hadassah has fruit and from laughing. Three kinds
to be as good, if not better, than the character building is essentially their
stitute in the Rothschild Hospital in opened several new centers in Jerusa- are injurious, viz., those caused by
This is a great
youth of my own day. Our fathers burden and privilege.
Jerusalem, the only one of its kind lem and expanded the work to other erief, by smoke, or by straining.—
s I in w hich
were pioneers. Shall we deny our
in the Middle East, made possible by towns during the course eef the year Talmud.
all our self-interest is engaged. The
"rising generation"—youth—has been
a worry to an endless number of
fathers arid mothers. The character
of our youth is formed partly in
school, partly by teachers of other
than the school subjects, but to a large
extent, character is formed by the
books they read and the thoughts they
consider and discuss in the home.
Youth itself is not a time of life; it
is et slat,. of mind. Guiding children
The following list of De-
is nothing new in the world. Fathers
and mothers, school teachers, broth-
troit dealers offer you a free
ers and sisters and especially aunts,
trial on a Maytag washer.
have been dicing it since before the
Ark. In this fast moving age it is all
the more necessary to guide our youth
Free trial means you can
wash with it free, in your
Mark Twain wrote more than 25
own home without obliga-
years ago: "All things are mortal
but the Jew; all other forces pass but
tion to you and only
he remains."
What is the secret of this immor-
tality? What was true then exists
today. Why should our children refuse
to drink at the fountain of such moral
and spirtual life? With such a her-
itage why should our young men and
women fail as in spreading the gos-
pel of Judaism? Why should some
The Maytag washes fine
be ashamed even to acknowledge them-
fabrics as gently and more
selves as Jews? To our young men
thoroughly than if washed
and women I would say that there is
one thing they may not omit to do
by hand and it washes heavy
and that is leave room for God in their
household articles quickly
lives. Leave a place in your life for
and perfectly. Phone for a
the spirit of God and he will find his
free trial today, it won't ob-
way into it and lead you to the mak-
ligate you.
ing of a life divine. I would like to
, urge an organization of a Knighthood
of Youth. That once again our young
people may strive for the chivalry of
1437 Woodward Ave.
ages past, and aim to lead lives of
"Nationally Known Departtnent Ch;torZe5' 500
moral and spiritual uplift. An or-
ganization whose members shall be
Main 1540
1427 Broadw•y
trained to a keener interest in educa•
"Dependable for 14 Tears"
tion, and above all, a training in Jew-
. ish morality, social service and piety.
Main 5250
150 Michigan Ave.
Youth is at once the problem and
"It's Easy to Pay the People's Way"
promise, the despair and hope of the
age. Let us be kind to our youth and
Garlield 5683
5529 Grand River Ave.
try to see the world through their
"A Store Known far Its Great Canes"
eyes. Thus only may we help them
on the path our fathers trod. There is
Walnut ISM
a feeling of eternity in youth that
4349 Grand River Ave.
Melrose 5497
8309 Mack Ave.
makes amends for everything. "To
"Known Both Sides of the City"
he young is tee he as one of the Im-




Down to Keep It.

The World's Fastest Selling Washer Is Making New Records at the State Fair

Frank & Seder

Central Electric Better Homes Shop

People's Outfitting Co.

Woodward Washing Machine Co.

Gardner-White Company

White Furniture Company

See It Wash a Tub of Clothes CLEAN in 3 to 7 Minutes in Your Own Home, Free Trial

Cedar 3385

5607 West Fort St.

. The White Way Is the R,nht Way"

Harry I. Smith

Cedar 2050

13348 W. Fore St.

"The Maytag Man al Fort Street"

Charles F. Taepke & Bros.

3939 Fenkell Ave.



Hemlock 8701

Dealers of Livernoim•Fenkell Drsirtet"

Earl Spitz

411 Alter.

1957 Leslie.

Empire 7427

East Side Maytag Shop

1911 Cadillac Ave.

Lincoln 7899

"Named Alter the Maytag Itself"

Pieschke Brothers

8535 Grat'o . Ave.

Lincoln 3283

"The Great Dealer. of 10, East Std."

Lee Hardware Co.

12219 Woodward

Arlington 0251

Collyer & Simpson

5843 Grand River Ave.

Walnut 1438

Joy-Grand River Maytag Shop

5065 Joy Road

Euclid 1210

Martin Bros.

8422 MOM,. Ave.

Lafayette 8069

Meech & Walter

15054 Mack Ave.

Hickory 5270

Lawson Lumber Co.

Royal Oak

The Only Washer with Cast Aluminm Tub, Cleans Itself, Made to Last a Lifetime

Phone 74

Lewis B. Stark


Phone Royal Oak 3031.14
El..11 HAMM ORE Cll.
Ch•rlesols As..
Hickory 1331
GEO. 1111.1- 11
5010 Gratiot
Lincoln woo
Lincoln Mil
47141 Twelfth or
Empire 1114
Sc. 11. MEUnER
a Ha Grand filter Ate.
Garfield 9011
1153.1 Woodward Ale.
Norlharay Dalt
7014 Gratiot Are
Lincoln 3038
num ('hen. Sr
Empire 5001
W. A. PAR1.11 II CO.
7754 Medlurry Are.
Phone 11
rho.. 544
Phew SU
not R
Walnut 1135
•719 Grand Ricer Ate.
At Warren
11111 McGraw Are.
non. Melrose 1034-11
UM fined, Are.
sinew:so:4e ELEATRIC
Lenox 1121
11343 Fast Jeffry...
11440 re 1141
IMO J.. •'imps.
17(1 111131diaa
P. P. Krum a co.
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11000-11 he. Campo.. ATV.
Wain.. 0935
1404 TIOrty-RN at Inerluswan RI,
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Ilona* 91111
13121 Pao defter... As..

ic era


Detroit Maytag Co., Distributers, 212 State St. Telephone Cadillac 6122


General Necessities Corpora-
tion Purchases Iceleas Re-
frigerator Company.

The General Necessities Corpora-
tion has just purchased all of the as-
sets, patents, manufacturing rights,
manufacturing plant of the lceless Re-
frigerating Machine Company, manu-
facturing the Polar Bear household re-
The corporation will in future he
known as the Absopure Frigerator.
It is the intention of the General
Necessities Corporation to move the
old plant now on Warren avenue west,
and to go into large quantity pro-
In addition to the household iceless
refrigerator, they propose to manufac-
ture iceless ice cream cabinets and to
produce a line of small ice machines
for the trade generally.
The General Necessities Corporation
at present operates the General Ice
Delivery Company; the General Ice
Cream Company; General Coal and
Coke Company; the General Refrig-
erating Sales; General Products Com-
pany; Detroit Markets Company, and
the Detroit Arena Company.
The management of the Absopure
Frigerator will be in the hands of
selected executives.
The purchase of the Iceless Refrig-
erating Machine Company was made
out of the capital of the General Ne-
cessities Corporation and no further
financing of any kind is contemplated,
the company's present financial condi-
tion warranting an extensive pro-
gram without further capital.

The records were anciently kept of
the pedigTees, as it in written, "And
they declared their pedigrees after
their families"; that means that they
brought their registered pedigrees—

Since the day that the register of
the geneologies of Israel was hidden,
the power of the wise was weakened,
and the light of their eyes was

Samuel the Younger used to "Re-
joice not when thine enemy falleth,
and let not they heart be glad when
he sturnbleth."—Talmud.

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