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September 11, 1925 - Image 4

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1925-09-11

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TfiBifinIto rrimattitRoxia

Pallished weekly by

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Jewish Chronicle Publishing Ca.



Joseph J. Cummins, President and Editor
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ge Were

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publication, all eorrmpondence and news matter mutt roach title
ofilm by Tuesday evening of each week.

Detroit Jewish Chronicle Invitee correspondence on subjects of Interest
to the Jewish people, but disclaims responsibility for an indorsement of the

views expressed by the writers.

September 11, 1925

Ellul 22, 5685

The Philadelphia Conference.

v),•.Horr most, Rtinicie

settle a family on the land of Palestine. Multiply this
by 250,000 and the amount is staggering. The talk is
sheer nonsense and the proponents must know it.
If they fear there will be no Jews to go to Palestine
they may rest assured, for few have gone from Russia;
most have come from Poland, and from present indica- Wealthy Alien Detained for In
ability to Read.
tions despite the Polish-Jewish Agreement the condi-
After living here 18 years and mak-
tion of the Jews in Poland is tragic.
ing his home at Rockaway Park, L. I.,
As we see it the objections to Russian colonization Oscar Hill, 49 years old, a retired fur
are fictitious. They are the product of narrow vision manufacturer, was detained and sent
to Ellis Island because he could not
and sectarian thinking. We are primarily interested read. He had returned on the steam-
in the Jewish people as a whole and any movement ship Columbus. llis wife, Caroline, 43
old, was detained with him.
which will save its body and soul has our whole-hearted years
Oscar Hill came to this country, it
was said by his friends recently, 18
We hope the convention does not neglect the Ort, years ago. Ile started in the fur
manufacturing business and pros-
for in the last analysis Russia must eventually become pered.
lie married and had two chil-
an industrial society. The agricultural is the necessary dren, Sylvia, 12 years old, and Ben-
7 years old. The girl was at
stage for Russia today, but before long an industrial
head of her class this year and is
culture will emerge. The Jew must have a knowledge the
also n pupil in an art school. Mr.
of the technique of the industrial arts if he is to fit into hill was a trustee of Temple Beth-El,
the Russian scheme. The Ort has carried on this work Rockaway I'ark, for three years and
recently elected treasurer. Elias
and the skilled artisans who come from their schools wits
Cohen, president of Temple Beth-El,
will be of invaluable help to the colonists in the effi- obtained the permit for Mr. and Mrs.
II ill to go abroad for six months.
cient building up of the farms.
Because of failing eyesight Mr. Hill
We are hopeful that all differences will be ironed retired from business last year and
out at the convention and a United Jewry will work four months ago friends advised him
to go to Vienna and see Dr. Adolf Lo-
for the redemption of their Russian brethren.
renz, the noted surgeon. He had



(Editor's Note:—This article is the first of a series written by
Lieutenant-Commander Kenworthy, a son of Lord Strabolgi, who is
the leader of the British Labor party and is one of the most promi-
nent members of the British House of Commons. Lieutenant-Com-
mander Kenworthy will write exclusively for the newspapers served
by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency on topics of special interest to

the Jewish public.)

as long as they like. But every
For many generations, up to the
obstacle is put in the way of taw
outbreak of the Great War, the tradi-
°S, -
people and it is to lie feared in
tional policy of Great Britain had
some cases that there is religious
been to provide a refuge and a sancta-
.s o
discrimination against those profess-
ary for the oppressed and persecuted
ing the Jewish faith.
of all nations, irrespective of race,
Now the actual numbers of for-
creed or politics. I am writing as an
eigners entering Great Britain in 192-1
Englishman who was as proud of this
as compared to the year 1913 is in-
custom and practice in his country
teresting. The number of foreigners
as of any other. Nor did England
who landed in the United Kingdom in
lose by this policy. She was looked
k l
1913, not counting those simply pass-
upon as the home of freedom by the
ing through the country on their way
peoples of the world and was remem.
to another country, was 537,398. The
leered with gratitude and affection by
number who arrived in the country in
those who bad enjoyed her hospitality
1924 was 388,129, but these were
and found safety and happiness with-
mostly those with permits for a short
in her shores. And, generally speak-
visit, business men, those visiting rela-
ing, her hospitality was not abused.
tives in England and others. In 1921,
The industries, arts and culture of
apart from residents returning after
England have been enriched by the
absence abroad, the number of for-
refugees who have been welcomed to
eigners permitted to enter England,
her Ames. Thus the Fleming Protes-
whose stay might be extended perma-
tants, persecuted by the Spanish In-
never taken out any naturalization
nently, was approximately 2,000. The
quisition, fled the low countries and
papers. Neighbors said last night
policy of the government publicly stat-
brought their industries of weaving
that Mr. Hill owned the house he lived
ed is to admit no persons wino would
and pottery making to England. The
in and had other property in the dis-
earn their own living in Britain for
trict and there was no danger of his
fear that they would take work away
Catholics, brought late-ranking, wood -
becoming a public charge.
from the natives. And very often in
work and other arts to Britain. Later
the case of sons who had been many
the French Royalists and aristo•arcy
years in this country and become natu-
who fled France in the time of the
ralized and wished to bring, for ex-
French Revolution brought culture
ample, their aged mother to pass her
and art to their sanctuary.
To M. Weiss of Columbus, Ohio,
last years with them, an undertaking
Front time to time attacks have been
falls the honor of being the first con-
has to be given that she will do no
made on this traditional policy by de-
tributor to the $15,000,000 fund pro-
manner of work to support herself.
signing or prejudiced politicians who
jected by the Joint Distribution Com-
With regard to naturalization, the
try to stir up the mob and the baser
mittee. Finding that he will be un-
position is very curious. With the
elements against the stranger within
able to attend the nation-wide confer-
exception of the wealthy and influ-
our gates. It is true that during the
ence in Philadelphia Mr. Weiss has
ential referred to above great obsta-
Liberal I administration before the
sent Mr. Brown a check for $100 "as
cles are placed in the way of those
Great War one of the sticks used then
part of my contribution," he says, "to
seeking naturalization. no matter how
by certain elements in the Conserva-
this great cause. Even if I cannot
successful, prosperous and respectable
tive party to heat the governments
clinic,' he writes to Mr. Brown under
they may be. On the Labor Govern-
of Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman
date of Aug. 13, "I wee at least an
ment assuming office in the beginning
and Mr. Asquith, as he was then, was
expression of gratitude to such men as
of 1924 they found the custom of the
their preservation of this ancient em-
you who are the foundation of hap-
Home Office Department, which is re-
pire tradition of allowing distressed
piness to tens of thousands," Mr.
sponsible for the granting of natural-
people. no matter how poor and un-
Weiss continues. "That you will suc-
ization certificates, was to demand res-
happy, to enter our gates. The bet-
ceed in this great effort I ant sure.
idence of at least 25 years before nat-
ter elements in the Conservative party
Your call will he eagerly responded to
uralization could be permitted even in
were contemptuous of such methods.
by the thousands of your loyal friends
the case of persons of undoubted re-
Unfortunately the war, with its
who will rally to your support in this
spectability and good character. This
panics and fears, destroyed much of
noble cause in which you have taken
period was at once reduced to 20 years
this spirit of tolerance for the time-
the leadership. Time will record you
and, before the I,abor Government
being in England. Every person of
as one of the great leaders of the
left Otter, to 15 years. There is a
German or Austrian nationality or
.laws of America."
well-grounded supposition that the
descent was looked upon with suspi-
Conservative Government which re-
m on. Spy-mania was prevalent; and
placed them has again increased the
the violence of the mob occasionally
number of years of residence neces-
The ninth International Vienna
broke all bounds. Thus in the East
nary as a first consideration before
End of London an unfortunate Scotch-
Fair opened several days ago. Sev-
naturalization has to advertise the
man bearing the ancient Highland
enteen states are represented among
fact in the papers and anyone is al-
name of Strachan, and British through
the exhibitors, including Turkey and
lowed to write in to the Ministry for
and through, was accused of being
India, the latter for the first time.
Home Affairs complaining against the
a German by ignorant men, who could
Soviet Russia again has a large ex-
proposed naturalization. The oppor-
have found plenty of real Germans
tunities for blackmail are obvious.
Among the 30,000 guests announced,
at that time on the Ypres front, who
In the debate in the House of Com-
many American buyers are expected.
net upon him and heat him very se-
mono on July 28, 1925, the home sec-
verely. Shops belonging to actual
Automobile, motorcycles and steam-
notary was sharply interpellated be
German butchers and tailors were
pressing machines exhibited by the
several members of Parliament on
sacked, and their occupants placed in
United States are arousing lively in-
actual cases of real hardship. The
home secretary restated his refusal to
In connection with the fair, the ex-
Parliament answered to this mood
give any reasons for refusing natural-
Mike, the rail traffic and the inter-
and a number of measures were
ization. Ile and his permanent offi-
national exhibition of agriculture,
passed with little (opposition for the
cials claim autocratic power in this
also being held in Vienna, the Aus-
restriction of the aliens living in Eng-
matter. Their discretion is complete
trian press notes with satisfaction in-
land. Of these perhaps the Act of
and without giving any reasons they
creasing participation by other na-
1914 was necessary on military
can refuse naturalization to whoniso-
tions despite the general economic de-
grounds. There was a further Art
ever they wish. But the home mere-
pression in Central Europe.
in 1918 and the final Act in 1919.
tarp, Sir William Joyson-Hicks, has
This last one laid down very strict
made himself somewhat notorious by
regulations with regard to the natu-
his anti-foreign outbursts. He was
ralizztion of former enemy subjects.
closely questioned as to the case of a
After receiving 90.84 per cent, the
All naturalization certificates were to
man who had lived in Hull for 15
highest general average in high school
he refused until ten years after the
Years, of fine physique, high charm.-
regents examinations, Samuel Silver-
war. Exceptions were made in the
ter, industrious, sober and success-
man, 17 years old, a graduate of De
case of those who had served in the
ful and who produced certificates of
Witt Clinton High School of New
Allied forces or who had been British
character and letters of recommenda-
York, was obliged to decline a four-
subjects at birth and wished to revert
Lion couched in the highest terms from
year state scholarship worth $400 be-
to their own nationality or if they
cause of a legal disqualification. He
were members of a race or community the Lord Mayor of the city, the sheriff,
was advised by the State Department
known to be opposed to the enemy's the chief of police, ministers of reli-
gion, justices of the peace, the presi-
of Education that he is ineligible, due
government. This last provision is
to the fact that he cannot take the
interesting, as it made special excep- dent of the City Chamber of Coni-
merce and (other prominent citizens.
citizenship oath, as his father, Ben-
lion in the case of traitors and others
For no known reason his application
jamin Silverman, a merchandise
who broke their oath of allegiance to
for naturalization has been refused
dealer, would not be a citizen until
their own legal governments and is
again and again by successive gov-
Dec. 3 next.
a fair example of the mood of the
ernments including, strange to relate,
Silverman was told that if he should
the Labor government. The recital of
become a citizen it might be possible
Much of this wartime spirit has
this case by myself impressed the
to give a vacant scholarship to him
survived the peace. But whereas dur-
House, especially in my demand that
for at least a part of the four-year
ing the war popular wrath was di-
such men should be welcomed as
rected against Germans and Austri-
worthy citizens of England, to which
ans, Bulgarians and Turks it has been
country they are an acquisition. The
diverted to those who come from the
man in question is a Jew by religion,
Under the will of the late Simon
portions of the former Russian Em-
born in Poland, who has spent 30
Gratz, filed for probate, one-third of
pire. Poles and Russians are still
years in England. The home secre-
his estate, said to be valued at $1,000,-
picked out for differential treatment.
tary had to give soak- explanation and
000, is left to the City of Philadel-
The reason for this is not difficult to
he gave his probable reasons for re-
phia for the relief of school teachers
discover. The popular hatred against
fusal. He said in the first place that
and attaches of the Board of Educa-
Germany and Kaiserism has been
25 years ago the applicant had mar-
changed into a hatred of Russia and
ried .a Palish girl. In the home seere-
Mr. Gratz was president of the
Bolsehvism, and the two are synony-
tary s opinion he should have married
heard for many years. Another third
mous in the minds of the ignorant
an Englishwoman. According to this
of the estate goes to the l'ennsyl-
and ill-informed. We may trace the
strange doctrine, therefore, it is some-
vania oistoricai society anu cav,vou
change in the traditional r.nglisn atti-
thing of a crime for a man to marry
ospita for a
o Jeff erso n
is gives to
tude to those wishing to enter her
the woman he loves. Secondly, the
rom for the Iluse of l ac tive
ports, whether as political refugees
fact that a man corresponded with
and retired school teachers.
or as poor persons wishing to settle
his relatives left behind in the coun-
and carve out careers for themselves:
try of his origin was evidence in the
to the relics of the war spirit and
eyes of the home office that he did
the memories of the panics of the
not desire to sever his former con-
A resolution condemning laws ex-
war, years of fear of Bolshevism, to
nections and become a 100 per cent
cluding teaching of the theory of evo-
the Xenophobia or hatred of all for-
Britisher. In other words, a man who
lution was adopted by the Catholic
eigners, which is the product of war
with his aged parents in
Central Verein in annual convention
conditions not only in England but
the country of his birth, by so doing
held at Cleveland, Ohio, recently. The
in all countries and is particularly
disqualifies himself for naturalization.
resolution also condemned "those
prevalent in France and, lastly, to the
Filial piety is advocated in every reli-
pseudo-scientists who attempt to make
fact that there is bad trade and much
gion, especially in the Christian reli-
of a mere theory a fact, who seize
unemployment in England and it is
gion, but is a misdemeanor in the
upon evolution as a means to belittle
feared that potential workers coming
sight of Sir William Joyson-Hicks,
religion or even to undermine its
to England will take jobs away from
who is himself a prominent churchman
foundation with destruction in view
native workers.
and takes an active part on the lay
and who make bold to assert that re-
Little discrimination is shown in the
side of the Church of England. But
ligion and science are irreconciliable."
application of this last reason and it
the far-seeing and those who have a
does not seem to be realized by the
conscience, in all parties, regret this
authorities and some of the public
that a skilled producer of wealth set-
Decent-minded Englishmen are hope-
tling in England makes work for other
ful of their fellow-countrymen grad-
At the recent international refer-
peoples besides himself. Also there
ually coming to their sense. Anti-
ence of women in science, industry
is some unfairness in the application
foreign feeling is dying away. it is
and commerce held at Wembley (Lon-
of the regulations. Thus great res-
becoming increasingly difficult to rouse
don), Lady Rhondda deplored the
taurants, hotels and clubs are given
the passions of the mob against for-
harrier between the sexes and de-
permits to employ American and other
eigners in the hopes of diverting their
clared that it could never be broken
foreign musicians and dancers in Eng-
attention from real grievances nearer
town "till we persusde tusiness men
land when there is great distress and
home. We do not have the Black Hun-
to take their daughters into their busi-
unemployment amongst British mugi-
dreds and Pogroms in England. In
nesses as they now 'eke their sors."
dans and dancers. The present au-
their place is the Xenophobia surviv-
That mnny women hove a high ca-
thorities in Britain show more fever
ing the war period. But it is evapo-
pacity for business is no new dis-
to negro saxophone players than to
rating and it will not be long before
a Polish or Russian poet or philoso-
England reverts to her former atti-
pher, musician or painter seeking
tude to the poor and oppressed who
sanctuary within our shores. It is the
come to her shorts for succour and
same with naturalization. Rich influ-
Rev. J. Garrow Duncan, excavating
ential persons in many cases find a
at the Ophel quarter of Jerusalem,
mysterious facility in becoming natu-
announces discovery of a series of
Although purity of rare was so
ralized while those without money and
underground rock-cut chambers. To
highly esteemed by the rabbis (the
influence find a mysterious difficulty.
the south is a room, 15 by 10 feet,
families and lesser degrees
leading into two rooms, 15 by 8 feet,
depending upon it) yet they said that
political refugees. Russian Grand
which lead into similar chambers cut
whatever his origin, had
into its walls. Tool marks on the
precedence over an ignoramus, even
ers, not averse to political intrigue,
wall! indicate a period not earlier
• high priest.—Tal-
have n6 difficulty in obtaining per-
than 1200 B. C. It is not impossible
mission to enter Eng'194.,,and stay
this is the actual tomb of David.

A convention of utmost importance to world Jewry
will be held in Philadelphia on Sept. 12 and 13. The
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee has sent
out the call to organizations and individuals so that
they may meet together and discuss ways and means
of raising money to help the suffering in Europe and to
assist in the settlement of the Jews on the land in
More Heresy.
Hough, pastor of the Central Meth-
Dr. Joseph Rosen and David A. Brown spent time
in Russia and are convinced that colonization is the only odist Episcopal Church of Detroit, has been charged
alternative to starvation. They impressed the prac- with heresy by Dr. Levi Bird of Port Sanilac, Mich.,
First Contributor to J. D. C.
tically liquidated J. D. C. and affiliated organizations for his sermon "Charles Darwin: Evolution and the
with the needs of our brothers so that they decided to Christian Church," delivered in Detroit in June.
If Fundamentalism has so obsessed and befuddled
reconstitute themselves and present the whole situation
to American Jewry with the request that Israel con- the Methodist Church that any inquiry which may con-
tribute $15,000,000 to rehabilitate a war shocked, revo- tradict literal, biblical cosmogony is not permitted then
the scholarly, earnest and gentle Dr. Hough is guilty
lution torn Russian Jewry.
as charged. If to be a good Christian means that he
David A. Brown is a practical business man of large must accept the observations and findings of men of
affairs. He went to Russia with a skepticism so pro- thousands of years ago as against the exact, consci-
nounced that he felt that nothing could persuade him
entious observation of scientists of today then Dr.
that anything could be done. He was actually preju- Hough is not a Christian. If the acceptance of miracle
diced and almost hostile to any plan which had Rus- and dogma of a theological age is a condition precedent
sia as a possible solution for Jewish ills. He formu- to religious conformity then Dr. Hough will no doubt
lated ten propositions to which he required affirmative
be excluded from the Methodist Church.
answers. All phases of the question were included in
The core of the theological, metaphysical and scien-
these propositions; the Jew as a potential farmer, the tific controversy which has come to the fore recently
Soviet government in its relation to the Jew, the peas-
is stated succinctly and cogently by Dr. Hough as
ant and the Jew, the amount and fertility of the land.
All these were answered categorically without any res- follows:
ervation. Once convinced that the plan was feasible,
Is evolution a self-sufficient. self-running process, with-
out any place fur moral and spiritual values and without
practical and sound he decided to labor for the realiza-
any place for Almighty God, or is it the perpetual activity
tion of the colonization with all the enthusiasm, ear-
Vienna Fair Opened.
of the perfectly good and loving Father whose face we see
nestness and dynamic energy characteristic of David A.
in the face of Jesus Christ?
Here the issue is sharp and clear enough. The man
Brown. He communicated his information to the J. D.
who answers the question in the first way is not a Chris-
C. and we think properly, for that organization is much
tian and the man who answers it the second way does not
cease to be a Christian, though he is a firm and eager be-
broader in its scope than the American Jewish Com-
liever in evolution as the chosen method by which God
mittee or the American Jewish Congress and, for that
matter, any Jewish-American organization.
There can be no question as to the group to which
The purpose of the colonization scheme is purely
economic. The metaphysical minded who can discover he belongs. He accepts evolution as a fact based upon
a functioning soul in the most sordid poverty may talk demonstrated proof and logical consistency without cur-
ad infinitum about the soul of our people but we are rendering his ultimate belief that this process is but
persuaded that a sound. healthy, economic existence the manifestation of a good and loving Father.
will materially aid in the perpetuation of that Jewish If to him the universe was but chemical, physical
and mechanical action and reaction he could be prop-
The greatest objections to the drive come from two erly charged with heresy, but he insists in the sermon
groups; those who fear that the Soviet government upon which the charge is based that the motive force
cannot be trusted and those who fear that the rebuild- behind all these material phenomena is the perpetual
moral anti spiritual activity of Almighty God.
Prize Pupil Loses Award.
ing of Palestine will be affected.
Dr. Hough as an educator and leader refuses to
We have read all sorts of specious arguments ad-
stultify himself in order to please antiquated theolo-
vanced to prove that the Russian Soviet government gians who would rather accept the testimony of incom-
cannot be relied upon to carry out its agreements. The petent though sincere observers rather than the most
leading argument is the mendacity of Soviet representa-
acute, precise, thorough-going studies of men who have
tives in foreign countries; the spread of propaganda devoted their whole lives to destroying error and dis-
by representatives of the Third International and the
general failure of the Soviets to keep the faith because covering
The Jewish community of Detroit knows Dr. Hough
of the mental reservation on world revolution. They
as a broad-visioned, learned, generous Christian and
point also to the abominable treatment of Zionists.
is confident that he shall continue to spread light and
We have no desire to defend the Soviets; our atti-
truth from his chosen pulpit.
tude has been pronouncedly condemnatory, but yet one
cannot indict a whole people all the time. There have
Hughes on Liberty.
been acts of theirs which met with our sincerest ap-
Charles Evans Hughes. president of the American
proval. As in other matters so in the this we must dis-
criminate. We must analyze the whole situation in Bar Association, in his opening speech attacked the pre-
vailing intolerance in the United States in a manner
the light of past performances.
Estate to Aid Teachers
that left little to be desired by those who understand Third of
It is true that the Soviet government has persecuted
Zionists and only recently many were exiled for coun- and appreciate the meaning of liberty in the sense
ter-revolutionary activity. This is an all inclusive term which all liberatarians have understood it since man
in Russia today, for anybody who is not in full accord has attempted to live his life freed from tyranny and
with the political and economic theories of the Soviet arbitrary rule.
Ile sums it up in a pertinent paragraph, as follows:
government is a counter-revolutionist. We cannot use
language strong enough to characterize this sort of
The interests of liberty are peculiarly those of indi-
of minorities, and freedom is in danger
u1 is and hence
slain at her own altars if the passion for um-
The mendacity of Soviet anti Third International
formity and control of opinion gathers head.
representatives is not proved. The authenticity of the
famous Tchicherin letter which more than any other
This means that the minority, even though it con-
reason caused the downfall of the MacDonald govern- sists of but a single individual, must be granted free-
Condemn Anti-Evolution.
ment is not proved. The Soviet government still insists dom to differ from the majority and should be encour-
aged to express this difference of opinion if we are to
it was a forgery.
But even were all the cases of duplicity proved yet preserve any semblance of variety and color in our
how would that affect this matter? The Jews of Rus- national life.
sia are not a foreign state which has to be made safe
Due to the insistence of uniformity during the war
for "world revolution." They are now in the despised the idea has prevailed that only the majority has a
categories of Nepman speculators. bourgeoise. Colo- right to an opinion. No conception of freedom could
nization will place them in the privileged category of be further from the fact. In a republic with the theory
peasantry and anyone with the faintest knowledge of of majority rule, that majority needs no safeguards or
Soviet practices must realize that greater concessions protective devises; it is the articulate, thinking minority
have been granted to and compromises made with the that must be urged to express itself even though the
Deplores Barrier Between
peasantry than any other group. The most irrecon- opinions expressed are unpopular and unorthodox.
ciliable enemy of the Sovietism cannot seriously con-
Mr. Hughes recognizes our pride in the safeguards
tend that the government has been anti-Semitic. They for minority expression, but yet he realizes that these
have interdicted all religion and made no exceptions. safeguards may be destroyed by denial, for he says:
The peasant is not a Jewish, Russian Orthodox Catho- "We justly prize our safeguards against abuses but
lic, Lutheran peasant; he is a peasant with privileges they will not last long if intolerance gets under way.
and advantages in the Soviet scheme. Soviet conduct Some may still entertain the notion that democracy
toward her peasantry has been satisfactory and in this means liberty; that having disposed of dynasties and
regard she can be trusted, even though she may regard successfully stormed the citadels of autocracy and priv-
her promises lightly in international affairs.
ilege, having won the suffrage and denounced political
Then there is the group which fears that Palestine disqualifications. liberty is secured."
will suffer. One zealot is certain than 250,000 farmers
The soundness of this criticism is best proved by
can be settled in Palestine. Too many confound dream
the very breeders of intolerance and the upholders of Discovers Rock Cut Chambers.
states with actuality. If anyone is really in earnest standardization. No one shouts Americanism and de-
about finding out the facts concerning agricultural set- mocracy louder or more persistently than they.
tlement in Palestine he should read the reports of the
Liberty consists of more than the mere repetition of
Fourteenth Zionist Congress.
slogans, shibboleths and formulas. There has been a
The last immigration wave was made up almost vertible orgy of just such practices since America's
exclusively of middle-class immigrants from Poland.
entry into the war. It is high time that we returned
The Fourth Alijah was not a chaluzim alijah. The re- to pre-war practices when we enjoyed more of the sub-
visionist Jabotinsky. who is more than 100 per cent Pal-
and talked less about it.
estinian, admits that it takes from $5,000 to $7,500 to stance of freedom


The Alien Question In England


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