MAY 15, 1925 piEfritiori;//,wissi ((mum mi 'Von Hindenberg TELLS OF COUNCIL and German Jews IMMIGRATION WORK MEMBEP 01.11100 WO MATE BOARD DRITIONYO.201101A21/ 591 ERA urY c§cifiLYB GAIIFIELD 2423.5380 8148 LINWOOD AYE. (Contnued from page 1.) Mrs. Siegmund Herzog, Cleves Ce0040Ct ia tea0-0-00-0*0-0-0-000-00 C -Oesees00-000-0-0sXsetes000 0 0000-00**1 Are You Looking For a Wonderful Investment? THEN GRAB THIS! signer of the famous manifesto, never land; Represents Jewish Mile t u ck an interest in Jewish affairs af- A 35.foot Jos. Campau coiner two blocks ,oath of the Seven Women at Meeting. Road. Can be bought very cheap. Party owning this land needs ' ter the Russian borderlands were aria- the money. ' tel. It is true that during military op- NESS, YORK. — Mrs. Siegmund I orations in the east, Ludendorff show- For Jos. Campau Propesfes See Me. , end iron crosses upon Jewish soldiers Herzog of Cleveland represented the I CONCRETE GARBAGE and National Council of Jewish Women I a nd Sallg their praises. But as soon and served as its spokesman at the Cables or Jewish Telegraphic Agency.) ASH RECEPTACLES (From C ----- pondens• and sent a s the war was terminate d he placed annual convention of the National Do not wall until • Court Notice rea• 20 per cent •ha, minister of finance, has tendered his resignation as metal , himself at the bead of the anti-Ssemi- 7. . Price Will °u ll tic party in Germany. Hindenburg League of Women Voters, which met Cettoui Pa., Co ber of the EgAitian cabinet. Cattoui Pasha was the only Jew in the present , I has done nothing of the sort. He has in Richmond, Va. She addre , sed the Cadillac 5593 H. M. KOFFMAN 1372 Penobscot Bldg. cabinet. The reason for his resignation has not been made public. never powered iron crosses upon Jew- opening session of the convention, 912 E. HANCOCK ST. • • • • ish soldiers but, on the other hand, over which Nike Belle Sherwin, pees'. a 0-000Liolxlocitteocioti0000ck*oo ao-ooiootoo ow:ore 000 000000000 Residence: Melrose 6556 An English paper for the purpose of serving the Arab interests in Pales- dent of the National League of Wom- 815 Detroit Savings B•nk Bldg . e has never uttered a word that could tine will he established by an Arab company in Jerusalem. Miss Newton, h the contributors to the paper, it was , be interpreted as anti-Semitic. That en Voters, presided. Mrs. Carrie Mein 0397 well-known Arabophile, will be one of constitutes the difference between Chapman Catt, honorary president of the league, presided over the evening Hindenburg and Ludendorff. announced. • • • • Ilinden mei, may nor be a brillian t meeting on the subj:ct of "Women in Professor Albert Einstein, who arrived in Brazil recently to deliver a but he is a settled Public Affairs in Other Nations," in JUDGES MURPHY and BREN• number of lectures, was received by the president of the republic, Bernandes. I man politically, d not the discusssia of which women f rom rs a conserva ti ve his eon, Americas par- NAN say that 50% of the •se• A very cordial conversation took place between the President and the famous . num, s v iews. anWhile Europe, A ion and I at p to vas e illate in can be settled out of Court. at the head of the eastern division he ticipated. Jewish scientist. • • • • They know. course of her a3ddr ess Mrs. In Jewish life and ar with i the Communists who are accused of became famil yea rs the thedeclare d: "For a Ilerz og le m and has displ I take NO uses to the Courts. The military court which is trying ish Women having thrown the bomb in the Sofia Cathedral, listened to the testimony ' Jewish probs il held Counc National mattear rs in all the w d erable intere st and o fn Jewnglish E danc e s i has of the Jew, Mark Friedman. Friedman declared that the Communists threw consieh Jewi. S ince the end of , when he retired to llanover, he has trained the newly arrived immigrant the bomb at the cathedral. • • • • Gawriliu, chief of police of Focsany, was dismissed from his position by never said or done anything dust for the responsibilities stantly of citizenship. stressed The council has con investigation which proved that would niake the Jews believe that hel among its member s the nee d of edu- ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR [ ' an order of the government as a result of ARBITRATOR he was responsible for the anti-Jewish pogrom which occurred in that city , is their enemy. Hindenburg is not a philo-Semite; I cation for public service. Its civic , but neither is he an anti-Semite. Ile, and communal department makes an several weeks ago during the trial of Professor Codreanu. • • • . The Danzig Senate published the statistics relative to the population is an old soldier and a strict discip• effort to bring to its 52,000 members C•dill•o 41142 708 B•rka, . Bldg. ing for good a of trainonly th e importnce for law and ois ian; he is thus Hindenburg t ha be con- atistics , it appears rder. tizenship, which can a ' citizen e st thes t . linartemperament of anzig." Acrding to D of the "free city citizens of the cit y an d ' By are 2,500 peace-loving man, paradoxical though' summated through the use of the bal. there are in Dan zig 7, 282 Jews, of whom . this may sound. And we have no right ' lot. The National Council of Jewish 4,782 are aliens who came from the East European countries. For Dental Gold, . • • • u nder Hindenburg's Woen is covinced that its work The first four das of the campaign for $1,350,00 for the Mount Sinai to assume that ism in Germany will for the greatestcauses of good goy- Platinum, Silver, Dia• and world peace can be ac- ospital, which is being conducted in Cleveland, has 0 netted over $1,000,000 , regime anti-Semit monde, magneto points, false teeth, ' I ll iointahl oonre- ' i cash. The largest single contribution came from Richman Brothers, assume still inrtgerh greater proportions. e o a rn n ip z1 ai t s i h n n d s o:,ill yl ciof .00ptierranteat w e sat:ngat totimpeoste g t i, h e a n t ()hid, g iiiintiliinsbu n $100,000. jewelry, and valuables. Mad to- city, who contributed wealthy clothing manufacturers of this • • • • find day. Cash by return mail. greater facilities as a result of a views on Jewish problems because for I another in all their plans. Our dis- was n int i- tinc tive facilities and experiences Hoke S. & R. Co., Otsego, Mich. ate than four, Travelers to Persia and India will and J affa, Pales. ' inore eli I must be shared ." fe. iA d- Jewi sh lifts contact with years 1 new cross-desert m motor route between Basra. Memmotamwill aim at shorten- m i oufner affe ao irnrs- aim I tine, which will soon be opened. The new route, which ifocla.iith ju ca „ni jahn Jperwashiew.hsile vi,Iiitsh- . mita ti%. ol nlercz,o igc, achn ad ircnoini the distance and avoiding Bagdad, will be connected with the Palestine, :utation o • Michigan Paper Stock Co. Egypt-England air service. Hindenburg appned% to say a few of the National Council of Jewt-h • • • • words about Zionism. The old man I Women, is vice-president of the Cleve. gait MEYER BARRON. Pr., d th Harabonim of America held the second session of its listened attentively, and then remark- land League of Women Voters. In Stayers •I All Kinds al . (I that it was up to the Jewish people addition to her civic activities, Mrs. convention in Lakewoo, N. J., under the chairmanship of a i • 1 o umber of important matters relative to the Jewish and, of course, to the other side Herzog is associated with many com- W A 3 T E PAPER r ' convention discussed a d 1342 Brewst•r St. lreligion in America and also questions regarding the violation of Kashruth , (meaning the Ententea "It is pri- mune' organizations and movements I madly an internal Jewish problem. of her city. As president of the Celill. 1709 in certain Jewish communities. Galil ee 1708 I • . • • Cleveland League of Jewish Worn- a has been a The King of Italy officially opened the Second International Book Fair If a people is God-fearing go and serious- there en's Organ izat ions al, but this fair , minded it can attain its ewish exhib its factor in bringing about a ve abo every- great ited. The ripts rst and unity fi ib exh be which 3 nations 2 atdisplayed must n Florence at pation among omes and t er it of co-o sed the Jews 1 closer spirJewish wish manusJc se." Ile also advi hi are of unusual interes t. The old J e wom e n's organiza- alongside of the new Palestinian creations are drawing considerable atten- tn i nhg t e elEast to culti vate the study of , , the , lions. As a member of the Cleveland the Bible more. ANTISEPTIC MOHEL tion from the visitors and connoiseurs. • • • 0 • I Board of Jewish Education and the _—_-_ Recommended by All Physici•ns ' local Federation of Jewish Charities, The people's commisariat of Ukraine has issued an announcement month that the 583 LEICESTER COURT she has her finger on the pulse of all prospective Jewish colonists to whom land was allotted during UNITED SYNAGOGUE 1 every significant Jewish undertaking Hemlock 2423.W of March must settle and begin work on the land not later than May 10 to 13. HOLDS THIRTEENTH in Cleveland. Those who fail to do so, according to this announcement, will forfeit their • — I land, which will be given to other Jewish settlers. CONVENTION MAY 3, A very fine recognition of her no- • • • • I salon in t'e world of Jewish service on for Jew .,, her appoint tment oceal td,erb e That the Jewish Chalutzim from Poland are Communists and therefore HOME MADE BUTTER (Contnued from page 1.1 • I the board of the new :shoo , should be permitted to enter Palestine, is the accusation made in on Direct from Our Churn to s r article published by the Daily Mail of London. This article is one of many Ipersonality of the Jew here recover its l iishesfi Your Table. Mrs. Herzog, as the representative t is my faith in other items appearing frequently in the Daily Mail in its effort to influence FRESH COUNTRY EGGS w values the government not to permit an increase of 4,000 in the immigration of . native buoyancy. That which Judaism of the National Council ti the posi OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS il of general re in this land." Women, sat on may yet rom Poland to Palestine. THE SASS DAIRY CO. Rabbi Goldstein urged the leaders of she National League of Women t- Half Block North of Clairmount Voters, at the close of the convention. The possibility of cooperation between the Agudath Israel, the orthodox the United Synagogue to create grea on with regard 9150 Twelfth Street. The general council is the policy. Jewish world organization, and the World Zst Organizato i immi gration, er facilities for the young people in d the regulating f the synagogue and stated it was no- forming body of the league. to the purchase of an The members of the Richmond sec- essary to arrange for special syna- , were discussed at the first meeting of the conference between the repre- ; sentativs of the two organizations in London, in the presence of Chief Rabbi gogue services for young folks due- . tion of the National Council of Jew- ish Women served on the local com- Quality Glendale 4960 Service inc the high holidays when the syna invited to participate. ' Dr. Joseph II. 'Setts, who Was • • • • Algeria, when the local antii r gogues are filled to capacity by their r mittees that arranged and directed Armature Winding the convention of the league. Mrs. Ches. W. Bennett, Vice Pres. end Gen. All* Anti•Jewish riots broke out at Oran, were , p arents. Women Are Active. WINTER & KAUFFMAN Sylvain R. Livingstone of Richmond, . Semites came out victorious in the municipal elections. Two Jews Auto Electric Service a national council director and presi- The activities of the 25,000 women , killed and 60 injured when mobs consisting of Spaniards and Arabs, in- caused by the anti-Semitic agitators, attacked the Jewish quarter. Order I organized under the Women's League dent of the Middle Atlantic Interstate 1521 MCHIGAN AVENUE was restored by troops who intervened after much damage had been done , of the United Synagogue were describ- Conference of Council Sections, was Opposite B•Il Park to Jewish property. led in the report submitted to the con- very active in the sessions of the, I _ __ vention by Mrs. Charles 1. lioffinan, league's convention. • • • • A portrait of Ludwig Franck, the young Jewish leader of the Socialist I Youth in Germany and member of the Reichstag, who was killed in the I President of the league. "We now have 200 affiliated auxili- world war, will hang in the art gallery of the Reichstag, according to a , 1 aries and 800 contributing members, decision adopted by that body. A special commission appointed by the representing a membership of 25,000. eichstair will negotiate with the well-known German artist, Corinth, to Our treasury is now in such a enmli- 1 are prepared to enlarge him make a suitable portrait of Franck. .lion that we Itave tise rs t, ,and dmerespenliaonfrd. I hf,' ,n of o nuertivoi ff • • • • , a, d y ,t lIrr,,, S;P A eniclamation the settlement of the Jews on the land issued by the first Soviet conference of the district of Bobruisk, which held man stated. Realizing the value of association its last session in Moscow. The proclamation calls upon, all Soviet institu• wi " ether women devoted to the cause tions to vigorously help .levelop the Jewish colonization work and appeals 'i with of peace and good will, our executive I I to the Russian peasantry to support their Jewish fellow•peasants. "We Rus- Nash Leads the World in Motor Car Value sian peasants," the proclamation reads in part, "condemn the antagonists I I council voted to join the National Council of Winen of the United of Jewish colonization who are spreading false rumors with the intention who term a part , of the Inter- I A TLANTIC CITY, N. of women. States council a panic and hindering the worthy Work of Jewish land settle- States, S. K. SLOBIN A. C. LAPPIN The Old Wood Pile Is Gone CASH Do you remember when wood had to be split, and carried into the wood box in the kitchen so that mother could get your n teals? Contrast that with the coitven- and ience of turning on the having economical and better heat to fulfill all your require- ments. I The convenience of gas has elim. mated to a great extent, the drudgery of housework. Think for a minute what you would do without it. REV. J. S. RABINOWITZ That you may have this most economical fuel always at your disposal, the Gas Company main• tains equipment valued at millions of dollars and a force of over two thousand employees. DETROIT CITY GAS CO. NA51-41 Vrraltrrg Advanced Six Sedan li■ nfenctr.iLating "We have representation also on the [ • • • • • American r n Jew ish Committee, on the I Owing to the propaganda of a certain Ali who claims to be a "prophet," Ame too families were burned alive in their homes in the village of Alilat, Syria, 1 N‘ atienal Council fee Prevention of \ 'ar eed on the Conference Commit - 1,..n they refused to join the rest of the population in accepting Ali as their tee ls of National JeWish Women's O r- "prophet." Ali ban converted the entire village with his teaching and it is religious sect in Syria, with e of the results of this w' believed that he is aiming to establsih n HOW ganizations. On will he the format ion ' conf ece ren Alilat as the nucleus of his following. When news of Ali 's activities reached , ' latter Won occupied In many cities of local conferences of the government, troops were sent to Alilat and the village by them after a fight which resulted in the killing and wounding of 27 on , J ewieh women's organizations." is ise s's su 19!,1 UQ rxiif°11115i all .urea 1411,4,144 1441,611 V,i • • • • Sales Show An- Hindenburg as president of the German remain.. Nash Motors The election of Paul sun other Record - Breaking found a jubilant echo in the anti•Semitic press. Although Hindenburg has On the Ocean Front Month. not declared himself an adherent of anti-Semitic policies, the anti-Semitic American and European Plans. press views his election as a victory over the Jews. The Deutsche Zeitung : Nash Motors has Therapeutic Bath•. established an- h gays that "The election routed international Jewry. Hindenburg has saved Golf Privileges. Garage. ti`, from the Centrum, the Democratic, Social Democratic and Communist . parties, all of which are dominated by Jews." Lending German Jewish other new sales and production rec., Spring Rates. , circles are, however, confident that Hindenburg will not allow any anti- ord. upset all previous and marks, being April the biggest production sales JOEL HILLMAN. President month in the company's history, ex- ' Semitic outbreaks and no serious trouble is expested. • • • ceeding any previous month by 10 The challenge to prove that his writings contain false implication from the Talmud and other Jewish works will cost Theodore Fritsch of Berlin, per cent. well-known anti.Semite, 10,000 marks. Recently Fritsch stated publicly ' pp "During the month of April we that he would pay 10,000 marks if anyone would prove that his statements shi ed 82.8 per cent more cars than McCarty, regardIng the Talmud were not true. His challenge was taken up by the in April, said E. of the Nash nder, who a opeariel general 1924," sales manager direct a n. raivereins, Holl e s of t hi• II,utschjued Ischn g di in court with Fritsch and proved that th anti•Semite had deliberately falsi. elating Motor feature Company. "The most inter- of this new record is ' fied quotations from the Talmud. After hearing both sides of the case th e that cars are going into buyers' hands and even though the Nash factories judge sentenced Fritsch to pay 10,000 marks. se • • • • are producing more cars than ever o f before, still the popularity of the A Bible house for the purpose of placing on exhibition translations hed in hundreds of languages will he erected in Jerusalem, new line is such that dealers through- Dancing Nightly Bibles publi to an announcement by the British s Foreign Bible Society of according out the country are carrying large London. The erection of the building will commence shortly. During 1925 lists of unfilled orders. "This is the eighth consecutive I the society issued 10,000,000 copies of the Bible, 10 per cent of which were distributed in China. Attempts to import Bilees into Soviet Russia month that Nash sales and production Particular People Prefer ording to the law of the have eclipsed the corresponding 0 the were unsuccessful because the Palais Soviet government special license is required for importation of religious month of last year." 3trictly censored. Highest literature and this license was refused the Bible Society. • r., • • Corns Standard A special tax for the privilege of having signs on the stores is the latest ' Detroit Life Insurance any Writes $1,500,000 of Petal. Nesiciano—The Band You step of the Lithuanian government against the national minorities in the P Lev• to Dance With. ,ountry. Several months ago a government ordinance prohibited signs over Business in April, the stares in any language except Lithuanian. The storekeepers complied - , with the government ordinance and substituted their signs with ones in President M. E. O'Brien of the De- mpany reports Lithuanian. The knowledge of Lithuanian not being widespread among e uranc words m is- troit Life business I1 o ften inc orrect a nd CoApril totaling for the ordered that written I the inhabitants, the new signs were officials and the police total of spelled. This irritated the Lan t for $1,4 29,000. Thi brings thichigan Granite and Marble ial gy e submitted to a sp business in ert s must b Detroit Life overnment his service.. the Lithuanian fee for e cheav a charges expert up to $7,210,000 for the first four The signsplay. proval before di I approval • • • • "Were it not for the kosher meat trade, the market for English meat months of 1925. This is an increase would be almost non-existent." This was the statement made by the secre- of 22 per cent over the first four , months of 1924. The monthly record 544 Winder Street tary of the Wholesale B utchers Aesociation of London to Bertrnd Strausst of paid-for business for 1925 was Phone Cadillac 48 I newly elected chairman of the Board of Jewish Deputies. This statement Lamb A. Werbe, R•pr•sentative made in connection with the efforts of the committee which has been $1,125,000. TIN Only Jewish MONUMENT was appointed by the governmert to find a way of regulating the prices of kosher Two hundred members of the Jew- Dealer in Detroit. I meat, which have risen very high. The report of the commission, which Ameri oc , was hded to the ieh C' AsSiation of cone ca oard B of Jewish antors overnment g Stratiss said participated in the annual sacred has been presented to the In commenting on the report, Mr. en at the Man hattan Opera giv Deputies for coneideration. th not one cert of the York, for benefit Butch ers Aseociation told im at only s public New House, the eecretary of the Wheale , which i e aughter hous sl is the ster Fund of which MiniN e lington at thol non.Jew kille cattle London. The Is Jews are the only clime who use meat of cattle the Jewish s' York are bene- ew of cantors abattoir ill -Jews eating cold storage meat brought poor aciaries. Zavel Silbert conducted and killed in the slaughter house, the non , started the program with his musical from American stock yards. composition of Psalm 30, with tenor SO- 117 '010 by Israel Breeh. Among thel Josef R osenb att, C 10 . lets were enter sNa nalalInaNaMs Cantor Hirschman and Cantor Kwar- tin who sangs a tenor improvisation; Psalm no "By the River of Baby- Ion" and a Hebrew classic, respective- 0 C..••...i Directors and Embalmers ly Cantors Chary', Don Fuchs, Da- . a ; vial Roitman and Moses Steinberg also Telephone Empire 2114 7739 Jolts R. Street , Five Passengers $1485 1• o. b. Factory both sides. i I Palais de Dance MANUEL URBACH Monuments ■ ■•■■■■■•■■■■a■•■••■■■■■■■•■■■■■ LEWIS BROTHERS • 0 0 0 0 0 YOU ARE BEHIND THE TIMES WITHOUT 4•WHEEL BRAKES A Sedan That Is Capturing the Country body with L-O-N- G and L-0-117 The beautifully modeled R-0-0-M-Y/ attractive bevel beading, rides close to the road. Doors and windows are big and broad. Entrance and exit are admirably convenient. There's spacious comfort for all five passengers. C-0-111-F-0-1? - 17 The cushioning combination of perfect balance, rigid chassis, special Nash-designed springs and full balloon tires give this car a notable roadability. Five disc wheels, Nash-design 4-wheel brakes and full balloon tires included at $1485 f. 0. b. factory. SPECIAL SIX SERIES—ADVANCED SIX SERIES Models range from $1095 to $2290, f. o• b. factory MI1 LER-JUDD COMPANY Woodward at Palmer A C Krenz T M , tu e :T iC o h i ant Ale C. ia es Cant Thean S d ho sper ter p erev 10347 Wool