A llletia Ill J ewish PerlaNeal Cemkt CLIFTON ATINUI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE FIVE MONK:LE D itittICYKOIT LSISif Ma4 14.1601i. •0494T5 Olr 0-1AS. 1-1 JOSEPH -.' (Copywright, 1921. vo in od he or is- I Bide Dudley is its sponsor: It is supposed to have happened during the recent Jewish holidays in Lindy's, an eating place near Fifty-ninth street, New York. Their names do not matter, but they are newly weds. Ile is a son of Israel and she a Gentile. When the waiter placed a basket of rolls in front of her she ordered them away and requested matzoths. "I'll help you observe your holiday dear," she chirped. Two minutes later she ordered bacon and eggs. int hat I in A r- !ern and and eat. The This church lives to prompt and help all its members to serviceable and honorable lives, to communion with sweet and noble souls, living or dead, and to adoration of a loving God whose best name is ' Father take 'hey the try how pat- Divine. On ch- er in hint, riend free 'pow- relin- ) per game days The tglish les to pit al. a was only. y of have Vent thing have -ough- utlant diag- ch he when s gone point at line ,te life .s, the ly life There d. The omen's looked dry in She oc- or, fills e, with a fam- -t sons, ,icing a a one's sing to being, dr out- vhich is hey are a covey ' curs to em has and has igh hid- • midst. lance is k exelu- culture dish for air faith ng some only be -London It- WWI 0 war lay 141J to 1447 CUrFOOD WOODWARD Art following.) Ann Arbor! thy name is sweet and ribbons. The boys in blue sweaters lovely art thou like the gentle rolling with the beautiful yellow "M". And plain wherein thou art situated! Michigan is honored, her praises sung' Nothing in this wonderful univer- in every word, in every song and game 'be conducive to deep concentration in red sweaters, Michigan in blue trimmed in yellow. As the foot ball n Th is i s players line up, the cheer leaders ac- on t he part of the s t udets. en abetted by the fine example set tivities begin. These leaders, moving ev ambitious elderly people who at- deftly and iracefully, . by c as they dire t •■ •••••,1 •••• ••••••/1•••••••••••• ■••■•■ ••effee =9.0C-C,1 07"-i' Fourth Birthday Sale F over the OUR years ago, on April 21st, there was great excitement opening of the Frank & Seder Store. At an early hour Woodward Some day all the myth and legend and superstition that has concealed tend for the purpose of increasing their store of knowledge. Avenue, between Grand River Avenue and Clifford Street, over- to the scrap heap and along rather than revealed religion will be relegated Most of the buildings are situated clear cut mithm their mega- ittd phones. And with through due precision, 40,- flowed with shoppers. At. it o'clock the doors of the store were opened, with it all will go religious (?) bigotry, fanaticism and hate. I on the campus somewhat like Trinity 000 voices take up the cheers, thus people poured in, and it new business was succecssfully launched. --•-■-•-- Dubl in. Ann A le r how- arousing the proper mood and awak. e I don't want to be the original I-told-you-so man, but readers of this Colleg , ring enthusiasm. During the whole column will recall that over a year ago I indicated that the Klan had reached ever, is new and modern and at once , genie the cheer leaders activities never , It is customary in reviewing the past of a business, to speak of the long toil the peak of its power. Now in corroboration of this I find this editorial in' impresses the visitor with its indomi- upward to success. Here the growth was not gradual, but instantaneous. The store the New Republic, which I am sure will interest our readers, particularly , table will to grow and grow. A spa- nag New yells are constantly being did not have to find itself and to work out its policies and methods as it went along. cious science building whose ground amegaphoned," the cheer leaders leap- It was launched like a battle cruiser, thoroughly modern, fully equipped, ready for floor is of stone was erected quite re- ing up and down and keeping pace those in the smaller cities of the west and south: action, with a trained organization in charge of its affairs, and a clear and definite e reeently. Likewise a chemical labors- with the spirit of the players. Wis- The Ku Klux Klan is suffering a decline. In some regions wh ; tory. The medical building is plain consin's: 'U-rah-rah, Wisconsin! II- purpose ahead. Its orders were: it has been strong, it is reported dying. In others it is being polished and severe, but its mighty new wing rah-rah, Wisconsin, Yen!' at once is off by the euthanasia of anti-masking laws. The peak of Klan mem- at present under construction, will answered by "Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah!' "Sell the Best Goods as low as they can be bership appears to be reached during the second year of its invasion make it the equal of the largest medi- Michigan! Rah!" And over 40,000 of any section. These at least are the conclusions to which the . cal schools. A new hospital, to cost voices intonate: sold at all times and give your customers com- American Civil Liberties Union has been brought by its recent sure 0 Michigan, dear Michigan, I several millions of dollars, is being vey and report of Klan conditions. The reasons for the fiasco we Thy sons shall ne'er forget .... 1 I built and will soon reach completion. plete satisfaction." are further told are "factional disputes within the organization, I Also a new library a rectangular and never will her students forget the failure of members to pay dues and lack of interest inns objects." I atone edifice of dignified style, its mid- golden clays at U. of M. There, in twenty words, was our complete business policy. It will be recalled Lack of interest in the objects sounds too good to be true. We The game, most excellent sport, die section with slender pillars, will that the year 1921 was the year of the "Great Adjustment," liquidation was in full should have supposed that the rank and file have lost interest rather soon he ready. The De w' engineering lasts two hours. Michigan wins 20-0. progress. Three hundred thousand men were out of work in Detroit. Business was more because of the frank ambitions and venality of its leaders. school is magnificent, though natural- Yet Wisconsin is honored and, as they would have said. ear to op en a s tore , almost anyone ly its style is subservient to its pur- sing their college song, Michigan rises, almost at a standstil l. A bSe it a ve ry fortunate year. the canip us 40,000 strong and joins in enthusias- In the same issue of the New Republic is an illuminating review by poses. On mor one corner On the contrary, Frank & adde yr conside red l of stone a nd ial Hall, alof Alvin Johnson, one of the editors, of the recently reprinted book of Joseph stands Me This store definitely stood for ECONOMY. It sold goods every day at lowest Jacobs, "Jesus and the Jews," which Mr. Johnson characterizes as "pre- full of simple charm. Truly great is bratty. dust raised by 20,000 machines prices. Here was moment when the city needed such a store and would take It to seating a more appealing and authentic figure of Jesus than any other book , tmber he nu of buildings, each of which gradually settles again. As my auto I their hearts. serve's some special branch of science. rolls on smoothly to Detroit the yellow of the last half century." It is pointed out that Joseph Jacobs, impressed r y t sir biliies unhich Long since the buildings have over- and red of the sugar merles lining That was exactly what happened. Crowds minus People shopped, compared. The der w Jews stl il labor, deed o carr though t Jews by the wished Seder's were selling dependable goods Ile spiritual walls of the Ghetto. news spread throughout the city that Frank & Jesus of not the merely as an ornament of Jewish literature, but as a stepped the original confines of the both sides of the road gleam in the the accept demolitionn at the lowest prices seen in years. Business came with a rush. People were only too moral figure whose significance is of quite another order from that of campus. Hill Auditorium, with its twilight.' Behind us recedes the city Josephus and Philo. Only such a whole hearted acc 0,000 seats, is the delight of all the of youth, the city of the future, Ann eager to avail themselves of the low prices. acceptance of Jesus could students for here concerts are held Arbor-and ahead, coming even clos- Then, on top of that, in the Fall, we opened our great "Prosperity Sales," to help and lectures, and the far-famed de- er, is the fully developed city of Des have any bearing upon the problems of Semitism and anti-Semitism. the employment situation and to keep manufacturers making goods. Finally we -----.- Now comes what will be, I am sure, quite interesting to our readers. Mr. bates in which skilled and worthy op- troit, the city of industrial titans. -million began our famous "'No Profit' Sales," which for two weeks distributed a half I ponents engage in intellectual fencing. And like the road which runs smooth Quite recently the auditorium witnes- and without hindrance between these dollars in merchandise at its exact cost to the store. Johnson asserts that: sed such a duel between Oxford and two cities, is the course leading from People, other merchants, thought we were crazy, but the store became one of the The critics of Jacobs attack him on the ground that his program Michigan. Doubtless, however, the the seat of learning to the world of hants ce am here almost daily of in stitutions i n th e cou ntry, and merc k new quarters of the Lawyer's Club active life. The path is straight and most taledcities, would be injurious! They realize, whether consciously or not, that e was born. just to see it. Thus the Frank & Seder Stor would he considered the most beauti- purposeful and firm in the belief that from oth er anti-Semitism is a condition of Semitism. Without at least a latent ful of all the buildings. It is a veri- knowledge and learning is not the only antagonism to them, the Jews could not remain a peculiar people. is said upon good authority that the Frank & Seder Store of De- table palace, in Tudor style of New asset in this new and strong world They could not continue through many generations as a people, but It England granite and charming in line and that much depends upon early would merge in the general life of the time. There are important troit does a greater volume of business in the amount of space occupied and color. All its halls and rooms preparation if theory and practices vested interests, spiritual and intellectual, that would go for naught than any other store in the United States. give proof of the taste and great are to go hand in hand. Such prepar- if Jewry lost its identity. There are also important social interests wealth of its doners. My guide told ation is based not upon the mere ac- at stake. The Jews have won for themselves a culture under which th That is quite a record for a four-year-old, isn't it? me that during the past year over quisition of facts to bs. stored in they perpetuate themselves, though living generation after genera- r $23,000,000 hail loin granted to the memory, rather it depends upon the h tion in the citie. not, Their uban fraction has s The Gentiles ave the stock would the country: else University of Michigan, in part by the physical upbuilding of the individual. to be recruited constantly from Our Fourth Birthday Sale Begins May lst state, and in part by private done- Finally this course rests upon the perish. The Jews have no rural reserve: hence their complete assimi- knowledge that in this world happi- lation to the ways and habits of life of their Gentile neighbors would Lions. A sunny morning; the air is warm ness consists mainly in making and extirpate the stock in a few generations and end the long drama of Th. work of preparation behind a great sale like this extends over a period of f and pleasant. Happiness and joyous keeingfronds and in working and y the trials of the Jews of the Diaspora. . . . Wisdom that strives for many months. biological as well as cultural survival appears to rest with those who excitement on the faces of the yo ung creating in company with them. To people standing in groups and discuss- this end do present-day universities would keep Semitism alive, though anti-Semitism must attend it as It is not easy to secure fine, clean, desirable. merchandise to give to the public at ing the events of the day. Football in contribute by means of fraternities, prices often less than the goods ordinarily cost at wholesale. its shadow. —.--...-.-- ng ye - camp-life and rigorous fair-play holdith ls The gir tied wi I enjo Py Oct avus Ferry hrysan The merchandise is marvelous. Every bit of it from women's gowns, coats, wraps, blu e Field!themums Purely from the writing and story-telling standpoints Glass' erl mutter low c millinery, sheer, gloves, hosiery, underwear, silks, wash fabrics, domestics, men's Roy Cohen's southern negro tales, as well as Montagu and boys' clothing, children's apparel, is fresh, new and of the best quality, and the and Potash stories. They are mostentertaining and show an extraordinarily r dependent Order B'nai B'rith from its prices at which we shall sell it will create a buying wave in this city that will exceed keen understanding of human nature. But I can easily appreciate hose lodges located in Oriental countries anything yet known, we are sure. these character sketches by Cohen and Glass offend. I noticed the other and the Near East was submitted for day that Cohen had occasion to explain that his stories are concerned only the first time in the history of the with the African negroes of the South who are descendants from slaves; order by a special delegate to the con. that the cultured negro of the North or South was quite right when he said vention, Dr. Yakir Behar of Constan. that his (Cohen's) stories do not portray his feeling. But Mr. Cohen must tinople. (Contnued from page 1.) realize that his tales make it harder for the better type of negro to live The main activity of the B'na down the already overwhleming burden of misunderstanding and prejudice B'rith in these countries is the educe. law'. We recognize the general prin- lion of the younger generation. Jew- .11111111111 that presses so heavily on him. ciple of government that individual ish children of the younger genera- So, too, with the stories of Perlmutter end Potash. A great many Jews citizens have no right to violate a law tine would have no opportunities for resent them. They resent what they term the caricaturing of their people. with the policy of which they disagree proper education if they were to de- knew the needs of his country and given too molly f tittheir or the justice of which they deny. pend on the general schools. "The since our co-religionists are best fitted They feel that these stories and plays of Glass' have it "However, we deprecate the grow- Jewish educational system in these f o r the 'commercial development of . . The fac we n' reighbors the wrong impression of the Jew to have the little peculiarities of some members of the family displayed ing tendency in legislation and in countries maintained by the Alliance Mexico,' we ought to help them and, on the front porch. Glass has not drawn on his imagination to give us other human relations to discriminate Israelite Universelle and the Inds- by so doing, help Mexico. development may come Ahe and Mewruss; he didn't need to. Ile found them ready made in the between races and between localities pendent Order B'nai B'rith will he n at present we ought to be of origin and residence, end we dis- crowned by the Hebrew University," later, a but ut garment district in New York City. But t type of neighborss ed approve the prevalent propaganda Dr. Behar declared. interested in bringing help to the to believe. That's why we are sensitive about Mr. Perlmutter and Mr. which endeavors to stigmatize the Dr. Stephen S. Wise, in a stirring largest number in the quickest way Potash. But then we have Abie's Irish Rose to contend with-oh, well. peoples of certain geographical habi- speech, appealed to the order to as- at the smallest expense. And this Not so very long ago it meant tations as generally inferior and un- some . p "- f. ei•, sinti her,done sts:ring commercial leadershi of yrcAh3 fostering psor . s ,. i e the ineI position A .um what's the use! standing over a hot stove—carry- desirable. We are opposed both to con t rol- development Our Jewish refugee's instead and the Com- the provisions and the general policy of the oppor- rarely san itself with Someone sends me a clipping of an article on "'Moses e ta ing advantage ing in wood, or coal—and the It seems according to the of the present immigration laws of • .y into co op ration with nth r b I' • tunnies,, even if the report of investi- monists." It's rather interesting in i'noers- time it took. e , ., gating committee's are unfavorable. The B'nai B'rith was founded authority quoted, Professor George Leiken of the Volga region, that the the. United States as being unjust i wbe. and mnastics all n bl ems ""'" e They are entering at the rate of about i th principle, unnecessarily harsh in ad- d . to 1 al with - hers of Russia indulge in all sort, of mental gy tory ' " Red teac r o ' t A and instead and discordant with the th i synagogue of leaving 400 per month." squ are re l igion and h i s t. ' ' Nowadays thanks to the conveni- rder i come history-contortionists in o h . initiaive t o the American Jew- spin an d fundamentals of our goy- spt t Communistic beliefs. For example, this is a choice morsel: The B ''th nai B is ri literally accept- t' ence of gas, heat is ready for you ernment. and we approve and endorse t ish Committee, the American Jewish ing the concession that was offered president's recommendation that Congress and other ther bodies, it should to Joseph Fels by former President res At first Moses was a splendid young revolutionary who freed the any instant—good heat and quick repeal or modification of our eedv re the sP the B'nai B'rith. Jews in Egypt and treated Pharaoh in approved revolutionary style. "The fact.that the German district Diaz "for the general commercial de- the present law on this subject be heat. Later he sold himself to the capitalists and his bourgeois views are J }1 eTctl velopment of Mexico," Rabbi Zeil- sought and urged." ('..I evident from the Ten Commandments he issued. These command- oifw the onka continued. "We are not en- The first resolution which aroused e d r g " ee ( e dPrle .: t u. t inoMIN sr arn s't i0 To furnish your home and over ments were capitalistic and no Russian should obey them. t the United States is a speech with- couraging immigration to Mexico. We a .g.re taitie derael. of inter:sting comment i ' in ame a out words," began Dr. Leo Boeck, hope that conditions in Europe will rt a quarter of million others re- ar n insac nted t ti , o ta ollu This is interesting though crazy teaching. It shows the lack of balance „"\;.e a rand president of District No. 8, who so shape themselves that the Jew will quires a tremendous investment that pervades Russian thinking at this time-that is, in certain quarters. :in( abuses. addressed the convention. "Although not be forced to emigrate and estab• anyone wile unqualified) Seale may not agree with all of the Commandments-even in this country "nelemna' . liTh a home in a strange environment, at the use of our ways hi-f and an organization of over two daiifTme r ,,ii t., .t.h. e goa l but we feel it a duty we owe to those may i the Ten Commandments are not popular, judging by the way they are being assists in or connivesy ' e toward we h exent ptio n, accorded under th thousand people. broken. But to teach in the schools that the Ten Commandments should the law for liquors for sacramental pur- come to Mexico to help them es- tablish themslevea in Mexico." not be obeyed is rather stupid. I think the Soviets need some intelligent o se far r commercial or personal ad- benevolence and e n c o u r agement who 13' ri th members in which the Fr Ps, Over 1376 miles of gas mains form A statement that Ku Klux Klan school teachers. Germany received from their Ameri- ---.....-o--- *day can brethren immediately after the P P'u'rr for evil has Stopped and the a vast net work of pipe through- I see that one of Chicago high schools is to be named after the late , " Thaeges'etting aside of a special some forgotten by prediction that it will have the istice will never he G. Hirsch. This is he sort of recognition that Dr. Hirsch to be observed by the 80,000 mem- Know-Noth ing s and the out the city. Then there are five Better , s fate a Rabbi Emil h was one of the greatest he rabbis of modern times and bets of th e I . 0 . B . B . as 'Better f report was made in the ly a great scholar, A. P. s A. the at woul like . Hirsc g Day" en between Jew `" large plants making gas requiring t Fa•or Mexican Settlement. Anti- the of ary when I say that I am keeping in min that he was not on , secre t eo Is Lewis, upon by I li n n d rstandin d 'el ed e t • lens unsurpassed. As a pastor he failed. I cannot recon. and d no hi ew, was t h e ' d to th can provide a home over two hundred and fifty thou- ciamation League, submitted t , a That M e •en but as a pulpiteer the convention. cis the belief that what is needed in Jewry is pure intellectualism be The numerous attempts in various and peace to thousands of refugee convention by Sigmund Livingston, seems in to the sand tons of coal a year over a congregation. Religion see i pulpit, with the religious needs of sm, reason and faith. If you ignore the state legislatures to introduce cam- Jews was the assertion made by Rabbi chai rman of the league. appeal to reason and jus- seventeen million gallons of gas a rti n Zeeilonka, acting chairman of ' ' "After an ann a mixture of mysticism, emotionalism, pulsory Bible reading as a part of the } he B ' B'rith Mexican committee. ' tire made by . t. he league proved un- first two, I think something vital has been removed. curriculum of the public schools were e tnai oil and countless other supplies. uccessful with the Dearbron lode- I in his report to the convention. s ' Itertained he A. Caroselli's troupe of e mphatically censured. "Mexico has been investigated by Every day a trainload of materials Endorsement of the Palestine re- Hawaiian Ukele Players. Mr. Caro- g work by the largest Jewish many special committees of national , pendent " he said "a policy of ionor- g the ' attacks o'f the Detroit -ma u ildi n moves in and out of our plants. Iselli is the teacher of ukelele at the b • t g l organization was expressed and international organizations," Dr.. inate WA adopte 1 aepr club house. Miss Rifler of the Abel fraternal a‘ 'o o when to an attlemi which in a resolution adopted unanimously Zeilonka declared, "and all these have n rooted a . month g hundreds of thou- Mei reported unfavorably on the same ex- was made to secure These vast activities are main. At last the weather is such that it Studios rendered a piano solo, by the convention. 'nai . done. dation for the work of the cept the committees of the B'nai sands of school children throughout Commendation tained that you may have good allow s pleasant hiking. Come on, was very — nti-Defamation League, of which B'rith. The reasons for these unfav- the land as circulation agents for the Ant A hikers, and join us next Saturday Lecture Course: social hygiene lecture Sigmund Livingstone is chairman and arable reports are hard to under- paper by offering bribes to public The second gas service. m orning, May 3, at 9 o'clock, at the dsday, April 29, at 2 Leon I. Lewis secretary, Was ex- stand. Religious prejudice is un- schools and parent-teacher associa- club h ouse , W ea r your old clothes tions. The promptness and good will pressed in the report of the commit- known. The Jew is known as was given Wednesday, , and bring your lunches. and What Th ey tee on the Anti-Defamation League, tine of the land from which he comes. I shown by responsible officers put an M o'c lock. on "icrobes - Ilarry Clark of the Be- resting Mothers' Dav unit of Medicine. The lee- wch declred o, College hi a the work of the league Rusinese opportunities are there in immediate stop to this when it was Mothers' Day: D" by Dr. k "a record of real service in the large numbers. But it ta es money called to their attention." A very i n t e tea has been Sunday at" lure illustrated with slides and cause was of the better understanding of to seize these opportunities and we ternoon, May planned 10. at 3 for o'clock. A was very was interesting. Dr. S. It. Dixon " man who is in nssd one-act play and a musical program of the Department of Health will talk the Jews by our non-Jewish neigh- must not allow the money Said rather Rabh: "A to outweigh the question security of that our should ." e ngage in any on n" ful Body of Yours" bors The report of the committee on brethren need. Israel Zangwill tells Won members of , even skinning animals in the will be gi ven. All the the Billet Foundation for its erten- as that Joseph Fels visited President th in isdne sdadyerevening. We bring on . next "Th open street, than say he is a nriest Jih ew s behalf of ti 's "Y" ha v e been asked skin t other universes was unani- Diaz o I th eir mothers. and he was of- and above such things."-Talmud. i Do not be in the habit of tak'ng adopted by the convention. torial on Organization the moos Secrecy in the order has now been feted only a concession of Jewish medicine.-Talmud. Secrecy Monthl y Moatiaal There was an arrow-meker who entirely abolished, with the accept- migration for the general commercial greatness, retro. . pursues greatne Those who miseed Rabbi Henry n arrow which finalise Merced (knee of practically all of the wool- development of Mexico and since Berko witz' s talk on "Wha t One mendations of the committee on they were interested in territory and ness evades him; wh os o evade. great• de not commercial development, the ness, greatness pursues him.-Tal. cert a i n l y l est a l o t that ma Shoed" uld R a fas worth while. Beside his speech his own heart (said of I false The message to the American In-matter was dropped. President Diaz. mud. / the members of the "Y." at their , cian who was finally refuted 1.-Tal- I ritual. CINCINNATI LEADER CHOSEN CHIEF OF WORLD B'NAI B'RITH F F F F Is =O - =O- = AT L % i Madrt 91= 1 1•. ■ %%%%%%%% 119T1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i • alessaesasals'a• ■■■ •••• ■ •• ■ %• ■ •• ■ %%* 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111R Mill11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 111111111111111111111111111111111 Cooking Wasn't Always a Pleasure (US it is llis- ays the tonal of of Lith- the Jews tendency emigrate irt time, I to leave ie official I govern- iing of a tm Lith- we do to our coon- I late date fact that uania. It that this log with- istry and could not ut the AC. The Lith- therefore, about the linens and is emigre- r, [Stowe, emigre- to prevent herland. inancially, emigrant :ine takes ant so the .cording to s Accord- Jews that took with Lithuanian Os to Such h the Bus- d who has d market Tr•nsInt.el from Neue Frei. Press., by Dr. Bernhard Friedlaender, Detroit, Midi. --- (Editor's Note:-Professor 0. F. Frank! of Vienna delivered a series of lectures in Detroit last fall. Ile wrote the appended article comparing Ann Arbor to Ileidelberg, that gem among German cities and universities. A rather free translation is attempted in the the audience, shout their orders and car- Of- take 111 11iiii iII Iiii iii iiii iii im io nli n t iq t2 11 11 1111111111111111 IIR11111 , 11g1114111 1111 11111111 11111111111aillITIttil llif t 111 111 111 By DR. 0. F. FRANKL, Professor University of Vienna. city town reveals the fact that we are for she lavishes upon her children dealing with a center of busy intel- whatever they may need. The immense concrete stadium al- While Bishop Manning of New York is battling for the supremacy of le•tual life. The university buildings, most enclosing the green lawns rises Dogma and Creed, with such a kindly, lovable Christian soul as the vener• including libraries, dormitories and to dizzy heights. All of 60,000 seats able Bishop Brown of Arkansas, who found every Episcopal church closed fraternities, seem to arise from the circling Airplanes occupied. against him in New York, it is refreshing and spiritually revivifying to turn vast green lawns and be organical- are with the to remains of an above the field drop chrysanthemums ly connected upon those beneath. And now the to this statement of President-emeritus Eliot of Harvard addressed to the Numerous ry celebration in Town almost primeval forest. American Unitarian Association holding its centenary maidens bend of a hundred students marching sturdy youths and pretty wander along the streets and lanes. in from the south, strike up. Dressed Hall, New York. Truly a sight to rejoice the hearts of in lark blue, their short capes lined 'those who have not lost their youth with yellow silk, the musicians ad- Said this truly religious man, Dr. Eliot: in the Pursuit of wisdom and learning. Vance coquette and triumphant. The game is on between Michigan In these days when the whole world has been witnessing the failure of all established Christian institutions built on historical Although the city scarce counts 30,• and Wisconsin. One long side of the 000 inhabitants, the university rum• bars 12,000 students. No wonder so stands is reserved for the latter, while creeds, dogmas and confessions, to prevent or mitigate the most hor• Michigan occupies all the others. The rible outbreak of savagery the world has ever known, American Uni• many seek these hospitable oft cheer leaders of both factions, smart tarians and Universalises do well to invite the attention of their coun• ortunit hails of for every , learning feted them. The' opportunityy town itself would graceful boys, now enter; Wisconsin trymen to the existence of a church open, free and unauthroitative. try ife m- om Ind his he hot of gh- nt there- stion is a t nothing emigre- he report 15 to the dab com- that the annot iitions of All re- ithuanian are met t yourself By Chao H. Joseph.) just can't recall for the moment where I saw this item, but I think I An American Heidelberg rt. Am Y. W. H. A. NOTES !t4 ›,wfrn v DETROIT CITY GAS CO. Try a Chronicle Want Ad and Sell It mnothly meeting, April 26, were en. ' mud. I