7i H3 1 . )E1 KOH, P WISHORICV4 ICUS JANUARY 23, 19 , WINEMAN REVIEWS I IMPORTANT EVENTS IN U. J. C. GROWTH MEMBER oupoir NAltStATE BOARD tlITIDNIvisunIZIA1111156 FIFIALTYCOMPA PACKARD CAN BUILD A PACKARD (Concluded from page 1.) GARFIELD 2423.5380 8748 LINWOODAVE. template a complete health center,. where we can do the preventative I work that we heretofore have been ! carrying on. For this purpose we •have been fortunate in engaging the services of Mrs. Eleanor Jones Ford, a public health nurse, with notable For Every Occasion. (Fres, Cwrespondenc• end Cables of Jewish Telegraphic Agency.) and wide experience, who has recently • Subway Deresration Way ix the Eighteen hundred and twenty-fiv e Jewish immigrants arrived in Pales- takon charge of this department. Best Way. tine during the month of December, according to figures published in Jeru- Enlarged Staff Necessary. Ire con it your every desire and Our future plans also call for a salem Jan. 7. please your pocketbook. •• • • greatly enlarged staff to enable us to i song which has render better service in our family "Hooray, Burn Down the Synagogues" is the title of become popular in the streets of Berlin. The song originated in a music I wit.'sr•, educational and child-caring dep. 'tents. In order to accomplish I hall and is spreading rapidly. a • • • this, a greatly increased budget is re- quired, for which we are dependent A new Hebrew bi-monthly magazine, Gesher, has begun publication in Chas. IL Rosenman, Prop. upon the Detroit Community Fund. Tel Aviv. It is edited by Asher Barash and Eleazar Steinman nut is pub-1 With an allowed increase of $27,000 231 GRATIOT AVE. lished by the Writers' Association. over last year's budget, which covers ▪ • • • Phone Cherry 9171 all Jewish activities, including the Jacob Kupperschmied, 18-year-old chintz, who was about to leave for clinic, Fresh Air Society, Hebrew Palestine, was murdered in Grodno recently after he was robbed. Two Free Loan Association and Young peasants were arrested as suspects. !Women's Hebrew Association, we • • • stand in a better financial position Fifty-one Roumanian students, members of the Christian Students than ever to serve the many needs of Union, will be expelled permanently from the University of Jassy, according this community. Get our prices before you place "In line with our program of expan- . to a decision of the university's senate. your order. We own our own • • • is ', ion, we now have a separate depart- i place, consequently our overhead The new Palestine currency which is to replace the Egyptian pound now ment for child caring work, including is small. Our employes arc reli- in use, will be issued shortly by the Palestine government. The new cur- home finding, child placing and super- able and responsible. Our achieve. I vision. I' eon junctios ssith this de- rency will have a value of nearly one pound stir I"' month include some of the finest .. . . my, ' • ■ •• . . • ' buildings in Detroit. partment there is already functioning I * The football match ALL WORK GUARANTEED Viennese Jewish football an efficient Child-caring committee.! team, as •en the Ila'koach, the In fact, the responsibility in all de- i a se acted team of English football players in Palestine, resulted partments is being shifted from the ip . a victory for the Ha'koach with a score of 4 to 2. workers to volunteer committees to • • . • 695.97 CATHERIN" whom the workers make weekly or "' ...k. STREET The Jewish High School at Grodno has been granted the right to issue semi-weekly reports. The responsi- . Ch . / 1109 .) diplomas to its graduates which will be recognized as valid for entry into bility for human lives, which up to the universities. This is the first Jewish high school in Poland to be recog- this time has been entirely thrown upon the workers, is now divided, and nized by the government. • • • • ft of the help and we h eve th e b 14 ONLY IdOW'ER SUBWAY FLOWER SHOP STRUCTURAL IRON ORNAMENTAL IRON JACOB HARRISON IRON WORKS HOME MADE BUTTER Direct from Our Churn to Your 'fable. FRESH COUNTRY BUTTER OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS Half Block North of Clairmount THE SASS DAIRY CO. 9150 Twelfth Street. The district governor of Wilkowiszki issued an order according to which advice of committee groups, which is all Jews who are native-born Lithuanians or born in the part of Lahti- naturally going to mean better social ania now occupied by Poland must leave the country. An appeal was made service work. These committees also to the central authorities at Kovno. are a means for useful volunteer ef- fort, the encouragement of which was long a problem with us. Liberal Russians and Russian Jewish social workers celebrated recently "I feel that I would be slighting • the jubilee of the political and judicial activities of the famous Russian law y er , Karabtsehewsky. Karabtschewsky was the chief counsel for the one of our best accomplishments if I failed to mention our psychopathi c defense in the Beilis trial in Kieff in 1912. clinic, which is being conducted week- ' • • • NOW OPEN WASHINGTON MINERAL BATHS 2140 CASS AVE. S. Cor. Columbia Don't suffer. We can help you. Open at all times. 0 711noon STROH (3L1ILIIINO Meyer Grossman, director of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in London, in the United Raphael. Charities This Building by ly Dr. Theophile clinic who is now visiting Palestine, was received recently by Sir Herbert Samuel. is a branch of the l'sychopathic Hos- The audience lasted 40 minutes. The proper facilities for a regulated press pital of Ann Arbor, of which Dr. Bar- service from and to Palestine was the subject of the conversation. rett is the head. It is needless for • • • • me to tell informed persons that good Results of the elections to the Communal Council of Tel Aviv, the 100 social service work cannot be done per rent Jewish city of Palestine, were made known Jan. 7. The council today without the advice of a my- consists of 12 members representing the workers, 10 the Orthodox Jewish chiatrist. The need for this clinic is population, five general Zionists, six Sephardim and six of various other apparent. Reports Bequests. groups. . • • • "I wish to mention several be- quests which we have received the • An ancient stairway, which is believed to be one of the entrances to King Solomon's Temple, was excavated on the site where the temple stood, last 12 months and for which we are duly grateful. From the estate of according to a report of the Jerusalem correspondent of the London Daily Express. The discovery was made by men engaged in excavations in the Hattie S. Powers we received $500; from the Oscar Rosenberger estate, vicinity of the Omar Mosque. $500, which amount is an annual con- • • • • THE PACKARD EIGHT Of all the famous Packards, each the greatest car of its time, none won worldwide acceptance so quickly as the Packard Eight. Go where you will among the great cities of the world, there will you find the Packard Eight—standing at attention in front of some smart club in Buenos Aires; gracing the grounds of some old English manor, or purring along the Champs Elysees like some great, contented, living thing. And at Aix•les•Bains; at Vichy; at Tourquet; at Wiesbaden, and other famous watering places where car beautycontests have been the season's fad, Trouts - 1m n.,nfPack ard Eights have entered their cars -,ntt, been awarded first prizes i competition with the finest cars of all the world. But best of all, at home the Packard Eight has been re- ceived so generously that month after month there has been an actual shortage of cars. PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY Detroit Branch 574 E. JEFFERSON AT ST. ANTOINE Cadillac 7000 8500 WOODWARD A E. PHILADELPIII Empire 7123 PACKARD EIGHT ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS 0 N Portraits 01 Children Eacluss••ly Represetatives of the executive committee of the Agudas Israel in tribution, and from Joseph and Harry Vienna are anxious to arrange a meeting between Dr. Chaim Weizniann and Ilelfman. $3,000, to he applied to the Smilay, high in bridge, while Mrs. Joseph Bar- much feted Miss Cella Dr. Pinellas Kohn, president of the Agudas Israel, for the purpose of Hannah Heitman Memorial Fund, man, Philip Slomovitz, Louis nett and Miss Celia Barnett scored Luncheon was served at th, negotiating co-operation between the Agudah and the Zionist organization which now totals $7,000. I think I Dr. Charles Smith, Harry Solomon, Hotel, Detroit, after which tl am authorized at this time to an- Alex M. Spater, Harry Srere, Louis high at niah jong. in the rebuilding work of Palestine. were taken to the Itsiii.te! nounce that it is the intention of Stoll, Samuel Summerfield, Rabbi Jo. • --- house. Messrs. Helfman to all to this fund seph Thuniin, Peter Vass, Dr. B. D. Miss Celia Barnett was honor guest LET The government of Palestine ought to patronize local firms in making until it reaches the amount of $25,-1 Welling, Melville S. Welt, S. Wein- purchases of supplies, according to a demand forwarded to the government 000. They Mme in the near future berg, Joseph Weisman, Louis Wine at a luncheon at the Book-Cadillac MOVE YOU Hotel in Detroit to which 32 guests in a memorandum submitted by the Jewish Chamber of Commerce of Jaffa. to be able to designate some purpose, and Edwin Wolf. Cut Rate Moving and Stomps. were invited, or Wednesday, Jan. 14, Government and army officials recently ceased ordernig goods from Pales- to which this memorial can be ap- given by Miss Beth Levinson of that 1057 GRAND RIVER AVENUE tine firms and have, instead, been receiving their supplies from crown agents. plied." cty The guests were seated in a I Phone Cadillac 6853-4679. After Mr. Wineman read his re- CHICAGO.—(J. T. A.) private dining room and the table was A report published Jan. 8 of the number of desertions from Judaism port, Mr. Waldman delivered a short artistically decorated with individual striking confirmation of the during 1924 shows that in the city of Lemberg alone 23 men and 32 women address in which he outlined his plans corsage bouquets for each guest. A theory of relativity has been deserted Judaism. It was pointed out that the number of conversions in for effecting a federation of the Jew- theater party at the temple followed the experiments conducted Congresa Poland Is less than in Galicia. This is attributed to the fact that i o h organizations in Detroit engaged American Jewish scienti , t, the luncheon. the assimilationist tendencies in ('(ingress Poland are not so strong as in in philanthropic and educational The first of a series of benefit card pert A. Michelson of tilt. I'M' work. Mr. Waldman paid a tribute parties to be given by the Sisterhoo( Galicia. Chicago. Ile annouth.,d Ph' • • • • TLANTIC CITY, N. J. :Miss Celia Barnett shared honors 5 f Mr . Wineman and of Temple Beth Jacob was held at th to a lecture given in 11111 The struggle for power in Arabia between the Hashimite family and to complimented the leadership the board of directors Jewish Community Center Jan. 1 with Miss Bernice Strifling at a din- first tinie in several sear, Ibn Saud, leader of the Wahabis, assumed a new aspect when Germany on their services to the community. and was well attended. Assisting Mrs ner given Friday evening by Miss Prof. Michels, n thruw entered the fight. According to rinorts from Jeddah, six German officers He also spoke in glowing terms of Louis Solomon and Mrs. Jacob Meye , Bernice Solomon at the home of her light by mirrors in opir,te i arrived in Jeddah, the last stronghold of King Ali, for the purpose of giving the liberal treatment which the , who are in charge of these affair , parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Solomon, through a 5200-foot military instruction to the Iledjas army. Ex-King Hussein arrived in Shan. United Jewish Charities and other were Mrs. Jacob Kovinsky. Mrs. A. at which 11 guests were present. Mu- they had required Men ii a The Sheik of the Senussi proceeded to Mecca. Jewish social agencies received at the Elbling, Mrs. J. Edelstein and Mr.. sical entertainment and dancing fol- make the trip and readad tF • • • • lowed the dinner. hands of the Community Fund. Norman Buckner. ing place together, a Ito- , i11. Pantsehischin, the Ukrainian held on the charge of being involved in No change in the personnel of the in Einstein's theory had Lc the throwing of a bomb at President Wojciechowski in Lemberg, following officers or the board of directors took Mr. and Mrs. Morris Fine enter- Prof. Michelson said that h Miss Josephine Sandorf was hos- sensational revelations by two members of the Ukrainian secret organization, place, in view of the fact that it is tained guests at dinner Sunday, Jan. the tests than far had the t tess on Thursday evening at a miscel- Ionic(' that he threw the bomb at the president. Ile was sick on the day the intention of the United Jewish come home together. "Th, laneous shower to 20 guests in honor 18, honoring Miss Celia Barnett. . ‘ of the attack, he declared. Notwithstanding the recent discoveries in con- Charities, in its purpose to bring of Miss Celia Barnett, whose mar- question but that the tests ' nection with the bomb throwing court authorities are making preparaions about a representative federation, riage will take place this month. Mrs. Mrs. Benjamin Netzorg and Mrs. knother striking confirmsti eventually to choose a board of di- On 0.. Ocean Front I for the trial of Stanislaw Steiger. Joseph Schwartz, Mrs. William Pres- Henry Jacobson were joint hostesses brilliant work," Prof. Slid • • • rectors which will consist of men and American and European Plans. ent and Mrs. Isadore Kaufman were on Thursday, Jan. 15, honoring the Glared. An appeal to Jewis writers and intellectuals all over the world to assist women responsible for the work of New Hydri•tie Baths. the Jewish National Fund in acquiring land in Palestine was decided upon the several agencies which will con- Golf Pri•ileg•s and Garage. at a conference of Hebrew writers called by the headquarters of the Jewish stitute the federation. National Fund and held recently in Dilb. M. M. Ussishkin, the director of Officers Are Re-elected. Bathing From Hotel. the fund, in a lengthy speech dealt with the land problem in Palestine and The officers of the United Jewish JOEL HILLMAN, President ,, described the past achievements and the tasks still confronting the Jewish Charities are as follows: Ilenry airman, president; Walter M. — National Fund. A special committee was elected. Fuchs, Milton M. Alexander, Fred St. Important discoveries proving the existence of a high culture and civiliz- Baud and Miss Edith Heavenrich, Mic • ation in ancient Mesopotamia, were made in the city of Cr, the birthplace vice-presidents; David W. Simons, MEYER BARRON. Pilo of Abraham the Patriarch, according to reports received in Jerusalem 'treasurer. attyara al All Kinds al The board of directors consists of ' Excavations of the United Archaeological Expedition of the British Museum , ' and the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania have brought to light Jerome Ackerman, Rabbi Henry J. WASTE PAPER ruins of the ancient city's hall of j justice and a gate where the judges sat. Berkowitz, Dr. Philip II. Brood°, 1342 Brew•t•r St. ausness Tablets recording di official business an d ledge) s of the city's revenues from Harry Z. Brown, Joseph H. Burak, Cedilla. 1709 Cadillac 1708 , Maurice Dreifuss, Joseph H. Ehrlich, ,, tithes and other duties were found. N. • . . • Llerman Finsterwald, Samuel Frank, Meyer Sweschanowsky, a Jewish butcher and a son-in-law of one of • or. Leo M. Franklin, William Fried- the rabbis of Minsk, was arrested under suspicion that he was involved in man, Bernard Ginsburg, Mrs. Samuel the murder of Gurewitch, the Jewish "robkor" who mysteriously disappeared , R. Glogower, Blanche J. Hart. Samuel on Dec. 21 from Ratowitch, in the district of Minsk. His body was found Ileavenrich, Rabbi A. M. Ilershman several days later in the vicinity of the next village. Signs on the body Judge Harry B. Heiden, Julian H. indicated that he was strangled, it was stated. Before his disappearance Rrolik, Abraham J. Levin, Theodore Gurewitch published correspondence on the "Jewish Clergy." This is the Levin, Rabbi Judah L. Levin, J. L. first Jewish "robkor" who has met the same fate as Russian ..robkors" in Levine, Robert Locwenberg, Gerald I May, Jacob Nathan, J. B. Nieman, the Russian villages. • • • Wallace Rosenheim, Mrs. Wallace The good-will of Roumania with regard to the rebuilding of Palestine a• Rosenheim, Dr. Harry Saltzstein, Al- the Jewish National Home was expressed in a letter from Foreign Minister b e rt Samter, Albert W. Schloss Jo- the Duca addressed to Nachum Sokolow, chairman of the World Zionist Or. ' senh I,. Selling, Abe Shiffman. Milford ganization. "The Roumanian government has no objection to the Jewish Stern, Dr. Benjamin D. Welling. Mel- citizens of Roumania contributing to the work of rebuilding Palestine. ville S. Welt, Mrs. Henry Wineman, Roumania, which has helped in this humanitarian work as a member of the Sirs. Joseph Zechman and Mrs. David Particular People Prefer •eague of Nations, hopes that the establishment of the Jewish national horn.• . S. Zemon. the Palate in Palestine will be successful. This government, like its predecessors, igh eat Strictly censored. has given support to the collection of funds for the Palestine Foundation Fund and I am sure you will have the government's good-will in future," Standard Foreign Minister Duca wrote. 4• 41•44 t41•4‘41•4.4 — Th. Band Yen Le•• to Dance With An appeal to the Moslem Religious Court to act on the principle I,f , equality before the laws was addressed to the court by the president of the i Concluded from pace IL Moslem Supreme Council. "The main object," the president writes, "of the Moslem Supreme Council is that religious courts be a center of justitce Abraham Caplan, Maurice J. Caplan, and equity, consider the stronger party as it were weaker for the application Joseph Chaggi, Louis Cohane, Jacob of law and consider the weaker party a stronger one to ensure the course IL Davis, Louis Duseoff, James I. Ell- of justice. The magistrates must follow the ancient Moslem tradition ac- man, Clarence A. Enggass, George G. Grasit• ••11 M•rbl• cording to which the Caliph was sentenced when he injured a Jew and Epetean, Rabbi Joseph Eisenman, was forced to appear with a poor man before the judge. The courts must Sidney Fechheimer, Adolph Finster. not pay attention to the position of the persons appearing before them, wall, Rabbi M. Fisher. Emanuel G. nor consider their political opinion. or social portion. Justice is above all." • Frank. Samuel Frank. Jerome Freud,' Adolph Freund, J. Friedberg, Isaac 564 Winder Street Gilbert, Bernard Ginsburg, John' Pito• Cadillac 48 A century ago there was a Jewish educationist named Baruch Schott- lander for Schott) living in Germany. He use horn in Schottlantl, a suburb Ginsburg, Mies Hattie Gittelman, I Lewes A. W•rbe, Repres•ct•Ii•• Philip Gleichman, Jacob E. Goldberg, was present in Paris at The Only Jewish MONUMENT of Danzig, in 1753, and died in 1046. In 1006 he the Sanhedrin convoked by the Emreror Napoleon I and submitted a me- Harry S. Grant. Nathan M. Gross, Dealer i• Detroit. Sigmund 11A8±, Samuel Ileavenrich, e was ws. Ile moral urging the necessity of better education among the J Walter Ileavenric), Alfred II. Hecht, the author of ■ number of works, including a collection of proverbs, stories Hairy Heitman, Alvin D. blench, Z. - and p o ems from the Talmud and a reader for Jewish children Ifs chil MAIN OFFICE-24I WEST FORT ST. OPPOSITE POST OFI dren were baptised, although he remained a Jew. Last year Israel Gold- Ilimelhoch, Jesse II. Hirschman, Al. bert Kahn. Aaron Klein, A. J. Koff. cement factory in Heidel- berg met in Palestine Engineer Schott, head of a berg on a visit to Palestine, who told Mr. Goldberg that he is a grand-on man. J. B. Lasky. A.7. Levin, Isadore BRANCHES: of Schottlaender and who handed over to him a number of manuscripts Lev - n, Jacob Levin, Theodore Levin. 8101 West Jefferson A•e. 12500 East Jefferson A•e. 1201 Westminster Apr 'shirts he had inherited from his grandfather. The manuscripts have now Dr. Muhl Levy, Joseph Lichtenstein, I At caw') (At Cure Herman Marks, Robert Marwil, Max (At Dints./ been presented by Mr. Goldberg to the Jewish National Library. 7960 West Fort St. 7I'00 Ferndale Ann 5401 Chene St. May, Henry Mazer Meyer Prentis its,, West End) At Spr ■ nt.ara (At K Ay) Samuel J. Rhodes, Louis Robinson, 2705 Hastings St. 8401 Hamilton Ave. 5330 Russell St. Victor Roemer, Harry Rosenberg, Isa- (At Eisclidi (N.. 0••Its) (N.. K thy) dore Rosenberg. Wallace Rosenheim, 8360 Linwood Are. 2619 Woodward A•e. 62 4 7 B a kre. iutos Rubiner, Soi E. Sallan, Harry (Al Fur' dl in, Adelaide) lOpp L SScheinman. Arthur W. Schlesin- I:018 Twelfth St. 7164 Michigan 4800 Nikki, (Nr. Are . rre . r, Albert W. Schloss. Arthur H. (At Chop •I (At is rty.first) Schwartz, Joseph I,. Selling. David Si UNDER CONSTRUCTIO' 5601 Grand Riser A•e 6378 C.ratiot Ape . S'dder. Ben Siegel, Josenh Siegel. 8101 Mack A•e. (At Hodes.) I At HeAroral Telephone Finpir• 2114 (At Parker) Street Louis Siegel, Nathan Silberstein, Bon. 7739 John R DETROIT 700 MAROVITTI 81.00. V4 ( - ha-lea C. Simons, Eugene II. S:o- • • • SHEKELL MICHELSON AFFIR EINSTEIN'S TH Pontiac Nero itirralar5 ;waw gulp 11$, 1k,11 I II r • • • • , higan Paper Stock Co. ' Open a Savings Account with this Friendly Bank You do more than just save when you open a Savings Account With the Bank of Detroit—you make a lasting friend of this great institution ; a friend that is always ready to render you every friendly service within the power of a bank. You can feel at liberty to consult our capable executives re- garding your personal and private affairs—you can get experi- enced advice on real estate transactions—you can best learn the advantages of dealing with the Bank of Detroit by talking it over with the branch in your neighborhood. Palais de Dance • • • • HERCULEAN EFFORT EXERTED FOR DRIVE MANUEL URBACH Monuments BA NK OF DETROI SPIZUNK r ...................m...w.m.e...............„, ,,,,,,,, ENGRAVING CO. Commercial Artists and Engravers ' • • 0 • LEWIS BROTHERS • • ( 0 Funeral Directors and Embalmers