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November 28, 1924 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1924-11-28

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NOVEMBER 2 . i9 2 1

711E E1 norrjEwisn (ARoA lc LE



- -
JERUSALEM. — (J. T. A.)-.,
Count van I,imburg Stirum, minister
of the Netherlands at Cairo, formerly
Viceroy of Dutch East India, and
Countess van Limburg Stirum recent-
ly were the guests of District Gover-
nor and Lady Storrs: Members of the
Dutch Colony in Jerusalem, including
Mr. Van Vriesland, member of the
Palestine Zionist Executive, were
among those who lunched at the res-



GARFIELD 2423.5380

Urges in Radio Speech to 2,500
Workers Strengthening of
Budget Concept.
- --
NEW YORK. — The community

(Fre., correspondence and Cables or Jortish Telegraphic Menet,/

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1 7j.





chest plan for charity was strongly
endorsed by President Coolidge last

The All-Russian Conference of the Yevsektzia, the Jewish section of the Sunday evening in a speech delivered
at the White House into a long-di,
Russian Communist party, was opened in Moscow Nov. 14.
lance transmitter which carried it to


2,500 members of the Federation for
Dr. Benjamin Amira, a graduate of the Gymnasia Ivrith of Tel Aviv, was the Support of Jewish Philanthropies
appointed special instructor in mathematics in the University of Geneva.
in this city dining in the Pennsylvania

and Waldorf-Astoria hotels, whence it
The troject to build a new railway from Beirut to Ilaifa will be dis- woo broadcast by radio.
The President's message was the
cussed dal i^t.t. the visit to Jerusalem of General Weygand, French High Com-
opening of a campaign to raise $1,-
missioner of Syria, according to information received in Jerusalem.

250,000 to wipe out the deficit of the

I Residents of Palestine will he permitted to install radio receiving sets in federation, and more than $500,000
their homes and listen in to broadcasting from Europe and, eventually, was subscribed in response to appeals
America, according to official announcement. A special license is required. from the platforms.
• • •
The President not only urged lib-




On the Ocean Front

American and European Plans.

New Hydriatic B•ths.

Gulf Privileges and Gauge.

Bathing From Hotel.



Rh e umatism

Don't suffer—get quick relief.
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It costs nothing to coma dowel
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Front Ste.

Second and
Sulphur Mineral, Turkish
Tonic, Swedish, Electric Bath .

Take Woodward Through Car
Cher ry 4784

A colony in Palestine in memory of Dr. Menachem M. Scheinkin, who died erid contributions for the specific oh.
in a car wreck in Chicago, will be established, according to a resolution ject of the campaign, but expressed
adopted by the Ilerzliah Society of Chicago. The colony will be named strong approval of the community
chest or budget man for charities un•
der which a single appeal is made in-

• •
stead of many and the one great fund
The principal synagogue in Odessa has been closed by the authorities on is dispensed by budget among churl-
political grounds, according to a message which has been received in Riga.. table agencies without duplicated et-
The message does not indicate the exact nature of the grounds on which fort and expense.
this action was taken.
Diners Paid $100 Each.

• •
The cover charge for the dinner
Georges de Porto, celebrated French dramatist and member of the Acad- was $100, the largest fee ever exacted
emy, was decorated as an officer of the Legion of !loner. M. de Porto has for the privilege of sitting down at a
had his plays produced in the Comedic?. Francaise. Ile is one of the wealthypublic dinner. Every $100 went in-
Jews of Paris and is of Ashkanazic stock. I tact into the treasury of the federa-
• • • •
tion, for the reason that the expense
Representations on behalf of the Jewish Orthodox World Organization, 1 of the dinner was borne entirely by '
Agudath Israel, concerning its participation in the upbuilding of Palestine , one person who remained anonymous.
and representation in the Jewish Agency, were made in Geneva by the! The President's address was, in
leaders of the organization, it was learned in Berlin recently. I part, as follows:
• •
"Your practical interest in the bud-

Large areas of land in the district of Ekaterinoslav, in the neighborhood get plan, your adoption of it as the
of the existing, Jewish colonieii, have been allotted for Jewish coloniation. I b ind s of your great charity system, is
Five hundred families, coming from the districts of odolia and Poltava, I a fin,' accomplishment. Wherever the
ixteen Jewish colonies same plan has been adopted, in the
are expected to settle on this land next spring.
now exist in the district of Ekaterinoslay.
I financing of benevolence, philanthro-

' pies and charities through the corn-
A request to stop the building activities of the electric station in Haifa. inanity chest method, it has been pro-
which is a part of the Rutenberg chic rification scheme, was submitted to the ductive of the best results. It has
mayor of Ilaifa in a memorandum presented by the Arab Chamber of Com- eliminated the waste of indiscrimin-
merce, Arab manufacturers and the Mukhtar. The Arabs declare that they ate charity; but that is not by any
means its most commendable accent-
intend to establish an Arab electric company.
• a • i
What seems to be an attempt of Catholic monks to convert a Jew sh: "Far more useful, I think, is the
boy to Catholicism, held the attention of Jerusalem Jews recently. The service it has done in organizing those
boy escaped from the Catholic convent, Ratisboen, crying: "Save me, they works of human helpfulness so that
want to baptise me." Crowds gathered and quarreled with the monks, who we may he sure they will not do
more harm than good. Nothing is
pursued the boy. Ile escaped and .disa.ppe:red in the crowd.
finer than the open hand and the gen-
overnment , is ready to close all the universities in the clews heart that Prompts free and
The Roumanian government
country and declare, if necessary, martial law, in connection with the grow- unselfish giving. But modern social
ing anti-Semitic propaganda of the Roumanian students. The government science knows, also, that ill-directed
has been compelled to take this drastic step in view of the increasing olis- charity is often directly responsible
turbances among the students, who threaten to create a situation of unsafety for encouragement of pauperism and
mendicancy. The best service we can
in the country.
• • •

do for the needy and unfortunate is
A workingmen's college in which courses are to be given in the Yiddish to help them in such manner that
language is the demand of the Jewish Communists in Odessa, where CO their self-respect, their ability to help
per cent of the general workingmen's class are Jews. Recent examinations themselves, shall not be injured but
in the Workingmen's College of Odessa proved that many Jewish working- , augmented. Nobody is necessarily
• men, proficient in their other subjects, fail, owing to their insufficient out merely because he is down. But,
being down, nobody gets up .again
knowledge of Russian or Ukranian.

• •
without honest effort of his own. The
Dr. Samson Rosenbaum, former minister of Jewish affairs in the Lithu- best help that benevolence and phi;
anian cabinet, before leaving for Palestine was offered the post of Lithu- lanthropy can give is that which in-
anion Consul in Jerusalem. Dr. Rosenbaum, however, refused the offer of duces everybody to help himself.
Raise $7,000,000 • Year.
the government in view of the recent attitude of the government towards
"Your Federation for the Support
Jewish rights and in bringing proceedings against him for using the title of
Philanthropic Societies in
temporary minister of Jewish affairs.

; New York is the central financial
"There is nhsolutely no foundation in the statement that Mr. Morgen- agency, I am told, for no less than 91
thou is in any way connected with the alleged actions of Mr. Kaufman," various philanthropies, which receive
. declared Constantine D. Xanthopoubts, Greek Charge d'Affaires at Wash. annual support aggregating $7.000,-
ingiton. "We wish to repeat that we feel a deep sense of gratitude toward 111111. Among them are hospitals, or-
Mr. Morganthau, who for noire than a year has devoted his talents and tihallageS, a great relief society, a
. loaning organization, a home for aged
energies so faithfully to the assistance of the Greek refugees "
• •

and infirm. The Young Men's Ile-
A list of 18 persons, most of them Jews, who were to have been assassi- brew Association and the Young
noted, has been discovered by the police in the Fascisti Club, in the course Women's Ilehrew Association do s.i.
of the investigations into the murder of the Chief of Police of Jassy. Fur- cial and educational work of the
they arrests have been made, among them being the whole family of the . greatest valve, Especial attention is
anti-Semitic agitator, Protesser rein Codreanu. More arrests are expected. devoted indeed to educational effort
Discovery of the plot has caused great excitement in Bucharest. for which technical schools are main-
• •

tallied. That is,.of course, precisely
Eleven thousand five hundred chalutzim are now waiting in various what we should expect from a great
European cities for their chance to proceed to Palestine, according to a Jewish organization, for the Jews are
cable received by the Palestine Zionist Executive from the Chalutz head- :always among the first to appreciate
quarters in Berlin. The Palestine Zionist Executive is urged in the cable and o utilize educational opp ortuni-


Select Dancing Nightly

Palais de Dance

Particular People Prefer
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Strictly censored. Highest

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Five Balloon-Type Tires






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Hergenroeder, Inc., 14615 E. Jefferson—Hickory 7600
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Dix-Western Motor Co., 3950 Dix—West 1601
Gratiot Motor Co., 8226 Gratiot—Lincoln 1172

• • •

the Black Hole of Calcutta, the young
carmen faring an unspeakahle future
and the children wasting away. They
are ignorant of the language of the
country. They are in a community
which is unable to afford help. They
have no advisers or friends, and wher-
ever they turn they see naught but

ill Calia to hr 1, 0 1111AL - 11 to

without a helping hand extended to
Thcni? The laic, of the U. S. wheth-
er we agree with the policy which
emitted the net or nut, must and Will hi'
ongrc,, has the power
ena. t a joint resolution by which the
sign manfull of our government as
exemplified in the visits which have
been placed upon the passports held
by the smile, may becente effective. Ti,
give official recognition to these visas
would save oar country from juet re-
proach. But if that canted be brought
about—and in any event it would take
a long time to d r so—then the duty
is ineundient upon us Americans to
sav e 11.1, Children Of Gild who have
Mee . iiS derelicts up .11
pitable -I

Relief for the Refugees.
":`.',y friends, what, under these vie-
, utestances, is your duty and nip duty
tiovard these ten-times stricken,
wretched human beings? Are we t
deafen our ears to the call of human-
ity? What is to be done to rescue
those who are streti•hing forth their
hands from a dozen European ports-
Seutlihapniton and I herhourg, Ant-
werp Rotterdam, Bremen and Hem-
to increase the means for providing necessary agricultural training for chal- ties.
"Into this entire system of cont- burg, Danzig and Libati, Rival and
" \\' O!.
ll ;It Ill II - I i in iii
utzim, the granting of certificates and transportation to Palestine.
munal services, reaching to every pos- Riga, Constantimple and Marseilles? Ewen,: , I' nowtt.. by too L
• • •

.. I, tit ere.'
t A provisional euratorium was elected at a meeting of the resident three. tibia department of social relations, Are they to be left to perish and go of .1, e ,, II„ ,' , ,,
I tors of the Hebrew University held during the visit of Dr. Weizmiinn in the federation brings order and a down to destruction? Are the refugees 1 zedi Ii- I•:an I - I . i , t ,I.. . ■ 6,ut I',
1 .47141TM. The curatorium consists of Dr. J. I.. Ma/riles, Professor Fedor, Proper interrelationship. Duplication
director of the Bin-Chemical Department; Dr. Hugo Bergman, (Beerier of of services, which always means mut-
! the national library; Dr. Feud and Selig Weizmann, director of the Micro. tiplication of expense and division of
Biological Laboratory. Dr. ?lagers was chosen chairman. The curatorium results. is avoided. The man or snow-
will hold monthly meetings at which reports will be presented. an who gives through the (Mince
knows that the most good will he done
• • •

admission of these afflicted
into countries which will •,:t
I an-
teema chance to earn a nett
der liberal laws, and whereql,:.
i• im-
be helped purcuniarily
tinl 11113'S of their sojourn G., rs until
they :secure eniployinent. There are
such countries to which these eandor.
ties, if admitted, would • vi ritually
prove It blessing, as have their
wimn S
run ,vho in the past have
led in the United States. This cannot,
however, In accomplished by the com-
tn:.,: .titneie nunivaRnisss,, it be provided eith nut-



Educators and psyche!
watching the mental pre,es..--,
0 4 .
II , 811 development
Ii anon, 10 yearn old, m lei I. , been
• rety,
i (miltedto Ogletherie. I
.\ tlanta, Ga., later tests \VII, I ',wed
hi , zet•tttality to he that of a 1. , ,ear-

old studert.

The sum of $22.500,000 was allotted to Palestine to be paid in the at the has expense. All administra-
next 20 years as its share of the Ottoman national debt, according to the ‘It' cost, of the organization have
decision reached by the Allied Debt Commission which concluded its seSsiolis averaged less than four cents on the
in Constantinople. Other sums apportioned among the territories which for. dolla r. other community chest Retie'.
merly belonged to the Ottoman empire are the following: Mesopetniem, ties, which in recent years are get-
12,500,000 Turkish pounds mid Syria, 15,000,000 Turkish pounds. A period Ong spread all about Vie country.
of three months was allowed for the countries concerned to protest against make like showings of efficiency and
the apportionments. economical management. They have
' been ahlr, just as your federation has

• •

s now been able, to enlist the best abilities.
A treasure, hidden by German officers in the soil of Palestine, i
being sought by government officials as a result of information submitted the most skilled direction, the widest
experience, in systematizing opera.
to the authorities. The authorities were informed that in I SIR, a few days
before the Turkish army was compelled to evacuate Palestine before the tions that ordinarily are haphazard
victorious troops of General Allenby, German officers, who were attached and wasteful."
to the staff of the Turkish army. buried near Groin two cases containing
100,000 Turkish pounds in gold. Excavation!, which have been started have
not yet led tc any discoveries.


The American-European Reconstruction Foundation, formed by the Joint
(Contnued from page 1.1
Distribution Committee and the ,Jewish Colonization Association, held a con-
ference in Brussels recently. Franz Phillipson presided. Besides the repro- telling truth and to draw fair and
eentatives of the Joint Distribution Committee and the Ica there were pros- useful conclusions from it. He never
ent Mr. Sondheinter of Fraiskfurt am Main, Senator Scherschewsky and Dr. made his contributions to his journal
David Kluntel of Poland aria Dr. Rosenbaum of Lithuania. The conference the vehicle of personal dislike or prej-
decided to take measures for the purpose of strengthening the development udictid attack. He was broad and
Ile was a
generous and liberal.
of Jewish co-operative organizations in eastern European countries.
• • •

strong man physically and mentally
Whether a cantor has the right to appear on the stage as a concert singer and it is a real loss that we are not
is being discussed in the Jewish community of Arnheim. The Chief Rabbi of to have for many more years the
Arnheim prohibited Cantor Tashlitzky from giving a concert, being of the assistance that he could render to the
opinion that it is not in conformity with the dignity of the position which cause of publishing the truth from
he holds in the synagogue. The cantor resigned, declaring that, in his Washington to the large community
opinion, a cantor is not lowering the dignity of his position by singing in ft which he reached, without fear or
concert and cited the custom in America, where cantors are permitted to favor. One needs almost a lifetime
appear on the concert stage. The question will be submitted to the rabbini- to secure such a pulpit. And now in
cal court at The Hague. full strength he is taken from us.
• •

His home life was brimming with
Stanislaw Thugutt, leader of the Polish radical peasants party, has accept. sweetness. It is sad to think of the
ed the poet of assistant prime minister. Mr. Thugutt, who was formerly bereavement of the loving wife and
nrime minister of Poland, is known as one of the few Polish political leaders the void his death makes in his happy
who are eolvine the problem of tiv national minorities in a manner satisfac- family."
tory to the latter. Ile has made definite promises in this respect, in and
out of office. As soon as his appointment was made known, a delegation of
representatives of the national minorities, including Dr. Leon Reich, called
on him, asking him to take up the matter of the national minorities. Vice-
premier Thugutt promised to call a conference after he has been sworn into

(Continued from Page 1)
Whether the Jewish community in Australia is to admit proselytes from
among the local population, who are desirous of embracing Judaism, cits- the countriesin which they find them-
dt h ex p u s n ano
cussed for some time in the Australian Jewish communities. reached its sees, threatens
go. All they
culmination during the recent high holidays. The question has held the knowing not whither to
to show is a passport with a dis-
•ttention of Jewish communal leaders, the rabbis and the press in Sydney have
honored et rtificato issued by United
end Melbourne. where the proselytes usually apply for admission into the
resolution States officials acting within their au-
Jewish communities. This practice will cease as a result of a
idonted at the annual general meeting held in the Great Synagogue of
'List, nirg to the siren song of
Sydney. It was pointed out that the admitting of large numbers of con-
steamship agents. 5,000 more of these
saris brings about confusion in the Jewish communities.
footballs of fate, human beings such
as we are, were lured to Cuba, where
•sV f hey, ton, are stranded °nd are en d u r -
ing a living death. Because of un-
• teward act nrinic and climatic cendi-
tii its these men and women• who are
irdustriotie and eager to svork are un-
able to find employment. They are
Funeral Directors and Embalmers
housed in unsanitary barracks under
7735 John R. Street
e mist re pe!ling conditions, cr ,wded
woologologegoicsiogoiolimweik.„4 int, quart, rs cumparable only with •

Commercial Artists 0
and Engravers 0


They have achieved an effect of pleas-
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• • • •

' ma

Dodge Brothers craftsmanship is
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• •

■■•■••■ ∎ ■■• ∎∎∎11.■\•∎ ■■■•■•■•■■■•■■■■■■∎•■



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Our Foreign Department stands ready to advise you as to the best and quickci
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8101 West Jefferson Ave.
(Al Cary)

12500 East Jefferson Ave.

7960 West Fort St.
(14.. West End)

5401 Cherie St.

2705 Hastings St.

5330 Rustell St.
K rby

(N,. Dm • on)

(At Comm-si

(Al K rhy I

2619 Woodward A•e.
(Opp. Adelaide)

6247 D'a Ave.
(Dm 1.. , werno •)

7164 Michigan Are.

4800 Michigan Ave.
At Th.rty•nrst)

(At Chop n)


Grand Riser Ave.

1 At Hudson)

6378 Gratiot Ave.

At Me'ttrurn I

1201 Westminster Ave.

(At De'rn1( )
7100 Ferndale Ave.
(At Springnel's)
8401 Hemilton Ave.
1At Eec'd l
8360 Linwood Ave.
(At Ent' d)
5018 Twelfth(Sti

8101 Mark Ave.
(At Parker)


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