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September 19, 1924 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1924-09-19

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SEPTEMBER 19, 1924




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fir44 At


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Whoa real •11t•t0 I/008 up, ■ oel
it is sure to do so, you'll feed
pleased that you acted upon our
advice and bought. We hay. se...,
eral d ' ble buy. you should ie.'


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wife Should Use



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All the Jewish members, an well as some non-Jewish members, withdrew
from the Cleveland Chess Club for the purpose of forming a separate or- '
eanization as protest against the anti-Semitic attitude manifested by the
club's secretary. The secretary, during a membership drive, issued yards
as follow.: "Good luck to all who shun Jews. In the future, only those
(Concluded from page 1.)
speaking the American language will be admitted. No more Jewish jabber
in this club roam"
expects to achieve a distinct contribu-
• • •

was not is purely Jewish city, time to artistic vnlues and the eleva-
Although Jerusalem in its present Status
the public observ- tion of the Yiddish stage to a posi-
there are features of the Jewish national home such as
social and cultural influence.
ance of the Sabbath by all Jews, the Hebrew language and the Hebrew edu. lion of
rational system, declared Professor Max I.. Margolis of the Dropsie Col- The noted actor's repertoire is var.
not only the stand-
lege, Philadelphia, temporarily professor of the American School of Archie- ied and embraces
ology in Jerusalem, in a lecture which he delivered there. The professor and plays which an. familiar to Yid-
expressed the hope that Jerusalem would become the center of Jewish and dish theater-goers of the last genera-
lion but the. plays which have been the
general culture.
vehicles of the leading character ac-
••• •

W. Deliver.
Snappy and Courteous Service.
Two Stoma.

Phone Garfield 2339

Garfield 4467


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Effective and inexpensive.
It costa nothing to come down
and find out.


Palais de Dance

Particular People Prefer
the Palais
Strictly censored. Highest

P4.1. Mosici•as—The B•nd Yam
Lim to Damao With.



$64 Wind... Smoot
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Woodward at Palmer


Dunning System Successful by
Emphasizing Spirit of
Play in Child.

The application of games and the

encouragement of the. play instinct

as means for imparting knowledge to
young children, which, in the case of
tots just beginning to react to the ed-
ucation process, have been developed

In connection with the recent brigand attackn in Syria, the British gend- tors of Europe and America. He din-
anne arrested the Emir Machamucl Faour at Sated. Ile is imprisoned in plays a personal preference for the
Acre pending the result of an investigation following the outbreak of i Russian, Norwegian and German
brigandage In Tranajordania. A number of high government officials were dramatists.
charged with complicity in these outbursts. British officials have made' Mr. Fishson has been accorded a
representations concerning that fact to the Tranejordanian government. series of ovations since making his
appea canoe in Detroit.Representa-
Prime Minister Al Rise remained, however, in office despite the accusations
tives of influential organizations at a
directed against him.
private performance recently were so
with his work and that of
Hirsch Grohman, leader of Orthodox Jewry in Poland fur half a
died In Warsaw recently at the age of Si. Grohman belonged to a unique his company that they expressed the
type of Polish Jew, which is rapidly disappearing. Being one of the greatest gratification in impromptu addresses
manufacturers in the country, well acquainted with affairs of the world, a at the conclusion of the play.
Praises Company.
master of • great fortune, he still remained a devoted adherent of Chassid
ism. lie was for many years a member of the Warsaw Kehillah Council, In It letter to The Detroit Jewish)
and active in many philanthropic societies. Thousands of Jews and Gentiles Chronicle. the Federation of the Uk-
, rainian Jews of Michigan, through
participated in his funeral.
Arthur I.. Shapiro, general secretary,

to a science by Montessori, the Italian
educator, have been introduced into
teaching of music with conspicuous
success by Miss Catherine E. Bird of
the Mable Guess Studios at 100 Eliot
street. The method of imparting basic
knowledge to children in a manner
that intrigues their play spirit was
invented by Mrs. Carrie Louise Dun-
ning and promises to meet with favor
in Detroit. The child develops a taste
fur music before he begins the study

of the scientific aspect of the subject.
The procedure is similar to the pro-
cess of acquiring the language, which
begins with talking and is followed by
reading and study of grammar.
Instruction in piano follows the
same general line. Memory, interest
and the training of the fingers are
cultivated before the more intellectual
aspect of the art is given emphasis.
The exponents of the system maintain
that it yields a large saving of time.

It costs money
to send the little
ones to school!


Hussein of Iledjas as caliph of the faithful and they demand that a new, we an opportunity to convince our-
selves that we have now In Detroit
take place at a world congress of Moslems.
I Yiddish theater that would be a cred-
• • • •
to any Jewish community.
"The Jews of Transylvania deserve all punishment because they
"We on our part will do all in our
ruined Roumania," was the reply of the Metropolitan Christea Minor to a
our moral support, PS
delegation of rabbis who visited him at Oradeamore for the purpose of ex-' power to give it
pressing their condolence on the occasion of the Metropolitan's father's it well deserves it.
"We are sure that the Yiddish
death. The rabbis at this occasion asked the bishop's intervention against
and Mr.'
the continuance of the anti-Jewish excesses in Transylvania. In reply the Playhouse, with Mr. Scharr
bishop repeated the old anti-Semitic accusations against the Jews and stated Fishson at its head, will always be
that the Jews in Roumania are not entitled to complain against the goy. ready and willing to help the Federa-
tion of Ukrainian Jews of Michigan
ernment, for "at present Roumania is ruled by a Jewish covenant."
I in such undertakings as will promote
• • •

ideals and purposes."
The creation of national centers was announced by
White Russian government in places where the national minorities formed
the majority of the population. In many towns and village's of White "The Potters," Revealing Life
Russia the official government business will be conducted in the Yiddish
of Average Family, Comes
language as a result of this decree. All government documents in this town
to Garrick Theater.
will also be issued in Yiddish. A nother decree of the government, issued
Sept. 9, calls for the reorganization of the school system. According to
Richard Herndon announces that J.
this decree, all instruction Is to be given in the mother tongue of the chil- P. McEvoy's comedy, "The Potters,"
dren. The number of JewLsh schools in White Russia will, therefore, be
will b•gin its Detroit engagement at
greatly increased.
the Garrick Theater Sunday evening,
• • • •
Sept. 21, where it comes direct from
That a new era is coming to pass in the life of the Ayrian peoples, one a season's run at the Plymouth
which should be entirely freed from Jewish influences and Jewish doctrines,
Theater, New York, with a company
was voiced by General Ludendore defeated German war leader and now
of more than 30 players.
leader of the German anti-Semites, at the convention of the National So-
j "The Potters," one of the greatest
cialist party recently held in Weimar. Professor Bartels, German writer
stacesees of the past season in New
'an d literary critic, delivered a speech at the first seseinn in which he urged York , is a story of the average Amer-
the Germans to denounce the Jewish God and outlined a program according
ican family. The play reveals • serio-
to which Christianity should be united under what he termed an Arian
comic group caught in the tumultuous
Christ. Prnfeseor Bartels also demanded the starting of a campaign against
life of the present mechanical age.
Jews. Blacklists of Jews ought to be compiled everywhere, he stated, and
The author shows the close connec-
. Jews barred from political and social activities no that the world should
tion between comedy and tragedy.
. be saved from the Jewish originators of wars and revolutions.
The humorous scenes dovetail into the
pathetic, and in the quick emotional
1L% changes of the actors there is acting
POO t la s.
of unusualbrilliance.


Select Dancing Nightly

et=all ''' smmim -


Shares to the amount of $146,000 have been sold by the Jewish lifer- acknowledges its satisfaction with the
chants' Bank of I,emberg in the United States, reports ()tenets Schreck, di-, work of the Yiddish Playhouse. It is
rector of the bank, who returned to Lemberg. In addition, Mr. Schreck has as follows:
"l'ermit me through the medium of
obtained a loan of $150,000 from an American Jewish bank. Ile has also
obtained a sum of $100,000 from several of the organizations of Galician' your valunble paper to express our
Jews living in America. No interest is being charged on this loan. Ile has thanks to the managers of the Yid-
raised a total capital of $400,000 for the bank. The bank is starting an dish Playhouse, 2814 Hastings street,
extensive credit loan activity and will open branches throughout Galicia. Messrs. Morris Schorr and Mischa
• • •

"We are happy to express our grab
The majority of the Moslems in India are not opposed to Zionism. Those .
who are influenced by the Palestine Arabs are the anti-government party ification at the earnest playing of the
which is opposed to ZionLem, declared Ismail Khan, well-known Moslem • cmpany, which is composed of high-
leader of India and member of the Indian State Conned, who arrived in, ly talented artists who deserve every '
Jerusalem. Lord Reading, viceroy of India, is a tactful ruler and an able praise for their thoughtful acting, and
administrator and is beloved by all the inhabitants of India, Khan declared. wish it great
"We thank it for having afforded
The Moslems in India, he stated, are opposed to the proclamation of King

Second and Front St..
Sulphur Mineral, Turkish
Tonic, Swedish, Electric B•Bas.
Take Woodward Through Car.
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• • • •


Grasalt• and Marble.

Advanced si
Five Passengers





GENEVA. — (J. T. A.)—"The in-
ternational treaties guaranteeing the ,
rights of the national minorities in
(From Correspondence and Cabin of insists Teletraph:e Ag•ncy.)
the various countries, although they
are valid as documents of internation-
Al ()union states that the colonial office has filially decided to make Haifa
al law, do net yet fully solve the prob-1
the Palestine port, not Jaffa. The work will be commenced shortly.
lern, (lettered Henri de Jouvanal, ex-
minister and French delegate to the I
The largest influx of Jewish immigrants Into Palestine was recorded for fifth assembly of the League of Na.
the month of August. According to official statistics, 2,670 Jewish immi-
hone, in an interview here.
grants entered the country.
The question of the national
minorities is extremely delicate and
The elections to the Jewish workers' councils were completed in all Pales- complicated," M. de Jouvanal stated.
tinian towns. The majority of the elected members belong to the Jewish "Despite the treaties signed, the
labor party, Achduth Ila-Avoda. Among those elected to the Jaffa council is League of Nations is aware that a
one Arab railway worker,
treaty concerning such matters is one
• • •

thing end the fulfillment another. As
Ben Gurion, Palestinian Jewish labor leader, will shortly proceed to the situation now stands, it is unable
Moscow for the purpose of negotiating with the Soviet authorities concern- to do anything else. The power of
ing facilities for a large number of chalutzim who are now in Soviet Russia the League is only moral and has no
apparatus with which to enforce the ,
and are desirous of proceeding to Palestine.
. • •

execution of these treaties.
Sir Herbert Samuel, Thigh Commissioner of Palestine, will remain another
"The League of Nations sends an-
term in office, it is thought in connection with his return from England. flintily its commissions to various
It is stated that, while he was in England, he reached an agreement with countries for the purpose of meeting.
representatives of the national minor-
the British colonial office to continue in office.
• • •

ities, to report to the League on the
Nahum Sokolow, chairman of the executive of the World Zionist Or- situation of these minorities."
ganization, was taken seriously ill In Berlin Sept. 9. Ile is suffering from
Deals With Complaints.
heart trouble and is being treated In a sanitarium. Later reports indicate
The council and the assembly thus
he is improving, according to the statements of the physicians at the sani- gain first hand knowledge of condi-
tions and are able to that with the

et an pla int s.
Cab drivers must not cultivate beards any more In the Republic of
The object of the League of Na-,
Lithuania, according to the chief of police in the city of Kowno. The chief tions is to safeguard the interests of
withdrew the license of the two Jewish cab drivers Sept. 10 because these the national minorities," de Jouvanal
drivers have whiskers. It is test permissible for cab drivers to be bearded, further stated, "hut it is also the task,
of these minorities to adapt them-H
he declared.
nrIves to the existing f orms end no
The formation of a special committee to settle Jews on the land was to create a 'state within a state:"
confirmed by the central executive committee of the Communist party. ,
Concerning the mandate system, the '
Among the members of that committee are the well-known Communist lead- French delegate declared "thee the
ern, Litwinow, Krassin, Mereschin and Dimaatetein, formerly people's coma - present way of administering the
mandated territories must Inc altered.1
missioner for Jewish affairs.
• • •

This is, however, a very delicate ewes-
Condemnation of the Yevsekzia, the Jewish section of the Cummunist , tion and requires much investigation
party, was expressed in a leaflet issued and circulated by the Zionist-Social- before any definite action can be
into in the district of Wolyn. The leaflet strongly protested against the , taken."
persecutions directed at the Hebrew language and the continuous arrests
Professor Murray Emphatic.
' Professor Gilbert Murray of Eng-
of Zionists by the Yevsekzla.
. • • •
land addressed the. assembly fort
The forming of a world union of Jewish youth associations was pro- three-quarters of an hour on the dut-i
claimed at what was termed a World Conference of Jewish Youth Asisocia-1 ies of the League of Nations towards I
Bons which was concluded in Danzig Sept. 9. Twenty-one associations from , the national minorities.
nine countries, with a general membership of 40,000, joined the world
"The League exists for the purpose
union, it wan reported at the conference. •
, of securing justice for the national
Professor Murray stated.
0 *
The chief rabbi of Moscow, Dr. Mazeh, is in declining health and his I , "It is, however, necessary to improve
condition is held as very grave, according to reports which reached Riga from the method. It would be much better
Moscow, Dr. Mazeh recently suffered several hemorrhages and the attend- if the states which contain national
ing physicians expressed the fear that another hemorrhage would cause minorities would bring to the atten-
death. The rabbi practically lost his sight a short time ago.
tion of the League the potential
• • •

troubles, instead of keeping silent un-
The Shechita, the slaughtering of animals according to Jewish ritual, ail great difficulties arise and create
was broadly discussed and by sonic speakers attacked at the conference of a problem with which it is red easy
sanitary inspectors which was held in London recently. One of the in- to ,,, pe. "
spectorn, however, defended the Shechita, declaring that it was a religoius
The Creek foreign minister, Politis,
matter and that any outside interference would be an act of religious who participated in the discussion,
agreed in principle with the purport


of Professor Murray's conception, but
• ••
Three weekly Yiddish papers issued under the titles of Sheigetz, I,obus insisted that all those national minor-
and Masik, appeared recently in Warsaw containing writings of a porno- Ries who rely for the defense of their
graphic character. The rabbinate immediately took a definite stand against rights on outside interference made
these publications and proclaimed a ban against the editors, publishers and themselves odious to the rest of the
distribtitors of the papers. In addition, the rabbinate requested the govern• population.
ment to prohibit the elistribution. of athepu!dications

• • •


vim .


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Rabbi 1.0913 I. Newman of New
York, who recently was chosen rabbi
5 of tee leading Reform congregation
2,1 in San Francisco, delivered the invo- ,
we: / 4 1 cation at the July session of the I
Democratic National convention.


We Pay 5% on Savings

"The Bank



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