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September 12, 1924 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1924-09-12

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A merica Iewish Periodical ewer




hci)t.Thinkriiiv ilicto lc LE


Exclusively Fashioned
New Coats and Wraps

:Expressing. the Lest Word
in Style and Elegance -

$75, $95, '125

A collection in which train-
er, and young 11 . 111111! IL Will
find the finest of reek, fabrics
and the choicest of new furs.
Lustrous pile inelad.
Lug F'atenskin,tiathrni•blooln,
Kashmir flenara and others
of eqnal beauty. Fur collars,
ruffs and t ■ ften deep bandings
or hip Mink, (leaver, Silver
that nit, Greg Squirrel and
II eld son Seal.

i30.01 E gl. 0

Judaea ka

Mogen David.

Mrs. Carrie Silberstein entertained
at a bridge and luncheon last Wednes-
day in honor of Miss Sadie Ickovitz
of Chicago.

J. II. Gold was host at a surprise
birthday party given last Sunday in
honor of Miss Fannie Agree at her
home, 5221 Beauhien street. Deco -
rations were carried out in lavende r
and white and the table, around
which 40 guests were seated, was
centered with American Beauty roses,
A Chinese luncheon was served. Miss
Agree received many gifts.

The first meeting of the year of
the Mogen David Club was held at
1111 Westminster avenue Saturday
evening, Sept. 0. It was decided that
each new member of the club should
go through a probationary period of
three weeks. A debate on the sub-
ject, "Resolved, That the Jews Should
Be Encouraged to Go to Palestine,"
was given by Henry F'agin and Abra-
ham Gram, affirmative, and Joseph
Foga. and Isadore Sheens, negative.
The affirmative won.

Pirchei Zion.

For Holiday Demands

The last !recline of the Pirehei
Zion Club Was held at the home of
Miss Dorothy Labret, who during
Miss Goldie Steinberg, 420 East
the summer studied ut Columbia Uni-
l'almer avenue. The newly-elected
versity, New York, visited extensively
officers were installed and are as fol-
in the east before returning to De-
lows: President, Miss Gertrude Co-
troit She spent some time in Newark,
hen; vice-president, Miss Bess Kosak;
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington
recording secretary, Miss Eva Men-
and Atlantic City.
delsohn; corresponding secretary,
Miss Ruth Ruch; treasurer, Miss Celia
Mr. and Mrs, Benjamin Terris of
Becker; sergeant-at-arms, Miss Ann
565 Alfred avenue announce the bar
FLORENCE BLOOMBERG Rubinstein. Arrangements are being
mitzvah of their sun, Jerome, Satur-
made for an open meet ing to be held
day, Sept. 13, at the Congregation
91 r. and Mrs. J Bloomberg of 1443 Sept. 22. Further plans will be an-
Beth Jacob Montcalm street near
Hastings street. A reception will be Glynn court announce the engage- nounced later. A program commit-
meat of their daughter, Florence, to tee was appointed with the following
held at their home Sunday.
Philip I Kanter son of Mr. and Mrs. members: Miss Bess Kosak, chair-
man, and the Misses Florence Gross
MN. H. Solinsky and daughter, J. Kanter.
and Celia Becker.
-- ---
Rose, of 1821 Adelaide street have re.
M r. and Mrs. Samuel Krause of
turned from an extent
trip. They visited wit atives in 307 Palmer avenue announce the en-
Salt Lake City, PTOVZO and Bingham, easement of their daughter, Ida B..
Utah, Denver and Chicago. to Morris Rosenberg of this city,

ay time demands at new wardrobe. Of
course. you'll want attire which has that ex-
clusive simplicity—that line which skilled work-.
manship alone can give—that apparel in which
this shop specializes. There's may in possessing
a stunning frock—a chic hat—an original wrap.
No better time to replenish your wardrobe than

Woodward Thou to Washington



matching your mood to the mode

mcdcli by ilcboux Maria.19





Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Goldberg an-
The Minors Goldie and Florence
, Hurwitz of 294 Kenilworth avenue nounce the engagina n t of their
have returned from South Haven, daughter, Amelia, to Samuel Schuhat,
son Of anal Schubat of this ray. A
reception will be held at 3924 Brush
Albert Caplan of Baltimore is the street, Sunday, Sept. 21, from 2 to
guest of his sisters, the Misses Mary 5 and 7 to lo o'clock. No cards.
and Irene Caplan of Lincoln avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Stifter of
Miss Rae Garfinkel of Montreal is 2000 Blaine avenue announce the en-
the guest of her cousin, Miss Ida G. gagernent of their daughter, Stella, to
Silverman of 1648 1.eslie avenue. Abner Lickerman of Chicago.

Miso Silverman entertained last Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Fineman of
day with a bridge party in honor of
announce the en-
her guest.
gagement of their daughter, Anna, to
city. Mr. and
Mrs. S. J. Chaikin of Calgary, Al-
berta, is spending a month with her Mrs. Louis Fineman of 246 East
at a party
daughter, Miss Jessie Chaikin of 1729
in honor of Miss Fineman and Mr.
Taylor avenue.
Haler last Sunday evening. Seventy-
Mien Jean Decker of 231 East Eu- five guests were present, including a
clid avenue and her cousin, Miss Ann number of relatives and friends from
Decker of Philadelphia, are spending out of town.
the week-end in Cleveland, the guests
of relatives.

hfr. and Mrs. Elias Wolf of 1611
Taylor avenue entertained at a re-,
ception last Wednesday in honor of
their children, Mr. and Mrs. Alan
Kopelson, who recently returned from
Europe. Mr. Kopelson, who closed
his school on lidedbury avenue, the
Alan Kopelson School of Pianoforte,
four years ago, spent several years
studying in Austria, Germany, France
and other European countries. Mr.
and Mrs. Kopelson for the present
are residing with Mr. and Mrs. Wolf.

61r. and Mrs. Ely Robinson (Row
Zuieback) of 2443 Pingree ISVOI111!
are receiving congratulations on the
birth of a son, Marvin Lloyd, Aug. 26.

61r. and Mrs. Samuel J. Gottesman
(Ida Labret1 announce the birth of
a son, Lloyd, Sept. 4.

Mr. anti Mrs. Josh Sarasolin (Ger-
trude Belgium) of 120 Seward ave-
nue announce the birth of a son,
Stephen, Sept. 10.


l'hi Sigma Sigma Sorority, for
whose benefit the alumni in Detroit of
the University of Michigan chapter is
sponsoring a bridge-tea Saturday af-
ternoon, Sept. 13, at the Detroit
Federation of Wotnim's Clubs at Sec-
ond and Hancock avenues, is engaged
in social service work for the Lenox
Bill Settlement, New York, the
Brooklyn Hebrew Orphan Asylum, the
Foster Mothers of America, the Big
Sisters of the Council of Jewish
Mrs. David I. Jacobson of 946 Women and the Beth David Hospital,
Farnsworth avenue and Mr. and Mrs. New York. The Detroit alumni are
Isadore Gallow of 2221 Calvert ave- planning to use the proceeds from the
nue have returned from a motor trip affair to be given Saturday toward
to Columbus, Ohio, where they were both the local and national charitable
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ro- work in which the members of the
manoff, sorority are interested.

The Jewish Woman's Club has is-
sued a request to all its members who
have either married or moved in the
past year asking that they mail their
new addresses to the financial secre-
tary at the clubhouse, 89 Rowena
street. Those members to whom this
request applies are asked to comply
at their earliest opportunity no that
notices may be mailed to the correct
names and addresses.


and Mrs. Benjamin Rosenberg
announce the birth of a son, Arthur,
Aug. '25.


Rev. Gabriel Zakuto Receive. COI
From Mishkan Israel Synagogue.

Rev. Gabriel Zakuto of Pittsburgh,
who was given a call to fill the pulpit
of Mishkin Israel Synagogue, Brat011
street and St. Antoine avenue, ar-
rived in the city last Wednesday. Mr.
t 1644 Gladstone
Rev. Zakuto will preach at the serv-
ices during the high holy days at the
Benton street synagogue and at serv-
ices which will be held under the aus-
pices of the congregation at Taylor
avenue and Twelfth street. The north
end branch of the congregation will
continue as a place of worship after
the holy day... It is the plan of the
congregation to erect a synagogue in
the vicinity of its branch congrega-
tion. The parent synagogue was said
several months ago.
Rev. Zakuto occupied the pulpit of
the Mishkan Israel Synagogue for five
years prior to 1918. Since that time
he was connected with synagogues in
Chicago and Pittsburgh.

The second annual bridge tea of
the Nu Beta l'hi Sorority will hi held
Sunday, Sept. 14, from 2 to 5 in the
afternoon at the Palmetto Apartment
Hotel. A novel prize will he given to
the winner at each table. Miss Ruth
Grosb•rg is chairman of the affair.
At the meeting held Tuesday even-
ing, Sept. 9, at the home of bliss
Grosberg, 590 East Palmer avenue,
final arrangements were made for On
affair. The members of the club ale
also planning a wienie roast 'o be
held in October. Initiation of nevi
Increase in Number of Volumes
members into the sorority will be
Sought by Sponaors.
held shortly.


11111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 1111111111 11111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111111 1111



An entertainment for the benefit
of the library of the United Hebrew
Schools, in which are found volumes
in Hebrew, Yiddish and English much
in demand among Jewish readers,
NEW YORK.—The Jewish colonies
will be given Wednesday evening, in south Russia are in danger of being
Sept. 17, at 8:30 o'clock, at the Kirby wiped out by the failure of the Rus-
Center, Kirby and St. Antoine ave- sian harvest this year and by the
nues. The program will consist of famine which will result from it, ac-
vocal selections by Miss Emma Laza- cording to information received by
Exquisite in style and taste and tailored in the
E. roff, soprano, and Morris Levy, bari- the American office of the Ort, the
millinery now
ard quality are the designs in dresses, coats and
tone; piano solos by Miss Rebecca society for the promotion of trades
bring shown for the Fall season.
Katzman . recitations from Sholem and agriculture, from the Berlin bu-
Aleichem, the humorist, by Moses reau of the organization.
$5.00 and Up.
Domby, and a lecture on Jewish wit
The greatest sufferers will be the
Large Selection to Choose front,
and humor by Aaron D. Markson. Jo- new settlers who, because of the vast
in the towns and vil-
asonable Prices—$19.76 Up.
Lated Styles et Very R e
speaker. Bernard Isaacs, principal of lages of all sections of Russia, re-
the United Hebrew Schools, will pre- cently emigrated to the free farming
land in the Odessa region.
Priced Remarkably Low.
Among the sponsors of the enter-
The central bureau of the Ort As-
tainment are the board of education sociation, which aided the colonists
of the United Hebrew Schools, the in obtaining and settling on the land,'
Hashachar Camp of the Sons of Zion, held a special session in Berlin to dis-
the Zeirei Zion Society, the Zionist cuss the situation and appropriated
Culture Society, Detroit Young Ju- the sum of $5,000 for the immediate
daea and the alumni association of aid of the colonsits. This amount,
the United Hebrew Schools.
the cable states, is entirely insuffi-
The committee which has arranged cient, and immediate further relief
But Not Expensive."
will have to be dispatched if the colo-
chairman: Morris Levy, nies are expected to survive the dis-
Er': Meditated,
Samuel Smal in,
Solomon , astrous year.
One Door South of Capitol Theater.
Bernard Isaacs, Joseph Eisenberg,
Joseph Chaggi and the Misses Chaya
&-1111 11111111111111IIIII11111111111111111111111111 1 1 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110
: King and Rose Pike.





. =






Tea for Two—or 7wenty

Makes you wish again that you'd had your fur-
niture refinished and re-upholstered.
Let us do it - artistically and well.

The Lindow Company


1935 Marentette St.

Phone West 1254



CHICAGO—Rabbi Solomon Miller,
OF HERZL PARENTAGE Chicago's oldest citizen, died Sept. 7
at his home 1142 South Halstead
street, aged 107 years. He passed
VIENNA. — (J. T. A.) — That he
away peacefully as he had used the
did not know that Hans Herz was last few years and was buried after.
the son of Dr. Theodor Herd in the services at 230 o'clock Sept. 9, in
claim of the Baptist Pastor Georg, the chapel, 3556 Roosevelt road, at
Scare, who baptized him.
Western Star Cemetery, Walitheim.
The correspondent of the Jewish,
Rabbi Millen is survived by his
'Telegraphic Agency had a long con-
wife, Tillie, five sons, three daugh-
versation with Pastor Snare, who
ters, 22 grandchildren and five great-
stated that he, as well as the mem;
hers of his church, learned that Hans
The surviving children of Rabbi
was Dr. Herzl's son only a fortnight
Solomon are his sons. Morris, Abra-
after the conversion took place. This ham, Jacob, Harry and Peter; his
information was given him by a 70-
daughters, Mrs. Ethel Moyansky, Mrs.
year-old woman, Mrs. Purg, a mem-
Fannie Brode and Mrs. Ida Ginsburg.
ber of his church who was seamstress
lie had in his lifetime 10 other chil-
in the Herzl household for 25 years.
dren, but these had all died. His old-
Only last week he sent to London
est son, Morris, is 72 years old and
Ilan' membership card for the pur-
his youngest son, Peter, is 42.
pose of giving him admission into the
Baptist church in London, Pastor
Scare claimed. Ile also stated that
when Bans asked for admission Into
the Baptist church he gave as his
Services will be held the coming
reason that he was unfamiliar with
Rosh Hashanah and Yorn Kippur
the Mosaic teachings and was there-
in the magnificent hall at 9124
fore religiously dissatisfied. flans, at
Linwood Ave., corner Clairnmunt.
the same time, asserted that he had
Reservatioes caa be securest
a moderate sum of money which
at the ball daily.
, would afford him a livelihood, aw-

Just as an artist paints a picture that portray s a subject from
his mind's eye—so does the pianist interpret the compositions of
great masters which the Ampico re-enacts for you in your men


There is a marked difference in the records made (or the
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and nearly two hundred others.

Knabe, Fischer and Franklin Pianos


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FYFE'S—"Ten Floors of Shoe Service"



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HE most sought ideal in
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This ideal has been so well
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of fineness will find the person-
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Come in and see our vast array
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The Ascot

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A very pleasing creation
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Has Cuban heels, wsll
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This model represents
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Cuban heels, turn soles.

Fourth F loor

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A design of rare beauty
and charm especially •eell
wilted for early fall wear.
It comes in tart calf, pat-
ent colt, black satin. Cu-
ban heels


The Princess

Another very pretty
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is el a new strap design
and comes in black utin
or patent leather. Span.
Lb heels, Ight soles.


Third Idaor

Fourth Floor


1 cording to Pastor


Woodward and Adams

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