AMelied, PAGE SIX PIEDETROIrchNISliatRONICLE ,acial an arsonai lEngagentriLl 111.1.1•WS*M••••••••••• ■ •• ■ •• Ready With Sports Wear and Vacation Outfits ••••••••• ■ •••••••••••.. We are ready at Hudson's to outfit you for your summer's good times, with Sport Suits in both the Silk and Wool Im- ports and the season's new Flannels; Blouses and Sweat- ers; Sport Skirts in all the wanted styles and shades, and a most attractive selection of bathing suits, caps and shoes. MI society Items and other local notes should be communicated to tt.. office of The Chronicle by S o'clock Wednesday afternoon in order to appear in the current week'. issue. Phone Glendale 9300, Soctoty Editor. Moil notice. so no t• be tomieed not Lam lb an Wodneeday. Mr. and Mrs, Herman Cohen of 1624 Glynn court will be at home Sunday afternoon and evening in honor of the bar mitzvah of their son, Cyril Aaron. No curds. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham F. Wein- berg of . 280 Hague avenue will be at home to their relatives and friends Sunday evening, June 22, in honor of their daughter, Nyna Kathryn, whose marriage to Joseph Harris Tyser, son Mrs. R. J. Dennett and daughter, of Mr. and, Mrs. Ilurry Tyser of Buf- Ilene, of Pittsburg, Kea, are visiting falo, will take place on that date. No Mrs. Dennetes mother, Mrs. Celiun cards. Sugar of Carter avenue. Mrs. Joseph E. Goldberg and Mrs. Miss Lucille Michelson of Edison F. X. Goldberg sailed Saturday, June avenue has returned from Virginia 7, on the steamer Majestic for three months abroad. College for the summer vacation. Mr. 111111 Mrs. Sidney Weisman of 1685 Burlingame avenue will enter- tain Saturday evening, June 14, with a dinner stance at the Redford Coun- try Club in honor of their house guest, Miss Lucille Miller of Cincin- nati, Ohio, Heyn's Hosiery Makes Many Customers Dr. and Mrs. D. Friedlaender of 29 Rhode Island avenue left Sunday, June 8, to spend the week in Chi- cago: Dr. Friedlaender delivered a Miss Sara Stocker has returned paper Monday before the Congress from Vassar College to spend the of Anesthetists at the convention of summer with her parents, Mr. and the American Medical Association. Mrs. David Stocker. Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Levitt of Mrs. Louis lialbstein spent several New York City arrived in Detroit Thursday to take up their permanent days this week in Chicago. residence. Dr. Levitt has been doing Mrs. Scherely Cohen Applebaum of post graduate work in the United 24 Colorado avenue returned last States and abroad for the past three Thursday from a fortnight's yisit in years. Dr. and Mrs. Levitt will re- side temporarily with Dr. and Mrs. New York and Atlantic City... B. Friedlaender of 29 Rhode Island Mrs. Abraham Miller left recently avenue. for a viiiit in Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Frank of Vir- Dr. Emil Amberg and family sailed ginia park have moved to their new last Saturday from New York for an home at 2221 Calvert avenue. extended European trip. Miss Sophie Schwartz of Farnsworth Isaac Krohn and family of Carson avenue will leave Saturday night for City, Mich., recently returned from a fortnight's stay in New York, where a trip to Los Angeles, Calif. she will be the house guest of her cousin. Mrs. Lewis Weingarden of Wind- Among those attending the B'rith sor, Ont., entertained at a linen shower and bridge June 4 in honor Sholom convention in Newark, N. J., of Hiss Sadie Hertzberg,, a bride-elect were Maurice B. Schwartz; Dr. Lee of this month. Miss Hertzberg re- M. Baron and Joseph M. Bloch. , ceived many gifts. Miss Lottie Plotkin, daughter of The Michigan delegates to the In- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Plotkin of Royal ternational Federation of Women's Oak, Mich., has recently completed Clubs -convention in 1,os Angeles were the school year at Highland Manor honored with a dinner last week at School for Girls, Tarrytown-on-Hud- the Biltmore Hotel. Among the son, N. Y. Miss Plotkin is taking a guests at this affair were Mrs. Wil- two-year professional kindergarten liam M. Lenyn, a former Detroit resi- course and will return in the fall to dent, and Miss Anna Solomon, who complete the course and receive her is at present residing in Southern diploma with the class of 1925. Ca I i fon ia. Miss Dorothy Frank, daughter of Miss Sadie Goldgleid has returned Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank, 841 West from California, where she was the Boston boulevard, recently received guest of her sister, Mrs. II. J. Furer her diploma from Highland Manor of Hollywood. SchOol for Girls, Tarrytown-on-Hud- son, N. Y. bliss Frank will return to Mr. and Mrs. Max Abel of Blaine Highland Manor in October to take avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Mose Bachrach a professional kindergarten course. •!` R . of Ilague avenue and Max Bachrach •2‘ left Monday by motor for Louisville, Mr. and Mrs. Max II. Weinberg se., Ky., to attend the marriage of their and daughter, Rosalind, of Los An- a"- cousin, Miss Mildred Klein, to Stan- geles, Calif., will attend the gradua- 't < ley Cytron of St. Louis, Mo. tion exercises of the University of Michigan, where their son, Sidney L. Mrs. Louis Davidson of 2288 Ha- Weinberg, is completing his course at ielwood avenue entertained several the medical school. Immediately af- small guests Thursday in honor of ter commencement, Dr. Weinberg the second birthday anniversary of will return to California to take up her son, Gerald. his duties as interne in the Los An- geles General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. The Misses Ann Rosen and Frances Weinberg and daughter will remain Goltifeder were hostesses at a sur- in Detroit for two months, residing prise party given Sunday evening, at the Addison Hotel. June 1, in honor of Miss Ruth Elites, 1913 Myrtle street. The guests in- Lester Leopold is spending two eluded, he , ides those named, the weeks in South Carolina. Misses, Mary Levy, Mildred Flayer and Betty Nelkon and Messrs. Addey The Misses Ruth and Janet Arie Levy, Eli Gross. Samuel Trunsky and spent last week-end in Ann Arbor. William Goldstein. The house was decorated with flowers in pastel Among the graduates of Simmons shades. College in Boston are the Misses Edith May Rose and Lucille Lambert. By offering the best values in Detroit, in silk hose—we find it brings in scores of new customers to other departments in the store. As a means of advertis- ing the store in general, there's noth- ing more effective than extraordinary offerings in fine hosiery. We carry complete stocks of Onyx, Pointex and Van Raalte hose in regu- lar and outsizes. Watch the daily papers for our special sales. You will find it profitably to shop at Heyn's for hose.' FIRST FLOOR EYN WOM ENS WEAR Woodward Avenue Between Grand River and State. Kirnard Shop Gowns make it to. neresuary for any woman to disregard fiishion and individuality. Here any socially buoy and discriminating wom- an can always choose from the largest- selection of most fashionable (imam ill Detroit, and find just what she wants at very remarkable prices. 1522 Broadway "t). Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Goldberg and family of the Chatham Apartments have moved to their new home at 1705 West Boston boulevard. Mrs. Henry Krolik of Burlingame avenue has returned from Atlantic City. where she spent the past two months. One Door South of Capitol Theatre Over the hills and far away! Furniture Upholstering and Refinishing at The new Goes tourist equipmeni and ac- cessories are ideally suited to every need of motor campers and tourists. our store display will offer you many suggestions. For the convenience of our customers, our store will be open Saturdays until 3 p. m. during June, July and August. Main 8341 111E UNDCAV COMPANY c lipAoisterers ease ./e• PIYOJIIIP w my* ROKEACH KOSHER SALAD OIL In bottles and in cans. Best for baking, frying and salads. Other Rokemh Fond Product. Rokee,,h Purr Cocoa Rokeach Purr Honey Rolt each nor Chocolate A t all grocers L Rokeach Inc. ENGRAVING Special Engravings for SOCIAL AFFAIRS, ENGAGEMENTS, WED- DINGS—IN FACT FOR EVERY OCCASION SHEEHAN'S 1550 Woodward are. 61. Sons, Brooltho, N. Y. -111 411 soi I l I A0 7 Michael Rosenberg of 548 Ilendrie avenue announces the engagement of his daughter, Ida, to Arthur Wolf, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wolf of Westminster avenue., A reception will be held at the residence of Min Rosenberg Sunday, June 22. Bathing Suits — women's Pure Wool two-piece. Bathing Suits, well made, some plain, some with striped borders. With or without belts. In .black and all high colors • $5.00 Mrs. Celain Sugar of Carter ave- nue announces the engagement of her daughter, Reba June, to Dr. Harry Arnold Ruskin of this city. White Shoes—in almost every known style, appropriate for street and sports wear....$8.45 Mr. and Mrs. Max Bloom of 1003 East Warren avenue announce the engagement of their daughter, Betty, to Joseph Haas of Cleveland, Ohio. Visit oar Sports IVrarShopu and let tea out fit gou for your play.loyu. The engagement is announced of Miss Ernestine Gladstone to Aaron Brod, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Brod of New York City. The wedding will take place July 20. The J. L. Hudson Co. - Mr..and Mrs. Louis A. Freedman announce the engagement of their daughter, Jean, to Morris Tonkin, son of Mr: ansiMrs. Louis Tonkin of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Moskowitz of 260 Rosedale court announce the en. gagement of their niece, Ida Fleisch- man, to Samuel Warnick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Warnick of 1985 Glendale avenue. . RUBYS MUSCLE DEVELOPING FOOTWEAR FOR CHILDREN PLACE CORNERSTONE SUNDAY AFTERNOON Roby's 'hoe, pea not high priced Congregation Emanu El Will Hold Service. Impressive services, in which Rab- bis Judah L. Levin, A. M. Hershman and Moses Fischer will take part, will mark the laying of the cornerstone of the new synagogue that is being erected by Congregation Emanu El at Taylor and -Wilson avenue, Sunday afternoon, June 15, at 2 o'clock; Rep-- resentatives from all congregations in the city are expected to be present. The new synagogue, when completed, will be the first adequate Jewish re- ligious edifice in the northwestern' section of Detroit. Officials of Con- gregation Emanu El hope that the , synagogue will be ready for service's in time for the high holidays. THE FIRST WALKING SHOES WITH SOFT TOES AND Dil,:AD MOCCASIN-LIKE SOLES White China Buckskin Champagne Washable Horeehide Ta Mellow Horsehide Sixes 3 to 8 AfredfRUBY Ind 1529 WASHINGTON BLVD. Adjoining Statler Hotel WILL SELL FLOWERS A PWILWEel FOR NATIONAL FUND ; Purpose of Its Burget Grows Favor Among Jews. in $ The annual flower Felling event ford the benefit of the Jewish • National I Fund will be observed in Detroit Sun- day, June 15, when numerous com- mittees will distribute flowers among the Jews of the ctiy. Flower Day has come to be recognized as one of the pleasant days in the Zionist calendar. The purpose of the fund thepur- chase of land in Palestine for coloniz- ation projects—has grown rapidly in the favor of American Jews, even by persons who pay scant attention to the philosophical and political aspects of the movement for a Jewish home- land in Palestine. Flowers At Price. That Save You Half. Service That Is Unexcelled. E E E E E E . E E E E E Deliveries to All Parts of the City. SUBWAY FLOWER SHOP Mr. and Mrs. Moe Ehrlich and Miss Sally Ehrlich left Sunday for a fort- night's stay in New York. While there they bade bon voyage to Mrs. Zena Ehrlich, mother of Mr. Ehrlich, who sailed for Palestine last Wednes- day. Charles Rosenman, Prop. 231 Gratiot Avenue Cherry 9171 Meam. ■••■■■ •...11 ■■■ ••••••1•1 Among the graduates from the Lig- gett School last week were the Misses Louise Selling, Maxine Finsterwald and Pauline Hoff. g 1 k-ILWI -,T "Thee , . 0 0 Finsterwald 's ', Fine : Furnitiire at' Low Prices on " . Easy • Credit Terms &vying Spot of A 1 I # Detroit" 5 & P A ' 4 (1 ( 1 I , IWO.' • kippaigim Pm 19, • En . .; No Sale Complete Until The Customer Is Satisfied This store is doing a greater business today than it has ever done before. We can attribute this happy condition to nothing other than the fact ✓ that new customers are constantly learning of • our greater values, and that old customers have been so thoroUghly satisfied with Finsterwald service that they keep coming back.. . DODGE $ •# BROTH ER5 •# 0 Spec& Type Cars nfort 4 11=MMIMMIIMMIN.11111111 ■■■ ....... 0 0 4 IA & 0 6 r r 5 P BeauW 1 , Confirm•nts Take Part in Impressive Celebration. 5 5 5 !4. . 1 411,-----4- - -, 5 E $ SYMBOLIC SERVICE HELD AT BETH EL Among the most impressive serv- ices of the year were those held at Temple Beth El Sunday, June 8, when 70 boys and girls were con- firmed. Rabbis Leo M. Franklin and Henry J. Berkowitz conducted the services. The service was a symbolic one, the flora. bond, the four ideals, the three steps to the altar, home, school and synagogue, the three pil- lars, the six-pointed star, the four seasons, the books of the Thora and the seven-fold light of the menorah being interpreted by the children of the class. The scroll service was given by the boys. The confirmants were each presented with a prayer book by the rabbis. The opening and closing prayers were given by Rose Erna Finsterwald and Adelaide Klein. Dr. Franklin spoke to the confirmants on the significance of the occasion and on their responsibility for the future. Mrs. Phyllis Z. Allen, Mrs. Ruth N. Hamrick, Carl Pickard and Ed- ward Kemp were the assisting quartet and David Crocov of the Detroit Sym- phony Orchestra played the violin. Sleeveless Sweaters—new and popular—in arti- ficial silk. Youthful slipover sweaters, also smart coat styles. Some with all-over de- signs, others with novelty borders. All high $2.95 colors and white, tan and gray —Photo by Gainsboro Studios. IDA ROSENBERG Miss Birdie Michelson of Winona avenue will entertain Saturday, June 14, with a shower in honor of Miss Nina Weinberg, a bride-elect of June 22. Moderate Prices. A Goss tourist tent on the runnin g board of your car or a fully equipped Auto Camp Trailer at your service, and you are in line for a vacation that will duet the cobwebs out of your brain—that will refresh and delight you. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Ackerman of 1675 West Boston boulevard were in Boston to attend the graduation of their daughter, Sylvia, from Simmons College. Miss Emmeline Ackerman, who is also a student at Simmons, will return to Detroit with them. Three Special Features in Sports Wear To our our liberal credit service, too, do we owe • great deal of consideration for the thousands of friend. we have made in the years we have been in business. Our convenient credit service plus the anti:tiskl values we offer make it exceptionally easy for one to own beautiful furniture. st al Michigan Ave., at Washington Blvd. u E 5 5 5 IA IA IA IA I c c ' r■■■■• ■\ 1■1 ■■■• ■■' ■■■■■\■■■■■■■■• ■■■■ • ILI MI Sale of Oriental Rugs at Substantially Reduced Prices Our cleaning and repairing Oriental and .Domeotic Rugs is income parable. A Hid will convince you. A. AGOPIAN 2156 EAST JEFFERSON EDGEWOOD 3828